More Australian Defence Force Personnel To Join Victoria’s Coronavirus Response

A further 1000 Australian Defence Force personnel will be deployed to Victoria to support the coronavirus response.
Since the offer from the Commonwealth Government of additional resources was accepted on Sunday, the Victorian Government has been working with the Emergency Management Commissioner and the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police to determine their best use.
Due to the evolving situation, from today an open Request for Assistance model will be in place for ADF personnel to be deployed. The additional ADF support will be deployed across the following areas, based on need:

  • State Control Centre planning, logistics and intelligence reporting
  • Public health response focusing on contact tracing data management and analysis, information flow as well as the allocation and tracking of tasks and the onboarding staff to undertake interviews
  • Support for supply and logistics to ensure physical care packages such as food and toys and other essential supplies are provided to public housing residents
  • Support focusing on testing in metro, regional/rural and tourist locations
  • Assisting relevant agencies with community engagement focusing on community awareness and outreach, particularly in high risk areas as well as critical infrastructure and regional workplaces
  • Partnering with Ambulance Victoria paramedic response crews to expand Ambulance Victoria’s response capabilities by providing personnel to act as a second crew member that can support paramedics at scenes and drive back to hospital
  • Compliance checking to support Victoria Police’s enforcement of the Chief Health Officer’s stay at home orders
  • Surge capacity as required in relation to vehicle check points

It is expected this will see the current contingent of over 400 personnel remain in Victoria for at least the duration of the Stage 3 restrictions set to conclude on Wednesday 19 August. The extra 1,000 ADF personnel will begin to deploy in coming days and it is expected this will continue over the next four weeks.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the Commonwealth Government would continue to work with Victoria to support the state’s response to the deadly virus.
“We will help Victoria with whatever it takes to save lives and to save livelihoods,” the Prime Minister said.
“Our highly trained ADF personnel will work alongside state authorities to surge support for Victoria to ensure they get the backing they need to help respond to the situation. This is a serious situation facing not just Victoria, but the whole country.”
Premier Daniel Andrews thanked the Commonwealth and other states for their continued support and collaboration to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
“This is a public health bushfire – just as we help out other states in summer, help is coming from across the nation now, including Australian Defence Force personnel in addition to the strong support provided over recent months – and we are grateful for that,” the Premier said.
“As all Victorians work together to follow the rules they should be assured we have a massive team working around the clock to keep every Victorian family safe.”
At the request of the Victorian Government, the Commonwealth through the National Cabinet last week also agreed to extend the cancellation of all scheduled international passenger airline services to Victoria until further notice.

Feds' funding for Parks shows jobs in green recovery but much more needed

The announcement by Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley today of funding for tourism and infrastructure at five natural attractions shows there are jobs in a green recovery and much more must be done to look after our environment, the Australian Greens say.
Greens Spokesperson for the Environment Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:
“Any funding from the Federal Government that goes to improving and protecting our natural world is welcome. This announcement shows there are jobs and economic stimulus in a Green Recovery.
“But to really do justice to a green jobs recovery, the Morrison Government is going to need to find a lot more money and scrap its plan to weaken environmental laws.
“The return on investment will be well worth it, not just in the creation of jobs across the country but in rehabilitating bushfire devastated areas, protecting native wildlife and restoring our iconic rivers to make them swimmable again as the Greens have proposed.
“Australians want stronger environmental protections, not weaker ones which only serve the fossil fuel industry and will undermine any green recovery efforts, including today’s announcement.
“The Environment Minister is still sitting on the interim report into the 10-year review of environmental laws, handed to her 12 days ago by the independent reviewer. If Sussan Ley wants to be taken seriously then she needs to release the interim report immediately and get on with legislating to save our endangered animals and special places in nature.”

Extend Free Childcare And Provide JobKeeper For ECEC Workers: Greens

The Greens have said that returning to expensive fee-paying childcare today will harm families, disproportionately impact women and threaten the viability of early learning as the Covid-19 pandemic continues.
The federal government should extend free childcare and ensure all early childhood education and care workers are eligible for JobKeeper payments.
Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens spokesperson for Education, said:
“It’s downright cruel and shortsighted to scrap free childcare before practically every other Covid-19 support measure.
“Reverting to expensive, fee-paying childcare now will preclude struggling families from accessing early learning and put centre viability at risk. This government is failing women who will disproportionately feel the impact of this senseless snap back.
“As Covid-19 cases continue to rise, Dan Tehan should extend free childcare and ensure JobKeeper eligibility for all ECEC workers.
“It’s incredibly disappointing that the first sector to have its support withdrawn is early learning, and the first workers to lose JobKeeper are ECEC staff – the vast majority of whom are women. They have been treated very poorly by this government.
“This is a real missed opportunity to reimagine early learning as a universal, essential service. Instead, the Liberals are more interested in deepening the crisis via austerity,” she said.
Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens spokesperson for Women, said:
“The Morrison government has a 1950s attitude to women and its policies will condemn more women to the kitchen.
“Numerous reports show that women are suffering the worst economic impacts from coronavirus, losing more jobs or hours of work than men, and performing a much higher care load.
“Free childcare helped ease the financial burden families face and ensured women had more ability to do paid work.
“Returning to expensive childcare, and axing JobKeeper early for childcare workers, will force many women to reduce their work hours to juggle childcare.
“You want economic stimulus, then help women return to the workplace by making childcare permanently free.”

Backroom Labor boys doing their coal donors’ bidding

The Labor party backroom boys are pressuring Queensland’s Labor Premier to approve stage 3 of the New Acland coal mine, showing fossil fuel donors still call the shots, say the Australian Greens.
“Proving how powerful the coal mining lobby and their donations are on federal Labor, there’s now three federal Labor party MPs pushing the Premier to approve the Acland coal mine despite the mine’s approval currently being before the High Court,” said Senator Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Senate Leader and Mining and Resources spokesperson.
“Anthony Albanese should tell his backroom boys to leave the Premier alone and wait for the High Court to do its job.
“It’s ludicrous that any political party would back more bushfire turbo-charging coal mines after the summer we faced, and as the climate crisis intensifies.
“It’s about time Labor listened to the climate science and the community, not its corporate fossil fuel donors.”
Michael Berkman, Queensland Greens MP for Maiwar and one-time lawyer for the farmers opposing the mine said that after 15 years of court cases it’s time for the Premier to listen to farmers and residents and refuse approval for New Acland Stage 3.
“The New Acland Coal Mine is vehemently opposed by local farmers, who are terrified about the impacts on water, prime farmland and their health.
“Queenslanders are sick of decisions being made in the best interests of donors, rather than the community.
“While Labor’s fighting everyday people so their coal donors can make a profit, the Greens will keep fighting for real, well-paid, sustainable jobs in tourism, education, social housing construction and publicly owned renewable energy,” concluded Mr Berkman.

Crown of Thorns funding is bandaid solution while climate crisis is ignored

The Greens welcome any improvements to deal with Crown of Thorns starfish, but it is a bandaid solution while the big threats to the Reef – climate change and water quality – continue to be ignored.
“Funding COTs while ignoring climate and water quality is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic,” said Queensland Senator and Greens Leader in the Senate, Larissa Waters.
“The Great Barrier Reef has faced three of the worst coral bleaching episodes in its long history in the last five years, because of coal-driven climate change.
“While extra funding to control Crown of Thorns starfish is welcome, the Institute for Marine Science has previously pointed out that action on Crown of Thorns will only be successful if climatic conditions are stabilised to stem bleaching and coral damage from cyclones.
“Yet thanks to the regular donations and job offers by the coal and fossil fuel industry to both sides of politics, the climate crisis continues unabated, and the Reef’s death warrant is being written.
“The 60,000 people who rely on a healthy Reef, and the World Heritage status of this biodiversity icon, demands so much better from the donation-hooked large political parties,” said Australian Greens Senate Leader Larissa Waters.

Second $750 Economic Support Payment Is On The Way

Australians on lower incomes are set to receive further assistance from today as the Morrison Government delivers the second economic support payment.
A $750 payment will be made to approximately five million Australians at a cost of $3.8 billion. It will go to social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders.
This payment is the second of two $750 economic support payments provided by the Morrison Government to help lower income Australians manage the financial impact of the Coronavirus.
The first economic support payment was delivered in March and April this year.
The Treasurer said “the Morrison Government is helping to keep businesses in business and Australians in jobs with $259 billion or 13.3 per cent of GDP in total economic support.”
“The second $750 economic support payment will inject $3.8 billion into the economy and provide an economic lifeline to millions of Australians at a time when they need it most.”
“The Morrison Government will continue to do all that is necessary to ensure Australia bounces back stronger on the other side.”
Minister for Families and Social Services, Anne Ruston, said the second economic support payment will be delivered progressively throughout July.
“Approximately five million lower-income Australians will receive the second $750 Economic Support Payment this month,” Minister Ruston said.
“This payment is providing additional support to eligible pensioners, families, veterans and concession card holders, who do not get the fortnightly Coronavirus Supplement as part of their current payment.”
Minister for Government Services, Stuart Robert, said “if you are living in Australia and getting an eligible payment or concession card on 10 July 2020, you will get this payment automatically.”
“There is no need to do anything to get the second Economic Support Payment. If eligible, people will see the $750 payment arrive in their bank account between 15 July 2020 and the end of July 2020.”
Combined, the first and second Economic Support Payments are expected to deliver over $9.4 billion in additional assistance to Australian households.
More information on support being provided by the Australian Government during the coronavirus pandemic can be found at


Domestic violence victim-survivors, Aboriginal Australians and people who’ve lost their jobs and homes as a result of COVID-19 will be among those to benefit from a Commonwealth funding boost of more than $15.6 million for NSW’s legal assistance sector.
Attorney General and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence Mark Speakman said $13.26 million of the funding would support frontline legal services helping disadvantaged people manage the ‘new normal’ of the coronavirus pandemic.
“In the face of an unprecedented health crisis, our State’s frontline services have gone above and beyond the call of duty. This includes our tireless healthcare care workers, our police and emergency services and those who provide free legal assistance,” Mr Speakman said.
“As people face job losses, tenancy issues, financial insecurity and, horrifically, the increasing risk of violence behind closed doors, there are more people than ever contacting Legal Aid, Community Legal Centres and the Aboriginal Legal Service in search of legal support.
“This investment will help meet this increase in need, and ensure vulnerable members of our community know their rights and get the advice they need to help overcome hardships.”
The NSW Government will direct more than 40 per cent of the Commonwealth investment towards frontline services helping people experiencing domestic and family violence.
“We have heard horrific stories from victims and advocates about domestic violence perpetrated while victims have been isolated alongside their abusers due to COVID-19,” Mr Speakman said.
“In the last 10 weeks alone, seven people have been tragically killed in domestic and family violence incidents across NSW.
“We all have a part to play in tackling this epidemic. This funding will help victim-survivors get the advice they need to ensure perpetrators are held to account, support them in escaping violent households and ultimately help us save lives.”
The funding package will also enable the legal assistance sector to increase its ICT capabilities to deliver more services remotely and to reach more people across NSW. A total of $2.35 million  has been allocated to help legal assistance services transition to greater virtual service delivery.
The COVID-19 Project Agreement is part of the Commonwealth Government’s $63.3 million commitment to support legal assistance services respond to the coronavirus pandemic.
Today’s funding allocation to the NSW legal assistance sector supports frontline services and ICT capabilities as follows:
Legal Aid NSW – $5.24 million to boost staff and respond to increases in demand for its civil and family law, domestic and family violence and child protection services, and more than $1.26 million to support ICT enhancements.
Community Legal Centres (CLCs) – $4.34 million to increase frontline service delivery capacity across the CLC sector, and more than $1.09 million to support ICT enhancements in the CLC sector.
Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS) – $3.68 million to bolster the capacity of the ALS to deliver services including family and criminal law and child protection to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in NSW. ALS will also receive ICT funding directly from the Commonwealth Government.


NSW has reached a major milestone in the fight against COVID-19, with more than one million tests carried out in NSW since January.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the people of NSW should be proud of this achievement and thanked the community for doing their part to help keep NSW COVID-safe.
“NSW has one of the highest COVID-19 testing rates in the world and reaching one million tests already is an incredible result,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“I want to thank everyone in NSW who has come forward and been tested. This needs to continue – if you have the mildest of symptoms it is so important you come forward and get tested.
“If you have already been tested and were negative but develop symptoms again, you need to come forward and get tested again.”
Health Minister Brad Hazzard said high testing numbers is critical to finding new cases and controlling the spread of COVID-19.

A total of 1,007,662 tests have been done since testing began, including 18,524 over the past 24 hours.
“NSW Health Pathology have been the quiet achievers during the pandemic, working incredibly hard behind the scenes, doing almost 60 per cent of these tests, averaging 7,500 a day,” Mr Hazzard said.
“They’ve also received around 290,000 registrations for their pioneering SMS Results Service that has halved the average waiting time for negative results.”
Mr Hazzard warned that the virus is likely circulating among people in the community with mild symptoms and the risk of outbreaks and a resurgence of cases remains.
“While this is a fantastic response from the community, we must keep up the fight against COVID-19 and not allow complacency to set in.”


New data shows cutting JobKeeper too early could have devastating consequences for workers, businesses and communities
Thousands of businesses and workers in each state, territory and local community are being held hostage by the Liberal and National Government’s decision to keep the JobKeeper review secret.
The impact of withdrawing JobKeeper too early in local communities can be seen on a new website  which highlights how damaging the Morrison Government’s plan to suddenly withdraw support for the economy in the last week of September will be.
To find how much damage will be done to any local area users simply type in their postcode to discover the scale of job losses and money lost to the community.
We already know that nearly 900,000 business across Australia and approximately 3.3 million workers could be at risk if JobKeeper is ripped away suddenly in September.
Credible economic institutions including the Reserve Bank have repeatedly highlighted the significant uncertainty Australian businesses and workers are facing, and the need for ongoing economic support as the virus outbreak continues.
Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg’s decision to keep the JobKeeper review secret is adding to uncertainty in the business community and is a handbrake on the recovery.
The recent virus outbreak in Victoria and the necessary new restrictions make it even more important that the Government clarifies the future of JobKeeper.
The Government must consider better targeting and tapering JobKeeper, but it can’t just turn off the tap when businesses and households are struggling with new restrictions.
If the Government continues to mismanage this recession it will be a jobless recovery, and nobody wants to see that.
Australians desperately need an effective, well-executed response to this crisis, and a plan to bolster the recovery and set Australia up for the future.

Tax cuts for the rich, austerity for the poor: PM & Labor embark on stupidest possible tax policy during an outbreak

Australian Greens Leader, Adam Bandt, has described the Morrison Government’s ideological determination to cut taxes for high income earners as ill-timed and irresponsible, and criticised Labor for backing the move.
The tax cuts would increase inequality in Australia:

  • The biggest beneficiaries of the proposed stage 2 tax cuts would be those earning over $120,000.
  • These cuts would give high income earners, including those with incomes over $1,000,000, an extra $2,430 per year.
  • Previous analysis from the The Australia Institute has shown that more than half (54%) of the Government’s Stage 2 & 3 income tax cut package flows to the top 20% of income earners

“What good is a tax cut if you don’t have a job?” Bandt said.
“Tax cuts mean less money in the public purse to invest in job-creating, nation-building projects, which is the pathway to recovery.
“Labor’s support for the Liberals’ tax cuts will turbo-charge inequality and slow the economic recovery.”
“The biggest beneificiaries of this move are higher income earners. Millionaires will benefit more from these tax cuts than low-income earners.”
“A tax cut for the rich isn’t going to re-open Melbourne restaurants, or resuscitate the arts sector. There’s no basis for it, other than the usual Liberal/Labor trickle-down ideology.
“Tax cuts won’t do anything to help the hundreds of thousands of Australians who have lost their jobs due to the epidemic. To float billions in tax cuts as the government pulls vital supports like childcare and JobKeeper is reckless in the extreme.
“Instead of cutting taxes for millionaires, the Government should stimulate the economy through investment in green infrastructure, rebooting Australian manufacturing and expanding JobKeeper to cover casuals, temporary visa holders and the higher education sector.
“It’s hard to believe, but even as 5 million Australians head back into lockdown, we’re seeing the Coalition push for massive, expensive tax cuts for millionaires and Labor backing them to the hilt. The Greens will fight for services and investment instead of tax cuts,” Bandt said.