Minister should halt fracking in Beetaloo & consider scientific advice

The Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek should immediately stop drilling and fracking from taking place in the Beetaloo Basin until she has considered the scientific advice about impacts on water, say the Greens. 

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for the Environment & Water:

“Tamboran has been clear they plan to start fracking any day now – without any environmental or water assessment. These gas cowboys need to be reigned in. The Minister needs to pick up the phone immediately and tell them there can be no drilling until she has recieved and considered the scientific advice she’s requested.

“The Minister has the power to halt the fracking with the Water Trigger and she needs to use it. Letting the company drill for months while a scientific report is written is too risky for the environment and local water supply.

“Fracking the Beetaloo Basin in the NT is not only a threat to water and river systems, it would open up a huge gas climate bomb and violate the consent of Traditional Owners. It must be stopped.

“The Greens are ready to work with Minister Plibersek and the Prime Minister to strengthen Australia’s broken environment laws so they actually protect nature and water, not gas and coal corporations.”

In Question Time this week the Greens were joined by Traditional Owners from the NT and again called for Minister Plibersek to use her power under the Water Trigger to stop fracking in the Beetaloo Basin.

1/3 young gamblers started under-18 as ad ban bill hits Senate

The Greens say new research showing 1/3 young gamblers started before the age of 18 is a wake up call for Labor and Liberal to back the ban on gambling ads. Seperate research also shows gambling losses in Australia have jumped to $32b per year. The Senate returns tomorrow and will face a Greens amendment to ban gambling ads.

Key Points:

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for Communications:

“This new data shows gambling is becoming a rite of passage for young people, and it’s fuelled by the ads rammed down our throats during footy finals.

“Australians and young people are losing: 1/3 young gamblers started before the age of 18, and losses across the board for all ages have jumped to $32b nationally. We lose more per capita than any nation on earth.

“The public have had enough of the excuses and the political donations. The Government is dragging the chain and every delay is putting our kids in harm’s way. 

“Labor have buckled to the bookies and the public expect better. 

“With footy finals here now and gambling ads dominating, we could vote to ban the ads this week in the Senate.

“Labor and Liberal need to decide which side they are on – the bookies or Australians families?”

The Greens will move in the Senate this week to ban gambling ads in line with the Peta Murphy recommendations, amending the Regional Broadcasting Continuity Bill.

NSW voters head to the polls for local council elections

Residents across NSW will head to the polls today to have their say on who will represent them in local councils over the next four years.

Local government elections are being held today for all but one of the state’s 128 councils.

Three local government areas – Central Coast, Wingecarribee Shire and Balranald Shire will also return to having democratically elected councillors after periods of administration.

There are 3,889 candidates vying for 1,289 councillor positions across the state, an increase from the last council elections held in 2021.

Communities in 37 local government areas will also be voting for their Mayor, while all other councils will hold a vote to elect a Mayor once new councillors are sworn in.

Uncontested elections, where only the required number of candidates or less have nominated have been declared for a small number of local government areas and wards, and nominated candidates in those locations will be elected unopposed.

Voting in the NSW local government elections is compulsory, and fines apply. To find your nearest voting centre, use the NSW Electoral Commission electorate search tool:

Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig said:

“Democracy is a vital part of our society and exercising your right to vote is an important responsibility.

“Today is a chance for the people of NSW to have their voice heard about who they want to represent their local interests and make their community a better place.

“I urge voters to familiarise themselves with their local candidates and what they stand for so they can make an informed decision at the polling booth.

“As someone who served in local government for over 30 years, I can attest that being a councillor is an honour that carries significant responsibility.

“Councils invest more than $15 billion each year delivering services and around $7 billion on infrastructure and community facilities.

“We need to elect councillors who are competent and hard-working so make your vote today count.”

Opening of Central Coast Veteran and Family Hub

A new wellbeing services and support centre for Central Coast-based veterans and their families opened its doors in Wyong yesterday.

The RSL LifeCare Central Coast Veteran and Family Hub will bring together organisations providing important wellbeing services, support and opportunities to the region’s veteran community.

In keeping with the proven success of the one-stop-shop Veteran and Family Hub model, the Wyong hub will offer a wide range of freely available support services including: financial assistance, employment assistance, educational opportunities, Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) claims and advocacy and mental health support.
The centre will host support groups, workshops and social events, offering a safe space for veterans and their families to come together, share experiences and build lasting connections.

The hub is funded by a $1.5 million grant from DVA’s Veteran Wellbeing Grants ‘One-Off Program’.

RSL LifeCare worked closely with Central Coast Council and Central Coast-based RSL sub-Branches to establish the hub.

More than 50 veterans, serving defence force personnel and their families joined dignitaries at an official event to open the hub yesterday.

Minister for Veterans David Harris said:

“As the Member for Wyong, Minister for the Central Coast and Minister for Veterans, I am thrilled the new Veteran and Family Hub has opened on the Coast.

“The Central Coast is home to more than 7,600 veterans who, along with their families, will benefit from the wide range of support services now available at their local hub.

“It will also serve as a safe place for the veteran community to get-together to access the many services and activities, or simply to catch up.”

RSL LifeCare CEO Janet Muir said:

“We are proud to open a welcoming space for veterans and their families to find support and connection.

“The new hub, like our other active hubs across NSW, and in partnership with RSL NSW and local RSL sub-Branches, will provide essential wrap-around services.”

RSL NSW President Mick Bainbridge said:

“RSL NSW sub-Branches are a critical component of the hub-and-spoke model and will connect veterans and their families on the Central Coast with the services and support offered by a consortium of ex-service organisations operating from the Veteran and Family Hub.

“RSL NSW is committed to supporting the network of Veteran and Family Hubs across NSW because we know they work.”

Winners break gender stereotypes at 2024 NSW Training Awards

A female mechanical engineer and a male early childhood educator have taken top honours in the 2024 NSW Training Awards, highlighting the opportunities for those following non-traditional career paths.

NSW State of Origin women’s rugby league player, Rachael Pearson, was named Apprentice of the Year while early childhood educator, Lachlan Carey, who was forced to give up league after suffering two strokes as a teenager, is the 2024 Trainee of the Year.

For the second year in a row, women dominated the NSW Training Awards with four of the seven individual awards won by females.

The award judging panel described Ms Pearson, from Helensburgh, as a “multi-skilled, highly decorated individual and a shining example for what’s possible with vocational education”.

She excelled in a mechanical engineering apprenticeship and was awarded the 2022 Stan Gilmore Memorial Award for first in stage 1 Fitting-Machining at TAFE and followed that up by being named the Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN) Women in Trade Apprentice of the Year in 2023. 

The 31-year-old has put her career on hold to co-captain the Parramatta Eels in the National Rugby League Women’s competition but has every intention of getting “back on the tools” when her rugby league days are over.

Trainee of the Year, Mr Carey, from Newcastle, suffered two strokes in Year 10 which required multiple surgeries and a lengthy recovery time.

He was forced to give up playing rugby league and did not return to school to complete his HSC.

But the health setback put him on a pathway to become an award-winning early childhood educator.

Both Ms Pearson and Mr Carey will now go on to represent NSW at the 2024 National Training Awards to be held in Canberra on Friday, 6 December.

Minister for Skills, TAFE and Tertiary Education Steve Whan said:  

“I congratulate all the winners and finalists at the 2024 NSW Training Awards, the annual showcase of the best skilled technicians, training providers and employers around the state.

“We know the economic prosperity of our state depends on us growing a skilled workforce in areas of critical importance such as housing, aged and early childhood care and manufacturing.

“The NSW Training Awards highlights the importance of our VET sector and the wonderful opportunities it offers for a rewarding and prosperous career.

“Importantly, our Apprentice and Trainee of the Year showcase that gender is no barrier to success in non-traditional careers and highlight the importance that breaking down stereotypes will play in meeting our skills shortages.”

2024 Apprentice of the Year, Rachael Pearson said:

“I am proof that if you are passionate about the trade, committed, dedicated and set realistic goals, you can have it all and most importantly you are paid to live this dream along the way.

“I feel so grateful to have my trade to come back to when I finish my NRL/W career.”

2024 Trainee of the Year, Lachlan Carey said:

“I chose a career in early childhood in the hope I could make a difference in the lives of children.

“I realised from my own personal experiences after my strokes that there were people who supported me, and their help and support has made a lasting impact on my life.”

The full list of winners can be found below:

Apprentice of the Year
Rachael Pearson, Helensburgh – Certificate III in Engineering – mechanical trade

Trainee of the Year
Lachlan Carey, Newcastle – Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student of the Year
Baylun Williams-Pinkie, Matraville – Electrotechnology

Vocational Student of the Year
Samantha Zannes, Kelso – Early Childhood Education and Care

School-based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year
Dascha Harrison, Newcastle High School – Health Services Assistance

Women in Trades Award
Jacinta Ferris, Hunterview – Electrotechnology

VET in Schools Student of the Year
Gabriella Ward, Tamworth (Peel High School) – Health Services Assistance

VET Trainer/Teacher of the Year
Michael Pfeffer, Hospitality

Organisational Award Winners

Large Training Provider of the Year
Mines Rescue Pty Ltd

Industry Collaboration Award
ARC Training and Civic Disability Services for their Support Employee Program

Large Employer of the Year
NSW State Emergency Service

Small Employer of the Year
Early Childhood & Co. Services Pty Ltd


The Victorian Greens have secured significant reforms that enshrine investment in renewable energy into the constitution, as the SEC Bill just passed the Upper House. 

The Constitution Amendment (SEC) Bill puts Victoria’s State Electricity Commission (SEC) into the constitution. It passed the Victorian Parliament today with Greens amendments ensuring that funds from SEC’s public ownership are funnelled directly into renewable energy and/or lower power prices. 

The Greens’ amendment not only drives investment into renewables but it prevents current or future Victorian governments from skimming capital and profits from the SEC into general government revenue in the form of ‘dividends’.

Victorian Greens coal transition spokesperson, Dr Tim Read: 

“The Greens have ensured that a publicly owned SEC will drive investment in renewables and lower power prices for Victorians. 

“Our changes mean that instead of the underfunded SEC being all spin and pre-election merch, it will actually help reduce power prices. 

“The future is clean, renewable energy and the Greens are the ones driving us there. 

“These changes to the SEC are a useful step but to tackle the climate crisis, Labor must stop approving new fossil fuel projects and invest real money in cheaper, cleaner, renewable solutions.” 


The Victorian Greens have opposed the Labor government’s controversial Lawyer X Bill saying that it sets a dangerous precedent for police accountability. 

The Bill capping the state government from paying damages over $1 million in regards to the Lawyer X scandal passed the Upper House today with support from crossbench MPs. 

The Victorian Greens opposed the Bill saying that it undermines the legal right to litigation and sends a dangerous message to police that they can get away with misconduct.

The Greens said that the way to properly limit the millions of dollars the state pays on behalf of the police in compensation and legal fees was to establish a police ombudsman to hold police to higher standards of conduct, rather than seeking to limit the ongoing legal liabilities resulting from its rotten organisational culture.     

Victorian Greens spokesperson for integrity, Dr Tim Read: 

“Victoria Police are responsible for the Lawyer X scandal and after what we saw from police yesterday, today is not the day to be sending them the message that they can get away with misconduct. 

“This is legislation that meddles with people’s right to litigation and sets a dangerous precedent for police accountability. 

“The Premier believes in more legal consequences for 12 year old children, than dirty and corrupt members of Victoria police. 

“When it comes to serious misconduct, crimes, and corruption, Victoria Police are repeat offenders and it’s costing taxpayers millions and millions of dollars.

“We need to establish a fully independent and well resourced police ombudsman to expose the organisational culture of corruption and misconduct that permeates Victoria Police, and costs taxpayers.”


Leader of the Victorian Greens, Ellen Sandell, has demanded an independent inquiry into the police tactics and excessive use of force at the Land Forces protests in Melbourne this week. 

Ms Sandell has written to IBAC requesting an inquiry following independent legal observers witnessing police using pepper spray indiscriminately, police deploying weapons in very dangerous circumstances, multiple protestors injured by police, and extraordinarily violent arrests, as well as police charging horses into crowds of people and whipping people with horse whips.

Independent legal observers at the protests have themselves been assaulted and pepper (OC) sprayed by police.

Police have an obligation to protect the right to protest for all, without discrimination, and must not use indiscriminate policing tactics, except when it is strictly necessary and proportionate to do so. 

Yet in April this year a separate IBAC review of 15 separate investigations into Victoria Police’s use of OC spray found that “the decisions and actions of police escalated incidents or increased the risk of safety of those involved”.

Police officers are obliged to de-escalate all situations that might result in violence and exhaust all non-violent means, including by giving prior warning, before resorting to the use of force. This has not happened at these protests.

Ellen Sandell Greens MP:

“We have seen police throw flash grenades into crowds of protestors, police use pepper spray indiscriminately and whip people with horse whips, and police charging horses into crowds of people who don’t have any room to move away.

These are military-style tactics used by police against protestors who are trying to have their say, as is their democratic right. Police are using excessive force and violence, which escalates the situation and puts people at risk.

Victoria Police have a history of excessive force and pepper spray, and it’s time they were called out for it, because everyone has a right to attend a protest without fear that the police will use violence against them”.

Jeremy King (Principle, Injury Law and Police Misconduct – Robinson Gill Lawyers): 

“I am very concerned at the heavy-handed approach being taken by Victoria Police towards people exercising their fundamental civil right to protest. There is simply no place for the use of rubber bullets in Australia in the 21st century. They are dangerous and we know from history cause serious injuries and have even resulted in death. Victoria Police also have a most unfortunate history with indiscriminately using pepper spray at protests and this needs to stop now.”


The Victorian Greens will push to stop the Victorian Labor government steamrolling ahead with the demolition and privatisation of all 44 public housing towers across the state as the public housing waitlist continues to grow with a historic new bill being introduced into parliament today. 

It comes as public housing residents have triggered a parliamentary debate today calling on the government to protect public housing. 

The Greens will introduce their new Protecting Public Assets and Services Bill 2024 which could protect the towers from demolition and prohibit the privatisation of any public assets or services without the permission of the parliament. 

New figures reported in the Age this morning indicate a 5 per cent increase in three months in Victorians joining the public housing waiting list that already sits at over 100,000 people.

Earlier this year, the Victorian Housing Department admitted to the Yoorrook Justice Commission that they can’t tell how long people on the list will be waiting for a home. 

The Victorian Greens Public and Affordable Housing spokesperson, Samantha Ratnam said that while Labor continues to demolish public housing and hand over public land to wealthy private developers, the waitlist is only going to continue to spiral out of control making the housing crisis worse. 

Public and Affordable Housing spokesperson, Samantha Ratnam: 

“The public housing waitlist already underrepresents the amount of people who are facing homelessness as we know that many people have no faith in this system that takes years, if ever, to actually get a roof over people’s heads.

“Labor has no excuse for tearing down the existing public housing that we do have in the middle of a housing crisis when the waitlist is spiralling out of control. 

“It’s clear that Labor is planning to force public housing evictions, but public housing residents from the towers are fighting back. 

“The Greens are proud to be standing with public housing residents who are resisting the demolition and privatisation  of their homes by tabling their petition and introducing new legislation today that will protect their towers from Labor’s disastrous plan that will displace thousands of residents and make the housing crisis worse.” 

Making it easier to get the party started in streets across Newcastle

Street parties and festivals could become a more regular fixture in five locations across Newcastle as part of a pilot program designed to create vibrant, activated spaces for the community to enjoy.

City of Newcastle will receive $500,000 from the NSW Government for the Newcastle Street Events Made Simple project to help make it easier and more cost-effective for organisers to deliver free-entry, street-based community events.

View from Nelson Street during the Wallsend 150th celebration

This is part of the NSW Government’s Vibrant Streets Package – Permit/Plug/Play Pilot Program, an $8 million program being rolled out by Transport for NSW to 16 Councils across the state.

“When I first came to office and was briefed on the cost of opening a street for an event, I was told it could cost up to $122,000 on each occasion. I couldn’t believe it. We are now fixing this,” NSW Minister for Roads John Graham said.

“We want to make these events cheaper and easier for councils to run, so they can host them more often. These events bring communities together, having fun and supporting local businesses without blowing the family budget.”

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said community events provide significant social, economic and cultural benefits to Newcastle.

“We know from the success of our own events just how important these occasions are for local communities, with the recent Wallsend 150th celebration involving more than 35 businesses and attracting over 7,500 people to the festivities along Nelson Street,” Cr Nelmes said.

“Local events provide important opportunities for social inclusion and a shared sense of identity as people to come together and connect with other members of their community.

“Events also provide a drawcard for visitors from outside the area, all of which deliver a beneficial flow-on effect for the local businesses from the increased foot traffic and trade during the event, as well as the potential to encourage repeat visitation.

“This funding will allow City of Newcastle to develop a suite of resources to decrease the cost and complexity for organisers to host street-closure events on Darby Street and Laman Street in Cooks Hill, Beaumont Street, Hamilton, Wharf Road, Newcastle and Nelson Street, Wallsend.”

Resources developed under this program will include off-the-shelf traffic management plans and a street-events guide.

The grant will fund the installation of supporting street infrastructure such as onsite power, water, safety barriers and/or bollards to further reduce the costs involved in hiring equipment.

The Permit/Plug/Play Pilot Program is part of the NSW Government’s Vibrant Streets Package and is complemented by the Open Streets Program, which will temporarily transform main streets into vibrant and welcoming public event spaces, with over 130 events planned across NSW.

City of Newcastle received $150,000 from the Open Streets program to support the delivery of the recent Wallsend 150th celebrations in Nelson Street and the upcoming New Annual Festival First Night event in King Street.