Regulation streamlined for Central Coast water

The NSW Government is streamlining how Central Coast Council’s water and sewerage services are regulated and administered to support good governance and sound decision making.

Until now, Central Coast Council was in a unique position – the only council in NSW providing water services under two different legislative Acts, as well as being subject to price regulation by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

A new Bill will eliminate red tape for the Council by removing regulatory double-up and complexity, paving the way for better governance.

It will provide a simpler and clearer regulatory framework for incoming Councillors and reduce costs, freeing Council up to perform its core role of providing essential services for the Central Coast.

Additionally, it will help resolve some of the complexity that contributed to Council being placed in administration in October 2020.

The Bill will also bring the provision and regulation of Central Coast Council’s water supply and sewerage services in-line with all other local governments across regional NSW and protect these utilities as publicly owned and managed assets.

It’s important to note the proposed changes will not have any material impact on customers. The Bill does not pursue privatisation or corporatisation and Council will retain control of services and infrastructure.

The changes are also specific to Central Coast Council and do not affect other councils or local water utilities across the state.

The Bill comes off the back of a 2022 Public Inquiry into Central Coast Council which included widespread public consultation, and a review into the Council’s water utility legislative and regulatory framework in 2023.

It aligns with stakeholder feedback, as well as the review’s findings and recommendations to simplify the framework and make it more efficient.

Specifically, the Bill will:

  • Remove Council as a water supply authority under the Water Management Act
  • Align the regulation of Council’s water supply and sewerage services more closely with the regulatory framework which applies to all other councils
  • Retain IPART as the regulator of Council’s water supply and sewerage service prices to ensure adequate oversight of Council’s pricing
  • Exempt Council from unnecessary and inefficient restrictions on money transfers between the water supply fund and the sewerage fund, to improve effective management of cash flow and debt funding
  • Repeal redundant Acts to improve regulatory clarity.

Minister for Water, Rose Jackson said:

“These changes are long overdue and will give residents greater confidence that their water services are being properly managed.

“It comes after a Public Inquiry and a thorough review into Council’s administrative operations, and after listening to feedback from the entire community.

“This Bill is a great outcome and fantastic news for people across the Central Coast.”

Minister for the Central Coast and Member for Wyong, David Harris said:

“We welcome this Bill which will simplify how Central Coast Council can do its job and best serve its residents, businesses and customers.”

Minister for the Hunter and Member for Swansea, Yasmin Catley said:

“By simplifying processes we’re taking the focus off jumping through tricky hoops, and back onto getting the job done.

“Eliminating unnecessary obstacles will pave the way for more time to deliver the things that matter most to the people of the Central Coast.”

Member for The Entrance, David Mehan said:

“The great thing about our Bill is that it ensures our water service will remain locally owned and controlled while the simplification of regulation and IPART price oversight will make sure we are paying no more than we should for our water and sewer service.”

Member for Gosford, Liesl Tesch said:

“I welcome the introduction of this Bill, which will eliminate red tape for Council, so that they can focus on what matters most, providing essential services for our Central Coast community.”

Start your nursing and midwifery career with NSW Health

Graduate nurses and midwives are being encouraged to start their careers in Australia’s largest and busiest public health system, by applying to work for NSW Health.

Each year NSW Health runs GradStart, a state-wide recruitment process for graduate nurses and midwives.

Minister for Heath, Ryan Park said there are great personal and professional benefits to working in the public system.

“Our nurses and midwives are really at the heart of healthcare in our hospitals and health facilities, and I encourage graduate nurses and midwives to apply to join the NSW Health family,” Mr Park said.

“Beginning your career in the NSW public health system offers comprehensive professional development, variety, and ongoing training and support as you build your future in NSW Health.

“It also provides opportunities to work in different locations, and I hope graduates consider options in rural and regional settings which can offer both a great lifestyle and professional opportunities.”

Candidates also may be eligible for scholarships and study subsidies.

Applications for NSW Health’s 2025 GradStart intake are now open and close on 1 July 2024.

Students are eligible to apply if:

  • They are completing a nursing or midwifery degree between 1 June 2024 and 31 May 2025
  • Will meet all the requirements to be registered as a Registered Nurse or Registered Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.
  • Are an Australian Citizen or hold a visa that allows ongoing full-time employment in Australia.

Find out more about GradStart

Visit by Prime Minister of Solomon Islands

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will welcome the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, The Hon Jeremiah Manele MP, to Australia from Sunday 23 to Saturday 29 June 2024.

It will be Prime Minister Manele’s first official international visit since taking office in May 2024.

Australia and Solomon Islands are close friends with connected futures. We share a history of close cooperation.

Prime Minister Albanese and Prime Minister Manele will meet at Parliament House, where they will discuss opportunities to further strengthen the bilateral relationship, including through security partnerships, economic development, labour mobility pathways and infrastructure cooperation.

Prime Minister Manele will also travel to Queensland, where he will see how the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme is delivering economic benefits for both Solomon Islands and Australia and discuss our humanitarian and policing cooperation.

The visit will be the second time the leaders have met, with Prime Minister Albanese and Prime Minister Manele both attending the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting in November 2023.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“I look forward to welcoming Prime Minister Manele to Australia for his first international visit, following Solomon Islands’ historic joint elections in April.

“We highly value our position as Solomon Islands’ partner of choice.

“My Government is committed to listening and working with Solomon Islands as equals, and to discussing how we can deepen our partnership into a new era of cooperation.”


The Albanese and Minns governments continue to partner with local governments across New South Wales to get high-priority road and community infrastructure off the ground.
As part of this, the Brunners Bridge located on Gresford Road over the Glendon Brook, en route to the Hunter Regional Livestock Exchange (HRLX), will be replaced to boost road safety and connectivity.
Supported by $700,000 from the Albanese Government’s Bridges Renewal Program and $6.5 million from the Restart NSW Fixing Country Roads Program, the project will include full demolition of the existing bridge and construction of a new structure.
Singleton Council awarded the $5.34 million tender for the construction of the new Brunners Bridge to Saunders Civilbuild at Tuesday night’s (18 June) ordinary meeting.
Works are due to begin in August 2024, and are estimated to be completed by late 2025 (weather dependent) – with a detour in place for all vehicles throughout the construction period.
For more information and for construction updates, visit:
From July 1 2024, the Bridges Renewal Program will be merged into the new Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program – with $200 million per year to be available to support councils improve the safety of their local road networks.

Minister for Regional Development and Local Government, the Hon Kristy McBain MP:
“More people are moving to our regions and this is putting more pressure on the roads we use every day, which is why we’re partnering with local councils to help ensure that their local road networks are fit-for-purpose, long into the future.
“Brunners Bridge is a critical access point, and is essential to the efficient delivery of products and services in the Singleton region, which is why we’re supporting its replacement and making this local road network safer.”

Federal Member for Hunter, Dan Repacholi MP:
“This much needed new bridge will help strengthen our supply chain and keep the Hunter moving forward.
“Roads and bridges that support heavier loads, considerably cut down travel time and means large trucks spend less time on our roads.
“For every extra 100 kilometres travelled by a truck, costs can rise by more than $300, so building this vital new infrastructure will reduce the amount of time on the road and will ultimately help reduce costs for families and make our roads a lot safer.”

NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, the Hon Jenny Aitchison MP:
“It is fantastic to see all levels of government working together to make a project like the Brunners Bridge replacement possible. “Gresford Road is an essential route for residents and the agricultural suppliers of the region. This bridge replacement will allow larger trucks that can carry more freight per trip to safely cross the bridge. “Replacing the bridge and facilitating access for more efficient trucks will also have a positive impact in lowering heavy vehicle traffic volumes in the region.”

Mayor of Singleton, Cr Sue Moore:
“The replacement of the 80-year-old bridge has been a key item on Council’s Infrastructure Advocacy Agenda for several years, and would support both local and regional economic development outcomes.
“Brunners Bridge is located on a freight route between Singleton, Elderslie and Gresford and we are extremely grateful to the NSW Government for their support to enable this integral infrastructure renewal project for Singleton.
“Gresford Road is an important economic link for the region and this project further supports heavy vehicle infrastructure to accommodate new and existing agribusiness opportunities in our area, bolstering economic productivity by reducing the cost of getting goods to market.”

Council’s Acting Director Infrastructure and Planning Services, Aaron Malloy:
“The new Brunners Bridge will provide safer access for freight movements to access the Singleton township as well as see the removal of load and speed restrictions for heavy vehicles.
“The current bridge has a load limit of 42 tonnes and can only accommodate one heavy vehicle at a time, whereas the new bridge will accommodate 68.5 tonnes, increasing operational efficiencies and improving accessibility for cattle delivery to HRLX.
“And it’s not just heavy vehicles that will benefit – works will also see an improved road surface and wider lanes, ultimately improving safety for all vehicles.”

Review of the Foreign Arrangements Scheme

The Albanese Government has appointed Ms Rosemary Huxtable AO PSM to lead an independent review of the Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (the Act), which underpins the Foreign Arrangements Scheme.

The review will ensure the legislative framework underpinning the Scheme is effective and responsive to a complex international environment. As required by the legislation, the review will identify possible improvements to the operation of the Act and consider the effectiveness of the Act in meeting its objectives.

The Foreign Arrangements Scheme was introduced to ensure that Australian governments at all levels and Australian public universities enter agreements with foreign countries that do not adversely affect Australia’s foreign relations and are not inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy.

Over the last three years, the Scheme has highlighted the scale and depth of Australia’s international engagement. More than 9,000 arrangements have been listed on the Public Register, across a broad range of themes and countries.

Ms Huxtable has extensive public service and national security experience, including as a former Secretary of the Commonwealth Department of Finance.

The review will be informed by a public consultation process. The Government values the role of Australia’s states, territories, local governments and universities in advancing Australia’s interests abroad, and welcomes their participation in the review.

The Government is now inviting written submissions from the public. Further information on the review, including the terms of reference and how to make a submission, can be found at The closing date for submissions is 2 August 2024. The findings of the review will be provided to Government in late 2024.

Foreign Minister Wong:

“It is essential to ensure that agreements with foreign countries are consistent with Australia’s national interests.

“The Albanese Government’s review of the Foreign Relations Act will better equip Australian subnational governments and public universities to manage risks and to benefit from opportunities.”

Assistant Foreign Minister Watts:

“The Albanese Government’s review of the Foreign Arrangements Scheme provides a valuable opportunity to learn from the practical administration of the scheme.

“This Review will ensure the Foreign Arrangements Scheme supports Australia’s engagement with foreign countries effectively as our international environment becomes increasingly complex.”

Enhancing health security across our region

Australia is investing in our region’s shared health security, drawing on the lessons of COVID-19 to help us be better prepared for the next pandemic.

We are building a series of new partnerships to support our region to better prevent, detect and respond to health emergencies and infectious diseases.

Building the capacity of our region’s veterinarians supports rural livelihoods and reduces the risk of disease spillovers from animals into humans. A new $5 million partnership with a consortium led by the University of Sydney will improve training available for veterinary epidemiologists, supporting countries in our region to identify and better respond to disease outbreaks in animals.

An $11 million partnership with the Menzies School of Health Research will help to strengthen disease surveillance in partner countries in Southeast Asia, including greater support to monitor antimicrobial resistance, a serious global health threat.

The package also includes $16 million to support the development of new treatments for neglected tropical diseases through the Australian not-for-profit biopharmaceutical company Medicines Development for Global Health.

The new partnerships are part of the Australian Government’s five-year Partnerships for a Healthy Region initiative, which is working with partner countries to build resilient, equitable and inclusive health systems.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“We are drawing on Australia’s expertise to support our region to better prepare for, and respond to, health security threats including animal and human disease outbreaks.

“These new partnerships will support governments across the Pacific and Southeast Asia to build more resilient, effective health systems, which is critical to ensuring our shared prosperity and security.”

Minister for International Development and the Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP:

“Australia’s investment will support partners across the Pacific and Southeast Asia to ensure they have the right foundations in place to prepare for, and respond to, future disease outbreaks.”

Strengthening preparedness across our region

Australia will help our region better prepare for, prevent and respond to disease outbreaks by investing in a program of new partnerships between Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and governments across the Pacific and Southeast Asia.

Under the program, CSIRO will leverage its expertise across animal and human health, as well as its world-class facilities, to partner with countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos and Fiji to improve their ability to identify, track and respond to health emergencies.

The new partnerships, totalling $24.2 million, will help to ensure frontline teams have the right skills to protect communities, and our region, from the spread of disease.

As part of the program, CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness will receive over $12 million in funding to strengthen selected animal health laboratories in Southeast Asia, improve testing for infectious diseases at high-risk locations such as wildlife markets and boost field diagnostic networks in the Pacific.

The program also includes support for a new biomanufacturing partnership to strengthen capabilities in Southeast Asia to develop and manufacture vaccines, biopharmaceuticals and drug products.

In addition, the program will support the Australian e-Health Research Centre to use its world-leading capabilities in digital health to assist partners to strengthen their health data systems, expand regional data sharing and improve disease surveillance.

The new program is part of the Australian Government’s five-year $620 million Partnerships for a Healthy Region initiative, which is working with partner countries to build resilient, equitable and inclusive health systems that can respond to our shared challenges.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“The Albanese Government’s investments, coupled with the CSIRO’s expertise, will make our region healthier, safer and more secure.

“A healthy and prosperous Pacific and Southeast Asia benefits us all, so we’re pleased to be investing in these important new partnerships.”

Minister for Industry and Science, the Hon Ed Husic MP:

“Australians can be proud of the way CSIRO has helped in the fight against infectious diseases to improve the health and quality of life of our friends in the region.

“These partnerships build on that and will see CSIRO continue to apply their know-how to support better health at home and abroad.”

Minister for International Development and the Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP:

“CSIRO has world-class expertise to share with our region.

“Under this new program, CSIRO will support partners across the Pacific and Southeast Asia to ensure they have the right foundations in place to prepare for, and respond to, future disease outbreaks.”


The NT Greens are excited to launch our Biodiversity Policy at a community morning tea that will be held in Gosse Street park, Eastside, on Sunday 23rd June.

This policy outlines the important initiatives the NT Greens will take to protect our land, water and culture so that it can be enjoyed by all Territorians for generations to come. 

Community members are welcome to come along to the morning tea, where Asta Hill, the NT Greens’ candidate for Braitling, and Hugo Wells, the NT Greens’ candidate for Araluen, will be joined by local environmental experts to talk about the actions that need to be taken to keep the NT’s nature going strong, and the issues that the major political parties are ignoring. 

Asta Hill – candidate for Braitling

“We can’t let Labor and the CLP sell us out. The NT Greens are the only party that truly backs our environment, lifestyle and right to safe drinking water, because we don’t take corporate donations.”

“Let’s not forget last summer, when ash fell on our town. Buffel is choking our country and fuelling wildfires which threaten our environment, homes and safety.”

“Here in the desert, water scarcity penetrates the psyche of so many Territorians. Except the major parties’.”

Kat McNamara – Candidate for Nightcliff

“For a healthy environment which sustains our communities and economies, we have to reject Labor and the CLP’s policy of letting big business trash our environment.” 

“The Greens are pushing for stronger protections for water, country and nature. 

We need more transparency on how decisions about our fragile ecosystems are made. Onl then can we can protect places like Lee Point from wanton land clearing, Litchfield from rampant Gamba infestations & make sure there’s enough water for our communities, bush & wetlands .”

Record Budget to deliver widespread community benefits

City of Newcastle will support local communities, jobs, businesses and the economy as part of a record Budget designed to deliver everyday benefits alongside major infrastructure projects. 

Councillors will vote on the 2024/25 Budget and Delivery Program next week, which will see over $415 million invested across 60 services and more than 280 projects during the next financial year. 

This includes a record infrastructure program of almost $140 million, which is forecast to support 735 local jobs and increase Newcastle’s economic output by up to $305 million. 

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said City of Newcastle is committed to delivering the community’s vision of Newcastle as a liveable, sustainable, inclusive global city. 

“From city-shaping projects that will create a legacy for future generations, to essential services that make an everyday difference in the lives of Novocastrians, this Budget will set a new benchmark for our investment in the Newcastle community,” Cr Nelmes said. 

“We’re investing in the things that matter to our residents and delivering a record infrastructure program that will cater for the needs of our growing community while stimulating Newcastle’s economy and supporting new jobs. 

“Our infrastructure projects will make an everyday difference in people’s lives, with $38.1 million for upgrades to local roads, bridges, footpaths and community buildings, $7.7 million on stormwater upgrades to address flooding to property and businesses and $6 million for improving Newcastle’s cycleway network and transport options. 

“We’re also giving back through programs such as our Community Grants, which for the fourth consecutive year will provide more than half a million dollars to support initiatives that deliver positive outcomes for vulnerable members of our community and contribute to the social, cultural, environmental and economic life of the city.” 

CEO Jeremy Bath said City of Newcastle continues to work hard to balance the needs and expectations of our growing community with our commitment to making sure we are financially sustainable. 

“City of Newcastle is forecasting an operating surplus of $4.1 million in 2024-2025, which is an indicator of the underlying financial strength of our organisation,” Mr Bath said.  

“This is despite ongoing increases in inflation and construction costs, and our position as the only council in NSW to pay the NSW Government more in taxes and levies than we receive in grants. 

“We also recognise that many people and small businesses in our community are facing an extremely challenging time as they experience cost of living pressures. 

“That is why City of Newcastle is offering support to residents and business owners experiencing financial hardship. 

“During the past three years, we have assisted around 2,200 ratepayers to enter into payment arrangements, while an additional 141 people were supported through our rates voucher scheme. 

“We encourage home owners experiencing difficulties to contact City of Newcastle to discuss a payment plan before the next rates instalment. Doing this means interest will be waived on their outstanding balance.”

Response to Avian Flu at Hawkesbury egg farm

The NSW Government on Wednesday 19 June enacted its emergency biosecurity incident plan to contain the detection of avian influenza in the Hawkesbury district on a poultry egg farm.

NSW consumers should not be concerned about eggs and poultry products from the supermarkets, because this detection does not pose a risk to consumer health and the products are safe to consume. As always people should handle and cook using the standard procedures.

Following testing by the CSIRO national research laboratory it was confirmed that Avian Influenza H7N8 has been detected in a mixed barnyard and free-range poultry farm in the Hawkesbury.

This is a highly contagious and deadly virus and that’s why the NSW Government has acted swiftly and decisively in response to this detection. 8,000 birds died from the flu over the last 48 hours.

We have acted and are rolling out our biosecurity incident plan, developed in line with the national approach for avian influenza.

The following actions have been undertaken over the last 24 hours:

  • Tested samples with CSIRO to detect the bird flu type
  • Locked down the affected egg farm
    Issued a control order to depopulate the farm of its birds and to dispose of the remains in a biosecure manner working with the EPA on disposal
  • Last night we started depopulating the farm, in a humanely manner, following Australian Veterinary guidelines. This process will take up to 5-7 days to depopulate 240,000 birds.
  • We have activated the funding agreement with the Commonwealth government, egg industry, and other states, to release compensation funds for directly impacted producers
  • We have spoken with surrounding chicken industry farms and they have activated their bird flu plans and have locked down their businesses.

Today we will be issuing another control order to legally lock down movement of machinery, materials, animals and transport within a radius of 2 kilometres of the affected egg farm.

The localised lock down order will cover three large commercial poultry farms and impacts up to 355,000 birds that we will monitor for any signs of the virus. There will be no movement of eggs or birds or machinery out of the zone during the control order.

This morning the NSW Chief veterinary Officer, who is leading the incident response, met with key industry organisations to discuss next steps and align how we all work together.

We are acting on this bird flu outbreak and will do everything to work through this challenging time for the egg and chicken meat industry.