New research reveals a majority of Australians believe sport should be free to watch for all Australians, not locked behind subscription paywalls. The new data comes as pressure builds on Labor to fix their sports paywall scheme so that sport is free regardless of whether people watch via an old school aerial TV, or via the internet on a smart TV, iPhone, tablet or computer.

Around 60% support free sport on all platforms, with only 12% opposed. Around 30% still don’t know that Labor’s sports scheme will lock sport behind paywalls.

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for Communications and Manager of Business in the Senate:

“These polling results show the majority of Australians agree that sport should be free, regardless of whether it’s on an old school aerial or on a smart TV, iPhone, computer or digital device. The Greens amendment will fix it and protect free sport for all.

“We don’t want to see iconic sporting events like State of Origin, the Matildas, the footy or the cricket locked behind paywalls. 

“Australians shouldn’t need a credit card or a paid subscription to watch the State of Origin or other iconic sporting events and the Murdoch media should get their hands off free sport in this country.

“Imagine needing a credit card to watch the Boxing Day test, or the grand final. It’s not fair, it’s unAustralian – it’s just not cricket.

“We need rules fit for purpose in a digital world and that’s what the Greens amendments will fix.

“The other concerning part of these results is that a third of voters don’t even know that the Government is about to lock them out of watching free sport. That’s why we are going to keep blowing the whistle on Labor’s unfair sports paywall scheme.”


Labor’s attempts to blame the Greens for growing community disappointment over their support for the invasion of Gaza is nothing more than a deflection from their complicity in the unfolding slaughter.

Today, following Question Time, Labor and Liberal voted to gag the Members for Melbourne and Griffith so as to prevent them from suspending standing orders to highlight the recent sale of 25 F-35 fighter aircrafts to Israel that use Australian components to drop bombs in Gaza.

The Greens are clear: today’s abuse of Question Time by Labor is an attempt to silence criticism of Labor’s support for the invasion of Gaza, and to distract from Labor’s refusal to do anything meaningful to put pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to stop the slaughter.

Statement from Adam Bandt MP:

Scorched by community rage over Gaza, Labor is now desperately trying to distract from their continued backing of Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Labor continues to back the invasion, refuses to take any diplomatic actions against Israel and continues two-way arms trade with Israel. Just today, Israel has ordered another 25 F-35s that use components only made in Australia to drop bombs in Gaza.

Labor and Liberal abused Question Time to defend the invasion of Gaza and shut down any debate about Labor’s ongoing refusal to recognise Palestine, stop the two-way arms trade with Israel and call for a permanent ceasefire. 

People want a permanent ceasefire now, and as a party of non-violence that has repeatedly called for any protests to be peaceful, the Greens won’t be lectured about peace by a Prime Minister that backs the horrific invasion of Gaza.


In the same week the Fair Work Commission has told women to wait for another year while it considers whether feminised industries need a pay rise, the ACT Greens have today secured the support of the Legislative Assembly to address underlying factors behind a shortage in early childhood educators.  

“We need to ensure the best possible education and care for our children from the very start,” said Laura Nuttall MLA, the ACT Greens’ spokesperson for education.  

“This means supporting parents and carers, and it also means supporting our early childhood educators to provide this essential service.  

“To ensure quality and affordable care for local kids, early childhood educators aren’t just a means to an end. They are a skilled, highly valued and essential part of our community.  

“It’s critical we support people to get started and stay in this important work.” 

Miss Nuttall’s motion has seen the Legislative Assembly agree the ACT Government should: 

  • Support and expand fee-free TAFE places for early childhood courses 
  • Work with the Commonwealth Government to extend the fee-free TAFE program to temporary visa holders  
  • Advocate to the Commonwealth Government to expand paid placements to students studying diplomas and Certificate III’s, not just degrees  
  • Review with a view to increasing the number of scholarships awarded under the Early Childhood Degree Scholarship Program  
  • Boost financial support to employers who need to backfill educators who are undertaking professional development 
  • Collaborate with service providers and peak bodies no navigate increased demand for early childhood education and care  
  • Develop a pathway for teachers already in the field to achieving Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) certification, in recognition of their expertise and the positive impact they have on the organisation. 

“Early childhood education is an incredibly important career and can be an incredibly rewarding one. Unfortunately, like many historically women-dominated industries, the sector hasn’t seen the care, investment and recognition it deserves,” Miss Nuttall said. 

“By tangibly and meaningfully investing in our early childhood education and care sector, we are helping both primary carers and existing early childhood educators and teachers to provide kids a high-quality play-based learning environment that develops their emotional, cognitive and social skills.  

“We will do this by placing the early childhood educators at the centre of our efforts, by comprehensively tackling the workforce crisis.  

“We must pull every lever at the ACT Government’s disposal and advocate to the Commonwealth Government to support early childhood educators.” 

Miss Nuttall is available for comment.  


My lawyers have written to the Attorney-General regarding what I consider to be defamatory statements he made about me and the Greens yesterday.

I understand a number of media outlets have chosen to stop broadcasting and publishing his statements because of legal concerns.  I welcome their restraint.

I think that the first law officer of this country should not make utterly unfounded statements and spread disinformation.  No politician should do that.

I would prefer not to have to pursue these matters legally, and I hope the Attorney will respond in a proper way. The Prime Minister and Labor are not the victims in these matters. The victims are the over 36,000 people killed in the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the hostages, and the 1200 people killed on October 7, compounded by the failure of the Labor government to take action against the Israeli government’s invasion.

Labor’s $620,000 spin spend

The Albanese Labor Government continues to waste taxpayers’ money, with revelations made during a Senate Estimates hearing that Services Australia is spending $620,000 over two years to fund a personal speechwriter for Government Services Minister Bill Shorten.

Shadow Minister for Government Services Paul Fletcher said the funding is a blatant waste of money amid a cost-of-living crisis.

“Australians are enduring skyrocketing call wait times and slow payment processing times at Services Australia. Yet Labor is more concerned about spin than improving its performance,” Mr Fletcher said.

“How a speechwriter can earn more than an MP or Senator is bizarre and makes no sense. Bill Shorten is treating the public like fools.

“Labor needs to get its act together and prioritise struggling families over its personal public relations.”

This is all while Bill Shorten, who also has the NDIS portfolio, is making cuts to plans after promising he wouldn’t, and claimed the Scheme was sustainable before the election.

Shadow NDIS Minister Michael Sukkar said: “Plan review wait times have doubled, NDIS participants are nervous about cuts and changes being made to their plans and Labor has failed to consult with them prior to releasing new legislation.

“Vulnerable NDIS participants deserve a Minister who is focused on developing meaningful change to the NDIS, not one who is willing to spend an exorbitant amount of time and money on his spin,” Mr Sukkar said.

Health claims take up to 400 per cent longer to process under Labor than under the Coalition

It now takes 400 per cent longer for Prescription Shopping claims to be processed by Services Australia under the Albanese Labor Government than it did under the Coalition – up from 9 days in 2021-22 to 45 days on the most recent figures.

For aged care claims the blow out is 345 per cent, while Medicare eligibility claims are taking 242 per cent longer; and PBS Patient Refunds are taking 215 per cent longer.

The Opposition obtained the data following responses to the February round of Senate Estimates.

Shadow Minister for Government Services Paul Fletcher said the figures are a further reminder that Services Australia is in disarray.

“These figures are shocking, especially following a global pandemic in which you would expect the government to prioritise health claims,” Mr Fletcher said.

“Government Services Minister Bill Shorten needs to lift his game and improve the customer service experience at Services Australia. Australians deserve better.

“I reiterate my calls for there to be a root and branch review of Services Australia’s operations, to improve the agency’s performance.”

Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care, Senator Anne Ruston said that these figures come on top of Labor overseeing wait time and cost blow outs across the entire healthcare system.

“Right now, we know that it has never been harder or more expensive for patients to see a doctor and this is having serious consequences, with 1.2 million Australians avoiding seeing their GP last year due to cost concerns,” Senator Ruston said.

“The last thing our healthcare system needs is for Australians’ access to affordable healthcare to be further hindered with these serious wait time blow outs for health claims.”

The below table provides the average days to process a range of health work claims.

ClaimFY 2021-22FY 2022-231 January 2024 to 29 February 2024% deterioration
Aged Care112449345%
Prescription Shopping91845400%
PBS Pharmacy Claims121734183%
PBS Patient Refunds4043126215%
Medicare Eligibility192265242%
Medicare Entitlement Statement3815119213%

No winners under Labor

Today’s National Accounts figures must be a wake up call for Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers.

It shows the slowest GDP growth since 1991, outside the pandemic. This is the fifth consecutive quarter of negative GDP per person growth.

Australia is in an entrenched household, consumer confidence, and productivity recession.

It did not have to be this way.

Labor’s $315 billion in extra spending, productivity killing workplace relations changes, and billions of off-budget funds are causing higher inflation, higher interest rates, and higher taxes.

This is a path to ruin, not recovery.

Had the Prime Minister and Treasurer taken inflation seriously from day one, Australia would not be in such a dire economic situation.

But Labor’s economic mismanagement and confused priorities have created this mess.

Under the Albanese Labor Government, there are no winners. Every single Australian is worse off:

  • Real disposable income per capita has fallen 7.8% since before the election.
  • Productivity has fallen 5.2% since Labor came to office.
  • Household savings remain 9.9 percentage points lower than before the election.
  • Personal income taxes are 20% higher since before the election.
  • Mortgage payments have almost tripled since the election.

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said the blame falls solely at the feet of Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers.

“Today’s data confirms what Australians feel – they are poorer under Labor. This is a shocking data set and absolutely devastating for Australian households.

“On any measure, Labor isn’t delivering strong economic management. The only thing keeping Australians’ heads above water in this cost-of-living crisis are their jobs.

“The RBA Governor today has confirmed that inflation is home grown, government spending is up and real wages have fallen under Labor.

“This is the consequence of a weak Prime Minister and weak Treasurer with no economic vision for our country.

“Labor has delivered three failed budgets that have added to inflation, and left households and small businesses struggling to make ends meet.

“Labor’s only fiscal strategy is to let bracket creep run and steal $60 billion from household budgets to bolster its own.

“Over the past few weeks – we have heard endless stories out of Senate estimates of government waste, poor process, and anti-small business policies.

“Labor only has a plan to spin, not a plan for a strong economy.

“We need to get the economy back on track and back to basics and restore Australian’s standard of living.

“We have a lot to be optimistic about, but not if we continue down the path of Labor’s economic destruction.”

Beresfield students join generation restoration on World Environment Day

Beresfield Public School students have pulled on their gardening gloves for a hands-on lesson in urban biodiversity delivered by City of Newcastle to celebrate World Environment Day.

Twenty-five members of the Student Representative Committee helped plant 18 trees, including Smooth-Leaved Quandong and Black Gum, as well as 20sqm of small flowering plants along Boomerang Street, adjacent to their school.

The students learned how street trees can help reduce the impact of heat stress and climate change in urban environments and will continue to care for the plants with the help of their teachers.

Cr Elizabeth Adamczyk, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and City of Newcastle Environmental Education Officer Elise Budden help students from Beresfield Public School plant trees, grasses and small flowering plants.Cr Elizabeth Adamczyk, Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and City of Newcastle Environmental Education Officer Elise Budden help students from Beresfield Public School plant trees, grasses and small flowering plants.Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said it’s important to teach children about the value of our environment from an early age.

“The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is land restoration, desertification and drought resilience, with the slogan ‘Our land. Our future. We are generation restoration’,” Cr Nelmes said.

“Through events like this we aim to educate students on the importance of street trees and gardens and the biodiversity they support, as well as increasing Newcastle’s urban forest, mitigating urban heat impacts and encouraging community stewardship of public land.

“City of Newcastle has a proud track record when it comes to environmental initiatives and will continue to work with our community to create a legacy for future generations through the implementation of our 10-year Newcastle Environment Strategy.” 

The tree planting was delivered as part of City of Newcastle’s Living Streets and Street Garden programs, which aligns with a key priority of the Newcastle Environment Strategy by helping to increase our community’s connection with the urban forest.

“This month we’ve launched an awareness campaign to support the Strategy, which features residents, community groups and small-to-medium businesses and highlights how everyone in the community can help us reach our goals of net zero emissions, reducing, reusing and repurposing waste; and protecting our local environment,” Cr Nelmes said.

Beresfield students will join forces with other local primary schools to help City of Newcastle plant even more trees in nearby Tarro Reserve on Friday 26 July as part of Schools National Tree Day.

Native species will be planted at Tarro Reserve and students will learn about bush craft and study waterbugs, while also connecting to culture thanks to the visit of a National Parks and Wildlife Aboriginal Ranger.

This will be followed by a community event at the Reserve on Sunday 28 July to celebrate National Tree Day.

Working around the clock to future-proof landmark

City of Newcastle is investing in the future of the historic City Hall clock, investigating an upgrade that will ensure it continues to keep time for generations of Novocastrians.

The Civic timepiece receives regular check-ups from City of Newcastle’s mechanical and electrical services teams, who have identified a range of technical issues currently affecting the operation of the clock and chimes.

City of Newcastle is investing in the future of the historic City Hall clock.City of Newcastle is investing in the future of the historic City Hall clock.

The age of the clock makes repair complex, with specialist advice indicating the mechanism will need to be upgraded to restore accurate timekeeping.

City Hall is listed on the NSW Heritage Register, and City of Newcastle has engaged heritage consultants to explore an upgrade that also preserves the clock’s rich heritage.

City of Newcastle Executive Director City Infrastructure Clint Thomson said the clock tower is an antique structure that needs to be handled with care.

“Newcastle City Hall’s iconic clock tower has been a well-loved landmark at the heart of the historic Civic precinct since the building, designed by acclaimed architect Henry White, opened in 1929,” Mr Thomson said.

“I think anyone who’s appreciated something of this age and importance will understand that sometimes repairs are complex and you can’t rush in and fix it overnight. 

“Given the State Heritage significance of City Hall and its associated clocks and chime, a heritage consultant will advise the most appropriate approach to repair, which will then need to receive approval from the relevant heritage authorities.”

The upgrade will be the latest investment into preserving the landmark building for future generations.

City of Newcastle invested $20 million into a large-scale conservation project on City Hall, which was delivered in stages and completed in 2021. 

The completion of the exterior restoration works was celebrated with a visit from His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (RETD), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley. 

Conservation work was undertaken by Stone Mason and Artist Pty Ltd, who were responsible for the City Hall clock tower restoration.

City Hall will mark its 95th anniversary in December. The building is prized for its sandstone façade, three-metre clockfaces and Roman Doric and Ionic columns.

While the appropriate advice is obtained and subsequent permissions are sought from Heritage NSW, the clock will be set to midnight and the chimes turned off.

Building a stronger NSW Police Force

The Minns Labor Government will deliver police station upgrades and enhancements to investigative capabilities as part of a broader police package in the 2024-25 NSW State Budget.

These targeted investments will improve the capabilities of both general duties and specialist police, giving officers additional, modern resources to help keep communities safe.

$22.9 million will fund major upgrades to Waverley and Rose Bay Police Stations:

  • $18.2 million will modernise facilities in Waverley Police Station, expanding office space and upgrading essential areas like equipment rooms and custody facilities which haven’t been updated since the station was built more than 50 years ago.
  • $4.7 million will help to update Rose Bay Police Station, which is a heritage block dating back to 1850.  This funding will address significant issues including leaks and mould and ensure disability access. It will be the first significant upgrade since the 1980s.

$14.2 million over four years will go to the Forensic Evidence and Technical Services Command, specifically within its High-Tech Crime Branch.

Requests for assistance to the High-Tech Crime Branch have doubled over the past five years.  This funding enhancement will provide more opportunities to use modern, state-of-the-art technology to investigate crimes.  This includes:

  • Telecommunication interception
  • Digital forensics: assists in accessing data from devices for serious investigations such as domestic violence, child abuse, homicide, organised crime and terrorism.
  • Forensic Consumables: uses biological evidence (DNA) to identify offenders or link an offender to a crime. This is used across all types of crime but particularly in sexual assault investigations.
  • Forensic Investigate Genetic Genealogy: uses DNA to identify suspects and missing persons.

This investment represents the Government’s ongoing commitment to building a better NSW and backing our frontline services, including our dedicated, world-class police force.

Today’s announcement follows historic recruitment measures to further boost police recruitment and address the critical shortfall of police officers. These include:

  • Paid study: recruits are paid approximately $30,984 to study at the Goulburn Police Academy.
  • Experienced Officer Recruitment Scheme: The Professional Mobility program incentivises officers from other Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions to join the NSWPF while keeping their equivalent rank (up to senior constable level six). 
  • Regional Recruitment Scheme: The You Should Be a Cop in Your Hometown program that will ensure people from regional NSW serve in, or near their hometown after they graduate from the Goulburn Police Academy.

Since we announced paid study for recruits, the NSWPF has received 1424 applications to join, that’s more than a 40 percent increase compared to the same period last year.

The 2024-25 Budget takes the next steps to help address longstanding, time-critical issues that were neglected by the previous Liberal Government despite warnings of an imminent police shortage.

This is part of the Minns Labor Government’s long-term plan to build better, safer communities for NSW. A plan to build stronger essential services for everyone across the state.

A plan to build a better NSW.

Minister for Police and Counter-terrorism Yasmin Catley said:

“NSW Police officers go above and beyond, risking their lives to keep our community safe.

“The measures announced today will boost the capability of our police to investigate and solve crime.

“These investments show this Government is backing the NSW Police Force and the people of this state.

“Today’s announcement complements the significant recruitment initiatives we’ve already announced, including paid study. That’s already seen applications to join the NSW Police Force increase by more than 40 percent.

“We have more than 1,500 vacancies to fill and mark my words, I’ve made it my personal mission, alongside Commissioner Webb, to fill them.”