New public bus services delivered for Tweed region

The NSW Government has announced the roll out of more bus services in the Tweed region to cater for an expected increase in demand when the new Tweed Valley Hospital opens.

Starting from Monday 6 May various bus route timetables will be overhauled to better connect the Tweed Valley region to the new hospital. 

Route 609 from Murwillumbah will receive an additional 10 trips each week to the new hospital. These include morning and afternoon services timed to help frontline staff get to and from the hospital as their shifts start and end.

Other improvements include:

  • Route 600 (Banora Point to Tweed Mall, via Tweed City and the Tweed Hospital) will be extended to operate between Tweed Heads West and Coolangatta from Banora Central. 
  • Route 601 will be amended to operate from Tweed Mall to the new Tweed Valley Hospital to service staff, patients and the community. 
  • Route 605 will be extended to operate between Murwillumbah and Tweed Mall via Powell Street and Keith Compton Drive. Murwillumbah residents will be able to stay on the same bus to Tweed Mall where they can connect with Queensland Translink services.
  • The 603 service will also stop at the new bus stops on Cudgen Road, outside the hospital entrance.

Before the new hospital opens on 14 May, existing route 600 and 601 buses will continue to deviate via Powell Street to service the existing hospital — however when the new hospital opens services will travel via Wharf Street at Tweed Heads and will no longer deviate via Powell Street.

For detailed timetable information visit Trip Planner.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:

“The NSW Government understands how important it is for patients, visitors and staff to have easy access to the new Tweed Valley Hospital.

“The new bus services we’re delivering will provide the vital access to healthcare, employment and opportunity critical to people in the Tweed.”

Parliamentary Secretary for Disaster Recovery and Member for Lismore Janelle Saffin said:

“Many of the people visiting the new hospital are likely to have mobility issues, so providing better bus services that run direct to the facility is going to be an enormous benefit for them.

“I’m pleased to see the new services will start one week before the opening of the hospital in order to help people become familiar with the new arrangements.”

NSW Duty MLC for Tweed Emily Suvaal said:

“The NSW Government is proud to be investing in improvements to public transport in our growing regional communities and I encourage everyone in the Tweed region to take advantage of these new services.

“I also congratulate Transport for NSW and bus operator Kinetic for the work they’ve put in to deliver improvements to public transport that will benefit so many community members in the Tweed region.”

Multi-million dollar boost for community sport

Community sport across NSW has received a $4.4 million injection following the awarding of grants in the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program.

The Program provides up to $20,000 to individual clubs and associations with $50,000 available in each electorate for new equipment, programs and facilities that increase participation in community sport, with 579 projects awarded funding in this year’s program.

Some projects to receive funding include:

  • Kurri Kurri Football Club who received $19,938 for their program to improve access and inclusion
  • Plumpton Braves Baseball Club who received $14,973 for new equipment
  • Broken Hill Soccer Association who received $11,197 for their Bonding over the BBQ Program which aims to build camaraderie in the Association
  • Lismore Old Boys Rugby League Football Club who received $20,000 for their program to create pathways and a safe, inclusive culture for women and girls
  • Sussex Inlet Golf Club who received $5000 for their Intro to Golf for Women and Children program.

Get more information on the Local Sport Grant Program

NSW Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said:

“The NSW Labor Government is focused on rebuilding our local grassroots sporting communities, on driving participation, and delivering fit-for-purpose facilities for our children.”

“The Local Sport Grant Program provides vital funds directly to grassroots community sports clubs and associations to deliver programs and equipment to support their participants.”

“With the critical role sport plays in keeping people healthy, active and socially connected, this funding is vital to community health, wellbeing and sense of identity.”

$500,000 upgrade for TAFE NSW Ballina

The NSW Government is meeting the growing demand for healthcare workers in the Northern Rivers region with an investment of $500,000 for the upgrade and expansion of nursing facilities at TAFE NSW Ballina.

These improvements, which include a state-of-the-art simulated nursing ward and dedicated home care training room, are designed to provide TAFE NSW nursing students with a more immersive and practical learning environment.

The upgrades come as the demand for nurses increases, with a projected shortfall of 123,000 nurses in Australia by 2030.

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education, Steve Whan, visited TAFE NSW Ballina yesterday and said the upgraded facilities would increase student capacity at the campus.

It is anticipated construction will commence at TAFE NSW Ballina in May and the project is expected to reach completion in August 2024.

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said:  

“This investment into the nursing space at TAFE NSW Ballina will greatly enhance training opportunities for students and bring simulation learning experiences in line with best practice.

“We’re increasing our capacity by 32 students per week across Certificates III and IV in Health Services Assistance [Assistants in Nursing] and offering Diploma of Nursing students access to improved facilities to better support their learning outcomes.

“The healthcare and social assistance sector is the Ballina Shire’s largest employer, and the NSW Government is committed to investing in TAFE NSW to provide the facilities, training, and industry standard equipment to meet this workforce demand.

“The investment in equipment and facilities at the TAFE NSW Ballina campus will set up local healthcare students for further success, while supporting the region’s critical skills needs.

“Through our investment into our infrastructure, TAFE NSW is better able to continue to deliver the best standard of education and skills to the next generation of the healthcare workforce in this wonderful region,”

$13 million Feral Pig Program delivering results

The NSW Government is on track to meet its target of culling 87,000 feral pigs through its $13 million Feral Pig Program.

Since October 2023, 69,343 feral pigs have been culled through the program, with 4,335 properties participating in aerial and ground control programs across NSW.

Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty saw these results firsthand today while visiting farmers near Orange who have been participating in the Feral Pig Program.

The Feral Pig Program is one element of the NSW Government’s comprehensive plan to boost biosecurity across NSW – which also includes:

  • working to recruit the state’s first independent Biosecurity Commissioner;
  • $95 million to protect against the spread of red imported fire ants;
  • $41 million to support the transition to mandatory sheep and goat electronic identification to improve biosecurity traceability;
  • a $10 million Good Neighbour Program to clamp down on pests and weeds on public land;
  • working with the Natural Resource Commission to develop a baseline report on damage from invasive species so that appropriate action can be taken to better protect NSW farmers; and
  • ongoing research and development projects across DPI’s state-wide network of research stations.

Deborah and Sam Kwa have had great success managing feral pigs on their Summer Hill Creek property, working with Local Land Services on trapping and removing significant numbers of feral pigs.

A key part of the program is upskilling farmers and giving them the tools and advice to effectively manage feral pigs now and into the future.

Over the past 7 months, Local Land Services staff have provided farmers with tailored feral pig management advice through 7,394 one on one consultations and delivered 64 skill building events and workshops.

In addition, over 129,600 kg of free bait has been provided to farmers across NSW to ensure multiple control methods are being used as part of best practice pest animal management.

For more information on the Feral Pig Program visit Feral Pig Program 2023-2024 – Local Land Services (

Agriculture Minister Tara Moriarty said:

“Our government is taking biosecurity and the feral pig problem seriously, so it’s great to see that our $13 million Feral Pig Program is delivering results.

“While numbers paint a picture of what activities have been carried out through the program, it’s great to hear how this program is having a positive impact at the local and individual farm level.

“Deborah and Sam are great examples of what can be achieved when farmers and government work together to tackle pest animals using an integrated approach to control.

“Here in the Central Tablelands, 3,630 feral pigs have been culled through aerial shoots and trapping programs with 288 properties participating.

“Local Land Services has also delivered 13 local events to upskill farmers and provided best practice advice through 362 one on one consultations.”

Investment strengthens industry-led post-school pathways

The NSW Labor Government has committed to continuing a program that has supported more than 1,000 high school students to secure jobs.

The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) program helps students engage directly with industry to explore different career paths or transition into work, apprenticeships and traineeships or further study.  

During the past three years, more than 3,000 industry partners have participated in RIEP activities with more than 180,000 students from more than 850 NSW schools.

The program has secured 1,000 direct employment outcomes for students since April 2021, including part-time jobs and school-based and full-time apprenticeships and traineeships.

Through the RIEP program, the Department is delivering on its Rural and Remote Education Strategy commitment to build strong industry partnerships to facilitate access to post-school pathways.

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan today visited Madura Tea to see the outcomes of a RIEP-funded digital media and marketing workshop, which involved 120 Year 10 students from six northern NSW high schools.

Apex Ad Agency was one of the industry partners that supported the delivery of these workshops. All 28 students that connected with Apex Ad Agency have been offered work experience in Term 3.

Marketing content created by students during the industry project element of the workshop will be used by Madura Tea Estates as upcoming social media content.

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said:

“The Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP) program has a strong record of success, and we are pleased to continue its investment in preparing students to support local industry.

“The RIEP program actively builds bridges for students to industry so they can upskill and leverage those networks in their careers.

“Students who connect with employers while still in school have improved employment, education and wellbeing outcomes that also lead to increased future earnings.

“But the benefits of this program extend beyond our students. For businesses, this program offers a unique opportunity to shape the workforce of the future.”

Apex Ads Director + Partnership Developer Azzi Hamiliton said:

“The RIEP program has provided the talented students with a unique opportunity to develop their digital marketing skills and apply these in a real-world context.”

Madura Tea Digital Manager Kirsty Porter said:

“We were absolutely delighted that Apex Ads chose to feature our Madura products in their digital learning initiative with the students. It was a unique opportunity to see our tea become a tool for education and witness firsthand the innovative ways the next generation engages with digital media and product storytelling.”

Meeting of National Cabinet on gender-based violence

National Cabinet met virtually today to discuss the national crisis of gender-based violence.

First Ministers are committed to stopping the homicides and achieving our shared goal of ending violence against women and children in a generation.

National Cabinet agreed to a number of priorities for all our governments, building on efforts under way under the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, including:

  • Strengthening accountability and consequences for perpetrators, including early intervention with high-risk perpetrators and serial offenders, and best practice justice responses that support people who have experienced violence.
  • Strengthening and building on prevention work through targeted, evidence-based approaches.
  • Maintaining a focus on missing and murdered First Nations women and children, and the impact of domestic and family violence in First Nations communities.

First Ministers heard from Commonwealth Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner Micaela Cronin. Ms Cronin reflected on her work as Commissioner, including discussions with people with experience of violence, and key priorities for shared effort to address gaps in the current system.

Premier of Victoria, the Hon. Jacinta Allan also shared lessons from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence.

National Cabinet noted the importance of housing reforms in supporting women and children escaping violence.

National Cabinet agreed to strengthen prevention efforts through targeted, evidence-based approaches and to be informed by an expert led rapid review of best practice approaches. This will allow further and effective action on preventing gender-based violence, building on the considerable work under way.

The Commonwealth will deliver the Leaving Violence Payment to help people experiencing intimate partner violence with the costs of leaving that relationship. This acknowledges financial insecurity is closely linked to violence, and can prevent women leaving a violent relationship.

The Leaving Violence Payment builds on existing measures being delivered to improve financial security of women, including expansion of the single Parenting Payment, 10 days paid domestic violence leave, and investment in crisis accommodation and affordable housing for women and children escaping violence.

The Commonwealth will also deliver a range of new measures to tackle factors that exacerabate violence against women, such as violent online pornography, and misogynistic content targeting children and young people.

New measures will include legislation to ban deepfake pornography and additional funding to pilot age assurance technologies.

First Ministers agreed that system responses need to be strengthened, with a focus on high-risk perpetrators and serial offenders to prevent homicides. This will involve work across governments and jurisdictions. First Ministers have agreed to undertake a range of work that will report back to National Cabinet later this year.

  • Police Ministers Council and the Standing Council of Attorneys-General will be tasked to develop options for improving police responses to high risk and serial perpetrators, including considering use of focused deterrence and fixated threat strategies.
  • First Ministers agreed to improve information sharing about perpetrators across systems and jurisdictions, led by the Commonwealth Minister for Women.
  • First Ministers agreed that States and Territories will explore opportunities to strengthen national consistency and drive best practice approaches across jurisdictions, including relating to risk assessment and responses to sexual assault, led by Victoria and South Australia.

We will continue to listen and learn from those with lived experience of violence. We recognise they have intimate first-hand knowledge of services, systems, and structures that are meant to support. They know from experience the weaknesses and strengths of interventions in practice.

First Ministers are listening to the experts, identifying where the gaps are, and acting with urgency. We want violence against women and children to stop.

This media statement has been agreed by First Ministers and serves as a record of meeting outcomes.

Helping women leave a violent partner payment

The Albanese Labor Government is committed to ending family, domestic and sexual violence in a generation. This is a national crisis.

We want women to know if they need to leave they can afford to go.

We understand the insidious links between financial insecurity and stress and vulnerability to family and domestic violence. Too often, financial insecurity can be a barrier to escaping violence.

That’s why the Government will invest $925.2 million over five years to permanently establish the Leaving Violence Program – so those escaping violence can receive financial support, safety assessments and referrals to support pathways.

Those eligible will be able to access up to $5,000 in financial support along with referral services, risk assessments and safety planning.

This commitment builds on a record $2.3 billion in measures put in place by the Albanese Government to help address violence against women.

Further, the Albanese Government has expanded eligibility for parenting payment single – helping 82,000 more single parents remain on higher payment rates until their youngest child turns 14; legislated ten days paid family and domestic violence leave; increased rent assistance with the largest increase in 30 years; and invested in crisis accommodation and affordable housing for women and children escaping violence.  

Intimate partner violence is a problem of epidemic proportions in Australia, with a quarter of all Australian women having experienced it in their lifetime. 

The Leaving Violence Program will support victim-survivors of intimate partner violence to make informed choices about leaving violent relationships and receive the vital support they need.

The Leaving Violence Program is a key initiative in the upcoming May Budget to help support the aims of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-32 to end violence in one generation. The program will contribute to improved safety, economic security, and independence for victim-survivors.

This makes permanent the Escaping Violence Program trial. More than 45,000 Australians have accessed the EVP payment since 2021. A total of 80 per cent of those accessing the support were self-referrals meaning without this program they may have fallen through the cracks of the support system.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese: 

“The heartbreaking reality is that there is no overnight solution to violence against women and children.

“My Government is absolutely committed to making progress to end family, domestic and sexual violence in one generation through our National Plan.

“Today’s announcement builds on our efforts to ensure fewer women feel trapped in a violent relationship because they don’t know if they can afford to leave.”

the Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth:

“Violence against women is a national shame. Every time a woman loses her life at the hands of a man, it is a death that is one too many and we know this is an issue that warrants our focused and serious attention.

“Research has shown us that financial barriers can be a huge impediment to victim-survivors breaking free of a violent relationship and we are determined to reduce those barriers along with providing other supports to assist those fleeing violence.

“We need persistent, consistent and unified action on this issue in order to create real change and this investment will mean there is a permanent lifeline for those people experiencing intimate partner violence.”

the Minister for Women Katy Gallagher:

“Like every Australian, and especially women across the country – I am distressed and frustrated at the crisis of men’s violence against women in this country. This is a crisis, and it is a national shame.

“The Albanese Labor Government is committed to ending the epidemic of violence against women and children in this country. We have been focused on this since day one and have taken a number of actions to drive end violence and support women who experience it, and we know we must continue to do more.

“We recognise that a lot of the issues that women face can be improved if they have economic security and improving women’s economic empowerment will continue to be a core focus of our government.”

The Leaving Violence Program will provide eligible victim-survivors with an individualised financial support package of up to $1,500 in cash and up to $3,500 in goods and services, as well as safety planning, risk assessment and referrals to other essential services for up to 12 weeks.

The payment amount will be indexed annually to keep in pace with the rising cost of living, ensuring recipients are given the best support when leaving violent relationships.

The program will commence in mid-2025, following the procurement of an appropriate service provider with family, domestic and sexual violence experience, and the transition of the existing pilots into the program.

Both the Escaping Violence Payment trial and the Temporary Visa Holders Experiencing Violence Pilot will be extended to 30 June 2025.

For information about both trials visit the DSS website.

If you or someone you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family or sexual violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, chat online via, or text 0458 737 732.

If you are concerned about your behaviour or use of violence, you can contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 or visit

Feeling worried or no good? No shame, no judgement, safe place to yarn. Speak to a 13YARN Crisis Supporter, call 13 92 76. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Raptor Squad discharge firearm during arrest of man for alleged drug and gun offences in Maitland

Raptor Squad officers have discharged a firearm during the arrest of a man for alleged drug and firearm offences under Strike Force Stranraer.

Strike Force Stranraer was established in May 2023 by State Crime Command’s Raptor Squad to investigate the alleged supply of drugs and firearms in the Maitland and West Ryde areas.

To date, 12 people have been charged and remain before the courts.

Following extensive inquiries, about 6.25am yesterday (Tuesday 30 April 2024), strike force detectives executed a crime scene warrant in Gillieston Heights.

On arrival, police were confronted by the occupant of the home – a 26-year-old man – armed with two hunting style knives, prompting an officer to discharge their firearm.

No one was injured and the man was arrested.

The man was taken to Maitland Police Station, where he was charge with supply pistol to person unauthorised to posses, use etc offensive weapon with intent to commit indictable offence, use etc offensive weapon to prevent police investigation, supply prohibited drug >= commercial quantity, and participate in a criminal group.

The man was refused bail and appeared in Maitland Local Court yesterday, where he was formally refused bail to appear in Newcastle Local Court on Wednesday 19 June 2024.

A review into the discharge of the firearm has commenced.

Investigations under Strike Force Stranraer continue.

Search underway to locate missing woman – Lake Macquarie

Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a woman missing from the Lake Macquarie area.

Vicki Davey, aged 63, was last contacted about 11.30am yesterday (Wednesday 1 May 2024).

When she could no longer be contacted or located, officers attached to Lake Macquarie Police District were notified and commenced inquiries into her whereabouts.

Police and family hold serious concerns for her welfare as she lives with conditions which require treatment.

Vicki is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 150cm tall with slim build, and has blonde/grey hair in a bob.

She was last seen wearing jeans, a jumper and joggers.

Police believe she may have gone for a walk in the Glenrock nature reserve at Kahibah.

Anyone with information into her whereabouts is urged to call police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Council for Australian-Arab Relations Board Appointments

Today I announce the appointments of five Board Members to the Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR).

I am also pleased to announce the reappointment of Professor Hala Zreiqat as Chair to the Council. As Chair, Professor Zreiqat has been an invaluable driver for the CAAR’s key projects and strategic agenda.

The following new appointments will contribute to the goals of the CAAR in broadening and strengthening Australian-Arab relations:

  • Professor Ali Abbas is a Professor of Chemical Engineering and Associate Dean of Research at the University of Sydney, as well as the Founding Director of the Waste Transformation Research Hub .
  • Ms Zinab Al Hilaly is an experienced community engagement practitioner and advisor, whose focus is on ensuring communities of diverse backgrounds have their voices and lived experiences reflected in policies, programs and strategies.
  • Mr Mohammad Al-Khafaji is the Head of Strategic Partnerships at SBS and formerly the CEO of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia.
  • Ms Dena Alnashie is the CEO of Al Nasser & Al Nashie United Company, one of the largest construction firms in Kuwait, and her work supports the empowerment of women in business and society.
  • Ms Sandra Elhelw is the CEO of the Settlement Council of Australia which empowers migrants and refugees to pursue entrepreneurial ventures and make meaningful contributions to the Australian community.

I also pay tribute to outgoing members Ms Sonia Barber, Dr Hass Dellal AO, Ms Erin Gorter, Mr Soufiane Rboub, and Ms Larissa Taylor who have made a significant contribution to the Council’s strategic direction.