Minns Labor government leaves vulnerable patients in the lurch

The Minns Labor Government is abandoning NSW’s most vulnerable as more than 200 of the state’s 260 psychiatrists prepare to resign amid a fractured pay dispute. This implosion of the mental health system will leave people in desperate need – including those at risk of self-harm or harming others – without the care they urgently require.
While NSW grapples with the biggest mental health crisis in decades, Mental Health Minister Rose Jackson is holidaying overseas. This comes as the government has resorted to posting helpline numbers on social media.
In the shadow of the Bondi Junction coronial inquest, Labor’s response to this crisis is nothing short of shameful. Instead of resolving the situation, they’ve doubled down on failed “efficiency pilot” schemes and dragged the matter into industrial arbitration – a process that will leave the system in chaos for months.
The Minns Labor Government promised industrial harmony yet all we see are industrial dispute after industrial dispute across the public sector, with no leadership or solutions in sight. The government’s so-called “mutual gains bargaining” has become a cruel joke, forcing psychiatrists to endure untenable working conditions while patients suffer the consequences.
Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations Damien Tudehope said the impending resignation of over 200 of the State’s 260 psychiatrists is yet another sign of the massive failure of Labor’s so-called ‘mutual gains bargaining’ system.
“Having blown the budget giving their friends in the NSW Teachers Federation a massive multi-billion pay rise, there is no money left in the kitty. Labor’s idea of ‘mutual gains bargaining’ is a new wages cap of 3.5% for 2024-25 and compliance with unilateral efficiency savings,” Mr Tudehope said.
Shadow Minister for Mental Health Robyn Preston said the State’s mental health system is in crisis. Rose Jackson spoke in November of her optimism that no resignations would take place.
“Now, with over 200 resignations looming, she’s on holiday, leaving the biggest mental health crisis in NSW’s history in the hands of Minister Harrison. This is leadership failure at its worst,” Ms Preston said.
Shadow Minister for Health Kellie Sloane said the implosion of the mental health system in NSW is happening in the shadow of the Bondi Junction coronial inquest, where support for those with acute mental health issues will come under scrutiny.
“Labor must fix this mess as a matter of urgency – not just for the sake of the psychiatrists but importantly for the patients and their families and the broader community,  who are all at risk if a solution is not brokered,” Ms Sloane said.
Shadow Minister for Regional Health Gurmesh Singh said regional communities are being left behind once again, with the Minns Labor Government failing to secure the mental health services they desperately need.
“This mass resignation of psychiatrists will have devastating consequences for vulnerable people in the bush who rely on these critical services,” Mr Singh said.
Premier Chris Minns himself has admitted the care provided to vulnerable people will decrease, yet his government continues to waste time and deflect blame onto the psychiatrists’ union, ASMOF. It’s a classic Labor tactic: when they can’t solve a problem, they point the finger elsewhere.
NSW is worse off under the Minns Labor Government.

Only Labor will finish the NBN and keep it in public hands

Families and businesses need high speed internet at an affordable price, and the Albanese Government will deliver that as we build Australia’s future.

The Albanese Government will fund the upgrade of Australia’s remaining national fibre-to-the node (FTTN) network through an equity injection of up to $3 billion, with NBN Co contributing more than $800 million to the project.

The Government will deliver this significant milestone while guaranteeing NBN Co will remain in public ownership.

Australians owning NBN Co is the best means of ensuring prices for high speed internet remain affordable for all Australians.

While the Albanese Government will complete the National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout, our political opponents want to strand Australians on ageing copper connections.

Given the opportunity, the Liberal and National parties will also privatise NBN Co. Peter Dutton made this clear when he instructed his Party to vote against Government legislation to keep the NBN Co in public hands in late 2024.

Fast, reliable, affordable internet is an essential building block of any modern economy. Connectivity boosts national productivity, enables innovation, and creates jobs.

Modelling by Accenture suggests the FTTN upgrade program will provide a $10.4 billion cumulative uplift in GDP over the next decade.

The modelling suggests individual households could save more than 100 hours and $2,580 per year in avoided travel time and costs from accessing faster broadband.

The new FTTN upgrades will deliver access to higher internet speeds for around 622,000 additional premises, with the upgrades delivered by 2030.

This landmark investment builds on the Albanese Government’s $2.4 billion outlay for FTTN upgrades.

The Government has provided access to faster and more reliable broadband for 1.5 million premises across Australia, including 660,000 in rural and regional communities.

The upgrades are being delivered on time and budget.

When the upgrade program is complete, more than 94% of premises on the fixed line network – over 11 million homes and businesses – will have access to connections enabling speeds of up to 1 Gbps.

A small proportion of more complex premises will need to undergo further design analysis and may be upgraded through other technology solutions, offering speeds up to 400Mbps.

the Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese:

“Keeping Australians connected at an affordable price is a vital national project. Rolling out high speed internet builds Australia’s future.

“Labor built the NBN, just like we built Medicare and superannuation.

“Peter Dutton wants to dismantle it, just like he wants to undermine Medicare and other services Australians rely on.”

Minister for Finance, Katy Gallagher:

“The Albanese Government wants to ensure that every Australian, no matter where they live, has access to the tools and opportunities they need to succeed, including access to the highest quality broadband.

“This funding is necessary and unavoidable to address growing reliability and security issues caused by the opposition’s costly decision to build a sub-standard network reliant on rapidly degrading copper. Removing copper from the FTTN network means we are finally building the NBN that was originally planned.

“Rolling out faster and more reliable internet is a key priority of this government, it’s good for our economy, it’s better for business, and helps to deliver stronger, more connected communities.”

Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland:

“Fast and reliable broadband is essential infrastructure now, in 2025, and in the long term.

“That’s why we’re committed to working with NBN Co to finish the job of upgrading the network to give thousands more Australians access to world-class broadband speeds.

“This investment will see the final fibre to the node premises reap the benefits of faster broadband coming to 622,000 homes and businesses.

“On top of our previous $2.4 billion investment to support NBN Co’s upgrade program and our promise to keep the NBN in public hands, this announcement shows our commitment to delivering a better NBN for Australians.”

The Albanese Government delivering $5 million for Nowra Riverfront Precinct

The Albanese Government is building Australia’s future by delivering infrastructure that connects regional communities and eases the everyday lives of locals. 

We’ve listened to the people of Shoalhaven, and today we are announcing $5 million for the Nowra Riverfront Precinct – a new mixed-use hub that will reconnect Nowra city centre with the Shoalhaven River waterfront.

The new precinct will transform Nowra for locals and visitors alike, shaping the future of the town and strengthening its role as the civic and tourism centre for the Shoalhaven region.

It will create an integrated space, incorporating parklands, accommodation, areas for commercial and social activities, as well as active transport links.

Today’s investment is supporting a precinct masterplan, detailed designs for the central open space, drainage, an access road, and a business case. It will help complete the planning, while early delivery of public space improvements will encourage private investment and renewal of the surrounding area.

This project showcases the Government’s commitment to listening to, and working with, local communities, and addressing regional needs.

It is funded through the Albanese Government’s regional Precincts and Partnership Program, which provides investment to transform regional, rural and remote places. For more information, visit: infrastructure.gov.au/regional

For more information on the Nowra Riverfront Activation, visit: Nowra Riverfront Activation (NRAT) | Get Involved Shoalhaven.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

“My Government is building Australia’s future, today announcing we will deliver $5 million to create the Nowra Riverfront Precinct.

“This project will transform Nowra and create a space that can be enjoyed by the local community and tourists for years to come.”

Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King

“The Nowra Riverfront Precinct has been a long-held vision of the Shoalhaven City Council, so I’m thrilled to be part of a government that believes in regional communities and is turning their dream into a reality.

“Precincts like this not only give the community a space to gather and visitors a space to enjoy, but they transform towns by boosting local economies and shaping the everyday lives of locals.

“This new riverfront precinct, which will be beautifully integrated into Nowra, and will cement its role as the community and tourism hub of the Shoalhaven region.”

Member for Gilmore Fiona Phillips

“As a long-time local, the Shoalhaven Riverfront has always held great personal significance to me. It’s where I grew up riding my bike from the farm to the Nowra Pool. It’s where I married, where I regularly swam with my family and community, and it’s where I fought so hard along with our community to save Nowra’s community swimming pool.

“I’ve never lost sight of that as part of a revitalised riverfront. That’s why I’ve been fighting every single day to continue riverfront revitalisation for our community.

“To say I’m thrilled with this funding announcement today is an understatement. It is a pivotal piece in the puzzle of the always-longed-for revitalised riverfront.

“A revitalised Nowra Riverfront will mean huge benefits for our community with improved liveability and wellbeing options as well as being good for tourism, local businesses and jobs.”

Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Patricia White

“We are excited to be able to continue to progress this project with the NSW Government’s Nowra Riverfront Advisory Taskforce towards delivery as it presents a significant and long desired opportunity to shape the future of Nowra and strengthen its role as the civic, community, tourism and recreational hub for the Shoalhaven region.

“This funding will allow us to complete planning investigations and finalise the masterplan designs for the flagship riverfront park, and conduct further community consultation and a business case to facilitate investment in this foreshore precinct.”

Man charged after offensive graffiti located on shopfront – Newcastle

A man has been charged after he allegedly painted offensive graffiti on a shopfront in Newcastle this morning.

About 7.30am (Sunday 12 January 2025), a man approached a chemist on Beaumont Street, Hamilton, before he allegedly painted an offensive symbol on a side wall of the premises.

Officers from Newcastle City Police District were notified and established a crime scene.

Following inquiries, about 10am, the 47-year-old man was arrested nearby and taken to Newcastle Police Station.

He was charged with intentionally mark premises etc without prescribed consent and knowingly display by public act Nazi symbol without excuse.

The man was refused bail and will appear at Newcastle Local Court tomorrow (Monday 13 January 2025).

The NSW Police Force takes hate crimes seriously and encourages anyone who is the victim of a hate crime or witnesses a hate crime to report the matter to police through Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or through Triple Zero (000).

It is important that the community and police continue to work together to make NSW a safer place for everyone.

Amid climate fuelled fires, PM must stare down gas lobby in WA: Greens

Acting leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, says that the Prime Minister must use his current visit to Western Australia to stare down the gas lobby, instead of sucking up to them prior to the federal election.

Gas is as dirty as coal, and has been the fastest growing sector of Australian emissions. Its continued expansion is a major contributor to the climate crisis, and several major gas projects are in the 32 new coal and gas projects approved by Labor in this term.

Despite being rich donors to Labor and Liberal, Australia’s gas industry is a serial non-payer of tax, employs few people, and ships most of the country’s gas overseas – which also pushes up domestic power prices.

Lines attributable to Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, Acting Leader of the Australian Greens:
“The climate fires burning in California should be a catastrophic warning for Australia. The images are harrowing and remind us all how bad things can get.

“This isn’t the future of the climate crisis, it is today’s reality thanks to global heating supercharged by opening new and more coal and gas mines.

“What Australians really find triggering is the Labor Party approving new coal and gas mines in the midst of a climate crisis – and spending time cosying up to the gas industry before an election.

“In the middle of winter in LA, people are fleeing their homes and fleeing for their lives. Every time we open new coal or gas mines, the intensity of these climate risks gets worse.

“The Prime Minister is in WA today and rather than sucking up to the fossil fuel industry, the Prime Minister should stare down the gas lobby.

“Anthony Albanese must use his visit to WA to stare down the fossil fuel industry, refuse to take their dirty donations, and to fight for Australia’s environment and the safety and the future of this country.

“We’ve had fires in Australia already this summer, including the devastating fires in the Grampians. Australians deserve political leaders to keep them safe, and that means we have to stop making the climate crisis worse.”

Greens call on Labor to outline plan to rein in tech giants

The Greens have called on the PM and Communications Minister to outline their plan for holding the tech giants to account and creating safer online environments for all, following Meta’s announcement it will withdraw 40k fact checkers.

Greens Acting Leader and Spokesperson for Communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said:

“The Albanese Government has failed to rein in the power of the big tech platforms. Trolling, abuse, lies and mis truths were already rampant on social media and will now be in free fall.

“The Government had an opportunity to create a safer online space for all of us by tackling the dangerous algorithms and business practices that fuel outrage and hate on social media. Instead, they just banned young people which does nothing to address the root of the problem.

“Since Meta’s announcement the Communications Minister has pointed to public interest journalism as the solution. But when you have the Murdoch Media pedalling mis and disinformation dressed up as news, it’s no better than the platforms of the billionaire tech bros.

“Whether it’s X or Facebook, or Sky News on YouTube, the Albanese Government needs tell Australians how it will stop the billionaires profiting off social discourse.

“With the Federal Election possibly just weeks away, Australians are about to be bombarded with lies and culture wars ignited by Peter Dutton and the nasty Liberal Party. Strong laws that hold the tech giants, Murdoch Media and political parties to account is needed now, before Dutton is able to roll out Trump’s entire playbook.”

Additional support for Vanuatu earthquake recovery

Following the recent earthquake in Vanuatu, the Australian Government will provide further assistance to support the restoration of essential services and infrastructure.

The $10 million package will focus on the education, health and transport sectors, addressing critical Vanuatu Government priorities. It will be delivered through local systems and partners to ensure local ownership and long-term sustainability.

Australia’s assistance will also help strengthen Vanuatu’s resilience against future disasters and support vulnerable groups including women, children and people with disability.

It builds on Australia’s initial $7 million package of practical humanitarian assistance for Vanuatu’s initial earthquake response, which included emergency supplies, funding to humanitarian partners, and the deployment of Australia Assists personnel, Australian Medical Assistance Teams and a Disaster Assistance Response Team.

The 7.3-magnitude earthquake, which took place on 17 December 2024, claimed 14 lives and impacted an estimated 80,000 people.

We stand in solidarity with the Government of Vanuatu and the ni-Vanuatu people during this difficult time.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Penny Wong:

“Australia and Vanuatu share a deep and enduring partnership. We are family and we will always be there for Vanuatu in times of need.

“This recovery package will help accelerate the tireless efforts of the ni-Vanuatu people to rebuild and recover from the tragic impacts of the earthquake.”

Minister for International Development and the Pacific Pat Conroy:

“The Vanuatu people have shown extraordinary resolve and resilience in the face of persistent disasters. Australia will continue to show resolve in our support for Vanuatu.

“Australia is committed to supporting the resilience and prosperity of all ni-Vanuatu. Our humanitarian and recovery assistance will help ensure Vanuatu rebounds strongly.”

New data reveals that without rent controls it could take more than 65 years for renters to save for a house deposit

The Greens have renewed calls for a cap and freeze on rents as new independent analysis reveals that unlimited rent increases over recent years have eroded renters ability to save for a house deposit.

The independent analysis conducted by the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO) looks at housing deposit affordability for an average renter, consistent with methodology used by the Reserve Bank of Australia, and finds that a cap and freeze on rents would drastically reduce the time it takes a renter to save for a deposit.

The PBO analysis outlines that if rents continue to climb at the rate they have in 2022-2023, it will take the average renter 65.6 years to save for a house deposit by 2030.

The PBO canvased different rent control policies and found that that time would drop drastically if a rent cap and freeze were introduced.

Rents have skyrocketed in the last two years, and while the increases have slowed in the last quarter, the annual increase is still more than twice what it was before the pandemic.

Even if rent increases slowed to their 10 year average, the analysis finds that renters who can only afford to save 10% of their income would still find themselves saving for 15 years.

Rental affordability is at a 20 year low, and renters need the government to step in now. Sixteen countries across Europe have some form of rent control, while the ACT has enjoyed it since 2019.

The Greens will centre rent reform as part of their policy platform in the lead up to the Prahran by-election as rents have skyrocketed in Prahran and 55% of the population are renters.

Victorian Greens spokesperson for Renters’ Rights, Gabrielle de Vietri:

“It’s almost impossible to save if you’re renting right now – you’re probably struggling to pay for groceries let alone a house deposit. This study makes the assumption that renters can currently save, but without rent controls, the possibility of that ever materialising into a home of their own becomes a distant dream.”

“We only need to look back over recent years to know that as long as landlords are able to jack up the rent as much as they like – they will.”

“Right now, renters know that it’s basically impossible to save for a house deposit and this is proof that with a rent cap and freeze, we can change that.”

Greens’ candidate for Prahran, Angelica Di Camillo:

“Renters make up 55% of our electorate and people in Prahran know just how hard it’s become to be a renter here as prices have skyrocketed.”

“We’re in the middle of a cost of living crisis where renters are being hit hardest with every rent increase pushing people further and further into financial stress.”

“It’s clear that we need to cap and freeze rents so that people have a chance at finding any kind of stability or even actually owning their own home.”

Sydney’s newest Australian-made ferry sails into the harbour, celebrating pioneering scientist

The latest Australian-made Parramatta River Class ferry has arrived in Sydney after a fast-tracked sailing up the coast from Hobart to Sydney Harbour.

The vessel is the fourth of seven new Northern Beaches-designed Parramatta River Class ferries being built by ship builder Richardson Devine Marine.

The vessel’s namesake is University of New South Wales global solar technology pioneer, Professor Martin Green.

The Martin Green covered her 630 nautical mile journey in just three days, stopping at Flinders Island, then briefly in Eden for fuel before sailing through the night to Sydney, with a crew of four expert mariners.

She passed through Sydney Heads at 3am on Tuesday morning and is now being thoroughly cleaned before the first passengers hop on board in the next few weeks.

Martin Green will predominantly run in the calm river conditions of the F3 route, between Parramatta and Circular Quay.

The Parramatta River Class ferries will be a significant improvement on the River Class ferries procured by the former government that did not fit under some bridges with passengers on the top deck, contained asbestos, were a potential fire risk and had wheelhouse windows that made night operations dangerous.

The seven new vessels are gradually replacing the RiverCat and SuperCat vessels which are retiring after 30 years of service.

Each vessel in the new Parramatta River Class fleet has a 200-person capacity, while using 40 per cent less diesel and are also future proofed for conversion to electric propulsion when the technology and network infrastructure become available.

They are more reliable and include more comfortable seating, upgraded safety systems and provide greater accessibility.

A team of 60 people are working to build the remaining three vessels which are expected to enter passenger service by the end of the year.

The next ferry in the new Parramatta River Class fleet is due for delivery by April 2025.

Premier Chris Minns:

“Passengers in areas like Parramatta, Meadowbank and Drummoyne will soon have access to another brand-new ferry for their commute.

“These are state-of-the-art vessels, designed in Sydney and made in Australia.

“We have now taken delivery of most of the new fleet, giving commuters along the Parramatta River the reliable and comfortable services they deserve.”

Transport Minister Jo Haylen:

“It’s exciting to see the fourth ferry in our new Parramatta River Class fleet enter the Sydney heads and prepare to serve passengers in the coming weeks.

“This state-of-the-art fleet was designed in Sydney’s Northern Beaches and built in Hobart.

“It is fitting that this vessel is named after solar pioneer Martin Green. This ferry has arrived ready to be converted to electric operation in the coming years, so one day, The Martin Green could be charged at a wharf using the very solar cell technology that Professor Martin Green played such a key role in developing.”

Professor Martin Green:

“I never imagined I would one day have a ferry named after me—what an incredible honour!

“I take great pride in knowing that this ferry is designed and built in Australia. It’s fulfilling to see such a magnificent and more sustainable vessel serving as transportation for thousands of people in our beautiful city every day.

“The Sydney to Parramatta route is one of my favourite ferry journeys, and I am thrilled to see a vessel bearing my name traverse this route daily.”

About Professor Martin Green

Professor Martin Green is Scientia Professor at UNSW Sydney and Director of the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics.

Professor Green pioneered solar technology development in Australia and is often described as “the father of modern photovoltaics”.

Over a 50-year career at UNSW Sydney he has led the development of the Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell (PERC) – the world’s most commercially viable and efficient silicon solar cell technology. Today, his PERC technology is used in the production of more than 90% of the world’s solar energy.

There would be no modern solar industry as we know it today without Prof. Green’s work developing the PERC. Prof. Green and his UNSW colleagues are credited with making solar power a prime weapon in the battle to control climate change.

Fifty years on from when he started, Prof. Green is still at the forefront of clean energy technology, continuing to work on new ways to drastically improve the efficiency of solar cells.

Green dots guiding truckies to more safe rest areas

The Minns Labor Government is boosting support for truckies travelling on regional roads as part of an $11.9 million investment to improve rest areas.

To increase the number of identifiable safe rest stop options for heavy vehicle drivers and improve road safety in the state’s south, Transport for NSW has marked 14 new green reflector sites.

These sites serve as an informal heavy vehicle rest area and are marked by green dot style reflectors placed on guideposts.

The green reflectors mounted on roadside guide posts are a simple tool to help heavy vehicles drivers easily identify appropriate informal heavy vehicle rest stop opportunities, particularly at night or when visibility is poor.

Work is complete on the delivery of new green reflector sites along the following important freight routes:

  • Burley Griffin Way: 4, 8 and 10 kilometres north of Binalong.
  • Lachlan Valley Way: 17 kilometres north of Yass.
  • Snowy Mountains Highway: 3 kilometres south of Bemboka.
  • Princes Highway: 5 kilometres south of Cobargo.
  • Olympic Highway: 8 kilometres south of Cootamundra and 5 kilometres north of Bethungra.
  • Mid-Western Highway: 4 kilometres west of Weethalle.
  • Newell Highway: 2 kilometres north of Narrandera and 18 kilometres south of Ardlethan
  • Hume Highway: 4 kilometres south of Bowning/7 kilometres north of Yass and 10 kilometres north of Little Billabong.
  • Monaro Highway: 13 kilometres north of Cooma.

Delivery of the new green reflector sites has come through the $11.9 million Heavy Vehicle Rest Stop Minor Works Program which is part of the NSW Government’s ongoing efforts to improve road safety.

In addition to this investment, the NSW Government will also continue to roll out around $1 billion in lifesaving road infrastructure upgrades through its Towards Zero Safer Roads Program and the joint federal/ state funded Road Safety Program.

The NSW Government also introduced a number of measures in 2024 which will continue or expand in 2025. They include:

  • The trial of average speed cameras for light vehicles in 2025
  • Doubling roadside enforcement sites used for mobile speed cameras, with an additional 2,700 new sites where a camera can be deployed. Total enforcement hours will remain the same
  • Seatbelt enforcement via the state’s existing mobile phone cameras
  • The demerit point return trial that encourages safe driving
  • Releasing more ratings for bicycle helmets as part of its star rating system
  • Removing a loophole to force all motorists driving on a foreign licence to convert to a NSW licence within six months
  • Implementing recommendations from the Demerit Point Integrity Taskforce to stamp out rorting of the system by mainly visiting foreign nationals
  • Signing the National Road Safety Data Agreement with the Commonwealth

Transport is also exploring opportunities to establish additional new green reflector sites and industry feedback is guiding this work. 

Find out more information about green reflector sites and more details about heavy vehicle rest area improvements.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:

“Heavy vehicle drivers have told us how important green reflectors are in helping to easily identify a safe place to park, rest and check their loads.

“The Minns Labor Government is listening and acting in response to the feedback we’ve received.

“Green reflector sites are an important part of providing heavy vehicle rest stopping opportunities along NSW’s State Road network. 

“Marking these sites with green reflectors is a practical measure that supports the wellbeing of our truck drivers who play a crucial role in keeping our supply chains moving.

“The 14 new green reflector sites will go a long way in enabling truck drivers to stop and rest on what can be very long journeys, particularly at night.”

Road safety advocate and Past National Road Freighters Association President Rod Hannifey said:

“The rollout of more green reflect sites is a big win for heavy vehicle drivers.

“Green reflector sites have made a real difference out on the road. Another driver told me it had saved their life. It’s such a simple idea, but it’s already saving lives.

“There just aren’t enough rest stops for truck drivers across Australia, so this initiative in NSW is a huge help. It gives drivers a clear signal of where they can safely pull up and take a break.

“This project is definitely welcomed by the industry, and we’re looking forward to seeing more of these sites rolled out over time.”