Donations data shows our democracy is for sale

The political donations data released today revealing massive corporate donations to the major parties shows our democracy is for sale and donations reform is desperately needed, Greens democracy spokesperson Senator Larissa Waters said.
“Today’s data again shows the major parties are owned by the mining, gambling, alcohol, property and banking industries,” Senator Waters said.
“Just in the last financial year the major political parties have taken more than  a million dollars from the fossil fuel industry, almost two million from the gambling and alcohol industry, and tens of millions from the big banks.
“Millions of dollars of corporate donations have flowed from infamous companies like Adani ($50k), Santos ($182k), Woodside ($237k), and Tabcorp ($218k), and industry associations like the AHA ($1.09m).
“It’s no wonder we still have lax corporate taxation laws, tax subsidies for fossil fuel companies and no plan to transition to clean energy, no limits on predatory gambling, and alcohol advertising dominating our sports events.
“Millions from the big mining and gas companies is why we don’t have action on climate change despite having have just had the hottest month on record in Australia, flooding in Far North Queensland right now, and catastrophic bushfires in Tasmania.
“In the last six years there’s been more than $100 million in corporate donations to the big parties, and today’s data further increases that.
“Today’s data is just the tip of the iceberg with the millions of dollars donated since July 2018 remaining secret for 12 more months – well after the next federal election.
“The lack of transparency perpetuates a system where politicians represent their corporate donors, instead of representing the community and improving people’s lives.
“To add insult to injury, a third of all corporations didn’t pay tax last year – yet many could afford to donate generously to political parties.
“Our democracy is broken. We need to get the influence of big money out and start restoring integrity into our parliament.”
The Greens today announced their plan to clean up politics which includes:

  • banning political donations from mining, property development, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, banking, defence and pharmaceutical industries;
  • putting a cap on all other donations of $1000 a year;
  • until those bans and caps are in place, making sure every donation over $1000 is listed publicly and disclosed in close to real-time;
  • banning donations splitting and all donations from foreign entities;
  • stopping all MPs from accepting lobbying jobs for five years after they retire, where a conflict of interest may arise;
  • requiring politicians to tell the public when and why they meet with lobbyists;
  • establishing a strong, independent federal anti-corruption commission to investigate politicians and governments; and
  • protecting the rights of citizens and community groups to speak out, ensuring all of us are represented and able to participate in our democracy.

Link to full policy: 
Dirty Donations Campaign: 

Greens launch policy to clean up politics

The Greens are today launching their policy to clean up politics and end the corrupting influence of big money on our democracy, so we can create a future for all of us.
Ahead of the Australian Electoral Commission 17/18 donations data release later this morning, Greens spokesperson for democracy Larissa Waters said:
“In the last six years the Liberals and Labor have taken more than $100 million in political donations from big corporations like mining and gambling companies, the big banks and wealthy property developers. We’ll learn today how much that has increased in the last year.
“The return on investment is donors get one-on-one access to government ministers, and decisions that protect their corporate profits. Then some of those pollies get cushy lobbyist jobs when they retire.
“It’s no wonder that 85% of Australians believe most politicians are corrupt.
“The major parties make decisions that prioritise the profits of their big donors. The rest of us are left with cuts to health, education and social services, rising costs of housing and energy bills, and a growing gap between rich and poor.”
The Greens’ plan would break the stranglehold corporations have on our democracy and restore integrity to politics, by:

  • banning political donations from mining, property development, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, banking, defence and pharmaceutical industries;
  • putting a cap on all other donations of $1000 a year;
  • until those bans and caps are in place, making sure every donation over $1000 is listed publicly and disclosed in close to real-time;
  • banning donations splitting and all donations from foreign entities;
  • stopping all MPs from accepting lobbying jobs for five years after they retire, where a conflict of interest may arise;
  • requiring politicians to tell the public when and why they meet with lobbyists;
  • establishing a strong, independent federal anti-corruption commission to investigate politicians and governments; and
  • protecting the rights of citizens and community groups to speak out, ensuring all of us are represented and able to participate in our democracy.

“Until we get transparency into the system and big money out of politics, we won’t get the decisions that improve people’s everyday lives,” Senator Waters said.
“Unlike the major parties, the Greens refuse to take donations from big corporations and lobbyists who want to influence our decisions. We can’t be bought and we won’t sell out.
“We’ll be campaigning strongly on this policy as the election approaches, and will keep working in parliament before and after the election to deliver reforms.
“People want their democracy back, and they deserve it. Money shouldn’t buy access or outcomes. Our democracy is not for sale.”
Link to full policy:
Dirty Donations Campaign:

Statement on the Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission

Today we’ve seen the SA Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission deliver a stinging indictment of a plan that has become a multi-billion dollar environmental disaster for our nation.
The Murray Darling is our nation’s food bowl. The river is central to Aboriginal culture. It has outstanding environmental significance and is a key water source for South Australia – including many regional towns and cities.
Right now, our climate breakdown is putting huge stress on this precious place. But rather than take climate action, the Coalition are too busy doing the bidding of their corporate donors.
The Murray Darling Basin Plan could go down as one of the biggest National Party rorts we have ever seen.
$13 billion of taxpayers’ money was meant to go towards saving the river. Instead, the Murray Darling is in crisis and big corporate irrigators are lining their pockets.
This is precisely why we need a national anti-corruption commission.
Now the SA Royal Commission has reported its findings, and the failure of policy and government has been laid bare, there is no choice other than a Federal Royal Commission to properly investigate this matter.
Let’s be very clear. The Australian Greens are the only party that has opposed the Murray Darling Basin Plan from the outset, when it was clear that it put profit and special interests ahead of science and the environment,
This is a plan that has ignored climate change, in spite of the pervasive and immediate threat it poses across the country.
Only the Greens have a plan for where we go from here. We will:
– Establish a national royal commission
– Overhaul the Murray Darling Basin Plan, and put the environment at the centre
– Ensure that any future modelling is done in the context of climate change
– Ban corporate irrigator donations to political parties – including the Nationals
– Ensure that any new plan delivers water buybacks to ensure proper environmental flows

Search for missing man – Stockton

Police are continuing to search for a man missing near Newcastle.
Steven Fenwick, aged 33, was last seen about 2.30am yesterday (Thursday 31 January 2019), when he was walking with a woman near the intersection of Fullerton and Meredith streets, Stockton.
The woman left and police have been told Steven did not meet her at an oval at Stockton as planned.
He has not been seen or heard from since, however, personal items have been located in bushland adjacent to Fullerton Street.
Officers from Newcastle Police District were notified about 6pm and a search commenced involving local police with assistance from the Dog Unit.
About 8am today (Friday 1 February 2019), the search re-commenced with local police, and assistance from PolAir, Police Rescue, and the Marine Area Command.
Anyone with information or who sights Steven is urged to come forward.
He was last seen wearing a black shirt, black board shorts, a red cap and grey/blue thongs.


School crossings across NSW will be made even safer with 300 more lollipop supervisors to be provided by the Liberals & Nationals Government.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Education Rob Stokes said the initiative, an investment of $18.5 million over four years, would offer more protection for children and improved visibility for motorists.

“Keeping kids safe is our number one priority and every child in NSW should be able to get to and from school safely,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“Lollipop men and women are such an important part of the community effort to making our roads safer for children.”
Mr Stokes said under the previous requirements, a crossing had to be used by 300 cars per hour in the morning or afternoon as well as at least 50 students to be eligible for a supervisor. Under the change, they will only need to meet one of the criteria.
“This initiative means more schools will be eligible for a lollipop supervisor, including 69 schools that had applied in the last two years and were found ineligible,” Mr Stokes said.
“School zones are some of the safest parts of our road network and since 2013 we haven’t lost a single child in an operating school zone.”
The School Crossing Supervisor Program currently funds up to 1200 supervisors at around 800 crossings across the State.
School zone safety has always been a priority for the Liberals & Nationals Government. There is now at least one set of school zone flashing lights for every school in NSW. More than 5500 school flashing lights have been installed.

Private Schools Continue to be Showered in Cash Under Liberals and Labor

Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Spokesperson for Education, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has said that Catholic and private schools will continue to be showered in taxpayer dollars under both the Liberals and Labor Parties. Analysis released today shows Catholic schools will receive a $4.1 billion bonus from recent changes made by the Liberal-National Government, supported by the Labor opposition.
Senator Faruqi said:
“Public school pupils went back to school this week to schools that are underfunded, with aging classrooms and infrastructure. We know that ninety-three per cent of teachers dip into their own pocket to buy supplies for their students and their school. This is completely unacceptable.
“Both the Labor and Liberal parties live in this fantasy world where they claim that excessive funding for private schools isn’t detrimental to public schools. This is simply not true. Billions going to already overfunded private schools is billions not going to the public sector.
“We must also reverse the special deals that the Liberals struck with private schools,which Labor sadly doesn’t have the guts to cancel. It’s simple: with public money, the 2.5 million children in public schools have to come first.
“Only the Greens have a plan to fully fund our public schools and provide the capital funds they need to upgrade and expand their infrastructure” she concluded.
Our plan to fully fund public schools is available here:

Electric vehicle Senate inquiry recommendations leave Australia in the slow lane: Greens

The release today of the final report of the Select Committee on Electric Vehicles shows Australia is at risk of being left behind in the electric vehicle revolution, say the Australian Greens.
“The weak recommendations of this report demonstrate just how feeble Labor and Liberal are when it comes to electric vehicle policy. Both major parties say the right words about electric vehicles when it suits them, but when it comes to actually getting behind policies and incentives that will support electric vehicle uptake they are missing in action,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson, and member of the Committee.
“The world is experiencing an electric vehicle revolution that is transforming how we move people and goods.”
“But Australia is a global laggard when it comes to policy ambition and certainty. The government has a choice to get Australia in the fast lane, but that means hitting the accelerator with ambitious targets and incentives to drive the uptake of electric vehicles.”
“We have the opportunity now to get on board and benefit from this technology, such as the economic boost and jobs in vehicle assembly, battery and component manufacturing, and EV infrastructure installation, all while improving Australia’s fuel security, reducing carbon pollution and improving public health from cleaner air.”
“But the window of opportunity for Australia to be a global electric vehicle powerhouse is closing as other countries speed past us. Countries like Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark are already miles ahead in the race to transition to electric vehicles.”
“The Greens are the only party with a real plan to get Australia in the fast lane so that we can reap the rewards that will come from electric vehicles.”
The Greens plan includes: setting a target of 100% of new passenger vehicles being electric by 2030, strong vehicle emissions standards; removing import tariffs and other taxes such as GST, stamp duty and registration, and rolling out fast charging infrastructure.


The NSW Government will hire an additional 4600 teachers to join the ranks of the public school system – delivering the highest number of teachers in the State’s history, Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Education Minister Rob Stokes announced today.

“We are investing record amounts into NSW schools and teachers, and this $2 billion investment has only been made possible due to the strong economic position created by the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government,” Ms Berejiklian said.

“It is so important to invest in our children to ensure they are equipped with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the jobs of the future.”
This commitment will bring the total number of full-time positions funded by the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government to nearly 11,000 new teachers since we came to Government.
By comparison, Labor hired just over 1000 new teachers in their last five years in office. They closed more than 90 schools, with a secret plan to close 100 more and axe 7500 teachers.
This record-breaking teacher recruitment drive over four years will help staff the 170-plus new and upgraded schools being delivered as part of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government’s record $6 billion investment in school infrastructure.
Mr Stokes said he was thrilled to be growing NSW’s world-class teacher workforce.
“We have some of the best teachers in the world who have the incredibly rewarding career of shaping the lives of the next generation,” Mr Stokes said.
“It is my priority to ensure NSW continues to have the best schools and best teachers in the country.”
Last year, the NSW Government committed an additional $6.4 billion for public schools to 2027 as part of the Gonski deal with the Commonwealth, bringing the State’s total investment to $148 billion for government and non-government schools.
NSW was also the only State to provide extra money to public schools to complement the Commonwealth’s $1.2 billion Choice and Affordability Fund.

Murray Darling Basin management is sacrificing the environment

The Murray Darling Basin Plan’s compromised legal status must be taken seriously by the SA and Federal governments following the delivery of the SA Royal Commissioner’s report, the Greens say.
“Reports that the plan designed to save the River is failing to meet its environmental objectives and may be unlawful are deeply concerning. It becomes clearer as each day goes by that the Murray Darling Basin has been mismanaged and corrupted, by political and corporate interests,” Greens environment and water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“The South Australian Royal Commissioner has raised a red flag on the legality of the management of our river system and there are serious questions to answer.
“Both evidence to the Royal Commission, and the Federal Government’s own Productivity Commission report into the Murray Darling Basin Plan have shown the environment has been undermined by vested interests, and the science ignored. Well, it is no surprise that it is dying right before our eyes.
“The South Australian Liberal Government must release the Commissioner’s final report immediately and explain to the public what they are doing to stand up for our River and for South Australia.
“Australian taxpayers are spending $13 billion on a Plan to save the River system. But the River has been sacrificed to prop up big corporate irrigators and do favours for political donors.  We need to lift the freeze on buybacks, place an embargo on corporate cotton irrigators taking water from the river and harvesting overland flows, and launch a federal Royal Commission.”


CommSec’s State of the States report has highlighted the rock solid fundamentals of the NSW economy which is continuing to power Australia’s growth and job creation.
The overall economic performance of NSW across all indicators saw the state ranked first, with our near-record unemployment level of 4.3 per cent a key highlight.
NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the report highlighted the state’s strong economic performance across all key economic indicators.
“We are a first class state with a very strong economy,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Some states are strong in a handful of areas, we rate highly right across the board.
“Our solid surpluses and record low net debt have allowed us to embark on an unprecedented $89.7 billion infrastructure investment.
“Our record investment is not just building better schools, roads, hospitals and public transport, it is helping power the economy and create hundreds of thousands of jobs.”
The CommSec report states: “NSW is consistently strong across the eight economic indicators.”
“Spending in NSW was 17.5 per cent above decade-average levels, once again supported by home building, infrastructure building and firm employment.
“In NSW the trend unemployment rate of 4.3 per cent hasn’t been bettered in monthly records going back to 1978.”
NSW placed equal first in the latest edition of the quarterly report, which ranks each state and territory’s economy by using decade averages across a range of key economic indicators including: retail spending, equipment investing, construction work and unemployment.
“Our fantastic growth would be in jeopardy under Labor,” Mr Perrottet said.
“They want to cancel a swathe of projects such as the F6 and South West Metro and this would kill growth and destroy jobs.
“Cancelling things is Labor’s default position. Doing nothing is their failed former Finance Minister’s happy place. Only the Liberals & Nationals have a plan for NSW and will continue to get the job done for NSW.”