Appeal to locate man wanted on outstanding warrants – Newcastle

Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a wanted man last seen in the Cardiff area.

Hughie Buckley, aged 21, is wanted on an outstanding warrant over pursuit-related offences.

Hughie is also wanted by Victoria Police in relation to an aggravated home invasion.

Officers attached to Lake Macquarie Police District have been conducting inquiries into his whereabouts.

Hughie is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 175cm tall with a slim build, brown hair, and a distinctive Irish accent.

Anyone with information into his whereabouts is urged not to approach him but to call Triple Zero (000) immediately

Targeted sanctions in response to North Korea’s supply of arms to Russia

Australia is imposing targeted financial sanctions, in coordination with international partners, on a further six entities associated with North Korea’s supply of arms and related materiel to Russia.

Australia condemns, in the strongest possible terms, North Korea’s illegal export and Russia’s procurement and use of North Korean ballistic missiles, in support of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine.

The continued transfer of weapons from North Korea to Russia is a flagrant violation of multiple United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions.

The use of North Korean ballistic missiles by Russia increases the suffering of the Ukrainian people, supports Russia’s illegal and immoral war of aggression and undermines the global non-proliferation regime.

Deepening North Korea-Russia cooperation is providing technical and military insights to North Korea, with grave security implications for Europe, the Korean Peninsula and across the Indo-Pacific region.

Australia will continue to work with our allies and partners to hold Russia and North Korea to account, and address the security threat posed by North Korea.

North Korea must comply fully with UNSC resolutions to abandon its unlawful weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner.

All countries should abide by their UNSC obligations in response to North Korea’s violations.

Together with our partners, we call on North Korea to engage in constructive dialogue and move toward permanent peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula.

Australia remains steadfast in supporting Ukraine to defend itself. Today’s announcement underscores that those who provide material support to Russia’s illegal and immoral war will face consequences.

Women’s Asian Cup heads to Australia

In another major boost for women’s sport, Australia will host the next Women’s Asian Cup.

The Asian Football Confederation (AFC) has announced Australia as host nation for the AFC Women’s Asian Cup 2026.

It follows Australia’s successful hosting of the FIFA Women’s Football World Cup last year and will again bring the world’s best female football talent to our shores.

Hosting major sporting events, like the Women’s Asian Cup, boosts local tourism, trade, employment and infrastructure.

It also helps grow participation and inclusion in sport at the local, regional and national levels.

The Matildas are still riding the wave of success from last year’s Women’s World Cup where they captured the hearts of the nation.

A record 14 straight sold-out Matildas matches in Australia demonstrates the endurance of the ‘Matildas effect’ and our love of women’s football.

The AFC Women’s Asian Cup is the oldest women’s international football competition in the world, and will help continue to grow women’s football in Australia and our region.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong:

“Hosting the Women’s Asian Cup brings the region to Australia, and creates an opportunity to present modern Australia to millions of sports fans in Asia.

“Following the success of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023, the AFC Women’s Asian Cup 2026 will see sport bring us together again.

Minister for Women, Katy Gallagher:

“Australia is thrilled to be hosting the Asian Football Confederation Women’s Asian Cup 2026.

“This is a golden opportunity for us to showcase the continued growth and popularity of women’s sport in this country, and supports the Government’s commitment to gender equality.”

Minister for Sport, Anika Wells:

“I’m proud to be part of a government that is increasing the visibility of women’s sport and creating greater opportunities for women and girls in sport.

“The Women’s World Cup ended all debates about the place of female athletes in sport and now we can continue to celebrate the Matildas in the Women’s Asian Cup.

“Women’s sport is not a phase, is not a nice to have, it is thrilling, it is brilliant and it is here to stay.”


The Greens have secured an agreement with the government to shelve Labor’s offshore gas fast track plan that silenced First Nations voices. After having previously publicly offered to pass government legislation if the gas fast-track legislation was shelved, the Greens will now support the electric vehicles and legislation to lift the PRRT gas tax rate.

The Resource Minister’s Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (Safety and Other Measures) Bill 2024 will be amended by the government to remove Schedule 2, Part 2, which bypassed environment laws and First Nations voices. The Greens will pass the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard Bill 2024 and the Treasury Laws Amendment (Tax accountability and Fairness) Bill 2023.

The remainder of the offshore gas bill, which deals with worker’s safety issues, will pass the Parliament today alongside the NVES and PRRT reforms.

Following this major win, the Greens will continue the fight against the government’s Future Gas Strategy and their push for more coal and gas.

The government has advised that any matters relating to this approval process will now be considered as part of the broader tranche 3 of the environment law reform, which has been delayed indefinitely and will come after tranche 2. Tranche 2 legislation has not yet been introduced and the Greens are likely to be in balance of power on that legislation. Effectively, this means any changes cannot occur before the election.

Adam Bandt MP, Leader of the Australian Greens:

“The Greens have killed Labor’s gas fast-track bill,” Mr Bandt said.

“This is a big blow to the coal and gas corporations, a big win for the climate and First Nations voices, and it happened because the Greens have power in Parliament.”

“We will continue to fight Labor’s push for more coal and gas all the way to the election and beyond. The Greens have stopped Labor’s dodgy attempt to fast-track new gas mines, but their bid to bypass environmental protections shows Labor will stop at nothing to have more coal and gas past 2050.

“Climate scientists have said there can be no new coal and gas mines, but Labor wants more. You can’t put the fire out by pouring petrol on it. You don’t fix a problem by making the problem worse. With Labor and Liberal now backing more coal and gas past 2050, only the Greens will fight for real climate action.”

Senator Dorinda Cox, Greens First Nations and Resources spokesperson:

“Gas lobbyists have unlimited access to the Albanese Labor government and think they run politics in this country at the cost of cultural heritage, free prior and informed consent and the silencing of First Nations voices. This Bill would have sold our sea country as a commodity to the highest bidder. This is not acceptable.” Senator Cox said.

“The government must now stop opening new climate and environment wrecking gas projects and look to renewable energy.”

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Greens environment spokesperson:

“Labor’s shameless attempt to bypass our already weak environment laws is dead. It’s incredible that after two years of this government, their much promised ‘fix’ to environmental laws is nowhere to be seen, while harming nature is top priority,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

Senator Nick McKim, Greens Treasury spokesperson:

“The Greens have used our balance of power to stand up to the gas corporations and deliver for the environment and for First Nations people.

“We will see an increase in tax revenue from gas corporations and the rejection of Labor’s attempt to weaken environmental protections on gas mines.

“Standing our ground on Labor’s PRRT Bill has given us the leverage to reject the agenda of the gas cartel.

“When the Government works with the Greens instead of the gas cartel, we can ensure better environmental outcomes and more revenue from a publicly owned resource.”

City of Newcastle progresses dual-lane road upgrades in Wallsend

City of Newcastle is moving forward with plans to ease congestion in the growing western corridor, seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from contractors to deliver two dual-lane road upgrades.

Detailed designs are progressing to widen and upgrade Minmi Road (between Maryland Drive and the Summerhill Road roundabout) and Longworth Avenue.

The projects will create two lanes of traffic in each direction to reduce traffic congestion and bottlenecks, as well as remove difficult right turns and add in separate, dedicated turning lanes where possible. 

Following the EOI process, a shortlisted group of contractors will be invited to submit a tender for a combined construction package later this year, with works planned to commence in early 2025.

Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes reiterated the importance of these upgrades to the community.

“This project will play a critical role in easing congestion and improving the flow of traffic and therefore safety in this growing part of our city,” Cr Nelmes said.

“Feedback received from the community on the concept designs indicated strong support for the prioritisation of these works, and a desire to see travel times reduced and safety improved.

“Calling for expressions of interest now, followed by a selective tender process, will ensure that we have a contractor in place to commence work early next year.”

Executive Manager Project Management Office Robert Dudgeon acknowledged the need to plan ahead for construction.

“We recognise that construction of this scale can have an impact on the day-to-day journey for commuters in the area, and that our upgrade will be delivered in parallel with a number of other major road upgrades including the nearby Inner City Bypass,” Mr Dudgeon said.

“We have looked ahead to determine strategies for alleviating congestion and minimising delays to commuters during the construction phase.”

To improve traffic flow both ahead of and during construction of these upgrades, a series of smaller traffic changes are being considered and will be shared with the community for feedback in the coming weeks.

“Making adjustments to the flow of traffic in neighbouring areas will help reduce bottlenecks that result from the changes required to deliver these much-needed upgrades,” Mr Dudgeon said. 

The community can provide feedback on the proposed traffic changes from 31 May until 1 July by visiting City of Newcastle’s Have Your Say website. 

A Lord Mayoral Minute in 2022 allocated $26 million to the Minmi Road and Longworth Avenue projects.

City of Newcastle also secured $7.61 million from the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund to contribute towards the projects.

New appointments to the TAFE Commission Advisory Board

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan welcomed 5 new faces to the TAFE Commission Advisory Board at last night’s inaugural Parliamentary Friends of TAFE event, held at NSW Parliament House.

After more than a decade of neglect by the former government, the NSW Government is committed to restoring TAFE to the heart of vocational education in NSW. This includes prioritising new board appointments, which were left vacant by the previous government.

The government has been working hard to select the right people to the board and in August 2023, for the first time in at least 8 years, a TAFE NSW teacher, Mr Stuart McKinder was appointed to the board. This appointment reflects a commitment to engage with educators and recognises their invaluable role in shaping the future of TAFE NSW.

The 5 new appointees join 9 existing board members led by Chair Mr Danny O’Connor. 

Members include: 

  • Mr Stuart McKinder
  • Ms Alison Miriams
  • Ms Katrina Troughton
  • Mr Isaiah Dawe
  • Mr Adam Liaw
  • Dr Geoff Newcombe
  • Mr Murat Dizdar, Secretary NSW Department of Education 
  • Mr Stephen Brady, Managing Director TAFE NSW.

The appointees bring a wealth of industry, education, and community service experience that will help deliver a strong, sustainable TAFE NSW.

Megan Callinanis the Pro Chancellor (Western Region NSW) at Charles Sturt University and the CEO of Marathon Health. She brings extensive experience in community capacity building with a focus on education and training.

Kurt Fearnley AO is a professional wheelchair racer, school teacher, and ambassador with a background in improving equity outcomes for people with disabilities.

Eva Hanlyis President of Asia Pacific Fortescue and brings expertise in policy reform, innovation and technology, and new energy ventures.

Mary Ann O’Loughlin OAM is a Senior Policy Strategist at the University of Technology Sydney and has extensive experience in major strategic policy reforms, including in the education and skills sector.

Joseph La Postais the CEO of Multicultural NSW and brings experience in improving access and services for multicultural communities. Mr La Posta has been appointed to the board on an interim basis.

The board is an advisory body that makes recommendations to the Minister on TAFE NSW services, priorities and operations.

The skills shortage in NSW underscores the critical need to revitalise a robust and enduring TAFE NSW. This begins by actively engaging with the right people, including educators to gain valuable insights.

NSW Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan, said:

“The NSW Government is committed to ensuring the TAFE Commission Advisory board has the right mix of skills and experience to fulfill its important advisory functions.

“A board with such diverse experience is essential for positioning TAFE NSW at the forefront of the state’s vocational education and training system.

“I look forward to hearing the board’s perspective on ways in which TAFE NSW can foster effective industry and community partnerships aligned with the state’s skills priorities.”

Safe staffing to deliver more nurses for NSW hospitals

The NSW Government is delivering on its promise to rollout a major staffing reform set to boost the number of frontline healthcare workers through the implementation of safe staffing levels in NSW public hospitals.

Phase one of recruitment is now underway to deliver more nurses and midwives in NSW public hospitals between now and July 2027 under the safe staffing levels reform.

Liverpool and Royal North Shore Hospitals are the first two sites in NSW to roll out the new safe staffing levels. Both hospitals have commenced recruitment for approximately 70 funded FTE nurses across these two sites, with some nurses already recruited for each hospital.

The staffing boost at Liverpool and Royal North Shore Hospitals will enable a one-to-one nursing care ratio for generally occupied Emergency Department (ED) resuscitation beds on all shifts, and one nurse to three generally occupied ED treatment spaces and ED short-stay unit beds on all shifts.

This follows discussions with the Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce established to oversee the rollout of the government’s commitment of 2480 FTE over four years towards staffing levels. It includes key leaders from the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), NSW Health, and local health districts.

Implementation of the safe staffing level areas was scheduled to occur in phases over the next three years.

Phase one of safe staffing levels is initially commencing in Level 5 and Level 6 EDs, which treat the most critically ill patients, and will then be progressively implemented across other hospitals and departments.

These reforms will improve conditions and staff experience and, in turn, boost retention, capacity and capability.

Implementing safe staffing levels is just one of a range of measures that the NSW Government is embracing to build a supported and capable health workforce, including:

  • saving 1,112 nurse and midwife positions by making the roles permanent;
  • abolishing the wages cap and delivering the highest pay increase in over a decade for nurses and other health workers;
  • beginning to roll out 500 additional paramedics in regional, rural and remote communities; and
  • introducing the health worker study subsidies scheme.

NSW Minister for Health Ryan Park said:

“The NSW Government is delivering on its promise to rollout a major staffing reform.

“The safe staffing levels initiative involves the introduction of minimum staffing levels on every shift, which will result in more nurses and midwives employed in hospitals right across the state.

“Importantly, this reform will deliver improved staffing numbers to provide care for patients while supporting our frontline healthcare staff.

“The Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce will review this initial rollout at Liverpool and Royal North Shore EDs and use these experiences to help inform the roll out at future sites.”

New survey out now – young people across NSW encouraged to have their say

A major new survey has today been launched by the NSW Government in partnership with the Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) and the Office for Regional Youth to engage with young people on the issues that matter to them most.

Young people aged between 14 and 24 are encouraged to participate in the ‘Your Voice, Our Future’ survey which will help guide the government on important issues facing the state’s youth and how the government can better engage with them.

The results of the survey will be shared across the whole of government to ensure policy and programs are being developed in a way that best supports the views and needs of young people.

This survey will be used to inform decisions around the design of a new permanent voice for young people within the NSW Government.

The survey is open until the end of the year.

Minister for Youth Rose Jackson said:

“Our youth are our future and I want to ensure that young people are not only heard but have agency in the future direction of our Government.

“To do that we need to ensure that they’re consulted about what matters most to them, what is currently working and what is not.

“As the Minister for Youth it’s important that when I step into a room where decisions are being made, I can advocate for the needs of young people, secure in the knowledge that they themselves have been consulted about those needs.

“It is vital our young people’s voices are heard loud and clear as we prepare for their future.”

Teacher recruitment support expanded across NSW

The NSW Government is continuing to address the teacher shortage across NSW with a program helping schools recruit teachers in hard-to-staff areas to expand by 40%. A further 26 regional schools will now receive additional support to engage quality teachers, ensuring free, quality public education is provided to every student in NSW.

The Priority Recruitment Support program gives intensive recruitment assistance to schools with significant teacher staffing challenges.

The latest additions to the program cross the state from Bega to Bowral and Cobar to Casino, bringing the total number of schools receiving intensive support to 111.

Long-standing vacancies at these schools can now be advertised with a recruitment bonus of up to $20,000, and a relocation support package of up to $8000 for eligible teachers.

The program’s success is evident with 615 teachers placed in permanent positions in the past 12 months. Dubbo College alone has had 61 vacant positions filled across its three campuses while on the program.

Under the former Liberal National government, the teacher shortage reached crisis point with more than 3000 vacancies, resulting in an average 10,000 lessons missing a teacher every day and schools being forced to merge and cancel classes. While the teacher shortage has impacted schools across the board, the impact has been most significant in rural, regional and remote areas and parts of Sydney’s west and south-west.

The expansion of this program is one part of the Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan that supports teachers wanting to teach outside major metropolitan areas.

Further to the recruitment support, the NSW Government is also offering tailored housing support to teachers in regional areas, cutting red tape for applicants and addressing maintenance issues faster.

Other incentives to work in NSW rural and remote schools include:

  • 50 to 90% rental subsidy
  • rural teacher Incentive (up to $30,000 per annum less value of Rental Subsidy, where applicable)
  • retention bonus ($5,000 per annum for up to 10 years)
  • experienced teacher Benefit ($10,000 per annum for up to 5 years)
  • stamp duty relief payment (a one-off payment up to $10,000).

An additional 11 metropolitan schools will also benefit from recruitment support under the program’s expansion.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

“We are committed to providing teachers where they are needed the most to ensure every student has the same educational opportunities, no matter where they live.”

“Having a qualified teacher in front of every class is key to lifting student outcomes, and we are working hard to attract and retain teachers in areas where the teacher shortage is most acute.

“Labor was elected to fix the teacher shortage created by the former Liberal National government and this continues to be a key focus.”  

Executive Director, Regional Rural and Remote Implementation, Dean White, said:

“The expansion of the Priority Recruitment Support program is one part of the Rural and Remote Education Implementation Plan that supports teachers wanting to teach outside major metropolitan areas.

“Combined with our other supports, these initiatives are giving teachers even more reason to experience the satisfaction and rewards that come with teaching in communities outside the major centres.”

Regional, rural and remote schools added to the program:

  • Bega High School
  • Bowral High School
  • Braidwood Central School
  • Casino High School
  • Cobar High School
  • Cootamundra High School
  • Deniliquin High School
  • Dubbo South Public School
  • Glen Innes High School
  • Goulburn High School
  • James Fallon High School
  • Jindabyne High School
  • Kooringal High School
  • Leeton High School
  • Macintyre High School
  • Merriwa Central School
  • Mount Austin High School
  • Narrandera High School
  • Orara High School
  • Oxley High School
  • Picton High School
  • Uralla Central School
  • Wellington High School
  • West Wyalong High School
  • Yawarra Community School
  • Young High School

NSW Government invests $35 million in regional development

The NSW Government is today announcing the first $35 million funding allocation, from the $350 million Regional Development Trust which will support a package of initiatives to boost the long-term resilience of regional NSW, with a focus on job creation and primary industry expansion.

Funded under the NSW Regional Development Trust, these projects have been guided by the Regional Development Advisory Council and informed by a number of roundtables with rural communities hosted by the Minister for Regional New South Wales, Tara Moriarty, across the state.

This process has ensured the transparency and integrity of the investments.

The initiatives announced today align with the 4 focus areas of the Regional Development Trust:

  • sustainable regional industries, including emerging and job creating industries
  • aboriginal economic development and enterprise
  • community infrastructure and capacity building
  • improving regional service delivery.

The $35 million package includes:

$15 million to improve rural and remote airstrips

Effective remote and Western NSW airstrips that are accessible all year round will increase economic development opportunities, plus the delivery of health care and emergency services to reach communities that would otherwise be required to travel long distances to access similar services.

The NSW Government has commenced an audit of remote and rural airstrips across 20 local government areas in Western NSW and will develop a rollout schedule, based on priority and need, that will be completed by September this year.

Following this, the NSW Government will commence the upgrades of airstrip and aerodrome related infrastructure and equipment improvements.

This investment will improve rural and remote communities’ access to critical services, businesses, essential workers and supplies particularly in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.

$10 million Western NSW Workforce Activation Package to establish, expand or upgrade Western NSW childcare

  • The Western NSW Workforce Activation Package will provide $10 million to establish, expand or upgrade early childhood and education care across 3 initial local government areas of Bourke, Broken Hill and Cobar.
  • This initiative is designed to increase the availability of long day care in regional areas.
    Co-designed with the early childhood sector, this is an innovative approach to strengthening the workforce in remote communities by addressing one of the barrier’s faced by parents looking to return to work in areas where there is little or no early childcare available.
  • Successful applicants must demonstrate that funded activities will increase their ability to offer additional childcare places.

$5 million to empower Aboriginal businesses

  • The Aboriginal Economic Development Package will support Aboriginal businesses and organisations to identify and execute commercial opportunities, leading to improved economic and employment outcomes.
  • The funding will assist eligible Aboriginal organisations and businesses to deliver projects that enable improved economic and employment outcomes – for example, upgrades to community-controlled facilities or the expansion of native food operations.
  • Aboriginal projects are currently under consideration, with commencement of the pilot program to happen over the coming months.

$5 million to encourage economic growth and employment in regional NSW

  • $5 million will be invested to provide low-interest loans to eligible small and medium businesses to encourage economic growth and employment in regional NSW.
  • From today food and beverage manufacturing small and medium businesses will be able to apply for loans between $100,0000 and $1,000,000, with a 2.5% fixed interest for the life of the loan, to allow them to invest in new technologies and equipment that increases efficiency and productivity.
  • NSW is home to more than 30% of the nation’s small and medium enterprises. However, the RBA has highlighted that currently small businesses are finding it difficult to access finance from traditional lenders with approval times, underwriting security requirements and interest rates cited as key concerns.
  • This investment from the NSW Government has been developed to make it faster and easier for regional small businesses to thrive.

Further investments in these projects will be considered following an initial review of their implementation.

Premier of New South Wales Chris Minns said:

“I have been lucky to visit country towns across all of the state, from Bega to Broken Hill, and hear firsthand from communities about issues facing regional NSW.

“I am committed to working with local communities on solutions and projects that work for them, and that is what the Regional Development Trust is designed to deliver.

“These 4 projects are the products of listening to regional communities and the agriculture sector on where funding is most needed, and where it will work the best.”

Deputy Premier of New South Wales and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

“We believe every child in NSW should start school with a strong foundational educational, and to achieve that it is vital that all children can access high quality early learning, no matter their postcode or circumstance.

“This funding will allow long day care services to extend their hours or modify their services. This gives more flexibility to both parents looking to get back into the workforce, and creates new opportunities for early childcare workers.”

Minister for Health and Regional Health Ryan Park said:

“Investing in our regional airstrips will help ensure specialist doctors and nurses can provide care to even our states most remote communities. This is vital in ensuring that no matter where you live in New South Wales, you have access to essential healthcare


Minister for Regional New South Wales Tara Moriarty said:

“The NSW Government is committed to considered investments that are delivered transparently and through collaboration with local communities.

“Development funding for regional communities should not be dependent on who they voted for, but on where the need is greatest.

“After a comprehensive review of how funds have been invested in the past and travelling statewide and hearing the voices of local communities, I am confident this new approach delivers what people have said they need and will deliver better results.

“This initial investment of $35million from the Regional Development Trust Fund will create jobs, improve service delivery in rural and remote areas, and develop Aboriginal businesses and enterprises.”

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Treaty David Harris said:

“This $5 million is a significant boost to the NSW Government’s Closing the Gap Priority Reform 5, to help eligible Aboriginal businesses and organisations in the regions maximise economic opportunities and grow jobs.

“According to Supply Nation research, for every dollar of revenue generated by an Aboriginal business, the return on investment back to their community is $4.41.

“This funding builds on the $10 million investment in the NSW Roadmap for Aboriginal Business Growth and will be key to further helping Aboriginal people realise their aspirations.”

Business NSW Executive Director David Harding said:

“The Regions are a rising powerhouse of innovation and growth in NSW.  Business NSW is honoured to be the leading voice for our regional business communities, and to contribute to smart and effective regional development, in partnership with the NSW Government.

“We welcome the Regional Development Trust investments announced today, which will catalyse further small enterprise growth and productivity, together with better connection and workforce participation across the NSW Regions.”

Royal Flying Doctor Service South Eastern Section CEO Greg Sam said:

“The Royal Flying Doctor Service welcomes today’s announcement by the Premier and Minister for Regional NSW to increase the availability of high-quality community airstrips across a broader footprint in regional and remote NSW.

“Over the past few years, the RFDS has seen an increase in demand for healthcare services across regional and remote NSW, and access to quality airstrips and supporting infrastructure is hugely important as it enables RFDS to provide communities across regional NSW with essential healthcare.

“The RFDS is a lifeline for many rural and remote communities who, without us, may not otherwise have access to healthcare, and upgrades announced today will provide greater safety and more options in terms of when, where and how we can provide health and emergency services to communities across regional NSW.”