Giles lied or he’s just grossly incompetent

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles lied to the Australian people that the Labor Government was monitoring all the criminals it had released from immigration detention, including the one who went on to allegedly bash a cancer-surviving grandmother.

Gile went on ABC radio in March to defend the Albanese Government after it was revealed that detainees arrested for breaching their visa conditions would have their charges dropped because the Labor Government had issued them with invalid visas.

During the interview, Giles tried to reassure the Australian people that “there has been no change to the strict monitoring arrangements for every one of these people” released by Labor into the community, including seven murderers, 37 sex offenders, and 72 violent offenders.

“There has been no changes to the monitoring arrangements, as I’ve said consistently, and indeed, as senior officials of the federal police said in Senate estimates only weeks ago, these are people who are being constantly monitored. We know where they are. And all of these visas have been reissued.” — Andrew Giles, ABC AM interview with David Lipson, 13 March, 2024. https://minister.homeaffairs.g…

One of those detainees, Majid Jamshidi Doukoshkan, appeared in court this week charged with the brutal bashing and robbery of 73-year-old Ninette Simons.

It has now been revealed the government allowed Doukoshkan to remove his GPS tracker following a recommendation from the Commonwealth’s community protection board.

The Minister for Immigration either lied to the Australian people about the government’s monitoring regime or he didn’t know what was happening in his portfolio on an issue of critical importance to public safety.

Either way he has to go.

The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is a close friend of Giles, but he needs to put that friendship aside and act in the best interests of all Australians, who deserve to be safe in their homes. He needs to sack the Immigration Minister.

Labor’s HECS debt chaos is a mess of its own making

Fuelled by high inflation because the Albanese Government can’t get spending under control, Labor’s HECS debt chaos is a mess of its own making.

“Today’s announcement is all trickery and deceit and doesn’t fix Labor’s student debt trap that has hit 3 million Australians,” Senator Henderson said.

“Under Labor, student debts will still increase by a crippling 11.1% (3.9%, 3.2% and 4% as reported), driving up the average loan by $2,800.

“A HELP-HECS indexation rate of 4% this year would be the highest in 23 years.

“Under the Coalition’s strong economic management, low inflation meant indexation averaged just 1.7% pa.

“Whether it’s student debt, housing or paying the bills, young Australians continue to suffer acute cost-of-living pain under this incompetent Labor government,” Senator Henderson said.

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said student debt is only skyrocketing because of Labor’s homegrown inflation.

“Australians are paying the price for Labor’s economic mismanagement. The best way to address growing HECS debts is to fight Labor’s homegrown inflation at its source by reining in spending and strong budget management. Instead, Labor has let spending and inflation run out of control to the point that inflation is now stubborn, sticky, and homegrown.

“Today’s announcement is a glaring admission from Labor that real wages have been going backwards under their government.

“The policy announced will provide marginal relief to Australians struggling to pay down their debts with the rising cost of living, with experts expecting that over the next year indexation will still exceed 4%.

“With the last budget forecasting WPI to exceed CPI from 2023-24, this change will only have an impact if Labor are expecting further collapses in real wages like Australians have experienced since the election.

“There remain a number of questions Labor must clarify, including what the backdated proposal will mean for students who paid down their debts following the 7.1% indexation.

“Labor’s response to inflation continues to put band aids on bullet wounds. To provide cost of living relief for all Australians, Labor must deliver a budget that puts downward pressure on its homegrown inflation.”

Jason Clare must ban hate speech at universities or resign

Shadow Minister for Education Sarah Henderson has called on the Prime Minister to sack Labor’s hapless education minister, Jason Clare, unless he is prepared to show leadership and ban hate speech on university campuses.

This includes the use of anti-Jewish terrorist slogans and chants such as ‘intifada’ which constitute blatant antisemitism.

“Jason Clare’s trainwreck press conference when he claimed ‘intifada’ and ‘from the river to the sea’ “mean different things to different people” shows an appalling failure of leadership,” Senator Henderson said.

“In defending the use of slogans and chants which call for terrorist violence against Israel and the destruction of the Israeli state, Jason Clare is implicitly green lighting anti-Jewish hate speech on university campuses.

“Following Jason Clare’s failure to directly condemn an activist academic who encouraged children to chant ‘intifada’, it is no wonder the Prime Minister has openly rebuked his education minister today.

“Jason Clare must ban hate speech on campuses to protect the safety of all university students and staff, or he must resign,” Senator Henderson said.

This morning in Sydney, Senator Henderson convened a second round table of Jewish university students, staff and community leaders who shared horror stories at university campuses.

“Everyone at an Australian university has a right to be safe,” Senator Henderson said.

“This morning, students and academics shared terrible stories of intimidation, harassment, and threats to their safety.

“The failure to protect Jewish students and staff on campus, including by shutting down encampments, is particularly bad at the University of Sydney.

“USyd’s failure to uphold codes of conduct and shut down the encampment has emboldened the activists, fuelling harassment and intimidation of Jewish and non-Jewish students.

Senate inquiry into antisemitism on campus a test of leadership for Prime Minister Albanese

The Coalition will seek to establish an urgent Senate inquiry into antisemitism on university campuses.

In the face of an alarming rise of antisemitic protests and encampments, Shadow Minister for Education Sarah Henderson said Australians were witnessing a failure of leadership from the Albanese Government and vice-chancellors.

“Everyone on university campuses deserves to be safe, including Jewish students, staff and visitors,” Senator Henderson said.

“The University of Melbourne and University of Sydney, in particular, have become hotbeds of antisemitic activism, in flagrant breach of university policies and codes of conduct which are not being adequately enforced.

“It is time for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to show leadership and for his education minister to step up.”

The proposed inquiry will be conducted by the Senate Education and Employment References Committee, chaired by Liberal senator for Western Australia, Matt O’Sullivan.

A motion to establish the inquiry will be lodged in the Senate next week.

“Failure to enforce university guidelines not only creates an unsafe environment for learning but fuels hate speech, and potential violence,” Senator Henderson said.

“Allowing the establishment of encampments opens the floodgates to round-the-clock occupation by extremist protestors, including those who have no connection with a university.

“There must be zero tolerance for antisemitism.

“This is a level of harassment that would not be tolerated for any other group of students.”

A Senate inquiry is urgently required to investigate how antisemitism can be shut down on university campuses, Senator Henderson said.

“An inquiry would not only provide university students and staff with an important voice, but examine what actions or legislative changes may be needed to ensure university campuses are a safe place to learn.”

NSW Government swiftly responds to confirmation of white spot in wild-caught school prawns

The NSW Government has activated a biosecurity response and engaged the Commonwealth and other State Governments after receiving advice that white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) has been detected by scientists in wild-caught school prawns from the inshore ocean area off the Richmond River estuary near Ballina.

The NSW Government’s biosecurity response arrangements have been activated and will establish a control zone prohibiting the movement of raw product, including all decapod crustaceans and polychaete worms, but excluding high value lobster, crabs and bugs destined for human consumption, from rivers near Ballina and just offshore.

White spot does not pose a threat to human health or food safety. NSW seafood, including prawns, remains safe to eat.

White spot syndrome virus presents a biosecurity risk to prawn industries and can impact on the trade of prawns and all crustaceans.

Restriction on the movement of uncooked prawns and polychaete worms from the control zone is necessary to protect access to valuable national and international seafood markets by all crustaceans fisheries in NSW and Australia.

Prawn fishers can continue to catch prawns in the control zone but all prawns must be cooked to deactivate the virus before they can be moved into markets.

The NSW Minister for Agriculture, Tara Moriarty has directed her agency to urgently communicate directly with prawn and seafood industry stakeholders in northern NSW to provide details on the implementation of a control zone on the movement of uncooked prawns and polychaete worms. Working closely and collaboratively with the industry is a Government priority.

This action is critical to preserve both interstate and international trade for all crustacean species and other non-affected areas of NSW where crustacean fisheries operate.

The control zone restricts the movement of green, uncooked, school and king prawns and other decapod crustaceans, including polycheate worms out of the area.

Importantly, for many commercial fishers and seafood industry operators in Northern NSW, the Government is excluding the Mud, blue swimmer, three spot and spanner crabs, lobsters and bugs from the movement restrictions, as these species are solely used for human consumption and do not present a risk of being reintroduced to other waterways.

This routine testing is part of the national white spot surveillance program, which began in 2017 following the white spot outbreak in Southeast Queensland. Genetic testing is being conducted to confirm the DNA of the WSSV collected near Ballina to check if there are any relationships with previous detections in Queensland and NSW.  

NSW Minister for Agriculture, Tara Moriarty said:

“The community can rest assured this discovery of white spot syndrome virus in samples of wild caught school prawns off Ballina is not a health risk and NSW seafood is safe to eat.

“Our biosecurity response has swiftly swung into action and will aim to control the impact and advise all stakeholders on next steps.

“I have requested my Department to work closely with the northern NSW seafood industry and ensure they have all the information they need to understand the issue and to work collaboratively with Government.

“Our Government’s epidemiologists, biosecurity, fisheries and aquatic health specialists are working to develop response plans to support the industry”.

Look inside $45.3 million health worker accommodation project

Communities across regional NSW can now have their first look at a $45.3 million dollar NSW Government investment into key healthcare worker accommodation, set to be rolled out across Broken Hill, Balranald, Cooma, Finley, Leeton, Narrandera and West Wyalong.

An off-site prototype unit has been completed alongside final artist impressions for each site, giving local communities their chance to view the modern and sustainable design of the new units.

The units will support heath care workers looking to establish themselves in a new community by providing accommodation close to work. This is a key factor in attracting and retaining health workers at rural and regional hospitals.

Extensive consultation with clinicians has been undertaken as part of the planning and design process, which has been used to inform the prototype.

The prototype allows the units to be tested before they are built to ensure they will be fit-for-purpose, safe and comfortable for local and visiting healthcare workers.

The units will be built off-site and then installed on hospital grounds in Cooma, Broken Hill, Finley, Leeton, Narrandera and West Wyalong. The sites were selected following consultation with local health districts to determine which facilities had the most urgent need for accessible, affordable accommodation to support their workforce.

Two pre-fabricated accommodation cabins, each with 2 units, have been delivered and installed at Balranald Hospital. Works on site are currently being finalised and the units are expected to be ready for occupation in the coming months.

All accommodation will follow the same architectural design, and sustainability will be a focus with the units fully electrified and solar ready.

Offsite construction of the accommodation will commence shortly after feedback on the prototype is considered. The new units will be installed starting in mid-2024 and are expected to become available to key workers in late 2024/early 2025.    

The NSW Government’s investment into the key worker accommodation is just part of a range of measures we are rolling out to improve access to care in our regional, rural and remote communities, including:

  • doubling rural health incentives which has seen more health workers recruited or retained in the bush
  • boosting doctors in our regional GP surgeries as well as hospitals through the single employer model
  • delivering an extra 500 regional paramedics.

Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park:

“We know recruitment is 1 of the biggest challenges facing our regional, rural and remote health services.

“I’ve always said everyone deserves access to quality healthcare from our amazing healthcare workers, no matter where they live.

“Critical to achieving this has been bringing more health workers to our regions, and these units will support staff looking to establish themselves in a new community.”

Minister for Regional NSW and Minister for Western NSW, Tara Moriarty:

“The NSW Government is improving regional service delivery and the $45.3 million health worker accommodation program is another example of how we are getting on with the job.

“Communities in the Murrumbidgee, Southern NSW and Far West will be pleased to see this progress and I look forward to seeing the accommodation become available to health workers by the end of this year.

“Our government is making a real difference in the regions with better decisions and smart investments that deliver a positive difference in health, education, business and utilities.”

Member for Monaro Steve Whan:

“The completion of the prototype is an exciting milestone in this project, which will see accommodation for 12 healthcare workers at any one time in Cooma.

“I am really pleased Cooma has been selected as site for this purpose-built accommodation, and I hope it encourages healthcare workers to consider a move to Cooma or one of the state’s other wonderful regional communities where this is on offer.”

Member for Barwon Roy Butler:

“Broken Hill is an incredible place to work and live, and I welcome this investment which will support up to 20 health workers looking to establish themselves in Far Western NSW.

“Having safe and comfortable housing close to our hospital, will go a long way to removing a significant barrier in attracting staff to this unique part of the world.”

Member for Murray Helen Dalton:

“This investment will entice much needed medical professionals to consider a career in the region.

“The establishment of purpose built, considered accommodation is not only beneficial for healthcare staff but also for the communities in Finley, Leeton and Narrandera who will benefit from skilled healthcare professionals.”

Labor’s De-amalgamation Bill passes Parliament

The NSW Labor Government has today given councils and their communities the power to make decisions about their future with the Local Government Amendment (De-amalgamations) Bill 2024 passing both Houses of Parliament.

The new legislation provides certainty to councils that have been left in limbo due to legal flaws within the Local Government Act.

Under the Government’s new laws, councils seeking to demerge must work in close consultation with their community to ensure local democracy is enshrined throughout the entire process.

The new pathway will require councils to develop a robust business case for de-amalgamation with community input so that residents are adequately informed of potential implications upfront.

The business case should consider the impacts of de-amalgamation including financial ramifications, long-term strategic plans, and the capacity of new councils to deliver services.

The Minister will then refer the business case to the Local Government Boundaries Commission for independent review and assessment.

If the Minister is satisfied by the Boundaries Commission’s recommendation a proposal is sound, a compulsory referendum may then be held to give the community the final say on whether they wish to de-amalgamate.

The majority of the community must support this vote for the demerger to proceed.

The new legislation will also apply to any council that has been amalgamated, removing a provision that placed a 10-year period for councils to enact demerger proceedings.

It also provides for a mechanism for the Government to contribute to funding the costs of demergers incurred by councils. 

Following its passage through both Houses of Parliament the Bill will soon be signed into law by the NSW Governor.

Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig:

“Today the NSW Labor Government has put an end to a disappointing chapter in local government history.

“Councils and communities across the state have suffered for too long without a clear mechanism to undo the amalgamations that were forced upon them.

“This Bill rightly puts those decisions that directly affect communities back into their hands.

“It provides a legal pathway to achieve de-amalgamation whilst mandating robust engagement with the community throughout the entire process.

“This is to ensure communities understand the consequences and can make an informed decision about their future.

“Whether that is to proceed down the path of de-amalgamation, or to get on with the job of providing for their community, this Bill delivers much-needed certainty.”

Update – Fire Ants in South Murwillumbah

The NSW Government has today confirmed and eradicated an immature fire ant nest at South Murwillumbah, where fire ants were first detected in NSW in November 2023.

The nest was reported, identified and eradicated today demonstrating the swift action undertaken by the NSW Government and National Fire Ant Eradication Program (NFAEP) teams.

The treatment of the South Murwillumbah infested area has been managed as a multi-stage process. Detections surrounding infested sites are to be expected, highlighting the importance of the multiple stage treatment and surveillance approach that is required over a extended period.

All known nests receive a direct nest injection with fipronil. Then a broadcast treatment, either aerial or ground team application, using insect growth regulator spread out between 2km to 5km, which this site has received. There are two further treatments scheduled for the South Murwillumbah site.

There is an existing control order in place for this area from the initial detection in November 2023, restricting how potential fire ant carrier materials can be moved or transported. There is no need to extend that current movement control.

The nest has been categorised as low-risk due to the absence of reproductive ants.

The site is currently being investigated by the NFAEP, NSW Government and Tweed Council teams. The nest is confirmed to be low risk with no signs that it has yet produced reproductive ants.

Residents and businesses can report any suspicious ant activity to 1800 680 244 or by visiting Report Exotic Ants.

Minister for Agriculture and Western NSW Tara Moriarty said:

“We don’t want these ants to spread any further into NSW, which is why this Government committed $95 million to the National Program raising it from the $15 million committed by the former Nationals Liberal Government.

“The NSW Government is working closely with the Tweed Shire Council and the National Program, to ensure we’re keeping the community updated and applying all available resources to the area.

“I urge everyone in the local area to check their premises, yards and paddocks for the red imported fire ants and then reporting any suspected sighting immediately.

“Biosecurity is a shared responsibility, and everyone working together is needed to keep fire ants out of NSW.”

Liberals and Nationals progress commonsense bail reform

The NSW Liberals and Nationals today introduced the Bail Amendment (Serious Personal Violence and Electronic Monitoring) Bill 2024, progressing commonsense proposals to strengthen bail laws in NSW.
Despite broad support across the Parliament for urgent action the NSW Labor Government appears to have no interest in working collaboratively or adopting a bipartisan approach to improving our state’s bail laws.
Since the NSW Labor Government blocked our attempt to strengthen bail laws on Tuesday, we have seen more reported cases of serious domestic violence against women – this is unacceptable.
More action can follow, but the time to act on bail is now.
The Opposition is proposing an extension of the current parole electronic monitoring to bail in cases of serious domestic violence charges. BOCSAR, the Department of Communities & Justice’s research unit found that electronic monitoring reduced DV reoffending by 33%. 
The Opposition understand this; why doesn’t the NSW Labor Government?
If the NSW Labor Government does not present its bail reforms to the Parliament next week, the Opposition will again move to have our Bill debated and progressed.

Investing in a better future for Victoria

The Albanese Labor Government is working with the Victorian Government to bust Melbourne’s congestion and ensure Victoria’s roads are safer and get people where they need to be faster.

In next week’s Budget we will invest a further $3.25 billion to North East Link in the 2024-25 Budget, taking the total Australian Government funding to $5 billion.

Once completed, the North East Link will get 15,000 trucks off local roads each day and reduce travel times by up to 35 minutes.

These new investments are towards the non-tolled components of the project, including the M80 Ring Road Upgrades and North East Link Connections and Eastern Freeway Upgrades packages of work.

They will create new lanes, implement smart technology and provide a seamless connection to the North East Link tunnels.

This announcement builds on what we are already delivering in Victoria, including over $1.2 billion for the Western Highway and the Princes Highway corridors, and more than $2.2 billion for the Regional Rail Revival program to upgrade every regional passenger line in Victoria.

Where the previous Morrison Liberal Government had a deluge of press releases with a drought of delivery, the Albanese Labor Government is ensuring that projects can be completed and benefits flow to communities.

We are getting on with building a better future for all Australians.

We will have more to say about transport infrastructure spending in Victoria at Budget time.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

“Being stuck in traffic doesn’t just waste precious time you could be spending with the kids, friends or just getting on with life. It’s bad for productivity too.

“We’re investing $3.25 billion making sure Melbourne’s fast growing north east has the infrastructure they need and fixing the missing link in Melbourne’s freeway network.

“It’ll save commuters more than half an hour on the roads, and get 15,000 trucks off suburban roads each day – which means safer roads, getting you where you want to be faster and easier.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King

“We are working for all Australians to deliver significant infrastructure that connects communities, stimulates jobs and builds the future of our nation.

“The hard work we undertook to clean up the mess in the infrastructure pipeline means there is room to deal with ongoing cost pressures and plan for future projects.

“I thank the Victorian Government for working closely with us to ensure the delivery of this project.”

Premier of Victoria Jacinta Allan

“Following ten years of neglect under the Liberals and Nationals, it is great to have a partner in Canberra that can help deliver the projects important to Victorians.

“This project has been talked about for 60 years – we’re getting on and building the much-needed missing link because families in our growing state need it and jobs depend on it.”

Victorian Minister for Transport Infrastructure Danny Pearson

“We’re getting on and delivering this important project that will slash travel times and help to keep Victorians moving.”