Appeal to locate man missing from Beresfield

Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a man missing from the Newcastle area.

Daniel Green, aged 42, was last seen on John Renshaw Drive, Beresfield, about 2pm on Thursday 13 June 2024.

When he was unable to be located or contacted, officers attached to Port Stephens Hunter Police District were notified and commenced inquiries into his whereabouts.

Police and family hold concerns for Daniel’s welfare.

He is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 180cm tall, of a solid build, with short brown hair.

He was last seen wearing blue track pants and jumper with a fluoro shirt underneath, work boots and a black cap.

Daniel is known to frequent the Heatherbrae and Raymond Terrace areas.

Anyone with information into Daniel’s whereabouts is urged to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Man dies following fatal motorcycle crash – Charlestown

A man has died following a fatal motorcycle crash in the Lake Macquarie area.

About 7.20pm (Thursday 13 June 2024), emergency services were called to the Pacific Highway, Charlestown, after reports of a motorcycle crash.

Police were told the motorcycle left the roadway and crashed into a light pole.

The rider – a man aged in his 20s – was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics; however, he died at the scene.

He is yet to be formally identified.

Officers attached to Lake Macquarie Police District established a crime scene and an investigation commenced into the circumstances surrounding the incident.

Anyone who may have witnessed the incident or has dashcam footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

A report will be prepared for the information of the coroner.


The Australian Greens have called Peter Dutton’s climate target comments ‘a waste of breath’, given the Liberals have zero chance of winning government at the next election and no chance of overturning a climate majority in the House and Senate.

During the passage of climate legislation in 2022 the Greens secured provisions to ‘Dutton-proof’ the law, ensuring climate targets couldn’t go backwards through any unilateral executive action of a future government. The party said they would continue to use their power in the Senate following the next election to block any weakening of that legislation.

The Greens say with no prospect of forming a majority government or holding the balance of power in the Senate, Dutton and Anthony Albanese should stop confecting a meaningless fight.

This week, Dutton suggested the Liberals would weaken Australia’s 2030 climate targets if elected, but said he wouldn’t announce what those targets were until after the election, an election the Liberals will certainly lose.

And even if against all odds the Coalition were able form a minority government, existing legislation would prevent Dutton from going below the 43 per cent target. 

Further, given likely Senate election results at the next election, there is no foreseeable pathway to change that legislation.

If the 2022 election result was replicated in 2024-25, the Greens and Labor together would have 39 votes in the Senate, a blocking and passing majority.

If the 2019 election result was replicated in 2024-25, the Greens and Labor together would have 37 votes, with at least one independent such as Lidia Thorpe and Tammy Tyrrell (who are not up for election) or David Pocock and Jacqui Lambie (should they be re-elected) likely to provide the final 38th blocking vote.

Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, said while Dutton was wasting airtime talking about climate targets he would never have the power to change, the real fight after the next election will be about going further.

With the Greens gearing up to increase their representation in the House and likely to hold balance of power in the Senate as well, Mr Bandt said they were going to use their power to push for stronger climate action, including stopping the next government from opening new coal and gas mines.

Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP:

“The confected 2030 target stoush between Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese is nothing more than hot air.

“The Liberals haven’t got a chance in hell at winning the next election, and existing climate legislation has been Dutton-proofed so he can’t weaken the targets even if he wanted to.

“Neither Labor nor Liberal targets meet the Paris Agreement climate goals, and instead of a confected debate about something Peter Dutton won’t even have the power to do, we should focus on what the science demands and stop opening new coal and gas mines.

“In a minority Parliament, the Greens will push Labor to stop opening new coal and gas mines, something Labor and Liberal are desperate to avoid talking about. 

“Neither Liberal nor Labor are committed to the Paris goal of keeping global warming below 2 degrees, let alone 1.5 and both want more coal and gas mines. Every new coal and gas mine approved by Labor sets back the transition to clean, cheap renewables, while exporting dirty climate pollution across the globe.”


It’s time the Government implemented the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability that were handed down more than 8 months ago. 

In a government-run public consultation, responders emphasised the importance of implementing the recommendations made by the Royal Commission, as well as greater accountability and evaluation to ensure that implementation is effective and leads to improved outcomes. 

The consultation revealed positive support across stakeholder groups for the recommendations made by the Royal Commission, with the highest support coming from disabled respondents. Many shared the view that the recommendations represent a real opportunity to improve the lives of disabled people.

The recent federal budget had no new funding allocated to implement the recommendations, so advocates are deeply concerned that there will be no tangible action for at least another year.

Jordon Steele-John, Greens Spokesperson for Disability Rights and Services:

“The Royal Commission has presented us with an opportunity to uphold the rights of every disabled person in this country, and Labor is letting that opportunity slip away.

“The job is still far from over, and the Labor government has made shockingly little progress since the report was handed to them more than 8 months ago.

“This consultation confirms what we already know: the disability community, organisations and advocates all want to see positive change in the sector. 

“We’re still yet to see the co-design and consultation that Labor had promised us. Their NDIS legislation and their inaction on these recommendations make it clear that Labor doesn’t care about disabled people and our lives.

“We will continue to put pressure on Labor to implement the recommendations, fund the NDIS and ensure future disability legislation is created by and for disabled people. 


Greens Deputy Leader and International Aid and Global Justice Spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has stated that while the Albanese Government’s decision to provide an additional $10 million in aid to Gaza is a positive development, it must be accompanied by more long term aid funding to UNRWA and critically, sanctions on Israel.

Senator Mehreen Faruqi:

“More aid funding for Gaza, where so many Palestinians have endured months of genocidal violence by Israel and are facing a deliberate famine, is the bare minimum.

“More aid funding won’t compensate for the fact that the Albanese Government is complicit in Israel’s genocide and has failed to impose a single consequence on Israel for its horrific slaughter of 36,000 Palestinians.

“The Albanese Government merely calling on Israel to stop blocking aid is not good enough. We need actual sanctions, not more flimsy calls and weasel words that the genocidal state of Israel will inevitably ignore.

“Labor needs to show real leadership and take tangible action like backing South Africa’s ICJ genocide case against Israel and ending the two-way arms trade with Israel.

“We must not forget that Labor abruptly suspended aid funding to UNRWA, without a shred of evidence and has yet to apologise for that reckless and dangerous decision and must increase funding to UNRWA.”


The Australian Greens have lashed Labor for their refusal to condemn the war crimes committed by the State of Israel and Hamas, after the government blocked a Greens attempt to include condemnation of the actions of the IDF in criticism of October 7.

Labor and the Liberals voted against condemning Israel’s war crimes on October 16, asserting that Parliament ‘stands with Israel’ and asserting that it had a right to defend itself, despite reports of Israeli war crimes in the initial 9 days of the conflict. Since then, Labor has voted against reconsidering this position six times.

The report released by the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel yesterday is clear. Both Hamas and the State of Israel’s military forces have committed war crimes in the fighting on and since October 7th. 

The Commission further concluded that the immense numbers of civilian casualties and widespread destruction of civilian objects and vital civilian infrastructure were the “inevitable results of Israel’s chosen strategy for the use of force” during these hostilities, undertaken with intent to cause maximum damage, disregarding distinction, proportionality and adequate precautions, and thus unlawful.

Since their refusal to condemn Israel’s war crimes, the Government was given six opportunities in early 2024 by the Greens to support a motion to reverse their “stand[ing] with Israel”, call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and end their support for the invasion. Each time they voted against the motion being brought on for consideration.

Senator Jordon Steele-John, Greens Spokesperson for Peace and Foreign Affairs:
“War crimes must be called out wherever and whenever they occur.  Labor’s refusal to condemn Israel as well as Hamas’ is a damning indictment of their willingness to turn a blind eye to the IDF’s actions since October 7,” Senator Steele-John said.

“The United Nations Commission’s report makes clear that both Hamas and the State of Israel have committed heinous war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“Labor had the opportunity in Parliament to vote to condemn Israel’s war crimes, and they voted against it. Since then, Labor has joined with the Liberals to block every attempt to push them to reconsider their stance.

“Simply repeating that Israel has a “right to defend itself” whitewashes the horrific destruction inflicted by Israel on Gaza, Rafah, and the Palestinian people – each of which has been devastatingly catalogued by the UN. No one has the right to commit war crimes, and Labor must call them out.

“Our government can not pick and choose when to respect International law. Our nation must respond to the State of Israel’s crimes in the same way we have rightfully responded to those committed by Hamas.

“It’s time for Labor to end the two-way arms trade that is fueling this genocide, sanction Prime Minister Netanyahu and his war cabinet and expel Israel’s ambassador to Australia until the State of Israel is compliant with the orders of the ICJ and International Law.

“We must always remember that peace is the goal and a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis has been made so much harder to achieve through the actions of the State of Israel and Hamas.“

The amendment blocked by Labor on October 16, added to a motion condemning attacks on Israel:
Mr Bandt moved, as an amendment—Omit paragraph (2), substitute:
(2) condemns war crimes perpetrated by the state of Israel, including the bombing of Palestinian civilians, and calls for an immediate ceasefire between all parties and an end to the war on Gaza, recognising also that for there to be peace there must be an end to the state of Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian Territories;”

The motion subsequently opposed by Labor six times:
That the House:
(1) notes that since the House resolution of 16 October 2023 concerning Israel and Gaza, which supported the State of Israel’s looming invasion of Gaza by stating that the House ‘stands with Israel’, the following have occurred:
(a) an appalling and increasing toll of deaths and injuries caused by the State of Israel’s bombing and invasion of Gaza;
(b) a growing humanitarian catastrophe caused by the State of Israel’s blockade, bombing and invasion of Gaza; and
(c) the State of Israel is the subject of recent International Court of Justice orders in South
Africa’s case regarding the prevention of genocide;
(2) therefore does not support the State of Israel’s continued invasion of Gaza and calls for an immediate and permanent ceasefire; and
(3) calls on the Australian Government to end its support for the State of Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Fee-Free Training to deliver almost 40,000 new apprentices and trainees

The Minns Labor Government will invest $16.3 million to continue fee-free training for apprentices and trainees across the state, which will fund more than 20,000 new apprentices and 19,000 trainees.

The investment covers student fees of up to $2000 for apprentices and up to $1000 for trainees, removing any up-front costs for those taking up apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities.

This ensures that anyone who wants to access vocational training and education can afford to do so.

The program is critical to build a future workforce in areas such as carpentry, plumbing and electrical – all critical skills to the delivery of the NSW Government’s housing supply strategy.

The most popular traineeships are also in high-demand areas such as early childhood education and care, aged care, disability care and other sectors of the economy such as retail, hospitality and administration.

Importantly, the program reduces administrative red tape and business costs for employers, and addresses cost of living pressures on our emerging skilled workforce, who are predominantly young people. The places will be available to all new apprentices and trainees starting their courses during the next financial year.

Additionally, the Minns Labor Government will invest $190.2 million to undertake urgent repairs at TAFE NSW campuses across the state.

This will help to address chronic underfunding by the former government which resulted in dilapidated buildings, outdated digital devices, and unreliable Wi-Fi.

The new funding builds on a record $300 million capital investment in last year’s budget, which has gone towards building repairs and updating Wi-Fi systems at 28 of our regional campuses.

This investment sits alongside the joint Commonwealth and NSW Government Fee-Free TAFE initiative which has delivered over 156,000 enrolments in vocational education since April 2023.

This announcement is part of the Minns Labor Government’s commitment to addressing skills shortages in critical sectors, delivering apprentices and trainees across housing, construction, manufacturing, childcare, disability, and aged care.

This is part of the Minns Labor Government’s plan to build a better NSW.

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said:

“The 2024 to 2025 Budget continues to demonstrate the Minns Labor Government’s commitment to addressing skills shortages in critical sectors supported by apprentices and trainees including housing, construction, manufacturing, childcare, disability and aged care.

“We are reducing costs to employers and removing financial barriers for those wanting to move into the skills workforce in highly paid, highly skilled jobs.

“The Minns Labor Government also has an absolute focus on trying to overcome the shortage that we have in residential accommodation in NSW and developing the skills to build those houses is a key part of delivering on that commitment.

“In order to attract and retain a skilled workforce in NSW, we know we have to deliver world-class educational facilities. We have over 1700 TAFE buildings in the state and know that they were left to ruin after the neglect of the Liberal and National Government.

“We’ll invest in fixing our TAFE NSW infrastructure and expanding the access to Wi-Fi across our regional campuses in order to give our apprentices and trainees the best possible starts to their careers”. 

Funding boost to improve child health and wellbeing outcomes

3,600 more children will be able to access public allied health services each year as part of the the Government’s $40 million Family Start Package to deliver the essential health services our communities deserve, as part of the 2024-25 NSW Budget.

$20 million from the fund will boost the public paediatric allied health workforce with an additional 32 staff.

Our health system faces significant challenges, but the NSW Government is making the diligent decision to boost child health assessments and early intervention services.

This will reduce waitlists and improve access to much needed diagnosis and therapy for children across NSW, including those in rural and remote communities.

The Minns Labor Government is also investing $2.3 million funding over four years to support Royal Far West (RFS). This will enable RFS to continue to work in partnership with NSW Health to provide a specialist, multidisciplinary health and wellbeing service for children with complex developmental concerns who live outside the greater metropolitan areas of NSW and cannot access these services locally.

This boost to allied health and early intervention services delivers on the Government’s commitment to supporting families.

This budget cares for NSW, ensuring we have the essential services the people of NSW rely on, so that every family can access the quality health care they need.

NSW Minister for Health Ryan Park said:

“Timely access to paediatric allied health services for children with developmental vulnerabilities is shown to improve their educational, social, employment and economic outcomes later in life.

“This investment is a step towards improving developmental outcomes, school participation and academic performance of children across NSW.

“We’re ensuring children and their families can access health services closer to home and when they need them, improving their health, development, and overall wellbeing.”

Waste levy waived for areas hit by heavy rain and flooding

The NSW Government is helping communities rebuild and recover from heavy rainfall and flooding by waiving the waste levy in affected areas.

Residents in 6 LGA’s hit hardest by a downpour in early June can dispose of flood-affected items at landfill sites without having to pay the waste levy fee until early September.

The exemption covers waste on public and private land, including damaged building materials, furniture, carpet and gardening debris.

Removing the fee will expedite the recovery process and ease financial burdens on impacted households and businesses.

The Natural Disaster Waste Levy Exemption applies to the following LGA’s:

  • Camden
  • Wollongong
  • Shoalhaven
  • Shellharbour
  • Wingecarribee
  • Kiama.

The exemption means residents will not be charged the levy until 4 September 2024. Local landfill gate fees may apply.

These communities were also hit by heavy rain and flooding in April and had been granted a waste levy exemption until 30 June 2024 for that weather event.

More broadly, the NSW Government is currently reviewing the waste levy as part of efforts to reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfill and boost recycling efforts.

For more information and participate in the consultation.

10.35 million to support 2000 new homes for Nowra

Today the NSW Government and Shoalhaven City Council will together invest $10.35 million to fast-track infrastructure supporting the delivery of 2000 new homes for the West Nowra community.

As Regional NSW plans for and delivers more homes to its growing communities, the NSW Government and councils are supporting that growth by funding and upgrading critical local services and infrastructure.

The funding has been allocated through the NSW Government’s Accelerated Infrastructure Fund, bringing the total NSW Government investment under Round 3 to $147.61 million, with co-contributions of $68.6 million from five regional councils, helping to unlock over 26,900 new homes.

This further $10.35 million investment will help deliver major upgrades to water and wastewater infrastructure to support the development of the Mundamia and Cabbage Tree Lane Urban Release areas in West Nowra.

This funding is in addition to the $3.88 million already allocated to Shoalhaven City Council as part of the Accelerated Infrastructure Fund Round 3 for major upgrades to the Culburra Wastewater Treatment Plant.

The Accelerated Infrastructure Fund supports the delivery of critical enabling and supporting infrastructure projects across the State including roads, stormwater, sewers and open space that enable and support the construction of new homes.

Unless we support the delivery of more homes, we will continue to lock young people out of housing or lose them to other states.

For more information visit Accelerated Infrastructure Fund.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said:

“These areas are growing fast and this funding will mean people will have functioning and well-serviced new homes to live in.

“A new home is no good if you cannot flush the toilet or drive down the road to the park.

“Accelerated delivery of infrastructure like sewage treatment plants and adequate roads will allow more new homes to be approved sooner in these growing regional areas.

“Housing affordability and availability is the biggest single pressure facing the people of NSW, and that’s why we are focusing investment in these key infrastructure projects to clear the way for new and thriving communities to take shape.”

Member for Shoalhaven Liza Butler said:

“Today’s joint investment by the NSW Government and local council marks a significant step forward for the West Nowra community. By fast-tracking critical infrastructure projects, we are not only paving the way for new homes but also ensuring that our growing communities have access to the high-quality services they deserve.

“This $10.35 million allocation to the West Nowra Urban Release Area Water and Wastewater Infrastructure, along with the $3.88 million upgrade to the Shoalhaven Culburra Wastewater Treatment Plant, highlights our commitment to sustainable development and vibrant neighbourhoods.

“It is crucial that we continue to support the delivery of more homes to keep our young people within our state and provide opportunities for future generations.”

Duty MLC for Kiama Sarah Kaine said:

“Funding for things such as the wastewater treatment plant upgrades are absolutely vital to ensuring all appropriate infrastructure is in place to allow for sustainable growth of Nowra and its surrounding areas’.

“Through this funding we are making sure that our efforts to encourage new and affordable housing are practical and have well-serviced utilities to meet growing demand.”