APRA announces Terms of Reference for enforcement strategy review

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) today announced Terms of Reference for a review of its enforcement strategy.
The Review will be led by APRA Deputy Chair John Lonsdale, supported by APRA staff and external advisers as necessary. Mr Lonsdale will be assisted by an independent advisory panel of experts in the administration of law and regulatory enforcement. The panel comprises former NSW Supreme Court Judge Dr Robert Austin, ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court and Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith, holder of the Minter Ellison Chair in Risk and Regulation at UNSW Law, and the Director of the Centre for Law Markets and Regulation, UNSW.
Mr Lonsdale said the review will examine APRA’s current enforcement strategy and infrastructure and how it interacts with APRA’s core supervisory approach.
“The review will be a forward-looking examination of APRA’s approach to the use of its enforcement powers to ensure that financial promises made by supervised institutions are met within a stable, efficient and competitive financial system.
“APRA has taken a range of supervisory actions over many years but it is timely to examine whether APRA’s traditional approach – prioritising prevention and rectification – can be augmented by greater enforcement activity. This review presents an opportunity for APRA to strengthen further its supervisory toolkit and reinforce sound prudential outcomes,” Mr Lonsdale said.
APRA established the enforcement review in recognition both of new regulatory responsibilities under the Banking Executive Accounting Regime, as well as case studies examined by the Royal Commission.
The final Review will be presented to APRA Members by 31 March 2019. Following consideration of the Review’s recommendations, APRA expects to release publicly both the final review and APRA’s enforcement strategy.

Terms of Reference – Review of APRA’s approach to enforcement


1. The Review will conduct a forward-looking examination of APRA’s approach to the use of enforcement to achieve its prudential objective of ensuring that financial promises made by its supervised institutions are met within a stable, efficient and competitive financial system (the Review).
2. The Review will examine APRA’s current enforcement strategy and infrastructure, and in particular, how it interacts with APRA’s core supervisory approach. It will assess any legal, practical or structural impediments to APRA taking enforcement action where such action is appropriate.
3. The Review will make recommendations on:
a) the breadth of issues APRA seeks to address through public and non-public enforcement action;
b) the considerations in determining when APRA should take enforcement action to hold entities and individuals to account, including under the Bank Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR) and other powers;
c) the considerations in determining whether and when it may be appropriate for APRA to take public enforcement action, including litigation, to achieve general deterrence effects in appropriate cases; and
d) APRA’s internal governance, organisation, enforcement strategy, resourcing and any other factors relevant to APRA’s enforcement function.

Areas of focus

4. In examining the issues set out above, the Review will focus on:
a) the relationship between APRA’s supervisory approach and enforcement action;
b) APRA’s process for identifying candidate enforcement actions;
c) APRA’s decision-making process on whether to take enforcement action;
d) APRA’s approach to breach reporting and whistle-blowers;
e) the weight given to factors (including but not limited to cost, timeliness, remediation, precedential value) in determining whether to take enforcement action;
f) APRA’s approach to publicly disclosing enforcement priority areas;
g) whether internal organisational change would be required to achieve an appropriate level of enforcement action;
h) whether the resources and skill sets currently within APRA are adequate to achieve an appropriate level of enforcement action;
i) whether there is greater need for APRA to more closely cooperate with other regulatory agencies when dealing with enforcement-related matters;
j) whether the current and proposed legislative framework is adequate to support the recommended approach; and
k) any other relevant matters agreed by the APRA Members from time to time.


5. Draft recommendations will be available to APRA Members by 28 February 2019 with the final Review to be presented to the APRA Members by 31 March 2019.


6. The Review will be conducted by APRA Deputy Chair John Lonsdale and supported by APRA staff and external advisors as necessary.  The APRA Members will be regularly informed on progress over the course of the review.
7. An external advisory panel comprising Dr Robert Austin (Former NSW Supreme Court Judge), Commissioner Sarah Court (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) and Professor Dimity Kingsford Smith (Director of the Centre for Law, Markets and Regulation, University of New South Wales) has been appointed to provide an expert perspective on matters arising from the Review.

Appointments to the Future Fund Board of Guardians

The Coalition Government has reappointed the Hon Peter Costello AC as Chairman of the Future Fund Board of Guardians, as well as reappointed John Poynton AO and appointed John Fraser as members.
They join Ms Carolyn Kay, Dr Jane Wilson, Ms Erin Flaherty and Mr Michael Wachtel on the Board of Guardians.
Mr Costello was first appointed as a member of the Future Fund Board of Guardians in 2009 and as Chair in February 2014. Over that period, the value of Future Fund investments has grown from $67.6 billion to $148.8 billion or around 120 per cent. Prior to his appointment, Mr Costello served Australia with distinction as our longest serving Federal Treasurer from 1996 to 2007. As Treasurer, he delivered 10 Budget surpluses and oversaw the establishment of the Future Fund in 2006.
Mr Poynton brings more than 40 years of experience in the financial services industry to the Future Fund Board. He is currently Chair of Jindalee Partners P/L, a Non-Executive Director of Burswood Limited (Crown Perth), Chair of Strike Energy Limited and Executive Chair of Sabien Cyber Limited. Mr Poynton also previously served as a Director of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation, a member of the Higher Education Endowment Fund Advisory Board and a member of the Payment Systems Board of the RBA.
Both Mr Costello and Mr Poynton will be reappointed to their respective positions for a period of five years from 4 February 2019.
The Government has also appointed Mr John Fraser to the Future Fund Board of Guardians for a period of five years from 12 November 2018. Mr Fraser was previously the Secretary to the Department of the Treasury for three-and-a-half years. In this role, he was also Chair of the Global Infrastructure Hub, a member of the Reserve Bank of Australia Board and a member of the Board of the Australian Council of Financial Regulators. He has also previously served as Chair and CEO of UBS Global Asset Management in London, for more than a decade. Mr Fraser has substantial experience and expertise at the highest levels of corporate business and public service. He has significant expertise in the management of investments in financial assets and corporate governance.
All three appointees will make a valuable contribution to the Future Fund Board.

Victoria CBD Stabbings Terror Related

A stabbing incident in the CBD this afternoon that has left one person deceased is being treated as terror related at this stage.
Emergency services responded to reports of a car fire in Bourke Street about 4.10pm.
As police officers got out of their vehicle, they were confronted by a male who began a physical altercation with them.
The man fled on foot and was chased by police, he then lunged at police with a knife.
Police shot the 30-year-old and he was taken to hospital in a critical condition but he has since died.
The man was known to Victoria Police and federal intelligence authorities by way of his family associations.
Three men were stabbed during the incident.
One man, who is yet to be formally identified, died at the scene.
A 24-year-old and a 58-year-old have been taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
A police officer was treated for a minor injury at the scene.
The Bomb Response Unit attended and have deemed the burnt vehicle safe and a crime scene has been set up.
Road blocks in the area are expected to remain in place throughout the night and members of the public are asked to avoid the area on Bourke Street between Russell and Swanston Streets.
Counter Terrorism Command in conjunction with the Homicide Squad will investigate the incident but police do not perceive any ongoing threats at this stage.
There will be an increased police presence around the CBD and at major events in the coming days so the public can feel comfortable going about their business.
If members of the public have images or video footage that may assist police with their investigation into the incident, they are encouraged to upload them here → https://vpupload.fotoware.com.au/
Anyone with information is also urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential crime report online at www.crimestoppersvic.com.au
Members of the public who witnessed the event and wish to make a statement are asked to attend Melbourne West Police Station at 313 Spencer Street, Melbourne.

Vic Bourke Street Incident Possibly Terrorism Related

Police are currently at an incident on Bourke Street in the Melbourne CBD. Police initially responded to a report of a car on fire near the corner of Swanston Street about 4.20pm. A man was arrested at the scene and has been taken to hospital under police guard in a critical condition. Police are not looking for anyone further at this early stage. A small number of people are being treated for stab wounds.
The exact circumstances are yet to be determined at this stage. The area has been cordoned off and the public are urged to avoid the area. Anyone with information or who witnessed the incident is asked to go to Melbourne West Police Station to make a statement. We will provide further information when it comes to hand.


A Shorten Labor Government will deliver better palliative care for the people of Perth with a major upgrade to the Kalamunda District Community Hospital.
Western Australia has pressing need for more palliative care, as confirmed by a WA Parliamentary Inquiry earlier this year.
With this $7.6 million investment from Federal Labor, Kalamunda will be transformed into a Palliative Care Centre of Excellence – expanding and improving its services to ensure more people get the post possible care at the end of their lives.
This Palliative Care Centre of Excellence will improve the quality of life of both patients and their families, through the prevention and relief of suffering.
The 39-bed facility at Kalamunda has played a vital role in the community for more than 40 years – but upgrades to its buildings and amenities are desperately needed to ensure patients can continue to receive the highest standard of care.
The redevelopment will include upgrades to facilities, to ensure patients entering the end of their life are cared for in a comfortable and modern environment.
The upgrades will include:

  • New infrastructure like ceiling hoists to support comfortable movement of patients;
  • More private bathrooms;
  • Family facilities for partners, carers and children to sleep over and refresh;
  • Development of family rooms where partners can co-sleep during late end of life; and
  • Courtyard landscaping to provide a peaceful and external environment for patients and families.

The funding will also provide for the installation of a new ICT system to support those patients unable to travel through the use of telehealth services.
Some of the funding will also provide for the refurbishment of the Day Procedure area of the hospital to a contemporary standard.
These improvements will help future proof the hospital and ensure it can continue to deliver high-quality end of life care for many years to come.
Labor is committed to improving palliative care across the country to ensure all Australians are afforded the comfort, dignity and privacy they need in their final days.


Labor welcomes the government’s long overdue recognition of the importance of the Pacific.
Today’s announcements echo many of the priorities outlined by Labor Leader Bill Shorten, in particular the need for a dedicated fund for infrastructure in the Pacific.
The Pacific has felt the impact of the record $11 billion in aid cuts under this government. While we welcome these new commitments, it is important the government clarifies what else is being cut to fund them.
As Labor has long argued, Australia does need to demonstrate greater leadership in the Pacific and play our part in ensuring a stable and prosperous region.
But Prime Minister Morrison’s actions since becoming Prime Minister have undermined Australia’s engagement in the Pacific.
No issue has done more damage to Australia’s standing in the region than the Coalition’s refusal to take seriously the issue of climate change.
September’s Pacific Islands Forum declared climate change to be “the single greatest threat to the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of the peoples of the Pacific.”
You can’t have a Pacific policy if you don’t have a climate change policy and yet the Prime Minister did not mention this issue once in today’s speech.
Mr Morrison has also undermined the existing highly successful Pacific labour mobility schemes in a desperate attempt to prop up the ailing Nationals Leader despite today hailing them as “life-changing” and promising to prioritise them,
Labour mobility schemes are highly valued by our Pacific neighbours and contribute substantially to economic development
Australia’s economy also benefits from the availability of Pacific workers. And our society benefits from the connections with Pacific communities.
For the past five years all Pacific leaders have seen from Australia is a succession of Liberal governments so bitterly divided they have been unable to work with them on the issues that matters to their future.
In his first weeks as Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also:

  • Downgraded the position of Minister for the Pacific from his new ministry
  • Appointed to the post someone who claimed she has “no idea” why  she was given the job
  • Snubbed the Pacific Islands Forum leaders’ meeting
  • Refused to act after his Environment Minister insulted a former President of a Pacific nation.


Hey Liberal and Labor, now the Anglicans don’t even want the right to discriminate against LGBT+ people, will you finally support the Greens bills to end discrimination in schools?

Following the backflip by the Sydney Anglicans and the  Melbourne Anglicans coming out to say they don’t want the power to expel or fire LGBT+ students and teachers, Labor and Liberal must commit to supporting the Greens bill removing discrimination in schools.
“There’s been a lot of talk from the Morrison government and from Labor about ending discrimination against LGBT+ people in schools, but the time for talk is over,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.
“This is really easy. The Labor and Liberal parties need to deliver on their promises to end discrimination in schools and support the Greens bill that is already being debated in the Senate.”
“It’s time to stop using LGBT+ people as a political football, again, and make schools safe, discrimination-free places for everyone.”

Greens say our nation needs strong public interest journalism

Today’s ACCC decision green-lighting the merger of Nine and Fairfax is another wake-up call to why we need strong, independent public broadcasters, the Greens say.
“Public interest journalism is a vital part of a functioning democracy. This merger of two major commercial players paints a sad picture of the media landscape in Australia,” Greens media spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“While the big media players are looking for opportunities to merge to cut costs, we need to ensure our public broadcasters remain strong. That means the ABC and SBS are well-funded and independent so they can report without fear or favour.
“In this age of low-trust in politicians, we need a strong fourth estate to ensure a well-informed public. It is greatly disappointing to see our media diversity continue to be watered down.
“Quality, well-staffed newsrooms must be a priority. Nine should use the opportunity to set a precedent ahead of the inevitability of future media company mergers.”

Greens say Call for shark cull no solution

Calls for mass shark culls by conservative politicians would be an ineffective and irresponsible response to recent attacks in Queensland, according to the Australian Greens.
Queensland Senator Larissa Waters said a calm and sensible approach is needed and welcomed tomorrow’s roundtable on the issue in Airlie Beach.
“Our hearts go out to the families affected by recent shark attacks, but calls for mass shark culls are irresponsible, won’t work, and would not be supported by a majority of Queenslanders,” Senator Waters said.
“Tomorrow’s roundtable needs to look at all of the non-lethal options including shark shield personal deterrent devices, shark spotter programs, eco-shark barriers and increased public education.
“There must also be scientists at the table so facts inform decision making.
“We cannot turn our ocean into a shark killing field because of political hyperbole. Lethal mitigation measures give a false sense of security and do not deter sharks or adequately protect swimmers.
“Drumlines and nets are indiscriminate killers of protected wildlife, and the evidence shows non-lethal measures are more effective.”
Senator Waters said the Queensland Government’s Great Barrier Reef shark control program was more than 50 years old and has killed more than 85,000 marine animals including sharks, turtles and dolphins.
“Queensland’s shark control program is completely out of date and isn’t in line with community expectations for protecting swimmers without harming marine life,” Senator Waters said.
“There are plenty of non-lethal options that should be considered and will do much more for people’s safety, marine life and tourism.”
A recent Senate Inquiry into shark mitigation, established by Greens spokesperson for Healthy Oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, has already outlined better ways to manage risks to both humans and wildlife.

Greens Announce Plan for Federal Funding of Rail Tunnel in Illawarra

Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has announced that the Australian Greens will set aside $1.5 billion to start construction of the Thirroul Tunnel to slash rail travel times to Sydney for the people of the Illawarra as part of their Federal Election platform.
Senator Faruqi, who is also a civil and environmental engineer, said:
“We know that thousands of people travel between the Illawarra and Sydney every day and face overcrowded trains, long commutes and a lack of seating . It doesn’t have to be this way, the Illawarra deserves world class, 21st Century public transport.
“As a civil engineeer it is frustrating to see Government’s commit to building multibillion dollar toll roads, like the F6, rather than invest in real solutions at a fraction of the cost, like the Thirroul tunnel.
“The Greens will set aside $1.5 billion dollars of Federal Funding to go towards the Thirroul Tunnel. This will cover almost half the expected price tag and shave nearly 25 minutes off each trip.
“This will have a huge impact on the thousands of people who commute to Sydney. We can deliver a faster, more frequent and comfortable train journey.  This means more time to enjoy with family, friends and loved ones. The Illawarra deserves nothing less.
“We know that the only way to reduce the commute time between Sydney and the Illawarra is to build the Thirroul Tunnel. So we just need to get on and do it. People have been waiting for too long already” she concluded.
Senator Rice said:
“The Thirroul rail tunnel would be a game changer for people living on the South Coast and cost a lot less than the F6 toll road. The Federal Government should be putting $1.5 billion towards this critical rail project, not toll roads that will only add more pressure to family budgets and won’t do anything to solve congestion”.
The Greens will cancel wasteful federal spending on dirty toll roads across the country and redirect the money into public transport projects. We will set aside $1.5 billion of that funding to go towards the Thirroul Tunnel. This will cover almost half the expected price tag and will shave 22 minutes of each trip.