Australians deserve the truth on Murray Darling Basin

Reports that the South Australian Government may prevent the SA Murray Darling Basin Royal Commission’s final report from being made public show a contempt for the Australian people, and the need for an urgent federal Royal Commission into the Murray Darling Basin, the Greens say.
“The South Australian Government should not be running a protection racket for their federal counterparts and release this report immediately when the Commissioner delivers it. It’s political interference like this that warrants a federal Royal Commission as a matter of urgency. We need to stop the cover-ups and games, which is why when Parliament resumes I will be asking my colleagues to vote to establish a national Royal Commission,” Greens environment and water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“While the SA Royal Commission is expected within weeks, the scandals and problems continue. As a Senator for South Australia and member of the Federal Parliament, I am formally requesting the Commissioner provides me a copy of the report once it has been delivered to the Governor.
“The Murray Darling Basin Plan has been corrupted, mismanaged and interfered with by all levels of Government. It would be an absolute disgrace for a report investigating these matters to be hidden for political expediency.
“We know that even though the South Australian Royal Commission already had its wings clipped by the Federal and SA Governments the report is expected to be scathing. The Royal Commissioner’s findings should be released without political interference.
“Australians – who have spent $13 billion on a Plan that isn’t working – deserve better than this. The community is expecting the SA Royal Commissioner’s findings on February 1, and deserve to know the truth.”

Senator & Water Engineer Faruqi Visited Menindee Lakes & Broken Hill

Australian Greens Senator for NSW and water engineer, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has visited the Menindee Lakes and Broken Hill to meet with locals and discuss the crisis of the Murray Darling system.
Dr Faruqi said:
“It’s clear that there is justified and widespread community anger at the situation and at the Liberal/National Governments at state and Federal levels that have caused it to happen.
“As a water engineer, I know that healthy river systems only function when they are allowed to have significant environmental flows. The system has been denied that for many years by rules that privilege big corporations and operators over the environment and community.
“For years, this river system has been used and abused for profit. The hundreds of thousands of dead fish in the river system is the tragic result of that. I am really concerned that another mass fish kill is not a matter of if, but when.
“We also cannot hope to protect our mighty Murray Darling system if we don’t address the elephant in the room, dangerous climate change that will mean more and more severe droughts and heatwaves.
“The community members I met with have a clear call for action – return flows from upstream and establish a Royal Commission to get to the bottom of this disaster.
“I thank the locals of Menindee for their hospitality, support and resilience and assure them that the Greens will continue to stand with them, shoulder to shoulder, until this mess is fixed.
“The Greens will be moving to set up a Royal Commission into this whole sorry saga as soon as Parliament resumes. This is an issue of national and international importance,” she concluded.

Government to Require Councils to hold Australia Day Citizenship Ceremonies

Australian citizenship is an immense privilege, and fundamental to our national identity. Whether you are Australian by birth or choose to settle here, Australian citizenship is at the heart of who we are and what we believe as a nation.
The Government is updating the Australian Citizenship Ceremonies Code, which governs how citizenship ceremonies are conducted, to ensure the importance of these events is fully reflected across our nation.
As part of this update, the Government will require that citizenship ceremonies be held on Australia Day across the nation.
More than 73,000 people have become Australian citizens on Australia Day in the past five years, making it by far the most popular day of the year for people to attend a citizenship ceremony.
Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs David Coleman said the new Code will better reflect the expectations of the Australian community and provide clear guidance to Councils on hosting citizenship ceremonies.
“New citizens should be given the opportunity to become an Australian on our national day,” Mr Coleman said.
“While most Councils already hold citizenship ceremonies on Australia Day, becoming an Australian on our national day is a great privilege and I want more people to have that opportunity.
“Australia Day is an incredibly important part of our national calendar, and each year Australians in huge numbers celebrate our success at the many events organised by Councils across the country.”
Along with a requirement to hold a citizenship ceremony on Australia Day, Councils will also be required to hold a ceremony on Australian Citizenship Day (September 17). Council s will be able to continue to hold citizenship ceremonies on other days throughout the year.
A recommended dress standard will also be introduced for those who attend a citizenship ceremony given the significance and formality of the event. Conferees may continue to wear national or cultural dress.
Mr Coleman will write to all Councils in the coming days, who will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed changes to the Code. The new Code will be formally introduced in the first half of 2019.
Once implemented, Councils that choose not to hold a citizenship ceremony on Australia Day will be in breach of the Code and will have their authorisation to host citizenship ceremonies revoked.

Greens NSW Senator and Engineer to Visit Menindee and Broken Hill Tomorrow

Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, will visit Broken Hill and Menindee tomorrow (17 January) to meet with locals and see first hand the devastation occuring in the Murray Darling system as a result of mismanagement and climate change. Senator Faruqi is a civil and environmental engineer who has worked on water management for the last two decades.
Senator Faruqi will also meet the Broken Hill Greens Convenor, Eve-Lyn Kennedy. Senator Faruqi will be available for media on Thursday and on Friday morning.
Senator Faruqi said:
“The shocking scenes of the fish kills is the result of consistent abuse of the environment for greed and profit. The ecosystem is collapsing because politicians have pushed the Murray Darling River system to the brink.
“The continued abuse of the Murray Darling System is nothing new and, sadly, what we are seeing now is the inevitable result of years of neglect and incompetence, especially by the National Party. The Nationals must be held to account.
“The Liberal and National Parties are more interested in appeasing big corporate interests than looking after the needs of the community and fostering a healthy river system.
“The Greens have been the most consistent advocates for protecting the Murray Darling. Greens in Broken Hill have been fighting for years to have politicians listen to the reality of what is happening to their community.
“For years there has been over-extraction from the system, restricting environmental flows that allow the Murray Darling to function. This has been devastating for communities and the environment.
“Climate change is the elephant in the room. If we don’t take urgent action to stop our planet warming, extreme heatwaves and drought will become more and more common.
“I’ll be meeting with locals and touring the area to see the extent of the situation and hear ideas about how to fix it.
“The axing of the National Water Commission under the Abbott Government was a reckless move that has led to a lack of national leadership and no independent auditing of water management in Australia.
“This is a huge wake up call. We need to urgently return the environmental flows that have been stripped. The Greens have called for a Royal Commission to expose the mismanagement, greed and corruption that has caused this,” she concluded.

Police launch Operation Tamworth Country Music Festival 2019

Police have launched a high-visibility operation for this year’s Tamworth Country Music Festival to ensure country-music fans enjoy the event safely.
Operation Tamworth Country Music Festival 2019 will be in place for the duration of the event which starts tomorrow (Friday 18 January 2019) and runs until Sunday 27 January 2019.
The Tamworth Country Music Festival is Australia’s largest music festival, with a program featuring 700 artists and more than 2800 events, across 10 days.
General duties officers from Oxley Police District and across Western Region will be assisted by specialist police from the Operations Support Group (OSG), Dog Unit, Licensing Police, Bicycle Unit, and Traffic and Highway Patrol Command throughout the operation.
Operation Commander, Superintendent Fred Trench said, police will be out in force focusing on road safety, anti-social behaviour and alcohol-related violence.
“Thousands of people make the annual journey to be involved in the festival, and while the vast majority are well-behaved, police will act swiftly if you choose to do the wrong thing,” Supt Trench said.
“Everyone should be able to enjoy the event in Tamworth safely, but not at the expense of other people’s safety, so make sure you behave responsibly and think before you drink.
“Police will not tolerate any form of dangerous or criminal behaviour and alcohol-free zones in the CBD will be enforced,” Supt Trench said.
Additional Traffic and Highway Patrol officers will be deployed to ensure country-music fans and other motorists make it to and from their destinations safely.
Music fans are also reminded that there will be a number of alcohol-free zones throughout the Tamworth CBD for the safety and security of all festival-goers and the wider community.
“Camping is a popular choice among festival-goers – so take care of yourself and your belongings while in and around the event precinct,” Supt Trench said.
Police offer the following safety and security tips for campers:
• Plan your trip in advance and if possible, make a booking;
• Get to know your surrounding campers;
• In large crowds, be mindful of your own safety and security as well as that of people around you;
• Leave valuables at home – if you must take valuables with you, ensure they are secured and kept out of sight;
• Lock your caravan or campervan when unattended;
• Where possible, use a lock to secure your tent;
• Where possible, use a portable alarm in your tent or camper;
• Plan for changes in weather conditions;
• Ensure valuables are not left in unattended vehicles;
• Report any suspicious behaviour to police.
For comprehensive event details, visit the official festival website:
Special-event traffic information can be found at:

Seismic testing go-ahead bad for SA

Seismic testing is the first step to drilling in the Great Australian Bight and will have devastating outcomes for SA, the Greens say.

“This is a bad decision – bad for our marine life, bad for Kangaroo Island, and bad for SA. Seismic testing is the first step to drilling in the Bight, and an oil well 90km off Kangaroo Island is a disaster for South Australia,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“It seems as though after endless chances for the Norwegian company to finesse their plan, the regulator has buckled, doing the bidding of the oil and gas industry.

“PGS now has the green light to send seismic blasts into waters 90km from Kangaroo Island. This is an area sperm whales migrate through and where blue whales feed, sending constant blasts into the water for three months straight will devastate our marine life.

“The last time we had seismic blasting in the Great Australian Bight, whales beached themselves at Ardrossan and died. There is never a safe time for seismic blasting, and our environment will suffer for the regulator’s decision today.

“NOPSEMA has ignored the community, the fishing industry and Traditional Owners who want our Bight protected. 74% of South Australians want to see the Bight protected, and thousands of people have joined The Greens’ campaign to nominate the Bight for World Heritage Protection

“The Greens are fighting tooth and nail alongside the South Australian community to stop big oil and gas drilling off the coast of Kangaroo Island and in the Bight. The impact on our tourism industry and the marine life off our coast would be devastating.”

Govt under pressure to release secret documents over Menindee Lakes

The Liberal National Government are hiding critical information about draining the Menindee Lakes twice in three years, the Greens say.
“The Government’s refusal to release this information, by order of the Senate, stinks of a cover-up and puts them in contempt of the Senate,” Greens water and environment spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“For over six weeks we’ve been waiting for answers from the Minister about why water was released from Menindee Lakes twice in three years. We still don’t know how or why those decisions were made. I was concerned about it back in November, and now after the death of a million fish it’s even more concerning.
“The Liberal National Government cannot be trusted to deal with this environmental disaster, and they can’t be trusted to be open with River communities. The cover-ups must end if we are to see this river, and the faith of the people who rely on it, restored.
“Water Minister David Littleproud is following in the footsteps of his predecessor Barnaby Joyce, standing up for corporate cotton interests rather than the communities that rely on this vital river system for survival.
“Australians want a healthy river system and a government that stands up for the environment. It’s clear this government is concerned about keeping big cotton happy at the expense of the river we love.”

The Greens won't let Morrison punish councils for doing the right thing: Di Natale

Any local council punished for refusing to host citizenship ceremonies on January 26th under Scott Morrison’s new proposal can count on a Greens MP or Senator in their state or territory to conduct them in their stead, said Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale.
“Scott Morrison is playing a predictable political game trying to punish councils for reflecting the will of their constituents and standing up for justice for First Nations Peoples but the Greens won’t let him. We’re promising today that any council which is stripped of its ability to hold citizenship ceremonies because it refuses to hold them on January 26th can count on a Greens Senator or MP in their state to conduct those ceremonies in their place,” Di Natale said.
“The movement to change the date is an important step along the road to treaty, sovereignty and justice for our First Nations Peoples and we hope Labor will join us on that journey.”

Greens NSW Senator and Engineer to Visit Menindee and Broken Hill Tomorrow

Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, will visit Broken Hill and Menindee tomorrow (17 January) to meet with locals and see first hand the devastation occuring in the Murray Darling system as a result of mismanagement and climate change. Senator Faruqi is a civil and environmental engineer who has worked on water management for the last two decades.
Senator Faruqi will also meet the Broken Hill Greens Convenor, Eve-Lyn Kennedy. Senator Faruqi will be available for media on Thursday and on Friday morning.
Senator Faruqi said:
“The shocking scenes of the fish kills is the result of consistent abuse of the environment for greed and profit. The ecosystem is collapsing because politicians have pushed the Murray Darling River system to the brink.
“The continued abuse of the Murray Darling System is nothing new and, sadly, what we are seeing now is the inevitable result of years of neglect and incompetence, especially by the National Party. The Nationals must be held to account.
“The Liberal and National Parties are more interested in appeasing big corporate interests than looking after the needs of the community and fostering a healthy river system.
“The Greens have been the most consistent advocates for protecting the Murray Darling. Greens in Broken Hill have been fighting for years to have politicians listen to the reality of what is happening to their community.
“For years there has been over-extraction from the system, restricting environmental flows that allow the Murray Darling to function. This has been devastating for communities and the environment.
“Climate change is the elephant in the room. If we don’t take urgent action to stop our planet warming, extreme heatwaves and drought will become more and more common.
“I’ll be meeting with locals and touring the area to see the extent of the situation and hear ideas about how to fix it.
“The axing of the National Water Commission under the Abbott Government was a reckless move that has led to a lack of national leadership and no independent auditing of water management in Australia.
“This is a huge wake up call. We need to urgently return the environmental flows that have been stripped. The Greens have called for a Royal Commission to expose the mismanagement, greed and corruption that has caused this,” she concluded.

Govt must buy water back for the environment: Greens

The Greens are urging the Liberal National Government to lift the freeze on water buy backs to restore much-needed flows to the Murray Darling Basin.
“Today, I’m writing to the Water Minister David Littleproud  asking him  to lift the ban on water buy backs immediately so water can be secured for the river to avoid further environmental collapse. Buying back water is the most economically efficient and environmentally effective way to restore the river and help stem the damage done to the environment,” Australian Greens environment and water spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“We know millions more fish could die within the next few months. This ecosystem is in collapse because there is not enough water going to the environment. The Minister should fix this, or he should go.
“This is a man-made problem caused by the mismanagement and incompetence of Barnaby Joyce and the Liberal National Party. Barnaby Joyce crowed about stopping water buybacks, ensuring water meant for the environment went to big corporate irrigators.
“While the environment goes without, the cotton industry continues to profit. We need a Royal Commission into the mismanagement and over extraction of water in the Murray Darling Basin.
“Putting fish back in the river is not going to work when there is not enough water. The Murray Darling Basin is a living ecosystem crying out for urgent relief – which means putting the environment, and our river communities ahead of the cotton industry.
“The Liberal National Government has failed the river while there is plenty of water in the storage dams of big cotton irrigators upstream.”