Sydney Marathon to provide $300 million economic boost over the ‘long run’

Sydney’s bid to become the world’s seventh Marathon Major host city could boost the NSW visitor economy by up to $300 million over a decade, according to projections.

The benefits of joining the big six world marathons: New York, London, Boston, Tokyo, Chicago and Berlin is becoming clearer as the Sydney Marathon prepares for the starter’s gun this Sunday.

Assessors from around the world are in Sydney to evaluate the delivery of the marathon and its overall participant experience before deciding whether to bestow Sydney Marathon with Abbott World Marathon Major status in 2025.

Sydney marathon has grown rapidly from 5,300 entrants to 25,000 this year, but major status will send interest to another level, drawing runners from across Australia and all around the world.

Analysis undertaken by Destination NSW suggests major status for Sydney would be worth an extra $300 million to the state’s visitor economy over a decade as runners flock to add another star to what is currently known as the “six stars” – those who have completed all six major marathons.

Entrants would grow from 25,000 to an estimated 33,300 in 2025, delivering visitor economy expenditure of $22.8 million.

By 2027, Destination NSW estimates that expenditure would grow to $26 million in 2027, with 37,800 local and international runners.  

Minister for Jobs and Tourism John Graham:

“Becoming a World Marathon Major is not just about the prestige of the Sydney Marathon joining the big six – Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York. It is about becoming a bucket-list city for runners around the world and the ongoing visitor and economic boost that will provide for NSW.

“More than 840,000 people have applied to run in the London Marathon next year and 320,000 in Tokyo. If Sydney is to join this group, we expect runners from interstate and across the world wanting to take their place on the start line – every one of whom will need a hotel room, may bring family and other support with them and will likely want to enjoy a holiday while here in NSW.

“This is the critical year for Sydney to gain Marathon Major status and I urge Sydneysiders to get out and cheer on the runners, raise the atmosphere and back the event towards the next level.”

“I am so excited about the prospect of the Sydney Marathon becoming a World Marathon Major. How could competitors not want to run the most beautiful course in the world? Good luck to all runners.”

Once in a generation aged care reforms

The Albanese Government will deliver historic aged care reforms to ensure the viability and quality of aged care, and support growing numbers of older Australians choosing to retain their independence and remain in their homes as they age.

Around 1.4 million Australians will benefit from a new Support at Home program by 2035, helping them remain independent, in their home and their community for longer.

$5.6 billion will be invested in a reform package which represents the greatest improvement to aged care in 30 years, and includes these major changes:

  • A $4.3 billion investment in Support at Home, to come into effect on 1 July 2025.
  • Essential changes to improve the funding, viability, and quality of residential aged care.
    • no worse off principle will provide certainty to people already in aged care and they won’t make a greater contribution to their care.
    • The treatment of the family home won’t change.
  • New laws to protect older Australians in aged care, with stronger powers to investigate bad behaviour and civil penalties for breaching standards

The net impact of the changes is a $930 million spend over four years and a $12.6 billion save over the next 11 years.

The reforms respond to the recommendations of the Aged Care Taskforce, which brought together older Australians, experts and residential aged care providers and recommended that Australians make a reasonable means tested contribution to the cost of their care.

The reforms have bipartisan support.

Better support for Australians to age at home

Older Australians increasingly want the freedom, support and choice to remain in the home and community they love. In the past 10 years, the number of Australians in home care has increased fourfold.

To cater to the changing preferences of older Australians, the Albanese Government will invest $4.3 billion in a new system of home care, called Support at Home, which will come into effect on 1 July 2025, and will help Australians remain independent, in their home and their community for longer.

By 2035, Support at Home will help around 1.4 million people stay in their homes as they age.

Support at Home will provide support for:

  1. Clinical care (e.g. nursing care, occupational therapy)
  2. Independence (e.g. help with showering, getting dressed or taking medications)
  3. Everyday living (e.g. cleaning, gardening, shopping or meal preparation)

The Government will pay 100 per cent of clinical care services, with individual contributions going towards independence and everyday living costs.

 Classification level
(budget around $22,000)
(budget around $78,000)
For every $1 contributed by a…the Government will contribute, on average…
Full pensioner$12.70$19.80
Part pensioner$6.10$8.50
Self-funded retiree and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card eligible$1.60$2.20

How much someone contributes will be based on the Age Pension means test and highly dependent on their personal circumstances, from the level of support they are assessed to need, to their combination of income and assets.

Click here to see how different Australians would contribute to Support at Home.

A lifetime contribution cap will apply across the aged care system and means no one will contribute more than $130,000 to their non-clinical care costs – whatever their means or duration of care – with every Support at Home contribution counted towards the cap.

Some of the benefits of Support at Home include:

  • Support for 300,000 more participants in the next 10 years.
  • Shorter average wait times from assessment to receive support.
  • More tailored support, with 8 ongoing classifications all the way up to around $78,000 a year.
  • Support for home modifications, with up to $15,000 to make homes safer.
  • Fast access to assistive technology, like walkers and wheelchairs, including a new equipment loan scheme.

Support at Home participants will also have expanded access to restorative support to get back on their feet after an illness or injury, through a 12 week program that works with a team of allied health and other professionals.

According to the Productivity Commission, up to 70 per cent of Australians would prefer to die in the comfort of their own home, but fewer than 10 per cent actually do. Support at Home participants will be eligible for up to $25,000 in additional support to spend their final 3 months at home, so they can be surrounded by loved ones in an environment they cherish, instead of rushing precious moments into hospital visiting hours.

Click here to learn more about Support at Home.

Essential changes to improve the funding, viability, and quality of residential care 

As the Aged Care Taskforce Report made clear, by 2050 the residential aged care sector will need $56 billion in capital funding to upgrade existing aged care rooms and build the additional rooms that growing numbers of older Australians will need.

In the next 40 years, the number of Australians aged over 65 is expected to more than double, with those aged over 85 to more than triple.

Current funding arrangements are not sufficient: in 2022-23, 46 per cent of providers made a loss from accommodation.

A range of reforms will help ensure residential aged care providers can attract the investment they need to keep current facilities open, improve quality, and build new facilities.

As recommended by the Aged Care Taskforce, these measures include:

  • Larger means-tested contributions from new entrants.
  • A higher maximum room price that is indexed over time.
  • The retention of a small portion of refundable accommodation deposits by providers.

The treatment of the family home won’t change.

Half of new residents will not contribute more under the new consumer contributions:

  • All “fully supported” residents will not contribute more.
  • 7 in 10 full pensioners will not contribute more.
  • 1 in 4 part pensioners will not contribute more.

For every $1 an older Australian contributes to their residential aged care, the Government will contribute an average of $3.30.

Read more about how accommodation reform and resident contributions will ensure the growth and viability of residential aged care.

Click here to see how different Australians would contribute to their residential care.

No worse off principle for Australians already in aged care

no worse off principle will provide certainty to people already in aged care and they won’t make a greater contribution to their care. 

Support at Home

When Home Care participants transition to Support at Home, from 1 July 2025, they will maintain the same level of funding and retain any unspent funds.

Everyone who, as of 12 September 2024, is receiving a Home Care Package (a package), on the National Priority System, or assessed as eligible for a package, will make the same contributions, or lower, as they would have under Home Care arrangements. They will stay on the existing contribution arrangements when they move to residential care, unless they opt to move to the new program

Residential aged care

The new contributions and accommodation arrangements will only apply to new entrants to residential aged care from 1 July 2025. Everyone in residential care on 30 June 2025 will maintain their current arrangements until they leave care.

Budget impact

Aged care is one of the biggest pressures on the Budget and, without action, spending is expected to more than double as a share of GDP over the next 40 years.

The Government currently pays 76 per cent of residential care costs and 95 per cent of home care costs.

This package improves aged care and strengthens the Budget at the same time. It is a combination of new investments and new contributions but with generous transitional arrangements.

The net impact of the changes is a $930 million spend over four years and a $12.6 billion save over the next eleven years.

As a result of the reforms, by 2034-35:

  • Annual growth in spending on aged care is expected to moderate. Average annual growth over the decade to 2034-35 was 5.7 per cent at Budget and will come down to 5.2 per cent.
  • Aged care spending as a share of GDP is projected to moderate, from 1.5 per cent of GDP to 1.4 per cent, even as the number of participants and the quality of care increase.

Government investment in aged care will continue to grow, year on year, every year, growing more sustainably over time.

Under the reforms, the Government will pay:

  • 100 per cent of clinical care costs, regardless of individual means, and
  • The majority of aged care costs overall, including:
    • 73 per cent of residential care costs and
    • 89 per cent of Support at Home costs.

For every $1 an older Australian contributes, the Government will contribute an average of $3.30 to residential care, and $7.80 to Support at Home.

New laws to protect the rights of older Australians.

The new Aged Care Act legislation, which will enable the reforms, will soon be introduced to Parliament. It includes:

  • A Statement of Rights for older Australians in aged care, with a positive duty for providers to uphold those rights.
  • New duties to hold providers and people in positions of leadership accountable, along with a compensation pathway.
  • New Quality Standards to drive continuous improvement and high quality care.
  • Stronger regulatory powers to protect people from harm.
  • New whistleblower protections.
  • A regulator with stronger investigative powers.
  • A new, independent statutory Complaints Commissioner.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“At the heart of my government is a simple principle: putting the “care” back into aged care.

“Older Australians built this country, shaped our economy, did the hard yards. They embody the strength and the spirit of our nation.

“Our government is working to ensure that the aged care system that supports them is stronger now and sustainable into the future.

“Reforms like this do not happen every day. They are once-in-a-generation, and my Government is proud to deliver them, as we said we would.”

Treasurer Jim Chalmers:

“This is how we Budget for better care.

“This is how we fund the care Australians need and deserve as they age.

“This is how we improve aged care and strengthen the Budget at the same time.

“These reforms are all about delivering better care for more people in a more sustainable way.

“It’s a step change in care, and a structural reform to the Budget.”

Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells:   

”We’ve heard the message from older Australians: they want support to stay in the homes and communities they love.

“Support at Home will help around 1.4 million older Australians do just that, with shorter wait times, more levels of support, and funding for home modifications.

“The Government will pay 100 per cent of clinical care services, with people contributing towards their support services like help with showering, gardening or meal preparation.

“Older Australians will get support to spend their final weeks at home, surrounded by loved ones in an environment they cherish, instead of rushing precious moments into hospital visiting hours.”

New report shapes way forward for freight policy reform

Delivering their Interim Directions report, the independent Freight Policy Reform Panel has made key recommendations to support an efficient logistics supply chain in New South Wales.

The Reform Panel has taken a broad look at the industry, with analysis showing freight volumes are estimated to increase by 26 per cent across NSW between 2021 and 2041, with a 40 per cent increase in Greater Sydney alone.

The release of the paper marks some immediate actions for government and industry to undertake and the opening of the second round of consultation ahead of the Policy’s finalisation by the end of the year.

The Interim Directions Paper looks at the end-to-end freight logistics chain, focusing on both industry and network policy.

Key industry issues considered by the paper include supporting decarbonisation, better planning and protection of industrial land, using data and information to inform decision making and addressing skills shortages.

The paper also makes recommendations on network issues such as pricing, infrastructure resilience and the future of ports, rail and road within the freight system. Specific actions include:

  • Addressing data gaps in freight movements to support future infrastructure investments.
  • Better planning for freight corridors and industrial spaces, including prioritising the final business case and planning for the Western Sydney Freight Line.
  • Enabling 600 metre rail shuttles between Port Botany and Sydney’s intermodals for more efficient freight movements.
  • The finalisation and implementation of the NSW Heavy Vehicle Access Policy to optimise use of the road network for modern heavy vehicles.
  • The improvement of access and coordination between rail networks, including an immediate review of the NSW Rail Access Undertaking.

The Interim Directions Paper also includes the Panel’s endorsement of a package of 20 of 21 recommendations in the Willett Review of the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy and Ports and Maritime Administration Act.

The recommendations to be considered by government are designed to improve turnaround times and congestion while processing container freight at Port Botany, designed to put a greater emphasis on incentives that reward port efficiency rather than focusing on poor performance.

Port Botany is the second largest processor of container freight in Australia with around 2.8 million containers being processed per year and 90 per cent of imports travel within a 60 kilometre radius of the port. The reforms are designed to make that process smoother and easier for shipping lines, stevedores and landside road and rail operators. Government will now consider the Port Botany recommendations ahead of the final Freight Reform Policy.

The Panel recognises a new approach is needed to continue to deliver safer and more connected transport while lowering emissions towards zero for both road and rail.

Consultation is continuing, with an information session to be held on Monday 23 September, with online submissions accepted until Wednesday 23 October 2024.

Visit Transport’s webpage to read the Interim Directions Paper and register for the information session by Friday 20 September 2024.

Supporting those who need it most on their pathway to electrification

Public housing tenants and low-income renters and owner occupiers have reported improvements to wellbeing, comfort, climate resilience and energy costs in an evaluation report, released today, on the ACT Government’s Home Energy Support Scheme.

The ACT Government’s Home Energy Support Scheme started in March 2022, providing a range of rebates and support for lower-income tenants and homeowners on the pathway to electrification.

This program is part of the ACT Government’s commitment in 2020 to implement a 5-year $50 million program to improve energy efficiency and sustainability for community and public housing, low-income owner occupiers and the lowest energy efficiency performing rental properties.

The Home Energy Support Scheme evaluation reports are available on the Everyday Climate Choices website.

Minister for Water, Energy and Emissions Reduction Shane Rattenbury:

“We want everyone to have a comfortable home that is affordable to heat and cool.

“Low-income households spend a relatively high amount of their income on energy and feel the brunt of rising energy prices more than most.

“It is important that we support Canberrans most in need to transition their homes, so we can make sure all Canberrans experience the benefits of the energy transition.

“We’re hearing great feedback from participants that they are saving money and feeling more comfortable in their homes and are protected from extreme temperatures.

Ada, a participant of the Home Energy Support Scheme – Community Housing Program:

“Last winter I spent most days confined to one small room of my house with a newborn, as it was simply too expensive to heat the main living areas. This winter I was able to play with my son in the living room without worrying about breaking the bank.

“My energy bills this winter are 35% of what they were last winter (from $1,100 to less than $400), and the house has been considerably warmer throughout.”

Josh Vaughan, Director – Mission, Communications, Fundraising & Partnerships, Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn:

“Marymead CatholicCare Canberra & Goulburn are pleased to have been recipients of energy upgrades across 13 properties housing diverse and vulnerable Canberrans, including the installation of insulation and replacing gas appliances with electric appliances.

“As a Community Housing Provider with the interests of meeting community need at the heart of everything we do, this has helped to make our homes the most comfortable environments possible; has further tailored our homes to the individual health and accessibility needs of tenants and has reduced energy costs.”

Labor dancing to Dutton’s tune on aged care

The Greens say Labor is dancing to the Opposition’s tune on aged care with reports that the Coalition is putting the brakes on a deal for a new Aged Care Act.

Greens spokesperson for Older People Senator Penny Allman Payne:

“Labor is letting the Coalition dictate terms on aged care. They caved on care minutes, they caved on criminal penalties and now they’re letting the opposition delay a long overdue reform.

“Labor is boxing at shadows. They’re so desperate to avoid Peter Dutton’s attacks that they’re letting him set the policy agenda – from the census questions debacle, to pulling the plug on promised religious discrimination reforms, and now keeping millions of older Australians waiting for a new Aged Care Act.

“This is a government that’s lost its way, and older Australians and the LGBTQI+ community are paying the price.”

Chalmers must act now to bring down interest rates

The Greens are urging Treasurer Jim Chalmers to use his powers to bring down interest rates, which continue to smash mortgage holders and renters across Australia.

“High interest rates are crushing mortgage holders and renters. Jim Chalmers needs to step in now to give them relief,” Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“According to Jim Chalmers himself, the Reserve Bank has smashed the economy. Dr Chalmers has the power to reduce interest rates, and he must act before more damage is done.”

“Given the Coalition’s decision today, and Dr Chalmers’ comments,  the Greens are ready to engage in good faith with the Treasurer.”

“We are very motivated to see Section 11 of the RBA Act and Section 36 of the Banking Act retained.” 

“While the Greens are willing to work with the Treasurer, it’s crucial for the power of a democratically elected government to override decisions of the RBA to be maintained.”

“Removing democratic oversight over the RBA would be Labor’s final capitulation to the power of capital, and to the neoliberal agenda.”

“Section 11 gives the Treasurer the ability to intervene to override the Reserve Bank when necessary. Dr Chalmers should use that power now to reduce interest rates and retain it so it can be used in the future.”

“Section 36 allows the RBA to direct funds to productive areas of the economy like clean energy, rather than just the continued pumping of money into housing speculation.”

”Labor’s Future Made in Australia will involve the Government direct capital into productive parts of the economy, so the Treasurer should be comfortable with the Reserve Bank using its levers to do the same.”

“Knee Jerk”: social media ban for young people lacks evidence say Greens

The Greens have criticised the Prime Minister’s plan to ban teenagers from social media, labeling it “knee jerk politics that lacks evidence and expert support”.

They have called on the Federal Government to instead better regulate the tech giants and ban their use of predatory algorithms, data harvesting and advertising that target young people.

Greens Spokesperson for Communications and Deputy Chair of the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“The Greens do not support banning young people from social media because we have listened to the experts. Parents are worried about the safety of their kids, but the Government’s knee jerk policy lets the big tech giants off the hook.

“We have participated in the Government’s own Inquiry set up to examine an age limit ban in good faith. The PM on the other hand hasn’t bothered to listen to any experts and instead is following Peter Dutton’s lead once again. 

“We urge the PM, stop following Dutton and his dangerous policies and be a leader in real reform that tackles the scourge of unregulated global platforms profiting off the suffering of everyone, not just our kids.

“Expert after expert is coming out today warning that a ban will not keep our young people safer or make platforms safer, and may actually cause more harm.

“Not even the e-Safety Commissioner supports a ban – the Government’s own online safety expert.

“We don’t ban kids from going to the beach – we teach them how to swim and make sure they swim between the flags. There are safety measures put in place to keep them safe –  flags, lifeguards, adult supervision and swimming lessons.

“We need to teach children how to use social media and understand there are many positive benefits, particularly for marginalised kids, to being online.

“If the PM wants to make social media safer then he should get on with tackling the harmful business practices of the digital platforms. 

“Social media giants should be banned from targeting our kids with algorithms and advertising, and from data harvesting, especially of private information. 

“Our online spaces should be safe for everyone and they should be safe whatever age young people get online. The EU and other countries have led the way and it’s time Australia followed. This is the evidence the Inquiry has overwhelmingly heard so far and it should be listened to.

Labor and Coalition Block Bill to End Native Forest Logging

Labor and the Coalition have today voted together to block Greens’ legislation to end logging of Australia’s native forests.

The Greens’ legislation sought to repeal Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs), which have allowed logging corporations to continue destroying native forests without having to comply with federal environmental laws.

“Labor and the Coalition have turned their backs on Australia’s forests, our wildlife, and our future,” Greens forests spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said.

“Today’s vote – which had the support of key crossbenchers Senator Pocock and Senator Payman –  shows that the only thing standing in the way of ending native forest logging is the Labor Party.”

“They’re choosing to protect the interests of logging corporations over the environment and the long-term survival of threatened species like the Leadbeater’s possum and the Swift parrot.” 

“The evidence is clear – native forest logging has to end if we are serious about protecting biodiversity and addressing climate change.”

“These forests are home to endangered species, and their destruction is accelerating the extinction crisis and driving climate change.”

“The fact that Labor and the Coalition can continue supporting these destructive exemptions is indefensible, reckless, and completely out of touch with community expectations.”

“The Greens won’t stop fighting until native forest logging is history.”

“Nature is under unprecedented attack around the world, and there is simply no excuse to continue logging precious native forests while the climate is breaking down and ecosystems are crumbling.”

“We’re standing up for Australia’s forests and the species that rely on them, and we’ll keep building pressure to ensure these crucial ecosystems are protected for future generations.”

Major grants boost to help Newcastle’s most vulnerable

City of Newcastle is providing almost $240,000 to fund activities that will strengthen the community by helping to alleviate food insecurity, create social connections, and support women’s health.

The funding pool received a $100,000 boost thanks to a Lord Mayoral Minute, which was unanimously supported by the elected Council in May to strengthen the Social Inclusion grant program in light of the cost-of-living crisis.

Twenty-four applications will share in the funding, with grants ranging from $2500 up to $20,000.

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes at City Hall with recipients of City of Newcastle's Social Inclusion grants.Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes at City Hall with recipients of City of Newcastle’s Social Inclusion grants.Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said City of Newcastle’s grants and sponsorship program plays an important role in the community.

“Our Social Inclusion grants often support not-for-profit organisations that become overwhelmed during periods of economic uncertainty,” Cr Nelmes said.

“Those organisations provide vital community services such as outreach programs, assisted community living and pop-up food services.

“Our grants also support activities that strengthen our diverse communities by increasing connection, social inclusion, and access for our most vulnerable citizens.

“This aligns with City of Newcastle’s Social Strategy 2030, which aims to remove barriers to inclusion and equal opportunity, celebrates our social and cultural diversity and strengthens community health and wellbeing.”

A range of the successful applicants are aiming to tackle food insecurity, including Grainery Care, which will increase its capacity to provide a safe place and free meals for people who are struggling with mental health, disabilities, and social isolation.

Reach Newcastle Limited will expand its successful weekday breakfast program to include weekend services in Hamilton, while the Hamilton Seventh Day Adventist Church will upgrade its kitchen, which provides equitable access to healthy, free, nutritious meals. The renovation is expected to help the program increase its capacity from 60 to at least 120 people per week.

Enhancing social wellbeing is at the heart of a successful application by NSW Rugby Union, which will look to emulate the success of a well-established program in Coffs Harbour by starting ‘Rugby in the Park’ in Newcastle, allowing homeless people to make important connections while supporting their physical and mental wellbeing.

Hunter Homeless Connect will create a Pay it Forward model for raising funds to provide information for people experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable members in our community.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities will receive a range of support from City of Newcastle grants through initiatives such as the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot, where Newcastle’s first Community Supporter Group will provide 12 months of practical support to a newly arrived refugee family.

The Shared World Collective will promote the health and well-being of newly settled Afghan refugee women.

Co-Director Katrina Gulbrandsen said the City of Newcastle grant will help them launch Shodan Fit: A Health and Well-Being Program for Afghan Women.

“Shodan Fit offers women-only gym memberships and social outdoor fitness activities to support the physical and mental well-being of Afghan refugee women in our community,” Ms Gulbrandsen said.

“Shared World Collective was also able to secure another Social Inclusion grant to deliver intercultural workshops that foster intercultural dialogue and empower CALD women leaders.

“Through creative storytelling, participants will enhance communication, leadership, and peacebuilding skills, while developing intercultural understanding and strengthening their social and professional networks.”

Surfing the Spectrum will provide free learn to surf lessons at Nobbys Beach for neurodivergent individuals, promoting water safety to vulnerable groups in Newcastle, while Curious Legends will use theatre and parkour to improve the social development of high school students who have faced trauma, disability, mental health conditions or social disadvantage.

For more information about City of Newcastle’s Grants and Sponsorships program visit

Newcastle proves fit for a queen (or six) with blockbuster musical to debut in 2025

City of Newcastle will be rolling out the red carpet for a much-anticipated royal visit next year, with global phenomenon SIX The Musical set for a three-week reign at the Civic Theatre.

Since debuting on the West End in 2019, global audiences have been losing their heads for the fast-paced, award-winning production, which tells the extraordinary story of the six wives of King Henry VIII as they step out of the shadow of their infamous husband and reclaim their own narratives.

SIX The Musical announcementLord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and Civic Theatre Manager Leonie Wallace in the royal box overlooking the stage, where the SIX Queens will make their Newcastle debut in 2025.

The Australian production is currently playing in Melbourne as part of a national tour. SIX will make its first Australian appearance outside of a capital city with an extended run in Newcastle from 10 April, 2025.

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said SIX will be the crowning glory for the Civic Theatre’s growing national reputation, providing a cultural, economic and tourism boost to the city. 

“Enjoyed by more than 3.5 million worldwide each year, this spectacular production is a major coup secured by City of Newcastle,” Cr Nelmes said.

“The show is a cultural sensation, with over 32 million views on TikTok alone and a combined streaming figure of over one billion.

“The success of Come From Away and The Rocky Horror Show, which both broke box office records at the Civic Theatre, clearly demonstrates the demand for high quality, touring productions.

“There’s no doubt this will continue with SIX The Musical, which will be the hottest ticket in town when it hits the stage in Newcastle next year.

“Major events are a clear economic driver for our city. By attracting such high calibre shows, the Civic Theatre provides a significant drawcard that delivers considerable benefits for Newcastle’s visitor economy.”

Tickets for the three-week season will be available to buy later this month, with keen fans encouraged to sign up to the waitlist via to secure pre-sale access.

Written by Toby Marlow and Lucy Moss, this modern pop-inspired musical brings to life the historical figures of Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anna of Cleves, Katherine Howard, and Catherine Parr, portraying them as fierce and influential pop stars in their own right. 

Producer of the Australian production, Louise Withers, said they were thrilled to be bringing this innovative and influential musical to Newcastle.

“SIX is truly a global phenomenon and in Australia has enjoyed rapturous acclaim by both critics and audiences alike,” Ms Withers said.

“We are beyond thrilled that SIX will be coming to Newcastle and we look forward to making more fans and breaking more records when we arrive there in 2025!”

SIX has won 35 major international awards, including two Tony Awards for Best Original Score and Best Costume Design, and a Grammy nomination for Best Musical Theatre Album.

The musical has garnered international recognition with productions in Australia, Canada, the United States, Europe and South Korea. New productions have also been announced in Singapore, the Philippines and Japan.

SIX will be on stage at the Civic Theatre Newcastle from 10 April to 4 May 2025. Visit for more information.