Labor to deliver six ice detoxification and rehabilitation clinics

NSW Labor will deliver six detoxification and rehabilitation clinics – with one to be established in Western Sydney and managed by the Noffs Foundation.
Labor has also indicated that Dubbo will be the site for one of the four regional sites.
In total, they will provide an additional 125 beds – costing a total of $100 million.
In addition, Labor re-committed to holding a drug summit patterned on the historic 1999 one to respond to illicit drug use in the community.
The summit will bring together experts, law enforcement, health professionals, family members and former users to consider evidence-based policy and to develop a way forward that protects lives. The historic 1999 Drug Summit gave rise to the medically supervised injecting room at Kings Cross.
NSW Labor leader Michael Daley made the announcement with Shadow Minister for Health Walt Secord, Noffs foundation CEO, Matt Noffs at Liverpool.

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The Noffs Foundation will manage a 16-bed facility built in Western Sydney with a final site to be determined.
The Western Sydney facility would be focused on supporting western Sydney youth, with clients generally between the ages of 13 and 18.
Overall, when fully operational the clinics will treat up to 1,300 ice affected patients a year and will be staffed by social workers and health professionals.
The Noffs Foundation facility in Western Sydney will deliver:

  • Up to 16 beds;
  • Detoxification and rehabilitation support for drug-affected children;
  • Mixed gendered facilities with separated sleeping facilities;
  • Support for children following juvenile detention or those with violent histories; and
  • An alternative pathway for Judges to keep children out of juvenile detention; and
  • Support to get children out of the criminal justice and health system and into meaningful employment.

It is expected the average admission period would be around the three-month mark for most patients – however, there will be flexibility to take into account patients’ individual needs.
The Noffs facility will focus on providing services to youth addicted to ice and other drugs who are making efforts to avoid incarceration – or those who require additional rehabilitation post-incarceration.
Police and health professionals will be able to refer and take patients to the clinics where an accredited medical practitioner will assess the patient and issue a certificate to admit them.
Judges can also request the admission of patients and the requirements will be similar to the admission process for the current Involuntary Drug and Alcohol Treatment Program (IDAT).

Mr Daley said that the Berejiklian Government’s “just say no to drugs” approach is not working; we need to tackle the scourge of drug use, abuse and addiction in NSW.
“We need to get people, particularly kids, off drugs and into meaningful employment, but they are unable to do this if they do not have access to the proper support services,” Mr Daley said.
“Labor’s rehabilitation policy will get kids clean, out of the criminal justice system and into jobs or further study.”
Existing service providers say that their waiting lists for treatment are longer than they have ever been as there has been no significant increase in bed capacity since the increased funding that resulted from the Carr Labor Government’s Drug Summit in 1999.
Shadow Minister for Health Walt Secord said that the changing face of drug use presents challenges and the just say no approach by the Berejiklian Government has failed.
“We have to face that we cannot arrest our way out of the problem.”
“Ice is ruining people’s lives. The Berejiklian Government has the wrong priorities. While they splurge $2.2 billion on stadiums Labor will deliver the front line treatment and rehabilitation services to get kids off illicit drugs,” Mr Secord said.

NSW Labor investing in small country hospitals with $250 million fund

NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, announced a three-point plan for small country hospitals and multi-purpose services (MPSs) to improve health services in the State’s smallest rural communities, as part of Labor’s schools and hospitals before stadium plan.
Currently, there are more than 48 small community hospitals and 57 MPSs in NSW.
Many provide long-term aged care as well as acute health services. The MPSs often cater for communities with a population between 1,000 and 4,000.

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The plan comprises:

  • Investing $250 million in small country hospitals and multi-purpose services (MPSs) – including an extra $50 million for capital works and infrastructure – in the State’s smallest rural and remote hospitals.
  • Beginning the formal process to consolidate a new minimum nurse staffing standard – of three nurses on every shift instead of two, at small country hospitals and MPSs – as the next instalment of its nurse to patient ratios plan; and
  • A formal review into the direction, effectiveness and provision of health services by MPSs  – in the next term of government – to set the future direction of rural health care.

The first hospitals to have the new minimum nurse staffing level guaranteed will include Crookwell, Pambula, Yass, Tenterfield, Kyogle, Denman, Scott Memorial (Scone), Wilson Memorial (Murrurundi), Gilgandra, Dungog, Delegate, Warren, Blayney, Tomaree, Narrandera, Manilla, Bombala and Coonamble hospitals.
Mr Daley also reaffirmed Labor’s February commitments to deliver an extra $4.7 million for a maternity ward at Yass District Hospital and $3.5 million for emergency department improvements and an additional ED bed at Crookwell District Hospital.
The $250 million rural health facilities fund will be used for:

  • Upgrades and improvements to existing hospitals, MPSs including provision of cancer care and kidney dialysis;
  • Planning for new or expanded regional MPSs and hospitals; and
  • Delivering additional equipment and medical technology for rural hospitals including improved tele-medicine.

“This is about providing the best quality care to patients in rural and regional areas.
“Unfortunately, under the Nationals, there is now a two-tier health and hospital system.
“This is also about providing safe staffing levels for our smallest health facilities; improving patient care, re-assuring family members and supporting hard working nurses and other hospital staff.
“We know that there is more to do in small country hospitals and MPSs.
“Sadly, when nurses are overworked mistakes can be made. That is why NSW Labor will review minimum nurse staffing in these hospitals to start to fix the inaction of the National Party,” Mr Daley said.
The terms of the formal process for nursing in small country hospitals and MPSs would be agreed and it would be conducted by the Ministry of Health and the NSW Nurses and Midwives Association.
Previously, during the election campaign, NSW Labor announced a new nurse to patient ratio system would apply to emergency; maternity; medical and surgical; paediatric wards; and mental health units to bring NSW standards up to those already in law in Victoria and Queensland.
“This policy is about improving patient care in our State’s smaller hospitals.”
“The Berejiklian Government have the wrong priorities – they would prefer to spend billions on Sydney stadiums rather than ensure our patients in our smallest hospitals receive the best quality care.”

NSW Labor re-commits to $3.5 million upgrade to Crookwell District Hospital

A Daley Labor Government will deliver the $3.5 million upgrade for Crookwell District Hospital.
NSW Labor Leader Michael Daley was joined by Shadow Health Minister Walt Secord and Country Labor candidate Ursula Stephens to re-commit to the project.

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NSW Labor’s commitment for Crookwell District Hospital will cover:

  • Improvements to emergency department;
  • Additional hospital equipment; and
  • An additional emergency department bed.

Crookwell District Hospital’s emergency department had 5,240 presentations in 2017-18 – a 14 per cent increase from the year 2013-14.
Country Labor candidate for Goulburn Ursula Stephens said that the community had spoken and the need for the hospital upgrade was “plain to see”.
“After eight years of neglect, the Crookwell District Hospital will finally get its well-deserved,” she said.
Mr Daley praised Ms Stephens for her strong advocacy on this important issue – saying this project has only happened due to her strong local advocacy and the community-based campaign.
Ms Stephens said: “Sadly, the Liberals and Nationals have the wrong priorities. They prefer to splurge $2.2 Billion on Sydney stadiums – whereas Labor wants to invest in our health and hospital system – especially regional facilities like Crookwell Hospital.”
“The Crookwell Hospital staff do a wonderful job, in difficult circumstances. There are genuine WHS issues that must be addressed and this upgrade will allow the Hospital to work with Health Infrastructure to overcome those genuine safety concerns for patients, staff and visitors”, she said.
Key statistics on Crookwell District Hospital

  • 15 per cent of urgent patients were not treated within the clinically recommended time period of 30 minutes;
  • 17 per cent of emergency patients weren’t treated within the clinically recommended time period of 10 minutes; and
  • 10 per cent of patients admitted at the emergency department waited at least three hours and 18 minutes before they were able to leave the hospital.

(Crookwell District Hospital is an 18 bed acute care facility providing general medical services. The hospital has an emergency department operating 24 hours a day seven days per week. It is within the Southern NSW Local Health District – and it is more than 112 years old.)

Labor backs drought-stricken farmers over Sydney stadiums

Shadow Minister for Primary Industry and Rural Affairs, Mick Veitch, has slammed the Nationals for supporting the $2.2 billion knock down and rebuild of Sydney stadiums while thousands of farmers continue to struggle through drought.
Mr Veitch said that he had taken a bi-partisan approach to drought assistance policy in NSW, but the stadiums policy needed to be called out for wasting precious taxpayer money.
“Michael Daley and Labor have taken a bipartisan to direct drought assistance. We won’t politicise it.
“But we won’t back down on stadiums. Farmers and rural communities are telling us this $2.2 billion Sydney stadiums splurge is the wrong priority. They have every right to feel angry with the Nationals.”
Daley Labor’s top 10 positive policies on drought are:

  1. Providing an additional $1 billion for a Safe Water Safe Future fund to improve water security and quality in regional communities
  2. Topping up the Farm Innovation Fund with another $350 million and maintaining current funding levels of direct drought assistance
  3. Waiving Local Land Services’ charges for all farmers
  4. Waiving rents for 1,700 western lands leaseholders
  5. Funding a new drought mental health package which includes training and employing 50 mental health outreach workers dedicated to supporting drought-affected communities, an extra $20 million to partner with not for profit mental health groups in regional areas to complement existing services and an extra $3 million for improved technology for rural tele-health initiatives
  6. Spending an additional $50 million on weeds and pests
  7. Appointing a Dairy and Fresh Food Advocate to stop price-gouging of farmers and primary producers
  8. Doubling funding for Landcare to $32.5 million
  9. Providing an additional $11.25 million for frontline biosecurity efforts
  10. Extending the wild dog fence

Mick Veitch said: “These are just some of the many commitments Labor is making in the regions.
“Upgraded hospitals and new schools also make up Labor’s list of priorities across NSW because we will put schools and hospitals before Sydney stadiums.”

Labor to provide $1.8 million boost in support for volunteer wildlife carers

A Daley Labor Government will significantly increase government support for passionate volunteer wildlife carers who care for thousands of sick, injured or orphaned native animals every year.
Deputy Labor Leader and Shadow Environment Minister, Penny Sharpe, announced that Labor will provide dedicated annual funding to wildlife carers, replacing an ad-hoc and uncertain system that provides little assistance for the important work carried out by wildlife carers every day.

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Labor will provide $10,000 to each licensed organisation, including each branch of WIRES, and $1,000 to each individual currently directly licensed to rehabilitate native animals (not registered with an organisation). This will boost annual government contributions from $32,500 to $600,000.

“Volunteer wildlife carers are truly unsung, selfless heroes in communities all around the state, who do the challenging and sometimes heartbreaking work of caring for sick or injured native animals, often in very difficult circumstances,” Ms Sharpe said.

“This crucial funding will assist organisations and volunteers who care for sick, injured or orphaned native animals to pay for critical items needed in the care of these animals, such as food, medication and treatment, transport costs, enclosures and bedding, rescue and safety equipment, and clothing.”

A recent government survey found that wildlife carers provide around $27 million in value of volunteer contributions each year (based on 17 per cent of the sector). The full value is likely to be well over $100 million.
More than one million native animals have been rescued by volunteers since the year 2000, with around 104,000 animals rescued each year over the last four years, across 800 species. Overall, the sector receives about 180,000 calls a year, with most providers offering a 24-hour, seven days a week service.
The survey found that wildlife carer volunteers gave an average of nearly seven times as much time in volunteering as an average volunteer in Australia, while personal expenditure by surveyed volunteers averaged at $3,123 per person with a median of $500 each year.
However, wildlife care organisations and licensed individuals currently have no guaranteed funding from the NSW Government, and in 2017-18 there were just 13 ad-hoc grants handed out for a total of $32,500. Providers rely almost entirely on donations and the goodwill of volunteer wildlife carers.
“I think most people would be shocked that wildlife carers receive almost no support from government when we rely so heavily on being able to reach out to their services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
“Labor is deeply committed to the care and protection of native species in NSW, and our wildlife carers deserve our support. The next time you meet a volunteer wildlife carer, please give them your thanks.”
While the Government recently produced a vague draft strategy for the sector using already-announced funding from the NSW Koala Strategy and funding for the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife – no additional funds were provided directly to the work of wildlife carers on the ground.

Seven in court, V8 Supercar, drugs seized in raids across Orana Mid-West/Hunter

Seven people will face court today charged following an investigation into large-scale drug supply in the Orana and Hunter regions, which also saw a V8 Supercar seized as proceeds of crime.
Strike Force Bato was formed in July 2018 by officers attached to Orana Mid-Western Police District targeting the commercial supply of cannabis from the Newcastle, Hunter Valley and Dubbo areas.
Following an eight-month investigation, strike force investigators executed five search warrants at properties at Dubbo and two search warrants at properties at Cessnock yesterday (Monday 18 March 2019).
The operation consisted of more than 80 officers from Orana Mid-Western Police District, Hunter Valley Police District, Western Region Enforcement Squad, and the Dog Unit, as well as Australian Border Force and the NSW Crime Commission.
During the searches, officers seized more than $140,000 cash, a Falcon V8 Supercar, a GTS HT Monaro, a further three cars, seven motorbikes, a tractor, and a quad bike, which are alleged to be the proceeds of crime.
They have also seized cannabis with an estimated potential street value of almost $900,000.
Eight people were arrested during the operation and taken to local police stations. Officers have now charged;
A 43-year-old Dubbo man with 43 counts of supply prohibited drug including supply commercial quantity, deal with proceeds of crime, and knowingly direct activities of criminal group.
A 29-year-old Dubbo man with 43 counts of supply prohibited drug including supply commercial quantity, deal with property proceeds of crime, and knowingly participate in criminal group assist crime.
A 38-year-old Dubbo woman with 10 counts of deal with proceeds of crime, and four counts of supply prohibited drug.
They were refused bail to appear in Dubbo Local Court today (Tuesday 19 March 2019).
A 56-year-old Cessnock man with three counts of supply prohibited drug including supply commercial quantity, and knowingly participate in criminal group assist crime.
A 51-year-old Cessnock man with three counts of supply prohibited drug, and participate criminal group contribute criminal activity.
They were refused bail to appear at Maitland Local Court today (Tuesday 19 March 2019).
A 47-year-old Cassilis man with 16 counts of supply prohibited drug including supply commercial quantity, deal with property proceeds of crime, and knowingly direct activities of criminal group.
He was refused bail to appear at Mudgee Local Court today (Tuesday 19 March 2019).
A 54-year-old Cessnock man with two counts of supply prohibited drug, and two counts of possess prohibited drug.
He was granted strict conditional bail to appear at Cessnock Local Court on Wednesday 10 April 2019.
An eighth person – a 45-year-old Cessnock man – has been released pending further inquiries.
Police will allege in court that this operation has resulted in the dismantling of an organised criminal enterprise involved in the commercial supply of drugs.
Inquiries under Strike Force Bato continue.


Police will get tough new powers to search the homes and vehicles of convicted drug dealers, under a pilot program to be introduced by the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced today that the introduction of Drug Supply Prohibition Orders will help the NSW Police Force smash organised crime gangs who prey on young people, in particular, and profit from the large-scale supply of illegal drugs in NSW.
Following consultation with the NSW Police Force, the pilot program will operate across four police commands – Bankstown Police Area Command, Coffs-Clarence Police District, Hunter Valley Police District, and Orana Mid-Western Police District.
“Community safety is the highest priority of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government, and I want convicted drug dealers to know that they will have nowhere to hide if they want to prey on, and profit from, the people of NSW,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“These new powers will assist our brave police men and women, including the 1500 additional police that a Liberals & Nationals Government will deliver over the next four years – the single biggest increase to the Force in more than three decades.”
“We have also established a powerful Special Commission of Inquiry into ice and related drugs because we want every option on the table to bolster our existing efforts to combat the evolving threat of dangerous illegal drugs – and to get help for those who need it.”
Deputy Premier John Barilaro has praised the efforts of National party candidate for Dubbo Dugald Saunders for his relentless campaign to introduce these new powers.
“Drug addiction and ice have become a major issue in parts of regional NSW, and police need every measure available to combat them.”
“Too often, police know who is responsible for dealing these drugs but don’t always have the capacity to shut them down – these new powers will help overcome that,” Mr Barilaro said.
A court issued Drug Supply Prohibition Order will give police the power to search the homes, vehicles and person of convicted drug dealers at any time without a warrant, if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that there is evidence of drug-related crime.
An order will ensure that police are able to specifically target convicted drug dealers who are considered likely to continue to engage in drug supply, without having to apply for multiple court warrants, helping to ensure that convicted drug dealers are held to account if they continue to engage in drug-related crime.
Minister for Police Troy Grant said this was another example of the Liberals & Nationals Government taking strong action to protect our communities from the scourge of drugs.
“As a former police officer, I’ve seen the harsh reality of illegal drugs in our communities, and I’m confident that these orders will help our police take the fight to drug dealers, and show them that we will not tolerate having this filth on our streets,” Mr Grant said.
“At the same time, we’re boosting police resources to enforce these powers and crack down on organised crime gangs, which includes more Region Enforcement Squads as well as specialist police for Raptor Units.”
Drug Supply Prohibition Orders will initially operate as a two-year pilot program, after which the results will be assessed to inform the future operation of the new powers. Orders made will remain in force for the duration of the pilot program and will allow police to search a person or their property for prohibited drugs, drug pre-cursors, drug paraphernalia or equipment for drug manufacture, or other evidence of drug supply or manufacture.
An application for an order may be made in relation to any person convicted of a serious drug offence, such as supply or manufacture of an indictable quantity, in the past ten years. Consistent with the exercise of any police power, Drug Supply Prohibition Orders will be subject to oversight by the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission.


The Silver Fern of New Zealand will be displayed on the Sydney Opera House tonight in a symbol of solidarity, support and respect for the people of New Zealand.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the illumination will demonstrate NSW’s deep sense of unity and compassion towards everyone affected by the attacks in Christchurch.
“We feel the loss in Christchurch especially deeply given the closeness of our two countries. It is as though this has occurred on our own soil,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“Not only are New Zealanders our close friends and often family, but we share the same proud values of freedom, diversity and democracy.
“Our thoughts, prayers and love continue to go out to all those impacted by the tragic events in Christchurch – particularly our Muslim community, here in NSW and New Zealand.
“An attack on one section of the community is an attack on us all.”
The illumination of the Sydney Opera House sails will begin from 8.30pm.


Member for Newcastle, Tim Crakanthorp has said that a Daley Labor Government will end the Liberals’ backdoor spot rezoning process for developers which has hijacked the planning system in Newcastle and NSW.
This will stop developers going to the state government to seek a site-specific amendment to a council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP). LEPs set zoning controls across local council areas, determining what type of development can take place.
Spot rezoning, also known as a Pre-Gateway or Rezoning review, was introduced by the Liberals and Nationals in 2012 as a developer-friendly backdoor. This has allowed non-conforming development proposals to proceed without the consent of councils and local communities.
In 2014, increased planning controls for UrbanGrowth-GPT’s Newcastle East End development were forced upon the community by the former Planning Minister, Pru Goward setting the maximum building height for the project at a massive 20 stories, with the stroke of a pen.
After pressure and objection from the community, Mr Crakanthorp and Council, the NSW government were forced to revert the building heights back to their original levels.
Labor will end this dodgy process.
“Communities across Newcastle have been bypassed by a planning system and a Government which is entirely beholden to the interests of big developers.
“Communities deserve certainty that when zoning rules are set, they will be left alone and not tinkered with by developers who run off to the state government.”
“Labor will maintain existing processes for critical infrastructure. Councils will still be able to make an application to amend their own LEP in line with current practice.”
“It is time to end the overdevelopment madness and restore sanity to the planning system in NSW.”


Smart technology is at the heart of a congestion busting package which will be rolled out under a NSW Liberals & Nationals Government to keep drivers moving on the State’s motorways and city streets.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian has announced another $695 million in congestion busting measures, which are only possible because of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government’s strong economic management.
The measures include:

  • $400 million to install intelligent traffic lights at 500 intersections across Sydney and in centres such as Wollongong and Newcastle. These lights are able to read the flow of the traffic and change from red to green to clear traffic queues, reducing the number of stops in traffic by up to 15 per cent.
  • $200 million to upgrade major motorways, including the M1 between Gosford and Sydney, into smart motorways by using technology that automatically adjusts speed on the roads and controls vehicles entering the motorway, to smooth traffic flow and increase capacity.
  • $95 million to trial digital parking and clearway signage. This is about reducing the number of parking and clearway signs and replacing them with one digital sign which shows the restrictions which apply at that time of day, removing any confusion for drivers.

“We are making this investment in new congestion busting technology at the same time we are upgrading roads and building new motorways which will set Sydney up for decades to come,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“We understand drivers want to spend less time in traffic and these new measures combined with new and upgraded roads will ensure everyone can spend more time doing what they need to or what they enjoy.”
Minister for Roads Melinda Pavey said the announcement is on top of the $475 million investment to remove another 12 pinch points and introduce drone technology to monitor incidents in real time.
“In total our congestion busting package is worth $1.2 billion which we know will make a real difference,” Mrs Pavey said.
“Congestion costs Sydney around $6 billion each year so this is a critical long-term investment in our future.”
The additional $1.2 billion the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government is committing to congestion busting is more than four times the amount Labor claims it will spend on pinch points.