Impact of Labor’s health cuts revealed

The NSW Opposition has slammed the Minns Labor Government’s cuts to health funding for putting major pressure on the state’s hospital system and creating an emergency department crisis.
Shadow Minister for Health Matt Kean said that the health system is falling apart because of Labor’s cruel cuts. 
“Data released by the Bureau of Health Information (BHI) today show a hospital system under immense strain. People are waiting longer to be seen and their health is at risk,” Mr Kean said.
“The number of people treated at emergency departments within four hours is in freefall, with the January to March quarter producing a record low.”
“This is a consequence of Labor’s budget mismanagement. They have lost control of the Budget and as a result have embarked on a rampage of health cuts hitting palliative care, frontline services and emergency departments.”
Shadow Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor said the latest BHI data shows waiting times are up and the elective surgeries backlog is growing.
“While the Government are focused on cutting ribbons on health facilities that were delivered and funded by the former Liberal and Nationals Government, patients are left waiting in emergency departments around the state,” Mrs Taylor said.
“Across our regions our dedicated frontline workers are holding together a healthcare system in rapid decline under the Minns Labor Government.
“AMA (NSW) President Dr Kathryn Austin described this as a catastrophe waiting to happen. I urge Chris Minns to immediately reinstate critical health funding and stop putting politics and photo opportunities before the health of our state.”
The Opposition has also criticised Ryan Park for failing to acknowledge the impact of Labor’s cuts including:

  • An increase in the number of people leaving emergency departments without treatment
  • Record high emergency department overcrowding numbers
  • An increase in the average length of stay in hospitals
  • An increase in mental health admissions
  • An increase to the backlog of elective surgery and
  • Stagnant ambulance response times

“The Minns Labor Government has no plan to address this health crisis, which is of their own making. Shamefully the Minister failed to even acknowledge the emergency department crisis today in a pathetic attempt to sweep it under the rug,” Mr Kean said.
“Chris Minns and Ryan Park must reverse these cuts and restore hospital funding in next month’s Budget otherwise this crisis will only deepen.”

Working to end violence against women with rapid review into prevention approaches

The Albanese Labor Government is working to end violence against women and children in one generation and has appointed an Expert Panel to conduct a rapid review into best-practice prevention approaches.

The Panel will meet for the first time today and deliver a report to Government later this year.

The Panel will:

  • Provide practical advice to Government on further action to prevent gender-based violence.
  • Look at opportunities to strengthen prevention efforts and approaches across all forms of violence against women and children, with a focus on homicide.
  • Consider targeted approaches to preventing violence, with a focus on identifying what works across the life cycle and for different groups of people.
  • Engaging with determinants, risk factors, pathways and intersecting factors for gender-based violence, including different and emerging forms of violence, and the role of key industries.
  • Whole of system opportunities for prevention and intervention, including stronger accountability and consequences for people who choose to use violence.
  • Opportunities to effect attitudinal change and accelerate progress to prevent violence against women and children, including at a local level.

The Panel will be co-convened by Australia’s Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commissioner, Ms Micaela Cronin, the Executive Director of the Commonwealth Office for Women, Ms Padma Raman PSM, and the Secretary of the Department of Social Services, Mr Ray Griggs AO CSC.

The Panel includes:

  • Jess Hill – journalist, author and educator globally renown for ground-breaking work on gendered-violence;
  • Dr Zac Seidler – Global Director of Men’s Health Research at Movember and Senior Research Fellow with Orygen at the University of Melbourne;
  • Dr Todd Fernando – diversity and inclusion consultant with extensive experience working with First Nations and LGBTIQ+ communities;
  • Dr Anne Summers AO – author and journalist who had a formative role in the Women’s Liberation Movement in Australia, including the establishment of Australia’s first refuge for women and child victims of domestic violence;
  • Elena Campbell – Associate Director of Research, Advocacy and Policy at RMIT’s Centre for Innovative Justice; and
  • Dr Leigh Gassner APM – Assistant Commissioner at Victoria Police who has managed significant cultural and organisational change processes, including undertaking a previous review of policing responses into violence against women.

It will consult with Our Watch, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), the National Women’s Alliances, states and territories, and other stakeholders.

Targeted stakeholder consultations via a series of roundtables will also be conducted by the Panel including with members of the National Plan Advisory Group, the First Nations National Plan Steering Committee, people with lived experience of violence, frontline services, and academics and data experts.

The Panel’s recommendations will be considered by the Government as it looks to build on the $3.4 billion in investments to women’s safety over three successive Budgets.

In Australia, one in four women and one in eight men have experienced violence by an intimate partner or family member. One in five women and one in 16 men have experienced sexual violence since the age of 15. This is unacceptable, and it must end.

In addition to the Expert Panel the Government will also task ANROWS to extract insights from existing research to assess the breadth of risk factors for pathways into and out of family, domestic and sexual violence perpetration, intervention points and program effectiveness.

These insights will deliver practical recommendations on where government investment should be targeted for maximum impact, including where additional targeted research is needed.

Part one of this research will be completed by the end of June to feed into the Expert Panel’s final report.

Both the Expert Panel and the research by ANROWS were outcomes from this month’s National Cabinet and funded in the 2024-25 Budget.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Violence against women is a national crisis and it needs to end.

“We recognise that governments need to act, but we also recognise that this is an issue for the whole of society. Women should not be responsible for ending violence against women.

“This rapid review will bring together experts and provide practical advice to Government to help us end the scourge of domestic violence.”

Minister for Women Katy Gallagher:

“This review will provide important advice to the Commonwealth, and all governments through National Cabinet, on more effective, targeted ways to prevent violence, including to stop women being killed.

“We know this is a crisis and this violence must stop. The advice from this review will inform the Government’s approach to enable us to adopt further evidence-based, targeted ways to stop violence, both before it starts and from escalating.”

Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth:

“Violence against women and children is a national shame. One life lost to intimate partner homicide is one too many.

“In order to reach our shared goal of ending violence against women and children in one generation we must have a considered focus on perpetrator intervention and prevention activities.

“It’s vital we get this right and the work of the Expert Panel and ANROWS will help build on the significant investments and work we have done since coming to government.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, domestic, family or sexual violence, call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, text 0458 737 732 or visit 1800RESPECT.

If you are concerned about your behaviour or use of violence, you can contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491 or visit .

Dr Iain Ross announced as acting Chair of Net Zero Economy Agency

Dr Iain Ross AO has been appointed as the acting Chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency, replacing outgoing Chair Mr Greg Combet.

Dr Ross will take up the position on 1 June 2024, with the Government to appoint Dr Ross as the inaugural Chair of the Net Zero Economy Authority once legislation to establish the Authority passes the Parliament.

The Government extends its gratitude to Mr Combet for his leadership and commitment in setting up the Net Zero Economy Agency.

Dr Ross brings with him a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of labour markets and economics.

He has served as a former President of the Fair Work Commission and as a Judge of the Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Victoria. His career experience includes Vice President of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Partner in the workplace relations practice group at Corrs Chambers Westgarth, and Assistant Secretary of the ACTU.

As Chair of the Authority, Dr Ross will be supported by an independent Board, with members to be appointed following legislation passing the Parliament. An open recruitment process for the CEO of the Authority will be advertised in June.

In the 2024-25 Budget, the Government provided an additional $209.3 million for the work of the Authority. It will support Australia’s economy-wide net zero transformation by acting as a catalyst for private and public investment, major project development, employment transition, skills and community development.

Global efforts to reduce emissions have already started transforming traditional industries, creating new opportunities to broaden Australia’s industrial base and strengthen our sovereign capability.

The Albanese Government is already delivering a strong policy agenda to reduce emissions by 43 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050.

This Authority will be pivotal to delivering this goal and promoting an orderly and positive economic transformation as the world decarbonises.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“There is no nation on earth better placed than Australia to achieve the energy transition here at home and power it in the world.

“The Net Zero Economy Authority will play an important role in one of the most significant economic events in Australian history and help position us as a renewable energy superpower.

“I would like to thank Mr Combet for his work in setting up the agency, and I welcome incoming Chair Dr Ross.”

Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen:

“The appointment of Dr Ross to the NZEA is a significant step in steering Australia towards a net zero future. His vast experiences will be invaluable in this transformative journey.

“We are on the cusp of one of the biggest economic shifts since the Industrial Revolution, and I’m confident Dr Ross will play a critical role in helping Australia seize the opportunities of the transformation to becoming a renewable energy superpower.”

outgoing NZEA Chair Mr Greg Combet AM:

“Reflecting on my tenure as Chair of the Net Zero Economy Agency, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude. We have made significant strides in advancing Australia’s net zero initiatives, laying a solid foundation for a sustainable future. It has been an honour to lead a team of dedicated individuals committed to this cause.

“As I pass the baton to Dr Ross, I am confident that his wealth of experience and deep understanding of labour markets and economics will steer the Authority towards new heights. His leadership will undoubtedly catalyse the significant economic transformation Australia requires to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.”

the newly appointed NZEA Chair Dr Iain Ross AO:

“I am honoured to take on the role. This is a pivotal moment in our history, as we steer the nation on the road of transformation towards a net zero future.

“The task ahead is monumental, but I am confident that with our collective efforts, we can turn this challenge into an opportunity for Australia. We have the potential to not only achieve net zero emissions by 2050 but also to establish the nation as a leader in renewable energy.

“I am committed to leveraging my experiences to guide this transformation. Together, we will navigate the net zero revolution, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for all Australians.”

Swansea Channel Dredging Underway

Lake Macquarie boaters can look forward to the Swansea Channel remaining safe and navigable with stage two of dredging underway.

13,000 cubic metes of sand will be removed from the Drop Over, Swan Bay entrance and Dog Leg over the coming weeks.

Dredging is expected to be completed in July, provided there are no delays. The sand will be placed on Elizabeth Island. 

This is the second of a two-stage dredging campaign funded by the NSW Government last year.

These works follow a successful first round of dredging which saw 16,690 cubic metres of sand removed from the three areas to create a 30-metre-wide channel, extending from the Dog Leg southeast of Elizabeth Island, up to the Drop Over northwest of the Swan Bay Entrance.

Work continues on a 10-year strategy to ensure timely, regular dredging work is conducted and allow the dredged sand to be used to revitalise Blacksmiths Beach.

Member for Swansea, Yasmin Catley said:

“This clearly demonstrates a shift in the approach to dredging under the NSW Labor Government with proactive dredging taking place before the Channel becomes unnavigable. 

“This latest campaign is welcome news for the community, and I look forward to working with Minister Haylen in advancing the 10-year dredging strategy to deliver long-term certainty for local boaters”.

Magic Round comes to Newcastle 

Olympians Natalie Burton, Simon Orchard, Kate Jenner and Zoe Newman will be in Newcastle this week cheering on nearly 700 of the state’s best primary school athletes for Magic Round, as the city plays host to the NSW Public Schools Sports Association boys and girls state hockey and basketball championships.

The championships kick-off with an opening ceremony at Newcastle Basketball Stadium from 8am on Tuesday 28 May and run through to Friday 31 May.

The boys and girls hockey championships will feature the best 364 primary-aged players in the state, representing each of the different regions.

Muswellbrook-born Olympian and Kookaburras player, Simon Orchard, will join Hockeyroos Kate Jenner and Zoe Newman in cheering the players on as they contest the pool rounds and finals at the Newcastle International Hockey Centre in Broadmeadow.

At Newcastle Basketball Stadium, 280 players will be vying for the state championship in both boys and girls competitions with Opals star Natalie Burton courtside in support.

The Executive Director of the NSW Department of Education’s School Sport Unit, Dr Sylvia Corish, said having the Olympians in town to support the championships was a massive thrill for our young athletes and for the adults too.

“Natalie, Simon, Kate and Zoe are in Newcastle for the championships as part of the Olympics Unleashed program,” she said.

“It’s an opportunity for some of our best up-and-coming young athletes to meet an Olympian and talk about the pathways they took on their journey to be among the very best in their chosen sports”.

In addition to the nearly 700 athletes, more than 2000 supporters are expected to attend the championships.

The finals of the championships will take place on Friday 31 May, where the NSW teams to contest the national basketball and hockey titles will also be announced.

For more information about the Olympics Unleashed program, visit

Historic global agreement recognising First Nations’ cultural knowledge

Australia welcomes the conclusion of a landmark treaty that recognises the use of Indigenous peoples’ genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge such as medicinal plants and agricultural crops, in patent systems. The Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge was agreed among members of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

The treaty establishes a new form of legal recognition for Indigenous peoples’ traditional knowledge in the international intellectual property system. For the first time, patent applicants will be required to disclose the origin or source of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in patent applications. While genetic resources themselves cannot be directly protected as intellectual property, inventions developed using them can, often through patents.

The treaty enables Australian First Nations peoples to benefit from their cultural heritage, promote their unique and diverse export offerings, and is an important step toward further protection for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ traditional knowledge within Australia.

The Australian Government commends the significant contributions of Australian First Nations people over many years in bringing this negotiation to a conclusion. The treaty demonstrates the Government’s commitment to deliver a First Nations approach to Australia’s foreign policy.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“First Nations Australians have been innovating for thousands of years. This landmark treaty will recognise Indigenous peoples’ contributions in the international intellectual property system for the first time.

“This new and historic treaty is a key outcome of the Government’s commitment to a First Nations approach to foreign policy.”

Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator the Hon Don Farrell: 

“Australia’s First Nations people are Australia’s first traders. The Government is proud to deliver on our commitment to represent Australian First Nations interests in our trade and economic policy on the world stage.

“Protecting first nations intellectual property is a practical step that will help First Nations people, business and exporters share in the benefits of trade.”

Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Linda Burney MP:

“The recognition under this treaty brings us one step closer to protecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditional knowledge.

“The Government is committed to supporting efforts to recognise First Nations intellectual property rights and will continue this work in partnership with First Nations peoples across Australia.”

Additional humanitarian assistance to the Syria crisis

The Australian Government will provide an additional $10 million in response to the humanitarian needs caused by the ongoing crisis in Syria.

Australia will pledge this support at the upcoming eighth Brussels Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the region, hosted by the European Union.

The devastating conflict has endured for over a decade, leaving more than 13 million Syrians forcibly displaced, including as refugees in neighbouring countries and this additional assistance will be focused on addressing their most urgent needs.

Australia’s response includes support for UN agencies and trusted partners to provide access to clean water, food assistance, childhood nutrition services, reproductive health and gender-based violence response services.

Civilians have been repeatedly targeted in clear violations of International Humanitarian Law.

Two powerful earthquakes in February last year claimed over 60,000 lives and caused major destruction to homes and infrastructure in the region, exacerbating an already dire situation.

This assistance builds on the almost $570 million the Australian Government has contributed to support those affected by the Syria crisis since 2011.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“This additional $10 million will help address critical needs for those affected by the crisis in Syria, including healthcare, food and clean water, and services for children.”

“Our response is part of broader efforts to support security and stability in the region.”

Minister for International Development and The Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP:

“Australia is providing critical humanitarian assistance to civilians affected by ongoing conflict in Syria, including those displaced as refugees.

“Our strong partnerships with global organisations like these United Nations agencies are critical to delivering life-saving assistance to the people affected by ongoing conflicts.”

EV investment charges up city-wide net zero vision

City of Newcastle is investing almost $450,000 to triple the number of public electric vehicle (EV) charger ports across the city. 

Thirty-two ports across 11 new locations will be installed to cater for the growing number of EV owners who live in or visit Newcastle.

The roll-out has been supported through a $270,000 grant from the NSW Government as part of its Electric Vehicle Strategy.

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said a city-wide transition to net zero emissions was a key priority for City of Newcastle under its Newcastle Environment Strategy.

“City of Newcastle has a well earnt reputation when it comes to protecting our precious natural environment, while also investing in progressive actions to ensure our city is more sustainable,” Cr Nelmes said.

“Delivering the public infrastructure necessary to support our community’s uptake of electric vehicles is an essential step in our vision for a city-wide net zero transition.

“We applaud the NSW Government’s commitment to making NSW the easiest and most affordable place to buy and use an EV in Australia and thank them for their support in driving our sustainability initiatives forward in Newcastle.”

NSW Minister for the Environment Penny Sharpe said the NSW Government is delivering on its election commitment to increase the take up of EVs by investing $4.1 million to install 671 EV charging ports at 391 sites across the state.

“This investment will significantly increase the availability of public charging options and give people confidence their next vehicle purchase can be an EV,” Minister Sharpe said. 

“Almost 30 per cent of NSW drivers do not have access to private, off-street parking to charge an EV. 

“We will continue to roll out EV charging grants to further support the NSW goal of being the easiest place in Australia to own and drive an electric vehicle.”

City of Newcastle will install new chargers in Beresfield, Georgetown, Stockton, Adamstown, Mayfield, Hamilton, New Lambton, Newcastle, Newcastle East, Wallsend and Wickham, including to complement its popular Local Centres upgrade program. 

They will join City of Newcastle’s existing public EV charging network at Wharf Road, No. 2 Sportsground, Laman Street and Perkins Street in the Newcastle CBD. The chargers will be powered by 100 per cent renewable energy from City of Newcastle’s Summerhill Solar Farm and existing power purchase agreement.

Deputy Lord Mayor Declan Clausen said Novocastrians are known for embracing sustainability.

“As part of our Newcastle Environment Strategy we are supporting the uptake and availability of electric and low emissions vehicles,” Cr Clausen said. 

“Increasing the number of EV public chargers across the city is an important step towards achieving this goal. 

“Since 2019, we have provided enough renewable electricity through our existing EV chargers to allow drivers to travel a total of 2.66 million kilometres, which is enough to circle the globe 66 times.

“With three times the number of places to charge, we will make it even easier for locals to make the switch to electric vehicles.

“The roll-out will also make Newcastle more attractive for the growing number of tourists looking for electric vehicle-friendly destinations.”

The $270,000 funding was secured through the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water under its electric vehicle kerbside charging grant program. 

The EV chargers will begin rolling out in coming months, with the project expected to be completed by February next year.

Upgrade plans in progress for Central Coast Highway and Tumbi Road intersection

Motorists will benefit from safer and smoother journeys along the Central Coast Highway, with plans progressing well to upgrade the intersection at Tumbi Road.

The Australian and NSW governments are investing $65.5 million to upgrade the notorious bottleneck as part of plans to improve traffic flow and safety on the Central Coast Highway between Wamberal and Bateau Bay.

The Australian Government has committed $52.4 million towards the project. This includes an additional $1.2 million committed in the 2024-25 Budget to ensure the project is fully funded.

Key features of the upgrade include replacement of the existing intersection roundabout with traffic lights and widening the highway north of the intersection to 2 lanes in each direction to the project boundary near Forresters Beach Garden Centre.

For the next stage of the project, Transport for NSW is inviting Expressions of Interests (EOI) from pre-qualified contractors to build the upgrade of the Highway with Tumbi Road.

Transport for NSW has carried out extensive community consultation, with the Review of Environmental Factors on display for feedback in October 2021 and the subsequent submissions report addressing matters raised by the community, published online in June 2022.

Last year, Transport carried out early works to prepare for the intersection upgrade including vegetation clearing, surveying, minor earthworks, geotechnical testing, demolition of Transport-owned property, and installation of utilities pits, conduits and cables.

Timing on the next stage of construction is yet to be confirmed but is expected in early 2025. The project will take about 2 years to complete, weather permitting.

Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said:

“The Australian and NSW governments are committed to upgrading one of the most congested intersections on the Central Coast Highway and ensure the best possible outcome for motorists travelling to, from and around the region.

“This upgrade will reduce delays, queuing and improve traffic flow at the intersection as well as increased safety and reliability for all road users.

“Once completed, this project will make a real-life difference to the 26,000 motorists, including 1000 heavy vehicles, that use this section of road each day.”

Federal Member for Dobell Emma McBride said:

“The Central Coast is a busy and growing region, and locals deserve a strong road network that they can rely on.

“Once completed, this upgrade will improve safety and ease congestion for locals and visitors.”

NSW Minister for the Central Coast David Harris said:

“We know the intersection between the Central Coast Highway and Tumbi Road is a notorious bottleneck. The Albanese and Minns Labor Governments are moving forward with our blueprint to fix it.

“Once the upgrade is delivered the existing roundabout will be replaced with traffic lights and the highway north of the intersection will be widened to 2 lanes in each direction.

“This upgrade will cut congestion, improve road safety and make travelling around the Central Coast much easier for all motorists.”

NSW Regional Roads and Transport Minister Jenny Aitchison said:

“Central Coast road users have been calling for this upgrade for a long time and together the Albanese and Minns Labor governments will deliver it.

“The EOI process is an important step forward and will help Transport for NSW identify a short list of applicants who will be invited to put in a tender for the critical construction component of this project.

“In a boost for the local economy, we expect that when construction work ramps up around 125 jobs will be supported.”

State Member for The Entrance David Mehan said:

“The Central Coast Highway provides an important connection between the M1 Pacific Motorway at Kariong and the Pacific Highway at Doyalson through Gosford, Erina and The Entrance.

“This is a great step forward in progressing the Tumbi Road intersection upgrade which will help ensure local communities enjoy improved reliability and connectivity on this important route.”

Sydney Metro’s first new city station complete

Sydney has a new train station for the first time in five years, as Waterloo Metro becomes the first to cross the construction finish line for the transformative City & Southwest Metro project, set to welcome passengers this year.

It comes as the NSW Government takes another step forward in addressing the state’s housing crisis, with the topping out of a nine-storey building with 70 social homes as part of the Waterloo Metro Quarter development above the new station. The topping out marks construction of this building reaching its highest point.

Nearly 19,000 passengers are expected to use the state-of-the-art Waterloo Station each day when it opens.

Waterloo Station is the first of six new world-class stations on the City Metro line to be complete, and the remaining five are following close behind.

When City Metro services begin in coming months, Waterloo will provide fast, safe and reliable journeys to Central in two minutes, Barangaroo in eight minutes and to Victoria Cross in North Sydney in 11 minutes.

There are several further steps before the official opening of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest later this year. These include approval from the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator, the handover of the line and all stations to the operator, and a period of full trial running. These milestones are all on schedule.

The Waterloo Renewal Project is a major redevelopment that will transform the estate into a modern, sustainable and vibrant community with a mix of social, affordable and private housing, as well as retail, community facilities and public open spaces.

The NSW Labor Government last year increased the number of new social and affordable homes being delivered as part of the renewal of Waterloo South estate from 34 per cent to 50 per cent, resulting in an uplift of up to 500 homes.

Construction of the social housing building in the Waterloo Metro Quarter started in mid-2023 and is due to be completed next year. It will feature 70 social housing units, community room, roof top garden and internal bike storage.

Existing Waterloo South social housing tenants will be given an opportunity to relocate here, allowing residents to stay in their local area while the renewal development is underway.

The Waterloo Metro Quarter development above the new Sydney Metro station will include 220 social, affordable and private residential homes. It will also feature student accommodation, retail outlets and commercial space across four buildings, along with public open space and a car park.

The Waterloo Metro Quarter development will provide well-located apartments near well-connected transport infrastructure, giving people a place to call home where they can move around our city easier.

For more information about Waterloo Station:

NSW Premier Chris Minns said:

“This is an important milestone for Sydney Metro, with construction now complete for the first new station on this line.

“This is a good example of what happens when we link the provision of housing and public transport. Everybody wins.

“More homes close to our train stations means we’ll have better connected communities.

“This is a great example of revitalising an inner-city community and incorporating housing and public transport.”

Minister for Transport Jo Haylen said:

“We’re taking a huge step towards opening the next stage of Metro, which is just around the corner and will see tens of thousands of people using these new stations and enjoying faster connections.

“This mega station will be a game-changer for Waterloo, Redfern and Alexandria and significantly reduce traffic on our inner-city roads, while alleviating pressure at nearby Redfern and Green Square stations.  

“It took more than 5,000 people five million work hours – more than four years – to complete the new station, including excavation of 330,000 tonnes of material.

“This is a striking station with a design that honours Aboriginal heritage and pays homage to Waterloo’s history. Its 170-metre-long platforms will receive a lightning-fast train every four minutes in the peak.”

Minister for Housing Rose Jackson said:

“Waterloo Estate is one of the state’s largest ever social housing renewals. This is a significant step forward in addressing the injustices of the former government, and ensuring our commitment to providing more homes for those who need them most.

“This construction milestone at Waterloo Metro Quarter is just the start of more social and affordable homes to come in this area.

“As part of the renewal, we have boosted the number of social and affordable housing in Waterloo South to 50 per cent delivering approximately 1,500 to those in need. We know housing plays a critical role in outcomes for Aboriginal communities, so we’re dedicating a minimum of 15 per cent of all new social and affordable homes for Aboriginal people to keep communities connected and work towards closing the housing gap.

“Tenants deserve to be with us every step of the journey, which is why we will continue to ramp up efforts to be out and about in the community, and I want to thank people for their patience.”