Greens announce plan to empower young people on day of final Lowering the Voting Age hearing

Australia’s youngest ever Senator, Jordon Steele-john, has today announced the Greens plan to ensure young people are empowered to take part in our democracy, including giving 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote.
Senator Steele-John said the last five years of Coalition Government had sought to silence the voices of young people through systematic funding cuts to youth advocacy bodies and engagement initiatives.
“These important reforms are proof the Australian Greens movement is the only party committed to realising the rights of my generation, and ensuring young people have a voice in politics,” he said.
“Under 35 year olds make up more than 40 per cent of our population yet just over 1 per cent of our Parliament.
“Our society treats 16 and 17 year olds as adults in so many ways yet politics ignores them almost completely. The major parties view the perceived disengagement of young people as politically convenient but what this approach is doing is turning a generation, who cares deeply about the future, away.
“16 and 17 year olds can legally work full-time and pay taxes, own and drive a car contributing to the maintenance of our roads and transport infrastructure, have sex and make medical decisions about their bodies. They can be tried as an adult by our justice system, join our Army, Navy or Air Force, legally sign a tenancy agreement or become part of a political party. Yet they can’t vote.
“Today is the final hearing of a Senate Inquiry looking into my bill to lower the voting age and the response has been overwhelmingly positive from young people, academics and legal and constitutional experts – giving 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote will improve Australian demopcracy!
“The Greens will also reinstate funding for National Youth Week and the National Youth Peak Body, Australian Youth Affairs Coalition, both of which were scrapped by successive Coalition budgets in 2014 and 2015.
“Finally, we would re-establish a Federal Minister for Youth to ensure that issues affecting young people are never again forgotten. Each year, more and more funding is slashed from youth engagement, education and support services without a Minister answerable to those funding cuts.
“It’s clear from the lack of action on climate change, sustained political attacks from those in power on funding for, and access to, our tertiary institutions, and the fact that work has never been more insecure that only the Greens care about creating a future for all of us!”
The Greens’ plan to empower young people:

  • Reinstate funding for National Youth Week;
  • Reinstate funding for the national youth peak body;
  • Establish a Federal Minister for Youth;
  • Give 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote; and
  • Make each voice count in the political process.

Greens announce Julian Burnside as candidate for Kooyong

Julian Burnside AO QC will stand for the Greens in the electorate of Kooyong at the upcoming federal election, said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
“I’m so excited to be able to announce that Julian Burnside is running as a candidate for the Greens in Kooyong. It’s going to be a tough contest, no question, but we’re in with a real shot now,” said Senator Di Natale.
“This Government has been an absolute disaster and no one personifies their absolute failure to take meaningful action on climate change and refugees like Josh Frydenberg.
“We’re giving Kooyong voters a real choice between Julian Burnside, who’s devoted a lifetime to standing up for the values of decency, generosity and public service and Josh Frydenberg who stands for the interests of his rich donor mates.”
Julian Burnside AO QC said he decided to run because our political system is failing to deal with the big issues of our time.
“I always said I would never enter politics but I feel compelled to throw my hat in the ring because our political system is too broken to deal with the serious issues facing our nation and the globe,” said Burnside.
“The Government has utterly failed to take meaningful action on climate change, the most urgent and important issue of our time, and both the Labor and Liberal parties are in lock step over the inhumane treatment of people seeking asylum.
“Both parties are compromised by their allegiance to their big corporate donors but I commit to listening to advice of scientists and experts and the voice of people in Kooyong.
“I look forward to working with Oliver Yates to show that by denying climate change and human rights, the Liberals no longer represent the people of Kooyong. The old parties are no longer standing up for the best interests of people. The time has come for change, and I look forward to Oliver Yates and I prosecuting our respective visions for a fairer, smarter Australia.
“I’m proud to stand as a candidate for the Greens and it would be a great honour to represent the people of Kooyong. It will be a challenging contest but I’m looking forward to the campaign ahead.”

Greens say Government’s ‘environment fund’ a drop in the ocean

The Liberal Government has a long way to go, with much stronger action and more funds required, if it stands a chance of convincing voters it has a credible environment policy, the Greens say.
“A mere $22 million for conservation projects won’t go far in offsetting the damage the Liberal Government’s policies have done to the environment. We need strong action, and funding, from the Government if we are going to help restore the environment,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“The Liberal Government has cut the environment budget by 37 per cent since Tony Abbott became Prime Minister. They are crowdfunding protections for our threatened species rather than fronting up the money, and doing nothing to address plastics choking our marine life.
“This is a Government that has overseen the destruction of wetlands, forests, river systems, and allows big polluters to keep polluting. Emissions are rising and they are heaping coals on the fire. They are listening to the Mining Lobby over environment groups on reviewing the EPBC Act.
“The Government knows climate change and the environment are key election issues, and they’re trying to buy voters off with less than half-measures. The best thing we can do for the environment now is get the Liberals out of Government and ensure there is strong Greens representation in the Senate.”

It’s time to build publicly owned High Speed Rail between Melbourne and Brisbane, say Greens

The Australian Greens will fund High Speed Rail in full, with the first step to create the Australian High Speed Rail Authority and make an initial equity investment of $1.6 billion for the first stages of planning and land reservation.
“For decades, Australians have dreamt about High Speed Rail along our east coast. It would be nation building at its best: big, bold and transformative,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson.
“Governments up till now have refused to take action because of risk aversion and capitulation to private interests, despite studies showing the feasibility, high public benefit and strong economics of High Speed Rail.”
“High Speed Rail will connect our cities with our regions, reduce carbon pollution, create tens of thousands of jobs and provide a return to the taxpayer.”
“The Greens will turn these dreams into reality, and fund High Speed Rail in full, built in the public interest.”
“In contrast, Shadow Minister for Infrastructure Anthony Albanese announced this week that the Labor party would support High Speed Rail with ‘private funding.’”
“It also appears the Morrison government is planning to hand over this nation-building project to a private developer, Consolidated Land and Rail Australia.”
“The CLARA project banks on developers making money from massive increases in the value of land along the route, building stations and new cities rather than building stations in existing towns like Albury-Wodonga and Wagga Wagga.”
“This would mean instead of High Speed Rail unlocking the economic potential of our existing regional cities, these established towns would struggle to compete with the new cities built around new stations.”
“Construction of High Speed Rail stations both up and down the east coast and in the heart of our central business districts will immensely increase the value of surrounding land. Private developers who see their property values rise should not simply get a windfall gain. By using a variety of taxes and charges, they will be made to contribute to the overall cost of building the project.”
“High Speed Rail needs to be built in the public interest, not to line the pockets of private developers. For decades, Labor and Liberal governments have privatised our essential services, which are then run to maximise profit for corporate investors, not to serve the people.”
“Australia is the last continent without High Speed Rail except for Antarctica. Will the penguins beat us to it?”
Route details
Line 1: Sydney to Melbourne (2 hours 44 mins) with spur lines for Sydney to Canberra (1 hour) and Melbourne to Canberra (2 hours 30 mins).
Line 2: Sydney to Brisbane (2 hours 37 mins) with a spur line for Sydney to Gold Coast (similar time)
Options for value capture recommended by the High Speed Rail Study include:

  • Property taxes.
  • Sale of bonus gross floor area (GFA)
  • Property transfer (stamp) duties
  • Sale or lease of air rights over public road reserves, railway corridors and other property
  • Sale or lease of surplus development sites
  • Parking levies
  • Developer contributions
  • Special rates or taxes on a defined improvement district
  • Hotel taxes

The commissioned phase two report laying down a plan for rolling out the High Speed Rail Project in several stages can be found here. The Greens will implement the accelerated timetable envisaged in the report.

Greens say Axe pollie pensions when Ciobo and Pyne go

With at least half of the 20 retiring federal politicians set to receive a parliamentary pension, it’s time the pollies’ pension was axed entirely, say the Greens.
“While politicians elected after 2004 don’t receive a parliamentary pension, those elected before then – such as Ministers Pyne and Ciobo, rumoured today to be leaving politics – would get hundreds of thousands of dollars each year as a pension, for doing nothing,” Greens spokesperson for democracy Senator Larissa Waters said.
“These blokes will probably end up like their mate Joe Hockey – with a diplomatic posting and a cushy pension – all funded by the taxpayer.
“Politicians have their snouts in the trough, while ordinary people struggle with the cost of living, wages have flatlined and Newstart hasn’t increased for 24 years.
“It’s no wonder people think so little of politicians, when the rules are rigged in their favour. If they’re not doing the job anymore they shouldn’t be paid.”
Greens will request the Parliamentary Budget Office to cost the public money saved from such a move, and would move to apply those savings to people who actually need it, as part of our pledge to increase Newstart by at least $75 a week.
“In Budget week I’ll move for parliamentary pensions for MPs elected before 2004 to be scrapped, and will keep pushing on this issue if the Greens have the balance of power in the Senate after the next election,” Senator Waters said.
“Let’s give help to the people who need it. Not to those who’ve received generous salary and allowances while in the job and still want to collect after they leave the job.”

Revelations a road pricing inquiry will be shelved until after the election shows Morrison government has no plan or ambition in developing sound transport policy, say Greens

The revelations that the Morrison government will again delay an inquiry into road pricing shows they are willing to jeopardise sound transport policy and planning in favour of clinging to power, say the Australian Greens.
“The road pricing inquiry was announced three years ago and we’ve had zero movement since then,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson.
“As Australians make the switch to electric vehicles, we will need new streams of revenue to fund our transport systems. We need to ensure the proper work is done in preparation now, so that any road pricing regime or other revenue raising is not only in the public interest, but also equitable and just.”
“We also need to consider the intersection of road pricing with the increasing use of private toll roads where the revenue is going straight into the pockets of the private toll roads operators, particularly Transurban, which has just announced record earnings.”
“Road pricing and fuel excise is an area the government has acknowledged could take 10-15 years to reform. This inquiry has been on the cards since 2016. We need to get on with it now, we can’t wait any longer for a time when it’s politically convenient for the government of the day.”
“Road pricing isn’t something we can leave to the last minute.”

Tasmania delivering cleaner, cheaper, more reliable electricity

Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation vision is a step closer to reality with backing from the Morrison and Hodgman Governments to deliver new, reliable energy.
The Hodgman Government, through Hydro Tasmania, has committed up to $30 million to take the first phase of Battery of the Nation to investment stage by 2021, and in addition to the Morrison Government’s commitment to the second interconnector between Tasmania and the mainland, the Commonwealth commits to develop an underwriting mechanism for the project through its Underwriting New Generation Investments program.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that combined with his government’s $56 million investment in the second interconnector between Tasmania and the mainland, Battery of the Nation would help cut power prices and put an end to the sorts of recent blackouts that families and businesses have had to suffer through.
“Battery of the Nation is a vision of that uses technology to harness Tasmania’s natural advantages to tackle the problems in our electricity market,” the Prime Minister said.
“We want to work with the Hodgman Government to deliver Battery of the Nation because it’s technology that generates clean and affordable power that will make Australia’s electricity supply more reliable.
“This project is about helping those families and businesses who have had to cope with devastating blackouts in recent months and years and helping make their power bills cheaper.”
The Tasmanian Government’s investment will support the feasibility assessment of three shortlisted pumped hydro energy storage sites in north-western Tasmania, and advance the first of these sites to final investment decision. The three sites have a combined storage capacity of up to 40GWh – equivalent to more than 300 SA Tesla batteries – and Battery of the Nation could supply up to 2,500MW of new, dispatchable power.
The Battery of the Nation and Marinus Link projects are expected to create up to 3,800 direct and indirect jobs during construction and deliver an economic stimulus of up to $7 billion, predominantly to north-western Tasmania and regional Victoria.
Premier Hodgman said that these nation-building projects represent a massive economic opportunity for Tasmanians.
“Battery of the Nation will create thousands of jobs and deliver billions in investment to Tasmania over the coming decade,” said Premier Hodgman.
“These initiatives will cement our status as the nation’s renewable energy powerhouse.”
Approximately 400MW of available dispatchable generation cannot currently be delivered to the mainland, due to constraints on Basslink, the first Tasmania-Victoria interconnector.
“The Government is committed to securing new, reliable generation,” said Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor.
“Battery of the Nation is a fine example of a project that could deliver more reliable generation, increase competition, and would drive down prices as a result.”
Tasmanian Energy Minister Guy Barnett said investment in affordable, reliable and clean generation will help Tasmania reach and exceed the Tasmanian Government’s target of 100 per cent self-sufficiency in on-island energy generation.
“This means downward pressure on prices and greater energy security for Tasmanians. Mainland Australia will also be able to share in these benefits, being low cost, reliable and clean energy,” said Minister Barnett.
The Morrison Government will also invest $3.2m to establish a Priority Transmission Taskforce to support new models of funding interconnected transmission, that is increasingly needed to keep the lights on and bring prices down for Australian families and businesses.
More information about Battery of the Nation is available at and the second interconnector Marinus Link at

Meeting Our Climate Commitments Without Wrecking the Economy

Australia will meet its international climate targets without wrecking the economy and driving power prices sky high.
The Morrison Government today announced a $3.5 billion Climate Solutions Package.
Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, said Australians recognise climate change and the importance of protecting the environment.
“We will meet our global commitments, and do what is right for our environment, without taking a wrecking ball to the economy.
“We have an obligation to preserve the environment for our children. We also have an obligation to hand over a strong economy, where our kids and grandkids can get jobs.
“We will meet our commitments in practical ways by working with land holders, farmers, businesses and indigenous communities.
“There will be further announcements ahead but as part of the $3.5 billion Climate Solutions Package, we will invest a further $2 billion in the Climate Solutions Fund.”
The Climate Solutions Fund will build on the success of the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) which has contracted 193 million tonnes in emission reductions.
The Minister for the Environment, the Hon Melissa Price MP, said that Climate Solutions Fund will ensure the ERF delivers a further 103 million tonnes in emission reductions to 2030. This will make a key contribution to us meeting our 26% emissions reduction target under the Paris agreement.
“We are working with people on the ground to reduce emissions and lead real environmental change.
“The ERF is investing in our farmers to help them revegetate degraded land, to protect existing forest areas and to increase habitats for our native species.
“We are working with businesses to invest in the adoption of energy efficient business practices that are reducing costs and working with waste managers and with recyclers to reduce waste emissions.
“We are working with indigenous communities in projects such a savannah burning where traditional land care practice is blended with modern environmental science.”
For more information visit:…

Historic Snowy 2.0 Plan Approved

The Government has approved Snowy 2.0 as part of its plan to support new renewable energy for Australia’s future energy mix to deliver affordable, reliable power.
The historic deal will see a high-tech expansion of the iconic Snowy Mountains Scheme and will help make renewables reliable, reduce volatility and drive affordability in energy markets and provide other services critical to the security and stability of the NEM.
The Government is pleased to announce shareholder approval has been given for Snowy Hydro Limited (Snowy Hydro) to proceed with Snowy 2.0.
Following Snowy Hydro Board’s final investment decision on 12 December 2018, the Government has reviewed the project’s business case and is satisfied that the project stacks up and will benefit energy consumers and the Snowy Mountains region.
The Government will commit up to $1.38 billion in an equity investment for Snowy 2.0, with the remainder of the project to be financed by Snowy Hydro Limited.
Snowy 2.0 will increase generation capacity by 2,000 megawatts and provide 175 hours of energy storage – enough to power the equivalent of 500,000 homes during peak demand. Importantly, this will also put downward pressure on wholesale electricity prices.
Snowy 2.0 will create up to 2,400 jobs in construction and support up to 5,000 direct and indirect jobs across the Snowy Mountains region, providing opportunities for local businesses, improvements in local infrastructure and increased economic activity.
Planning for the Snowy 2.0 project is well advanced. The Government’s decision green lights the project to progress to the early works stage.
This decision builds on the our investment in Snowy Hydro following the acquisition from the New South Wales and Victorian governments on 29 June 2018 and our work to back electricity supplies in Tasmania and Victoria with a new $56 million investment in the Marinus Link to support Tasmania’s Battery of the Nation project.
More information about Snowy 2.0 is online at

The Hon John Herron AO

The Hon John Herron AO is remembered as a man who dedicated himself to others as a parliamentarian, surgeon and humanitarian.
John Herron was a Senator for Queensland from 1990 to 2002. He was Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs from 1996 until 2001.
After leaving the Senate, he served as Australian Ambassador to Ireland and the Holy See from 2002 to 2006.
The great theme of John Herron’s life was medicine. It was tremendous life experience he brought into the Parliament.
John Herron served in the Royal Australian Medical Corps Reserve and the RAAF Reserve for thirty years.
Following the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, John Herron volunteered to go to Rwanda as a medic. He saw things that were unimaginable. He suffered for seeing them.
Prior to entering the Senate and near the end of his Parliamentary career, John Herron served as President of the Liberal Party in Queensland (1980 – 1984 and 2001 – 2002). This reflected the great trust that members across the Party had in him.
In retirement, Dr Herron continued his active support of medical causes including serving as Chairman of the Australian National Council on Drugs, and Chairman of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Foundation.
On behalf of the Liberal Party and the Government I extend our sincerest condolences to his wife Jan and their many children and descendants.
Scott Morrison