NSW Environment Minister Matt Kean has today announced the launch of a new app and the release of the first Annual Report for the Koala Strategy, during a visit to mark construction for a new koala hospital and accommodation in Port Stephens.
The new Koala Sanctuary, funded with $3 million from the NSW Koala Strategy, is just one of the many on-ground actions being delivered under the $45 million NSW Koala Strategy.
The success of the strategy is highlighted with stories like Eila and her koala joey Patu. Eila spent 108 days in intensive care, with serious burns, from the Mambo wetland fires in December 2018. Eila’s continuous recovery and the birth of Patu, is nothing short of a miracle and testament of the tremendous care from Port Stephens Koalas wildlife carers.
“Little koala joey Patu is living proof of how important the work of those treating and rehabilitating koalas in the region is,” Mr Kean said.
The Minister also announced the launch of the “I Spy Koala” App, created as part of the NSW Koala Strategy to get NSW communities involved in mapping where they have seen koalas.
“Spotting a koala in the wild is an incredible feeling and we all have the opportunity to make sure we see more of them. By using the app, you are a key part of helping us protect koalas. With better knowledge of koala populations across NSW, we can make better conservation decisions.”
“I encourage everyone in the community – koala rehabilitators, vets, ecologists, researchers, wildlife enthusiasts – to download ‘I Spy Koala’ to record their NSW koala sightings.
“Remember if you see sick or injured wildlife, please contact your local wildlife rehabilitation group directly to ensure care can be provided as soon as possible,” said Mr Kean.
Key achievements under the NSW Koala Strategy include:

  • $1.93 million funding allocated to 10 new koala research projects, including new and improved chlamydial treatments.
  • More than $1 million on local koala conservation projects.
  • Construction of over 9km of fencing along Picton Road, near Wollondilly, to channel koalas and other wildlife to existing crossings under the road.
  • The protection of about 7,000 hectares of koala habitat.

Mr Kean said that while there is still lots of work ahead, these milestones are an important step to safeguard the welfare of koalas in NSW.
“We all have a role in saving the koala – and the NSW Koala Strategy is creating opportunities for all of us in the community to get involved in koala conservation, whether you want to protect koala habitat on your land or report a koala sighting”, said Mr Kean.
The NSW Koala Strategy Annual Report:
The data captured through the app will be available to the public through the Sharing and Enabling Environmental Data (SEED) portal.


Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott welcomed 269 new recruits to the NSW Police Force today during a graduation ceremony for Class 338 in Goulburn.
Nineteen of the new recruits are from an Indigenous background, including five who have come through the Indigenous Police Recruitment Our Way Delivery (IPROWD) Program to boost Aboriginal Australians in the NSW Police Force.
Mr Elliott said the State would be a safer place with the new recruits assigned to local Police Commands across NSW.
“I want to welcome each and every attesting recruit to the police family, and pay particular mention to the nineteen Indigenous new recruits who will become strong leaders in their communities,” Mr Elliott said.
“The NSW Liberals & Nationals have invested $583 million to introduce 1500 extra police over the next four years to enhance community safety across NSW.
“This is the biggest investment in police for more than 30 years.”
NSW Police Force Commissioner Mick Fuller said the attestation was an important milestone for recruits.
“Today is a day to celebrate. Our newest recruits have worked extremely hard to be standing on the parade ground,” Commissioner Fuller said.
“Next week they will discover the great sense of pride and responsibility that comes from donning the blue uniform. I welcome them to the NSW Police Force and thank them for their commitment to preventing and disrupting crime.”
Member for Goulburn Wendy Tuckerman also attended the graduation that included 177 men and 92 women. Twenty-nine recruits were born overseas in countries including Iraq, Croatia and Wales.
Following the event, Mr Elliott and Ms Tuckerman joined local SES volunteers in Goulburn to present them with grant for a sand storage bunker to improve their operational response during flood and storm operations.


The NSW Government has outlined its strategic vision for Pyrmont and the Western Harbour precinct as a vibrant residential, entertainment and innovation hub on the fringe of Sydney’s CBD.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian today announced the Greater Sydney Commission had been directed to immediately review the area’s planning rules to ensure they are consistent with the Government’s vision for its future.
“I am sending a strong message that Pyrmont is open for business and ready to be taken to the next level,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“Sydney is Australia’s only true global city and we have a unique opportunity before us to transform Pyrmont and the Western Harbour precint into an iconic destination.
“With a growing population, we know there will be more development in Pyrmont in the future. With that will come opportunities to build more transport links including a potential Metro station.
“While individual applications will continue to be determined on their merits, this review sends a clear signal that our government believes the Pyrmont area has a bright and exciting future as a key part of the NSW visitor economy.”
Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said the GSC’s review would also include recommendations to the Government on how to support a greater diversity of development in the precinct.
“We need to ensure planning rules for the area are still relevant, particularly with major projects planned including the new Sydney Fishmarket, the Ultimo Creative Arts Precinct and Bays Precinct,” Mr Stokes said.
“We must ensure that our planning system is clear and effective in supporting the type and scale of development needed in a top quality, vibrant, mixed-use precinct.
“We must also ensure that any major plans to transform the area are supported with the right infrastructure to create a vibrant destination for locals, visitors and businesses alike.”
The Greater Sydney Commission commenced its review last week, with their report due to be completed by the end of next month.


Families who lose loved ones in unexpected or unexplained circumstances will get the answers they need sooner under planned changes to the Coroners Act 2009.
Health Minister Brad Hazzard and Attorney General Mark Speakman will put forward the proposals to NSW Parliament today, which aim to avoid unnecessary post mortem examinations.
“Around 60 per cent of all cases reported to the NSW Coroner each year are the result of a natural death,” Mr Hazzard said.
“This amendment to the Act will remove the requirement to report a death to the Coroner where the deceased had not seen a doctor in the six months prior to death.”
Mr Speakman said the proposed changes would reduce the number of unnecessary referrals to the Coroner and improve timeframes of other coronial investigations.
“These amendments will remove unnecessary red tape enabling families to have their deceased loved ones returned to them sooner, so they can grieve and lay them to rest,” Mr Speakman said.
“Additionally, and importantly, the change will also bring NSW in line with other states.”
A second amendment will allow a forensic pathologist to undertake preliminary examinations of deceased people without the need for a direction from the Coroner.
This change will similarly improve timeframes for families in circumstances where a full medical post-mortem examination on the deceased person is not needed.
The obligation under the Coroners Act 2009 to report unnatural, violent or suspicious deaths and sudden deaths from unknown causes will remain untouched.
Further opportunities for appropriate ways to improve the coronial process are currently being explored by a special Government taskforce.


In a further crackdown on dangerous bushfire bugs, the standard non-parole period for convicted arsonists is set to increase from five years to nine years to help protect lives and property.
Attorney General Mark Speakman and Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said the Government would introduce an amendment to implement the recommendation of the Sentencing Council to help ensure those who commit bushfire offences spend more time behind bars.
“With another hot and dry summer around the corner, it is important there are strong laws in place to protect farmers and communities who are already struggling because of the drought,” Mr Speakman.
“The tougher standard non-parole period builds on the Government’s introduction of a tougher penalty for the bushfire offence, which increased the maximum penalty from 14 to 21 years in November last year.”
In 2018, Mr Speakman asked the Sentencing Council to review the standard non-parole period.
As a result of the review, the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 will be amended to increase the standard non-parole period for the bushfire offence under section 203E of the Crimes Act 1900. The offence applies to the charge of intentionally causing a fire and being reckless about it spreading on public land or someone else’s property.
Minister Elliott said one act of stupidity could bring a community to its knees.
“My message to would-be firebugs is to stop and think about the children and families who could be killed or injured and the huge economic and emotional toll of being homeless and having to rebuild properties and farms from scratch,” he said.
“There is no excuse for starting a bushfire, which is why the longer standard non-parole period, on top of tougher maximum sentences, reflects the seriousness of the crime.”
NSW Rural Fire Service Acting Commissioner Rob Rogers welcomed the latest reforms and called on the community to report suspicious behaviour.
“NSW firefighters already have a difficult and dangerous job responding to emergencies and keeping the community safe, let alone having to put their lives on the line because some reckless person deliberately started a fire,” he said.
“The prolonged drought means there is an increased risk of fires. It is important people remain vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour so offenders are caught.”
As part of its review, the Sentencing Council received submissions from stakeholders including the Law Society of NSW, Legal Aid NSW, NSW Police Force, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Rural Fire Service Association.
The majority of stakeholders agreed the bushfire offence’s standard non-parole period should be increased.


Sydney’s CBD will be home to two new office towers, with the NSW Government approving the development above the future Martin Place Metro Station.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian, Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes and Minister for Transport Andrew Constance today announced the approval of a 39-storey office tower above the northern entrance of the under-construction Metro Station and a 29-office storey tower above the southern entrance.
Ms Berejiklian said the towers will create more than 2500 jobs during construction, and house nearly 9000 office, retail and hospitality workers once complete.
“Sydney is Australias only truly global city and developments like this continue to elevate our status,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“The Martin Place development is a win for the community and a win for taxpayers, with Macquarie Group helping pay for the metro station build as part of the deal.”
Mr Stokes said the integrated station and towers is a great example of well-designed development being built in the right areas.
“These towers, which underwent a rigorous assessment by the Department and an independent design review panel, will enhance Martin Place’s position as a jobs and transport hub in the heart of the CBD,” Mr Stokes said.
“The new metro precinct will connect the existing T4 line with the Sydney Metro and will include shops, restaurants, offices and connections to Hunter, Elizabeth and Castlereagh Streets for commuters and workers.”
Mr Constance said construction of the towers will happen at the same time as the new Martin Place Station is being built underground, with the buildings to be completed in time for the Metro line’s opening in 2024.
“Once completed, the Metro will connect metro rail services from Chatswood, through a new line under the harbour and city, to Sydenham, where they will run on the existing Bankstown Line.”


Children will be better protected by legislation introduced in Parliament today which builds on the NSW Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services Gareth Ward said the Children’s Guardian Bill 2019 will strengthen the independent regulator and help build more accountable, child safe organisations.
“Protecting children and young people is a top priority for our Government and this Bill sends an unequivocal message to all child-related organisations,” Mr Ward said.
“Organisations and agencies that engage contractors who work with children, as well as religious bodies, will be brought into the Reportable Conduct Scheme, with new penalties for anyone who fails to comply.
“The Bill will give the Children’s Guardian greater authority and oversight to help organisations create safer environments for more than 1.5 million children in NSW.”
The reforms will implement a number of recommendations of the Royal Commission to ensure the Children’s Guardian has the legal powers to keep our kids safe.
The NSW Government has had the most comprehensive response of any state or territory to the Royal Commission, with more than $570 million invested to protect children and support survivors of child sexual abuse.
Anglican Archbishop of Sydney Glenn Davies welcomed the changes, which he said would close the loopholes in legislation identified by the Ombudsman.
“The Anglican Church, along with other churches, has been very supportive of this move and I am glad that the highest level of protection for children in our state, will be maintained,” Archbishop Davies said.
The Office of the Children’s Guardian is an independent Statutory Authority that works to protect children and young people by promoting and regulating quality, child safe organisations and services.


Hundreds of thousands of households have reaped the rewards of the NSW Government’s cost of living programs, with $1.5 billion given back to households since July last year.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian joined Minister for Customer Service Victor Dominello today at the Wynyard Service NSW Centre to reveal the figures and encourage families to check their eligibility for savings.
“There are more than 70 rebates and incentives available across Government that could potentially save households hundreds of dollars a year,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“We are committed to easing cost of living pressure for families which is why we transformed Service NSW into a one-stop shop for household savings.
“Whether it’s a $100 Creative Kids voucher, a senior savers card or a better energy deal, hip pocket relief is available.”
Mr Dominello said: “Checking your eligibility and making a saving is simple and easy and can be done online, in store or by making an appointment with a cost of living specialist at Service NSW.”
“People simply love our cost of living support. It only takes a few minutes to claim a saving, but you could leave with extra money in your pocket.”
Milestones to date include:

  • Around 30,000 cost of living appointments, saving customers $14 million, with an average saving of $550;
  • Around 11,000 customers saving around $4.4 million through Energy Switch, with an average electricity saving of $440 and $134 for gas;
  • More than 120,000 drivers saving almost $50 million in free rego and 14,000 drivers saving $3 million in half rego;
  • Around 600,000 FuelCheck app downloads
  • More than 930,000 Active Kids vouchers downloaded;
  • More than 265,000 Creative Kids vouchers downloaded.

The following are the top Service NSW Centres in Sydney for cost of living appointment savings:

Centre Savings Highest Individual Saving
Parramatta $497,000 $18,429
Liverpool $441,000 $9,235
Auburn $375,000 $2,627
Burwood $367,000 $11,645
Mount Druitt $351,000 $15,420
Wetherill Park $346,000 $4,834
Castle Hill $301,000 $8,000
Blacktown $266,000 $2,824
Bankstown $264,000 $2,285

Further information on the savings is available at


Premier Gladys Berejiklian today announced the NSW Government is working with German powerhouse Siemens to finalise a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to bring advanced technologies and innovations in vocational education and training (VET) to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
Founded in 1847, Siemens is the largest industrial manufacturing company in Europe.
Ms Berejiklian made the announcement ahead of a tour of a ‘Smart City’ to learn about Germany’s innovative approach to vocational education and training (VET) on the sixth and final day of her international trade mission.
The up to €600 million ‘Siemensstadt 2.0’ or Siemens City 2.0 innovation precinct is set to transform a 70 hectare industrial area in Berlin into a modern, urban district with offices, residences, laboratories and production plants in place by 2030.
“The NSW Government is committed to building a supply of skilled labour to meet the jobs needs of the future,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“I’m excited to learn more about Germany’s dual system of on-the-job and classroom training and see how that works in practice for companies like Siemens.”
Germany’s VET system provides trainees with high-level technical skills and has been especially effective at responding to changes in technology and the employment needs of business, providing a reliable source of high-skilled labour for local companies and supporting the global competitiveness of small to medium enterprises.
Siemens is a major investor in VET, training around 8000 apprentices and students in Germany each year.
Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney Stuart Ayres said a strong VET system will be essential for ensuring the success of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.
“The key to ensuring that additional jobs created through the Aerotropolis are sustainable is to provide workers with the skills they need for future industries,” Mr Ayres said. “That’s why the NSW Government will establish a permanent VET facility in the Aerotropolis with a focus on advanced manufacturing, technology and engineering.”
The Premier is on a trade mission to the UK and Germany from August 11 to 16 with Mr Ayres, exploring innovative partnership options for NSW.


Champion golfer Craig Parry has backed the NSW Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program, supporting the installation of more devices across the State, to keep saving lives.
Nearly 1,200 grants have been handed out to sporting clubs and councils across NSW since the launch of the program, to assist in the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) to respond to cardiac emergencies.
“I hope they’ll never have to be used, but if they are, they will be crucial to saving lives on the golf course and other sports arenas.” Mr Parry said.
Minister for Sport John Sidoti is encouraging sports clubs across the state to apply for grants for this potentially life-saving equipment.
“Early access to a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death in the event of a cardiac arrest,” Mr Sidoti said.
“With more and more people of all ages participating in amateur sport, it is vital clubs and councils are equipped to respond to life-threating emergencies.”
Mr Sidoti launched the 2019/20 round of the program at Concord Golf Club which was awarded a grant to purchase four defibrillators in the last round of the program, bringing the club’s total to five.
General Manager, Glenn Phillips said due to the club’s demographic, it was vital there was access to this potentially life-saving equipment from anywhere on the course.
“The golf course spans 43 acres and due to the distance from the clubhouse to the furthest hole, we felt it was imperative that we install additional defibrillators,” Mr Phillips said.
“We now have defibrillators installed in purpose-built huts next to tee boxes around the course, providing quick access in the event of an emergency.”
The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program is a four-year $4 million NSW Government program. For more information on the Local Sports Defibrillator Program, visit: