$25 million for ageing SA Dog Fence

South Australia’s 100-year-old Dog Fence will receive a $25 million upgrade under a re-elected Morrison Coalition Government with joint funding from the South Australian Government and industry.
The $25 million will be made up of $10 million of Commonwealth funding if the Coalition is re-elected with a matching contribution from the Marshall Liberal Government and $5 million from industry.
Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey and South Australian Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone made the election commitment today to replace 1,600 kilometres of the ageing 2,150 kilometre-long South Australian Dog Fence.
Mr Ramsey said the Morrison Government’s commitment to renewing the fence was an absolute game changer for the state’s livestock industries.
“Investing in the Dog Fence is a multi-generational investment in our livestock industry,” said Mr Ramsey.
“The current fence is 100 years old and in desperate need of renewal and an upgrade will serve the industry well into the future.
“The election last year of the Marshall Government has provided a new era of co-operation between the Federal and State Governments.
“At last we have a government in South Australia as keen on investing in the regions as we are.
“Wild dogs have been tearing thousands of sheep to pieces in the areas to the south of the leaking fence.
“Increasingly the dogs are finding their way further and further south. Now is the time to act and I am pleased we are stepping up to do that job.
“Federally we will front-load the investment by making $1 million available now and the balance will be one of the first projects delivered from the $3.6bn Drought Future Fund, which kicks in on 1 July.
“The fund will provide $100 million a year to assist Australian farmers to prepare and deal with drought. This investment is just the first example of the benefits of this new fund.”
Mr Ramsey said he would also like to thank Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud for his strong support.
“Last October I invited the Minister to a meeting in Jamestown with a group of affected South Australian producers from across several areas of the state and he was quick to grasp the enormity of the problem and has been very supportive in my quest to get things moving on the renewal of the fence,” said Mr Ramsey.
Minister Whetstone said the South Australian Government is committed to partnering with the Morrison Government and industry to renew the state’s Dog Fence.
“The Marshall Liberal Government will provide $10 million towards the required works if $10 million of Commonwealth funding and $5 million of industry sector funding is secured,” said Minister Whetstone.
“The South Australian Government looks forward to working with both the Morrison Government and industry to finalise arrangements to renew this very important asset.
“It is the longest continuous fence in the world, and a crucial part of supporting and protecting the South Australian sheep industry.
“South Australia’s component of the 5,400 kilometre Dog Fence is approximately 2,150 kilometres, with approximately 1,600km being more than 100 years of age.
“The $25 million announcement today to replace 1,600 kilometres of ageing fencing will ensure its continued effectiveness and support pastoralists from the ongoing threat of wild dogs.”

Morrison Government's Plan to Support People with Disability

The Morrison Government is backing Australians with disability, their families and carers.
We understand that people with disability want to participate fully in the social and economic life of our community. We recognise that such participation is good for them, good for their families and good for the nation.
If people with disability want to work, we will support them to find and keep a job. Keeping the economy strong is vital. It is only by building a stronger economy that we can guarantee the essential services that people with disability, their families and carers rely on and deliver them the jobs they deserve.
The Morrison Government proudly supports the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which is transforming the lives of people with disability, their families and carers. It is important we get it right.
In the next term of a Morrison Government we must finalise the rollout of the NDIS and set it up for long term success. A re-elected Morrison Government will:

  • Continue to ensure the NDIS is fully funded by building a stronger economy and keeping the budget in the black.
  • Rollout new NDIS participant planning pathways – making sure people with disability have a single point of contact with the NDIS, and can choose to be on a longer NDIS plan of up to 3 years if their disability is stable.
  • Expand the NDIS community connectors program to support and assist hard to reach communities – including Indigenous Australians, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and ageing parents of children with disability – to navigate the NDIS and get the services they or their children need.
  • Introduce a new NDIS Participant Service Guarantee from 1 July 2020 – setting new standards for shorter timeframes for people with disability to get an NDIS plan and to have their plan reviewed, with a particular focus on children, and participants requiring specialist disability accommodation and assistive technology.

We recognise that the NDIS was never intended to be the only support provided to people with disability, their families or carers. A re-elected Morrison Government will:

  • Commit $45 million to develop a national disability information gateway, including a website and 1800 number, to assist all people with disability and their families to locate and access services in their communities.
  • Introduce a new 7 per cent employment target for people with disability across the Australian Public Service (APS) by 2025.
  • Provide $2 million to support people with autism to find and keep a job, including a $1.5 million national expansion of the successful Dandelion Program in partnership with DXC Technology.

We will be implementing these initiatives in close consultation with people with disability, their families, carers and supporters.


A Shorten Labor Government will ramp up support for the recreational fishing industry with a $55.5 million investment to renew ageing infrastructure, replenish native fish stocks in our rivers and create the first ever Prime Ministerial Roundtable on Recreational Fishing.
Around 3.4 million Australians engage in recreational fishing each year, directly contributing an estimated $1.8 billion to the economy and supporting around 90,000 Australian jobs.
Labor will provide a $45 million boost to improve recreational fishing infrastructure all across Australia. This new investment builds on our previously announced $10 million commitment.
We will focus on upgrading existing and building new boat ramps, pontoons and jetties to help improve safety and amenity for people launching their vessels.
Many existing boat ramps are in bad need of an upgrade – they are often single lane, resulting in long queues and often dangerous competition for spots on the launches.
Labor will invest $10 million into native fish breeding and stocking across Australia, replenishing 10 million native fish a year into Australia’s rivers.
We will work closely with similar state programs and in consultation with recreational fishing groups to determine which species and breeds should be priorities.
A further $500,000 grant will be provided to the Give Back to Habitat campaign to support on the ground efforts to protect and restore fish habitats. Recreational fishers are some of Australia’s most committed conservationists, and Labor wants to offer practical help.
In addition to this funding, a Shorten Labor Government will establish the first Prime Ministerial Roundtable on Recreational Fishing.
Industry leaders and recreational fishing groups will be invited to meet annually and discuss issues with the prime minister, and minister responsible for fisheries.
The annual roundtable will be held in regional Australia – for example North West Tasmania, the North Coast of New South Wales, or Central or North Queensland: areas in Australia where recreational fishing is a major pastime. For the first time, recreational fishing groups will be able to take issues directly to the prime minister.
A Shorten Labor Government will also:

  • Ensure the small pelagic fishery is protected from large-capacity factory freezer trawlers, preventing the use of super trawlers
  • Continue to support the national Recreational Fishing Council and give our recreational fishers a seat at the decision-making table

This election is a choice between Labor’s plan to invest in communities around Australia, or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.


Labor will establish a Renewable Energy Zone in North West Tasmania, and we will take the next steps in establishing Tasmania as the Battery of the Nation – bringing investment in renewable energy, related industries and new jobs for the West Coast of Tasmania.
Tasmania’s got all the potential not just to lead Australia in clean energy generation – but to lead the world. What the state needs is leadership to get it there – and only Labor has the vision to grow jobs, grow investment and cut energy bills.
Labor will support the next phase of the Marinus Link feasibility study with $56 million contribution. If the Marinus link stacks up, then Labor’s $5 billion Energy Security and Modernisation Fund will be available to help finance the project.
The initial feasibility study for the Marinus Link and Battery of the Nation project made clear that this Tasmanian energy vision only stacks up if Australia commits to a “High Emission Reduction Scenario”, which is consistent with Labor’s 50 per cent 2030 renewable commitment. The Liberals’ refusal to support a renewable energy future will sabotage not only Marinus link, but also the Battery of the Nation project and Tasmania’s renewable future.
A crucial part of Tasmania’s renewable future lies in taking advantage of the world-class renewable resources in Tasmania – not just hydro, but wind and others. That is why Labor will make North West Tasmania a Renewable Energy Zone.
Labor will also support the Renewable Future project, at the heart of supercharging Tasmania’s renewable industry. This includes:

  • The Whale Back Ridge Wind Farm (WWF) that will see a new large-scale wind farm of up to 500 turbines generating 1,500 MW of electricity to supply the Battery of the Nation project, hydrogen production for export, and the energy needs of Tasmania. This project will create 2,000 construction jobs, and 50 permanent jobs.
  • Tasmania West Coast Energy Park (WCEP) that will develop a large scale energy park incorporating, the Whale Back Ridge Wind, an industrial scale hydrogen production export facility, wave energy generation of up to 100 MW, battery storage of up to 100 MW, industrial scale greenhouse facilities for hydroponic organic food production, and a commercial scale solar farm to augment hydrogen production. This project will create 2,000 construction jobs, and 200 permanent jobs.
  • Tasmanian Renewable Energy Research and Development Centre (TREND) that will undertake research in renewable energy focused on wind, wave, pumped hydro, temperate solar, hydrogen, and transport and storage technologies. It will also involve education with Tasmanian primary and secondary student training sessions on renewable energy, options for advanced study at UTAS or TasTAFE level, residential skills training and upskilling with TasTAFE at diploma level, and tertiary study up to PhD level through UTAS. Further research, development and commercialisation of renewable technologies will occur in collaboration with CSIRO, UTAS, TasTAFE and industry. The centre will also partner with WWF and WCEP to facilitate educational and research and development outcomes. This project will create 500 construction jobs and 75 permanent jobs.

A Shorten Labor Government will provide $5 million to make the Renewable Future Project a reality. This will provide the necessary seed funding to produce the Masterplan for WWF, WCEF and TREND. It also includes initial seed funding for studies into wind, water, wave and environmental aspects of the project.
The Renewable Future project will help deliver stability to the national electricity grid and support Labor’s commitment to deliver 50 per cent renewables by 2030. It will also complement Labor’s commitment to develop a new hydrogen industry through our $1 billion Hydrogen Plan, to develop hydrogen for use in industry and transport, both here and abroad.
It will also create a world-class educational, research and development facility focussed on temperate climate renewable technology education, research, development and commercialisation, boosting Tasmania’s role in the energy transition underway.
This project is about supporting an energy transition, new industries and jobs, and skill and research development, but it will also provide a significant economic stimulus for the West Coast region that also broadens the economic base of Tasmania, in particular creating new opportunities for West Coast townships such as Zeehan and Rosebery. The project will deliver a total of 4,500 construction and 325 permanent jobs for the region.
Labor’s Energy Plan will secure a clean, affordable, renewable energy future and the new industries, jobs and skills that will deliver sustainable prosperity to Tasmania and the entire country.
Only Labor has a plan to invest in renewable energy, modernise the electricity system, and bring power prices and pollution down.
The Liberals have nothing but a record of increasing prices and pollution and baseless scare campaigns.
This election is a choice between Labor’s plan for increased investment in renewables, or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.


A Shorten Labor Government will help create up to 70,000 new jobs and support more young Australians train in the jobs for the future, with a $75 million Renewables Training Package – including support for 10,000 apprentices in the renewable and clean energy industries.
Renewable energy means more jobs, more investment, cheaper energy and lower pollution.
Labor’s commitment to 50 per cent renewables by 2030 will see up to 70,000 jobs created.
Australians already know the benefits of cheaper, cleaner renewable energy. The number of households with rooftop solar has grown from 7,000 in 2007 to more than two million today.
To support this renewables revolution, Labor will support 10,000 apprenticeships in renewable energy-related fields and will upgrade TAFE campuses around the country.
Labor will invest $45 million in 10,000 additional Apprentice Incentives for apprentices in the renewables industry. Employers will be able to access up to $8,000 take on an apprentice and apprentices will get $2,000 to assist with the costs of their education. This is part of Labor’s commitment to an additional 150,000 Apprentice Incentives.
These Apprentice Incentives will be available for apprentices working on renewable energy projects and for clean energy businesses. This includes wind and solar, battery manufacture and installation, pumped hydro and transmission.
Labor will also invest $30 million to upgrade TAFEs and train locals for the 70,000 jobs our renewable energy policies will help generate:

  • $20 million Renewable Industries TAFE Upgrades – to make sure apprentices and TAFE students have the opportunity to train on industry standard equipment, including batteries, solar panels, turbine and grid components. This will also support building, construction and design students to integrate renewables into their studies and make sure TAFE is at the forefront of renewables innovation and education.
  • $10 million in a Clean Energy Training Fund – to support industry partnerships for the training and upskilling of workers in clean energy industries, from solar and battery installers to energy management system professionals. Labor will work with TAFEs, RTOs, unions, and industry on the implementation of this fund.

There will be thousands of opportunities for apprentices and TAFE students because of Labor’s investment in Solar Schools, Household Battery Program, doubling of the CEFC’s capital, and commitment to delivering 50 per cent renewables by 2030.
Investment in renewable energy is good for Australian jobs and good for the Australian economy.
Scott Morrison and the Liberals are hopelessly divided on climate change – all they have are baseless scare campaigns and no plans to bring down power bills for Australian households and businesses.
The Liberals and Nationals have pushed up power prices and pollution by undermining investment in renewable energy and backing power privatisations – and their chaos and division means industry can’t adequately plan and invest in the future.
Only Labor will deliver real action on climate change and lower pollution, lower power prices and build a stronger economy.
This election is a choice between Labor’s plan for better investment in renewable energy and skills, TAFE and apprenticeships, or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.

Greens will move to declare ‘climate emergency’ in next Parliament following UK Parliament climate emergency declaration

Greens climate and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has welcomed the UK Parliament’s declaration of a climate and environment emergency. Mr Bandt said the Greens would seek to move and pass a similar motion as soon as possible in the new Parliament after the election.
“The UK Parliament has recognised the world is facing an existential climate crisis and that we all need to act urgently,” Mr Bandt said.
“I will seek to move a similar motion to the UK and have a state of climate emergency declared here as soon as the new Parliament returns after the election.
“It’s time to act as if our house is on fire, because it is.
“This election is a climate election and the Greens are the only party that supports emergency action. The Australian people have an opportunity to show their support for emergency action by voting Greens.”

Greens condemn violent racist vandalism

The Australian Greens condemn the vile racism behind vandalism of Greens SA Senate candidate Major Moogy Sumner’s election poster.
“This racism is not acceptable. We need First Australians in our Parliament and they need to be able to participate without these kinds of attacks,” Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“This does not represent South Australia. Moogy is a beloved and respected leader in our state. People on all sides of politics respect him, love him and I know wish him well for this election.
“I am so proud to have such a distinguished aboriginal elder standing shoulder to shoulder with me in this election campaign.
“Our Parliament and our state would be all the richer with Moogy Sumner in the Senate.”
Moogy Sumner, Ngarrindjeri elder, said:
“My face is well known in Adelaide. People know who I am and what I stand for,” he said.
“It is disappointing to see this crop up in our community, but it won’t stop me from standing up for what we believe in. Here I am, you’re not going to scare me away.”

New Projects to Get Queenslanders Home Sooner and Safer

The Morrison Government will fund thirteen new congestion-busting projects across South-East Queensland with a further $226.25 million funding boost.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the projects would help thousands of people living in South-East Queensland.
“People are sick of sitting in traffic and these local and practical measures will help people get home sooner and safer,” Mr Morrison said.
“By managing money and running a strong economy we are able to invest record funding in road and rail projects which improve the lives of so many Queenslanders.
“This funding will fix local traffic pinch points and bottlenecks that have the most impact on congestion, helping everyone get home sooner.”
Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge said these projects make it easier for people to get onto the train and easily accessible station carparks are critical to this.
“These three new commuter car parks will take up to 1,200 cars off the road,” Mr Tudge said.
“This entire package is a transport strategy that is smart and clear and will make a tangible effect.”
The projects include:

  • Commuter car parking at Beenleigh Station
  • Commuter car parking at Loganlea Station
  • Commuter car parking at Coomera Station
  • Upgrading the intersection at Oxley Drive and Brisbane Road, Arundel
  • Upgrade of High Road and Easterly Street between Sabre Street and Old Logan Village Road, Waterford
  • Upgrading the Henry Road-Dohles Rocks Road, Griffin
  • Upgrade the Klinger Road & Boardman Road intersection, Kippa-Ring
  • Upgrading Beams Road between Lacey Road to Handford Road, Bracken Ridge
  • Level crossing removal at Boundary Road, Coopers Plains
  • Upgrading Rochedale Road and Priestdale Rd intersection, Rochedale
  • Upgrading Beaudesert-Beenleigh Road between Milne St to Tallagandra Rd, Beenleigh
  • Upgrading Chambers Flat Road between Park Ridge Road to Derby Road, Park Ridge
  • Upgrading the Kenmore Roundabout at Moggill Road, Kenmore

The projects will bolster the significant investment across South-East Queensland that includes an additional $500 million for the M1 between Daisy Hill and the Logan Motorway.
It also includes the recently completed Gateway Upgrade North project from Nudgee to Bracken Ridge, which would not have been possible without a $861.8 million Coalition investment.
There has also been a $112 million investment for Stage 3a of the Gold Coast Light Rail project following $95 million for Stage 2.
In February the Morrison Government pledged to work with the State Government and local Councils to develop a City Deal for the region.
These commitments are all part of the Liberal National plan which is seeing $25 billion invested in road and rail projects across Queensland.
Investments across South East Queensland include:

  • M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Program – $1.775 billion, including:

o Gateway Merge – $115 million
o Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill – $500 million
o Daisy Hill to Logan Motorway – $500 million
o Mudgeeraba to Varsity Lakes – $110 million
o Varsity Lakes to Tugun – $500 million

  • Gateway Motorway – Bracken Ridge to Pine River – $800 million
  • Gateway Upgrade North – $861.8 billion
  • Brisbane Metro – $300 million
  • Gold Coast Light Rail Stages 2 and 3A – $207 million

Regional Queensland is also receiving significant investments to better connect the regions including:

  • Bruce Highway Upgrade Program – $10 billion, including:

o Pine River to Caloundra Corridor – $1.42 billion
o Cooroy to Curra Section D – $800 million
o Rockhampton Ring Road – $800 million
o Mackay Ring Road Stage 1 – $397.9

  • Toowoomba Second Range Crossing – $1.1 billion


More Support for Older Australians

The Morrison Government will continue to prioritise better support for older Australians by investing in a new targeted research centre, funding a new program to combat loneliness while ensuring the aged care workforce meets growing demand in the future.
$34 million will be provided to establish a new Aged Care Workforce Research Centre, which will examine new ways to deliver care for older Australians and training and education for aged care providers, drawing on the world’s best practice.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said older Australians deserve our support.
“Older Australians have built our country and they deserve our respect and support for the choices they want to make.
“This funding will deliver better support and care for older Australians, while ensuring we build the workforce to meet the demands of an aging population.
“As a nation we must continue to support our older Australians and I remain absolutely committed to doing more.
“A strong economy means we can make these important decisions and invest in the essential services Australians rely on – without higher taxes.”
For some older Australians, retirement brings new challenges and stresses and sometimes that can lead to social isolation and loneliness, with a third of all seniors living alone.
A re-elected Morrison Government will invest $10 million to develop a Seniors Connected Program to address the silent battle of loneliness that thousands of older Australians live with every day.
The program will work with local community groups, including schools and sporting clubs, as well as with grassroots organisations dedicated to supporting older Australians.
Funding will boost support for organisations like the Friends for Good phone service, which offers support services outside normal business hours and on weekends, while also expanding Village Hub projects across the country.
Today more than 1.3 million Australians access or use some form of aged care, with that number expected to grow to an estimated 3.5 million Australians by 2050. This will have a profound impact on the demand for skilled workers within the aged care sector.
A re-elected Morrison Government will prioritise the growth area of aged care with the goal of reaching 475,000 aged care workers in Australia by 2025, with significant growth projected in personal care workers, nurses, support staff and allied health professionals.
Aged care will be the first sector where a pilot program will be undertaken under the Morrison Government’s $41.7 million Skills Organisations package to support future jobs growth.
The Morrison Government will expand the Community Visitors Scheme which aims to improve the quality of life of residents of aged care homes and consumers of home care packages who are socially isolated or lonely and would benefit from a friendly visitor.
The Scheme helps to establish links between people living in aged care homes and their local community. It can act as a vehicle for intergenerational connection, providing young Australians with the opportunity to talk with and learn from older Australians.
Part of the Seniors Connected Program will encourage volunteering activity by Australia’s seniors. Many senior Australians choose to volunteer because they still have so much to contribute to the community. Volunteering offers connection and a sense of purpose.

New Medicines Listed on the PBS From Today

From today the Morrison Government will make available new medicines available on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) saving patients and their family’s up to $150,000 a year.
By keeping our economy strong the Morrison Government is listing all new medicines on the PBS following the advice of the medical experts.
These listings on the PBS change and improve lives. They reduce the burden of expensive medicines, saving patients and families money.
New medicines from 1 May 2019 include:

  • Bavencio® for metastatic merkel cell carcinoma (rare skin cancer), which would normally cost $150,000 per year for a course of treatment without subsidy
  • Besponsa® for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (blood cancer), which would normally cost $120,500 per course of treatment without subsidy
  • Ibrance® for advanced and metastatic breast cancer, which would normally cost $55,000 per year for a course of treatment without subsidy
  • Vimpat® for the treatment of intractable partial epileptic seizures for children aged four to 15 years, which would normally cost $4,700 per year without subsidy
  • Xeljanz® for the treatment of patients with psoriatic arthritis, which would normally cost $16,500 per year without subsidy

Patients will now be able to access these medicines for just $40.30 per script, or $6.50 with a concession card.
All were recommended by the independent medical experts at the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee.
Since 2013, the Morrison Government has listed over 2,000 new or amended items on the PBS. This represents an average of around 31 listings per month – or one each day – at an overall cost of around $10.6 billion.
We are listing all medicines on the PBS unlike the former Labor Government.
In 2011 when the current leader of the opposition Bill Shorten was Assistant Treasurer Labor took the unprecedented step of stopping the listing of new medicines on the PBS.
Labor’s 2011-12 Budget stated “given the current fiscal environment the listing of some medicines would be deferred until fiscal circumstances permit”. This included medicines for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, endometriosis chronic pain and IVF amongst others.
Our commitment to ensuring that Australians can access affordable medicines, when they need them, remains rock solid.