Students and staff at Penrith Public School now have access to a new state-of-the-art building, thanks to a $10 million investment from the NSW Government.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell today officially unveiled the new two storey building, as the NSW Government continues its record $6.5 billion rollout of 190 new and upgraded schools.
“The upgrade at Penrith Public School has delivered 12 cutting-edge classrooms, to give students the best possible learning environment to thrive in,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“This is yet another example of what our record investment in new and upgraded schools is delivering for students and teachers right across the State.”
Ms Mitchell said Penrith Public School is one of 22 new and upgraded public schools that have opened in 2019.
“Seventeen new and upgraded schools opened their doors to students in time for Term 1 and we have delivered another five in time for Term 2,” Ms Mitchell said.
“The NSW Government will continue to get on with the job of delivering for schools across the State, so every child has access to world-class facilities.”
Minister for Western Sydney and Member for Penrith Stuart Ayres has welcomed the significant upgrade at Penrith Public School.
“Penrith Public School is now the perfect example of Penrith heritage and new Penrith coming together,” Mr Ayres said.
The NSW Government’s record investment in new and upgraded schools is on top of the $1.3 billion to wipe the school maintenance to zero and the $500 million Cool Classrooms Fund to provide new air conditioning units.


Australia’s biggest public transport project, the North West Metro, will open to customers on Sunday 26 May, delivering a turn up and go rail service from Rouse Hill to Chatswood.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Transport Andrew Constance today confirmed the opening date of the new Metro line, which is now undergoing final commissioning.
“This is an exciting time for the future of public transport. Thousands of commuters will have access to world class metro rail,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“We have delivered the North West Metro on time and more than $1 billion under budget.
“This project is the result of hard work, discipline and focus. I want to thank all those involved in delivering this important project.”
Mr Constance said the Metro North West Line includes 13 stations between Tallawong and Chatswood and 4000 commuter car parking spaces.
“The new generation of driverless trains have now completed more than 180,000 kilometres of testing and final commissioning is underway,” Mr Constance said.
“Sydney Metro is Australia’s first fully accessible railway which will deliver fast, safe and reliable travel.
“The Metro line is currently being extended from Chatswood to Bankstown and by 2024 Sydney will have 31 metro stations and a 66 kilometre standalone metro railway.”
At full operation, trains will run every four minutes in each direction at peak times on the Metro North West Line, with the ability to run up to every two minutes in the future.


Before and after school care for all children at public primary schools is on track for 2021, with consultation to begin with principals and school communities next month.
Parents will also be able to register their interest in a before or after school care service where they might not have one or theirs is full via Service NSW from July 1.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell said implementing the key election commitment was a major focus for the NSW Government.
“We are getting on with the job of delivering this important initiative to ensure working families have greater access to more affordable, convenient and flexible child care services,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“No matter where you live or what your circumstances are, parents should have access to quality and affordable out of school hours care for their children”.
Ms Mitchell said consultation on the $120 million investment would begin in Term 2.
“We will work closely with our schools, P&Cs, principals and parents – as well as the before and after school care sector – to develop flexible and creative solutions that offer parents support and choice, as well as ensuring schools have the equipment and resourcing they need to deliver these wonderful services,” Ms Mitchell said.
Schools in metropolitan and major regional centres will be required to open their playgrounds, halls or classrooms for before and after school care and school holiday care from 7am to 6pm.
At smaller or remote schools where an on-site service is not feasible, transport will be offered to get students to and from offsite providers or other schools.
“We need to use our wonderful school resources better. It is not acceptable that there are waiting lists for before and after school care, while our school grounds are under-utilised,” Ms Mitchell said.
A new specialist team in the Department of Education is being created to coordinate services and manage leases to relieve this burden from principals.
The NSW Government will also reduce the cost of before and after school care by up to $225 per child per year, through a capped rental subsidy of up to $15,000 for providers who run services on NSW Government school grounds.
The $120 million strategy, over four years, includes $50 million to help schools buy new equipment and expand their facilities; $40 million to provide rental subsidies to service providers at public primary schools if they can demonstrate savings have been passed on to families; and $20 million to help schools where a standalone service may not be viable, including smaller schools and rural and remote communities.
There is also funding for a team of specialists to help coordinate services and resources to make it easier to setup and maintain a service and to take the hassle out of managing contracts with providers for principals; as well as funding to help parents and carers search for and access places online via Service NSW.


Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Deputy Premier John Barilaro have outlined the newly elected Government’s priorities ahead of the first Cabinet meeting today.
“I’m looking forward to delivering great opportunities and quality of life for all citizens across NSW no matter where they live or what their circumstances are,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“A strong economy is fundamental. We need to ensure that NSW continues to be an attractive location to invest, which will in turn enhance capacity to develop new industries and drive jobs growth.
“Jobs are fundamental. We will prioritise higher education and skills to ensure we have a workforce that is able to adapt to the needs of Australia and the world.
“We will also focus on tackling social issues to reduce disadvantage.”
Mr Barilaro said improving the quality of life for people across NSW, particularly in the regions, will be a major focus for the Government.
“We know many of our regional and rural communities are doing it tough. Providing water security and better connecting our communities will be key priorities,” Mr Barilaro said.
“We have an opportunity to unlock enormous economic potential with better connections between the regions and Sydney and, crucially, from region to region.”
The key policy priorities of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government are:

  • A strong economy, quality jobs and job security for workers of today and tomorrow;
  • Highest quality education no matter where you live or what your circumstances may be;
  • Well-connected communities with quality local environments;
  • Making Government work better for you by putting the customer at the centre of everything we do; and,
  • Breaking the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage by fixing problems that have been in the too-hard basket for too long.

A strong economy, quality jobs and job security for workers of today and tomorrow: We will build the strongest economy in the region, providing the jobs and investment opportunities that will take NSW to the next level.
By diversifying our economy, we can deliver greater economic growth, and more and better jobs. Continued jobs growth and business investment is the key to the wages growth required to help individuals and families to get ahead. We have the capacity to be a global leader in areas such as fin-tech, med-tech, research and development, robotics and information technology. And we will continue to reduce taxes so businesses can grow and prosper.
Highest quality education no matter where you live or what your circumstances may be: We will prepare the most dynamic, qualified and skilled workforce in the world.
Higher education and skills standards will ensure a flexible workforce, able to adapt to the ever-changing external environment and access lifelong learning opportunities.  This will help take NSW to the next level and ensure capacity to develop new industries.  We will focus on the quality of life-long learning, whether it’s pre-school, school, vocational education or mature-aged re-training. And we will focus on areas where educational outcomes need improvement.
Well-connected communities with quality local environments: We will deliver the infrastructure that connects communities and improves opportunity and quality of life.
Our ambitious infrastructure pipeline must make all our cities and towns more liveable, whether country or city. Not just transport infrastructure, but social infrastructure like schools, hospitals, sporting and cultural institutions, parks and public space. We will deliver cleaner, greener urban environments and more secure water supplies for the bush. These infrastructure investments will be integrated completely with our regional growth strategy and will connect communities like never before.
Making Government work better for you by putting the customer at the centre of everything we do: We will provide world-class services for every citizen, no matter where they live or what their circumstances may be.
The newly established Customer Service Cluster will use technology and data to better integrate government services and massively improve the quality and level of services available.  In the same way we have revolutionised customer service through Service NSW – where citizens can now conduct more than 850 transactions in one place – we will now focus on how people interact with our schools, hospitals and social services so that each of these services are re-designed to work better for each citizen, and improve their lives at an individual level. And we will continue to reduce red tape, simplify processes and deliver measures to help people manage their cost of living.
Break the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage by fixing problems that have been in the too-hard basket for too long: We will focus on social reform in areas that have been longstanding challenges.
With strong fundamentals now in place, we can focus on the most difficult problems that our community faces, including those which have driven intergenerational disadvantage. Already, we have begun work to reduce the rate of suicide, provide permanency for all children in out of home care, ensure social housing tenants have a pathway to independence, tackle indigenous disadvantage, and reduce rates of recidivism and the prison population. We are not here to avoid the toughest problems or simply to mark time – we are here to make a real and lasting difference.

Woman charged with common assault following egging incident – Albury

A woman has been charged after allegedly striking the Prime Minister with an egg at an event in Albury earlier today.
The Prime Minister was attending an event at Albury Entertainment Centre, when a woman approached him from behind and allegedly struck him with an egg to the back of his head about 11am (Tuesday 7 May 2019).
The Prime Minister’s security team quickly detained the woman, and in the act of restraining her, a 70-year-old woman was knocked to the ground. No injuries were reported.
The 24-year-old woman was arrested and taken to the Albury Police Station.
During a search of the woman, police located cannabis.
The Victorian woman was charged with common assault and possess prohibited drug.
She was granted strict conditional bail and is due to appear at Albury Local Court on 27 May 2019.

Busting Congestion in Western Sydney

A re-elected Morrison Government will invest an additional $167.5 million into Western Sydney, supercharging congestion busting projects to get residents out of traffic.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the funds would be spent improving Dunheved Road in Penrith, and providing more spaces at seven car parks for regular train users.
Mr Morrison said only the Liberals and Nationals have a long-term plan for investment in Western Sydney, which would make it a better place to live, work and play.
“This is about taking Western Sydney from being just about growth, to an even better place to live and get around,” the Prime Minister said.
“Whether it’s the new airport, the North South Rail Link, or our congestion-busting road projects, we are working hard and in partnership with the Berejiklian Government to support a major transformation of this great city.
“We don’t want the people of Western Sydney to be stuck in traffic when they could be at home with their family or getting paid at work.
“But a record investment in infrastructure can only be delivered when you have a stronger economy and with a Budget that is in surplus.
“The only way Bill Shorten and Labor will be able to pay for new road and rail projects in Western Sydney is by placing at least $387 billion in new and higher taxes on the hardworking residents of suburbs like Penrith, Parramatta and Lakemba.”
The Morrison Government’s $167.5 million investment includes:

  • $63.5 million to upgrade Dunheved Road between Richmond Road and Werrington Road in Penrith;
  • $20 million to increase commuter car parking at Kingswood station;
  • $20 million to increase commuter car parking at St Marys station;
  • $15 million to increase commuter car parking at Emu Plains station;
  • $15 million to increase commuter car parking at Campbelltown station;
  • $15 million to increase commuter car parking at Macarthur station;
  • $9.5 million to increase commuter car parking at Revesby station; and
  • $9.5 million to increase commuter car parking at Riverwood station.

Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge said the projects were part of the Coalition’s record $100 billion investment in infrastructure across the country.
“The Coalition’s $5.3 billion Western Sydney Airport started the infrastructure transformation across the region,” Minister Tudge said.
“We have also committed $3.5 billion to rail infrastructure that will be up and running the day the airport starts operating. All of this means jobs for the people of Western Sydney and our infrastructure plan will get everyone home sooner and safer each day.
“People have been crying out for commuter car parks and these seven new commuter car parks will take up to 3,000 cars off the road. It is a transport strategy that is smart and clear and will make a tangible effect.”
The new funding builds on the Morrison Government’s track record of delivering for Western Sydney, including:

  • $5.3 billion to fully fund the construction of Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport;
  • $3.5 billion for Stage 1 of the North South Rail Link from St Marys to Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport and the Badgerys Creek Aerotropolis;
  • $2.9 billion towards the $3.6 billion Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan;
  • $1.5 billion in grant funding and a $2 billion concessional loan for WestConnex;
  • $1.4 billion for the new M12 Motorway between the M7 Motorway near Cecil Hills and The Northern Road at Luddenham;
  • $200 million for the Hawkesbury River Third Crossing;
  • $115 million to upgrade Mulgoa Road;
  • $95 million to upgrade The Horsley Drive;
  • $50 million to upgrade Homebush Bay Drive;
  • $7.5 million for additional car parking at Panania station;
  • $65 million for Australia’s first dedicated Cystic Fibrosis Specialist Unit at Westmead;
  • New MRIs in Penrith, Mt Druitt, Rouse Hill and Bella Vista; and
  • Tax relief for Western Sydney’s 215,000 small and medium businesses and 800,000 lower and middle income earners in Western Sydney.


The first mega tunnel boring machine launched on the NSW Government’s Metro City and South West project has broken through at Waterloo after tunnelling 3.1 kilometres from Marrickville.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Transport Andrew Constance joined workers to welcome the arrival of the Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM), Nancy, at the site of the new Waterloo Metro Station.
“This is history in the making as we get on with the job of delivering turn-up-and-go Metro services up to every two minutes from Chatswood, under the Harbour and CBD and onto Bankstown,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“TBM Nancy only started digging in October and has now arrived at Waterloo after completing 3.1 kilometres of tunnelling in less than six months.
“In a couple of weeks Nancy will continue tunnelling towards Barangaroo via new metro stations at Central, Pitt Street and Martin Place.”
Mr Constance said TBM Nancy’s tunnel breakthrough at Waterloo was an exciting milestone for the country’s biggest public transport project, which will connect Sydney’s North West with the City and South West like never before.
“When Metro City and South West is complete in 2024 Sydney will have 31 metro stations along a new 66 kilometre metro rail line with the capacity to move about 40,000 customers an hour,” Mr Constance said.
TBM Mum Shirl is tunnelling alongside TBM Nancy from Marrickville and is only a few hundred metres from breaking through at Waterloo.
The mega tunnel boring machines are two of the five TBMs building the 15.5 kilometre twin railway tunnels between Chatswood and Marrickville.

M4 work will be paid off by September 2019, why will Western Sydney pay for 43 years?

Analysis of NSW Road Toll Data has revealed that if toll revenue continues at its current rate, the M4 widening will be paid off by September 2019.

Despite this, Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian has locked Western Sydney into paying tolls for 43 years.

Regular Western Sydney commuters are slugged more $2,000 a year travelling on the M4, making the toll one of the biggest cost of living issues of the election.

NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley said: “The Liberals are keeping their M4 toll, while Labor is re-introducing the M4 Cashback.

“The voters of Western Sydney have a clear choice.”

This follows Premier Berejiklian announcing that there will be a second new M4 toll under a Liberal Government in the Sky News leader’s debate. Then in a late night tweet she said she wouldn’t introduce a new M4 toll.

In the debate the Premier was asked if there would be a second toll west of Parramatta. She said there would be under the Liberals. This part of the M4 is currently toll-free.

“Every person I speak to is already feeling the pinch from rising costs. Western Sydney motorists shouldn’t have to pay this unfair toll for 43 years.” Labor’s candidate for Penrith, Karen McKeown said.

The Liberals' secret plan to toll the M4 from Penrith to Parramatta revealed

In a massive hit to Western Sydney families just days out from the election, Premier Berejiklian said there will be a second new M4 toll under a Liberal Government in the Sky News leader’s debate.
The current M4 toll is the single largest cost of living issue affecting many M4 commuters in Western Sydney.
In a late night tweet Premier Berejiklian then said she wouldn’t introduce a new M4 toll.
In the debate the Premier was asked if there would be a second toll west of Parramatta. She said there would be under the Liberals. This part of the M4 is currently toll-free.
“Either the Premier is so out of touch she doesn’t know where the tolls are or she slipped up and revealed her real plans for after the election,” Shadow Minister for Western Sydney, Prue Car, said.
The current M4 toll costs more than $2,000 a year for a regular commuter – dwarfing soaring electricity prices.
The Liberals are keeping their M4 toll, while Labor is introducing a M4 toll Cashback.
“Every person I speak to is already feeling the pinch from rising costs. A secret new toll would be cruel and unaffordable. It will blow the family budget for tens of thousands of Western Sydney commuters.” Labor Leader, Michael Daley, said.
“This will not happen under Labor. I cannot be more certain, under a Government I lead there will no new tolls on old roads. In fact we will introduce massive cut to tolls paid with our M4 Cashback.”
“This will send a shockwave through Western Sydney,” Shadow Minister for Western Sydney, Prue Car, said.
“It is a disaster for family budgets and the Liberals know this, it’s why they have never whispered a word of a new toll before tonight.”
Labor is committed to a M4 Cashback, which was costed in the independent Parliamentary Budget Office’s official statement.

Labor to deliver justice for light rail victims

Michael Daley and Labor will set aside $100 million to make sure the affected residents and businesses devastated by Premier Berejiklian’s botched Sydney Light Rail project will be properly compensated so they can repair the damage done to their lives and livelihoods by Premier Berejiklian’s pet project.

Labor’s plan will provide additional resources for residents and businesses who are affected so they can get back on their feet and restore some order to their lives wrecked by this project which has dragged on for years.

A Daley Labor Government will also ask the independent NSW Ombudsman to examine complaints made in the past to determine whether Transport for NSW dealt with complainants fairly and in good faith.

Residents and businesses affected by these disastrous project have suffered;

  • Property damage
  • Excessive dust & debris
  • Construction at all hours
  • Excessive noise at all hours
  • Excessive light
  • Loss of access to homes and businesses
  • Loss of foot traffic and trade
  • Destruction of heritage and loss of public space
  • Reduced accessibility to homes and businesses.

NSW Labor Leader Michael Daley said, “Residents and businesses affected by this botched project have been waiting for years for a Government that treats them with the respect they deserve.

“Premier Berejiklian and Minister Constance haven’t listened to the people affected by this project, residents and businesses feel completely ignored by the Government.

“This is long overdue for the residents and businesses across Sydney who have been hurt by these projects. A Labor Government will see justice done.”