Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Spokesperson for Higher Education, Senator Mehreen Faruqi has responded to new analysis by the National Tertiary Education Union’s (NTEU) which reveals wage theft is on track to exceed $380 million. 

Senator Mehreen Faruqi: 

“Sadly, the NTEU’s findings are no shock to any of us. Wage theft in universities is a systemic scourge that is harming staff across the country. 

“The fact that we have a university system where vice chancellor’s earn salaries exceeding $1 million a year while casual staff are robbed of hundreds of millions of dollars is obscene.

“Enough is enough. It is time for the government to fix the broken business model of the neoliberal university that only works off the back of casual and underpaid staff. This must end.

“The  government must take immediate and decisive action by requiring universities to set publicly available targets for increasing permanent employment. There should also be clearer reporting requirements with respect to employment statistics and improved rights of entry for trade unions.

“Critically, the Government must significantly increase funding for universities, and overhaul university governance to shift the balance of power from university management back to staff and students.”


The Greens have split a Government bill to ensure greater scrutiny of Labor’s plan for Build to Rent tax breaks and regulation of Buy Now, Pay Later schemes.

A Greens motion in the Senate today means the Treasury Laws Amendment (Responsible Buy Now Pay Later and Other Measures) Bill 2024 will be divided into two separate bills which will both be considered by the Economics Committee.

There is little evidence that Build to Rent will do anything to increase rental affordability. This is because property developers aim to maximise profits and in Build to Rent properties that means ensuring rents continue to rise. Mirvac has boasted about charging rents 15 -20% above market rent on their build to rent projects. This form of gentrification drives up rents for everyone in the area. In Melbourne, a Build to Rent development saw tenants evicted and then the apartments relisted with a rent hike of $185 per week. 

The current ‘build to rent’ plan will see developers able to access tax concessions from the government if they build private rental apartments where 90% can be completely unaffordable, while the other 10% have to meet a weak definition of affordability. The bill stipulates that the lease period for the private rentals must be 3 years, but includes no provisions to cap rent increases or provide protections against unfair evictions.  

The bill currently stipulates only 50 of the apartments must be available to rent, which means a developer could sit on hundreds of vacant apartments while collecting the government tax handouts. 

The legislation currently has a requirement that 10% of the apartments are “affordable”. However, “affordable” is defined in the legislation as 74.9% of market rent, with income thresholds to follow in regulation. With the price of rents so high, for many even the 10% of “affordable” apartments will be unaffordable. 

Noting these concerns and the Senate inquiry process underway, the Greens have split the Bill and will seek to negotiate with the government in return for support in the Senate. With the Greens key negotiating asks to be announced in due course. 

Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim:

“By splitting the bill, we can give each part the attention it needs, especially the controversial Build to Rent tax breaks.”

“It will also mean we can make sure the regulation of BNPL is as robust as it needs to be.”

Greens Housing Spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather MP:

“The Greens will be announcing our demands on this bill in due course, but right now Labor’s plan boils down to giving tax handouts to property developers to build apartments almost no one will be able to afford, with no protections against unlimited rent increases. 

“What this bill proves is if Labor wanted it could impose rent caps on any developer receiving the tax handouts, but instead has chosen to allow developers to jack up the rent by as much as they want.

“Once again Labor is tinkering around the edges and announcing a policy that makes it look like they are doing something for renters, when in reality it is just a plan to give property developers more tax handouts. 

“Under this plan a developer could pocket government tax handouts, then jack up the rent by hundreds of dollars, evict tenants, and sit on hundreds of vacant apartments in an effort to further drive up market rent. 

“Tax handouts for property investors and developers helped create the housing crisis in the first place, so it is genuinely extraordinary that Labor is now proposing to give more tax handouts to property developers. 

“If Labor wanted to help renters they would coordinate a nationwide freeze and cap on rent increases, phase out the tax handouts for property investors denying millions of renters the chance to buy a home, and have the government start building rent capped apartments available to any renter that needs one.

“The Greens have a fully costed policy for a public property developer that would build 610,000 good quality homes for rent and purchase at prices people can actually afford. This would be a far better use of public money than more tax handouts for private property developers.”

Labor’s failure to prioritise small businesses kills confidence and short circuits electrification

With just days to go in the 2023-24 Financial Year, Labor has caved to Coalition pressure and the outcries of the small business community by passing measures that could have, and should have, been law last winter. This comes as the small business community and accountants have made clear that these delays will result in many businesses missing out on benefiting entirely come tax time.

Because of Labor’s legislative stuff up, Australian small businesses have had to contend with uncertainty around small business tax supports as insolvencies skyrocket. Labor failed to prioritise the passage of the Instant Asset Write Off and Small Business Smart Energy Incentive through the Parliament and blocked amendments for a bigger tax cut to small businesses.

In its handling of this Bill, Labor has delayed the passage of the Instant Asset Write Off legislation by months, and voted eight times against more generous tax cuts to small businesses. If elected, the Coalition will make the Instant Asset Write Off permanent to end the uncertainty and ensure small businesses pay lower, simpler, fairer taxes.

Incredibly, the Albanese Government’s much vaunted Small Business Smart Energy Incentive will only be legislated in time for three full business days before the End of Financial Year. Leading accounting body, CPA Australia, has said:

“likely the only businesses who will ultimately benefit from the measure will be those who coincidentally happened to make upgrades this year, rather than those who were incentivised to do so because of the scheme”

The Small Business Smart Energy Incentive was designed to give a tax break worth up to $20,000 to support electrification and more efficient use of energy, helping businesses save money on energy bills by electrifying their heating and cooling systems, upgrading to more efficient fridges and induction cooktops, and installing batteries and heat pumps. Purchases need to be made and installed in the 2023-24 financial year and the measure will not be extended to 2024-25 and ends on 30 June.

Deputy Leader Sussan Ley condemned the Albanese Government for failing to deliver certainty for small businesses.

“Thousands of businesses that survived a once in a century pandemic under the Coalition are going to the wall because of the economic crisis created by the Albanese Government – and now we see that even the meagre support which Labor did put on the table ranked at the very bottom of their priorities.

“I think Australians who support stronger environmental policies, including the Crossbench, would be shocked to learn hundreds of thousands of small businesses will have missed out on using this electrification incentive because of Labor’s delays.”

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said the delay on this legislation is another example of the mess Labor’s made of the energy system.

“Small businesses are the engine room of our economy but they’re being smashed by Labor’s high prices, bad workplace laws, and high energy bills.

“Labor cut vital programs to support small businesses to bring down their bills when they came to office, and Labor’s delay on passing this Bill leaves struggling businesses in manufacturing, hospitality, and tourism without support to invest in bringing down their power bills.

“Affordable, reliable energy is the key to a low inflation, strong growth economy. There is no future made in Australia without affordable energy. Instead, struggling businesses are facing electricity and gas prices that have risen by 18 per cent and 25 per cent since Labor came to office.

“All Labor has delivered for small businesses is a homegrown cost of doing business crisis. Only a Peter Dutton Coalition government will deliver the strong back-to-basics economic leadership to get Australia back on track.”

The Instant Asset Write Off will be a clear contrast at the election. The Coalition has committed to raising it to $30,000 and making it permanent, whereas Small Business Minister Julie Collins has ruled out Labor raising it or ensuring it is an ongoing tax support for small businesses.

Labor is hurting Australian families and businesses

Today’s monthly inflation data shows Labor’s “carefully calibrated” economic plan is failing Australians.

With headline inflation rising to 4.0% and core inflation – the RBA’s preferred measure – rose to 4.4%, Australian families and small businesses will be bracing for even more economic pain than they have already endured.

No matter how the government tries to spin this, there is no doubt from today’s data that this is Labor’s homegrown inflation crisis with domestic inflation hitting 5.2%.

Australia is at the back of the pack due to this homegrown inflation. Under Labor, Australia’s core inflation is increasing, and higher than every country in the G10, including US, UK, Euro area and Canada who have seen inflation moderating.

This is the result of a government that has spent the last two years completely distracted, with the wrong priorities and absolutely no interest in the economic prosperity of our country.

Over the last two years of Labor the prices for everyday essentials have risen:

  • Food 11.4%
  • Housing 14.0%
  • Rents 14.2%
  • Electricity 21.5%
  • Gas 22.2%
  • Health 11.1%
  • Education 10.9%
  • Financial and insurance services 16.2%

Instead of showing true economic leadership, the Albanese Labor Government continues to fail Australian families and small businesses.

Australia is in an entrenched household, consumer confidence and productivity recession, with no plan from Labor to fix the situation.

Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor said today’s inflation data is shocking but not surprising.

“This is what happens when you have a big spending Labor government that’s completely out of touch with the economic reality.

“We’ve now had four months in a row of accelerating core inflation. This will no doubt be of concern to the independent Reserve Bank.

“Despite households and business owners doing everything they can to manage their budgets and make ends meet, they are constantly being let down by a weak Prime Minister and a weak Treasurer who have no idea when it comes to the economy.

“The Albanese Labor Government’s economic plan is failing.

“Australians can’t afford more of Labor.”

Street party to kick off bumper New Annual program

Newcastle City Hall’s iconic balcony will be transformed into a stage this September as renowned First Nations singer Mitch Tambo officially kicks off the 10-day New Annual festival.

City of Newcastle’s flagship cultural event will return on 27 September with a vibrant mix of immersive dance, music, visual art and theatre.

New Annual 2024 program launchNew Annual Senior Producer and Curator Adrian Burnett, Jeremy Goldstein (Truth to Power Café), Gambirra Illume (Tower Divas), Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes, Megan Cope (Ngumpi Kinyingarra Oyster House) and Jacob Cummins (Rising from the Ashes: An Orchestral Suite and Matricide) at the launch of the 2024 New Annual program.

An inaugural First Night street party will set the scene for New Annual’s 2024 program, filling the precinct around City Hall with a free, all ages opening night celebration. 

King Street will be temporarily closed off for the signature event of the festival headlined by Tambo, a proud Gamilaraay man who blends traditional Aboriginal sounds and language with contemporary beats. 

Captivating street performances, including the visually and sonically spectacular Tower Divas, will keep the party going while digital projections by Big Picture Fest and gourmet food trucks will ensure First Night delivers a feast for all the senses.

Music fans will be in for another treat the following night, when popular Australian indie rock band Middle Kids take to the stage at the iconic Civic Theatre on 28 September, while a bumper opening weekend program will offer a range of fantastic performances, exhibitions and events across the city.

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said New Annual is the catalyst for Newcastle’s cultural events sector to take centre stage alongside national events. 

“Since launching New Annual in 2021, we’ve invested around $3 million into developing and delivering this flagship festival for Newcastle as part of our wider commitment to arts and culture in our city,” Cr Nelmes said.

“In that time, and on the back of its diverse and ambitious programs, New Annual has cemented its place in the events calendar, attracting 95,000 visitors to Newcastle across its first three years.

“The festival continues to strengthen Newcastle’s position as a cultural tourism destination, which generates an economic boost for local businesses through hotel stays and increased visitor spending in the city.”

The Civic precinct will play host to a range of events during the festival, including the return of one of Australia’s leading performing arts companies, Dancenorth Australia, whose Wayfinder production will explode onto the Civic Theatre stage in a kaleidoscopic fusion of dance, music, and visual art.

Internationally acclaimed live performance and digital theatre event Truth to Power Café will harness local stories to deliver a profound reflection on the dynamics of power at Newcastle City Hall, while the immersive installation Belongings at the Watt Space Gallery will share stories of displacement, resilience and hope from six refugees who took asylum in the greater Newcastle region.

Community engagement will also be at the heart of a temporary pavilion known as Ngumpi Kinyingarra Oyster House, which will be purpose-built in Honeysuckle’s Harbour Square. Presented by Newcastle Art Gallery, Quandamooka artist Megan Cope will use the space to deliver a 10-day participatory project celebrating local oysters, collaboration and environmental stewardship.

Honeysuckle won’t be the only new performance space popping up in this year’s program, with local family favourite Curious Legends drawing audiences down to the sand at Newcastle Beach for their immersive oceanic experience Whale Song, which fuses large-scale puppetry, community art and singing.

Harold Lobb Concert Hall at the Newcastle Conservatorium of Music provides the acoustically-rich setting for a number of performances, including Rising from the Ashes: An Orchestral Suite and Matricide created by local Indigenous composer Jacob Cummins and performed by the Newcastle Youth Orchestra.

The Youth Orchestra was one of four local creative organisations included on the New Annual bill thanks to City of Newcastle’s “Made New” expressions of interest process, with a total of $94,500 offered under the program as part of a five-year plan to support the region’s arts industry.

Other Made New program highlights include WonderCity, a participatory wayfinding art adventure through the city brought to life by Tantrum Youth Arts and The Cord, a provocative new contemporary dance work by acclaimed First Nations choreographer Jasmin Sheppard, commissioned by Newcastle-based dance company Catapult Choreographic Hub. Inter Human x Intra Digital offers an immersive visual art experience delivered by Art Thinking, while Morphology will see Built In-Kind and Everett Creative collaborate with members of the public through a series of workshops to create a single sculptural piece, which will be displayed in Wheeler Place, adjacent to the Civic Theatre.

Wheeler Place will also play host to the high energy, all-ages 10-Minute Dance Parties featuring one of Australia’s most exciting artists, Joseph O’Farrell (JOF), while two shows presented under Civic Theatre’s UpStage at the Playhouse program will take to the Playhouse stage during New Annual, Romeo & Juliet: A Reimagining and the locally-inspired Karma Kafe

New Annual launchLord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes with performers, Councillors and City of Newcastle staff at the New Annual program launch.

Councillor Carol Duncan, chair of City of Newcastle’s Community and Culture Advisory Committee and Public Art Reference Group, said New Annual highlights Newcastle’s identity as a creative hub.

“With local artists and performers accounting for more than 50 per cent of this year’s programming, New Annual provides a platform to showcase talented Novocastrians alongside national and internationally renowned practitioners,” Cr Duncan said.

“Supporting events such as Big Picture Fest as part of New Annual also adds to the city’s history of cultural expression, with the creation of six new large-scale murals during the festival set to enhance Newcastle’s public art scene whilst creating an artistic legacy for the community.

“I can’t wait to explore everything on offer in this fantastic program when New Annual returns in September.”

New Annual is supported by NSW Government grants under the Multicultural NSW “Stronger Together” program, Transport for NSW “Open Streets” program and Create NSW, as well as presenting partner University of Newcastle.

New Annual will run from 27 September to 6 October with a program of free and low-cost events. Visit for more details about the program and to secure your tickets, which go on sale at 10am tomorrow. Book by 31 July to receive a 15 per cent early bird discount on eligible shows. 

Keep an eye out for a second program announcement in coming months.

City of Newcastle MEDIA STATEMENT

A significant incident occurred yesterday at City of Newcastle’s facility, Newcastle Museum. 

All staff and community members in the building at the time remained safe and unharmed.

We thank our staff for their professionalism and bravery and NSW Police for their quick response.

The wellbeing of staff is of the upmost importance to City of Newcastle, and we are providing support to all those who need it in the wake of the incident.

Flu season driving demand for emergency care

The community is being urged to contact Healthdirect for advice if they are experiencing non-life-threatening medical issues as influenza, COVID and RSV cases continue to rise placing significant pressure on NSW public hospital emergency departments (EDs) and NSW Ambulance.

Minister for Health, Ryan Park, said people who are unsure of where to get the help they need can call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222 to speak with a registered nurse about their condition or injury.

When phoning Healthdirect, patients are triaged by a nurse who can then refer them to a GP, virtual or urgent care; a pharmacist or allied health professional; or provide guidance on how to care for their condition from home.

Healthdirect is available 24/7 and consultations are free for Medicare card holders.

Almost 180,000 people are expected to be able to avoid a trip to busy EDs each year with the $171.4 million expansion of the services accessed via Healthdirect through the Single Front Door initiative announced in the 2024-25 NSW State Budget.

Health Minister Ryan Park has also reiterated that the best way to protect ourselves from serious illness and reduce the pressure on frontline healthcare workers this winter is to ensure you are up do date with your vaccinations.

People who are at higher risk of severe illness from influenza who are eligible for free vaccination include:

  • people aged 65 years and over
  • children aged six months to under five years
  • Aboriginal people from six months of age
  • pregnant women
  • people with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, severe asthma, kidney, heart, and lung disease.

Minister for Health Ryan Park:

“Our EDs and NSW Ambulance are facing significant challenges right now due to the very high levels of presentations and calls. I want to acknowledge the exceptional efforts of our dedicated frontline healthcare staff in caring for the community at this extremely busy time for the public health system.

“We can all play our part in supporting them by contacting Healthdirect if you need help but are not experiencing a life-threatening medical issue. We want the Healthdirect number to be as second nature as Triple 0 in NSW.

“The NSW Health Single Front Door, delivered by Healthdirect, is a critical initiative providing alternatives to emergency care. It is part of a broader range of measures the NSW Government is undertaking to connect people with the right care quickly and ease pressure on EDs.

“Our Urgent Care Services, which can be accessed through Healthdirect, provide an excellent alternative for people with health issues that are urgent, but not life threatening, to avoid attending a busy ED.

“I strongly encourage everyone, but particularly those at higher risk of severe disease, to get their influenza vaccination now. It is not too late to get vaccinated and by getting vaccinated you also help protect those around you.”

World-class design for Bradfield City Centre’s Central Park

Residents and visitors to Australia’s newest city will enjoy world-class open space, with final designs for Bradfield City Centre’s Central Park released for exhibition today.

The 2 city hectare centre landmark will be the main civic centre, gathering place, and welcoming point in the city for visitors as they arrive and acting as an integral arts and culture hub for Western Sydney.

Due to open alongside the Bradfield Metro station in 2026, Central Park will be a drawcard for visitors from near and far, offering an attractive and functional space for people to explore, play, rest, and connect to nature.

A national design excellence competition was held to determine the future park’s design, judged by an esteemed jury including NSW Government Architect Abbie Galvin, renowned landscape architect and designer of Manhattan’s iconic High Line in New York City James Corner; FLUMINIS Design Advisory Services’ Kate Luckraft; Gallagher Studio’s Dr Libby Gallagher, and Jiwah’s Clarence Slockee.

The final design showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Dharug people and celebrates Sky Country. As the first design competition in NSW to integrate Designing with Country as a core requirement, Bradfield City Centre’s Central Park will set a benchmark for future public open spaces.

Key features of Central Park include:

  • An iconic Skyring installation celebrating Sky Country.
  • Gathering Ground for community and cultural events, with a capacity of more than 5,000 people.
  • Interwoven Heart featuring Dharug weaving and woven play to enhance exploration, play, education, shade and celebration of First Nations culture.
  • Integrated public art encouraging curiosity and discovery of the landscape.
  • Extensive greenery, with minimum 65 per cent tree canopy cover of native species.

Designs for Central Park are on exhibition for public comment on the NSW Planning Portal until 24 July 2024.

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Paul Scully said:

“Well designed public spaces are the lifeblood of any successful city and community.

“Central Park will be the first impression visitors have when they arrive in Bradfield city from the new Western Sydney International Airport, so it’s critical we get it right.

“We want this to be a world-class, open green space that will complement the urban Bradfield city, providing diversity of spaces for everyone.

“Investments in public spaces like Central Park are about social equity, providing the people of Western Sydney with access to more high-quality open spaces to enjoy.”

Western Parkland City Authority Chair, Jennifer Westacott AO said:

“Central Park will be a high-quality urban amenity at the heart of Bradfield City Centre.

It will bring people and importantly businesses in, boosting the economic value of everything around it.

We’re delivering a beautiful and sustainable landmark city space that is going to be a gathering place for the people of Western Sydney for generations to come.”

NSW Pharmacy Trial expands to include skin conditions

From 12 July, thousands of people with common skin conditions will be able to receive treatment from their pharmacist under the next phase of the NSW Pharmacy Trial.

Eligible people can visit a participating pharmacy to be treated by an appropriately trained pharmacist for impetigo (school sores), shingles, mild to moderate eczema and mild plaque psoriasis.

Under the trial, patients will not have to pay for the consultation, but will pay for the cost of medicines they receive as part of their treatment.

The University of Newcastle is leading the trial in association with the University of Technology Sydney, University of New England, Charles Sturt University, The George Institute for Global Health and the Hunter Medical Research Institute, peak bodies, and other professional organisations.

For the duration of the trial, participating pharmacies will be remunerated for each skin condition consultation they provide to avoid patients paying a fee for the service.

The trial will close on 28 February 2025, or when the maximum number of trial-supported consultations has been reached.

It follows in the footsteps of the urinary tract infection (UTI) and oral contraceptive pill trials. Since 1 June 2024, authorised pharmacies and pharmacists can now offer the UTI service as part of usual business. All pharmacy trials will undergo a detailed evaluation in 2025.

Pharmacy recruitment has commenced, initially focussing on those who participated in previous UTI and oral contraceptive pill trials. Once enrolled, pharmacists must undergo the required additional training and ensure pharmacy spaces meet the requirements of the authority.

the Minister for Health Ryan Park:

“We know how difficult it is to access a GP – there were fewer GPs in NSW in 2023 than there were in 2018 – that’s why we’re making it easier for people to gain access to simple treatments and the medications they need for non-complex conditions.

“We’re doing this by empowering pharmacists to consult and provide medications – we’ve done this for urinary tract infections as well as the resupply of oral contraceptive pill.

“And soon, this initiative will expand to certain minor skin conditions.

“Thousands of people in NSW experience common skin conditions and anyone who has had or cared for someone with one of these conditions knows how uncomfortable they can be.

“The findings from the trial will help to inform the services and models of care pharmacists can provide in future.”

Pharmacy Guild NSW Branch President David Heffernan:

“This will make a real difference for patients. The success of the UTI trial shows that people value options for affordable, accessible everyday healthcare.”

“This trial will mean more accessible everyday healthcare, taking pressure off hospital emergency departments and freeing up GPs to treat more complex conditions.”

“Community pharmacies across NSW are ready to do more to help provide patients with primary health care they need.”

Glenwood Forest Mountain Bike Trails to receive upgrade

Orange could soon become host to national mountain bike championships following the awarding of $200,000 to Orange Mountain Bike Club from the NSW Government to upgrade the Glenwood Forest Mountain Bike Trails.

The funding will enable upgrades and repairs to trails, parking and signage as well as creation of a space capable of hosting national and state events.

The club received $325,000 from the NSW Office of Sport in 2022 to construct the Glenwood Forest Mountain Bike Trails through the Regional Sports Facility Fund.

The trails offer a variety of options that suit riders from beginner to advanced, featuring more than 400m of elevation.

Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said:

“Mountain biking is a great way to get fit, make friends and enjoy nature.

“Orange has some of the best mountain biking trails in NSW and these upgrades will cement the region’s reputation as a mountain biking destination.

“With mountain biking now an Olympic sport, these trails will play an important role in developing and supporting future Olympians from the region.”

Member for Orange Phil Donato said:

“The upgrade of the Glenwood Forest Mountain Bike Trails represents a significant investment in our community’s future. This funding will not only enhance the trails but also position Orange as a premier destination for mountain biking, attracting riders from across the nation and boosting our local economy.”

“The enhanced trails will attract national and state events, bringing visitors and generating substantial economic benefits for our local businesses. It is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the Orange Mountain Bike Club and our community.”

“Mountain biking offers incredible health and recreational benefits. These upgrades will provide our residents with even better facilities to enjoy this fantastic sport, encouraging fitness, outdoor activity, and a strong sense of community.”

Orange Mountain Bike Club, Janet Martin said:

“This grant from the NSW State Government to help upgrade and maintain the Glenwood Forest Mountain Bike Trails is a significant boost for our club and the region. It will not only allow us to host future State and National Mountain Biking events but also promote outdoor activities beneficial to health and fitness.

“Working together with the NSW State Government and Forestry will ensure the success of this project, the well-being of our community and the continuing achievement and progress of the Orange Mountain Bike Club.”