Employment Growth in February 2020

The Morrison Government welcomes the ABS labour force figures released today exceeding market expectations in February 2020, with employment increasing by 26,700 over the month, to stand at a record high, of more than 13 million.
Over the year to February 2020, employment has risen by 256,300 (or 2.0 per cent), above the decade average growth rate, of 1.8 per cent.
Whilst these figures do not reflect the economic impact of the spread of COVID-19, it shows the strength of Australia’s economy going into the international crisis.
Full-time employment increased by 6,700 over the month, to a record high of 8,884,600 in February 2020, and is now 144,300 (or 1.7 per cent) higher than it was a year ago.
Full-time employment has comprised 56.3 per cent of total employment growth over the last year.
The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell by 0.2 percentage points over the month, to 5.1 per cent in February 2020.
The Minister for Employment, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, welcomed today’s positive figures noting that 1,538,400 jobs had been created since the Government came to office, an increase of 13.4 per cent.
The Minister cautioned, however, that COVID-19 is likely to have a substantial impact on global and domestic economic growth, as well as labour market activity, going forward.
“In order to help protect both the health and jobs of all Australians, the Morrison Government has moved quickly to put in place scalable and sustainable measures to help cushion the negative impact of the coronavirus,” she said.
“Last week, we announced the first step in the recovery with a $17.6 billion economic stimulus package to help boost investment and confidence, strengthen the economy, keep businesses operating and support Australian jobs.”
“We do not underestimate the significant challenges resulting from COVID-19 that lie ahead. This is why the Government stands ready to enact further measures to help strengthen the safety net, bolster the economy’s defences and protect Australian businesses and jobs.”
The Federal Government will continue to work collaboratively with the experts and our State and Territory counterparts, in order to respond decisively and effectively to the health and economic challenges that confront us during this pandemic

COVID-19 response from Disability Reform Council "appalling": Greens

Australian Greens disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has described the COAG Disability Reform Council’s (DRC) response to COVID-19 as appalling
Senator Steele-John has called on the DRC to act with more urgency, and provide more clarity about the impacts COVID-19 will have on disabled people, our families and our support networks.
“Yesterday’s meeting was an opportunity for the DRC to show that they are listening to the disability community and take urgent action. They’ve failed to do either; their response has been too slow and frankly, does not respond appropriately to the urgent needs of our community,” Steele-John said.
“What we needed from yesterday’s meeting was a comprehensive action plan to ensure that people in our community who are at risk have access to the right information and appropriate supports to get through this crisis. What we got was a list of so-called priorities that didn’t cover half all of our concerns or have a clear timeline for action.
“Critically, a dedicated hotline and a phone-based outreach program for people who are at risk must be established to provide support, carry out well-being checks and reassure the community that their needs will be met. The list of priorities identified by the DRC is also lacking in several key areas.
“Disabled people need a commitment that throughout the life of this crisis there will be equal access to healthcare for all and that all steps will be taken to ensure our hospital system is accessible and inclusive for all.
“It is not good enough to say that “appropriate consideration” will be given to disabled people as part of the health response; our community needs to know that people will get the healthcare they need, when they need it.
“There has been no mention of the need to develop a stand-by workforce to ensure that disabled people who need support can have certainity that they will be able to get it, even if their usual service provider is compromised.
“Access to increased funding for disabled people where needed to ensure that we can continue to access services and supports is critical, just as it is critical to support service providers.
“The outcomes of this meeting have failed to address the urgency of the issues disabled people face and the DRC must now act.”

Senator Steee-John said the Greens support the recommendations made by Australian peak disability organisations in response to the COAG Disability Reform Council, which can be found here.

COVID-19: Government must implement comprehensive action plan for disabled people

Australian Greens Disability spokesperson Senator Jordon Steele-John has called on the government to implement a comprehensive action plan to ensure that everyone in the community has access to the right information and the appropriate supports to get through the COVID-19 crisis.
“Many people across our communities, especially disabled people and others who are at risk, are feeling worried and uncertain about the impacts the COVID-19 crisis could have on them and the people they love,” Steele-John said.
“We need a better plan. Disabled people and their families, service providers and support workers have all been raising the alarm but the response has not been quick enough nor has it been accessible or inclusive.
“Disabled people who require daily support are worried that their services could simply be cut off if the crisis worsens.
“The government needs to urgently implement a comprehensive action plan that includes the following:

  • Ensure all COVID-19 test clinics are accessible and inclusive.
  • Ensure all hospitals have the accessibility equipment they need.
  • Create a dedicated advice hotline for disabled people and families.
  • Ensure all information about the crisis is shared in ways that are easy to understand and accessible for everyone (including the use of interpreters, Easy Read, and Language specific formats).
  • Give support workers priority access to personal protective equipment at no extra cost.
  • Increase the capacity of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission so that the commission has the resources it needs to make sure service providers are meeting their support obligations and implementing effective safety procedures.
  • Fastrack the National Disability Data Asset and utilise existing data to ensure that supports, funding, and equipment are delivered to high-risk areas.
  • Provide targeted financial support to the disability sector to make sure that service providers and other support services can continue to support people through the crisis.
  • Develop standby capacity that will allow rapid recruitment and expansion of the disability workforce sector by drawing on students of allied health including Occupational Therapists, physiotherapists and social workers.
  • Provide financial resources to disability services so they can rapidly scale up their operations to support people during the closures of schools, day services and other programs.
  • Ensure children with disability and their families have access to information and services to support them through the crisis.
  • Increasing capacity to process Working with Children and Police checks so a new workforce can be mobilised quickly.

Covid-19 Housing Crisis & Rental Stress Needs Emergency Measures: Greens

Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Australian Greens spokesperson for Housing is demanding emergency measures to support people to keep a roof over their heads during the COVID-19 pandemic. At this difficult time when there are even more workers in precarious work and others needing to take time off we must guarantee there will be no evictions and enough resources for crisis housing.
Emergency measures in housing are required to give people protection, security and stability during this public health crisis. Close to half (43%) of low-income households are already living under rental stress in Australia. This means many families and people are one paycheck away from being unable to pay their rent, facing eviction and potentially homelessness. Crisis housing services, many of which are overcrowded, are also struggling to cope without extra resources to offer isolation to people who may be symptomatic of the virus.
These measures should be implemented in addition to workers’ protection from layoffs, guaranteed sick leave and other pay protections.

  • Eviction moratorium – We must protect tenants from the threat of eviction by instituting a moratorium on all evictions. At the moment, a patchwork of State and Territory laws govern evictions with most allowing for eviction if the tenants are 14 days or more behind with their rent. This should be scrapped immediately.
  • Fund crisis housing – Crisis and transitional housing providers are struggling with no extra resources available during this health crisis to accommodate people who are sick or have to be isolated due to COVID-19. The Federal Government must increase homelessness funding under the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement to $500 million per year and release these funds immediately to States and Territories.
  • Freeze rents – A nationwide rent freeze with no increase in rent from the start of 2020 and for the duration of the health crisis. This should be followed by restricting rent increases for the duration of 2020, so there can be no price gouging after the crisis has passed. Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) should also be increased.

Australian Greens Housing Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, said:
“In the developing crisis, the government has a responsibility to ensure that no one ends up at risk of homelessness or further rental stress. We must take immediate steps to ensure that no one can be evicted.
“If you can’t pay rent, you should not be forced out onto the street. It’s that simple.
“Work is becoming even more precarious with millions of people unable to access sick leave. Self-isolation is putting many people out of the workforce.
“Urgent responses are required now. We must put a moratorium on all evictions, fund crisis housing, and institute a nationwide rent freeze. Now more than ever, people must be guaranteed a roof over their head and a safe and secure home. Everyone has the right to an affordable and permanent home.
“This will require governments to work together and implement these critical measures as a matter of urgency. The federal government should be leading from the front on this.
“The most vulnerable and marginalised in society stand to suffer most at this time. Emergency funding must be provided as people experiencing homelessness are at particular risk of being unable to socially distance or access the support they deserve.
“Housing in Australia is already completely messed up. We need unprecedented intervention in housing, and now it’s crucial that we act swiftly to deal with this emergency.”
Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP, said:
“Millions of people will go through financial stress over the coming months, and we fear that without increased rental assistance and a social safety net that looks after everyone, many people will be pushed to the brink.
“Landlords need to stop and consider their actions during this time of crisis. Eviction is traumatic and stressful at the best of times – but being forced onto the streets during a financial crisis would be a disaster.
“People who are struggling need to know they’ll be able to find new work with a roof over their head. During the coronavirus people may also need a place to self-isolate in, and a pantry to keep food in.
“The Government must step in and make it clear that anyone who is struggling financially won’t be kicked out of their home when they need it most. Only through an eviction moratorium can we give people stable and secure housing through this crisis, and the Federal Government must commit to this as soon as possible.
“An eviction moratorium will also reduce the burden on crisis housing services, who will no doubt see increased demand over the coming months.”

Greens call on Treasurer to support the not-for-profit and community sector

The Australian Greens have written to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, calling for a $2 billion investment in the not-for-profit and community sector as Australia faces the continuing health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
Senator Rachel Siewert, Greens spokesperson for Family, Ageing and Community Services said:
“If not-for-profits and community organisations are forced to close, disabled and vulnerable people will have nowhere to turn. It is critical that they are supported.
“These organisations are the backbone of our community. Childcare, disability, community and aged care services are at the front-line of Australia’s response to this crisis. They need funding certainty to continue to play their vital role.
“As Australia weathers the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, these organisations are more important than ever. The Treasurer needs to commit additional funding to keep them operating.”
Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens said:
“If the government wants to stimulate the economy and protect the wellbeing of some of the most vulnerable in our community, they should be investing in the not-for-profit and community sectors.
“Over 10% of the Australian workforce is employed by the not-for-profit and community sector. The government needs to protect this sector by investing at least $2 billion now.
“The Treasurer has made a commitment to stimulating the economy and keeping Australians in work. If he is serious about making this a reality he needs to use the next stimulus package to support the not-for-profit and community sector.”

Airline bailout must ensure fair deal for workers and taxpayers, say Greens

The Greens are calling on the Government to make sure that the security of the workforce of the major airlines is prioritised in the bailout, and to give taxpayers an equity stake in the airlines.

Greens transport spokesperson Senator Janet Rice said:

“These two major airlines have spent a fortune on share buy-backs to prop up shareholder value. They have paid out exorbitant CEO salaries and both companies have successfully minimised their tax over many years.”

“The first priority of the government should be the airlines keeping their workforce in place as we go through this crisis. Workers should not be the victims of cost-cutting in the bad times while shareholders and executives lived it up during the good times.

“If the Federal Government is going to bail out these airlines, it should be done by taking an equity stake, so that the community gets some return on their investment.”

“Keeping airlines afloat is obviously important for transport across our wide country. But this needs to be done in a way that ensures a fair outcome for workers and taxpayers, rather than another handout for corporate investors.”

“All public support should be conditional on the airlines guaranteeing current jobs with the same wages and conditions. We must do everything we can to protect the tens of thousands of employees of these two companies.”

Parliamentary Sitting Arrangements

Our Government is committed to ensuring that through this coronavirus crisis we protect not only Australians’ health, but secure their jobs and livelihoods.
We want to ensure Australia can bounce back strongly when this crisis has passed. That is why it is important that the Government’s economic stimulus measures pass the Parliament next week.
Following discussions with the Leader of the Opposition, we have agreed that it is critical that Parliament meet in order to provide this support to Australians as well as to consider other urgent legislation.
Given the current circumstances, this sitting week will be different. We need to be conscious of protecting parliamentarians and their communities.
The Parliament will meet only to consider the legislation that will enact the stimulus package and any other immediate business.
Further, the Government will arrange with the Opposition for both the House of Representatives and the Senate to minimise the requirement for members and senators to attend.
For the full days that the Parliament sits, there will be a Question Time on the basis that only the required Ministers, members and senators attend the chambers to reduce the number of members and senators in each chamber.
The arrangement that has been agreed to includes:

  • In the House of Representatives and the Senate, there will be pair arrangements between the Government and Opposition Whips. All crossbench and independent Members and Senators will be able to attend, should they want to. In the House there will be 30 pairs. In the Senate, arrangements will be finalised in consultation with the Opposition and the Senate crossbench in coming days.
  • Pairs will be determined in the normal ways, in particular considering parliamentarians’ welfare. If a parliamentarian is sick or self-isolating or consideration needs to be given to the welfare conditions of their communities, pairs will be made. Government and Opposition whips will also work to minimise the number of members and senators from remote areas or who have the longest travel requirements.
  • Members and senators should bring only essential staff with them for the sitting period following the advice of the Speaker and President issued yesterday.

These arrangements allow for Parliament to sit, giving the chambers quorums and to consider the urgent stimulus package and other immediate business.
Ahead of next week, the Government has been working to finalise drafts of relevant legislation. This will be finalised to allow sufficient time for the Opposition to be briefed on the measures, and to consider them prior to debate.
If the legislation is passed by the Senate unamended and does not require further consideration by the House, then the House and Senate will be adjourned after all necessary business is finalised.
The Government will provide updates on the arrangements for the Budget sitting period closer to the time, which will be informed by relevant advice.
It is important that our Parliament meet next week to consider these important matters. We are committed to providing the support to Australians that they need during this crisis.


The focus for the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments is the health and wellbeing of Australians and their livelihoods, ensuring that Australia is positioned to emerge strong and resilient from this global pandemic crisis.
Leaders met last night for the second National Cabinet meeting and agreed to further actions to protect the Australian community from the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).
General Population – Indoor Gatherings
As part of our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, the National Cabinet has accepted further restrictions on gatherings.
The National Cabinet has accepted the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) advice that non-essential indoor gatherings of greater than 100 people (including staff) will no longer be permitted from Wednesday 18 March 2020.

  • An indoor gathering refers to a gathering within a single enclosed area (i.e. an area, room or premises that is or are substantially enclosed by a roof and walls, regardless of whether the roof or walls or any part of them are permanent, temporary, open or closed).
  • This does not apply to essential activities such as public transportation facilities, medical and health care facilities, pharmacies, emergency service facilities, correctional facilities, youth justice centres or other places of custody, courts or tribunals, Parliaments, food markets, supermarkets and grocery stores, shopping centres, office buildings, factories, construction sites, and mining sites, where it is necessary for their normal operation (although other social distancing and hygiene practices may be required in these settings).

The states and territories will give further consideration to practical guidance and rules for non-essential indoor gatherings of fewer than 100 people (including staff) such as cinemas, theatres, restaurants/cafes, pubs, clubs, weddings and funerals. This will be considered at the next National Cabinet meeting on Friday 20 March 2020. In the meantime these venues should continue to apply social distancing and hygiene practices.

  • This includes being able to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres between patrons.
  • Hand hygiene products and suitable waste receptacles need to be available, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal.

This may require significant changes to the operation of some venues, such as reducing the maximum capacity or increasing the space available.
Settings like gyms, indoor fitness centres and swimming pools are not required to close at this time providing they meet these requirements for social distancing and hand hygiene. Such venues should take actions to ensure regular high standards of environmental cleaning take place.
General Population – Outdoor Gatherings
Outdoor events of fewer than 500 attendees may proceed. There are general measures that all events should follow, including:

  • In a given occupied space, there must be no more than one person per four square metres of ground space.
  • Availability of hand hygiene products and suitable waste receptacles, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal.

Food markets are exempt from the 500 person limit, however must undertake additional measures, such as control of patronage level numbers or stall density reduction to decrease the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
There may be other gatherings that are considered essential and it is at the discretion of the individual state and territory Chief Medical Officers or equivalent to assess each on their merits, and determine whether they can continue if mitigated by social distancing measures.
Domestic Transport
National Cabinet agreed that all Australians should only consider travelling when it is essential. If unwell, people must stay at home, unless seeking medical care.
National Cabinet agreed that public transport is essential and that AHPPC advice should apply in relation to public transport (trains, trams, buses, ferries), taxi and ride share vehicles and transport of vulnerable populations, with particular attention given to cleaning and hygiene.
National Cabinet agreed that domestic air travel is low risk. The issue of where people are travelling to and sensitive locations where travel should be restricted, will be developed with advice of states and territories.
The National Cabinet will further consider social distancing arrangements for domestic transport at its next meeting on Friday 20 March 2020.
In all cases, appropriate social distancing and hygiene practices should be applied.
Anzac Day
Anzac Day is an important commemoration where we demonstrate our respect and admiration for Anzacs past and present. But the way we commemorate Anzac Day this year will need to change.
The National Cabinet has agreed that Anzac Day ceremonies and events should be cancelled due to the high proportion of older Australians who attend such events and the increased risk posed to such individuals. A small streamed/filmed ceremony involving officials at a state level may be acceptable. There should be no marches.
All Australian-led international Anzac Day Services will be cancelled for 2020 given international travel restrictions and restrictions on public gatherings.
The Australian War Memorial will aim to conduct a national televised Dawn Service with no general public attendance.
State and Territory Governments and the RSLs will work together on local community arrangements to commemorate Anzac Day.
Recommendation on bulk purchase of supplies
The National Cabinet has strongly endorsed the AHPPC advice against the bulk purchase of foods, medicines and other goods.
We strongly discourage the panic purchase of food and other supplies. While some advice has been provided to have a small addition of long shelf life products in the case of illness there are a range of mechanisms in place to support people in self-isolation, including food and other deliveries. AHPPC notes that the risk of individual Australians being asked to quarantine in coming weeks is low, and encourages individuals to plan with friends and family in the event of the need to isolate. We recognise the importance of supply lines to remote communities.
Aged Care and Older Australians
As the transmission of COVID-19 increases rapidly, it is our priority to protect and support elderly and vulnerable Australians. Aged care is a critical sector that faces staffing challenges as existing staff are either subject to self-isolation requirements due to COVID-19 or are unable to attend work.
The National Cabinet has agreed to the recommendations by the AHPPC to enhanced arrangements to protect older Australians in Residential Aged Care Facilities and in the community
Restrictions on entry into aged care facilities
The following visitors and staff (including visiting workers) should not be permitted to enter the facility:

  • Those who have returned from overseas in the last 14 days;
  • Those who have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days;
  • Those with fever or symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath); and
  • Those who have not been vaccinated against influenza (after 1 May)

Aged care facilities should implement the following measures for restricting visits and visitors to reduce the risk of transmission to residents, including:

  • Limiting visits to a short duration;
  • Limiting visits to a maximum of two immediate social supports (family members, close friends) or professional service or advocacy at one time, per day;
  • Visits should be conducted in a resident’s room, outdoors, or in a specific area designated by the aged care facility, rather than communal areas where the risk of transmission to residents is greater;
  • No large group visits or gatherings, including social activities or entertainment, should be permitted at this time;
  • No school groups of any size should be allowed to visit aged care facilities.
  • Visitors should also be encouraged to practise social distancing practices where possible, including maintaining a distance of 1.5 metres.
  • Children aged 16 years or less must be permitted only by exception, as they are generally unable to comply with hygiene measures. Exemptions can be assessed on a case-by-case basis, for example, where the resident is in a palliative care scenario.
  • Measures such as phone or video calls must be accessible to all residents to enable more regular communication with family members. Family and friends should be encouraged to maintain contact with residents by phone and other social communication apps, as appropriate.

Managing illness in visitors and staff
Aged care facilities should advise all regular visitors and staff to be vigilant for illness and use hygiene measures including social distancing, and to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19, specifically fever and acute respiratory illness. They should be instructed to stay away when unwell, for their own and residents’ protection.
Given the high vulnerability of this particular group, aged care facilities should request that staff and visitors provide details on their current health status, particularly presentation of symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Screening for fever could also be considered upon entry.
These additional measures should be implemented in order to better protect residents and prompt individuals entering the aged care facility to consider their current state of health prior to entry. Both individuals and management need to take responsibility for the health of visitors and staff at facilities to protect our most vulnerable community members.
These are the recommendations of the AHPPC, individual facilities may choose to implement additional measures as they see fit for their circumstances.
Symptomatic staff
Staff should be made aware of early signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Any staff with fever or symptoms of acute respiratory infection (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath) should be excluded from the workplace and tested for COVID-19. Staff must report their symptoms to the aged care facility.
Further information is available at: https://www.health.gov.au/committees-and-groups/australian-health-protection-principal-committee-ahppc
The National Cabinet has accepted the advice of the AHPPC that schools should remain open at this time.
Specifically the National Cabinet has agreed that “pre-emptive closures are not proportionate or effective as a public health intervention to prevent community transmission of COVID-19 at this time.”
National Cabinet also noted AHPPC advice that “More than 70 countries around the world have implemented either nationwide or localised school closures, at different times in the evolution of the local COVID-19 epidemic, however it should be noted the majority of these have not been successful in controlling the outbreak. Some of these countries are now considering their position in relation to re-opening schools.”
Boarding schools
The National Cabinet noted that boarding schools are “at high risk of transmission” and encouraged boarding schools and parents to “consider the risks versus the benefits of a student remaining in boarding school”.
Universities and other higher education centres
The National Cabinet accepted the advice that university and higher education “should continue at this time” with risk mitigation measures, including working from home arrangements where effective. As with boarding schools, group student accommodation “presents a higher risk” that warrants consideration of “closing or reducing accommodation densities” if risk mitigation is not possible.
Community Sport
The National Cabinet accepted advice from the AHPPC that community sporting activities could continue with involvement from essential participants (players, coaches, match officials, staff and volunteers involved in operations, and parents and guardians of participants).
This advice follows ongoing consultation with sporting organisations which has resulted in guidelines being prepared for community sporting organisations. The guidelines provide relevant advice on change room access, physical contact, travel, and social distancing and hygiene practices.
Furthermore, it has been acknowledged that contact sports have a greater risk of transmission than other sports, and as such, should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All sporting codes should seek public health advice applicable to their codes, and take into account outdoor mass gathering issues.
Further work on Indigenous and NDIS Australia
Further work will be progressed by Friday 20 March 2020 and will include additional support for vulnerable Australians including indigenous communities and NDIS participants.
The Department of Social Services (DSS), National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) are working together in preparation to respond to COVID-19 and its impact on the NDIS.
Additional measures
Commonwealth emergency powers
The National Cabinet noted that Commonwealth, States and Territories were implementing emergency powers under respective legislation in order to be able to deal with the spread of COVID-19 as quickly and flexibly as possible.
The Governor-General has accepted the Commonwealth Government’s recommendation that he declare a “human biosecurity emergency” under the Biosecurity Act 2015 given the risks COVID-19 poses to human health and the need to control its spread in Australia.
That declaration would allow the Health Minister to issue targeted, legally enforceable directions and requirements to combat the virus.
The declaration was recommended by the Chief Medical Officer in his capacity as the Director of Human Biosecurity.
The first emergency requirement that will be made under the declaration is to formally prohibit international cruise ships from entering Australian ports for an initial 30 days, which provides additional legal support for the decision announced on Sunday 15 March 2020.
Additional Support for International Student Nurses
The Commonwealth Government will relax international student nurse visa work conditions to provide workforce continuity for aged care facilities, home care providers and other health care workers. This will allow international student nurses and other aged care workers to work more than the 40 hours a fortnight that they are currently. This measure will be examined on an ongoing basis. There are currently around 900 approved providers of residential aged care employers and around 1,000 approved providers of Home Care Packages. There are currently around 20,000 international student nurses studying in Australia.
Level 4 Travel restrictions – Do Not Travel
The National Security Committee of Cabinet has decided to raise the advice for all overseas travel to the highest level. Our advice to all Australians – regardless of your destination, age or health – is do not travel overseas at this time.
This our highest travel advice setting – Level 4 of 4.
The decision reflects the gravity of the international situation arising from the COVID-19 outbreak, the risks to health and the high likelihood of major travel disruptions.
We also now advise Australians who are overseas who wish to return to Australia, to do so as soon as possible by commercial means. Commercial options may quickly become limited.
Anyone arriving in Australia from overseas, including Australians citizens and permanent residents, will be required to self-isolate for 14 days from the date of arrival.
We have issued this advice for several reasons:

  • There may be a higher risk of contracting COVID-19 overseas.
  • Health care systems in some countries may come under strain and may not be as well-equipped as Australia’s or have the capacity to support foreigners.
  • Overseas travel has become complex and unpredictable. Many countries are introducing entry or movement restrictions. These are changing often and quickly, and your travel plans could be disrupted.

The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will do what it can to provide consular advice and assistance, but DFAT’s capacity to do so may be limited by local restrictions on movement, and the scale of the challenges posed by COVID-19. These challenges vary and the situation is changing rapidly.
Australians who cannot, or do not want to, return home should follow the advice of local authorities and minimise their risk of COVID-19 exposure by self-isolating.
Aviation Industry Support
The Commonwealth Government has announced an aviation package for the refunding and ongoing waiving of a range Government charges on the industry including aviation fuel excise, Airservices charges on domestic airline operations and domestic and regional aviation security charges.
These measures are in response to unprecedented and likely sustained period of falling international and domestic aviation demand related to the impact of COVID-19.
The total cost of the measures are estimated to be $715 million, with an upfront estimated benefit of $159 million to our airlines for reimbursement of applicable charges paid by domestic airlines since 1 February 2020.
The National Cabinet expressed their thanks to Australia’s world-class health professionals for their continued efforts in restricting the spread of the virus and saving lives.
Leaders also thanked all Australians for playing their part in following the health guidance and complying with the strong measures in place to respond to COVID-19.
Leaders called on the community to remain calm. While there have been some temporary, localised food and grocery distribution delays, there are sufficient stocks in Australia. Violent or anti-social behaviour would not be tolerated.
As a National Cabinet, we will continue to come together as a united team to ensure our collective response remains proactive and targeted, but we all have a responsibility to each other in protecting our community.
All Australians must continue to be vigilant and play their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect vulnerable members of our community, including the elderly.
The National Cabinet urged Australians to continue to adhere to the health guidance on hygiene and personal social distancing, including avoiding any non-essential travel. Leaders also acknowledged the many businesses that have stepped up and allowed staff to work from home where practical. These early actions are critical in delaying the peak of the outbreak and ensuring our health system response remains strong.
The Commonwealth Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy, provided the National Cabinet with an overview of the current situation in Australia and overseas. The National Cabinet noted the continued development of international responses. Australia, like many other nations, is seeing an increase in community transmission. We are one of the best prepared nations and we remain united, focussed and ready to respond to any sustained escalation.
The National Cabinet also considered the Chief Medical Officer’s advice on rates of community testing. More than 80,000 tests have already been undertaken in Australia. Further testing stocks have been secured and the Doherty Institute in Melbourne has developed an alternative testing process. This ensures Australia has a diverse range of tests and can protect supply of testing in the event there is a shortage in materials or components of some testing kits.
All Australians should continue to closely follow the expert medical advice – and ensure testing is only sought for COVID-19 where it meets the relevant clinical criteria. As we enter the colder months there may be a number of other viruses that enter our community, so there is a need to prioritise testing of people.
The National Cabinet noted that in order to protect older Australians and vulnerable communities in the weeks and months ahead, Australia may see even more restrictions put on social movements. We need all Australians to please look out for each other and to follow the medical advice.
The National Cabinet will be meeting again on Friday 20 March 2020 to discuss implementation arrangements for indoor gatherings and domestic transport.

Govt ignoring water laws shows Big Mining running Parliament

The Greens have welcomed court proceedings against the Morrison Government for failing to apply national water laws when it assessed Adani’s North Galilee Water Scheme project, a key part of the Carmichael coal mine.
“The water trigger was introduced to protect farmers, landholders and community members by making sure the impacts on water supplies are rigorously assessed,” Greens Senate Leader and spokesperson on mining, Senator Larissa Waters said today.
“But the government won’t be assessing Adani’s pipeline project, despite the project sucking out 12.5 billion litres of water per year.
“During drought and a climate emergency, that’s billions of litres of water removed without any proper environmental assessment.
“Once again, the interests of farmers and our environment are being ignored in favour of Liberal Party donors.
“The Morrison Government may as well end the charade and have the Prime Minister report directly to the mining industry.
“The Greens stand with the community to stop Adani and clean up politics so we can protect our water resources and take action on climate change,” she said.

Greens call on Government to include not-for-profit organisations in stimulus package

The Greens have called the Government’s failure to include not-for profits in the stimulus package reckless.
“Not-for-profit’s provide some of the most important services in our community including childcare, disability, community and aged care services and they can’t access the small business stimulus payments,” Senator Rachel Siewert said.
“I’m deeply concerned that we will see many of these services close their doors if they are not provided with assistance by the Government, these services will also suffer under the impacts of COVID-19 on our economy and community.
“What does this Government expect disabled and vulnerable people to do if the services they are relying on have to shut their doors because of the economic down turn?
“Why is it that the Government is willing to go above and beyond to protect jobs in mining and yet thousands of people employed by the not-for-profit sector are being hung out to dry.
“Once again the most vulnerable have been failed by this Government when they are most at risk.”