Bringing medical locum recruitment in house to drive down costly agency fees

The Minns Labor Government will begin the work of setting up an internal medical locum agency to address the growing cost of attracting medical locums to regional areas.

Locums are medical officers engaged to fill a temporary vacancy – most commonly used to address worker shortages in the regions and engaged through staff hire agencies.

In 2022-23, agency commissions for locum doctors represented around $37 million, up from $20 million in 2020-21.

COVID-19 was a major factor in driving up costs. As staff availability tightened, so too did the need to source additional staff through agencies.

But the NSW Government is committed to bringing and keeping down the cost of external commission fees.

$6.3 million in the 2024-25 NSW Budget, will examine the feasibility of a NSW Health Locum Agency, including how it would work and how much money could be saved as a result.

This announcement builds on the work of the NSW Government to improve access to care in regional, rural and remote communities, including:

  • doubling rural health incentives for critical vacancies in hardest to fill roles
  • boosting doctors in regional GP surgeries as well as hospitals through the Single Employer Model
  • rolling out key worker accommodation, and
  • delivering an extra 500 regional paramedics.

NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey:

“This is a must-have investment in the health of regional and remote communities.

“Building an in-house agency means we can drive down rising external fees and put more money back into the health workforce.

“This $6.3 million investment marks another step in the Minns Labor Government’s pledge to build a better health system for everyone in NSW.

“We can afford this policy. Because we cut the state’s debt, we have cut the state’s interest bill.  And we can use that money to make a difference to the health outcomes of people in regional and remote NSW.”

Minister for Health Ryan Park:

“Locums and other contingent workforce are important features of our health system to enable it to remain agile, and to scale up and down as needed.

“But I’ve always said that I am determined to see more of our health spending flow directly to our clinicians, and I think that’s a very reasonable community expectation.

“The Government is focusing on strategies to address the growing cost of this service, and the proposed internal agency will help to lower external fees across the state. It will also allow medical locums to trust us to place them in our hospitals.

“Our rural and regional health staff have strong connections to the communities they live in. We acknowledge and greatly appreciate their commitment to delivering exceptional care to the people they serve.”

$3.4 billion boost to upgrade NSW hospitals and health facilities

The Minns Labor Government will invest $3.4 billion in 2024-25 to upgrade hospitals and health facilities across the state as part of the 2024-25 NSW Budget ensuring patients continue to receive high-quality care in their local community.

Of this, nearly $1 billion will be allocated towards rural and regional health capital works projects, and over half a billion towards Western Sydney hospitals in 2024-25 alone.

The NSW Government will also invest a further $47.8 million in the upgraded Ryde Hospital, bringing the total investment in the Ryde Hospital redevelopment to $526.8 million.

This investment will deliver expanded and upgraded health services for Ryde and surrounding communities, which will include a new emergency department, inpatient wards and cutting-edge imaging and diagnostic services.

Key new investments in the 2024-25 NSW Budget include:

  • hundreds of millions of dollars in additional funding to deliver ongoing hospital redevelopments at Eurobodalla, Temora, Liverpool, Integrated Mental Health Complex at Westmead, Moree, Nepean, Cessnock and Shellharbour Hospitals
  • $265 million for the upgrade of Port Macquarie Hospital to provide a greater range of clinical services, including emergency and maternity services for the communities of the Mid North Coast
  • $250 million in a critical maintenance program at hospitals and health facilities across NSW.

This funding boost will improve access to high-quality health care, by delivering much-needed upgraded health infrastructure and technology, in particular, focusing on the parts of the state that need it most.

NSW needs a coordinated and sustainable roadmap for future growth, with the necessary infrastructure built alongside housing, to enable and support healthier and well-serviced communities.

The budget will prioritise building better communities for NSW – ensuring we have the right level of health infrastructure and health service to improve the lives and wellbeing all communities across NSW.

The NSW Government is committed to continuing to build on our previous investments in important infrastructure projects for the state, including upgrading and maintaining essential health services, to provide residents with the safest and high-quality health care service they deserve to improve their wellbeing.

Health Minister Ryan Park said:

“Our health system faces significant challenges after 12 years of neglect by the Liberal and National government, but we are making the diligent decision to invest in critical health infrastructure to ensure we have the essential health services the people of NSW rely on.

“By investing in critical health infrastructure, we will deliver on our promise to provide better healthcare in NSW by expanding health services in these growing communities, so patients can access the best medical treatments close to home.

“These infrastructure projects and the range of health services that will be provided from them by our committed and caring health staff will also help attract more healthcare workers to work in these modern and purpose-built health care facilities across NSW.

“In addition, the jobs that are generated as a result of the opportunities available to builders, tradies and apprentices during the construction phase of all these major health infrastructure projects, is also a valuable economic driver in many of our local communities across the state.”

NSW Budget: Billion-dollar infrastructure blitz for NSW public schools

Hundreds of public schools across metropolitan and regional NSW will benefit from improved facilities following a billion-dollar boost for maintenance and minor upgrades.

The investment in our schools is part of the NSW Labor Government’s long-term plan to rebuild the state’s education system.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car, and Treasurer Daniel Mookhey, are today visiting Bonnyrigg High School, one of the schools to benefit from the funding injection.

As part of the 2024 to 2025 NSW Budget, following years of campaigning, the school will receive an upgrade to its bathrooms. Planning for the improvements will start in coming weeks, in consultation with the school.

A record $1.08 billion pipeline of investment for minor works in the coming financial year alone will support the delivery of $600 million for school maintenance work, alongside $150 million in essential works to boost disability access and safety, and $200 million for small upgrades and refurbishments.

Projects will focus on lifting standards of important facilities, particularly school bathrooms, as well as improving classrooms, science labs, workshops, performance and arts spaces and vocational education and training (VET) facilities.

Maintenance work in schools includes:

  • painting 
  • repairs and replacements of roofs, fences, windows, doors, ceilings, and carpeting
  • electrical repairs and upgrades
  • floor coverings
  • continuing to support urgent repairs in schools when needed.

The Department of Education will work with principals and school leadership over coming months to prioritise projects.

The boost in investment comes as 62,000 longer-term school maintenance tasks have been carried out by the Department of Education in 2023 to 2024 so far, including maintenance works for close to 2 thirds of the state’s public schools, or 1492 schools in 6882 individual buildings.

This includes:

  • more than 837,800sqm of painting, or the equivalent to painting the Sydney Harbour Bridge twice
  • 332,579sqm of new roofing, or the equivalent to installing roofing on 37 Bunnings Warehouse stores
  • installing 271,213sqm of new flooring – or the equivalent to covering the Penrith Panthers’ stadium field 37 times
  • laying 233,537sqm of playground pavement – enough paving to cover a dual carriageway road between Sydney CBD and Parramatta.

Over the same period, the department responded to more than 155,000 callouts from public schools, with workers able to resolve issues in under 5 days on average. This includes responding to:

  • 27,994 blocked toilets, leaking taps or sinks
  • 32,649 electrical faults
  • 10,017 air conditioning or HVAC systems.

Our plan to build a better NSW

Since being elected the Minns Labor Government has been working on a comprehensive plan to invest in and rebuild public education in NSW.

We are making the responsible decisions to ensure every family in NSW has access to free, quality public education.

This includes building new schools and upgrading existing facilities in rapidly-growing communities like those in Western Sydney, where this year’s budget delivers $3.6 billion for a pipeline of more than 60 new and upgraded schools. This includes an overdue new public and high school for Box Hill in Sydney’s North West – with a temporary public school to take enrolments from next year.

Building, maintaining and improving essential services like public schools is key to building better communities and addressing the cost of living as families find it increasingly difficult to make ends meet. It is part of our plan to build a better NSW.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

“This year’s budget will strengthen our commitment to keeping our schools and equipment in the good condition that our communities deserve.

“Our public schools are the lifeblood of our communities, and we want teachers and students to feel proud to study and work in them – central to that is ensuring that they are maintained to a high standard and have the most up-to-date facilities.

“I visited Bonnyrigg High School in November last year, to see first-hand concerns about some of the school facilities. I am pleased to be here today to announce that the school will benefit from this month’s back-to-basics Budget.

“This investment will also give local economies a boost, supporting jobs and opportunities for local trades and businesses.

“We are continuing our record investment in Western Sydney schools, whether it is to build the new and upgraded schools that these communities need or upgrading our existing schools for our teachers and students.”

Treasurer Daniel Mookhey said:

“Improving the conditions of NSW schools is a must-have to ensure that students and teachers have the best environment possible to learn and teach.

“This Government is continuing to deliver on its promise to rebuild the state’s public education system.

“When I visited Bonnyrigg High School earlier this year, I heard from the staff and students about their concerns.

“This billion-dollar investment will make a material difference for 1,400 public schools and their communities.

“We have the cut state’s debt, so that we are paying less on the state’s interest bill. We are now using those savings to make a difference for schools across NSW.”

Member for Cabramatta Tri Vo said:

“It is fantastic to see Bonnyrigg High School will benefit from an upgrade to their school facilities, which has been one of a number of campaigns by the school community.

“I am proud to be part of the NSW Labor Government, who are committed to improving school buildings across NSW, so every public school student can reach their full potential.”

Member for Liverpool Charishma Kaliyanda said:

“Bonnyrigg High School has played a huge role in educating our community for generations, and it’s wonderful to see the school facilities getting an upgrade to ensure it can continue to deliver quality public education.

“Education is the great enabler for families in Western Sydney, so I’m very proud to be part of a NSW Labor Government that is delivering on its promise to ensure our young people have access to quality public education.”

Low marks for Labor on public school spend

The NSW Opposition is calling on the Minns Labor Government to come clean on its cuts to maintenance spending at public schools across the state. 
Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said the Minns Labor Government’s so-called ‘infrastructure blitz’ is providing less funding than had been allocated by the former Liberal and Nationals Government.
“This is just more smoke and mirrors from Labor on school infrastructure,” Mr Speakman said.

“The Treasurer’s claim of a ‘record’ $1.08 billion pipeline for maintenance and minor capital works does not stand up to scrutiny as the Coalition allocated $1.3 billion on the same types of projects in the 2022-23 Budget.
“This $220 million cut is a result of Premier Chris Minns losing control of the Budget, and our public schools will be worse off as a result.”
Shadow Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said families deserve to know what the true impact of Labor’s lies will be.  
“The detail of this announcement is where the shocking truth becomes apparent,” Ms Mitchell said.
“Labor is allocating less money for school maintenance this financial year than the former Liberal and Nationals Government because it handed the keys to the NSW Budget to the unions and is cutting expenditure across the board as a result.
“That means schools will have less money to spend on facilities for your kids. That’s
things like classroom and toilet upgrades, painting, carpets, fences and new windows and doors.”
Today’s announcement follows Labor’s decision to rip $150m out of public school budgets mid-way through the year, forcing school principals to consider cutting staff and programs to find savings.

Visit by Premier of the People’s Republic of China

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will welcome the Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Li Qiang, to Australia as a Guest of Government from Saturday 15 June to Tuesday 18 June 2024.

This will be the first visit to Australia by a Chinese Premier since 2017.

Prime Minister Albanese and Premier Li will hold the Annual Leaders’ Meeting at Parliament House in Canberra, where they will exchange views on bilateral, regional and international issues.

Premier Li will also travel to Adelaide and Perth. The leaders will engage with Australian and Chinese business leaders at the seventh Australia-China CEO Roundtable. This will make a valuable contribution to strengthening relationships between business leaders in China and Australia.

During the visit, the leaders will also attend a community event to acknowledge the deep contribution of the more than one million members of the Chinese-Australian community to our nation’s multicultural success story.

Premier Li’s visit to Australia follows Prime Minister Albanese’s visit to Beijing in November last year, where leaders agreed to resume key bilateral dialogues and to further a number of areas of cooperation.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Premier Li Qiang’s visit to Australia is an important opportunity to engage directly on key issues for both our nations.

“China is Australia’s largest trading partner and our economic relationship continues to bring substantial benefits to both our countries.

“Welcoming the Chinese Premier to our shores is an opportunity for Australia to advance our interests by demonstrating our national values, our people’s qualities and our economy’s strengths. 

“Australia continues to pursue a stable and direct relationship with China, with dialogue at its core.

“We will cooperate where we can, disagree where we must and engage in our national interest.”

Man charged after firearms seized during vehicle stop – Aberdeen

A man has been charged after two firearms were seized during a vehicle stop in the state’s Hunter region.

About 6.20pm yesterday (Monday 10 June 2024) officers attached to the Hunter Valley Traffic and Highway Patrol Command stopped a ute on Macqueen Street, Aberdeen, for the purposes of random testing.

The driver – a 37-year-old man – was subjected to a roadside breath test, which returned a negative result.

The man was then subjected to a roadside drug test, which allegedly returned a positive reading.

Police also subsequently searched the vehicle and seized two rifles, one of which was allegedly loaded, ammunition and a substance, believed to be methylamphetamine.

The man was arrested and taken to Muswellbrook Police Station for the purposes of a secondary drug test, which allegedly returned a positive reading to methylamphetamine.

He was charged with 14 offences, including:

Three counts of not keep firearm safely- not pistol/ prohibited firearm
Two counts of possess unregistered firearm – not pistol prohibited firearm
Two counts of unauthorised person fail to surrender firearm
Two counts of possess ammunition without holding licence/permit/ authority
Two counts of acquire unregistered firearm – not pistol/prohibited firearm
One count of possess loaded firearm public place
One count of possess firearm not stamped/engraved with allotted number
One count of possess unauthorised firearm
The 37-year-old was refused bail to appear before Muswellbrook Local Court today (Tuesday 11 June 2024), where he was granted conditional bail to appear before the same court on Tuesday 2 July 2024.

Organised Crime Squad detectives excavate truck as part of investigation into Newcastle diver death

Organised Crime Squad detectives have excavated a buried truck as an investigation into the death of a Brazilian diver in Newcastle continues.

About 9.30am on Monday 9 May 2022, emergency services were called to the Port of Newcastle after a male diver was located unresponsive in the water, with 54kg of cocaine located nearby.

Despite the efforts of witnesses and paramedics, the man could not be revived.

He was later formally identified as 31-year-old Brazilian national, Bruno Borges Martins.

The location of an alleged second diver – 32-year-old Jhoni Fernandes Da Silva – remains unknown.

Local police commenced inquiries, before the matter was taken carriage of by State Crime Command’s Organised Crime Squad under Strike Force Groove.

During the course of investigation, detectives were assisted by the Australian Federal Police (AFP), Australian Border Force (ABF), Northern Territory Police (NTPOL) and Queensland Police Service (QPS).

To date, two men have been charged and remain before the courts.

Following further inquiries – including a public appeal for information on the two-year anniversary of the discovery – on Tuesday 28 May 2024, strike force detectives executed a search warrant at a property in Menangle.

During the search, police located a white Mitsubishi Fuso truck which they will allege was used by those involved with the failed drug rip.

The truck was last seen travelling southbound on the M4 Motorway at Pennant Hills, about 6.30pm Sunday 8 May 2022.

Detectives are continuing to appeal for any information about a Toyota Townace Van with the NSW registration WNY439, which was seen travelling with the truck.

Investigations under Strike Force Groove are continuing.

Australia re-elected to UN Committee on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

The Australian Government congratulates Ms Natasha Stott Despoja AO on her re-election to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

The committee is made up of 23 independent human right experts from around the world that monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

The Convention is a powerful tool to combat gender discrimination and drive genuine progress towards gender equality across the globe. It enshrines women’s rights to equal and meaningful access to political and public life, education, health and employment.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong, commended Ms Stott Despoja on the impact she has had in her first four years on the committee.

“Ms Stott Despoja’s leadership is pivotal to eliminating discrimination against women and girls globally, in our region and at home.

“Through her understanding of international law and treaties, Ms Stott Despoja will be a strong force in the fight to protect and promote women and girl’s human rights.

“She will be an important voice, as the only expert on the committee from the Pacific region.”

Minister for Women, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, welcomes Ms Stott Despoja’s re-election, which continues Australia’s global leadership in advancing women and girl’s rights.

“Ms Stott Despoja’s re-election to the committee will enable her to continue work to improve the lives of women around the world, and bring back insights and lessons for us to use as we work towards gender equality at home in Australia.

“In her second term on the committee, she will be an influential global leader for gender equality and advocate for women and girls’ human rights everywhere.”

Ms Stott Despoja will serve on the committee in her personal capacity, commencing on 1 January 2025. This will be her second term on the committee.

Dr Anne Aly to represent Australia at Gaza Humanitarian Conference

This week the Minister for Early Childhood Education and Youth, Dr Anne Aly, will travel to Amman, Jordan on behalf of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to attend an international conference convened by Egypt, Jordan and the United Nations on the urgent humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Australia has been advocating for urgent humanitarian assistance to reach Palestinians in Gaza in desperate need. We have been clear that Israel must comply with the binding orders of the International Court of Justice, including to enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance at scale.

Since the conflict began on 7 October, Australia has committed $62.5 million in humanitarian assistance to the region, including $41 million to address urgent needs in Gaza. Our funding is being directed to conflict-affected people with a focus on women and children, including to support food, water, medicines, and shelter.

The conference, known as International Call to Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza, will be held on 11 June local time.

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong:

“This war must end. The human suffering in Gaza is unacceptable. Australia has been part of the international push for a ceasefire, for humanitarian aid to reach Gazans in desperate need, and for hostages to be released. Australia’s participation in this conference is part of that international effort.

“Dr Anne Aly and her family are among many in the Australian community who have lived experience and understanding of the long and devastating conflict in the Middle East. We are fortunate that Dr Aly will bring her deep professional expertise and her perspectives as an Egyptian-born Australian in representing our country at this conference hosted by Egypt, Jordan and the UN.”

Minister for Early Childhood Education and Minister for Youth, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP:

“The humanitarian situation in Gaza is catastrophic. Over one million Palestinians are facing catastrophic levels of food insecurity and around 1.7 million people have been displaced, many several times over. Humanitarian access remains grossly inadequate.

“Our participation in this conference will emphasise Australia’s ongoing support for diplomatic efforts to end the conflict and to address the humanitarian crisis.”


As the Albanese Government last week teamed up with Peter Dutton’s Coalition to try and make the genocide in Gaza about themselves, there were staggering revelations in Senate Estimates about the scale of Australia’s two-way arms trade with Israel. 

This evidence adds to the body of knowledge on Australia’s two-way arms trade with Israel. We are releasing this statement on the issue to create a more informed debate. 

The fact weapons parts are used in a genocide is “not material” to Labor

At Senate Estimates this week it was revealed that not only does Australia make parts in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, but the fact that Israel using these weapons to bomb Gaza is considered “not material” – basically does not matter – to whether the Albanese Government approves a permit or not. 

Shockingly the evidence provided made clear that it does not matter to this government if the weapons exported by Australia create instability, fuel conflict or are used in human rights violations, as this is simply ‘outweighed’ if the Government deems it to be in the national interest to approve the export.

This is how the Albanese Government can approve military exports to Israel, including indirectly through third countries while maintaining they are complying with domestic law. 

Varley Rafael production of Spike missile parts 

The history of Australia’s export of weapons parts to Israel precedes the current genocide in Gaza. One area of particular contention is the export of parts of the Spike missile into the global supply chain of Israeli weapons manufacturer Rafael Systems. The Spike missile is reported to be the missile that killed Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and colleagues. It has killed an unknown number of Palestinians.

Since coming into office the Albanese government has signed fresh contracts valued at over $60 million with Rafael to produce these missiles in Australia for the Australian military, including one as recently as January this year. Prior to this, however, Rafael’s Australian subsidiary Varley Rafael has been producing spike missile parts to feed into Rafael’s global supply chain

In August 2021 (before the contract with the Australian military for the Spike missile) Varley Rafael announced it had already begun local production of the Spike Guided Missile Integration kits. This was said to be the first time the Israeli company had conducted assembly operations overseas. 

To be clear, there was no contract with the Australian government at this time and the production was part of Rafael’s global supply chain. As was widely reported in 2017 when the Varley Rafael operations were commenced: 

“The joint venture also means Varley will become part of Rafael’s global supply chain for Spike missiles, enhancing the company’s export opportunities and giving access to Rafael’s cutting-edge, fifth-generation defence technologies.”  
The Greens have never stated that Varley Rafael in Australia exports entire Spike missiles to Israel. Based on the evidence above we have repeated the company’s statements and public media position and said that they are part of the global supply chain for the Spike missile. As such they are complicit in the deaths from that weapon. The fact the Albanese government allows this to continue and then enters into fresh contracts with them in the middle of genocide, makes them complicit too. 

It is extraordinary that media organisations, including the ABC, fail to undertake due diligence about weapons exports. Instead, they rely on comments from the likes of former MP Bob Baldwin, now a “Government Relations” officer for Varley Rafael, that Varley Rafael does not export entire Spike missiles to Israel. The Greens have never said they do.

The $4 billion part Australia plays in the F-35 global supply chain

It was further revealed in budget estimates hearings that Australia’s involvement in the F-35 supply chain is valued at $4.6 billion in contracts through over 70 companies, including as sole global manufacturers for specific parts. As the head contractor for the F-35 Lockheed Martin said: “Every F-35 built contains some Australian parts and components.” This includes the mechanism that allows the F-35 to drop its bombs. 

The F-35 weapons parts from Australia likely go through the US and then to Israel and would not be included in data as direct sales to Israel. As a Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade briefing on trade with Israel makes clear: 

“… service and defence equipment trade is not reflected in the public data, and a significant amount of trade is carried out through third parties such as the US and Singapore.”

However, even keeping in mind that most of the arms trade with Israel is washed through a third country, there is still clear ongoing direct arms trade as set out below. 

Existing military export permits to Israel – what is on the public record

During Senate Estimates questioning Defence revealed that there are currently 66 military export permits active for the State of Israel. These include goods being sent to Israeli manufacturers for repair and uplift, including weapons as part of the two-way arms trade, as well as dual-use goods and parts and components. 

Defence has still not told the public what is in these permits, however, there is clear public information that parts of weapons and military equipment are being exported to Israel from Australia. 

Public information can give an indication of what they are. For example, Currawong Engineering is a Tasmania-based company that creates the Corvid-29 engine, which is used in the Israeli-made Bluebird Aero System’s ThunderB drone. Bisalloy Steels provides military-grade steel for Plasan Re’em, an Israeli company, that makes armoured cars used in occupied Palestine both by the military and the armed settler militias. This is in addition to the Varley Rafael material above.

The Arms Trade Treaty, Australia’s obligations

The Arms Trade Treaty makes it perfectly clear in Article 4 that parts and components of weapons, or conventional arms to use the term in the treaty, are weapons. It was this very article that was invoked by a Dutch court when it ordered the Netherlands Government to stop exporting weapon parts for the F-35 earlier this year. 

Australian Defence officials have attempted to deny that sending weapons parts is covered by the Arms Trade Treaty. This is an interpretation of the treaty that is both novel and dangerous. 

DFAT data on sales of Arms and Ammunition to Israel

Also in Senate Estimates, Defence commented on data released by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on imports and exports. There is a category within this data set concerning “arms and ammunition”, this is an extremely restrictive category defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Over the past five years, this data shows that Australia exports to Israel directly $10 million in “arms and ammunition”. Defence in Senate Estimates stated that recent export data of $1.5 million in February 2024 at the height of the genocide in Gaza, was for a weapon (or weapons) to go to Israel with the intent it will eventually return to Australia as part of the two-way arms trade. 

Australia is quickly becoming an international outlier as Canada voted to halt all arms sales joining Japan, Spain, Italy, Netherlands Belgium and many others in ending weapons exports.

In February 2024 the UN experts also specifically called on Australia and other countries to stop military exports to Israel.

Albanese government’s mid-genocide-commitment of $917 to Elbit Systems 

The claim that the Government is not involved in a contract with Elbit Systems is too ludicrous to give a detailed response. Elbit is subcontracted to Hanwha the main contractor to produce this weapons system for a new Australian infantry fighting vehicle. 

Of course, Australia was required to consent to the sub-contract with Elbit and the government engaged closely on the contract, including ensuring some of the work occurred in targeted electorates in Australia. To suggest otherwise, and for the media to seriously report otherwise, is embarrassing to everyone involved. Elbit is currently making record profits from supplying weapons to the genocide.


The Albanese Government relies on secrecy and misrepresentation to muddy the waters and distract the public from its role in the genocide in Gaza. It thought that constant denial would deter people from looking closer, but the public has not been fooled, so now the Government has turned to accusations to stop the calls for peace. 

It won’t work. See you at the protest on the weekend.