Budget boost to relieve Illawarra train pain

The NSW Government is developing a much-needed Rail Resilience Plan for the Illawarra, delivering on an election commitment and improving the South Coast Line for rail commuters.

The 2024 to 2025 Budget will invest $10 million to begin the process of examining all rail infrastructure along the South Coast Line and develop options for upgrading sections of the line between Sydney and Wollongong.

From February 2022 to May 2024, 285 train services have been cancelled and a further 509 disrupted on the South Coast line due to weather-related impacts.

The 136-year-old line is acutely vulnerable to weather events and has a history of instability due to the geology and topography of the Illawarra escarpment, particularly between Waterfall, Thirroul, Wollongong and Port Kembla. The line contains steeper terrain, more winding track, and sees heavier rainfall than any other section of track on the Sydney Trains network.

Extreme weather events over the last 3 years have made it clear bolstering the South Coast Line is vital and urgent. Most recently, storms in April 2024 caused a week of disruption for commuters, and hundreds of rail workers were on site around the clock to fix a large landslip at Coalcliff to restore services.

Freight has also been heavily affected by the rail line closures, disrupting the state’s supply chains and forcing many businesses to resort to road transport so essential goods, including steel, coal and grain, could keep moving in and out of the region.

The Illawarra Rail Resilience Plan will:

  • Assess the current performance of the existing network as well as alternative corridors to identify options on network-wide solutions.
  • Compare options, such as upgrades versus new infrastructure, to determine the best value for taxpayers and meet the current and future needs of commuters.
  • Build on and formalise studies and assessments and deliver a unified plan for the future of Illawarra rail.

The NSW Government has already begun some work to improve services for South Coast passengers, with a $61 million project underway over the 2023 to 2024 financial year.

This includes improving the resilience of cuttings, embankments, cleaning out drains and culverts, and ballast cleaning to fix track drainage. An upgrade to the Coalcliff/Scarborough rail tunnel commenced in 2023 and is expected to be completed by 2027.

This is all part of the NSW Government’s plan to build better communities for NSW. To ensure we’re creating and building on well-connected, well-serviced neighbourhoods.

A plan to build a better NSW.

Minister for Transport Jo Haylen said:

“We have our work cut out for us. The South Coast Line may be picturesque, but it cuts through some of our state’s most challenging terrain.”

“It’s imperative we act urgently to find strategic solutions to this line’s problems, which the community has been copping for far too long.”

“We know work on this line will be expensive, difficult and lengthy, so the Illawarra Rail Resilience Plan will provide a path forward to ensure we make the most effective changes that deliver real results for passengers and freight operators.”

Minister for the Illawarra and South Coast Ryan Park said:

“The Illawarra has a large commuter population, and it’s really tough when our line goes out of action. The Illawarra Rail Resilience Plan will look at all options available and ensure we have an improved commuter corridor.

Member for Wollongong Paul Scully said:

“With one of our state’s busiest ports operating out of Port Kembla and thousands leaving each day for work, it’s vital we have a reliable and resilient rail line connecting the Illawarra to the rest of our state. We need to get more freight off Illawarra roads and onto rails, and improving the line is the best way to do that.”

Member for Heathcote Maryanne Stuart said:

“There is a desperate need to look at our rail network and maximise the corridor so that we have improved travel times for commuters who spend hours every week on a train going to and from work.”

Renewable Workforce Roundtable focuses on local, secure energy jobs

The Minns Labor Government has hosted the NSW 2030 Renewable Workforce Roundtable in the Hunter to help build the workforce the energy transition needs and address the challenges faced.

The roundtable continues the Minns Labor Government’s commitment to ensuring the clean energy transition creates new local, secure jobs in both metropolitan and regional NSW.

Stakeholders from dozens of organisations joined the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Penny Sharpe, the Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan and NSW Jobs Advocate Mark Apthorpe to discuss opportunities and strategies. Participants included industry bodies, unions, educators and government agencies.

Key advice from the roundtable will contribute to the NSW 2030 Renewable Workforce Plan.

The roundtable builds on the work underway by the NSW Jobs Advocate Mark Apthorpe. Dr Apthorpe has delivered his initial report, making six recommendations to assist with the successful delivery of the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. The NSW Government is progressing the issues raised by Dr Apthorpe, which will help deliver skills, training and jobs.

The Minns Labor Government is already taking action to create local, secure jobs and ensure people in the industry are able to transition to work in renewables. This includes:

  • Launching $275 million in grants under the Net Zero Manufacturing Initiative, to secure NSW as the place to develop and manufacture clean technology and create new jobs in the process.
  • Setting workforce requirements through the Renewable Energy Sector Board’s plan and Roadmap tenders.
  • Establishing a First Nations coordination team within EnergyCo and developing First Nations Guidelines with key Aboriginal community representatives and government agencies to build pathways to employment.
  • Funding employment initiatives for local communities.
  • Introducing eight new TAFE NSW microskill courses related to renewables, including Hydrogen Energy Fundamentals and preparing to work in the renewable energy sector.

Minister for Climate Change and Energy Penny Sharpe said:

“Delivering the energy transition is a big challenge that comes with real opportunities for thousands of good, local and secure jobs.

“The NSW 2030 Renewable Workforce Roundtable brought together the brains and experience across the Hunter and beyond to help ensure the workforce plan for the Renewable Energy Zones will deliver skills, training and jobs across the state now and into the future.”

Minister for the Hunter Yasmin Catley said:

“The Hunter is proud to host the NSW 2030 Renewable Workforce Roundtable, which will help deliver skills, training and jobs right across NSW.

“The ideas and opportunities discussed today can be applied not only here in the Hunter, but throughout the state as the energy sector grows.”

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said:

“The Minns Labor Government is supporting the people of NSW to gain the skills they need for emerging industries.

“The Renewable Workforce Roundtable is an opportunity for industry, education experts and government to collaborate and create pathways to jobs in the renewable energy sector, which are popping up right across NSW.

“I’m particularly interested to build on our efforts to deliver training and apprenticeships to people in regional areas, existing tradespeople and school leavers.”

Better rest stop on the way for truckies in Outback NSW

Truck drivers and tourists are among the motorists set to benefit from an Outback rest stop safety and infrastructure upgrade being delivered by the NSW Labor Government.

The Gilgunnia Goldfields Rest Area is located about 109 kilometres south of Cobar on the Kidman Highway which is a major freight route used for transportation of livestock, produce and other goods interstate.

A $255,000 upgrade will bring the rest stop up to modern standards and see the toilet upgraded from the waterless composting facility currently in place.

Work to improve drainage and the surface of the truck parking bay will also be carried out, while a fresh coat of paint will be applied to the water tank.

A non-working barbecue, cage and a disused water tank will also be removed as part of efforts to improve the amenity of the rest area, which will remain open throughout the upgrade period.

Upgrade work will start on June 17 and is expected to take up to six weeks to complete.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:

“Having visited this area in 2022 and again in January this year, I know the value of good quality roadside stops to local communities, tourism and freight operators.

“Good amenities in remote rest stops can be the difference between life and death in helping long distance drivers to better manage their fatigue.

“The Far West is a special place to me, as my grandma was born and grew up in Lake Cargelligo and lived in Hillston during the early years of her marriage.

“I am proud to be part of the NSW Labor Government which has listened to the advocacy of regional champions such as local MP Roy Butler and the Hon Stephen Lawrence MLC in providing better facilities for motorists in remote areas of NSW.”

Independent Member for Barwon Roy Butler said:

“I welcome this upgrade to the amenities available along the Kidman Highway.

“This is something that the community has wanted for some time. In its previous state, the rest stop left a lot to be desired.

“Truck drivers in that part of the world have long distances to cover and anything that makes a rest stop more usable and comfortable will encourage drivers to take more breaks from behind the wheel.

“That can make a big difference on a long trip.

“Anything that helps improve safety along the main roads of Barwon is a great thing. It will also be good for tourists who travel the highway.”

Labor’s spokesperson for Barwon Stephen Lawrence MLC said:

“The facilities at Gilgunnia were originally installed by a community group many years ago and have deteriorated over time.

“It is good to see the NSW Labor Government recognising the need for improvement and directing more investment where it’s needed in the state’s far west.”

Tunnel boring near complete for Sydney Metro rail to Western Sydney Airport – creating 14,000 local jobs

Sydney Metro to Western Sydney Airport is one step closer, with tunnel boring machines (TBMs) Catherine, Eileen and Peggy having completed their historic journeys today.

This project will become the transport spine of Western Sydney, connecting the Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis at Bradfield to the wider Sydney rail network at St Marys.

With boring near complete, the project will enter its next stage – the construction of six world-class stations along the 23-kilometre track.

The Sydney Metro to Western Sydney Airport project is jointly funded by the Albanese and New South Wales Governments, and is set to open in late 2026 with the start of airport operations.  

The project is expected to create over 14,000 jobs in total during construction. As at April 2024, the project has created 10,348 jobs – including 250 apprenticeships.

Three of the boring machines have completed their work, with the final 230 metre leg to St Marys expected to be completed in a few weeks.

Reaching this pivotal point in the construction program comes after 13 months of tunnelling from the four giant TBMs and a team of 553 tunnellers, TBM operators and support personnel.

The TBMs have worked around the clock up to seven days a week to excavate more than 1.4 million tonnes of material (enough to fill 226 Olympic pools) and install 68,360 concrete segments which now line the new tunnel walls. 

The project’s focus is now on the delivery of the six metro stations – St Marys, Orchard Hills, Luddenham, Airport Business Park, Airport Terminal and Bradfield. 

Station construction is underway at St Marys, while the Orchard Hills, Luddenham and Bradfield station sites are being prepared for construction to begin in the coming months.

Work inside the tunnels will continue, and will involve completing the construction of 39 cross passages and preparing for track laying.

For more information on the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project, visit sydneymetro.info/westernsydneyairportline.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“We are delivering a future made in Australia and this project is a fantastic example of how we are doing that in Western Sydney.

“Sydney Metro and the new Western Sydney airport will transform Western Sydney into a global economic hub.

“Today’s major milestone is tribute to the great work of the more than 10,000 people that are working on this project.

“This project demonstrates how government leadership and co-investment with industry can deliver world class infrastructure assets resulting in significant value for future generations.”

NSW Premier Chris Minns:

“This historic breakthrough of the new Metro tunnels at Western Sydney Airport are just another way we are building the essential infrastructure Western Sydney needs.

“We are committed to building better communities in Western Sydney, and public transport projects like this that are creating jobs and cutting travel times are a critical part of our plan.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“I am delighted to see the wonderfully-named Catherine and her TBM friends bringing us closer to a world-class transport option to the new Western Sydney International Airport and major job hubs, including the new Aerotropolis.

“This milestone is a critical step towards connecting the suburbs that will grow around this brand-new metro line, giving Western Sydney the opportunity to attract more jobs and housing opportunities.

“This city-shaping metro line will service travellers and airport workers with major population centres like Penrith, Parramatta and the Sydney CBD via St Marys.”

NSW Deputy Premier and Minister for Western Sydney Prue Car: 

“It is great to see these four TBMs have completed their tunnelling journeys under Western Sydney.

“The NSW Labor Government, together with the Australian Government, is committed to delivering the vital, major infrastructure needed to deliver for our growing Western Sydney community.”

NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen:

“This is a job well done for three of our four mega machines and a huge achievement for everybody involved.

“More than 550 workers spent many months deep below ground and across the site to drive these borers across the finish line.

“It’s a phenomenal milestone for Sydney’s second airport rail link.

“While tunnelling is almost finished on the Western Sydney Airport line for now, we are planning the public transport links of the future.

“Our business cases are underway to plan more future rail links in Western Sydney as these communities continue to grow.” 

Member for Werriwa Anne Stanley:

“This is first-hand proof that the Albanese Government is committed to delivering vital infrastructure for Western Sydney as part of a genuine partnership between levels of government that will enhance liveability and support the growth of industry and enterprise.

“World-class metro services will be a game-changer for Sydney’s Greater West in every sense and this major milestone in construction is another closer step to making that a reality.”

Investing in a better future for the Central Coast

The Albanese Government is making critical investments in Central Coast transport and infrastructure, improving road safety and building thriving communities. 

At the 2022 election, we committed $2.5 million to fully fund a new building for the Kincumber Roos Soccer Club.

This includes a new clubhouse, change and bathrooms, canteen and carpark – a better, safer space to bring the community together.

Along with community infrastructure, we’re investing in roads to improve safety and reduce congestion.

The Central Coast will benefit from the Government’s increase to the Roads to Recovery Program, with the Council receiving $24 million over the next five years – over $10 million more than they were forecast to receive under the previous Government.

This means more money than ever before to spend on maintenance such as fixing potholes, upgrading pavements and improving drainage.

We are also investing in critical projects, including the Avoca Drive Upgrade, which includes widening the section between Carrak Road and Killuna Road intersections to improve traffic flow and safety.

This is due to commence construction in mid-2025 and be completed by late 2028.

And the Central Coast Highway Upgrades, which include improving the intersection between Central Coast Highway and Tumbi Road and fixing the notorious bottleneck between Wamberal and Bateau Bay.

Work is also underway on projects in the Central Coast Road Upgrades – a $40 million commitment made at the 2022 election.

This adds to the $86.5 million Central Coast Roads Package which continues to progress, with the Albanese Government fully funding 29 individual road projects across the region.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Community facilities like the Kincumber Roos Soccer Club are the soul of local communities, providing a place to gather and connect.

“This is why my Government is committed to supporting local infrastructure, and why regional Australia is so important to our plan for a resilient and prosperous nation.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“We are delivering a better future for all Australians, one made in Australia that builds economic opportunity and prosperous communities.

“Our Government is working for all Australians to deliver significant infrastructure that connects communities, stimulates jobs and builds the future of our nation.”

Member for Robertson Dr Gordon Reid:

“Whether it’s upgrading local sporting facilities for the Kincumber Roos Soccer Club right through to investing in nationally-significant road upgrades, we are delivering on our commitments to the Central Coast.

“Our Roads to Recovery funding injection will make it easier for Central Coast Council to progress priority road projects that our community is calling out for.”

Appeal for information following suspicious house fire – Newcastle

Detectives have released CCTV footage following a suspicious house fire at Islington earlier this year.

About 11.20am on Monday 25 March 2024, emergency services were called to a home on Norfolk Avenue, Islington, following reports of a fire.

Fire and Rescue NSW attended and extinguished the blaze; however, parts of the home sustained significant damage.

Officers from Newcastle City Police District attended and commenced inquiries into the circumstance surrounding the blaze under Strike Force Rhodochrosite.

As those inquiries continue, detectives have released CCTV footage of two men who may be able to assist with their inquiries.

The first man is described as being about 170-180cm tall, of solid build and with dark hair.

He is pictured wearing an orange hi-vis shirt, dark shorts, tan work boots and sunglasses.

The second man is described as being about 180-185cm tall, of muscular build and with black hair.

He is pictured wearing a yellow hi-vis shirt, dark shorts, dark shoes and sunglasses.

Additional humanitarian assistance for Gaza

Australia will provide an additional $10 million in humanitarian assistance to address urgent needs in Gaza.

The additional humanitarian assistance was announced by Minister Anne Aly at an international conference convened by Egypt, Jordan and the United Nations on the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The funding will be directed to the World Food Programme to provide life-saving food assistance to civilians in Gaza facing the risk of famine.

Since 7 October, Australia has committed $72.5 million in humanitarian assistance to address essential needs in Gaza and respond to the protracted refugee crisis in the region.

Australia will continue to monitor and assess the situation in the region and stands ready to provide further support.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“This additional $10 million to the World Food Programme will help to provide life-saving assistance to civilians in Gaza who are facing a catastrophic humanitarian situation and imminent famine.

“Australia continues to press for a ceasefire, for humanitarian aid to reach Gazans in desperate need, and for hostages to be released.

“We support the ceasefire endorsed by the UN Security Council and want to see it fully implemented by both parties. Any delay will only see more lives lost.”

Minister for International Development and The Pacific, the Hon Pat Conroy MP:

“We are pleased to support the World Food Programme, helping it to deliver urgently needed humanitarian assistance to civilians.

“Since October 7 Australia has committed more than $70 million in humanitarian assistance to Gaza and the region.”

Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP:

“Israel must allow aid to flow at scale, as ordered by the International Court of Justice.

“We thank Egypt, Jordan and the United Nations for bringing the world together in support of civilians in Gaza. The suffering of Palestinian civilians cannot continue.”

Community invited to have their say on future of Broadmeadow

The NSW Government and the City of Newcastle are seeking community feedback on a new shared vision for the Broadmeadow Regionally Significant growth precinct in the Hunter region.

The Broadmeadow Place Strategy will go on exhibition today for 6 weeks and feedback will guide planning and development for the suburb for the next 30 years.

The project will deliver up to 20,000 new homes for 40,000 people and 15,000 jobs across more than 313 hectares including Broadmeadow, Hamilton, Hamilton East, New Lambton and Hamilton North.

At the same time, the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) is exhibiting a rezoning proposal to support the development of new homes on government-owned land.

The state-led rezoning proposal highlights how Broadmeadow will benefit from diverse and affordable housing, better public spaces, economic growth and improved sporting and tourism facilities.

NSW is the midst of a housing crisis and the rezoning proposal provides a great opportunity to plan for more homes.

The exhibition will open on 12 June and close at 5pm on Wednesday 24 July.

Have your say on the Broadmeadow Place Strategy and the state-led rezoning.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said:  

“It’s important that we are looking at all opportunities for more well-located homes now and into the future and this precinct has the potential to become a shining example to communities throughout the state.

“It’s vital to have community input on the future of Broadmeadow so it can be retained as the region’s premier sport and entertainment destination, while at the same time creating a mixed-use precinct where people can live, work and play.”

Minister for the Hunter Yasmin Catley said:

“There have been lots of plans for Broadmeadow over the years so it’s great to see our government and the City of Newcastle actively leading community engagement to include our current users and future residents in this journey.

“There are significant opportunities for investment and it’s also exciting to consider how we could deliver enhanced public open space, indoor sports and leisure and aquatic facilities.”

Member for Newcastle Tim Crackanthorp said:

“This precinct will play a significant role in the region’s development over the next 30 years.

“It is crucial that the community are given the opportunity to have their voices heard.

“I encourage everyone to make a submission before the exhibition closes on 24 July.”

Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said:

“We are proud to be the only council in NSW involved in this kind of a partnership with the Minns Government, ensuring early input into the strategic planning for the renewal of the precinct.

“Working with the community and considering advice from the technical experts, we will plan for Broadmeadow’s future to create a new and enhanced place for people to live in and visit.”

Infrastructure NSW set to tackle roadblocks in delivering critical infrastructure

The Minns Labor Government is today issuing a new direction that expands the responsibilities of Infrastructure NSW and the Co-ordinator General to better coordinate the key government priorities of housing, energy infrastructure and jobs with a focus on Western Sydney around the Aerotropolis.

Currently, priorities and delivery timeframes on projects can differ significantly between agencies, which is creating unnecessary red tape and unacceptable delays.

The Government has listened to concerns from local leaders, businesses, local government and stakeholders regarding these delays to the delivery of essential infrastructure exacerbated by a lack of coordination.

It’s clear that a more streamlined approach is needed.

That is why the NSW Government is issuing a new direction today which will improve the coordination and oversight to deliver key government priorities.  

This work, to be led by the state’s Infrastructure Co-ordinator General Tom Gellibrand, will see Infrastructure NSW take on the responsibility to coordinate infrastructure to support housing, energy, and freight, logistics, and employment priorities around the Aerotropolis.

Infrastructure NSW will lead three immediate areas of work that require better collaboration between agencies to resolve issues:

  • Infrastructure to support employment priorities:  focus on freight logistics and employment-related development in Western Sydney and the Aerotropolis.
  • Infrastructure to support housing priorities: supporting housing development as per NSW housing targets and housing reforms as well as the National Housing Accord.
  • Support the Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap: coordination of enabling and complementary infrastructure essential for delivery of energy and transmission while supporting thriving local communities across NSW.

Infrastructure NSW also has ‘step in’ powers if required to actively resolve roadblocks or disagreements between agencies in delivery.

The Western Parkland City Authority will be renamed as the Bradfield Development Authority to be led by incoming CEO Ken Morrison.

The Bradfield Development Authority will focus solely on delivering Bradfield Town Centre and supporting investment attraction within the Aerotropolis.

This follows significant steps taken by the government to ensure infrastructure delivery is aligned with planning and development processes.

This is all part of the Minns Labor Government’s plan to build better communities for NSW. To ensure we’re building infrastructure which produces stronger, well-connected communities.

A plan to build a better NSW.

Premier Chris Minns said:

“This is all part of our plan to put an end to the years of obstruction and delay that slowed down the delivery of essential infrastructure across Western Sydney and NSW.

“From increasing housing supply across the state to delivering critical infrastructure across Western Sydney, we are committed to cutting red tape and getting our state moving again.

“The area around Western Sydney Airport deserves to be an employment hub that is connected to growing regions across Sydney and these changes will help deliver this.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Western Sydney Prue Car said:

“It is vital to get key government agencies working more closely together to deliver the priorities of housing, energy infrastructure and jobs for Western Sydney and the Aerotropolis.

“We have listened to local leaders, businesses, local government, and stakeholders about the delays to the delivery of essential infrastructure and we are acting to promote greater coordination across government.

“The Aerotropolis is vital to the future of Western Sydney so we need to work together in a more coordinated way to deliver what will be a game changer for the region.”

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully said:

“It is essential that all parts of government are working together to support the delivery of homes, jobs and the energy transition.

“Today’s announcement creates a whole-of-government coordination of infrastructure decision making which will help to get the greatest benefits from the successful development of the Aerotropolis for residents and businesses in Western Sydney.

“Infrastructure NSW will now be tasked with developing a sector plan for the Aerotropolis to identify the type, location, and timing of infrastructure required to support the master plan and zoning for the broad Aerotropolis area.”

Tom Gellibrand, Infrastructure NSW Chief Executive said:

“I am proud to support the NSW Government priorities of increasing housing supply, enabling the transition of our energy supply, and coordinating infrastructure to support the delivery of the Aerotropolis.

“Today’s announcement strengthens the role Infrastructure NSW has already been playing in coordinating infrastructure delivery for the people of NSW.

“We will continue to work with agencies, to improve the whole-of-government coordination of infrastructure delivery to support housing and population growth across the state, as well as coordinating infrastructure to support the Aerotropolis.”

The Problem Albanese Has With Women

Anthony Albanese, Labor’s haphazard and hopeless Prime Minister, has a problem with women and it’s costing Australia dearly.

A few years ago, the former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern visited Albo’s Syndey Harbour mansion and charmed him into changing the law to allow convicted hardened criminals who are NZ nationals to stay in Australia post-jail.

Australia has always deported criminals if they are not Aussie citizens after their jail sentence ends. That is what the Australian community wants and expects.

Albo’s light treatment of foreign criminals is internationally unusual. There are few, if any, other countries that don’t have the same processes Australia once had. Let’s not forget that NZ has a policy for criminal deportation—they send their hardened criminals without NZ citizenship back to places such as Tonga and Samoa, even if they can’t speak the language (as reported in the ABC)!

But there was a certain language that Ardern used with Albo that had him all giddy and showing a desperate need to impress the much younger NZ Prime Minister.

The deal to let Ardern reject Kiwi criminals and make Australia keep them says quite a lot about Albo’s character. It says that the Prime Minister would throw away national security just to obtain validation from a female darling of the woke left, putting the interests of foreign nationals ahead of those of the Australian people.

Nobody believes that Albanese would accept a deal if it were presented by a conservative male leader of New Zealand; in fact, the country’s male leadership was recently notified that the agreement made with Ardern is being shredded because it is what Australians want.

Albo’s obsession with pleasing Ardern is one of the many examples where Albo has put his personal ‘feelings’ and need for ideological validation from women above national interests.

There are many images of Jacqui Lambie fawning over the Prime Minister, and then that relationship is used to secure the vote of the cross-bench Senator for legislation like the Digital ID.

Lambie almost always sides with the Albanese government, even when it’s to the detriment of Tasmania. Albanese and Lambie provide each other with self-gratifying validation.

All of this sickening fawning would be irrelevant to the national discourse if it were not for the fact that Albanese’s Ardern relationship is one of the reasons we have foreign rapists and murderers now roaming our streets causing havoc and re-traumatising their victims.

The fawning. The validation. The desperate need for female approval.  It’s creepy. And it must stop. 

note: Anthony Albanese is a “single mother child” with little or no interaction from a father. This has continued his unswerving obedience to women into adulthood.