Western Sydney is experiencing a jobs bonanza with the region adding more jobs since 2011 than all of Queensland.
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals employment has grown for Western Sydney residents by more than 212,000 over the past seven and a half years.
The Western Sydney unemployment rate currently sits at 5.0 per cent, just above last month’s record lows.
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the new jobs figures demonstrated the strength of the NSW economy with the state’s unemployment rate sitting at 4.4 per cent – the lowest among the states for 41 straight months.
“Since 2011, more new jobs have been created in Western Sydney than the whole of South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania combined,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Western Sydney is reaping the rewards of our unprecedented levels of infrastructure investment.”
“Game-changing projects like the Western Sydney Aerotropolis will help create thousands more employment opportunities for people across the region well into the future.”
Across the rest of NSW women continued to lead the way with an impressive 237,700 jobs added since 2015 with women responsible for almost 63 per cent of new jobs during that time.
“An economy that is creating jobs provides stability for families allowing them to plan for the future and enjoy the fruits of their labour,” Mr Perrottet said.
“I am delighted to say the unemployment rate for women in NSW has set a record low of just 4.1 per cent.”
“These are numbers people could have only wished for under the last Labor government.”
“Thanks to our strong economic management there have been more jobs added for women in the last three and a half years than were added between 2003 and 2011 under Labor.”
“The only thing growing under NSW Labor will be the unemployment queues because of Opposition Leader Michael Daley’s reckless plans to cancel projects.”

Greens say Nationals Senate motion over a Facebook post demonstrates desperation in face of potentially losing the state seat of Lismore to the Greens

The Nationals are showing their desperation to not lose the state seat of Lismore to the Greens, following a motion introduced in the Australian Senate today.
“The motion over a Facebook post shows the National Party are desperate to hold on to the state seat of Lismore, a seat they very nearly lost to the Greens at the last election,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens agriculture and rural affairs spokesperson.
“Instead of recognising that they’re on the nose in the Northern Rivers because they sold the farmers and farming communities out to coal seam gas, they are wasting the Senate’s time on a Facebook post.”
“Instead of recognising that farmers are fed up with the Nationals burying their heads in the sand when it comes to climate change while drought ravages regional and remote communities across Australia, the Nationals are focused on playing games in parliament.”
“Meanwhile the Greens in the Northern Rivers, as with Greens across the country, are standing with and supporting farmers. In fact the Greens in the Northern Rivers are farmers, including our excellent candidate for the state seat of Lismore, dry land rice grower Sue Higginson.”
Lines atrributable to Sue Higginson, Northern Rivers farmer and Greens candidate for the state seat of Lismore:
“The irony is that while Senators Williams and O’Sullivan are making hay out of a Facebook post and selling farmers out to their coal and gas lobbyist mates, I was out loading a semi-trailer with stock fodder grown on my farm to send to cattle farmers in the west of NSW who are enduring the drought.”
“If the Nationals want to really help farmers, that’s how they can help farmers, not clutching at straws over a Facebook post.”

Greens welcome senate inquiry report recommendation to remove discrimination against LGBTQ+ students in schools, and call for protections to include teachers and staff

“The Australian Greens support the Senate Inquiry recommendation to remove discrimination against LGBTQ+ students, but we must also act immediately to remove discrimination against teachers and other staff,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.
“We don’t need any further delay before removing discrimination. Schools should be discrimination-free zones for all LGBTQ+ people, regardless of whether they are are a student or a staff member.”
“Our schools should be teaching our kids about respect and equality. What message does it send to young people if LGBTQ+ staff can be fired because of who they are?”
“Labor and the government promised the Australian people that they would remove discrimination in schools within a fortnight of the Wentworth by-election. It’s beyond time for the major parties to act on that promise.”

Greens say Liberal Government inaction on climate is dooming our natural environment

The Senate has backed  a Greens’ motion declaring climate change is the biggest threat to life on our planet, calling on the Liberal Government to implement serious climate and energy policy.
“The biggest threat to humanity and life on this planet is climate change, and still the Liberal Government don’t have a plan to reduce pollution,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“The consequences of the Liberal Government’s head in the sand on climate – and addiction to burning fossil fuels – are playing out before us now. We’re seeing more extreme weather, mass extinction, a planet under constant stress.
“The alarming recent research from Flinders University showed we are dooming species across the globe due to our inaction on climate change. This anti-science, anti-environment Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister are standing in the way of real action on climate change.
“We have some of the most beautiful, unique flora and fauna in the world, but also one of the worst track records on extinction. The Liberal Government cannot be trusted to reverse this harrowing trend.
“The time to act is now. We can be the generation that saves the planet, instead of continuing to contribute to dangerous climate change.”
the Senate—
1.            Notes the Flinders University research published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, which shows that, “Climate change and human activity are dooming species at an unprecedented rate via a plethora of direct and indirect, often synergic, mechanisms.”
2.            Notes that climate change is, without a doubt, the biggest threat to life on our planet.
3.            Calls on the government to develop and implement a serious climate and energy policy, with a plan to reduce carbon pollution and overhaul our environmental laws to protect life on earth.
Senator Sarah Hanson-Young

Greens motion for national anti-corruption commission passes both houses of parliament

After ten years of pushing, the Greens are thrilled their motion calling on the Morrison Government to establish a national anti-corruption commission has now passed both houses of federal parliament. The motion, which was first moved by Greens spokesperson for democracy Senator Larissa Waters in the Senate on November 13, was then sent to the House for concurrence today.
 Senator Waters said: “This was the first test for the Morrison minority government and they dodged a vote they knew they would lose by allowing this motion to go through.
 “But now a clear signal has been sent that the Australian community and both houses of parliament want a federal anti-corruption body and the government needs to act.
 “Talk is cheap. The AG spoke about ‘sober and cautious consideration’ of any legislation – the Greens have had a bill before parliament since 2010 and supported the introduction of Cathy McGowan MP’s bill today – there’s been plenty of time for that and now is the time to get on with it.
 “If they continue to do nothing, they’re on a hiding to nowhere at the next election.”
 Adam Bandt MP, Greens Co-Deputy Leader and Federal Member for Melbourne, who moved the motion in the lower house today, said:
 “We are now in a power-sharing minority parliament and the government has to deal with issues that matter to the Australian people. The government can’t stonewall any longer.
 “I am proud to have introduced the first bill for a federal corruption watchdog into the House back in 2012.
 “A corruption watchdog’s time has come. If we act now, we could be on our way to having a national corruption watchdog by Christmas.”

Greens to bring Bight drilling ban debate to Senate

Australian Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young will bring her Private Member’s Bill to ban oil and gas drilling in the Great Australian Bight to the Senate for debate today.
“Drilling in the Great Australian Bight is high-risk, no-reward for South Australia or the nation. If we are to protect the Bight, act on climate change, and remove the risk of a devastating oil spill, drilling must be banned,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
“Like with the Adani coal mine in Queensland, both the Labor and Liberal parties are ignoring the concerns of the community. The longer they back foreign fossil fuel  companies over the community the harder it will be to transition to a clean zero-carbon economy.
“Putting an oil rig in the middle of a whale sanctuary is madness. We need to be doing more to protect our marine life and oceans, not turning our coastline into an oil field.
“South Australians are proud of our Great Australian Bight and Kangaroo Island is the jewel in our tourism crown.
“Protecting the Bight is a key issue for The Greens at the upcoming Federal Election. We stand with the thousands of passionate South Australians and coastal communities around the country fighting to get big oil out of our Bight.
“We want to show the world how great our Bight is, by giving it World Heritage protection, not turn it into an oil field.
“It was vital the Senate has an opportunity to debate this Bill before the end of the year. The South Australian community has the right to know where their senators stand on this issue – either with them, or with the oil and gas giants.”

Kids should defy PM’s school lecture: Bandt

Students planning to participate in a national school strike this Friday calling for emergency action on climate change should ignore the Prime Minister’s hectoring Question Time speech, Greens Deputy Leader and climate and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, said today.
Mr Bandt asked the Prime Minister if he would join the Greens in praising the students and if he would meet with some of the students when they come to Parliament this Wednesday. The Prime Minister’s response was an ignorant condescending lecture.
“The PM is unbelievably out of touch with young people, not only in Australia but around the world,” Mr Bandt said.
“These students want a leader to protect their future, but they got a hectoring, ungenerous and condescending rebuke from someone even worse than Tony Abbott.
“Students and young people are striking this Friday because governments have failed them in Australia and around the world.
“I met with some of these courageous young people from my electorate last week and I am proud to be their local MP and I am proud of their actions.
“Labor’s approval of another giant coal mine for the Galilee Basin shows they are just as out of touch with the mood of young Australians.”

Crowds well behaved as Operation Axils concludes at 2018 Newcastle 500

Police have praised the good behaviour of the majority of spectators following the conclusion of the high-visibility operation for the second year of the Coates Hire Newcastle 500.
Operation Axils commenced last Thursday (22 November 2018), to ensure the safety and security of competitors, officials and spectators throughout the event.
General duties officers from Newcastle City Police District and across Northern Region, the Public Order and Riot Squad (PORS), Operations Support Groups (OSG), Dog Unit, PolAir, Licensing Police, Bicycle Unit, Youth Command (PCYC), Marine Area Command, Police Transport Command and Traffic & Highway Patrol Command were involved in the operation.
Of note, officers attached to Operation Axils arrested and charged a 20-year-old woman after allegedly throwing paint at signage on the race track about 2.10am on Friday (23 November 2018). She was charged with malicious damage and granted conditional bail to appear at Newcastle Local Court on Thursday 13 December 2018. A 21-year-old man was also arrested but later released pending further inquiries.
In a separate incident, a 40-year-old man was arrested after allegedly exposing his buttocks to police about 6pm on Saturday (24 November 2018). He was taken to Newcastle Police Station where he was issued with an infringement notice for offensive conduct.
Operation Axils Commander, Assistant Commissioner Max Mitchell, said it was positive to see the majority of racegoers behave appropriately and enjoy themselves at the event over the weekend.
“Police were out in force across the event footprint, focusing on road safety, crowd behaviour, and minimising the impact of the event on the local community,” Assistant Commissioner Mitchell said.
“We were very pleased with the behaviour of most people who attended the race, and it was great to see so many families return to the city this year in support of the Newcastle 500.
“Police worked closely with Supercars and Transport NSW in the lead up and throughout the event to create a safe and family-friendly atmosphere.
“There were a small number of attendees who ignored our warnings and tried to spoil the fun for others, but they were identified and dealt with quickly,” Assistant Commissioner Mitchell said.
Road safety was another focus of the operation, with officers conducting more than 418 random breath tests, and issuing 215 Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs), including 95 for speeding offences.
“Police will maintain a presence on the roads in and around Newcastle and major routes, to ensure motorists’ safety on their journey home,” Assistant Commissioner Max Mitchell said.
“Our Traffic and Highway Patrol officers have done an excellent job this weekend, reminding drivers of the dangers of speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
“With school holidays and the festive season just around the corner, police are reminding the public to leave the racing to the professionals on the track.
“We do not want to see any more tragedies on our roads and those that choose to engage in risky driver behaviour will face the full force of the law,” Assistant Commissioner Mitchell said.
Special event clearways and road closures will remain in place throughout the week. Motorists are urged to visit for more information.

Two for two: Bayden smashes his goals

Newcastle surfer and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) recipient, 34-year-old Bayden Parker is currently riding a wave of success.
In the past month he has passed his Ls test and secured a new job, with the support of Challenge Disability Services social worker Abdenor and the Connexions program for young active people with low support needs.
Getting his Ls and a new job were Bayden’s goals for his NDIS plan and now he can rest easy knowing they have been achieved.
“I fell off my chair when I found out I had passed my Ls test. It was a lot of hard yakka: study, study, study,” Bayden said
“We studied the practice test on the computer and going through the book and the answers. Abdenor’s help made me feel more confident about going into the test.”
While it was Bayden’s hard work that helped him pass the test, Abdenor was on hand with words of encouragement, an extra push to keep him on track and assistance with tricky questions while he prepared.
“When we could, we would study together twice a week; he was always on time for our meetings and ready to go,” Abdenor said.
“He didn’t give up, he kept trying and involved himself thoroughly in achieving this goal. Bayden certainly put in a lot of effort.”
The second goal on Bayden’s NDIS plan was to secure a good commercial cleaning job. He recently secured a job cleaning offices and is now in the process of completing background checks and paperwork to get started.
“While I’m a commercial cleaner now, I really want to get my red Ps because I want to deliver pizzas. I think being a pizza driver will be a good way to meet more new people,” Bayden said.
“Having my license will make it easier to go for A to B, and makes me more independent. I can finally load up the trolley and fill the car with groceries, so I don’t have to carry 50 bags of shopping on the push bike.
Surfing is never far from Bayden’s mind, and having a licence will make this much easier especially when he buys a car of his own.
“I am saving up for a nice car. I want to get one that has easy access so I can throw the surfboard in and go to the beach, rather than have to carry my surfboard on a pushbike,” Bayden said.

Charges laid over alleged sexual assault of young girl – SCC Child Abuse & Sex Crimes Squad

A man will face court today charged over the alleged sexual assault of a young girl in the Lake Macquarie region.
Officers from Lake Macquarie Police District stopped a vehicle in the Cardiff area about 1am yesterday (Sunday 25 November 2018), and spoke to the driver, a 28-year-old man.
Following inquiries, the man was arrested and taken to Toronto Police Station.
A 13-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy in the car were taken into the care of police.
Detectives from the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad were notified after the 13-year-old girl disclosed she had allegedly been sexually assaulted by the man.
Detectives charged the man with aggravated sexual assault – victim under the age of 16 years, procure child under 14 years for unlawful sexual activity, and breach of bail.
Police will allege in court the man sexually assaulted the girl at a home in the Lake Macquarie area after meeting and speaking on a social media application for 12 months, prior to meeting up.
The man was refused bail and is due to appear at Toronto Local Court today (Monday 26 November 2018).
Investigations are continuing.
The Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad is comprised of detectives who are specially trained to investigate matters against children and adults, including sexual assault, serious physical abuse, and extreme cases of neglect.
Anyone with concerns about suspected child abuse or exploitation should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page:
Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. People should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.