Applications to open for 2025 Tertiary Health Study Subsidies

The Minns Labor Government is encouraging students enrolled in healthcare degrees in NSW to apply for up to $12,000 in financial support to assist with their studies.

Minister for Health Ryan Park today announced the next round of applications for the Tertiary Health Study Subsidies Program will open on 14 January 2025.

This year support will be available for up to 850 nursing students, 400 medical students and 150 midwifery students.

The Program is designed to create a future pipeline of health workers by supporting students with fees, technology, travel, or other costs related to their degree.

Subsidies are also available for students of paramedicine, Aboriginal health, dentistry and oral health therapy, and various allied health professions including psychology, pharmacy, dietetics, and nuclear medicine.

Students successful in their application and beginning their degrees will receive subsidies of $4,000 per year over three years. Existing students will receive one-off payments of $8,000 after acceptance of employment for a position within NSW Health.

Students must be willing to make a five-year commitment to working in the NSW public health system. There are a limited number of subsidies available, and applications will remain open until all subsidies are awarded.

The Minns Labor Government is investing $121.9 million over five years in the Tertiary Health Study Subsidy Program.

The full list of eligible workforce groups and locations are available on the NSW Health website.

The subsidies form part of a series of measures introduced by the Minns Labor Government to further strengthen the state’s health workforce, including:

  • Implementing the Safe Staffing Levels initiative in our emergency departments
  • Providing permanent funding for 1,112 FTE nurses and midwives on an ongoing basis
  • Abolishing the wages cap and delivering the highest pay increase in more than a decade for nurses and other health workers
  • Beginning to roll out 500 additional paramedics in regional, rural and remote communities.

the Minister for Health Ryan Park:

“More than 3,900 students across NSW have already benefitted from the NSW Government’s $120 million investment in tertiary health study subsidies.

“I am so pleased more students across NSW will continue to benefit from this important initiative, which is helping to ease the financial burden on those starting a career in health.

“Up to 4,000 subsidies are on offer this year for health degrees including nursing, midwifery, medicine, paramedicine, allied health and health science.

“This Program is one of many initiatives the Minns Labor Government is rolling out to boost capacity across the public health system and provide relief to our hardworking frontline healthcare staff.”

Medical Student and Tertiary Health Study Subsidies recipient Aimee Long:

“I already had a taste of healthcare while working as a pharmacist. Medicine felt like the next logical step for me.

“I grew up in country Victoria, so I saw the role the doctors and GP’s play there and how important it is to that community. So, I decided that is something that I wanted to do and give back to small and rural communities like that.

“Receiving the Tertiary Health Study Subsidy allowed me to become part of Australia’s largest health system. Being in medicine is quite an expensive undertaking so it helps me to afford lots of things such as resources, whether or not they’re specific to the uni or external.”

Cessnock Hospital redevelopment moves ahead with plans on public exhibition

The community is being invited to view and provide feedback on the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment planning documents, with the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) on public exhibition from Monday 20 January 2025.

The Minns Labor Government is investing $138 million in the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment, to deliver a new two-storey acute services building at the hospital campus, enhancing health services for the region.

The REF and hospital designs have been informed by extensive consultation with staff, stakeholders and the community, including recent community information sessions on the schematic design of the new acute services building held in October last year.

Key features of the redevelopment include an expanded emergency department, two inpatient wards with single and two-bed rooms, all with ensuite bathrooms, a new medical imaging service and day surgery spaces.

In the 2024-25 NSW Budget, the Minns Labor Government allocated an additional $26.5 million to the original $111.5 million project, to support the delivery of additional new facilities including an operating theatre, procedure room, Central Sterilising Services Department, and a modern pharmacy department.

The contemporary health facilities will support best-practice models of care and improve campus accessibility for patients and staff by better integrating healthcare services.

Main works construction is expected to start in mid-2025, following the planning approval and the appointment of a building contractor.

The Review of Environmental Factors and supporting technical documents will be available from 9.00am Monday 20 January 2025 on the Health Infrastructure website

Feedback can be provided until midnight on Monday, 17 February 2025.

Hunter New England Local Health District will continue to work closely with community stakeholders and staff to ensure the redevelopment meets the future health needs of the growing Cessnock community.

For further information, visit the project website.

Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park:

“The investment in the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment project will enable delivery of modern hospital and healthcare facilities to support the current and future health needs of communities in Cessnock and the Lower Hunter region.

“This is a significant milestone for the redevelopment project and we’re grateful for the input provided by staff and community into the planning process for the project.”

Member for Cessnock, Clayton Barr:

“I’m delighted to see planning for the Cessnock Hospital Redevelopment reach this significant milestone, which will boost health services for patients, families and their carers across the lower Hunter region.

“We encourage the community to provide their feedback on the plans while they are on public exhibition.”

Executive Director of Infrastructure, Planning and Sustainability, Hunter New England Local Health District, Dr Ramsey Awad:

“This important step in the $138 million redevelopment will mean we are one step closer to delivering a state-of-the-art hospital for the Cessnock community.”

Sod turn marks the start of construction of Alkimos Aquatic Centre

Construction is now underway on the highly anticipated Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre in Perth’s north, delivering key infrastructure for local communities to enjoy now and into the future.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese joined Federal Member for Pearce Tracey Roberts and Mayor of Wanneroo Linda Aitken to officially turn the sod to mark the start of works today.

Alkimos has been identified as a key area of development in the Northern Coastal Growth Corridor of the City of Wanneroo, with the expected growth identifying the need for significant community infrastructure that will meet current and future demand.

Building Australia’s Future is about so much more than bricks and mortar. It is about creating a better life for Australians. Projects like this create communities.

The project involves the construction of a regional level aquatic and multi-purpose facility, and will include:

  • three indoor pools, including a learn to swim and free form leisure pool
  • health suite including spa, sauna and steam room
  • outdoor 50 metre competition pool
  • multi-use indoor sports courts with spectator seating
  • gymnasium and fitness suite
  • cafeteria
  • occasional childcare space
  • community facilities, including meeting and consulting rooms.

The facility will provide a key space for the community to meet, socialise and participate in recreation activities including volunteering, building a foundation for social cohesion.

It is expected that the project will support 250 jobs during construction and will create another 42 ongoing jobs once complete.

The nearly $88 million project has been made possible with a commitment of $30 million from the Albanese Government, $12.6 million from the Cook Government and $45.3 million from the City of Wanneroo.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Strong communities need good quality community infrastructure. That’s why my Government is building Australia’s Future and investing in these important local facilities.

“The Alkimos Aquatic and Recreation Centre will become a hub for the Wanneroo community and support more than 250 local jobs during construction.

“This is on top of our commitment to deliver $200 million for more local housing and community infrastructure in regional Western Australia.”

the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, Catherine King:

“It’s so exciting to see construction begin on the Alkimos Aquatic Centre – a result of the funding partnerships in place for this terrific community facility in Perth’s north.

“I look forward to seeing works continuing to progress, which will support a real jobs and economic boost for Wanneroo while delivering this centre.”

WA Sport and Recreation Minister, David Templeman:

“This is a fantastic project that will benefit the residents of our northern corridor for generations to come.

“The Cook Government is taking Western Australia to the next level and this project is part of that vision.”

Federal Member for Pearce, Tracey Roberts:

“This project is a demonstration of our Government’s ongoing commitment to providing new and improved infrastructure for the electorate of Pearce that will encourage the community to thrive, both economically and socially.

“My commitment to this project has been unwavering. I have fiercely championed and advocated for the new Alkimos pool during my tenure as Mayor of the City of Wanneroo and as the Federal Member for Pearce.

“Today this exciting sod-turning event marks the commencement of construction of the facility, that will feature swimming pools, fitness areas, sports courts, and family gathering spaces.

“This new build will not only serve as a hub for learn-to-swim programs, physical activity but will also foster social connections among residents, strengthening the fabric of our community and will become a much loved and valued community asset.”

the Mayor of the City of Wanneroo, Linda Aitken:

“I’m pleased to be able to share the exciting news with the residents of the city’s northern suburbs, many of whom advocated for the new facility.

“We are committed to providing sport and recreation facilities that enable our residents to lead healthy and active lifestyles, no matter where they live in our city.

“The centre has been a high priority for the city since 2018, and it is important that we are able to deliver a state-of-the-art facility to suit the needs of our growing community well into the future.”

Greens call for ABC to be legislated as election debate host

With the Prime Minister kicking off the unofficial campaign for the 2025 Federal Election this week, the Greens are calling for the ABC to be declared the official host of the leaders’ debate and for the Greens’ leader to be included in the leaders’ debates.

Greens acting leader and spokesperson for communications Senator Sarah Hanson-Young urged the Prime Minister to name the ABC as the official leaders’ debate host and commit to legislating the policy to ‘Dutton-proof’ it.

“When parliament returns in February, the Greens will move for the ABC to be designated as the official host of the Federal Election leaders’ debate,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“This is a simple and common-sense proposition; our national broadcaster should be the home of our national election debates.

“When it comes to our democracy and a fair and balanced leaders’ debate, we can’t leave it to the Murdoch Media.

“Voters deserve to be able to watch the debate for free on TV and online and for it to be moderated by the most trusted media outlet in the country.

“Unlike the commercial networks, the ABC is governed by a charter that demands that it act independently and with the best interests of the Australian people in mind.

“Election debates should be about providing information to Australian voters, not about securing ratings for billionaire media moguls.

“At the last election, we saw a sitting prime minister refuse to appear in a debate on the national broadcaster and instead participate in debates that were behind paywalls or on commercial networks.

“Australians pride ourselves on our free and fair elections. As we see the erosion of democratic institutions around the world, making the ABC our national election host broadcaster is an important step in preventing the wider spread of misinformation.

“Given neither major party looks able to win a majority, it is more important than ever that the Greens are included in the leaders debate because it will be the Greens holding both Labor and Liberals to account.”

City of Newcastle committees seeking fresh voices

Young Novocastrians are being given the chance to raise awareness of the issues that affect their lives and provide strategic advice on how to make Newcastle a better place to live.

Expressions of interest are now open for City of Newcastle’s Youth Council Standing Committee, which gives people aged 15 to 25 a platform to promote the interests of their peers, develop leadership skills and encourage youth participation in community matters.

The Youth Advisory Committee helps with initiatives such as the Youth Mock Council, seen here in the former Council Chambers in 2022.The Youth Advisory Committee helps with initiatives such as the Youth Mock Council, seen here in the former Council Chambers in 2022.It is one of eight advisory committees now seeking volunteers who are keen to have a direct impact on local issues, policies and initiatives that make a difference in Newcastle.   

Heading into his second term as a Councillor representative on the Youth Council Standing Committee, Newcastle’s youngest ever elected Councillor and Deputy Lord Mayor Callum Pull says it’s vital to engage the next generation in local government matters.

“These young representatives are the future leaders of our city, so we need to respect their ideas,” Cr Pull said.

“Our members work together to identify key issues impacting youth and develop strategies that encourage solutions and contribute to a more inclusive and youth-friendly Newcastle.

“By fostering youth leadership, promoting active participation, and giving young people a voice in local matters, we are not only empowering the next generation but also strengthening the fabric of our community.”

Community representatives serve on a voluntary basis for the four-year Council term and have an active role in organising activities for young people, as well as guiding the implementation of the Newcastle 2040 Community Strategic Plan.

Members can provide advice for organisations wishing to develop programs and activities for young people and help to facilitate interactions between people with diverse interests and backgrounds.

Representatives also develop leadership skills through planning youth initiatives and staging events during Youth Week celebrations, as well as helping to allocate Youth Week grants and assisting Council to prepare applications.

The Youth Council is one of eight advisory committees run by City of Newcastle.

The other committees seeking new members are the:

•    Access Inclusion Standing Committee

•    Guraki Aboriginal Standing Committee

•    Public Art Standing Committee 

•    Community & Culture Strategic Advisory Committee 

•    Infrastructure Strategic Advisory Committee 

•    Liveable Cities Strategic Advisory Committee 

•    Strategy & Innovation Strategic Advisory Committee

Expressions of interest are open until 24 January 2025. For more information visit:

A healthy future for the Old Grafton Gaol

The Grafton Base Hospital Redevelopment has taken an important step forward, with a portion of the former Grafton Gaol set to be acquired from Property and Development NSW to support the upgrade of the hospital.

The Minns Labor Government is investing $263.8 million in the Grafton Base Hospital Redevelopment to improve health outcomes and meet the growing needs of Grafton and surrounding communities.

In addition to the site acquisition, a Development Application has been approved by the Northern Regional Planning Panel to refurbish two administration blocks within the former minimum-security portion, on the north-eastern corner of the gaol, to provide contemporary administrative, office and training support facilities.  

Clinical services will remain on the existing Grafton Hospital site.

The former Grafton Gaol operated between 1893 and 2020, it was closed following the opening of the new Grafton Correctional Centre in Lavadia. The former Grafton Goal was added to the state’s Heritage Register in 1999.

The adaptive reuse of a portion of the former gaol site aligns with the conservation management plan prepared for the site in 2021, to ensure areas of heritage significance within the site are preserved and activated.

Work is underway on the planning and design for the main works of the $263.8 million Grafton Base Hospital Redevelopment, which will deliver a new three-storey acute services building, including a new Emergency Department, Emergency Short Stay, Medical Imaging and MRI, and inpatient unit.  

The current Day Surgery and Operating Suite will be expanded to provide two additional operating theatres, increasing overall capacity. Construction timeframes for the full redevelopment will be confirmed once planning has been finalised and a builder has been appointed, with the refurbishment works at the former gaol site expected to start this year.

Find out more information.

Minister for Regional Health Ryan Park:

“The acquisition of this section of the old Grafton Gaol will provide critical new space to support the redevelopment of Grafton Base Hospital.

“This multi-million dollar redevelopment will improve healthcare capacity and ensure the hospital has the best, most up to date models of care for the residents of Grafton and the surrounding communities.”

Minister for Lands and Property Steve Kamper:

“The transfer of this part of the subdivided site to NSW Health ensures the Old Grafton Goal doesn’t remain an unused relic.

“This great outcome enables new uses for this important community asset, while also providing a major economic benefit for the Grafton community.”

Minister for Corrections Anoulack Chanthivong: 

“We have delivered another important milestone to revitalise and reuse one of our state’s key former correctional centres. 

“Grafton Gaol is an iconic place with a somewhat dark history, so it is wonderful we are delivering a positive new chapter that will ensure this monument serves the local community for years to come.” 

Labor Spokesperson for Clarence, Emily Suvaal MLC:

“This is a fantastic outcome for the Grafton and Clarence communities as it secures the future use of this historic site, which will really benefit the local residents.”

The Housing Delivery Authority has been launched

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for the new Housing Delivery Authority (HDA), set to speed up the delivery of well-located homes to NSW.

The newly established HDA will help deliver the homes that young people, families and key local workers need – a major reform which will streamline the development of major housing projects.

The HDA will lead a new State Significant Development (SSD) pathway and State Significant Development with a concurrent rezoning process for major residential developments.

The EOI process will remain open with proposals submitted to be reviewed monthly, giving industry ongoing opportunities to have their proposals considered.

Established on the 19th of December, only a month after it was announced, the HDA includes Simon Draper, Secretary of the Premier’s Department; Kiersten Fishburn, Secretary of the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure; and Tom Gellibrand, CEO of Infrastructure NSW. 

Before a proposal is recommended to be declared a State Significant Development project, the Department will assess it against criteria that meet the objectives of this EOI process, which are: 

  • Identify high-yield housing proposals by focusing on known high-yield types of residential accommodation.
  • Identify housing projects that can be assessed and constructed quickly by focusing on more compliant, major housing proposals that can commence construction quickly.
  • Drive quality and affordable housing by focusing on housing development proposals that are well-located, have enabling infrastructure and contribute to affordable housing supply.
  • Complement the State Significant Rezoning Policy by providing a potential pathway for major housing proposals that are seeking concurrent rezoning.

This new assessment pathway will reduce the number of large complex Development Applications (DA) councils are required to assess each year, freeing up resources for councils to assess less complex DAs faster.

Delivering well-located homes close to transport, jobs and community amenity has been a priority for the Minns Government, and this pathway will streamline the assessment of these projects.

This is part of the Minns Labor Government’s plan to build a better NSW with more homes and services, so young people, families and key local workers have somewhere to live and in the communities they choose.

For more information visit Housing Delivery Authority | Planning

Acting Minister for Planning and Public Spaces Anoulack Chanthivong said:

“The Minns Labor Government is pulling every lever to tackle the housing crisis and encourage developers to build and boost housing supply and overall affordability.

“The NSW Government will do everything possible to build a better future for NSW so young people, families and key local workers have somewhere to live and in the communities they choose.”

$40 million major intersection upgrade package for Gilgandra

The Albanese and Minns Labor governments are investing $40 million to upgrade key intersections in Gilgandra to make them safer for heavy vehicle drivers and locals.

Four existing intersections on Hargraves Lane and Federation Street, where they intersect with the Newell, Oxley and Castlereagh highways, will be upgraded to increase freight productivity, reduce travel delays and improve safety.

The Australian Government is contributing $32 million towards the project, with the NSW Government contributing the remaining $8 million.

The upgrades will be designed to open up bypass access for all heavy vehicles and reduce the number of heavy vehicles passing through the Gilgandra CBD.

Currently, some larger heavy vehicles are unable to use Gilgandra’s heavy vehicle bypass because these intersections can’t be safely navigated, meaning some of the biggest and heaviest vehicles need to travel along the Castlereagh Highway (Miller Street) through the town centre.

The NSW Government has carried out preliminary investigations to determine the requirements for each of the key intersections and is currently consulting with Gilgandra Shire Council and other key stakeholders to refine the proposed improvements.

A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and concept designs for the proposed intersection upgrades are expected to be placed on display for public feedback by late 2025.

Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King:

“These intersection upgrades will be really significant for both Gilgandra locals and the truckies who transport goods through and around the town.

“We’re proud to partner with the NSW Government on strategic investments like this that make our roads safer and more efficient.”

NSW Regional Transport and Roads Minister Jenny Aitchison:

“Right across regional NSW, we are building better road and transport infrastructure.

“We look forward to continuing to engage with Gilgandra Shire Council, the local community, the heavy vehicle industry and other interested stakeholders to deliver the freight, safety, efficiency and amenity objectives of the project.”

Senator for NSW Deborah O’Neill:

“This $40 million investment demonstrates our government’s commitment to improving the safety and efficiency of our roads.

“These upgrades will improve traffic flow and road safety, as well as deliver long-term benefits to residents and businesses alike.”

State Member for Barwon Roy Butler:

“This investment will be warmly welcomed by the Gilgandra community. Taking heavy vehicles out of the main streets of town will improve safety, make the town more liveable, decrease wear and tear on the roads and generally improve the efficiency of truck routes in the area.

“It’s good to see both levels of government recognising the strategic importance of the Gilgandra Shire and the benefits that unlocking more investment in our regional network will bring.”

NSW Labor’s spokesperson for Barwon Stephen Lawrence:

“The upgrades we’re investing in will improve safety for truck drivers, pedestrians and all other road users.

“I am pleased to see this important work progressing and look forward to hearing what the community thinks of the proposed upgrades.”

All aboard the Elvis Express for regional tourism in 2025

Today over 250 Elvis Presley fans, many dressed in blue suede shoes, are climbing aboard the NSW TrainLink Elvis Express embarking on the seven-hour pilgrimage to the annual Parkes Elvis Festival.

During the 365km train service, passengers will engage in a little less conversation as they’re treated to singalongs and live performances by Elvis tribute artists, and taking in the beautiful scenery through the Blue Mountains and central western NSW farming country.

The Parkes Elvis festival runs from, January 8 – 12 and is the Southern Hemisphere’s biggest celebration of TheKing with over 350 events, many with free entry. Since the first event in 1993 the Parkes Elvis, this regional festival has grown to attract around 25,000 people and injects $11 million into the local economy.

The Minns Labor Government is backing the Parkes Elvis Festival through Destination NSW event funding, the Transport for NSW Open Streets program and the NSW TrainLink Elvis Express service.

Events like the Parkes Elvis Festival are a key part of Minns Labor Government’s plan to grow the NSW visitor economy by supporting communities to host events that reflect the local character and create authentic experiences that attract visitors and drive expenditure for local businesses.

Tourism Research Australia figures from the year ending September 2024 show regional NSW contributed a record $26 billion (49%) of the overall NSW visitor economy. A key strategy for continuing growth in regional tourism is supporting events like the Parkes Elvis Festival.

In 2024/2025 Destination NSW is investing in more than 85 regional events, including:

  • Tamworth Country Music Festival
  • Great Southern Nights
  • Bluesfest
  • Narooma Oyster Festival
  • Mundi Mundi Bash
  • Bathurst 1000
  • Deni Ute Muster
  • Ultra-Trail Kosciuszko

In October the Government released its review into the NSW Visitor Economy Strategy 2030 and committed to a new 2035 target of $91 billion in annual expenditure, a 40% increase on the previous goal. The review projected that regional NSW tourism will account for $44 billion of that 2035 state-wide target.

For more information about travelling to events in regional NSW with NSW TrainLink go to or call 13 22 32.

John Graham, Minister for Jobs and Tourism said:

“The Parkes Elvis Festival is a cracking example of a NSW regional town doing its own thing and creating a multi-decade success story that attracts thousands of visitors from around Australia and the world.

“Regional communities will play a vital role in growing our state’s visitor economy. Of our 2035 $91 billion growth target, regional NSW will attract a very large proportion of that spending.

“Visitors Can’t Help Falling In Love with regional NSW which is why the government is backing towns like Parkes to host events that put their communities on the map and drive expenditure for local businesses.

“The Elvis Express is one of the most scenic and hilarious train journeys in the country. We wish all the hound dogs a great trip.”

Jenny Aitchison, Minister for Regional Transport and Roads said:

“The NSW Government is very proud to provide a fun-filled transport option for Elvis fans heading to the festival. The NSW TrainLink Elvis Express offers fans the chance to immerse themselves in Elvis culture from the moment they board.

“This event is a key tourism event in the Central West and it’s great to support it through our regional rail services.

“The festival’s global reach and the enthusiasm it inspires highlight the power of regional tourism to bring people together while supporting local communities and businesses.”

Independent Member for Orange, Phil Donato MP said: 

“Now in its 32nd year, the Parkes Elvis Festival has grown beyond founders’ Bob and Anne Steele’s wildest imagination, and it’s now a permanent fixture in our state’s marquee event calendar.

“NSW Trainlink’s Elvis Express is unique element of the festival, and this themed travel service enriches the experience for those travelling by rail from Sydney to attend this 5-day event.”

TrainLink Chief Executive, Roger Weeks said:

“Passengers can enjoy the live entertainment all while travelling in comfort, with access to amenities such as air-conditioned carriages, comfortable seating, our buffet car service and onboard toilets.”

Elvis Express Driver, Peter White said:

“The Elvis Express is truly a one-of-a-kind journey because it’s not every day that you’re at the helm of a train filled with hundreds of passengers singing, laughing, and dressed like Elvis.

“The atmosphere is always ‘next level’ especially when you come into Central, and you see everyone from all over the world and from different backgrounds dancing and enjoying themselves.

“I absolutely love this time of year because as someone who was born and raised in Parkes, I really enjoy the atmosphere that both the festival and the train bring to our community.”

Mayor of Parkes Shire, Council Neil Westcott:

“The Parkes Elvis Festival continues to go from strength to strength, and we are excited to be presenting an action-packed 354 shows throughout the five days.

“There is also a lot of excitement building as thousands head down to Parkes Railway Station to welcome the NSW TrainLink Elvis Express.”

Maintenance blitz across NSW public schools this summer holidays

The Minns Labor Government is continuing work to ensure public schools across New South Wales are great places to learn and work, with tradies subbing in for teachers and students in classrooms to work on 1,200 vital maintenance and upgrade projects, across more than 800 public schools over the summer break.

This is part of the NSW Government’s historic $1.08 billion investment in minor works, which includes $600 million to deliver essential school maintenance projects.

These annual projects are essential for ensuring that schools are fit for purpose.

This year, NSW schools will see more than 3.4 million square metres of buildings painted and 46 Sydney Cricket Grounds worth of new floor coverings to be installed.

Work undertaken over this summer has included:

  • $180,000 in carpet and vinyl flooring upgrades at Kensington Public School
  • $3,000,000 to create a new special education learning unit at Lismore Heights Public School
  • $730,000 to upgrade the science labs at Morisset High School
  • More than $345,000 to upgrade metalwork classrooms at Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College
  • $655,000 to demolish an aging Covered Outdoor Learning Area and replace it with a new facility at Terrigal Public School
  • $237,000 to re-landscape and improve the school oval at St Helens Park Public School
  • $221,000 to upgrade and refurbish the library at Sir Joseph Banks High School

While hundreds of schools will return to completed maintenance work on Day 1, Term 1 2025 there is still much more to be done.

The former Liberal National Government committed to clearing the school maintenance backlog, but instead allowed it to balloon.

As students and teachers head back to school in 2025, the Minns Labor Government will continue work to ensure that no matter the postcode, every family across the state has access to a quality, free public education with high quality, fit-for-purpose infrastructure.

Building, maintaining and improving essential services like public schools is part of our plan to build a better NSW.

Premier of New South Wales, Chris Minns said:

“We are committed to ensuring that NSW public schools are quality places to work and learn.

“They may not be the most exciting upgrades, but they are essential to keeping our schools safe and running smoothly.

“We know there’s still work to be done, but it’s fantastic that hundreds of schools will be returning on day one to completed works.”

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said:

“Our public schools are key to building better communities, and we are continuing work on our commitment to keep our schools and equipment in the good condition that our communities deserve.

“Since being elected, we have been working on a comprehensive plan to invest in and rebuild public education in NSW.

“This is not just about building new schools in communities where they are needed, but also ensuring that our schools are kept at a high standard with up-to-date facilities.”