Aggravated home invasion; occupant charged with drugs offences – Anna Bay

A man has been charged with several drug offences after his home was the target of a home invasion in Port Stephens.
About 2am yesterday (Wednesday 12 June 2019), a 23-year-old man was at a home on Ocean Avenue, Anna Bay when he was woken by five unknown males.
One of the men allegedly assaulted the 23-year-old occupant, while the others began stealing items.
Police believe that a number of items including drugs, cash and a television were stolen from the premises during the offence.
The men then fled the scene believed to be in a vehicle.
The occupant was taken to Tomaree Hospital for treatment to lacerations to his head, when police were contacted.
Officers attached to Port Stephens-Hunter Police District attended the hospital and spoke with the man.
Police then attended the home on Ocean Avenue and established a crime scene.
During a search, police allegedly located cannabis, MDMA, ketamine, amphetamine, LSD, magic mushrooms and other substances believed to be illicit drugs.
The occupant was arrested upon his release from hospital and was taken to Nelson Bay Police Station.
He was charged with possess prohibited drug (x11), supply prohibited drug (x3) and goods in custody.
He was refused bail to appear at Raymond Terrace Local Court today (Thursday 13 June 2019).
Detectives from Port Stephens-Hunter Police District are continuing to investigate the home invasion incident.


The NSW Government is fast-tracking $30 million in important safety work on the M4 following a fatal crash near the Church Street exit in May.
Minister for Roads Andrew Constance said work has started at the eastbound off ramp at Church Street near Parramatta to improve safety and help alleviate congestion with additional turning lanes.
The Centre for Road Safety conducted a review of safety on the M4 and its surrounds following the May crash.
The review examined a wide range of data including crash statistics, road user behavior and existing road safety mechanisms.
“As a result the Centre for Road Safety has recommended 12 actions for implementation by November 2019,” Mr Constance said.
“One of the first priorities is fast-tracking work on the exit ramp to ensure drivers can experience safer and smoother journeys as soon as possible,” Mr Constance said.
“The existing turning lanes on the ramp become congested quickly in peak times with a high number of vehicles using it to access Church Street and Parramatta Road, as well as Woodville Road towards Milperra and Liverpool.
“This congestion can create queues on the M4 Motorway, stretching back beyond the Burnett Street on ramp exit.
“This upgrade will provide a third right turn lane at the bottom of the exit ramp and extend the length of the existing left turn lane, to help keep traffic moving more quickly.”
Transport for NSW has also been monitoring traffic flow at the exit ramp, where drivers have been reported attempting to merge at high speed.
A traffic barrier installed between the ramp and city-bound lanes last July has significantly reduced crashes, and further upgrades are being considered.
Work will be carried out six days a week for the next six months, between 7am and 6pm on weekdays, from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays, and between 6pm and 7am from Sunday to Friday.
Traffic control and a reduced speed limit will be in place for the safety of workers and drivers.
For the latest traffic updates download the Live Traffic NSW App, visit or call 132 701.

Statement on the Australian Greens MPs Party Room Meeting

Statement from Australian Greens Whip Sen. Rachel Siewert:
Today the Australian Greens Party Room met and re-affirmed the positions of our leadership team.
Following a customary spill of the leadership positions, the roles of Leader, Co-Deputy Leader and Whip have all been returned without challenge. The rotating position of Party Room Chair has moved from Adam Bandt MP to Sen. Janet Rice.
The leadership roles for the 46th Parliament are as follows:
Parliamentary Leader: Dr Richard Di Natale
Deputy Leader: Sen. Larissa Waters
Deputy Leader: Adam Bandt MP
Party Whip: Sen. Rachel Siewert
Party Room Chair: Sen. Janet Rice
Statement from Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale:
I am excited to have been re-elected parliamentary leader by my Party Room colleagues and want to thank them for putting their trust in me again. I am so proud of our achievements and the strong role the Greens have played in shaping the debate of the 45th Parliament, and I am confident that we will once again be a driving force in responding to the major challenges that confront our nation.
First and foremost on the Greens’ agenda in the 46th Parliament will be tackling the existential threat of dangerous climate change and ensuring that no one is left behind as we undertake the transformation of our economy away from dirty, polluting fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas to a clean, green, jobs-rich economy powered by renewable energy.
I also know that many Australians are struggling with the rising cost of living, job insecurity and growing inequality. Our determination to secure a safe climate future for our kids and grandkids, and to create a fairer and more equal society, go hand in hand.
In 2016 I began a conversation with our membership over how the leader of our Parliamentary team is elected in future, so that it better reflects the rapid growth our party has experienced over the last 20 years. I am very pleased with the level of positive engagement this conversation has generated within the Party and I look forward to it continuing.
Statement from Willisa Hogarth and Catherine Garner, Co-Conveners of the Australian Greens
The Australian Greens welcome the reappointment of Richard, Larissa, Adam and Rachel to their parliamentary roles, and congratulate Janet on being appointed Party Room Chair. We are thrilled to see our entire federal team returned following the election.
Our party is in the midst of important discussions about how we support and grow our movement, engage with our members and address the social, economic and environmental challenges our country and our planet is facing. We, Richard and our whole party room, remain committed to this process.
Again, we extend our congratulations and gratitude to the whole Parliamentary Team, all of our candidates who put themselves forward this election and our incredible movement of Greens volunteers and members who continue to work so hard for a future for all of us.

Iraqi Army School of Infantry reaches significant milestone

The Iraqi Army School of Infantry Non-Commissioned Officer II (SINCO II) marked a significant milestone last week by achieving Initial Operating Capability ahead of schedule.
The School, based at the Taji Military Complex, 20 kilometres north of Baghdad, can now conduct 75 per cent of its training activities without coalition assistance.
SINCO II has been supported by the Australian and New Zealand-led Task Group Taji, part of the broader coalition’s Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve.
Commanding Officer of the Taji Training Task Unit, Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Smith, said the declaration of Initial Operating Capability was the result of significant hard work by the school over a long period.
“This represents a milestone for the Taji campaign plan; a transition towards training that is solely led by the Iraqi Security Forces,” Lieutenant Colonel Smith said.
SINCO II is responsible for training personnel from Iraqi Army Brigades who in turn work to secure and stabilise areas in Iraq, which have recently been liberated from Daesh.
The training is focused on enhancing core infantry skills including weapons handling, marksmanship, explosive hazard awareness, combat first aid, urban operations and combined arms operations. Students are also provided lessons on the Law of Armed Conflict.
In line with this achievement, Australian support to SINCO II has transitioned from direct training of Iraqi soldiers to train-the-trainer and mentoring activities.
Australia’s efforts are now focused on supporting the Iraqi Army to reach full operating capacity at SINCO II.



In April 2018, Screen Australia introduced a mandatory Code of Conduct to Prevent Sexual Harassment for all recipients of Screen Australia production funding.

Since that time, Screen Producers Australia (SPA) and the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) have jointly developed and released the Australian Screen Industry Code of Practice: Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Bullying.
A goal of the Screen Industry Code of Practice is to enable employers to have a consistent approach to these important issues across the entire Australian screen industry. As such, Screen Australia will require projects approved for production funding from 1 July 2019 onwards to implement the Screen Industry Code of Practice rather than the Screen Australia Code of Conduct.
Production companies must, so far as is reasonably practical, implement the Code of Practice as part of its obligations in the Screen Australia funding contract.

Charges laid over alleged break-ins of storage units – Whitebridge near Newcastle

A man appeared in court today after several storage units were allegedly broken into at Whitebridge near Newcastle last month.
On Thursday 23 May 2019, several storage units on Bulls Garden Road, Whitebridge, were allegedly broken into. As a result, seven vintage motorcycles were stolen.
Officers from Lake Macquarie Police District were notified and commenced investigations.
Following investigations, a 28-year-old Charlestown man was arrested and taken to Belmont Police Station today (Wednesday 12 June 2019).
He was charged with 9 offences including break and enter house etc steal value more than $60,000, break and enter dwelling house with intent to steal, drive motor vehicle during disqualification period (x2), motor bike rider not wear/secure fit approved helmet, use unregistered registrable class A motor vehicle on road, possess housebreaking implements, custody of knife in a public place, and possess prohibited drug.
The man was refused bail and appeared at Newcastle Local Court today (Wednesday 12 June 2019), he was refused bail again to reappear at Belmont Local Court on Wednesday 7 August 2019.


The NSW Government is continuing to support regional communities, businesses and workers experiencing the flow-on effects of the drought through a new regional economic stimulus package.
During a visit to Coolamon in the State’s southwest today, Premier Gladys Berejiklian announced the upcoming State Budget would include $355 million to extend emergency drought support for farmers and funding to fast track investment in regional infrastructure.
The funding brings the NSW Government’s investment in drought support to more than $1.8 billion.
Ms Berejiklian said the package will fund many critical town water projects as well as other shovel-ready infrastructure projects that will stimulate local economies.
“The impact of this drought has spread quickly off farm and is now being felt by businesses and households in towns and cities across regional NSW,” Ms Berejiklian said.
“When farmers can’t contract tradies and other workers, there is a flow on effect felt throughout local businesses such as cafes and local stores. This funding package will support these rural communities in their time of need.”
Examples of shovel ready projects that could be funded by the stimulus package include regional airport upgrades, activation of industrial lands and CBD revitalisation projects.
Ms Berejiklian was joined in Coolamon by Deputy Premier John Barilaro, Treasurer Dominic Perrottet and Minister for Agriculture Adam Marshall.
Mr Barilaro said the NSW Government was continuing to stand shoulder to shoulder with farmers and their communities battling the drought.
“The lack of rain on farm is having a devastating flow on effect in regional businesses,” Mr Barilaro said.
“Every dollar spent by farmers at their local store helps keep someone employed in that business and a family in town. We recognise that in order to keep businesses open and jobs in town, the Government needs to fast track our investment in local infrastructure.”
Mr Perrottet said the package would boost water security for local communities and provide support for farmers and their local communities.
“The best drought package for regional NSW is rain, but until the skies open we will stand by communities that are doing it tough,” Mr Perrottet said.
“We will always back our farmers and rural communities as they continue to deal with this terrible drought.”
Mr Marshall said the assistance would allow farmers to cut the cost of farming fees and charges, continue to use transport subsidies and would provide funding for emergency water carting.
“Our farmers are doing it incredibly tough and that’s why we’re directing additional funds to help reduce cost of living pressures, drought-proof properties and transport stock and fodder,” Mr Marshall said.
“While what is needed most is simply more rainfall I’m confident this package will help alleviate the burden associated with one of the worst droughts in living memory.”
Under today’s announcement, $170 million has been reserved for a special purpose Drought Infrastructure Package, including:

  • Up to $120 million to fast track identified major infrastructure projects;
  • $30 million on new groundwater supply for Dubbo;
  • $8.2 million construction of second water storage at Nyngan
  • $2.2 million to augment bore water supply at Coonabarabran;
  • $2 million for Albert Priest Channel critical maintenance (Nyngan and Cobar); and
  • $1.97 million towards the Coolamon Industrial Estate development.

An additional $185 million in Budget funding will go towards on-farm drought support measures, including:

  • $70 million for transport subsidies (stock, fodder and water);
  • $50 million to waive Local Land Services rates;
  • $30 million to waive fixed charges for NSW Water Licences;
  • $15 million for emergency water carting; and
  • $10 million to waive interest charges for Farm Innovation Fund loans.

For further information about NSW Government drought support measures, visit

Free Wi-Fi now live across the City

Newcastle’s vision to be a globally connected smart city is another step closer with the launch of a free public Wi-Fi network in Newcastle’s East End.
The City Wi-Fi network is one initiative of CN’s Smart City program designed to increase connectivity and information sharing between the community, business and the digital world.
L-R: Nick Brown from Countrytell*, Brett Woods from CSA, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and Rick Fancourt from Countrytell
From today, people can connect to 60 of the City’s 150 smart poles on their smart devices when they log on along Wharf Road, Watt Street and Shortland Esplanade. Plans are in the pipeline to install more poles across the City, as well as Beresfield and Wallsend, soon.
Speaking at today’s launch on Market Street Lawn, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the roll-out would extend to the new CBD in the West End and parts of Wickham.
“Whether it be for business or leisure, cities the world over are now embracing the ability to offer affordable and accessible internet to residents and visitors so that they can be connected anytime, anywhere,” the Lord Mayor said.
“This is one of the many actions contained within our Smart City Strategy that we’ve invested in, alongside energy-efficient solar projects, electric-vehicle charging stations, driverless vehicle technology and bike-sharing initiatives.
“This is the first step in our staged roll-out of free Wi-Fi, which will eventually see the whole City connected as well as Beresfield and Wallsend local centres. Today it’s Newcastle East, but we’re working hard to make sure our new CBD in the West End and areas around Wickham quickly follow. Plans are well and truly advanced for these areas and we hope to make more announcements soon.”
The free high-speed Wi-Fi will play a major role in supporting the roll-out of current and future technology, such as the City’s smartphone app EasyPark, which will soon be able to direct motorists to available car parks in the City’s CBD.
Interactive smart screens around the CBD are also planned to help visitors and residents find out about activities and events.
To log on to the free Wi-Fi network, look for ‘City of Newcastle free Wi-Fi’ in your network settings. No password is required.
Left: Smart City coordinator Nathaniel Bavinton and Nuatali Nelmes

Greens say Senior Libs must pull Pasin into line

Senior South Australian Liberals must clarify whether Tony Pasin’s push to underwrite coal-fired power is part of the Liberals’ plan for our renewables state.
“Liberal Barker MP Tony Pasin went on radio this morning calling for taxpayer money to be spent on new coal-fired power stations. Senior South Australian Liberals must clarify whether this is their new position,” Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“Senior South Australian Liberals, Steven Marshall and Simon Birmingham, must face this head on. South Australians deserve to know where they stand. This move by Tony Pasin undermines our renewable energy industry and puts our economy at risk.
“South Australia is proudly coal-free. We have one of the highest uptakes of solar in the country. South Australians expect their MPs to embrace the future, not revert to the dirty days of coal.
“Opening up new coal-fired power stations in this era of climate change is backward and destructive. Our environment cannot afford more coal pollution if we are to stave off the worst of climate change.
“The Greens will fight any move to spend public money propping up coal-fired power stations. Coal must be phased out, our environment and climate depend on it.”

Greens statement on Hong Kong

The Australian Greens are deeply concerned at the Hong Kong Government’s proposed new extradition agreement with China.  The proposal will undermine Hong Kong’s independent legal system, and it will expose people to China’s unjust system, Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale said.
“We all know that China’s judicial system is deeply politicised.  The right to a fair trial is chronically denied and defendants often face ill-treatment and torture – despite policies prohibiting such treatment. People unjustly mired in China’s judicial system have little to no hope of redress.
“The Chinese Government still hasn’t aligned its key criminal laws and policies with international human rights standards.  It does not always allow criminal suspects access to lawyers.  It fails to investigate allegations of police torture and to hold police to account.  It imprisons human rights lawyers, artists and academics.
The Greens urge the Australian Government to speak out strongly against this new proposal in the hope that it doesn’t become law.”