Hasluck Men's Sheds Benefit from $19.7 Million Men's Health Strategy

All five Men’s Sheds across Hasluck will benefit from the Morrison Government’s National Men’s Health Strategy 2020-2030 with more than $19 million to improve the health and wellbeing of Australian men and boys.
The Strategy supports continued and expanded funding to support the Men’s Shed movement, including:

  • An increase to $1 million per annum for grants to enable Sheds to apply for funding twice a year for health and wellbeing activities and events, shed improvements and tools and equipment
  • $1.5 million to fund regional coordinators in each state and territory to provide direct assistance in Men’s Sheds
  • $3.6 million to the Australian Men’s Shed Association to support Sheds at a national level
  • $2 million to equip every Men’s Shed in Australia with a portable defibrillator
  • $100,000 to establish a web based platform ‘Men’s Shed Exchange’, to encourage members to contribute ideas on attracting and retaining membership and how to stage regional events. Andrology Australia will host the portal.

On the whole, Australian men and boys enjoy long, healthy lives, with a current average life expectancy of more than 80 years, the eighth highest in the developed world.
Despite this, our men and boys face challenges in their health and wellbeing. They die earlier than women, and more often from diseases that can be prevented. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men live significantly shorter lives than other men
Overall, the National Men’s Heath Strategy lays out a clear blueprint for actions on the five priority health issues affecting men’s health:

  • sexual and reproductive health and conditions
  • mental health
  • chronic conditions
  • injuries and risk taking
  • healthy ageing.

Important health issues for men include infertility, coronary heart disease, prostate cancer, overweight and obesity, diabetes, bowel cancer, lung cancer, injuries, mental health and suicide.
Health and medical research is one of the four pillars of the Government’s Long-Term National Health Plan.
Tragically, deaths by suicide in Australia occur among males at a rate three times greater than that for females.
This is why we are providing $114.5 million for a trial of walk-in integrated Adult Community Mental Health Centres at eight locations nationally; and $11.5 million for the National Mental Health Workplace Initiative to assist businesses to create mentally health workplaces.
Our Government’s strong economic management ensures the continued record investment into vital health initiatives.
For more information on the Government’s investments in men’s health please visit: http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing….

Home for NSW Women's Sport

A new high-performance home for women’s sport in New South Wales will be delivered following a $15 million funding injection from the Liberal Nationals Government.
This investment in sports infrastructure will pave the way for the Sydney Swans entry into the AFLW and boost the facilities available for the successful NSW Swifts.
Our $15 million investment provides key funding required for the $55 million Sydney Swans HQ and Community Centre that will transform the iconic Royal Hall of Industries at Moore Park.
This will breathe new life into the precinct creating an elite and community sporting hub, education facilities, out-reach support and community engagement spaces.
The Royal Hall of Industries will be the new headquarters for the Sydney Swans men’s and women’s AFL teams, and will be home for one of the top netball teams, the NSW Swifts.
This will deliver dedicated facilities for the female Sydney Swans players, allowing the Swans to launch an AFLW team and expand the Swans Academy youth girls and boys program to more than 1,000 participants.
The Swans and Swifts will also expand their school and outreach programs, taking health and wellbeing education to more than 5,000 children annually.
We recognise that the success of our elite women’s sporting teams has an enormous impact on young Australians, inspiring them to get active, have fun and participate in sport – that’s why this investment is so important.
The development will also include an international standard netball court, which will be available for use by senior teams, junior development programs and open community access.
It will also provide state of the art facility access for community, cultural and charity organisations.
The GO Foundation, which creates opportunities for Indigenous youth through education, and Clontarf Foundation, which assists in the education and employment of Indigenous youth, will co-tenant for free.
The Sydney Swans together with GO and Clontarf, will launch the Indigenous Education, Employment and Mentoring Program, to deliver 10 full time and 50 per time jobs for participants over five years.
The Red Cross Blood Bank will also move-in, creating the Eastern Suburbs only permanent blood bank, which is expected to deliver up to 20,000 donations a year.
Importantly, the revitalisation of the precinct will deliver a new space for the whole community to enjoy.
Our Government can make investments that benefit and improve our communities, because our plan for stronger economy is working.

$5 million secured for redevelopment of Rosebud Hospital

The Morrison Government will invest $5 million into stage one of the redevelopment of Rosebud Hospital on the Mornington Peninsula as part of a comprehensive plan to improve local health and mental health.
Liberal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, said the funding would help revolutionise healthcare on the Mornington Peninsula.
“Residents and visitors alike to the Mornington Peninsula know how much of a community asset Rosebud Hospital is; and the Liberal National Government is delivering funding to assist in its redevelopment.
“An upgrade to the hospital is vital to meet the needs of our local community. The Southern Peninsula is home to an ageing population with limited public transport options. This makes it difficult for residents to travel to obtain the medical services they require.”
“This funding will allow the hospital to continue to function on site as they expand; and builds on our investment for a Regional Cancer and Rare Diseases Trial Hub at the Hospital.”
“The Liberal National Government is the only party at this Election with a comprehensive plan to improve health and Mental Health on the Mornington Peninsula.”
Peninsula Health with the Victorian Health and Human Services Building Authority are in the process of finalising a Master Plan for Rosebud Hospital on its current site.
The purpose of this master plan is to test this site to see if it could manage a hospital redevelopment that would meet the service plan needs for the community up to 2032.

Labor's Cruel Hoax on Unlimited Parent Visas

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs David Coleman said today that Labor’s announcement of unlimited parent visas showed a complete lack of regard for sensible immigration and population planning.
“The Government has introduced a sensible, economically responsible new visa that allows parents to come to Australia for up to 10 years,” Mr Coleman said.
“Open to 15,000 parents per year, it is designed to support migrant communities across Australia. In addition, the visa has been designed to protect the interest of Australian taxpayers. An extensive consultation process was held during 2016 and 2017 to design this new program.”
Mr Coleman said that under Labor’s proposal, an unlimited number of people could come to Australia for a continuous period up to 10 years.
“There are currently more than 97,000 people seeking various kinds of permanent parent visas to Australia,” Mr Coleman said. “These programs are carefully managed to ensure that the number of visas granted are sustainable for the Australian economy and population growth.
“Under Labor’s new visa, there is absolutely no limit to the number of people who can enter the country for up to 10 years. This is no way to run a sensible immigration program, or population policy.
“Today, Shadow Immigration Minister Shayne Neumann refused to say how many additional residents Labor will issue visas to under this scheme. Either they don’t know, or they won’t say. Bill Shorten must state how many additional residents Labor will be issuing visas to each year.
The Productivity Commission found in 2016 that large costs to taxpayers were incurred through the parent visa program. The Commission estimated that the cost to taxpayers of a permanent parent visa holder were between $335,000 and $410,000 per adult.
“Labor knows full well that this proposal would be completely unsustainable. It is trying to perpetrate a cruel hoax on migrant communities.
“Only the Morrison Government can be trusted to manage an orderly immigration program and sensibly plan for our future population.
“Labor’s announcement shows that they just don’t know the cost of anything and can’t be trusted to manage money. If you can’t manage money, then you can’t run the country. That’s why Labor is the Bill Australia cannot afford.”

Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Infrastructure

The Morrison Government will deliver new treatments and medicines for Australians through a $100 million boost for rural, regional and remote clinical trials across the country.
This funding would help put our researchers and doctors at the forefront of global research and give more patients more treatment options regardless of where they live.
Clinical trials open up a world of hope for patients.
The Liberal and National Government’s new initiative is also set to boost rural, regional and remote economies with direct industry investment in jobs and clinical trials supply chain services.
Australia has a reputation for excellence in clinical trial research, internationally recognised researchers and medical experts, quality infrastructure and high standards of health care. However access and participation in clinical trials is often limited for doctors and patients in rural, regional and remote areas of Australia.
This program will enable and complement the $614 million in funding announced in the 10 year Medical Research Future Fund Investment Plan. It also complements the $7 million in funding we’re delivering states and territories to support activities aimed at achieving national consistency of clinical trial systems.
The Liberal National Government would open a competitive grant round for expressions of interest on 1 October 2019 and close the round on 30 November 2019.
A peer review panel selected by Australian Medical Research Advisory Board and the National Health and Medical Research Council would then consider and rank proposals with successful participants to be announced by 31 March 2020 for commencement after 1 July 2020.
The funding will come from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) National Critical Infrastructure initiative and will be delivered over five years from 2020-21.
Today’s announcement builds on the Morrison Government’s $550 million Stronger Rural Health Strategy. This is the most comprehensive rural health package in decades and is improving access to doctors, nurses and other health care services for all Australians, especially those in the regions.
The Morrison Government has also outlined its ‘Plan for Strengthening Australia’s World Class Health System’, which will guarantee Medicare, deliver record bulk billing, an additional $31 billion for hospitals over the next five year agreement, $40 billion for new medicines and research backed by our $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund.
The Morrison Government’s ‘Plan for Strengthening Australia’s World Class Health System’ will ensure we continue to deliver:

  • Record funding for Medicare with $6 billion extra funding over the next four years, higher than every year under Labor
  • Record bulk billing rates with nine out of 10 visit to the doctor for free on average, higher than every year under Labor
  • Affordable access to all new medicines on the PBS recommended by the medical experts, with over 2,000 new and amended listings since 2013
  • $6 billion a year on cancer services
  • Record investment in public hospitals, higher than every year under Labor, with an additional $31 billion from 2020-21 to 2024-25
  • Guaranteeing private health insurance and making it simpler and more affordable
  • Recording funding for mental health with over $4.8 billion a year for vital services
  • The largest single investment in medical research through the $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund, including a $500 million Genomics Missions which has the potential find a cure for some of the most devastating conditions.

More information on ‘Our Plan for Strengthening Australia’s World Class Health System’ is available: https://www.liberal.org.au/our-plan-strengthening-australias-world-class-health-system

Strengthening Australia's World-Class Health System

The Morrison Government will invest $65 million to establish the first dedicated Cystic Fibrosis Specialist Unit, offering world-class care for those affected by the condition and new hope of finding a cure.
The Specialist Unit will provide treatment with state-of-the-art equipment, research and diagnostic facilities as a key part of the Westmead Health and Education Precinct in Sydney.
Cystic Fibrosis is the most common chronic, life-limiting genetic condition affecting young Australians today. Every four days a baby is born with the disease.
Fortunately, with advancements in treatment and medication, patients are living longer, which is why a specific adult centre is required. The number of adults with cystic fibrosis has increased by 1,000 in the past 15 years.
The Cystic Fibrosis unit will be co-located with the hospital’s respiratory unit and contain:
A 16-bed inpatient unit with single rooms, including four isolation rooms

  • Specialist research zone
  • New consultation rooms
  • New work spaces for clinical staff
  • An upgraded outpatient service including day stay rooms for procedures and outpatient physiotherapy and respiratory testing.

This latest investment follows the listing of two medications for Cystic Fibrosis on the PBS over the last two years. Orkambi® in 2018, that otherwise would cost patients $250,000 annually and Kalydeco® in 2017, which would cost patients $300,000 a year. These important medications now cost as little as $6.50 a script.
The Morrison Government’s ‘Plan for Strengthening Australia’s World Class Health System’ will guarantee Medicare, deliver record bulk billing, an additional $31 billion for hospitals over the next five year agreement, $40 billion for new medicines and research backed by our $20 billion Medical Research Future Fund. More information is available:https://www.liberal.org.au/our-plan-strengthening-…


A Shorten Labor Government will recognise the role of all Australian veterans, investing $118 million to honour their service and support their families.
This funding is an investment in local pride and national identity.
It’s about honouring Australia’s oldest promise, that at the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
Labor’s investment will mean that all veterans – no matter the conflict they served in – receive the same funeral benefits as their peers. For some, this will mean an additional $10,000 in support for their families at one of the toughest times of their lives.
Labor will also give local communities the chance to update their memorials to recognise all veterans – including those who fought in the Vietnam and Korean wars, and those who fought in more recent conflicts.
This is about ensuring all our veterans are rightly honoured.
Labor’s package includes:
Respecting our veterans with more support:
Labor will address inequity in the treatment of our veterans in payment for funeral expenses – ensuing the families of our veterans are better supported.
We will assist more than 84,000 veterans by increasing the amount they receive for funeral expenses by more than $10,000 – an overall investment of $90.4 million.
Currently, those veterans who access support through the Veterans’ Entitlement Act (VEA) are entitled to a maximum of $2,000 to assist in funeral costs, often leaving families with the burden of out of pockets costs.
A Shorten Labor Government will increase this amount to $12,053.62 for these VEA veterans, who are mostly our Second World War, Korea and Vietnam era veterans – this is the same level that veterans’ access under the modern Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act (MRCA).
Upgrading community memorials to recognise all veterans:
Labor’s commitment to recognising all our servicemen and women will be cemented through the establishment of a $20 million Their Enduring Legacy grants program.
Labor will ensure memorials throughout Australia are upgraded to reflect all Australians who have fought in wars.
Memorials play an important role in recognising our servicemen and women.
Many local memorials acknowledge the sacrifices made by our First and Second World War veterans. Labor will ensure that local memorials will be upgraded, and also better commemorate those men and women who served in Korea, Vietnam and more recent conflicts, who are often not recognised at these memorials. Labor’s fund will address this.
Investing in the Kokoda Trail:
A Shorten Labor Government will honour our Second World War soldiers who trekked the Kokoda Trail through a Joint Master Plan to acknowledge the importance of Kokoda in Australia’s military history.
Labor’s Joint Master Plan will bring together various departments in Australia and Papua New Guinea to develop a plan that recognises the environmental, cultural and wartime significance of the Kokoda Trail.
Our Joint Master Plan will complement the Kokoda Initiative, which was first signed in 2008 and is scheduled to conclude in June 2020.
This $2 million investment from Labor is a nod to those who fought through in the jungle on the Kokoda Trail, recognising the environmental, cultural and wartime significance of the site, conserving it into the future.
More support for veteran carers:
A Shorten Labor Government will support the carers of our veterans to ensure they can continue to give our veterans high quality support and care.
Carers are the first line of support to our veterans and are often partners or family members.
Labor will provide funding for carer retreats to assist those who struggle with social isolation and provide greater emotional support to those who are looking after our veterans.
Retreats enable partners and carers to have a break from their responsibilities, spend time with others in similar circumstances and receive greater support.
This $1 million a year commitment from Labor provides greater support for our veterans through their families and carers.
Expanded therapy support:
Labor will expand mental health support to our veterans, with greater access to complementary treatment programs.
A Shorten Labor Government will expand veterans’ access to mental health treatment through the development of an art therapy program.
Labor understands it is not a case of one size fits all when it comes to treating mental health.
This is a $2 million investment from Labor to expand mental health treatment for our veterans.
Labor will save the Department of Veterans’ Affairs:
A Shorten Labor Government will not dismantle the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. We call on Scott Morrison to guarantee the same.
Labor has a clear position: we will not dismantle DVA.
Abolition of the department was a recommendation of the draft Productivity Commission report, which the Liberals commissioned.
In stark contrast, Scott Morrison and the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs have not given the same guarantee, leaving more than 280,000 veterans and clients of DVA in limbo.
Labor will boost research into veterans’ mental health:
A Shorten Labor Government will boost research into veterans’ mental health, to provide greater understanding of the mental, physical and social health of current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force.
If we can better understand the wellbeing of our current and ex-serving members, we can better understand how support them.
Labor will provide $4.47 million to Phoenix Australia to continue valuable research on veterans’ mental health.
This suite of policies from Labor is on top of our $121 million comprehensive Veterans’ Employment Policy, $1 million to a Veterans’ Recovery Centre in the Ipswich and Somerset Region, $4.9 million for the Scott Palmer Service and Veterans’ Support Hub in the Northern Territory,$4.1 million towards Oasis Townsville, the Western Front Fellowship and a $2 million Family Engagement and Support Strategy.
One of the most important and urgent ways we can give weight and meaning to Lest We Forget is to ensure our veterans and their families receive the support and respect they deserve.
Labor is proud to deliver this significant investment to better support our veterans and their families.


A Shorten Labor Government will drive economic growth and job creation in regional Australia with a comprehensive Regional Tourism Plan that will deliver more jobs, better attractions, better airports and smarter marketing for this critical industry.
The strategy will include $95 million in grants to improve infrastructure around existing tourism attractions, $30 million to expand the range of tourism experiences in individual regions and $25 million for Tourism Australia to get more international visitors to Australia and showcase our beautiful country to domestic tourists.
In addition, a Shorten Labor Government will invest $100 million to help local councils maintain and grow regional airports – ensuring they can operate safely and connect more Australians with the regions.
Tourism is a significant industry – it is at the heart of our regions and provides a significant boost to economies around the country.
Regional tourism provides more than half a million jobs in related industries, with 43 cents in every tourism dollar spent in regional Australia.
However over six years of cuts and chaos, the Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison Government has failed to support growth of this critical sector, refusing to invest in domestic tourism marketing or to adequately support the industry in its attempts to improve the tourism offering.
Labor’s Regional Tourism plan, the result of extensive consultation with industry, local communities and local government, will bring a new focus to regional tourism. It includes:
Building up existing tourism offerings:

  • Investing $40 million to improve infrastructure around existing regional tourism attractions to build upon their success and improve the experience of visitors
    • Projects will be delivered in partnership with local and state governments or industry.
    • Labor’s investment will include support for Rottnest Island in Western Australia, Freycinet National Park in Tasmania and Sovereign Hill in Victoria.
    • In addition, there will be a further $55 million for infrastructure and facilities upgrades at other world-renowned tourism destinations, which brings this total package to $95 million.

Creating new tourism in our regions:

  • Investing $30 million to unlock new tourism opportunities so individual regions can offer a broader range of experiences to visitors
    • Eligible projects could include feasibility or concept studies such as First Nations cultural experiences, agri-tourism, eco-tourism, new infrastructure or upgrades to existing infrastructure.
    • The fund could also be accessed to improve accessibility at tourism sites which could include disability toilets, improvements to pathways at lookouts for wheelchair access, charging infrastructure for mobility scooters and safety improvements to railings and signage.
    • These projects will also be delivered in partnership with state and local governments or industry.

Attracting new visitors at home and abroad:

  • Boosting the Tourism Australia Budget by $25 million so it can
    • Promote domestic tourism on top of its existing role of international marketing to encourage more Australians to holiday at home.
    • Increase its capacity to work with airports, airlines and governments to facilitate additional joint marketing activities with the aim of encouraging international airlines to put on additional flights and develop new routes.

Supporting regional aviation:

  • Creating of a $100 million fund to improve and grow the nation’s regional airports
    • Councils report a significant backlog in aviation in airport maintenance and would access this grant fund to clear the backlog with projects funded on a dollar-for-dollar basis.
    • Better maintenance of regional airports will not only improve the tourist experience, but more importantly, allow ensure that airports maintain the highest possible levels of safety.

Australia’s tourism offerings are among the best in the world.
However, retaining Australia’s competitive advantage as a tourist destination requires investment in high- quality, accessible infrastructure, particularly in regional areas.
This makes a significant difference to the local economies of regional and rural towns across the nation.
Labor’s investment in regional tourism will grow the number of international and domestic visitors to regional Australia, supporting local businesses and growing local jobs.
This election is a choice between Labor’s plan for better investment in regional tourism, or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.


A Shorten Labor Government will restore funding back to the Great Barrier Reef, ensuring all public money is returned to public agencies after unprecedented action from the Liberals resulted in a $444 million grant being handed out in a dodgy backroom deal.
Labor will terminate this dodgy grant agreement, under which $444 million has been given to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation to distribute, and return the balance of the funding to our public agencies, ensuring every dollar is spent on the conservation of our reef.
The Reef supports 64,000 jobs and unique marine life – Australia has a responsibility to ensure the Reef survives and thrives, and we will start this job by ensuring Reef protection is the work of our public agencies and science experts. Labor opposes outsourcing the protection of the Reef.
Every dollar returned will be invested back in the Reef and we will seek advice on the most effective way to allocate the funding.
Labor’s plan to rescue the Great Barrier Reef has three elements:

  • Protecting the Reef by tackling climate change and improving water quality.
  • Ensuring First Nations people play a key role in looking after the Reef.
  • Working with all levels of government constructively on a mission to save the Reef.

We will develop this plan by seeking advice from the Department of the Environment about how to best allocate funds, including to established agencies such as the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), the CSIRO and the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences, as well as groups who help manage the Reef such as indigenous groups and appropriate non-government organisations.
Protecting the Reef  
In 2016 and 2017, the Reef was hit by an unprecedented underwater heatwave, underpinned by climate change. Over half of the Reef’s shallow water corals were lost or damaged from coral bleaching.
Climate change is the biggest risk to the Reef and Labor’s domestic and international commitments aim to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, in line with the goals of the Paris Accord. If you don’t take climate change seriously, or have a credible plan to reduce emissions, then you cannot be serious about protecting the Reef.
Other threats to the Reef include water quality, crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and coral bleaching. An estimated 17 million tonnes of mud and chemicals pollute the Reef each year.
To ensure we can take early action to tackle emerging threats, Labor will strengthen the current Queensland Government’s management by investing in real time monitoring of Reef-safe water quality targets and explore what standards will deliver better quality to our Reef.
Protecting the Reef secures greater conservation of our unique marine park and supports the 64,000 jobs that rely on its viability.
First Nations Leadership
A Shorten Labor Government will double the number of Indigenous Rangers across the country and will expand groups in Reef catchments.
Labor will ensure our First Nations people play an increased role in conserving the Reef through representation on governance bodies and greater consultation. Our program will ensure there is greater care for culturally significant plants and animals.
We will also seek to consult with First Nations representatives on how to expand Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreements to protect turtles and dugongs.
This program will also see our First Nations People have greater involvement in research and monitoring, and will include ranger programs with increased compliance powers for rangers.
Better governance of the Reef 
A Shorten Labor Government will restore the GBRMPA as a strong, independent champion of the Reef – we will seek to ensure all levels of government are working together to protect the Reef for future generations.
Scott Morrison and the Liberals outsourced Reef protection. A Shorten Labor Government will rescue the Reef from the Liberal Party’s mismanagement and put its protection back on the agenda.
This election is a choice between Labor’s plan for better protection of the Great Barrier Reef, or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready.


If Scott Morrison and the Liberals are elected on 18 May, cuts to penalty rates will leave workers up to $26,000 worse off.
Cuts since 2017 have left low paid Australian workers under the retail, hospitality, fast food, restaurant and pharmacy awards thousands of dollars worse off.
A pharmacy worker will lose up to $7,000 next year (2019-20) and up to $26,000 over the next three years.
When everything is going up except people’s wages, the last thing that workers need is another cut to their take-home pay.
Scott Morrison voted in support of the penalty rate cuts eight times.
Just imagine how much further these cuts could spread if the Liberals are re-elected.
It says everything you need to know about the Liberals that they’re cutting workers’ wages but giving millionaires an $11,000 a year tax cut.
Penalty rates are not a luxury – they help people put food on the table and petrol in the car.  They can be the difference in paying the electricity bill, health costs or child care costs – all of which keep soaring under this government.
Labor understands how important penalty rates are to working Australians.
If elected, we will legislate to reverse the cuts to penalty rates in our first 100 days.
And we will change the law to make sure they can’t be cut for anyone again.
Only Labor has a plan to make the economy work for all Australians. We are prioritising better wages, cost-of-living relief and reversing Scott Morrison’s cuts to services Australians rely on, including schools and hospitals.
In addition to reversing cuts to penalty rates, Labor will protect Australians from unfair labour hire practices, so that workers doing the same job get the same pay, and we will act on insecure work and unfair working conditions.
This election is a choice between Labor’s plan to restore penalty rates, or bigger tax loopholes for the top end of town under the Liberals.
After six years of Liberal cuts and chaos, our united Labor team is ready to deliver a fair go for all Australians.