Statement from Senator Larissa Waters on Domestic Violence

The Greens absolutely do not support the statement made yesterday by Sherele Moody that firefighters are responsible for an increase in domestic violence during times of disaster.
Ms Moody is not affiliated with the Greens and does not speak for us. Yesterday’s press conference with Senator Waters was held to receive a petition regarding the Family Law Inquiry. Ms Moody chose to make comments regarding matters unrelated to the press conference without our prior knowledge.

New laws are a win for energy users

The Morrison Government’s new measures designed to deal with misconduct in the electricity sector and ensure Australian households, businesses and industries get a fair deal on energy has passed the Senate.
For too long, electricity retailers have in the words of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) “played a major role in poor outcomes for consumers”.
To address this, the ‘Big Stick’ legislation contains three new prohibitions designed to target specific misconduct in electricity retail, contract and wholesale markets.
The laws will ensure that electricity retailers pass on reductions in wholesale electricity prices to consumers and make it easier for smaller energy businesses and new entrants to compete with gentailers.
Where the ACCC identifies prohibited conduct through its ongoing electricity price monitoring inquiry, the new law makes available a graduated set of remedies and responses, including ACCC-issued public warning notices and infringement notices and court-ordered civil penalties.
For the most egregious breaches, the legislation makes available two additional significant remedies:

  • Treasurer-issued contracting orders that will require electricity companies to offer electricity financial contracts to third parties; and
  • Federal Court ordered divestiture orders relating to misconduct in the wholesale market.

These significant remedies are reserved as a last resort, where this would be proportionate and targeted to the conduct in question and, in the case of a divestiture order, where the order is considered to have a net public benefit. Importantly, these remedies are only available upon the recommendation of the ACCC, following a legislated process which provides the energy company with an opportunity to respond or remedy its conduct.
The new market manipulation laws will commence six months after Royal Assent, which will provide time for the ACCC to develop enforcement guidelines and for businesses to review their practices to ensure they are compliant. The legislation will sunset at 1 January 2026, following the conclusion of the ACCC’s inquiry into the National Electricity Market.
The measures in this legislation are part of the Government’s plan to deliver a fairer, more affordable and reliable energy system and a stronger economy for all Australians. This includes:

  • Introduction of the Government’s Default Market Offer ‘price safety net’ on 1 July, leading to reductions in both standing offers and high-priced market offers. Saving customers who were on the highest standing offers before 1 July, up to $664 in NSW, $481 in SA and $663 in South East Qld.
  • Reform of gas pipeline regulation led through the COAG Energy Council and extension of the ACCC gas inquiry to 2025.
  • Extension of the Consumer Data Right to energy, to make it easier for consumers to switch energy providers to get a better deal.
  • Progression of the Underwriting New Generation Investments program to improve competition and reduce wholesale prices.
  • Establishing a new $1 billion Grid Reliability Fund, to support Government investment in new energy generation, storage and transmission infrastructure.

Our plan is already delivering results with an unprecedented three consecutive quarters of price reductions according to the ABS.
The Bill will now return to House of Representatives for final passage.
View the energy policy blueprint here:

Morrison Must Wake From Climate Stupor On Bushfires: Faruqi

Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has spoken to the tragedy of bushfires in her state and the Prime Minister’s shameful silence on the the link between bushfires and the climate emergency. Senator Faruqi said:
“My heart goes out to the communities utterly devastated by the tragedy of losing their loved ones and their homes. It’s also horrendous to see hundreds of koalas dead and the bush destroyed.
“The mid-north coast of NSW is a place I know well. It was my home for many years. It’s where I lived and worked and where my children grew up. Friends from Port Macquarie, Taree and Johns River have been telling me of the raging fires. They were scared of the speed and extent of destruction. They thought the end of the world was coming.
“The community needs every bit of support and help the government can give them here and now. They must be supported to get through this disaster and to build resilience. Instead of budget cuts as the NSW Liberal National government has done over the years, our brave firies must have the resources they need to do their jobs in protecting communities and do it safely.
“Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his Deputy are putting communities in danger by not acting on the climate emergency. The PM remains shamefully silent on the link between the bushfires and the climate emergency, knowing full well the intensity and frequency of bushfires will only get worse if we don’t act immediately.
“If this doesn’t wake the PM up from his climate stupor, I’m not sure what will.  We need real action on the climate crisis and its consequences. The community deserve much better.”

“Oil Spill Risk” too big to give oil giant green light in the Great Australian Bight

Big oil copped another blow to their plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight today, with the government agency NOPSEMA, rejecting Norwegian company Equinor’s application requiring them to modify and resubmit their environment plan.

“The Norwegian oil giant should quit while it still can. There’s no safe way to drill in the Great Australian Bight, and South Australians, and Australians alike, will not give big oil a green light – not now, and not ever,” Senator for South Australia and Greens Environment Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“The company’s environment and safety plan has been rejected, after failing to deal with the risk of an oil spill, amongst other flaws. The environmental and economic risks are too high and there is no support in the community for turning our Bight into an oil field.

“Drilling for oil in the remote, rough seas of the Great Australian Bight will be a disaster. It cannot be done safely and no amount of amendments to an Environment Plan will ever see the precious marine and coastal environment protected.

“Equinor should can its plans now, just like BP and Chevron did before them.

“The overwhelming majority of South Australians oppose drilling in the Bight, along with the vast majority of Australians. Now the regulator has again rejected Equinor’s plan highlighting many issues including consultation, source control, oil spill risk and protection matters under the EPBC Act.

“What more will it take for Equinor to get the message its oil rigs and environment-wrecking project is not welcome here?

“The ecological and environmental significance of the Bight is priceless. Thousands of fishing and tourism jobs rely on it. It must be protected, with World Heritage listing, not exploited for more dangerous fossil fuels, especially in this climate crisis.”

Labor Statement on Queensland and New South Wales Bushfires

Labor extends our sincere sympathies to those who have lost loved ones and property, in the latest bushfires in Queensland and New South Wales.
The ferocity of these bushfires is unimaginable.
This morning’s news of lives lost is heartbreaking for the families and communities affected. Our thoughts are with the affected communities, and all those still in harm’s way.
We pay tribute to our incredible emergency personnel and volunteers for their brave efforts to protect their fellow Australians. You have the nation’s gratitude. We cannot thank you enough.
Clearly, the situation remains dangerous. To all who are in affected areas – please, listen to warnings. Stay safe.
Labor stands ready to work with the Government and affected communities in any way we can assist.

WA gas industry is a colossal, national climate bomb: Greens

The Australian Government’s push for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a low-emissions fossil fuel has been exposed with a new report finding no evidence LNG  is any ‘cleaner’ than coal.
The Conservation Council of Western Australia’s Clean State report states an international review of LNG infrastructure found the threat to the climate from LNG is ‘as large or larger than coal’ when levels of methane emissions are included.
Greens co-deputy leader and spokesperson on mining and resources, Senator Larissa Waters, said the expansion of the West Australian LNG industry was a massive climate bomb and the primary driver of recent national emissions growth.
“LNG is as much a ‘clean gas’ as tobacco is a ‘health product’, and the tactics of denial, influence and misinformation are disturbingly similar,” she said today.
“The Coalition is out spruiking LNG as a ‘clean gas’ when the evidence shows WA LNG facilities pump out more carbon pollution than the state’s oldest coal-fired power stations.
“The report released today tells us emissions from WA’s gas infrastructure have become Australia’s fastest-growing pollution source and places our Paris Agreement commitments at risk.
“It comes the days after an unprecedented statement from 11,000 scientists warning of “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” if the world does not take action including leaving fossil fuels in the ground.
“The Greens have also backed communities concerned about the risk from the gas industry with a bill since 2011 to allow landholders to say no to gas and to ban fracking.
“Despite the appalling lack of planning for the climate emergency, Australia is in the fortunate position of having abundant, low-cost renewable energy resources ready to power our economy and society.
“New large-scale renewable infrastructure is now ready to displace both coal and gas. Our economy is in the doldrums and nation-building projects in renewable energy can deliver the rapid de-carbonisation needed while creating new jobs, boosting regional economies and investing in coal-affected communities.
“Political donations are the major brake on a cleaner, renewable-powered future for Australia. We have the technology, the know-how and the majority of the community is ready for change,” Senator Waters said.

NSW and Queensland burn as Morrison fails to get climate crisis under control

Greens spokesperson for the climate crisis, Adam Bandt MP, has responded to the bushfires burning across NSW and QLD, saying Scott Morrison bears some responsibility and must apologise to the communities impacted.
“We’re deeply saddened by the loss of life and our hearts go out to all the families and communities impacted, as well as the firefighters tackling these terrifying scenes,” said Mr Bandt.
“But words and concern are not enough. Unless we lead a global effort to quit coal and cut pollution, apocalyptic scenes like these will not only continue but get worse in the years to come.
“Just this week former fire chiefs warned the PM on national television that the climate crisis was making catastrophic bushfire risk worse and that Australia was unprepared.
“Scott Morrison has not got the climate crisis under control.
“It isn’t even summer yet and already firefighters are running out of adjectives to describe these fires.
“Bushfire seasons are longer, the country is drier and fires are worse.
“Scott Morrison needs to apologise to the Australian people for putting their towns and lives at risk by making global warming worse.
“Let me be clear. I’m not saying the Prime Minister is directly responsible for the fires and the loss of life, but he has contributed to making it more likely that these kinds of tragedies will occur.”

WA gas industry is a colossal, national climate bomb: Greens

The Australian Government’s push for liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a low-emissions fossil fuel has been exposed with a new report finding no evidence LNG  is any ‘cleaner’ than coal.
The Conservation Council of Western Australia’s Clean State report states an international review of LNG infrastructure found the threat to the climate from LNG is ‘as large or larger than coal’ when levels of methane emissions are included.
Greens co-deputy leader and spokesperson on mining and resources, Senator Larissa Waters, said the expansion of the West Australian LNG industry was a massive climate bomb and the primary driver of recent national emissions growth.
“LNG is as much a ‘clean gas’ as tobacco is a ‘health product’, and the tactics of denial, influence and misinformation are disturbingly similar,” she said today.
“The Coalition is out spruiking LNG as a ‘clean gas’ when the evidence shows WA LNG facilities pump out more carbon pollution than the state’s oldest coal-fired power stations.
“The report released today tells us emissions from WA’s gas infrastructure have become Australia’s fastest-growing pollution source and places our Paris Agreement commitments at risk.
“It comes the days after an unprecedented statement from 11,000 scientists warning of “untold suffering due to the climate crisis” if the world does not take action including leaving fossil fuels in the ground.
“The Greens have also backed communities concerned about the risk from the gas industry with a bill since 2011 to allow landholders to say no to gas and to ban fracking.
“Despite the appalling lack of planning for the climate emergency, Australia is in the fortunate position of having abundant, low-cost renewable energy resources ready to power our economy and society.
“New large-scale renewable infrastructure is now ready to displace both coal and gas. Our economy is in the doldrums and nation-building projects in renewable energy can deliver the rapid de-carbonisation needed while creating new jobs, boosting regional economies and investing in coal-affected communities.
“Political donations are the major brake on a cleaner, renewable-powered future for Australia. We have the technology, the know-how and the majority of the community is ready for change,” Senator Waters said.

Liberals admit deceiving voters

The Greens have condemned the Liberals for trashing democracy and deceiving voters after the party’s acting Victorian director admitted in court today that signs written in Chinese at polling booths on election day were designed to look like official Australian Electoral Commission signage.
The signs were posted at 13 polling stations in Josh Frydenberg’s seat of Kooyong and at 29 polling booths in nearby Chisholm, which was won by Liberals candidate Gladys Liu.
Greens co-deputy leader Senator Larissa Waters said the Liberal official’s admission today was the latest in a long line of Liberal party moves aimed at weakening democracy and silencing the community from having its say.
“The Liberal Party has stooped to dirty tactics and tricks designed to hoodwink voters during elections because the community has noticed it no longer provides leadership or any real plan on critical issues such as climate change or housing affordability,” she said.
“This is not the type of democracy the community deserves, this is a circus led by a clown who holds everyday Australians, their aspirations and the issues that matter most to them in contempt.
“The Liberals have an unhealthy disrespect for transparency and accountability. It starts at the top with the Prime Minister failing to deal with Ministerial conflicts of interest and extends to allowing a revolving door between industry and government and allowing ‘cash for access’ meetings.
“This failure of integrity and culture of rampant self-interest is probably why the Prime Minister has not brought on a vote in the House of Representatives on my bill establishing a Federal corruption watchdog with teeth.
“The Liberals are governing in the best interest of their donors including the mining and gambling industries rather than delivering for our community, society or environment.
“Public trust in democracy will be further eroded by the revelations of election sign deception in court today. The Greens call for strong, urgent action to stamp out corruption, increase transparency and restore public trust in democracy,” Senator Waters said.

Greens refer Liberal election signs to AFP

The Greens have today referred the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party to the AFP over signs used at Victorian polling places during the federal election in May this year.

“The Liberals have admitted in the Federal Court this week that their signs were intended to convey the impression that they were from the Australian Electoral Commission,”  Greens Justice spokesperson Nick McKim said.
“This is a clear admission that they were trying to impersonate a Commonwealth body, which appears to be a crime under laws that the Liberals themselves introduced last year.”
“They have been exposed and it is time they were held to account.”
Greens Democracy spokesperson Larissa Waters said:

“If you’ve got to lie to the public to get votes, you don’t deserve to be in government. The AFP should investigate these frauds.”

“People want their democracy back and they deserve to be told the truth by those seeking their votes.”