Life-saving defibrillators available for NSW sports facilities

NSW sporting clubs and organisations have the opportunity to apply for their share of $500,000 in funding from the NSW Government for new life-saving defibrillators.

The equipment is funded under the NSW Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program which provides up to $3,000 to eligible sporting organisations for the purchase of automated external defibrillators at sports facilities.

Since the Program commenced, more than 2,000 defibrillators have been installed at sports facilities across NSW.

Applications close 27 November 2024 or when funding is exhausted.

For further information, including expanded eligibility criteria, please see the Program guidelines at:

Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said:

“With more than 9,000 out of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in NSW each year, the first few minutes following an incident are critical, and access to a defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death.

“The NSW Government wants to ensure people participating in sport have access to this life-saving equipment.

“The Local Sport Defibrillator Program ensures clubs are equipped to respond to these life-threatening emergencies.”

Professor Jamie Vandenberg, Co-deputy Director of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, said:

“Being able to access a defibrillator quickly and easily could be the difference between life and death for someone suffering a sudden cardiac arrest.

“In fact, survival rates nearly double if a defibrillator is used in the first few minutes of a cardiac arrest.

“Currently just one in 10 people who have a sudden cardiac arrest outside of hospital will survive.

“This is a sobering statistic but it’s one we can change for the better by installing more of these lifesaving devices in sports clubs across the State.”

Upgrading our fire trails ahead of bushfire season

The Minns Labor Government is undertaking helicopter inspections of fire trails across the state to prioritise maintenance work needed ahead of the summer bush fire season to help protect lives and communities.

Inspections have started in the Sydney region and will work their way around the state throughout September.

Crown Lands is undertaking the inspections together with the Rural Fire Service, with over 540 fire trails being inspected covering more than 2,400 kilometres on Crown land and adjoining lands.

The NSW Government has provided more than $7.9 million in 2024-25 for on-ground maintenance and upgrades of strategic fire trails on Crown land. The former Government left no ongoing funding in the budget for the maintenance and upgrades of these critical Crown Lands fire trails.

A further $4.8 million has been allocated for hazard reduction activities including controlled burns and Asset Protection Zone (APZ) maintenance and upgrades to protect communities.

Helicopter inspections are more efficient than ground patrols by vehicles, particularly in remote and less accessible areas and where fire trails cross multiple property boundaries or have other access issues.

Aerial patrols reduce inspection times in these areas from months to weeks and give an overall ‘point in time’ assessment of the fire trail network. 

Helicopter crews monitor the trails from the air to identify whether trees have fallen and require removal, if erosion or vegetation growth has impacted trails, or where creek crossings may need repair. 

The helicopter is also fitted with a camera to help record where follow-up work is needed. 

Following the aerial inspections, Crown Lands partners with the NSW Soil Conservation Service and the NSW Rural Fire Service to prioritise and undertake any required maintenance works.

The work could include vegetation removal, erosion repairs, drainage and fire trail stability work, and construction and maintenance of vehicle passing and turning bays.

In some areas, this extends to installing signage, gates and bollards to protect fire trails from unauthorised access and rubbish dumping. 

If landowners have concerns about a potential bushfire hazard, they should contact the Rural Fire Service.  

Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said:

“Crown Lands is responsible for maintaining approximately 2,400 kilometres of fire trails, and over 660 hectares of Asset Protection Zones across NSW to ensure adequate fire breaks between bushland and buildings in residential areas. 

“Ensuring our fire trails are properly maintained is critical to protecting our firefighters and communities across the state as we head into a potentially dangerous bushfire season. 

“It also has broader bushfire management responsibilities across the entire Crown land estate.  In addition to the aerial inspections, there are also many other fire trails on Crown land that are more easily accessible and so are inspected using 4WD vehicles.”

Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said:

“All of this targeted preparatory work ensures our fire trails are ready for summer so that firefighting crews and their vehicles can access these routes to fight fires.

“Quick responses to control bush fires are crucial to help contain blazes before they spread and this is one of many measures we are putting in place to support firefighting efforts.

“Along with targeted hazard reduction activity, this work helps reduce risks to residents and property.”

Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty said:

“These inspections and the maintenance work that will follow are about making sure we are as prepared as we can be when the bushfires inevitable come this summer.

“Making sure the fire trails are clear of fallen trees and other obstacles gives our firefighters the best chance of getting to a blaze quickly and protecting lives and property.

“Agencies including the Rural Fire Service, Fire & Rescue NSW, National Parks and Wildlife Service, and Forestry Corporation all rely on properly maintained fire trails for their fire-fighting appliances, so I applaud this work to ensure we are ready for summer.”

Community invited to provide feedback on Milton Ulladulla Hospital Health Service Plan

The communities of Milton, Ulladulla and surrounds are being encouraged to provide feedback on the Milton Ulladulla Hospital draft Health Service Plan by participating in consultation sessions during late September and early October.

The draft Health Service Plan will guide the planning and development of health services at Milton Ulladulla Hospital to meet the community’s health needs now and into the future.

Members of the community are invited to provide feedback through a range of consultation activities, with both online and face-to-face options available. A dedicated consultation session will also be held to discuss maternity services on September 30th.

The draft Plan has been developed using data, including population trends and projections, as well as considering evidence-based practices, value-based healthcare principles, and changes to how healthcare will be delivered in the future. Extensive feedback from key clinical and non-clinical staff and stakeholders has also helped inform the draft Plan.

The draft Health Service Plan and a summary document are available on the Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District (ISLHD) website.

Community consultation opportunities include:

Pop-up information stalls (drop in – no registration required)

  • 95 Princes Hwy, Ulladulla (outside Ulladulla Beach Pharmacy) – 1 October (9am – 11am)
  • 82 Princes Hwy, Milton (footpath outside The Star Hotel) – 2 October (9am – 11am)

Community consultation sessions (registrations required)

  • Maternity focused consultation – Ulladulla Civic Centre – 30 September (6pm – 8pm)
  • Medical and allied health professionals – Ulladulla Civic Centre – 1 October (6pm – 8pm)
  • General community consultation – Ulladulla Civic Centre – 2 October (6pm – 8pm)
  • Online community information session and Q&A – 3 October (6pm – 8pm)

To assist with planning, the community are asked to register for the consultation sessions by visiting the ISLHD website, phoning Milton Ullladulla Hospital main switch on 4454 9100, or in person at the hospital. 

Feedback can also be provided by completing the online survey or emailing: Handwritten feedback can be dropped into collection boxes at Milton Ulladulla Hospital and Ulladulla Community Health Centre. 

Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park:

“Community consultation is an essential part of planning health facilities and services to help ensure they are tailored to the needs of our communities, staff, patients and their families and carers.  

“We’re encouraging the community to come along to meet the team from Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District and find out more about the Milton Ulladulla Hospital draft Health Service Plan and share your thoughts and feedback.

“The consultation has been planned to provide a range of different opportunities for the community to participate, whether that’s online or by attending one of the pop-up stalls or sessions happening in the local area.”

Member for South Coast Liza Butler:

“I’m looking forward to getting out and meeting with members of the community during the face-to-face consultation sessions to hear what they think about the draft Health Service Plan.

“We know the Milton and Ulladulla region is growing and changing and so are the health needs of the local community.

“The draft Health Service Plan will help guide future health and hospital service delivery over the next 10 to 15 years, which is why it’s so important we hear directly from the community about their needs.”  

ISLHD Chief Executive Margot Mains:

“Communities play a critical role in the process of health service planning, and we’re proud to present the Milton Ulladulla Hospital draft Health Service Plan for feedback.

“We appreciate that local communities are passionate about Milton Ulladulla Hospital, and we are committed to working with them, our clinicians, and other key stakeholders in shaping the future of the facility. 

“As always, our primary goal is to ensure we can continue to provide high quality health services at Milton Ulladulla Hospital.”

Albanese Government greenlights social and affordable housing

The Albanese Labor Government is delivering more than 13,700 new social and affordable homes across Australia to deliver the biggest investment in social and affordable housing in over a decade.

The first round of Labor’s Housing Australia Future Fund and National Housing Accord programs will deliver 4,220 social and 9,522 affordable homes, including 1,267 homes for women and children escaping domestic violence and older women at risk of homelessness.

In just the first round of these programs, the Albanese Government is directly supporting more social and affordable housing than the Liberals and Nationals did in their entire nine years in office.

Housing Australia has recommended contract negotiations for 185 projects, with construction on almost 40 per cent of the 13,742 dwellings forecast to get underway this financial year.

Round one of the programs’ funding will unlock $9.2 billion of investment in social and affordable housing across Commonwealth, State and Territory government, and the private and community housing sectors.

The programs will provide an ongoing funding stream to build 40,000 social and affordable housing projects, with applications for round two opening in the next 6-months.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

I grew up in social housing – I know how important a roof over your head is and the opportunities it creates.

“The first round of funding under our Housing Australia Future Fund will deliver thousands of social and affordable homes across Australia for those that need it most.”

the Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Clare O’Neil:

“The Commonwealth Government is back in the game of delivering social and affordable houses at scale, working with all levels of government and the community housing sector to deliver the biggest investment in social housing in over a decade.

“It shows the Coalition’s utter disregard for housing that in just the first round of this program, Labor is supporting more social and affordable homes than the Coalition did in their entire nine years in office.

“We want to reduce the stress of housing for Australians – the long waits on housing lists, the long queues for rentals, the out of reach deposit for first home buyers – we’ll reduce these issues if we build more houses, and that’s what these projects do.

“We’re building homes for renters, homes for first-home buyers, and homes for women and children escaping domestic violence and those at risk from homelessness, because more homes means more affordable housing for everyone.”

Teenage girl missing from Newcastle found safe

A teenage girl missing in the Newcastle area has been located safe and well.

The 12-year-old was last seen in the Kotara area, about 8pm Sunday (15 September 2024).

When she failed to return home and could not be located or contacted, officers attached to Newcastle City Police District were notified and commenced inquiries into her whereabouts.

Following inquiries, she was located at Charlestown yesterday (Monday 16 September 2024).

Police would like to thank the public and the media for their assistance.


The Albanese Labor Government is delivering more than 13,700 new social and affordable homes across Australia to deliver the biggest investment in social and affordable housing in over a decade.

The first round of Labor’s Housing Australia Future Fund and National Housing Accord programs will deliver 4,220 social and 9,522 affordable homes, including 1,267 homes for women and children escaping domestic violence and older women at risk of homelessness.

In just the first round of these programs, the Albanese Government is directly supporting more social and affordable housing than the Liberals and Nationals did in their entire nine years in office.

Housing Australia has recommended contract negotiations for 185 projects, with construction on almost 40 per cent of the 13,742 dwellings forecast to get underway this financial year.

Round one of the programs’ funding will unlock $9.2 billion of investment in social and affordable housing across Commonwealth, State and Territory government, and the private and community housing sectors.

The programs will provide an ongoing funding stream to build 40,000 social and affordable housing projects, with applications for round two opening in the
next 6-months

Minister should halt fracking in Beetaloo & consider scientific advice

The Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek should immediately stop drilling and fracking from taking place in the Beetaloo Basin until she has considered the scientific advice about impacts on water, say the Greens. 

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for the Environment & Water:

“Tamboran has been clear they plan to start fracking any day now – without any environmental or water assessment. These gas cowboys need to be reigned in. The Minister needs to pick up the phone immediately and tell them there can be no drilling until she has recieved and considered the scientific advice she’s requested.

“The Minister has the power to halt the fracking with the Water Trigger and she needs to use it. Letting the company drill for months while a scientific report is written is too risky for the environment and local water supply.

“Fracking the Beetaloo Basin in the NT is not only a threat to water and river systems, it would open up a huge gas climate bomb and violate the consent of Traditional Owners. It must be stopped.

“The Greens are ready to work with Minister Plibersek and the Prime Minister to strengthen Australia’s broken environment laws so they actually protect nature and water, not gas and coal corporations.”

In Question Time this week the Greens were joined by Traditional Owners from the NT and again called for Minister Plibersek to use her power under the Water Trigger to stop fracking in the Beetaloo Basin.

1/3 young gamblers started under-18 as ad ban bill hits Senate

The Greens say new research showing 1/3 young gamblers started before the age of 18 is a wake up call for Labor and Liberal to back the ban on gambling ads. Seperate research also shows gambling losses in Australia have jumped to $32b per year. The Senate returns tomorrow and will face a Greens amendment to ban gambling ads.

Key Points:

Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens spokesperson for Communications:

“This new data shows gambling is becoming a rite of passage for young people, and it’s fuelled by the ads rammed down our throats during footy finals.

“Australians and young people are losing: 1/3 young gamblers started before the age of 18, and losses across the board for all ages have jumped to $32b nationally. We lose more per capita than any nation on earth.

“The public have had enough of the excuses and the political donations. The Government is dragging the chain and every delay is putting our kids in harm’s way. 

“Labor have buckled to the bookies and the public expect better. 

“With footy finals here now and gambling ads dominating, we could vote to ban the ads this week in the Senate.

“Labor and Liberal need to decide which side they are on – the bookies or Australians families?”

The Greens will move in the Senate this week to ban gambling ads in line with the Peta Murphy recommendations, amending the Regional Broadcasting Continuity Bill.

NSW voters head to the polls for local council elections

Residents across NSW will head to the polls today to have their say on who will represent them in local councils over the next four years.

Local government elections are being held today for all but one of the state’s 128 councils.

Three local government areas – Central Coast, Wingecarribee Shire and Balranald Shire will also return to having democratically elected councillors after periods of administration.

There are 3,889 candidates vying for 1,289 councillor positions across the state, an increase from the last council elections held in 2021.

Communities in 37 local government areas will also be voting for their Mayor, while all other councils will hold a vote to elect a Mayor once new councillors are sworn in.

Uncontested elections, where only the required number of candidates or less have nominated have been declared for a small number of local government areas and wards, and nominated candidates in those locations will be elected unopposed.

Voting in the NSW local government elections is compulsory, and fines apply. To find your nearest voting centre, use the NSW Electoral Commission electorate search tool:

Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig said:

“Democracy is a vital part of our society and exercising your right to vote is an important responsibility.

“Today is a chance for the people of NSW to have their voice heard about who they want to represent their local interests and make their community a better place.

“I urge voters to familiarise themselves with their local candidates and what they stand for so they can make an informed decision at the polling booth.

“As someone who served in local government for over 30 years, I can attest that being a councillor is an honour that carries significant responsibility.

“Councils invest more than $15 billion each year delivering services and around $7 billion on infrastructure and community facilities.

“We need to elect councillors who are competent and hard-working so make your vote today count.”

Opening of Central Coast Veteran and Family Hub

A new wellbeing services and support centre for Central Coast-based veterans and their families opened its doors in Wyong yesterday.

The RSL LifeCare Central Coast Veteran and Family Hub will bring together organisations providing important wellbeing services, support and opportunities to the region’s veteran community.

In keeping with the proven success of the one-stop-shop Veteran and Family Hub model, the Wyong hub will offer a wide range of freely available support services including: financial assistance, employment assistance, educational opportunities, Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) claims and advocacy and mental health support.
The centre will host support groups, workshops and social events, offering a safe space for veterans and their families to come together, share experiences and build lasting connections.

The hub is funded by a $1.5 million grant from DVA’s Veteran Wellbeing Grants ‘One-Off Program’.

RSL LifeCare worked closely with Central Coast Council and Central Coast-based RSL sub-Branches to establish the hub.

More than 50 veterans, serving defence force personnel and their families joined dignitaries at an official event to open the hub yesterday.

Minister for Veterans David Harris said:

“As the Member for Wyong, Minister for the Central Coast and Minister for Veterans, I am thrilled the new Veteran and Family Hub has opened on the Coast.

“The Central Coast is home to more than 7,600 veterans who, along with their families, will benefit from the wide range of support services now available at their local hub.

“It will also serve as a safe place for the veteran community to get-together to access the many services and activities, or simply to catch up.”

RSL LifeCare CEO Janet Muir said:

“We are proud to open a welcoming space for veterans and their families to find support and connection.

“The new hub, like our other active hubs across NSW, and in partnership with RSL NSW and local RSL sub-Branches, will provide essential wrap-around services.”

RSL NSW President Mick Bainbridge said:

“RSL NSW sub-Branches are a critical component of the hub-and-spoke model and will connect veterans and their families on the Central Coast with the services and support offered by a consortium of ex-service organisations operating from the Veteran and Family Hub.

“RSL NSW is committed to supporting the network of Veteran and Family Hubs across NSW because we know they work.”