Finding the best ways to accurately and respectfully talk about suicide will be the challenge for a gathering of experts today in NSW Parliament House, on World Suicide Prevention Day.
The Towards Zero Suicides Premier’s Priority Delivery Plan Workshop calls together leading suicide prevention experts, clinicians, frontline staff and people with a lived experience of suicide.
Minister for Mental Health Bronnie Taylor said the most recent data from 2017 reveals the shocking statistic that impacts so many more people than the raw figures indicate.
“880 people died by suicide in NSW, that’s more than double our road toll, and the ripple effect on loved ones compounds the awful statistic,” Minister Taylor said.
The Towards Zero Suicides Premier’s Priority was recently announced, setting the ambitious target to reduce the rate of suicide deaths in NSW by 20 per cent by 2023, as the first step in the journey towards zero suicides.
“The Premier’s Priority is a chance to have suicide prevention prioritised as never before, and for us to make an unprecedented effort to reverse our rising suicide rate,” Minister Taylor said.
“Last year, the NSW Government announced a record $87 million investment in the Towards Zero Suicides initiatives.”
Mr John Brogden, Chairman of Lifeline Australia, will host the workshop as it helps take the next step towards reducing the suicide rate in NSW.
Mr Brogden said everyone has a role to play in suicide prevention, including government agencies, community managed and non-government organisations, the research sector, workplaces and communities.
“Suicide and attempted suicide is an issue affecting every part of our community, and the voices of people with lived experience of suicide are a key aspect of any response.”
Today’s participants will design the Delivery Plan for the Premier’s Priority, building on Strategic Framework for Suicide Prevention in NSW 2018-23.
More information on World Suicide Prevention Day is available at
If you or someone you know needs crisis support, phone Lifeline on 13 11 14. For mental health services in your local area call the NSW Mental Health Line 1800 011 511.


Parramatta is ready to dive into building a new aquatic centre following a $77 million funding partnership between the NSW Government and Parramatta City Council.
Minister for Sport John Sidoti said Parramatta Council has agreed to take control of building a state-of-the-art aquatic centre in Parramatta.
“Parramatta deserves a pool which caters for competition, learn to swim classes, recreation and relaxation. The commitment of $38.5 million from the NSW Government will help make this happen,” Mr Sidoti said.
“The NSW Government and Parramatta Council are on the same page when it comes to delivering an outstanding all-year-round aquatic facility that gives the community what they have asked for.”
City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Clr Andrew Wilson said the winning design for the aquatic centre was by a consortium of Andrew Burges Architects, Grimshaw Architects, and McGregor Coxall.
“It was chosen from a shortlist of four exceptional entries following a high-calibre international design excellence competition,” Clr Wilson said.
“Congratulations to the consortium on their successful submission. I’m excited to see this project progressing and I look forward to working to ensure this first-class facility is delivered for the Parramatta community as soon as possible.
“I’d also like to thank Mr Sidoti and the State Government for their valuable contribution to this significant project – an aquatic centre that meets the current and future needs of our rapidly growing population.”
The design of the aquatic leisure centre was completed after extensive community consultation and will feature a 10-lane 50-metre outdoor pool, a 25-metre indoor pool, learn-to-swim facilities, fitness centre, change rooms, café and parking facilities.
Member for Parramatta Geoff Lee said the pools will be heated, making it the place to swim and relax all year round.
“This aquatic centre will be the envy of communities all over the State. It will be a complex with versatility designed to meet the needs of Parramatta now and in the future for decades to come,” Mr Lee said.
“This funding partnership between the NSW Government and the City of Parramatta is the great news the community has been waiting for.”


Former senior Liberal cabinet members Julie Bishop and Christopher Pyne will give evidence today at a Senate inquiry into their compliance with ministerial standards.
Greens Co-deputy Leader Larissa Waters said democracy is under threat when ministers can retire from politics and head straight into the arms of big corporations in industries they once regulated.
“The Liberal leadership has shown more interest in enforcing the ‘bonk ban’ between politicians and their staff rather than stopping our community being screwed over by vested corporate interests,” she said today.
“Prime Minister Scott Morrison has done nothing to stop former Ministers exiting through the Canberra revolving door into lucrative positions with industries they were only months earlier responsible for keeping in check.
“The buck stops with the Prime Minister, he sets the culture for his team and he could end this toxic practice tomorrow by strengthening and actually enforcing the Ministerial Code of Conduct.
“Australians deserve parliamentarians that represent the people, not just deliver polices favourable to industry so they can line up jobs after politics.
“Ex-Minister hires are so attractive for corporates because of the expectation they will use use information, networks or influence gained during their public service to advantage their new employer – so the revolving door keeps spinning.
“Queensland is a breeding ground for the dangers of corporate cronyism. The latest example is Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s former strategy chief Evan Moorhead and former Labor party state secretary, who just became a corporate lobbyist for New Hope, big miners wanting approval to expand their controversial coal mine in South East Queensland.
“It’s no wonder the community thinks politicians are just in it for themselves. We need to clean up politics before people lose all hope of a democracy that works for them.
“To shut the revolving door we need new laws that stop former politicians from working in areas related to their portfolios for at least five years and a federal watchdog with teeth to make sure these standards are upheld,” Senator Waters said.
Full Public Hearing Program and copy of submissions available here:
Former senior Liberal cabinet members Julie Bishop and Christopher Pyne will give evidence today at a Senate inquiry into their compliance with ministerial standards.
Former foreign minister Julie Bishop joined the board of international aid contractor Palladium after privatising foreign aid spending during her time in office. Former defence minister Christopher Pyne became a defence consultant for professional services company EY within weeks of leaving parliament.


The Australian Senate has sent a strong message to the Morrison Government that it wants a federal corruption watchdog with teeth, voting 35 to 32 in favour of the Greens Bill today.

Greens Co-Deputy Leader Larissa Waters who introduced the bill said the Senate had sent a strong message to the Government in voting to clean up politics and restore community confidence following a series of scandals.
“Today’s vote for the Greens bill to establish a corruption watchdog with teeth shows the Senate won’t stand for the weak Government model which is already long delayed and ineffective,” said Senator Waters.
“Today’s vote is a great victory for the community who deserve a healthy democracy that works for them rather than for big corporate donors and vested interests.
“Now the pressure is firmly on the Morrison Government to back this bill in the House and do the job properly, or at the very least upgrade their toothless watchdog thought bubble.
“This is the fourth time a Greens bill has passed the Senate, and we hope for many more.
“The Greens have been pushing for 10 years for a corruption watchdog and I pay tribute to the work of Bob Brown, Lee Rhiannon and Christine Milne who were relentless in their decade long pursuit for an end to corruption, and the important work of Cathy McGowan in the House.
“Community confidence in political leaders has plummeted following scandals involving both major parties and there is no longer any excuse for running a protection racket for politicians engaged in corruption and dodgy dealings.
“This is now a test for Prime Minister Scott Morrison – will he hear the strong message for the Senate and clean up this sideshow of scandals or continue to delay and whitewash his weak body which won’t stop corruption?
“Australians deserve to have their voice and values represented in parliament, not corporate sponsorship of politicians and the undue influence of big donors including the mining industry, property developers and gambling industries.
“The Greens have pursued a national anti-corruption body for more than a decade and we will keep up the pressure until we get the job done,” she said.
Full copy of National Integrity Commission Bill here: senate/toc_pdf/1825820.pdf;fileType=application%2Fpdf


Veterans in NSW  are set to reap the benefits of a new guide designed to help them compare and match their skills from military service to jobs within local councils.
The Local Government Rank to Grade Guide has been developed by the NSW Veterans Employment Program and the Office of Local Government to help veterans in their civilian job search.
Local councils in NSW employ approximately 45,000 full-time employees across a wide range of roles. Local Government NSW’s Capability Framework sets out the essential knowledge, skills and abilities needed to work effectively in local government.
Minister for Veterans John Sidoti said the NSW Local Government Rank to Grade Guide, maps out how positions within the Australian Defence Force align to NSW Local Government job grades.
“This program targets those that do the hiring in local councils by educating them on exactly how valuable the skill sets of our veterans are,” Mr Sidoti said.
“We spend so much time and effort training our men and women to be ready for battle and we need to replicate that intensity when we help them look for work after life in the defence force.”
The Rank to Grade guide forms an integral part of the successful Veterans Employment Program, which has already exceeded expectations in the public sector.
Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock said this is going to be a game changer because it will help our veterans’ job applications stand out from the rest.
“The guide will not only provide veterans with a rewarding career path but also bolster the ranks of local government with the invaluable skills, knowledge and experience of our military personnel.
“This is a win-win-win situation for councils wanting to utilise the skills of our veterans, for communities to benefit from the knowledge and experience they bring and for vets to have meaningful post-service careers.”
NSW local councils employ approximately 45,000 personnel across 128 council locations. For more information drop in to your local council or head to


The rollout of a brand new lifesaving fleet for the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) was officially launched today at the International Peace Park in Seven Hills.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said the $56.4 million Fleet Replacement Program would provide the SES with 270 vehicles, 124 marine vessels and 95 storm trailers across four years to support communities in their times of crisis.
The vehicles include storm trucks, rescue vehicles, snow mobiles and a 22-seater bus.
“SES volunteers play a crucial role in keeping the community safe and we have to make sure their vehicles are up-to-date with the latest technology to provide effective and efficient capability during emergencies,” Mr Elliott said.
NSW SES Acting Commissioner Kyle Stewart said the investment will increase the capability of the SES to support communities before, during and after emergencies.
“SES volunteers use this equipment every day to save lives and protect communities. These new vehicles and boats assist our volunteers in responding to the impacts of floods and storms across NSW,” Mr Stewart said.
The new fleet were on display for the community during a family fun day with SES volunteers showcasing their road crash, flood and large animal rescue skills as well as enjoying a free BBQ.
The SES has more than 9,500 volunteers who have responded to 40,044 Requests for Assistance since 1 July, 2018.
These requests include 96 flood rescues, 545 general land rescues, 769 road crash rescues, 50 vertical rescue and 619 community first responder activations.
More information about becoming an SES volunteer or making a donation is available here.


The NSW Government has today followed through on one of its key election promises, appointing the State’s very first Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate.
Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall today announced Ian Zandstra would serve as NSW Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate. Mr Marshall said the Advocate would play a key role in helping to grow a stronger, more profitable dairy industry in NSW.
“I’m absolutely delighted to announce Ian Zandstra will serve as our State’s first Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate,” Mr Marshall said.
“Ian has a wealth of experience and is highly regarded across industry so is in a wonderful position to hit the ground running in this important role.
“The Advocate will champion dairy in NSW by providing advice to both government and industry on how we can better support our producers and create more value across the entire supply chain.
“There’s no doubt the NSW dairy industry has faced some serious challenges in recent years but I’m confident this role will provide the support our producers need and help ensure NSW remains a fresh milk State.”
Mr Zanstra said: “I’m absolutely honoured to be appointed to this role and look forward to working with industry and government to build a stronger dairy supply chain in NSW.
“My first priority is to establish an industry Advisory Panel, which will play a key role in identifying immediate and necessary actions for the sector and shaping advice to the Government.”
Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture Michael Johnsen said he looked forward to working with Mr Zanstra to build a stronger, more resilient dairy industry.
“Mr Zandstra is a champion of industry and his appointment will come as great news to dairy producers across NSW,” Mr Johnsen said.
Appointing a Dairy Advocate was a key election promise by the NSW Liberals & Nationals. The Advocate will help provide a united voice for industry, deliver clear advice to Government and help drive profitability across the industry supply chain. They will also assist in the delivery of a Dairy Action Plan and a ‘buy local fresh milk’ campaign.

Three men charged with commercial drug supply – Newcastle

Three men will appear in court today following an investigation into the commercial supply of ‘ice’ in the Newcastle area.
In July 2019, detectives from Newcastle Police District attached to the Drug Unit established Strike Force Betel to investigate the large commercial supply of methylamphetamine (‘ice’).
Following inquiries, three men were arrested at a unit on Marsden Street, Shortland, about 4.30pm yesterday (Friday 6 September 2019) and taken to Waratah Police Station.
A search warrant was executed at the unit, where police located and seized 2kg of methylamphetamine, a loaded Remington semi-automatic pistol and cash.
A 30-year-old man was charged with supply prohibited drugs (x2), knowingly direct activities of criminal group, deal with property proceeds of crime, possess unauthorised pistol, possess ammunition without holding licence and not keep firearm safely.
Two men, aged 28 and 27, were charged with supply prohibited drug (x2), participate criminal group and deal with property proceeds of crime.
The trio were refused bail to appear before Newcastle Bail Court today (Saturday 7 September 2019).
Investigations under Strike Force Betel are continuing.

Regulator says electricity bills higher under Libs than Greens/Labor carbon price: Bandt

A report on electricity prices released today by the Australian Energy Regulator confirms that electricity bills were lower when the Greens/Labor carbon price was in effect than they are now under the Liberals, said Greens energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt.
“Electricity bills were lower under the Greens/Labor carbon price than they are now under the Liberals, and back then we were also cutting climate pollution,” said Mr Bandt.
“The regulator has belled the cat.
“It takes a particular kind of genius to deliver both higher pollution and higher electricity bills, but the Liberals have managed to stuff everything up.
“To cut both pollution and power bills, we should bring back the carbon price and build more renewable energy.”
The September 2019 ‘Affordability in retail energy markets’, released today by the Australian Energy Regulator, contains the following Figure 1 on page 6, with the data supporting the report revealing the electricity price index has risen by 2.6% since the carbon price was at its peak in 2014.

We need a Greens Stimulus Package to boost weak growth

Today’s weak economic figures reveal an economy that is spluttering and directionless under a Coalition Government whose plans are nothing more than the same old discredited trickle-down nonsense. That’s why the Greens are calling today for the Government to adopt a Green Stimulus package, said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
“The growth figures released today prove what has been clear to so many of us for so long: this Government’s lame old trickle-down approach to the economy is a flop and they have no plan to fix it,” Di Natale said.
“Today’s growth figures, the weakest we’ve seen since this country was last in recession almost 30 years ago, should be a wake up call for both the Liberals and Labor that business as usual just isn’t going to cut it.
“We need a bold approach if we’re going to weather the storm that’s rattling the global economy, and that’s why the Greens are calling on the Government to launch a Green Stimulus package that would boost Newstart, lift wages and accelerate and expand the pipeline of green infrastructure investment in this country.”
Key Components of Green Stimulus Plan:

  • • Immediately increase Newstart and Youth Allowance payments by $75 a week.
  • • Accelerate and expand the pipeline of Green infrastructure investment in electricity generation, transmission and storage, energy efficient public housing and public transport.
  • • Remove the Commonwealth public sector wage cap and commit to lifting wages by 4% per annum.
  • • Unleash private sector wage growth by legislating to reverse the cuts to penalty rates and peg the minimum wage to 60% of the median full-time wage.