Experienced investigator to lead inquiry into GRNSW

Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris is appointing experienced mediator and investigator The Hon. Lea Drake as an Acting Commissioner of the NSW Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission (GWIC) to lead an inquiry into Greyhound Racing NSW (GRNSW).

The inquiry will examine complaints about GRNSW’s governance and operations, track safety and animal welfare isssues, including claims made by whistleblowers.

Ms Drake is an accomplished investigator with more than two decades’ experience as a member of the Fair Work Commission and inaugural Commissioner of Integrity of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, as well as sitting on civil, administrative and sports misconduct related tribunals.

The inquiry will be conducted in accordance with GWIC’s powers under Part 8 of the Greyhound Racing Act 2017 (the Act) and cover issues including:

  • Greyhound welfare and the care of greyhounds by GRNSW, including adoption and rehoming programs
  • GRNSW processes and management, including procurement and recruitment practices
  • GRNSW reporting and accuracy in relation to greyhounds
  • GRNSW management’s response to complaints or concerns about organisational and workplace culture and conduct.

Other steps already taken by the Minister to ensure the highest standards of integrity and animal welfare include:

  • Referring serious allegations where appropriate to the relevant authorities for consideration, including the Independent Commission Against Corruption
  • Updating Regulations under the Act to give the Minister more flexibility to make an order to remove the GRNSW Board and appoint an administrator in circumstances where he has lost confidence with the Board
  • Requested the GRNSW Board show cause to the Minister as to why its members should not be stood down from their positions
  • Asked GWIC to conduct a separate review of claims about the operation of GRNSW’s Wyee rehoming facility following concerns about the treatment of greyhounds housed there. The Minister will also refer this report to the Acting Commissioner to consider along with the matters above.

The Terms of Reference for the Inquiry can be found here.

Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris said:

“I am absolutely committed to ensuring a competitive, responsible and sustainable greyhound racing industry, with the highest standards of animal welfare and integrity.

“It is important that the governing bodies and senior leadership of the racing codes meet these standards.

“I take these various concerns about GRNSW very seriously and this inquiry, using the full investigative powers of GWIC, will conduct a thorough and wide-ranging review of all relevant issues.

“Ms Drake is eminently qualified to lead this inquiry. Further details about the inquiry, its procedures and conduct of hearings will be made in due course. The Acting Commissioner is to report back to me by 13 December 2024.

“The NSW Government will continue to work with GRNSW and industry participants to ensure the viability and longevity of the industry in NSW and to make it the best it can be.”

Council performance to be ranked to meet housing targets

The Minns Government is introducing a range of measures to hold local and State Government accountable for the approval of more housing as NSW works towards its commitment of 377,000 homes by mid 2029 under the National Housing Accord.

The NSW Government has been clear that addressing the housing crisis is a shared responsibility, and all levels of government must do their part.

To ramp up housing supply across the state, the NSW Government has introduced planning reforms to build more homes and build better communities.

As councils assess approximately 85 per cent of all residential development applications, we’ve introduced a new Statement of Expectations and league tables as their performance is critical to confronting the housing crisis.

In addition, State agencies concurrence and referral timeframes will be published.

Regionally Significant Development Applications referral times to planning panels will be published from August, State Significant Development assessment timeframes for infill affordable housing will be published from September 2024 and TOD accelerated precinct assessment timeframes in 2025.

This data will monitor the State Government’s performance so that it also is held accountable.

To provide further transparency around the Government’s expectations, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has released a new Statement of Expectations Order that establishes timeframes for councils on development assessment, planning proposals and strategic planning.

The council league table and Statement of Expectations Order are part of the NSW Government’s Faster Assessments program. This includes $200 million in financial incentives for councils that meet the new expectations for development applications, planning proposals and strategic planning.

These financial incentives will go towards grants for councils to fund more green space such as parks, sporting facilities and smaller pocket parks, plus maintenance of local streets and footpaths which councils maintain.

If a council consistently underperforms over time, the Minister for Local Government has the authority to issue a Performance Improvement Order. A Performance Improvement Order outlines the actions that the Minister requires to be taken to improve the performance of the council.

These measures have been established to speed up the delivery of homes for people in every stage of life, whether it be a young person, a family or a downsizer.

To view the council league table, visit here

To view the updated Statement of Expectations, visit here

Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Paul Scully:

“We are committed to building a better NSW with more homes so young people, families and workers have somewhere to live. The Government has announced a suite of housing reforms over the past 12 months aimed at delivering more homes faster.

“We are now introducing new performance standards and monitoring because if we don’t measure performance then we can’t monitor it properly.

“Councils approve the vast majority of residential development in our State, so tracking their performance is critical if we together want to meet our housing targets. But we will also track the performance of the State government as well to hold ourselves to account.

“The updated Statement of Expectations, alongside improved monitoring, reporting, support and compliance initiatives will help councils and the State to speed up development assessments and improve transparency and accountability in the planning process.

“The NSW Government will work collaboratively with councils and support them to meet assessment expectations.

“There is $200 million in financial incentives available to councils to help achieve housing targets and improve planning performance including development application timeframes. The funding will help deliver local infrastructure including roads, open spaces and community facilities for growing communities.”

Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig:

“Local government has a critical role to play in approving housing across NSW.

“The State Government is instituting a range of measures to support councils but where there is continuing underperformance despite that support, I will step in.

“As Minister for Local Government I have the authority to issue Performance Improvements Orders to councils to rectify issues of ongoing underperformance.

“The NSW Government is serious about addressing the housing crisis and while this is a last resort, we will explore every avenue available to us in order to build more homes.”

Protect yourself and your family from respiratory illnesses these school holidays

NSW Health is strongly urging families to stay up to date with their vaccinations during the school holidays to prevent serious respiratory illness.

The latest NSW Health Respiratory Surveillance Report shows influenza notifications continued to increase in the week ending 6 July 2024, as have influenza-like illness emergency department presentations and admissions.

NSW Health Executive Director of Health Protection Dr Jeremy McAnulty said influenza activity remains at high levels across all age groups in the community, with the highest rates in children under 16 years.

“This is a timely reminder for parents to ensure their young children are vaccinated. Children under 5 years of age are at higher risk of severe illness from influenza, and the flu vaccine is readily available and free for children aged six months to under five years,” Dr McAnulty said.

“It takes 10 to 14 days for immunity to kick in after receiving the flu vaccination, so now is the time to get vaccinated to ensure you and your family are protected when school returns.

“Viruses including influenza, COVID-19 and RSV are continuing to circulate during the school holidays. People with one of these illnesses or who have cold or flu-like symptoms should stay at home and wear a mask if they do need to go out.”

People who are at higher risk of severe illness from influenza who are eligible for free vaccination include:

  • people aged 65 years and over
  • children aged six months to under five years
  • Aboriginal people from six months of age
  • pregnant women
  • people with serious health conditions such as diabetes, cancer, immune disorders, severe asthma, kidney, heart, and lung disease.

There are some simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and your loved ones from respiratory viruses like COVID-19, influenza and RSV, including:

  • Stay up to date with your recommended influenza and COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Stay home if you are sick and wear a mask if you need to leave home
  • Get together outdoors or in large, well-ventilated spaces with open doors and windows
  • Avoid crowded spaces
  • Consider doing a rapid antigen test (RAT) before visiting people at higher risk of severe illness
  • Talk with your doctor now if you are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 or influenza to make a plan about what to do if you get sick, including what test to take, and discussing if you are eligible for antiviral medicines
  • Don’t visit people who are at higher risk of severe illness if you are sick or have tested positive to COVID-19 or influenza
  • Practice good hand hygiene, including handwashing.

Labor housing announcement missing key ingredient

Instead of funding the necessary infrastructure to support the additional housing NSW needs, the Minns Labor Government’s lack of Budget control means announced new developments will not be accompanied by necessary new schools, hospitals, roads, playing fields and other infrastructure.
NSW Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said greater density is necessary to solve the current housing crisis, but not sufficient on its own, and the Labor Government is siphoning funding from the delivery of necessary community infrastructure to pay for their union deals.
“We support more density done right, in consultation with the local community, but the Minns Government is just going to try and cram tens of thousands of additional families into existing schools, hospitals and roads,” said Mr Speakman.
“Instead of the additional investment in services that these new communities will need, Labor’s own Budget papers show cuts to education, health and transport infrastructure.”
“And while also the key indicators – from approvals to completions – have been going backwards, Chris Minns is still refusing to tackle the demand side of the housing crisis by failing to stand up to Anthony Albanese on immigration.”
Shadow Minister for Housing Scott Farlow said the Minns Labor Government was perversely making it harder and more expensive to deliver new housing.
“Under Labor, fewer homes are being built in NSW, with building approvals down by 18 per cent and industry warning the viability of new developments is only getting worse because of Labor’s record housing taxes and charges,” Mr Farlow said.
“This Government is taking housing affordability backwards by making it financially unfeasible to build with its taxes and charges and scaring off investors by ending land tax indexation.”

Labor begins dismantling Service NSW

The NSW Opposition is calling on the Minns Labor Government to come clean on the true extent of cuts to Service NSW and to rethink the sacking of more than 200 frontline staff.

The Minns Labor Government has lost control of the state’s Budget and is now slashing one of the most successful government agencies in the country.

The previous Liberals and Nationals Government set up and rolled out Service NSW which was acknowledged by other State and Territory Governments as the best service delivery agencies in Australia.

According to leaked Service NSW documents, the agency will be subject to more than $100 million of annual cuts:

  • Digital Services will receive a $34 million cut, equating to a 26% reduction in funding.
  • Disaster Preparation and Recovery will receive a $9.2 million cut, equating to a 64% reduction in funding.
  • Partnerships and Projects will receive a $13.5 million cut, equating to a 56% reduction in funding.
  • Service NSW Business will receive a $11.7 million cut, equating to 31% reduction in funding.
  • Risk, Strategy and Customer Support will receive a $7.4 million cut, equating to a 25% reduction in funding.

Leader of the NSW Opposition Mark Speakman said these cuts by the Minns Labor Government will decimate Service NSW, crippling essential services and leaving our communities vulnerable in times of crisis.

“Chris Minns’ promises to union bosses have cost the NSW Budget more than $9 billion, with more to come, and now they are slashing more than $100 million from services that support NSW residents at critical times,” said Mr Speakman.

Shadow Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government James Griffin said Service NSW was an example of what good customer service looked like, delivering essential services that people rely on, and Chris Minns is ripping millions in annual funding and sacking hardworking staff.

“Only last year, the Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government Jihad Dib said that Service NSW was ’where citizens know they can turn in times of need‘ and yet he’s about to slam the door in their face,” said Mr Griffin.

Maryborough Bullies Try to Intimidate Pauline Hanson

Pauline Hanson has claimed she was ordered not film an interview next to a statue of Mary Poppins because the children’s character is ‘apolitical’.

The One Nation leader was filming an interview with Sky News in Maryborough on Queensland‘s Fraser Coast Region on Wednesday night when she claims a local official threatened to ring the police.

At the start of the interview with Steve Price, the One Nation Leader claimed that as they were setting up earlier, there had been a confrontation off-camera.

‘So a staffer came from the council and told me that I can’t film here next to Mary Poppins, because she’s apolitical, and told me I shouldn’t be here,’ Senator Hanson explained.

‘I told them “get lost, I’m doing the interview here”.’ 

Ms Hanson continued: ‘They said “we’re going to ring the police”… (and) they’ve gone away to ring them.

‘So if the police turn up and you see a confrontation here, you know what’s happening with it, because Mary Poppins is apolitical, and I shouldn’t be actually doing the interview here.’

Ms Hanson then held up an artwork to the camera depicting her as Mary Poppins created by a local.

A defiant Senator Hanson stood her ground as she vowed not to be bullied when she knew her rights.

‘I’m not a pushover, and no one is going to bully me or tell me,’ she continued.

‘I know I’m in my rights, and I can stand here beside my mate Mary Poppins, and I will.’

It’s unclear why Senator Hanson decided to be filmed next to the Mary Poppins statue. 

Senator Hanson also revealed it had been the second time someone had threatened to call the police on her in Maryborough that day.

She claimed the town was ‘run by a bunch of bullies who don’t want to see One Nation here.’

‘I’m sick and tired of these people. This is the second time today,’ she told Price.

Ms Hanson explained she had wanted to inspect the site of an old TAFE.

‘It was built about nine years ago. It’s sitting there in wreck and ruin.’

‘I went on the property to actually have a look at it.’

‘I was told by the security guard, ‘you’re not allowed to come here.”

‘I said, ”I’m here as a Member of Parliament. I want to know where the taxpayers’ dollars are going (with) this facility sitting there”.’

Ms Hanson said the security guard warned he would call the police. 

‘”Good, call the police”, I said. Because I’m going to have a look around,’ she recalled.

Senator Hanson wanted to inspect the site as it could have been used for ’emergency housing, for aged care, for educational purposes’.

The statue of Mary Poppins is located in the Maryborough City Hall Visitor Information Centre and is a tribute to the creator of Mary Poppins, P. L. Travers who was born Helen Lyndon Goff in Maryborough in 1899.

Special envoy to combat Antisemitism

The Albanese Government today announces the appointment of Ms Jillian Segal AO as Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia, as part of our ongoing efforts to preserve social cohesion in Australia.

The conflict in the Middle East has deeply affected communities across Australia.

The appointment of the Special Envoy is a critical step in the Government’s efforts to ensure all Australians feel safe and included.

Every Australian, no matter their race or religion, should be able to feel safe and at home in any community, without prejudice or discrimination.

The Australian Government continues to press for a ceasefire, for civilians to be protected, humanitarian aid to reach Gazans in desperate need, and for all hostages to be released.

We have advocated for a two-state solution on the world stage, at the United Nations.

As Special Envoy, Ms Segal AO will listen to and engage with Jewish Australians, the wider Australian community, religious discrimination experts and all levels of government on the most effective way to combat Antisemitism.

Ms Segal will attend the World Jewish Congress in Argentina next week in her role as Special Envoy, alongside other Special Envoys to combat Antisemitism from around the world.

Ms Segal’s extensive career spans decades in both the public and private sector, including as former President of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and as Chair of the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce. Her leadership and lived experience will prove invaluable to the Government’s efforts to build a cohesive society, where all Jewish Australians feel safe and can thrive.

Ms Segal has been appointed for a three-year term and will report directly to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.

The appointment of Ms Segal as Special Envoy will bolster the Government’s almost $90 million investment in initiatives to tackle the ongoing impacts of the Hamas-Israel conflict in Australia, demonstrating the Government’s firm commitment to listening to and working with affected communities.

The Federal Government will also appoint a Special Envoy for Islamophobia and the details of that appointment will be announced shortly.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

“There is no place for violence or hatred of any kind in Australia.

“The appointment of Jillian Segal AO is a critical step in easing the tensions that we see playing out here at home, as a result of the devastating conflict in the Middle East.

“Australians are deeply concerned about this conflict, and many are hurting. In times like this, Australians must come together, not be torn apart.

“We have built our nation’s social cohesion together over generations, and this is why we all must work together to uphold, defend and preserve it.”

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Andrew Giles

“The Albanese Government has zero tolerance for prejudice or hatred of any kind.

“Antisemitic behaviour in Australia, including its recent rise, is unacceptable and the appointment of Ms Segal demonstrates our Government’s firm commitment to tackling Antisemitism head-on.

“Ms Segal’s extensive leadership experience, and decades of advocacy for Jewish Australians will be invaluable as she works with Government to engage with community and take decisive steps to combat Antisemitic behaviour.”

Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism Ms Jillian Segal AO

“Combating Antisemitism in Australia has never been more important than it is today.

“The Jewish community in Australia is experiencing valid feelings of fear in the face of increasing Antisemitism.

“Jewish Australians want to feel free to live their day-to-day lives, and also want to feel safe to practice and express their religion without fear. They also want to be able to contribute as they have previously to the vibrant multicultural society that we value in Australia.

“I look forward to working with stakeholders across the community to deliver a safer future for my community, and to strengthen social cohesion and drive a strong, informed and deliberate approach to combating Antisemitism.”

Visit to Australia by Tuvalu’s Prime Minister

This week, we are pleased to welcome Prime Minister of Tuvalu, the Hon Feleti Teo OBE, to Australia, where he will visit Brisbane, Adelaide and Tamworth and meet with Prime Minister Albanese, senior members of the Government and Opposition, PALM workers and diaspora.

Prime Minister Feleti’s visit is an opportunity to discuss progress on implementation of the Falepili Union, our joint initiative to help safeguard our collective peace, security and sovereignty.

To help grow our people to people ties, and boost connectivity, Australia is pleased to announce up to $40 million in aviation and connectivity support.

We have already made progress on several commitments as part of the Falepili Union, including:

  • Tuvalu’s first undersea telecommunications cable, which will deliver transformative digital access and improve connectivity for the people of Tuvalu. After careful planning, works will begin in August.
  • After the successful completion of phase 1 of the Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project, which has added significant land to Funafuti, the next phase will commence shortly.
  • The first tranche of budget support for critical services has now been provided, and a design team is conducting consultations in Tuvalu in July to support a new economic governance program.
  • Australia has confirmed the arrival of a new Guardian-class Patrol Boat in the third quarter of this year.

The historic partnership puts people first, and will help protect Tuvalu’s people, identity and culture, and grow ties between Australia and Tuvalu.

We are honoured to share some of our own history, culture and traditions during the visit and discuss the elevation of our partnership.

We also warmly welcome Prime Minister Feleti’s announcement of the Tuvalu Government’s intention to open a new diplomatic mission in Canberra.

This is a clear demonstration of the growth of the bilateral relationship and will help support the growing Tuvaluan diaspora in Australia as a result of the Albanese Government’s Pacific Engagement Visa and upcoming mobility pathway between Australia and Tuvalu.

Prime Minister Feleti will also meet with Senator Simon Birmingham during his visit.

This follows Australia’s bipartisan visit to Tuvalu in May 2024 and demonstrates Australia’s bipartisan commitment to Tuvalu and the Pacific region.

$12.5m upgrade of Henson Park under way

Work has begun on the much-needed upgrade to Henson Park following a $12.5 million funding agreement between the Federal Government, State Government, the AFL and Inner West Council.

The Albanese Government has long supported a renewal of Henson Park, having first committed to funding its upgrade in 2019.

The investment from the Australian Government of $2.5 million for the upgrade alongside the NSW Government’s $5 million investment, $4.5 million from the AFL and $500,000 from the Inner West Council – plus the Council’s $2.85 million for surface renewal, drainage and improved lighting in recent years – has meant the dream for Henson Park to become an elite venue is almost realised.

Due for completion before the 2025 NAB AFLW and NSWRL Cup seasons, the Henson Park works will update its change facilities and improve accessibility of the heritage King George V grandstand while maintaining the venue’s historic feel.

The upgrades to the ground include:

  • Overhauling the interior of the grandstand to modernise the change room facilities, including amenities for women and girls for the first time at this ground.
  • Adding two more change rooms and a gymnasium at the rear of the grandstand.
  • A multi-use function room behind the grandstand.
  • An elevator to the grandstand to improve accessibility to the upper levels.

The ground hosts elite AFLW matches for the Sydney Swans and the Greater Western Sydney Giants as well as the Newtown Jets in the NSW Cup Rugby league competition.

AFL Sydney women’s and men’s leagues matches are a mainstay at the oval and it is often a home to the Newtown Breakaways AFL Football Club which uses the oval for its major events throughout the year including its annual Pride Round celebrations.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Henson Park has been the heartbeat of Marrickville’s sports community since its 1933 opening and I’m so proud to be part of its renewal.

“Whether it’s AFL or NRL, or other uses of the ground in the future, these upgrades will offer immense benefits to all who step onto the hallowed turf, whether elite players or weekend warriors.”

Mayor of the Inner West Council Darcy Byrne:

“This upgrade will secure the future of Henson Park as the home of the mighty Newtown Jets and a hub for women’s AFL.

“The big crowds that have been attending Sydney Swans Women’s and Jets’ games will only grow in the years to come because of these investments.”

NSW Minister for Sport Steve Kamper:

“Henson Park has an intangible atmosphere which would inspire any sportsperson.

“The NSW people deserve community facilities like this one and it’s a great thing to have so many stakeholders unite to deliver the ground-breaking upgrade to this heritage grandstand and change facilities.

“I can’t wait to see the elite surface of Henson Park be matched by its internal facilities and watch the reaction for the tens of thousands of people who play at this ground over the years.”

AFL Executive General Manager of Game Development Rob Auld:

“Henson Park is one of the premier venues for Australian Rules football in NSW, from the elite NAB AFLW competition through to community football, and with this upgrade it will be one of the best in the country for all players and umpires.

“It’s a venue which clearly means a lot to its community and the AFL is elated to drive the project that will maintain its heritage but bring it into the 21st century and beyond through clever and necessary improvements. Thank you to the NSW and Australian Governments, as well as the Inner West Council for funding and their support throughout the process, it’s an exciting time for Henson and the entire football community.”

CEO of Newtown Jets RLFC Stuart McCarthy:

“Henson Park is Sydney’s greatest natural amphitheatre and a venue like no other. It is iconic, especially to the community of the inner west. It has been the spiritual home of the Newtown Jets since 1936.

“This project provides upgrades to the facilities for both sporting participants, female and male, grassroots and elite, all abilities and the public.

“A sunny winter’s arvo at Henson Park is hands down the best sporting experience you can find in Sydney. Long live many more of them now and well into the future.”

More buses to replace overnight Hunter Line services over next week

Due to ongoing illegal protest activity in the rail corridor in the Hunter, from Wednesday July 10, additional buses will provide passengers with more services on the Hunter Line each evening until early morning. 

Buses will be on site from 4:30pm on weekdays and on weekends until trains resume at 7am the following morning. Bus marshals will be stationed at Newcastle Interchange, Maitland and Hamilton. 
Between 15 to 20 buses will operate on six different routes covering all stations as follows: 
•    Telarah – all stations to Newcastle Interchange and return 
•    Dungog – all stations to Maitland and return 
•    Warabrook Station to Newcastle University shuttle 
•    Scone – all stations to Lochinvar, Maitland, Victoria Street, then all stations to Beresfield, Warabrook, then all stations to Newcastle Interchange and return 
•    Dungog – all stations to Maitland, Victoria Street, then all stations to Beresfield, Warabrook, then all stations to Newcastle Interchange and return 
•    Singleton – all stations to Lochinvar, Maitland, Victoria Street, then all stations to Beresfield, Warabrook, then all stations to Newcastle Interchange and return. 
The buses will continue to run each night until Tuesday 16 July. 
Passengers may experience some delays and gaps in services as we grapple with a bus driver shortage and routes may change, but Transport for NSW will do its best to provide as many services as possible. 
Passengers are advised to allow extra travel time and take alternative transport options where available.  
The Hunter Line has been substantially disrupted by illegal protest activity since Tuesday 25 June, with more than 20 incidents that have stopped rail traffic.  
To date NSW Police have made 31 arrests and laid 90 charges.  
Transport for NSW is assessing the situation daily and taking the advice of NSW Police.    
It is not clear how long the illegal protest disruption will run, but we are committed to keeping passengers updated as the situation progresses.   
A risk-based approach was used to inform the decision to shut down overnight passenger rail services, to ensure the safety of the travelling public, our train crew, and emergency service workers that need to enter the rail corridor to conduct rescues.    
Passengers are advised to check real time transport apps for the latest information.