Adam Bandt opens the National Climate Emergency Summit

I want to acknowledge the traditional owners and elders past, present and emerging. I want to acknowledge that this is stolen land, that sovereignty was never ceded and that it’s time for treaties with our First Nations communities. Around the world, First Nations communities are at the front line of climate impacts and crucial to solving the climate emergency.

And I want to say welcome to those of you who are visiting my electorate of Melbourne.

I also want to acknowledge and thank our emergency services and community volunteers who have been working so hard to protect us in the past months as we faced the unprecedented coal-fuelled bushfire crisis.

And finally can I thank all of you.

If our global civilization can survive the environmental and climate emergency, the history books will record that on this day and in this place you came together to find a pathway to a safe climate.

And you will all be considered heroes.

I have just spent the last two weeks in Parliament.

It is hard to describe the level of continued denial and spin that is constantly on display in Canberra.

We have had people whose houses burned over the summer come to Canberra with what was left of their homes in wheelbarrows and buckets.

They have spoken powerfully and eloquently about the impacts of the climate emergency on their lives.

I was humbled to meet with some of them.

But for most of the Parliament it is like they were invisible.

It is like being in the twilight zone.

From Barnaby and his band of Nationals wanting to build coal fired power stations, to the Prime Minister’s contortions over climate and the bushfire crisis and the shameless deceptions as though everything is under control while their inaction is driving us to a 3 to 4-degree-warmer  world that will completely overrule our economy and society.

And unfortunately the Labor opposition persistently defends the continued role of coal in our economy both for energy and export and they have dropped their 2030 targets.

So it is good to be here among friends who accept the truth of the crisis and want, as Greta Thunberg says, to “listen to the scientists” and act accordingly.

As you may know last week I also became leader of the Australian Greens.

In my first media conference after becoming Greens Leader, I said we should refuse a future where children need to wear gas masks because their cities are full of smoke.

I also spoke about people I meet and talk to who are angry and anxious and desperately looking for leadership.

So now is the time to tell it like it is. Now is the time to face up to the reality of the powers we face if we are to save the planet and save the future.

We’re in a climate emergency because of politicians and power brokers trying to preserve a status quo that sees the coal, oil and gas barons get rich, and then funnel off a tiny bit of that wealth to political parties when they’re in power then give those politicians cushy jobs in their organisations when they leave office.

This is what has taken us past 1 degree of global warming, which has given us towering infernos, flooding, record heat waves, toxic air pollution and so much more.

The last time there was this much carbon dioxide in the air was at least 2.6 million years, before humans existed.

Back then, temperatures were more than 3C warmer, there were trees in Antarctica, and sea levels were 25 metres higher.

If we keep polluting at our current rate, we could be at 1,000 ppm by the end of the century. Last time that happened, dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Like them, we face an existential crisis brought on by a rapid shift in the climate system.

The warming-track of up to 4 degrees we are currently on is a world full of death, destruction and hopelessness.

It will be a world that may be capable of supporting only a billion people, perhaps less.

This is horrible to contemplate but it is real.

Even if there was a 1% chance of this occurring, the potential outcome is so bad we should mobilise the entire machinery of government and society towards avoiding this possibility.

When the Allies won World War 2 it wasn’t just because the US and other governments put their resources into winning it.

The war was won because the government, industry and communities worked together to meet an unprecedented threat. In 1942 America a spark plug factory started producing machine guns. A merry-go-round factory made gun mounts, a pinball machine plant made armor-piercing shells and a toy company started making compasses.

By working together, the government, industry and the American people met and triumphed over an existential, unprecedented threat.

Now we don’t need to militarise, we need to decarbonise, but fast forward 80 years to today and nothing like that is happening in Australia. We have some parts of industry, including people in this room who are starting to transform our energy sector. And the economics are in your favour, that we know. But we also have other parts of industry trying desperately to hold back this tide–and we have a government that is joining them.

We had the beginnings of something in the 2010 shared power government, where Greens, Labor and Independents teamed up to implement the Clean Energy Package, but later we became the first nation ever to rescind a carbon price.

I have an unwavering belief that nothing will stop the clean energy revolution.

Nothing will stop scientists and engineers from solving these problems.

We will get there eventually.

The problem is that we don’t have until eventually. We need to act super fast. If we only reach net-zero by 2050, 2060 or 2070, we will still confront disaster.

That is why the government and the whole of society must recognise we are in an emergency and take action at emergency speed, devoting all the resources we need to stop a threat that simply may become overwhelming.

Now I know there are some who get nervous when we talk about an emergency. They see it as reinforcing the potential for a suspension of rights.

But there’s also a way of thinking about emergency that is not about police and military, but about rescue.

Ambulances under lights and sirens take emergency action, and no-one thinks they’re taking away your rights.

Firefighters take emergency action and they do it to save life.

We all now need to be the firefighters of politics.

And over the next two years the Greens will continue to pursue a declaration of an environmental and climate emergency by the Australian Parliament.

Next fortnight I will introduce to the Commonwealth Parliament the Climate Emergency Declaration Bill.

The bill will declare a climate emergency, require every government department to be guided by the declaration and mandate the establishment of a what in the past was called a ‘war cabinet’ to guide the country through a rapid society- and economy-wide mobilisation to decarbonise the economy.

This bill reflects the scale of the crisis we face and represents the scale of action that is needed.

Winston Churchill was a flawed man and flawed Prime Minister, but in his greatest hours he reached across the aisle during WWII and formed a grand coalition, with the Labour party and others.

I know it seems incomprehensible that in today’s political context this could happen, but it’s what should happen and what we need to keep fighting for.

The time for appeasement is over.

It’s time for a Green New Deal.

A Green New Deal is a government-led plan of investment and action to build a clean economy and a caring society.

A plan where we can fight the climate crisis and fight inequality at the same time.

I want to create a manufacturing renaissance in this country.

I want to make Australia the renewable energy superpower where people bring their businesses from overseas for cheap, clean electricity as we urgently phase out coal.

Let’s export renewable energy while processing our minerals and making the things the world needs here in Australia, as Ross Garnaut proposes.

I want Australia to make things again and with a Green New Deal we can.

Over the coming months and years I will be traveling the country hosting town hall meetings, community gatherings and kitchen table conversations explaining how a Green New Deal can provide the hope and the action we need to solve the climate crisis.

Because just shouting ‘fire’ at someone doesn’t help them find the exit.

We need to provide a pathway to safety.

That’s what a Green New Deal, a plan for a whole of society mobilisation, provides.

By showing that emergency action on climate can make people’s lives better, protecting their lives and their children’s lives, we will mobilise a powerful movement that can change our country and help save the future.

Friends, our country is on fire and our planet is heading the same way.

We have no choice but to tell the truth about the crisis we face and what is needed.

The time for half measures is over. Because time is running out.

So please use the next two days together to generate the energy and ideas that will make our movement stronger and more powerful.

Good luck.

Thank you.

Adam Bandt

'Climate Trigger' laws introduced to Senate to stop making climate crisis worse

New laws that would require climate impacts and carbon emissions to be assessed before large-scale projects are given environmental approval have been introduced into the Senate today.
The ‘Climate Trigger’ Bill would ensure mining, drilling and large-scale land clearing projects would need to be assessed on whether they make climate change worse.
Greens Environment Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young who introduced the Bill said a federal climate trigger was long overdue.
“We know a lot needs to be done to reduce pollution and put Australia and the globe on a transition from fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy,” she said.
“While we work to reduce carbon emissions, we must stop making pollution worse.
“The PM and Energy Minister keep claiming Australia will meet its emissions targets ‘in a canter’, but the reality is this Government is burying its head in the sand by ignoring the clear link between burning fossil fuels, carbon emissions, and worsening climate change.
“We are in fact galloping towards environmental collapse and climate change is at the heart of it – the bushfires, the flooding rains, and other catastrophic weather events.
“There is no time to waste if we are going to prevent further global warming. Assessing the emissions of fossil fuel projects and tree-destroying developments is one of the easiest steps this Parliament could take to save the planet.”
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Climate Trigger) Bill 2020, Explanatory Memorandum and Second Reading speech can be found here.

NSW moratorium on floodplain harvesting must be reinstated

The NSW Government is again putting the Murray-Darling river system in jeopardy by lifting the moratorium on floodplain harvesting before water from recent rains has made it down the river, and they should urgently reinstate it, the Greens say.
“When parts of the Darling are still dry, it defies logic that corporate upstream irrigators would be permitted to pump water and harvest floodplains, preventing precious flows from making it downstream,” Greens Water Spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“There are towns still without drinking water, dry catchments and storages, and there are fish facing species collapse being pulled out of the river to save their DNA, yet corporate irrigators are being allowed to cash in on the recent rainfall.
“The River belongs to all of us. We cannot have upstream Basin states making decisions that only benefit them and their corporate mates, at the expense of everyone else who relies on a healthy river system.
“Just last week we had NSW Water Minister Melinda Pavey criticising Qld for allowing irrigators north of the border to access flows – it seems what’s good for the goose is good for the gander but only when it suits them.
“The moratorium on floodplain harvesting should be reinstated and if the states won’t do it themselves then the Federal Water Minister needs to.
“At a time when the river is on the verge of collapse, family farms, river communities and the environment need leadership in government, not another National Party fizzer doing the bidding of the big corporates.”

Welfare dependence in Australia continues to fall

The proportion of working-age Australians receiving welfare benefits has fallen to its lowest level in more than 30 years.
Department of Social Services analysis of recently released Australian Bureau of Statistics population data shows 13.5 per cent of the working-age population was receiving working-age income support payments at June 2019.
This is a drop from the previous year’s level of 14.3 per cent and marks a significant reduction over the past decade when in 2009 the proportion of working-age Australians relying on welfare was 17.2 per cent.
Minister for Families and Social Services Anne Ruston said these figures show that the Morrison Government’s plan to provide pathways from welfare to employment was working.
“We are focussed on growing the economy, getting more people into work, and delivering well-targeted social security funded through a strong budget,” Minister Ruston said.
“More than 1.5 million jobs have been created since the Coalition was elected. As more people find employment we are seeing a fall in the number of working-age Australians on welfare.”
In 2019-20 the Government is forecast to spend $180 billion on social security and welfare – about one in every three dollars of taxpayer money spent.
“The safety net our social security system provides is vital to support the most vulnerable among us is which is why it is crucial that the system remains sustainable,” Minister Ruston said.

We Don’t Need No Hanson Education Bill: Faruqi

Greens Education Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has responded to Senator Pauline Hanson’s announcement of “The Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children Bill” which, absurdly, would rewrite the curriculum to require teaching of climate denialism and dangerous conservative ideas of gender and sexuality.
Senator Faruqi said:
“Senator Hanson’s attempt to gag teachers and stuff the curriculum full of right-wing conspiracy theories would be laughable if it weren’t so terrifying.
“The curriculum should be based on evidence and expertise not Pauline Hanson’s latest bigoted thought bubble.
“There is no place for this kind of censorship of teachers in our democracy and our schools.
“This bill belongs nowhere but in the bin. Hanson’s spurious claims that human-caused climate change is ‘unsubstantiated’ and schools ‘teach gender fluidity and realignment to infants’ can go with it.
“It’s vital every child learns the realities of the climate crisis, the truth of Australia’s settler-colonial past and how to have respectful relationships in the context of a comprehensive sex education.
“Teachers, working with educational experts, do a great job supporting students, often working without the resources they need. They certainly don’t need One Nation’s meddling.”

Senate pressures Govt to bring on vote for Greens Federal ICAC

The Australian Senate has sent a message to the Morrison Government that it wants a federal corruption watchdog with teeth, voting for the Government to bring on the Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill in the House of Representatives for a vote in the February 2020 sittings.
The Greens bill passed the Senate in September 2019.
Greens leader in the Senate Larissa Waters said,  “The Senate has today sent a clear message that it won’t stand for the weak Government model for a Federal ICAC which is already long delayed and ineffective.
“It was very telling that it was only the Government Senators who voted against the House being compelled to bring on the Greens ICAC bill for a vote. They are plagued by integrity scandals and you’ve got to wonder if they have even more to hide.
“The Greens have been pushing for 10 years for a corruption watchdog and we urgently need action to restore community confidence following #SportsRorts and rolling integrity sagas.
“This is now a test for Prime Minister Scott Morrison – will he hear the strong message for the Senate and clean up this sideshow of scandals or continue to delay and whitewash his weak body which won’t stop corruption?
“It will also be the first indication of whether Llew O’Brien or the Nationals follow through on their threat and cross the floor to support integrity.
“Australians deserve to have their voice and values represented in parliament, a place intended to give voice to people, not the vested interests of big donors.”
Download a copy of the Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill here:
Senate Motion passed 33:29:
Senator Waters:
To move—
(1) That the Senate notes that:
(a) the Senate passed the Australian Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill 2018 (No. 2) on 9 September 2019 to establish a federal corruption watchdog with broad remit to investigate allegations of corruption and misconduct, and to ensure strong, independent oversight of the actions of parliamentarians; and
(b) public consultation on the Commonwealth Integrity Commission model proposed by the Government ended more than one year ago, but the Government has yet to introduce legislation to establish an integrity commission,
(2) That the Senate calls on the Federal Government to bring on the Australian Greens’ National Integrity Commission Bill 2019 in the House of Representatives for a vote in the February 2020 sittings.
(3) That this resolution be sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

With QLD Gov Support, Greens renew calls for National Horse Register

Greens Spokesperson for Animal Welfare, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has welcomed the Queensland Government’s support for a National Horse Register following the release of the independent inquiry into the management of retired racehorses.
Senator Faruqi’s 2019 Senate inquiry into establishing a National Horse Traceability Register called for the establishment of a national working group to work towards implementing a Register in December.
Senator Faruqi said:
“I welcome the Queensland Government’s support for a national horse register.
“Australians were outraged by the horrific slaughter of racehorses exposed by 730. We need to track horses throughout their lives so the industry has no more excuses for not ensuring every horse has a dignified retirement.
“The independent inquiry is right to identify this as a national problem that requires national leadership and solutions.
“That’s why I’m calling on the Minister Littleproud to work urgently to establish a register.
“I have long said that when animals and gambling mix, animals always suffer. At the end of the day, no racehorse should end up in a slaughterhouse. We need strong enforcement and strong animal welfare laws as well. The Greens have long advocated for an independent office for animal welfare which can do this.”

High Court ruling

The Greens welcome the High Court’s decision regarding the government’s ability to deport First Nations peoples.
“Trying to deport First Nations peoples whose country we stole is a fundamentally racist thing to do,” Greens Immigration and Citizenship spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.
“All First Nations peoples who are in Immigration detention should now be immediately released.”
“It is also time to rein in the authority of both the Immigration Minister and the Minister for Home Affairs so we don’t see these kinds of gross abuses of power.”
“This is a significant development for the rights of First Nations peoples.”
Australian Greens spokesperson on First Nations issues Senator Rachel Siewert said:
“It is deeply insulting and disrespectful that Mr Dutton thinks he can deport the Traditional Owners of this land.”
“This type of Government policy directly contradicts Closing the Gap objectives.”
“With the PM set to address the Parliament tomorrow on the Closing the Gap report I would suggest that that he use the opportunity to apologise for this racist approach.”

Government avoids vote on Greens ICAC bill

The Government has today used its numbers in the lower house to narrowly avoid voting on a motion to pass the Greens’ bill for a national corruption watchdog with teeth.
“Today the Prime Minister has once again dodged scrutiny and integrity by gagging and delaying a vote on whether to have a strong federal corruption watchdog,” said Greens Senate Leader and democracy spokesperson, Senator Larissa Waters.
“The Government did not even allow any debate on the motion, just gag and delay so they can continue the dodgy conduct of their Ministers without any independent body to hold them to account.
“The procedural games can’t conceal that this government is running away from integrity and transparency as fast as new corruption scandals emerge.
“The Prime Minister now has a reputation for ignoring corruption and conflicts of interest that the pub test says breach Ministerial Standards – and he’s now also the guy standing in the way of a corruption watchdog.
“It raises the serious question – what further immoral behaviour does the Prime Minister and his scandal-ridden ministers have to hide?
“The best antidote to corruption and conflicts of interest is sunlight.
“The Government reluctantly conceded a federal corruption watchdog was needed 16 months ago but there is still no draft legislation and everyone is sick of waiting while the snouts remain in the trough.
“People, the Senate and almost half the House of Representatives are calling for the Prime Minister to clean up the sideshow of scandals. He ignores them at his peril,” she said.
The vote on whether to vote on the motion to bring on and vote on a Greens ICAC bill was very close, dividing along party lines at 72:70. The Nationals and Llew O’Brien voted with the Government.

Greens ask Auditor General to investigate new sports rorts

The Greens have today written to the Auditor General asking for a full investigation of $150 million in sports funding channelled to Liberal-held marginal seats ahead of the election.
Greens Senator Leader Larissa Waters said, “This is yet another rorts scandal which has the Prime Minister’s fingerprints all over it.
“Memo to the Government – you can’t use public money to buy election outcomes! It’s called rorting and it’s a corruption of democracy.
“Australians are suffering a dual climate and inequality crisis, and they need a Government that’s helping the community, not itself.
“When will the rorts stop? The rorts will only stop when we have a federal corruption watchdog which applies to MPs.
“That’s why I’ll be moving next week to compel the Government to vote on my Senate-passed Greens ICAC bill in the House this month.”
Greens Sports spokesperson Senator Rice said, “The rorts just keep on coming. In light of reports of an additional $150m doled out before the election, today we have written to the Auditor-General to seek an audit of this scheme cooked up by Morrison’s government.
“Yesterday, the government voted down the Greens motions to fund those deserving clubs recommended for funding by Sport Australia who missed out. From reports today, turns out the Coalition is happy to spend extra money on sport, but only if it helps them buy and cheat their way back into power.
“Morrison and his mates have nothing but contempt for fairness and a level playing field.
“Today’s news shows exactly why we need the sports rorts senate inquiry, and I am eager to begin as Deputy Chair to investigate the full extent of the Coalition’s pork barrelling and hold this government to account.”