$40 million to Fix the Cooee Crawl on Bass Highway

The Morrison Government will commit a further $40 million to improving road safety and traffic congestion on the Bass Highway between Cooee and Wynyard.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said people were sick of sitting in traffic and these local, practical measures would help people get home sooner and safer.
“By managing money and running a strong economy, we are able to invest record funding in road projects which improve the lives of so many Tasmanians in the North-West,” Mr Morrison said.
“We want to end the ‘Cooee Crawl’ by adding new overtaking lanes, upgrading key sections of the Bass Highway while ensuring the future safety of the Cam River Bridge.
“This funding will help North-West Tasmanians gets home sooner and safer.”
Deputy Prime Minister and Infrastructure Minister Michael McCormack said the Coalition Government had previously funded a $500,000 planning study in response to community concerns about increased travel time and crashes during peak times.
“The Bass Highway between Cooee and Wynyard serves as an important freight route carrying heavy vehicles to and from the Circular Head Municipality, the West Coast, the Port of Burnie and beyond,” Mr McCormack said.
“We will provide $40 million to fund improvements identified in the Study which bust the congestion being experienced by commuters and to guarantee the future safety of the Cam River Bridge.
“In partnership with the Hodgman Government we will implement these improvements to fix the ‘Cooee Crawl’ and deliver relief to motorists who have experienced the growth in congestion on the Highway.”
Tasmanian Infrastructure Minister Jeremy Rockliff has welcomed the Morrison Government’s new funding commitment.
“The Study provides a corridor strategy to deliver these much-needed improvements including better traffic signalisation, new overtaking lanes and junction and bridge upgrades to make the Highway safer and to reduce travel times,” Mr Rockliff said.
“Thanks to the Liberals’ strong economic management, we have seen development in our region and the expansion in the dairy, beef and other agricultural industries.
“This has also brought with it more heavy vehicles on the Highway and the Study has recognised the need for changes and upgrades, so this funding is vital to keep traffic moving.
“Our next step will be to fully brief the two key local councils, Burnie City and Waratah-Wynyard on the Report’s findings and to develop a program to work collaboratively with them to implement the corridor improvements.”
The $40 million investment in the Bass Highway is in addition to the $60 million investment that the Morrison Government has made to the stretch of highway between Wynyard and Marrawah.
In total, the Morrison Government has committed more than $110 million into the Bass Highway.

Local Contractors Securing Work at RAAF Base Edinburgh

To protect Australia and our national interests, the Morrison Government is building a stronger Defence Force by restoring Defence funding to 2 per cent of GDP by 2020-21 and investing over $200 billion in military capability over the decade. We have taken the important decision to ensure that planning and funding includes not only equipment such as aircraft or ships, but also enabling infrastructure such as runways, wharfs and ICT systems through an Integrated Investment Program (IIP).
Assistant Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon David Fawcett, and the Liberal Candidate for Spence, Kathleen Bourne, today visited key capability works being delivered at RAAF Base Edinburgh and were briefed on planned construction contained in the IIP.
RAAF Base Edinburgh is the centre of our nation’s flight test centre, military intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and electronic warfare capabilities, and is also the home of Army’s 1st Armoured Regiment and the 7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment.
“The Morrison Government is currently investing $448 million across ten major capital infrastructure projects in South Australia occurring in Cultana, Woomera, Port Wakefield, Adelaide and here in Edinburgh.
“Through the successful implementation of the Local Industry Capability Plan, the majority of sub-contract packages have been awarded to businesses within the local Adelaide metropolitan area.
“Today Kathleen and I have visited two key infrastructure projects being delivered here in Edinburgh.
“The AIR7000 Phase 2B Maritime Patrol Aircraft Replacement Facilities project being delivered by the Managing Contractor, Lendlease, due for completion in 2020, is seeing more than 83 per cent of the work amounting to $241.8 million of work being done by local contractors.
“Defence’s Explosive Ordnance Logistics Reform program being delivered by the Head Contractor, St Hilliers, again due for completion in 2020 and is seeing 97 per cent of the work amounting to upwards of $12 million being done by local contractors.
“The Morrison Government remains committed to the security of our nation and will further develop our key capabilities here at Edinburgh over the immediate future.
“The proposed AIR555 Phase 1 and AIR7000 Phase 1B projects aimed at enhancing our military intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and electronic warfare capabilities will see an investment of $517.7 million in new facilities at Edinburgh, Townsville and Tindal, with work being completed by 2024.
“The proposed Edinburgh Defence Precinct Mid Term Refresh project will see upwards of $99 million invested in ensuring that the Edinburgh Defence site meets the needs of our new military capabilities, with this work to be completed in early 2022.
“Importantly, through the Coalition’s successful implementation of the Local Industry Capability Plan initiative, founded on feedback from regional businesses, most of this construction work will be tendered for in a way that local companies can bid for and win work – thus delivering value for money and local benefit”, Minister Fawcett said.
Kathleen Bourne observed that “this is yet a further example of the Morrison Government’s demonstrated commitment to the security of our nation being undertaken in a manner that sees the benefits of such investment flowing through to our local businesses and communities, particularly here in Spence”.

Seniors Urged to Have Free Vaccinations to Reduce Deadly Flu Risk

Senior Australians are being urged to take up the free enhanced influenza vaccinations available through the Government-funded National Immunisation Program (NIP) as notification rates for the disease soar, compared with last year.
“This flu season has begun and we know older Australians are especially vulnerable,” said Minister for Senior Australians and Aged Care Ken Wyatt AM.
“In April, there were more than 13,400 confirmed cases of influenza, compared with the five-year average of 1,935 for the month.
“Of the 54 Australians who have died from influenza so far this year, 42 have been aged 65 and over.”
Senior Australians continue to experience a high burden of disease with 75 per cent of influenza-associated deaths in 2018 occurring in people aged 65 years and older.
“It is critical to be immunised against influenza, as the virus mutates year to year” said Minister Wyatt.
“To protect senior Australians, we are making 3.8 million doses of the enhanced vaccine recommended by medical experts for people over 65 years available which is enough for more than 90 per cent of the 65 and older age group.
“This vaccine is specifically targeted, offering the best protection for those aged over 65 years of age.”
Australians eligible for a free flu shot include those aged 65 years and over, all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and over, and people aged sixth months or older with certain medical conditions which put them at risk of severe influenza.
Pregnant women are also eligible for free flu vaccination which is safe to receive at any stage of pregnancy, to protect both mother and baby.
So far this year, more than 11.4 million doses of the seasonal influenza vaccines have been released for the Australian 2019 influenza season.
“Getting immunised against influenza is easy, through your doctor or local pharmacist,” Minister Wyatt said.
“Last year a record 11 million Australians got a flu shot and I hope everyone joins in and we reach another record this year.”
Through the National Immunisation Program, the Morrison Government provides vaccines at no cost to eligible Australians including children, adolescents, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, pregnant women, and people over 65 years – including those who are residents of aged care facilities – against 17 vaccine-preventable diseases.
In 2018, our Government invested $430 million in vaccines and activities which boost immunisation through the NIP.
A vaccination program to protect against meningococcal ACWY has been added from April 2019, through a $52 million investment from the Morrison Government.
For more information on influenza vaccination and other immunisation see the Department of Health website at: www.health.gov.au/immunisation


A Shorten Labor Government will deliver the single biggest federal investment in a public transport project in history, with a $15 billion, 15 year investment in Melbourne’s Suburban Rail Loop.
This election will be a choice between a united Shorten Labor Government which will build the essential transport infrastructure Melbourne needs, or more of the Liberals’ cuts and chaos.
We need real change, because more of the same isn’t good enough.
Premier Daniel Andrews announced the Suburban Rail Loop project last year. It will be a 90 kilometre rail ring around Melbourne’s suburbs, with 12 new underground stations connecting the city’s major train lines.
Suburban Rail Loop will be a game changer for Australia’s fastest-growing city. It means faster travel times and more jobs for Victorians.
It will allow passengers to move between Melbourne’s suburbs without the need to go via the central business district, making public transport much quicker and more convenient.
Planners expect the new network will attract 400,000 passengers a day and take 200,000 cars off Melbourne’s roads.
This investment will be delivered over 15 years. It includes the previously announced $5 billion investment in the Melbourne Airport Rail Link and is in addition to $300 million already allocated by Labor to support the development of the business case and progress planning work for the Suburban Rail Loop.
The new investment means that when construction is ready to go in 2022, a
Federal Labor Government will have the funds in the budget to help get it started.
Melbournians expect their Federal Government to support the Suburban Rail Loop. If you don’t back the Suburban Rail Loop, then you’re not backing Melbourne.
Only Labor will build Suburban Rail Loop – a Victorian Labor Government and a Federal Labor Government.
Federal Labor’s commitment to work with the Andrews Labor Government on the Suburban Rail Loop is part of our plan to increase investment in public transport around the nation.
This investment means the Andrews Government will have a real partner in Canberra, so they can get on with delivering the pipeline of transport infrastructure that Victoria needs.
Despite Victoria being home to one in four Australians, the Liberals and Nationals in Canberra have slashed the state’s share of the federal infrastructure budget to as low as seven per cent.
As Treasurer, Scott Morrison cut Victoria’s schools and hospitals, and as
Prime Minister he’s refusing to give Victorians their fair share of infrastructure funding.
Scott Morrison and the Liberals in Canberra are anti-public transport and
End the chaos. Vote for change. Vote for Labor.
Labor can pay for this commitment to the Suburban Rail Loop because we are closing unfair loopholes for multinationals and the top end of town.
Federal Labor’s investment in the Suburban Rail Loop is part of our infrastructure plan for Melbourne, which also includes:

  • $2 billion to help deliver the Metro Tunnel.
  • Building Victoria’s first fully separated high-speed busway from Doncaster Road to Hoddle Street as part of a $2 billion commitment to the North East Link project.
  • More than $1.5 billion to upgrade key roads across Melbourne’s northern and south eastern suburbs.
  • $475 million for public transport solutions to serve the needs of
    Monash University and employment precinct.
  • $225 million to fast-track the Frankston to Baxter Rail Upgrade.
  • Funding for Park and Ride commuter parking upgrades for railway stations across the Melbourne network.

Funding for this commitment has been included in Labor’s Fair Go Budget Plan, available at http://www.alp.org.au/labors_fiscal_plan


Only Labor will be in a position to improve aged care and adequately respond to the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
By contrast, the Liberals have still not answered what other programs and services they will cut to deliver their promise of at least $77 billion in tax cuts for very high income earners, and that’s before they make further cuts that would be needed to pay for any new aged care spending commitments.
We know the Liberals called the Royal Commission because they failed to drive reform across the aged care sector over the past six years:

  • There are 128,000 older Australians waiting for their approved level of home care package.
  • The Liberals cut almost $2 billion from residential aged care.
  • The Liberals sat on dozens of reports, reviews and inquiries about how to improve aged care but instead called a Royal Commission.

A Shorten Labor Government will work with the sector, including all unions, to improve aged care and respond to the Royal Commission’s recommendations once they are handed down.
To further improve the quality of care and support a future aged care workforce, an elected Shorten Labor Government will:

  • Immediately investigate interventions to ensure older Australians most at need are prioritised for home care.
  • Provide opportunities through TAFE so that up to 20,000 aged care workers can obtain or improve their qualifications.
  • Immediately speed up implementation of the Matter of Care workforce strategy to address inadequate staffing in aged care.
  • Ensure that for residential aged care facilities there is a registered nurse present, on site, 24 hours a day.
  • Publish the skill mix of the workforce employed at every residential aged care facility to ensure the appropriate skills mix of properly trained staff is present at all times.
  • Look at how best to improve access to home care packages and increasing staffing levels and skills.
  • Further address the number of GPs working in aged care to provide proper incentives for GPs to do home visits and provide services in residential aged care.

Consistent with Labor’s commitment to support Australians with dementia and their families and carers, a Shorten Labor Government will:

  • Make improving the care of Australians with dementia a national priority.
  • Remove the complexity of multiple interactions between the Department of Health and Ageing, Centrelink, aged care providers, and the broader health care system for Australians with dementia and their families.
  • Improve the training of aged care staff to improve the workforce’s understanding of dementia, including scholarships for nurses and carers to undertake specialist dementia care training.

Labor also recognises the unique requirements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and LGBTIQ communities, and will prioritise establishing programs that focus on improved support for these groups.


A Shorten Labor Government will invest $30 million towards the redevelopment of the WACA – Western Australia’s oldest and most iconic cricket ground.
This election will be a choice between a united Shorten Labor Government which will build the sporting infrastructure our community needs, or more of the Liberals’ cuts and chaos.
We need real change, because more of the same isn’t good enough.
Following the opening of Optus Stadium, the WACA Ground Improvement Project will allow for the ground to be reshaped as a 10,000 spectator capacity boutique stadium and a community-focussed sport and entertainment hub.
Federal Labor is making this commitment to both the Perth, and wider WA community, because we want to make sure that the WACA is future-proofed, fit-for-purpose, and able to be used by all levels of cricket, in addition to hosting broader sporting, entertainment and hospitality events.
The project includes a 10-lane indoor cricket facility, high performance and administration facilities, a community fitness facility, a new museum honouring the history of the ground and a piazza-style space that can be enjoyed by the community year-round.
Importantly, the project will deliver equitable facilities to accommodate the surging popularity of women’s cricket in Western Australia.
The state-of-the-art training facilities will be accessed by both grassroots community cricketers and professional players from the Western Warriors, Western Fury and Perth Scorchers.
“I want to ensure the future of the WACA for all Western Australians,” said Leader of the Opposition, Bill Shorten.
“My united Federal Labor team and I want real change for Western Australians at the election – and we want to make sure Perth and WA aren’t left behind by Canberra and Liberals,” said Mr Shorten.
Shadow Minister for Sport, Senator Don Farrell, said the redevelopment reinforces Labor’s commitment to sport in Western Australia.
“The WACA has been the scene of some great moments in Australian sporting history but the elite training facilities are outdated.
“Labor’s investment help ensure the WACA’s rich cricket history is preserved and that the iconic ground can serve the needs of cricket into the future, both as a dedicated first-class venue and a modern, year-round elite training facility,” Senator Farrell said.
Shadow Minister Anthony Albanese said the WACA was an Australian cricketing institution and was well-loved by generations of fans.
“This investment will ensure the WACA continues to be a part of Australian cricket along with the new multi-purpose stadium,” said Mr Albanese.
“The WACA holds a very special place in Western Australia’s heart and now has an exciting future as a community hub in East Perth, helping to activate the area, thanks to Federal Labor,” Patrick Gorman, Member for Perth, said.
Across Western Australia, the WACA drives participation to a community footprint of over 200,000 participants, 55 junior and senior cricket association, 447 junior and senior cricket clubs and over 4,000 volunteers across the state – all from its headquarters at the WACA Ground.
Labor is committed to supporting improved sporting facilities to give all Australians a fair go at sport, whether they dream of playing for Australian or just want to enjoy the health and social benefits of grassroots sport.
Our investments in projects like the WACA redevelopment help build capacity in our communities to meet the welcome growth in female sport participation, provide facilities for player development pathways and support more Australians to live active, healthy lifestyles.
Labor can invest in a fair go for all Australians because we’ve made the tough budget decisions to make multinationals pay their fair share of tax and we won’t give the big banks a tax cut.
If you want a fair go for all Australians – vote Labor.
Funding for this commitment has been included in Labor’s Fair Go Budget Plan, available at  http://www.alp.org.au/labors_fiscal_plan.


This election is a choice between a stable and united Labor team, focused on delivering a fair go for the Central Coast, or more of the same Liberal chaos and Liberal cuts.
We need real change, because more of the same isn’t good enough.
Labor’s Fair Go Plan for the Central Coast is about helping families with the pressure of their household budgets, getting workers’ wages up, making sure every child gets a great education and ensuring the best possible health care.
Labor’s plan includes:

  • Two years of preschool for every child: Labor will fund and extend the national preschool program for so it covers three and four year olds, which will benefit 8,000 three and four year olds on the Central Coast
  • Schools funding: Central Coast public schools will have an extra $40 million under Labor in the first three years from 2020
  • University places: Labor will end the Liberals’ cap on Commonwealth supported universities places, benefiting over 2,200 students on the Central Coast
  • Better universities: Labor’s $300 million University Future Fund will deliver important upgrades for the University of Newcastle, including $28 million for a new Gosford campus
  • TAFE: TAFE is the backbone of our vocational education system, but the Liberals have cut more than $3 billion from TAFE, and closed campuses. On the Central Coast Labor will
    • Invest $10 million at Gosford TAFE for student accommodation for at-risk young people
    • Invest $2 million at Wyong TAFE for health and community services equipment upgrades.

The Liberals have cut almost $10 million from hospitals on the Central Coast. Labor will reverse the cuts and invest in Central Coast hospitals, including:

  • Palliative care: $20 million for a new standalone public palliative care facility on the Central Coast
  • MRI licences: a Medicare-funded MRI licence to Wyong hospital for better access to life saving scans
  • Medicare Cancer Plan: $2.3 billion plan to dramatically slash out of pocket costs for cancer patients
  • A new metastatic cancer nurse on the Central Coast: specially trained to help cancer patients and their families through their often complex cancer journeys
  • Labor’s pensioner dental plan: 48,000 eligible older people on the Central Coast will be able to access $1,000 worth of dental services every two years

In their first budget, the Liberals cut grants to local government on the Central Coast. After six years of cuts and chaos, Labor will invest in:

  • Central Coast Roads Rescue Package: $60 million to target the maintenance backlog affecting Central Coast roads.
  • Duplication of the Pacific Highway: Labor will finish the task of improving safety and efficiency through this project.
  • Commuter parking: expand parking facilities, including at Woy Woy and Gosford.
  • Central Coast shared pathways: $15 million to improve access for cyclists and pedestrians on the Tuggerawong Pathway, Mannering Park Foreshore and Avoca Kincumber Loop.
  • High speed rail planning and corridor protection: $1 billion investment to begin securing the corridor required to build a High Speed Rail Link from Brisbane to Melbourne via Sydney and Canberra.

Labor is investing in new and growing industries to support jobs on the Central Coast, including:

  • Supporting small and medium manufacturing businesses through our $1 billion Advanced Manufacturing Fund.
  • Labor’s Australian Investment Guarantee.
  • Lowering energy prices for manufacturers through transforming Australia’s energy systems.

Labor will invest over $7 million in community projects on the Central Coast, including:

  • $900,000 towards a dementia inclusive park.
  • $500,000 to upgrade the Bateau Bay PCYC.
  • $2.5 million to upgrade Ettalong Foreshore.
  • $1.4 million to upgrade Lemon Grove Park to improve facilities for Woy Woy netball.
  • $1 million to improve facilities for the Terrigal Wamberal JRLFC.
  • $171,000 on a new drone rescue services for Surf Life Saving Clubs.
  • $100,000 towards the Copacabana Men’s Shed.

After six years of cuts and chaos from the Liberals, our united Labor team is ready to deliver a fair go for the Central Coast.
End the chaos. Vote for change. Vote for Labor.
Funding for these commitments have been included in Labor’s Fair Go Budget Plan, available at http://www.alp.org.au/labors_fiscal_plan

Helping Australians Buy Their First Home

First home buyers are set for a significant leg up with a new initiative from the Morrison Government to slash the size of a home loan deposit.
It can take nine to 10 years for an average household to save a deposit. We want to help Australians realise the goal of buying their first home by cutting years off the time it takes to save up.
Our plan for a stronger economy means we can help secure the future of tens of thousands of first home buyers.
Under our government, more than 110,000 Australians bought their first home in 2018 – the highest level in nine years, and the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme will offer even more support with up to $500 million in the form of equity through the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation to focus on improving housing affordability.
Getting into the housing market is a point of pride for Australians and a rite of passage. It requires hard work and even harder saving, but we want to make it that bit easier.
Complementing our First Home Super Saver Scheme, the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme will mean first home buyers won’t need to save for a full 20 per cent deposit, so Australians can get a loan and into the market faster. The Scheme will also help first home buyers save around $10,000 by not having to pay Lenders Mortgage Insurance.
The First Home Loan Deposit Scheme will be available to first home buyers who have been able to save for a deposit of at least 5 per cent.
While our First Home Super Saver Scheme has been about helping boost the savings of first home buyers and making buying a house more affordable, the new First Home Loan Deposit Scheme will help people achieve their goals years earlier.
We want to help make the dreams of first home buyers a reality.
The First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, which will start on 1 January next year, will be targeted towards first home buyers earning up to $125,000 annually or $200,000 for couples. The value of homes that can be purchased under the Scheme will be determined on a regional basis, reflecting the different property markets across Australia.
The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation will partner with private lenders to deliver the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, prioritising smaller lenders to boost competition.
We will also invest $25 million in the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation to establish the Scheme and develop the expertise to conduct comprehensive research into housing demand, supply and affordability in Australia. The outcome of that research will be key to ensuring owning your own home stays within the reach of most Australians.
As well as the new First Home Loan Deposit Scheme and First Home Super Saver Scheme, our government is taking a comprehensive approach to housing affordability by:

  • Investing $1 billion in local infrastructure to unlock new housing supply in partnership with local councils through the National Housing Infrastructure Facility.
  • Setting up the first affordable housing bond aggregator to drive efficiencies and cost savings in the provision of affordable housing by community housing providers.
  • Releasing suitable Commonwealth land, including defence land, for housing development.
  • Making it easier to get from home to school and work and back with our $100 billion investment in congestion-busting transport infrastructure putting more affordable housing options within reach for first home buyers.
  • Reducing barriers for older Australians to downsize to free up larger homes for families, which commenced on 1 July 2018.
  • Stopping foreign investors from getting a free ride on the Australian housing market, and making sure they are paying the tax they owe.
  • Investing over $7 billion in housing funding and homelessness services, with the National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) commencing on 1 July 2018 in partnership with the States and Territories.
  • Providing $4.5 billion in Commonwealth rent assistance annually.

Our plan to back first home buyers stands in stark contrast to Bill Shorten and the Labor Party who want to abolish the First Home Super Saver Scheme and jack up rents with their Housing Tax, making it more difficult for first home buyers to get into the market. If elected, Labor will pit first home buyers against their neighbours, friends and family who already own a home.
Labor’s devastating Housing Tax is a $32 billion tax grab that will hit all Australians. If you own your own home it will be worth less and if you rent you will pay more. Experts have estimated that Labor’s Housing tax would result in house prices falling by as much as 16 per cent and rents going up as much as 22 per cent.
The Morrison Government’s plan for a strong economy and records job growth will protect the value of your home and help first home buyers get into the market.


A Shorten Labor Government will make further upgrades to Cairns Hospital so it can provide more life-saving endoscopies and better services to patients about to undergo surgery.
Labor will invest $2.3 million to build a third procedure room in the hospital’s endoscopy unit to keep up with rising demand for these important services.
Without this investment, waiting lists will continue to grow and people will be denied the timely care they need.
Labor will also invest $1.9 million to build a new Multidisciplinary Pre-admission Clinic – so that patients about to undergo elective surgery have all the services they need in one location.
Pre-admission services are currently provided from multiple interim locations around the hospital, resulting in a disjointed and inefficient service for patients during what is a stressful time.
These investments build upon Labor’s $60 million commitment to build a dedicated training facility at Cairns Hospital, and our $15 million plan to redevelop the emergency department.
Cairns residents will also benefit from improved cancer care under Labor, with new metastatic and lung cancer nurses to be based in the city as part of our $2.3 billion Medicare Cancer Plan.
As treasurer, Scott Morrison cut from health and hospitals in every budget he delivered, including $7.2 million cut from the Cairns Hospital. Last month as Prime Minister he locked in those cuts.
Labor knows that you don’t improve our hospitals by cutting them. We need real change – because more of the same isn’t good enough.
If you want better hospitals not more cuts – vote Labor.
If you want a fair go for all Australians – vote Labor.


A Shorten Labor Government will invest $85 million to boost Australia’s creative industries – supporting more jobs and more investment across our growing creative economy.
This election will be a choice between a united Shorten Labor Government which will grow jobs in our creative industries, or more of the Liberals’ cuts and chaos.
Australia’s creative industries are world-class – but more investment is needed to ensure that local industries get the investment they need to compete on the rapidly changing world stage.
The creative economy includes services across music and performing arts; web and software design; gaming; film and broadcasting; publishing and visual arts; architecture and design.
Creative skills are the backbone of many fast-growing industries, and creative employment includes employment in the creative industries, as well as creative jobs embedded outside the creative industries in the wider economy.
As the trend to automation continues, the demand for creative skills is expected to increase, so understanding the role and influence of the creative industries will be critical to positioning Australia to benefit fully from new technologies and sources of growth.
That is why Labor will invest $85 million in Australia’s Creative Economy to support start-ups, small and medium sized businesses and attract international investment to create the skilled jobs of the future in Australia’s creative industries.
Labor’s investment will include new investments of:

  • $60 million into the ABC and SBS for Australian screen content.
  • $25 million to reinstate the Australian Interactive Games Fund.

After six years of Liberal cuts and policy inertia, only a Labor Government will advance Australia’s Creative Economy.
Our creative industries have huge potential to deliver significant economic, employment, creative, cultural and other benefits for Australia and the world.
But there are worrying signs that our local sectors are missing out on the global expansion in the creative industries, which are projected to grow exponentially.
The Liberals have undermined and stalled Australia’s progress as a Creative Economy at every turn.
Under the Liberals, we have a copper broadband network that costs more and does less, our policy and regulatory frameworks have fallen out of date and key programs and services have been cut, including the ABC, SBS, Screen Australia and the Australian Interactive Games Fund.
Labor is proud that Australia has one of the most sophisticated creative sectors in the world, but we can’t afford to rest on our laurels as investment stalls, exports fall, our talent moves offshore and our neighbours outpace us.
Australia is well placed to benefit from the development of this job-generating sector, and Labor is taking a strategic and hands-on approach to ensure we do.
Labor will:

  • Convene a Creative Economy Summit to gather the best ideas to boost and accelerate Australia’s creative economy.
  • Formulate a Creative Economy Strategy 2030 to harness and facilitate the cultural and industrial benefits of Australia’s creative skills.
  • Reform the policy and regulatory framework for media and communications.
  • Convene a Taskforce to modernise Australia’s screen content settings.
  • Invest $60 million into the ABC and SBS for Australian screen content.
  • Invest $25 million to reinstate the Australian Interactive Games Fund.
  • Progress First Nations Media 9 Calls for Action in partnership with the sector.

This builds upon and complements related Labor commitments, including:

  • $10 million to build a STEAM Innovations Centre.
  • $3 million to help establish a National Centre of AI Excellence.
  • $3 million for Augmented and Virtual Reality Equipment for Curtin University.

Over a decade ago, 1,000 Australians converged on Parliament House in Canberra to discuss ‘Towards a Creative Australia’ as part of Labor’s Australia 2020 Summit.
Now it’s time for Australia to look to 2030 and beyond and harness the transformations occurring in communications and the growth opportunities across our creative economy and the globe.
Only Labor has a Plan for Australia’s Creative Economy because we will make multinationals pay their fair share and close tax loopholes used by the top end of town.
End the cuts and chaos.  Vote for change.  Vote for Labor.
Funding for this commitment has been included in Labor’s Fair Go Budget Plan, available at http://www.alp.org.au/labors_fiscal_plan