Labor will give a voice to the victims sidelined by Scott Morrison’s failure to extend the Banking Royal Commission.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten is today announcing that Shadow Minister for Financial Services Clare O’Neil will travel to cities and towns around Australia that have not been visited by the Royal Commission to hold a series of roundtables with victims.
These roundtables will give victims a crucial opportunity to share their stories and consider options for reform to ensure that the shocking misconduct exposed by the Royal Commission is stamped out.
Labor is committed to working with bank victims the opportunity to be part of this important national conversation.
So far, the Royal Commission has only had time to hear from 27 customers, despite over 9300 customers making written submissions.
All of the hearings of the Commission have been in just three capital cities – regional and rural customers have not had a sufficient chance to have their say in this process.
Misconduct in the financial services sector is a national issue – and Australians across the country deserve their chance to be heard. Unlike the Liberals, Labor will listen to victims.
The Royal Commission’s interim report has highlighted how badly ‘greed’ and ‘the pursuit of short term profit at the expense of basic standards of honesty’ has affected our financial services sector.
Labor now wants victims to have a seat at the table when the Royal Commission considers what reforms are required to clean up this sector.
Scott Morrison doesn’t want to give bank victims a voice. He always has been, and always will be, on the side of the big banks.
He spent 600 days fighting against the Royal Commission, labelling it a ‘populist whinge’ and a ‘reckless distraction’. He voted against the Royal Commission 26 times. And he spent years trying to reward the big banks with a $17 billion tax cut. Now, he’s refusing to extend the Royal Commission – all but guaranteeing victims won’t get a say in responding to the Commission’s recommendations for reform.
Labor called for this Royal Commission, Labor fought for this Royal Commission, Labor will allow victims to have their say, and Labor will work day and night to protect Australian businesses and consumers from this appalling misconduct.


347,000 Australian children are facing a $440 million cut to preschool funding as a result of Scott Morrison’s cuts to preschool, with the program only funded for one more school year.
Unless this cut is reversed, every child now under the age of two will miss out on preschool funding in the year before school. This would be a disaster for Australian children and for our economy.
Scott Morrison’s cuts amount to the equivalent of $1,200 per child every year – a cut that will leave parents out of pocket or force states and community kindies to cut back hours.
In 2009, Federal Labor introduced Universal Access to Preschool for all four year olds, so Australian children could access 15 hours per week of quality preschool education in the year before school.
This was in recognition of the importance of early education – 90% of a child’s brain development occurs before they are five, and children who access preschool have been shown to achieve better school results in later years.
Unfortunately the Liberals continue to treat early education as a political football – leaving parents with uncertainty about whether they will be left out of pocket or whether their child will miss out.
Since the first agreement was signed by Labor in 2008, preschool enrolment has increased from 77% to up to 97% in some states.
However, this is all in jeopardy if Morrison doesn’t reverse his cuts and extend funding for preschool in his next Budget update – less than two months away.
When a student starts behind, they are unlikely to catch up – it’s likely they will not meet minimum NAPLAN standards in Years 3, 5 and 7.
For a country like Australia, this is just not good enough. By refusing to commit to ongoing funding for preschool, Mr Morrison is putting our children’s futures at risk.
He is also making it extremely difficult for providers to plan ahead and build a solid workforce.
This funding cut comes on the back of Morrison’s $14 billion cuts to public schools, his cuts to Universities and cuts to TAFE. These cuts show he just doesn’t understand the importance of education.
He’s spent years arguing for a tax cut for the banks, but Morrison is happy to leave funding for our youngest minds in jeopardy.
Labor will fight for early education and we will fight for better schools because unlike the Liberals, we know that education is an investment in a better future for our kids and our nation’s economy.

NSW 102,000 $128 million
VIC 98,000 $123 million
QLD 68,000 $88 million
SA 22,000 $28 million
WA 37,000 $47 million
TAS 7,000 $9 million
NT 3,800 $4.8 million
ACT 7,000 $9 million
TOTAL 347,000 $440 MILLION

Escapee located – Muswellbrook

A man who escaped custody from a minimum-security correctional facility in Muswellbrook has been arrested and charged.
The 41-year-old man allegedly escaped the facility in Muswellbrook, about 6am on Wednesday 10 October 2018.
Following a wide scale search, about 7am today (Thursday 11 October 2018), police attended a carpark on Byng Street, Orange, and arrested the 41-year-old man without incident.
He was taken to Orange Police Station and charged with inmate escape/attempt to escape from lawful custody.
He was refused bail to appear at Orange Local Court today (Thursday 11 October 2018).


Police are asking for help from the community as they try to find a prisoner who has escaped from Muswellbrook’s minimum-security jail.
About 6am today officers were told Robert Grover, 41, had escaped from the correctional facility on St Heliers Road.

He’s described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 170 centimetres tall, with a medium build and brown hair.
Police believe he could be heading to Gunnedah.
Members of the public are urged not to approach Grover, but instead call 000 immediately.

Greens Say Coal Must Go

Yesterday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 C’.
The report contained a very clear message: if we don’t quit coal, we are screwed.
So with a coal-loving Prime Minister and a coal-conflicted Labor leader, it’s time to mobilise for a war against coal and a war against climate change. The Greens are the only party taking this threat seriously.
Yesterday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 C’.
The report contained a very clear message: if we don’t quit coal, we are screwed.
So with a coal-loving Prime Minister and a coal-conflicted Labor leader, it’s time to mobilise for a war against coal and a war against climate change. The Greens are the only party taking this threat seriously.
2030 is the new deadline. According to the report, we may hit 1.5 degrees as early as 2030, which could trigger multi-metre sea-level rises.
We don’t just need to make the next election about climate change–we need to make every moment about climate change. We need to hit the emergency button.
Global emissions need to peak in 2020. But a few weeks ago, we found out that Australia’s pollution is STILL rising. Business as usual under Liberal and Labor is a death sentence.
We need to make every moment about climate change. Our leaders need to be held to account. The evidence is overwhelming, but the action has been underwhelming.
Liberal and Labor are paralysed by their reliance on the donations of fossil fuel companies.

Man arrested as inquiries continue into woman's death at Bellambi

A man has been arrested as inquiries continue into the death of a woman at Bellambi last week.
About 4pm today (Monday 8 October 2018), detectives from Port Stephens-Hunter Police District arrested a 29-year-old man at Maitland.
He has been taken to Maitland Police Station where he remains in custody.
Officers from Wollongong Police District commenced an investigation, assisted by detectives from the State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad, after the body of 39-year-old Kristie Powell was found at a home on Lorking Street on Friday (5 October 2018).
Kristie’s five-month-old son was found uninjured inside the home.
A man has been charged with murder over the death of a woman at Bellambi last week.
About 4pm yesterday (Monday 8 October 2018), detectives from Port Stephens-Hunter Police District arrested a 29-year-old man in a building near Maitland Railway Station.
The man was taken to Maitland Police Station where detectives from Wollongong Police District have now charged him with one count of murder.
He has been refused bail to appear in Maitland Local Court today (Tuesday 9 October 2018).
Wollongong detectives, assisted by the State Crime Command’s Homicide Squad, formed Strike Force Renehan to investigate the death of 39-year-old Kristie Powell, after her body was found at her home on Lorking Street, Bellambi, last Friday (5 October 2018).

Charges laid following serious head-on crash – Myuna Bay

A man has been charged following a serious crash at Myuna Bay, in the state’s Lake Macquarie region.
About 9.30am on Sunday 29 April 2018, emergency services were called to Wangi Road after a Holden Commodore and Mitsubishi wagon collided head-on.
The driver and sole occupant of the Holden, a 46-year-old man, was taken to John Hunter Hospital with a neck injury.
The female driver of the Mitsubishi, a 43-year-old woman and her 12-year-old passenger were taken to John Hunter Hospital with hip, leg and internal injuries. Both required surgery and have since been released from hospital.
Officers from the Crash Investigation Unit, with the assistance from Lake Macquarie Police District established a crime scene and commenced investigations into the circumstances surrounding the crash.
Following inquiries, a 46-year-old Bonnells Bay man, was served with Future Court Attendance Notices for the following offences:

  • Dangerous driving occasioning grievous bodily harm – driver under the influence (x2)
  • Dangerous driving occasion grievous bodily harm – drive manner dangerous (x2)
  • Cause bodily harm by misconduct (x2)
  • Negligent driving occasioning grievous bodily harm
  • Negligent Driving
  • Drive with illicit drug in blood

He is due to appear at Toronto Local Court on Tuesday 11 December 2018. His driver’s licence was also suspended.

Teenage girl critical after serious crash – Buckaroo near Mudgee

A teenage girl remains in a critical condition in hospital following a single-vehicle crash on a rural property in Buckaroo today.
Police were told a Toyota Prado containing nine people had travelled to the property off Edgell Lane, near Ulan Road, Buckaroo, shortly after 1pm (Sunday 7 October 2018).
Concerns were raised for their welfare this afternoon after they failed to return.
The car was located by a neighbouring landowner in a paddock about 3.15pm, and appeared to have rolled a number of times.
All nine occupants of the vehicle were teenaged girls. One was ejected from the vehicle and sustained life-threatening injuries and was found lying near the vehicle. The other eight occupants managed to escape from the vehicle when it came to rest and all have suffered varying degrees of injuries, none of which are life threatening.
A 14-year-old girl was airlifted to the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, where she remains in a critical condition.
Officers from Orana Mid-Western Police District established a crime scene and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the crash.
Inquiries into the cause of the crash are ongoing with examination of the scene expected to continue for some hours.