Economic, Art and Community Grants now open

City of Newcastle has opened applications for three separate funding programs worth a total of $265,000 in a bid to empower community groups to make the city a better place.
The 2019-20 funding round includes:

Mulletsinside.jpgThe Mind Our Mullets project received the City’s support last year 
“Organisations should look to take advantage of the funding available to promote their own – and the City’s – economic and cultural development,” Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
“We want to see emerging and established artists, cultural groups and commercial entities thrive in our City, and this funding is allocated to help them do so. These funding programs help deliver activities that foster a sense of community, build capacity within our community, strengthen our economic base and enhance the quality of life for our residents”.
Up to $20,000 will be made available for successful applicants under the Economic Sponsorship, and a maximum of $4,000 will be offered to each project that secures a Community Placemaking grant.
Organisations successful in the arts and cultural category will be provided with an annual contribution of $70,000 for a maximum of three years to help cover the cost of their ambitious projects.
Last year, funding across a range of sponsorship and grant programs contributed to projects with a direct expenditure of $1.25 million and provided support for business growth and employment while encouraging innovation, community capacity building, placemaking and developing the visitor economy.
The Mind Our Mullets project received support last year to increase awareness of and change waste management behaviours around Islington and Throsby Creek catchment.
The Greater Hunter Technology Festival at Broadmeadow, which showcased innovative companies and start-ups and allowed school, university and TAFE students to display their projects, also benefitted.
The latest round of City funding follows the opening of last month’s Event Sponsorship Program (ESP), which closed last Tuesday. The $280,000 ESP program provides up to $20,000 each to groups keen to stage community events, major community events, major destination events, commercial events and business events throughout the City.
For more information, or to apply to this year’s programs prior to the 1 July closing date, visit

Funding Strengthens Cyber Security Capability

The Morrison Government is backing Australia’s cyber security sector to grow and create new jobs, with businesses to share in up to $8.5 million in funding.
Announcing the opening of the second round of AustCyber’s Projects Fund, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews encouraged companies that can make a significant contribution to the sector to apply.
“Australia’s cyber security industry is continually growing and this funding will further boost our ability to become a global leader in the field, creating more Australian jobs while also making the nation more cyber resilient,” Minister Andrews said.
“According to a report released by AustCyber last year, the global cyber security market is projected to be worth almost US$250 billion by the year 2026.
“This funding will assist the cyber security industry to upskill and expand the sector, and harness the enormous opportunities available to Australia.
“The Morrison Government is committed to supporting the cyber security industry to reach its full potential by capturing a significant share of the global market and creating jobs for the future.”
Matched funding for individual projects ranges from $100,000 to $3 million, totalling up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs.
Previous funding of $6.5 million has resulted in many innovative advancements, including unique smart barcode technology that enables people to identify and verify the quality of products they buy through their smartphone, and technology that allows for independent authentication of personal data stored and managed on mobile devices.
AustCyber was established in 2017 as part of the Australian Government’s Growth Centres Initiative.
The Industry Growth Centres are part of the Coalition’s plan to drive innovation and productivity to grow the economy and create 1.25 million new jobs over the next five years.
Applications close on Friday 12 July. For more information on the AustCyber Projects Fund visit

Literacy and numeracy tests ensuring high-quality teachers

The literacy and numeracy test for teaching students is ensuring that graduate teachers have the necessary skills required in the classroom.
Teaching students are required to pass a literacy and numeracy test with a score that puts them in the top 30 per cent of the Australian adult population.
In 2018, 90.4 per cent of teaching students met the literacy standard and 90 per cent of students met the numeracy benchmark.
Minister for Education Dan Tehan said the test was working as intended by ensuring that graduate teachers had a high level of the essential skills needed to teach children.
“Our Government recognises the difference high quality teachers make to a child’s education,” Mr Tehan said.
“That is why we introduced a mandatory literacy and numeracy benchmark for teaching graduates. As the latest test results show, ensuring teachers meet the prerequisite standard is as important as ever.
“We have also introduced a high-quality teaching performance assessment that students must pass prior to graduation that demonstrates graduate teachers are classroom ready.
“Our Government will also ensure phonics is included in university teaching courses so that new teachers can use it in the classroom as well as investing $15 million in Teach for Australia to train more high-achieving teachers.
“Higher education providers need to take responsibility for the teaching students that do not meet the standards by ensuring they receive additional support to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. The onus is on universities to ensure the graduates they are producing meet the high standards expected by parents and the standards that our children deserve.
“In September I wrote to all vice-chancellors to remind them of their obligations to support students they enter into initial teacher education degrees to meet the test standard.”

Police seek assistance to locate missing man – Hunter Valley

Police are seeking information from the public to locate a man missing from the Hunter Valley.
Matthew Warwick Brooker, 47 old, was last seen on Sunday 4 May 2019 when he left his workplace at Scone, after feeling unwell and has not been seen since.
Family became concerned and reported him missing to police.
He is described as being of Caucasian appearance, 170–175cm tall with a medium build. He has brown hair and possibly a moustache and/or goatee beard.
He is known to frequent the areas of Sydney City, Darlinghurst, Kings Cross and the Eastern Suburbs.
He is possibly driving a 2013 white Volkswagen Up! with NSW registration plates CMH15F.
Family and police are concerned for Mr Brooker’s welfare as this is out of character.


Sharon Claydon MP has been officially declared as the re-elected Federal Member for Newcastle today.

Ms Claydon said she was “honoured and humbled” to have the support of Novocastrians for a third term and promised to continue to be a “fierce advocate” for the city.
“Newcastle has a critical role to play, and much to gain from, the inevitable transition to a low-carbon economy and I will continue to argue that we should have a key seat at the decision-making table to ensure that workers and communities like ours are not left behind.
“I will also be laser-focused on mounting the case for a Newcastle container terminal to create new jobs and a more diverse economic base for the entire region.”
Ms Claydon said one of the great disappointments of the national result was that Labor wouldn’t be in Government to deliver on the local commitments she had made for Newcastle.
“I’m incredibly proud that I was able to secure $25 million worth of Labor commitments for our community, including the rebuilding of Boscawen Street Bridge in Wallsend, the revitalisation of Throsby Creek and $3.5 million worth of projects to create jobs and drive university participation,” Ms Claydon said.
“I am writing to the Prime Minister and relevant Ministers, calling on them to respect the strong endorsement of the people of Newcastle by honouring the commitments Labor made during the election.”
Ms Claydon urged people who were disappointed with the national election result to get behind Labor.
“The best antidote to a regressive conservative government is a strong and united labour movement,” Ms Claydon said.
“I would encourage anyone who wants to see a fairer, more inclusive country to get involved and have a voice in the policies and priorities that Labor pursues from here.”
Ms Claydon said that while it was time for reflection and renewal, she cautioned against moving away from Labor’s fundamental principles.
“While we obviously need to explain our policies more clearly and bring Australians with us, we mustn’t abandon big thinking.  We must stay true to Labor’s core mission of fighting for a fairer world where everyone gets to share in our national prosperity.
“With determination, unity and a commitment to our core values, I am confident we can return to Government in three-years’ time.”
PHOTO: Sharon Claydon being declared as the Federal Member for Newcastle by Peter Hunter, AEC Divisional Returning Officer – Newcastle


More than 1.3 million households across the State can now save potentially hundreds of dollars a year on gas bills thanks to an expansion of the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government’s popular Energy Switch service.
In Lane Cove today, Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Minister for Energy and Environment Matt Kean launched the expansion of Energy Switch to include gas.
“Winter is here, so now is the time to compare gas and electricity plans. It takes only minutes but could save hundreds of dollars a year. Energy Switch helps ease the cost of living for families by helping them find the best deal,” Ms Berejiklian said.
Energy Switch is one of more than 40 NSW Government rebates and incentives easing the cost of living. Others include cheaper Green Slips and refunds, $100 Active Kids and Creative Kids vouchers and free registration for regular toll users.
Around 7,000 households have already switched electricity providers, bringing close to $3 million in annual savings since the free service launched last year. The average saving per household is more than $400 a year.
Mr Kean said the NSW Liberals & Nationals Government was determined to make energy more affordable for NSW families.
“Energy Switch works by using a customer’s latest energy e-bill and comparing it with every retailer in NSW before presenting the top three plans available. If a switch is requested, Service NSW will make all the arrangements,” Mr Kean said.
“Last year, we saved 900,000 NSW households about $300 million through our NSW Government energy rebates. We’re absolutely committed to reducing living costs, and delivering lower energy prices for NSW families.”
It’s available at any Service NSW Centre or
The top 10 areas with the highest number of electricity switches so far are:

Area Average Saving
Mulgoa $612
The Entrance $583
Dubbo $536
Kellyville $507
Liverpool $490
Gosford $473
Lismore $456
Wagga Wagga $447
Westmead $446
Bathurst $431

Financial assistance due to light rail construction still open to City businesses

Businesses that suffered hardship during construction of the light rail project can still apply for financial assistance up to 30 June.
Support is still available to properties within the City Centre Benefit Special Rate Area made possible via a successful amendment from the Lord Mayor in 2018 to Council’s current budget.
Around 110 eligible property owners or tenants have already successfully applied for that relief, receiving assistance equalling 50 per cent of the City Centre Special Rate paid by the building owner, which to date has been $45,000.
Following a separate successful Lord Mayoral Minute at Tuesday’s May Council meeting, this assistance will be extended for a further 12 months for those businesses in The Mall and East End who pay or who operate within a building that pays the City Centre Special Rate.
Property owners seeking the rebate can only do so if they commit in writing to passing on the rebate to businesses leasing from them.
For a typical business, this support amounts to approximately $500.
“There’s still time for the business and tenants to take advantage of this year’s relief,” Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said.
“Council took the decision to provide direct rate relief to those businesses suffering from the disruption that the construction of light rail brought about.
“We understand that their bottom line was adversely impacted, and this rate relief was a mechanism to ensure they received some financial assistance.
“Council once again acknowledged Tuesday that businesses faced continued challenges amid the unavoidable construction of the Iris Capital East End project and upcoming works by the City to upgrade Newcastle East.”
Financial assistance is available:

  • to the tenant(s) of the property, or
  • to the property owner – providing the property is solely owner occupied and no part is leased out.

To access this assistance, property owners must have at least paid the first-quarter rates instalment on their 2018/19 Rates and Charges Notice.
They should complete an application form together with details of tenants (with their signature) where applicable.
If more than one tenant occupies the property, a separate form is required for each tenant.
Once processed, the City will then transfer half the amount they would have paid for the 2018/19 City Centre Special Rate to the bank account nominated on the application form.
Both property owner and tenant(s) will be notified by email once the City makes the financial assistance payment.

Ammunition, OC spray and sling-shot seized; man charged – Wybong near Muswellbrook

A man has been charged with drugs and weapons offences in the state’s Hunter Valley region.
About 11am yesterday (Thursday 30 May 2019), officers from the Rural Crime Prevention Team with assistance from officers attached to Hunter Valley Police District conducted a Firearms Prohibition Order search (FPO) at a home on Yarraman Road, Wybong, west of Muswellbrook.
During the search, police seized a number of items including ammunition, OC spray, a sling-shot, as well as cannabis plants and drug paraphernalia.
A 39-year-old man was arrested at the home and taken to Muswellbrook Police Station.
He was charged with six offences, including two counts of possess prohibited weapon, possess prohibited weapon contrary to WPO, acquire ammunition contrary to FPO and two counts of cannabis possession.
He was refused bail at Muswellbrook Local Court today (Friday 31 May 2019) to reappear at the same court on Wednesday 17 July 2019.

Gravestones damaged – Hunter Valley

An investigation has been launched after more than 30 gravestones were desecrated at a cemetery in the Hunter Valley tonight.
Police have been told, about 7pm (Friday 31 May 2019), a vehicle was seen parked in Sedgefield cemetery, near Singleton, and unknown persons have damaged a number of gravestones.
In all, 36 gravestones were damaged during the incident; having been pushed over with a number of those being smashed.
Officers attached to Hunter Valley Police District are now investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident.
As police continue their inquiries they’re asking for anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area, or has any information that could assist investigators, to come forward.
Anyone with information about fraudulent activity or other rural crime is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report crime via NSW Police social media pages.