Coalition Commits $7.5 Million to Boost Crime Stoppers

A Dutton Coalition Government will provide $7.5 million over three years in additional funding to Crime Stoppers. 

This funding commitment will enable Crime Stoppers to expand its operations and protect more Australians from the devastating impact of crime in local communities. 

The Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Peter Dutton, said “Crime Stoppers is an integral part of the efforts of our communities and our law enforcement agencies to disrupt crime. As a former police officer, I know first-hand of the incredible work that Crime Stoppers does to keep Australians safe. People from around the country willingly provide information to Crime Stoppers that prevents, stops and helps solve crime because people are assured their anonymity is respected.” 

Shadow Attorney-General, Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, said “Crime Stoppers is one of Australia’s most respected crime fighting organisations. It provides a safe, anonymous and independent way to report crime, empowering communities to help prevent crime in their own backyard. The Coalition’s funding commitment to Crime Stoppers will help keep Australians safer. This funding is an extremely effective way of fighting crime at a local community level.” 

Shadow Minister for Home Affairs, Senator James Paterson, said “The Coalition’s commitment to expanding funding for Crime Stoppers is needed now more than ever. It is the Albanese Labor government’s weakness and incompetence on crime and community safety has put Australians at risk. This funding will allow Crime Stoppers to help address the antisemitism and extremism crisis we have seen over the past year. The Coalition will support Crime Stoppers to make sure all Australians feel safe.” 

In 2023, almost 4,000 arrests and 10,000 charges were laid because of information provided by the community through Crime Stoppers.  On average, there is one contact to Crime Stoppers made every minute across Australia. 

Every dollar invested in Crime Stoppers delivers more than $11 in return value. 

This funding commitment will provide Crime Stoppers with a greater level of financial certainty to help Australia’s law enforcement agencies to crack down on the illicit drug trade, and other violent and non-violent offences. 

A Dutton Coalition Government will get Australia back on track by tackling the crime and anti-social behaviour that threatens the safety of our communities. 

Extraordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 14 January 2025

Following is a summary of resolutions from the Ordinary Council meeting of Tuesday 14 January 2025. NB: it is not a full record of resolutions.

Notices of Motion

Shark Management Program in Newcastle

Council supported a notice of motion to respond to the Department of Primary Industries (DPI) 2024 Preferences Survey to indicate its support for shark mitigation technology measures such as drones, SMART Drumlines and tagged shark listening stations. An amendment was supported that opted to leave the question about shark nets blank with the addition of a Part B. Another amendment was supported that reiterates the DPI is best placed to manage the Shark Meshing Program in a coordinated manner across NSW and emphasises the importance of broad community consultation, a robust state-wide public education campaign, and continued funding and leadership from DPI for shark detection technologies.

Management and replacement of commemorative plaques in the City of Newcastle

Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to explore the cost and replacement of a range of commemorative plaques that have been stolen from prominent locations in Newcastle since October 2024.

Heritage listing of Newcastle Ocean Baths

Council unanimously supported a notice of motion that formally reaffirms Council’s support for the proposed listing of the Newcastle Ocean Baths to the Heritage Council of NSW via a submission, noting Council’s record of investment in enhancing the Baths while safeguarding their enduring heritage values.

Pressurised washing of footpaths in Main Street business precinct areas

Council unanimously supported a notice of motion to improve the amenity of heavily populated main streets through high pressure cleaning of footpaths, noting the Business Improvement Associations of Hamilton, Newcastle, Wallsend and Mayfield have identified that footpaths on their main streets would benefit from a water pressure washing at least once every four years.

Emergency Response Beacons ready for a safer summer as beach activity heats up

Volunteer life savers across NSW have performed more than 300,000 preventative actions to keep beachgoers safe as more than four million people flocked to the surf since 1 December.

The warm weather has encouraged big beach crowds resulting in more than 1,000 rescues, serious incidents requiring lifesaving action, and first aid treatment for more than 6,000 people in the first month of summer.

As the holidays continue, the NSW Government is urging those taking advantage of our beautiful coastline to play it safe at the beach with the launch of a new water safety hub.

The new online water safety hub complements the efforts of life savers by bringing together essential water safety information, featuring tips and guidance from key organisations across NSW to help communities stay informed and safe around the state’s stunning waterways.

The Minns Labor Government last year fast-tracked the installation of Emergency Response Beacons (ERBs) at unpatrolled locations, installing almost double the number proposed for the year of these potentially life-saving help points.

ERBs directly connect callers to Surf Life Saving NSW’s State Operations Centre, enabling the rapid deployment of lifesaving and emergency services to a potential rescue site.

With most fatalities occurring on unpatrolled beaches, this can reduce response times when every second counts.

The Government installed 19 beacons throughout 2024, at key locations including Fisherman’s Beach at Collaroy, Narrabeen Beach, South Curl Curl Beach and Forresters Beach on the Central Coast.

Beacons installed in 2024 are now in place at locations including:

  • Northern Beaches: Narrabeen Beach, South Curl Curl, Fishermans Beach, North Palm Beach, Turimetta Beach
  • Sydney:  Brighton-Le-Sands, Dolls Point, Gordons Bay, Lake Parramatta, Mahon Pool
  • Hunter: Moonee Beach
  • Central Coast: Bateau Bay, Forresters Beach, Frazer Park
  • Illawarra: Woonona Pool, Austinmer
  • Far South Coast: Bar Beach Merimbula, Camel Rock, Pambula River Mouth

The next generation of beacons are now being rolled out, with 15 expected to be installed during 2025 at key locations up and down the coast.

The new beacons are fitted with flotation devices and enhanced technology like high-definition video live-streaming to provide another set of eyes on the beach.

Currently, there are 53 ERBs strategically located at beaches frequented by both locals and tourists, ensuring quick access to emergency assistance.

The beacons are part of the NSW Government’s record $72 million additional investment in Surf Life Saving NSW.

Alongside the ERBs, the NSW Government is delivering 67 jet skis over four years, with 14 delivered to beaches along the state’s coastline for the summer.

The NSW Government continues to work in partnership with Surf Life Saving NSW, local councils and community organisations to deliver initiatives that keep residents and visitors safe.

Visit the water safety hub at:

Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said:

“Our investment in this life saving technology is a significant step forward in ensuring the safety of all beachgoers across NSW.”

“These new beacons, along with our education programs and simple to use tools like the water safety hub, are here to provide a crucial safety net for communities across NSW, especially for those who are most at risk.”

“We are building on the 53 Emergency Response Beacons installed across our beaches, backed by a record $72 million investment in Surf Life Saving NSW.”

“These Emergency Response Beacons can establish an instant link to the Surf Life Saving NSW State Operations Centre, ensuring swift action in emergencies, especially at unpatrolled beaches.”

“With the holiday season continuing, I urge everyone to stay vigilant, follow the guidance of our lifesavers and enjoy our stunning coastline safely.”

“This holiday season let’s work together to reduce the tragic toll of drownings in NSW. Enjoy the warm weather, make great memories, and most importantly, stay safe while cooling down at our incredible beaches.”

Surf Life Saving NSW CEO Steve Pearce said:

“We’ve had an extremely busy holiday period on beaches across the state and are expecting the tempo to remain high for the remainder of the summer. The crowds do put pressure on our volunteers.”

“Swimming between the red and yellow flags isn’t just a smart choice – it’s a lifesaver. No drownings have occurred at patrolled locations during patrol hours, so staying where lifesavers and lifeguards can see you is the best way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.”

“We’re urging beachgoers to take heed of those basic safety messages; don’t swim at unpatrolled locations – look for the red and yellow flags because if our lifesavers can’t see you, they can’t save you, and understand your limits when entering the ocean.”

Common sense approach to bushfire preparedness

The Minns Labor Government is reducing red tape which has in practice stifled farmers’ ability to fight fires on their own property.

During a fire emergency, a landholder can now take water from surface water and groundwater sources on their land without needing to have a water licence and water use approval. This includes streams, creeks and rivers abutting the boundary.

This commonsense exemption has been made via amendments to the Water Management (General) Regulation 2018.

The water can be used by landholders on their property and adjacent land to fight fires. It can also be used for training and controlled burning when it is carried out by or under the authority of a firefighting agency such as the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS), and for the testing and maintenance of firefighting equipment.

Landholders who wish to prepare for the threat of bushfires can now also lawfully take water and store it in a tank or dam for future firefighting purposes. The maximum volume for each property is 100,000 litres (0.1 ML) per year.

The NSW Government will carry out targeted periodic surveys of landholders to understand how the exemption is being used and to identify the extent and scale of water use.

While landholders are not required to submit reports, they are encouraged to log the volume of water they take under the exemption, for their own records.

Find further information on the exemptions.

Acting Minister for Water Jodie Harrison said:

“Rules to protect the state’s water security are important – but the fact is, when there is a fire, no one should need to stop and think if they are allowed to access water to keep themselves and their property safe.

“This is a common-sense decision, and it is great to see these amendments now in place in time for summer. When fire threatens life and property, landholders need fast and easy access to water to protect their properties and themselves.

“These changes make it easier and cheaper for farmers and property owners to access water to prepare for and respond to emergency fire situations.”

Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib said:

“When it comes to emergencies, landholders can play an important role in bushfire response, and this change further empowers them to act when their properties are under threat.”

“The NSW Government has been proactive in finding common sense ways to make it easier for landholders to fight fires on their properties, which also includes a trial to make it easier for farmers to keep firefighting vehicles on their properties.”

Record investment supports thousands of NSW’s youngest learners

The Minns Labor Government is supporting NSW’s working families, as data shows the parents and carers of a record 200,000 children were provided with fee relief for attending early childhood education and care throughout 2024.

Faced with stubborn inflation and the cost-of-living crisis, many young families are struggling to make ends meet. That is why the Minns Labor Government last year made a record $430 million investment to help families with three-, four- and five-year-olds, with the cost of early childhood education and care.

New Department of Education data shows:

  • This investment helped the families of around 200,000 children last year, with parents or carers receiving a subsidy to reduce the costs of early childhood education and care.
  • Families of more than 64,000 three-year-old children attending long day care were eligible for fee relief for the first time in 2024, under an initiative introduced by the Minns Labor Government.
  • In 2025 the families of at least 200,000 children will be eligible to access fee relief.

Families can now apply for fee relief at their chosen early childhood education and care service for this year. Eligible services will pass on the savings as a weekly reduction in fees.

From January 1, 2025, NSW families can receive:

  • Up to $4,347 a year for three- to five-year-olds attending eligible community and mobile preschools
  • Up to $2,174 a year for children aged four and above attending eligible preschool programs in long day care services. This can be received on top of the Australian Government Child Care Subsidy payment.
  • Up to $515 a year for three-year-olds attending eligible preschool programs in long day care services, on top of their Australian Government Child Care Subsidy payment.

Research shows that children who attend quality early childhood education and care for two days a week, or 600 hours a year in the two years before starting school, gain lifelong benefits. This supports their social, emotional, and cognitive development, with these benefits evident throughout their schooling years and into further study or the workforce.

The Minns Labor Government is also investing an additional $40 million in 2025 to drive improved quality in long day services delivering preschool programs for three-year-olds. Funding can be used by the services to pay salaries of early childhood teachers and educators, buy educational resources and develop quality early childhood education programs.

The Minns Labor Government is prioritising quality education in the early years of a child’s life, with $1.82 billion invested in early education and care as part of the 2024-25 NSW Budget.

In addition to fee relief, the Government has made the largest ever investment in public preschools. The Government will also build 100 new public preschools in public schools by 2027, the largest ever expansion in NSW.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

“High-quality early childhood education and care should be affordable and accessible for all children across NSW, no matter their postcode or background.

“That is why we are making a record investment in fee-relief – so more families can access quality preschool and long day care, where they can develop their language and social skills before starting school.

“More affordable preschool means more support for parents to return to work, which can make a big difference to hardworking families.”

More information on Start Strong fee relief is available on the Department of Education website.

New rezoning proposal to unlock Parramatta North’s potential

The Minns Labor Government has unveiled a plan for a 42-hectare site in Parramatta North to meet the evolving needs of Parramatta, one of Sydney’s fastest growing central business districts.

The rezoning proposal will allow for the delivery of 2,500 new homes well located on the new Parramatta Light Rail line and a new university campus with potential for up to 25,000 students in support of the Westmead Health and Innovation District (WHID). Importantly the new proposal will increase the amount of recreational green space, with roughly half of the precinct to be open space for the local community to enjoy.

The Parramatta North proposal will also deliver up to 12,000 high-value jobs by transforming the WHID, incorporating health services, research, education and supporting industry.

As part of the proposal, planning controls for State Significant Development Applications will include design guidelines and design excellence processes to streamline the delivery of quality community outcomes.

The rich history, cultural significance and local heritage of the area has been sensitively considered in the rezoning application of Parramatta North with over 30 significant heritage buildings earmarked to be conserved. 

Parramatta North’s Cultural Precinct, which incorporates the Parramatta Female Factory, is not included in the rezoning application. Respecting the heritage of this place, new and varied uses will rejuvenate historic buildings, showcasing compelling stories and enriching this historic area.

Home of the Burramada people of the Dharug Nation, PDNSW is working with local Dharug people as well as the Deerubbin Local Aboriginal Land Council to understand and reflect the wishes of First Nations peoples in the plans for Parramatta North.

The public exhibition will conclude on 10 February 2025. For more information, visit:

Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper said:

“Parramatta is going from strength-to-strength, and delivering a vibrant Parramatta North is the next piece in the Parramatta puzzle.

“The rezoning of Parramatta North is crucial to unlocking the full potential of this precinct delivering jobs, housing, and open space, whilst taking full advantage of the new Parramatta Light Rail.

“Delivering a vibrant mixed-use precinct will mean the local community will be able to live, work and play on the doorstep of one of Sydney’s fastest-growing central business districts.”

Member for Parramatta Donna Davis said:

“As Parramatta grows, we need to make sure the things that make Parramatta special are maintained. Importantly, this proposal will protect the cultural precinct and earmark 30 significant heritage buildings for conservation, whilst delivering 21 hectares of open space.

“We achieved these outcomes through meaningful consultation with the local community. I encourage members to continue to have their say to shape the future of Parramatta North.”

Western Australia Is key to the vision of the future – The West Australian

My Government has a vision to Build Australia’s Future, and last week Infrastructure Minister Catherine King and I travelled across the north of our great continent to deliver it.

It’s an ambitious vision to build everything from roads and homes to the health system and education.

In short, all the things that help Australians build the futures they aspire to.

It’s a vision that has at its heart a determination to seize the opportunities that are within our reach, and it begins with Australia’s greatest resource: our people.

After announcing funding to upgrade Queensland’s Bruce Highway, and a visit to the Northern Territory’s Lake Nash cattle station, just one of the many beneficiaries of our resumed trade with China, we flew into Kununurra.

It was a wonderful start to my 27th visit to Western Australia as Prime Minister.

At a community event there, I had the privilege of meeting so many locals.

What it reminded me is that it is people like these who are the lifeblood of our regions.

Their energy, talent and determination are the beating heart of the economy across northern Australia.

And in the words of our Minister for Resources and Northern Australia, Madeleine King, a strong north means a strong Australia.

That’s why my Government is doing so much to support regional communities.

Last week we announced a $200 million package to support housing and community infrastructure in regional WA.

More than $90 million of it will go towards the critical infrastructure such as water, roads and power needed for building more than 1360 new homes across the Wheatbelt, Karratha and Lockyer under our Homes for Australia plan.

This plan will see more investment in more social housing and in more private rentals, as well as supporting home ownership through our Help to Buy scheme.

It is a program that is proudly modelled on the successful scheme that has operated here in WA for many decades.

It is important to note that every one of these measures were opposed by Peter Dutton and the Coalition – just as they have opposed all of our measures to help Australians with the cost of living.

While they remain mired in their obsession with obstructing, Labor is getting on with the job of constructing.

We are getting on with building the future by building communities and building opportunities.

As we work to encourage more people to live and work in regional Australia, we know homes are only part of the story.

Northern cities and towns need sporting clubs, parks and upgrades to local precincts – the infrastructure that adds to the liveability that is the heart of any community.

That’s why we are delivering more than $110 million to build and upgrade community infrastructure.

Funding will go to regional areas such as Newman, Kununurra and Carnarvon.

This will encourage more people to live in regional WA and create more economic and business opportunities, and begin writing a fresh chapter in the West’s extraordinary success story.

WA’s success is central to Australia’s success.

We will continue to encourage and foster that economic growth.

That’s why we have granted First Point of Entry to the Ports of Wyndham, Ashburton and Dampier.

This will allow for more direct international shipping, meaning businesses, farmers and other industry in the north will be able to import and export goods closer without having to transit through ports such as Darwin or Fremantle.

Consider the scale of the changes that are possible.

Right now, the volume of exports at the Port of Wyndham is 212,199 tonnes.

With the changes to First Point of Entry, we expect exports to increase to over 1.36 million tonnes.

At the Port of Ashburton, we expect exports to be more than 13 million tonnes of iron ore and rare earth concentrates per year by 2030.

Building Australia’s Future is about so much more than bricks and mortar.

It is about creating a better life for Australians, whether it’s through better education, better aged care, better childcare, and better Medicare.

In short: a better Australia for all Australians.

Since we were elected, that has been my Government’s priority.

With a second term, we will keep working and keep building.

While Peter Dutton has made it clear he wants to take Australia backward, we want to keep taking Australia forward to the bright future within our reach.

This opinion piece was first published in The West Australian on Wednesday, 15 January 2025.

Albanese Government delivering Devonport’s living city

The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia’s future, today announcing over $6 million to improve the everyday lives of North West Tasmanians.

$6 million in Federal funding has been allocated to continue the revitalisation of Devonport’s CBD by delivering Stage 3 of the Local Council’s Living City project.

The funding will complement Council and private investment to upgrade public infrastructure including the construction of a road link and site utilities to unlock land for up to 30 affordable housing units, establish a purpose-built school for young people who have been unable to complete their studies in mainstream schools, and deliver retail sites.

The Devonport Living City project is transforming the city centre for locals and visitors alike, shaping Devonport’s future and strengthening its role as a community and tourism hub for North West Tasmania.

An additional $619,241 has also been allocated to construct the Circular Head Community Health and Wellbeing Hub in Smithton.

The hub will house the Rural Health Tasmania Inc. administration team and will be open to other community health organisations.

It will provide a mixed-use shared community space that offers drop-in areas where people can talk with a staff member; engage with social groups, clubs, and educational forums; access health and wellbeing services and programs; or just sit, have a tea or coffee, and relax.

These projects showcase the Government’s commitment to listening to, and working with, local communities, and addressing regional needs.

They are funded through the Albanese Government’s regional Precincts and Partnership Program and Growing Regions Program, which provide investment to transform regional, rural and remote places. For more information, visit: Regional and community programs | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Building Australia’s future relies on critical investments to infrastructure projects – transforming communities and lives.

“This announcement of more than $6 million for North West Tasmania does just that.

“North West Tasmania is a beautiful place to live, work and visit, and my Government wants to ensure it has the infrastructure and housing it needs to continue to grow and thrive.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“Our investments in community infrastructure like the Circular Head Community hub and Devonport Living City project make North West Tasmania an even better place to live, and a place that locals can be very proud to call home.

“Infrastructure projects like these make such a difference to people’s lives. They shape the way we move around the city, and the way we connect with our communities – which we all know is becoming increasingly important.

“Our Government believes in the Devonport’s bold vision with its Living City project, and we’re pleased to be able to help bring this vision to life.”

Senator for Tasmania Anne Urquhart:

“The Albanese Labor Government is determined to make sure that regional areas like ours are not left behind, and that we get a fair share of the benefits of Federal Government investment.

“As the Federal Government’s representative in the North West I work closely with our local councils and community organisations to make sure they have a strong voice in priority setting.

“Investments like those announced today make our region and our communities stronger.”

Mayor of Devonport City Council Cr Alison Jarman:

“The Australian Government’s funding for Living City Stage 3 is truly the final piece of the puzzle for Devonport’s CBD transformation.

“This financial support unlocks opportunities for dynamic new spaces that will further drive economic growth and enhance community life. We are ecstatic and deeply grateful for this investment, which will transform underutilised land into a thriving hub of education, retail, tourism, and housing.

“This funding helps bring us closer to realising the full vision of Living City and fostering long-term prosperity for Devonport.”

Albanese Government delivering $10 million for Hobart infrastructure

The Albanese Labor Government is building Australia’s future through delivering over $10 million to upgrade two key pieces of community infrastructure in Hobart and surrounding regions.

More than $10 million has been allocated to the South Brighton Development Precinct to help unlock up to 600 more homes.

The funding, delivered through the Housing Support Program, will go to critical infrastructure including a new sewerage pump, upgrading local roads and delivering a shared path to connect the development to the Brighton Industrial Hub.

An additional $501,000 has been allocated to the Upper Derwent Valley Precinct to support infrastructure planning to improve connectivity in multiple townships.

Funding will support the development of precinct plans/concept designs, business plans and feasibility studies for the communities of Maydena, Plenty, Hayes, Bushy Park, Glenora, Westerway and Mount Field.

Funding for the Upper Derwent Valley Precinct is provided through the Albanese Government’s regional Precincts and Partnership Program, which provides investment to transform regional, rural and remote places. For more information, visit:

The Housing Support Program is one of a range of measures designed to help achieve the ambitious national target of building 1.2 million new, well-located homes over the next 5 years. For more information, visit: Housing Support Program

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

“My Government is building Australia’s Future, allocating more than $10 million to upgrade infrastructure across Hobart and surrounding regions.

“These projects mean more houses for locals and better community facilities to bring them together.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King

“From Brighton to the Derwent Valley, we’re boosting homes and connecting communities by building the infrastructure Tasmanians deserve.

“It’s projects like these that transform the everyday lives of locals – building places they can call home and towns they can be proud of.

“The Upper Derwent Valley precinct will reshape this beautiful Tasmanian region, drawing more visitors to the area and unlocking its potential as a key tourist destination.”

Member for Lyons Brian Mitchell

“Labor understands it takes more than a media release to deliver housing – that’s why we’re funding the critical infrastructure needed to support housing projects.”

Princess theatre to live for another 100 years

A $12.7 million investment for the redevelopment of the Princess Theatre and Earl Street Arts Centre will ensure Launceston’s home of theatre lives on.

The Albanese Government has committed to upgrading the 100-year-old heritage-listed Princess Theatre as well as the construction of a new contemporary Earl Street Theatre, with the hope of ensuring the community stalwart thrives for another 100 years.

During construction, the project is anticipated to create 280 jobs, and once complete, provide an estimated $73.65 million boost to the region’s economy.

This project demonstrates the Albanese Government’s commitment to listening to local voices and funding priorities that benefit Tasmania’s regions.

It is part of our Growing Regions Program which invests in spaces for communities to gather, that promote community connection and shape everyday lives.

Today’s funding follows the $11 million provided for the Launceston Community Precinct project under round 1 of the program. 

The Growing Regions Program delivers investment in infrastructure across Australia’s regional, rural and remote areas. For more information, visit: Growing Regions Program.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“The Princess Theatre is a vital part of the history of Launceston.

“My Government understands the importance of community and this investment will not only create jobs and boost the local economy, but it will ensure that community spirit in Launceston thrives for decades to come.”

Minister for the Arts, Tony Burke:

“The Princess Theatre has been at the heart of the local community for more than 100 years, and today’s announcement means it will live on for generations to come.

“Regional theatres are a lifeblood for communities, injecting new ideas as well as providing support for emerging artists to hone their skills.

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King:

“The princess theatre is the heart of Launceston’s CBD. It is an icon of the city and has been for 100 years.

“This continues our ongoing investment into the city of Launceston following projects such as UTAS Stadium and the Launceston Community Precinct.”