Seniors set for laughs during free NSW Seniors Festival Comedy Shows in Sydney and Port Stephens

Nine comedy geniuses will take to the stage for the NSW Seniors Festival Comedy Shows this March to entertain seniors in Sydney and Port Stephens.

The free events will deliver a day of laughs as comedians Bec Melrose, Rebecca De Unamuno, Simon Kennedy, Gary Eck, Anisa Nandaula, Mat Wakefield, Laura Hughes, Peter Berner, and Tommy Dean show off their talents at the Seniors Festival Comedy Shows.

Emcee Andrew Barnett, will host the fun-filled events at:

  • Sydney Town Hall on Tuesday 4 March at 11am
  • Soldiers Point Hall in Port Stephens on Thursday 6 March at 10:30am and 1:30pm

Tickets will be available from Tuesday 11 February at 9am at

The annual NSW Seniors Festival takes place from 3 to 16 March. The festival is the largest of its kind in the southern hemisphere, with more than 500,000 people participating in events held across NSW.

Highlights of the festival include the Expo with a range of activities and stalls for seniors to engage in, as well as the free Premier’s Gala Concerts, both of which will be held at Sydney’s International Convention Centre on Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 March.

For tickets to these events and to keep up to date with everything happening at the NSW Seniors Festival, visit

Minister for Seniors Jodie Harrison said:

“It’s fantastic to see the comedy shows being held again – they always draw a great crowd and leave seniors in stitches.

“These events offer our seniors the opportunity to enjoy time out with friends, while watching comedians they know or discover new ones. It’s a popular event that helps keep seniors connected and feeling included. I’m looking forward to seeing them enjoy the shows.

“This is the NSW Government’s way of saying thank you for all the valuable contributions our older generation has made and continues to make to society. I encourage seniors to get their free tickets and attend these great shows in Sydney and Port Stephens.”

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington MP said:

“It’s terrific news that Port Stephens’ seniors are going to have a laugh soon, especially after the difficult weeks we’ve had recently.

“I just love how the NSW Seniors Festival Comedy Show will be held at two sites in the state – Sydney Town Hall and Soldier’s Point Hall.

“Port Stephens is a beautiful community because of the significant contribution our seniors make. Like me, the NSW Government is grateful to them, and this comedy show is our way of giving back.”

New life-saving defibrillators awarded for NSW sports facilities

The Minns Labor Government is today announcing the delivery of almost 200 life-saving defibrillators to sporting and recreation organisations across the state.

This announcement brings the total number of devices awarded under this program to more than 2,500 defibrillators.

Every year, more than 9,000 people experience cardiac arrests outside of hospitals and these defibrillators play a key role in helping save the lives of a number of these people.

These portable defibrillators detect and analyse a person’s heart activity and, if needed, deliver an electric shock through the chest to the heart.

The NSW Government’s Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program provides up to $3,000 for the purchase, installation and training in new automated external defibrillators.

A total of $500,000 has been made available each year to NSW sporting organisations to pay for these devices.

Importantly, approximately 80 per cent of defibrillators awarded under this round of funding went to regional and remote communities, where emergency medical services naturally are further apart.

This follows a decision made by the Minns Labor Government to ensure funding was directed to grassroots sporting organisations in some of NSW’s most disadvantaged areas for new life-saving defibrillators at local sports facilities.

The NSW Labor Government is committed to rebuilding our grassroots sporting communities and ensuring local facilities are fit-for-purpose.

To view the full list of recipients, visit:

Premier of NSW Chris Minns said:

“Access to one of these defibrillators can be the difference between life and death for thousands of people across NSW who suffer cardiac arrests each year – which is what makes this so important.”

“Delivering hundreds of new defibrillators to sporting organisations across our state will give even more people the confidence to exercise and play sport safely.”

“We’re making sure that areas that have been neglected for far too long, also have access to these life saving devices.”

Minister for Sport Steve Kamper said:

“The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program equips sports clubs to be able to respond to potentially life-threatening emergencies at their sports facilities.”

“The first few minutes following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are critical, that is why the NSW Government is ensuring people participating in sport activities have access to potentially life-saving equipment.

“This investment by the NSW Government has the potential to mean the difference between life and death.”

Founder, Heartbeat of Football Andy Paschalidis said:

“I applaud the NSW Government for the ongoing defibrillator rollout programme which is saving lives.”

“Last year, at least six footballers in Sydney alone were saved because of defibrillator access at their grounds and the rapid response by individuals trained in CPR.

“It’s wonderful to see 200 sporting clubs will now be able to purchase and install these life saving devices.”

Co-deputy Director of the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute Professor Jamie Vandenberg said:

“Around 10,000 people in NSW suffer a cardiac arrest outside of hospital each year, and currently the vast majority will die.

“Being able to access a defibrillator in those crucial first minutes can make all the difference, so it’s incredibly heartening to see that almost 200 sporting clubs will now be able to purchase and install these lifesaving devices. This will help keep families together

“This is a sobering statistic but it’s one we can change for the better by installing more of these lifesaving devices in sports clubs across the State.”

Treasurer to hold key meetings in United States and United Kingdom

Treasurer Daniel Mookhey will travel to the United States and United Kingdom holding key meetings to ensure NSW keeps borrowing rates low and to explore investment opportunities for the state.

During a nine-day trip beginning today, Treasurer Mookhey will visit Washington, New York and London, accompanied by TCorp’s Chief Executive Officer David Deverall.

Treasurer Mookhey will hold events with a range of bond holders, fund managers and investors including JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Nasdaq, the Bank of England and Capital Group, as well as meetings with ratings agencies.

The NSW Treasurer will also meet leaders including Australia’s Ambassador to the United States Kevin Rudd, Australian Consul-General in New York Ms Heather Ridout AO and will attend an industry event with former NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet.

This is Treasurer Mookhey’s first international trip since taking office.

A plan for Central Coast maternity services

Last week the Member for The Entrance, the Member for Gosford, a representative for the Member for Swansea and I met with executives from the Central Coast Local Health District (CCLHD), the NSW Ministry of Health and Minister for Health Ryan Park’s office to express the concerns of the Central Coast community about maternity service provision on the Coast.

The CCLHD is developing a Clinical Services Plan for Women, Children and Families on the Central Coast which addresses both the closure of Gosford Private Hospital’s maternity services and the region’s projected population growth.

It’s important to note there is no reduction in public maternity services on the Central Coast and expectant mothers wishing to have their birth on the Coast will be able to do so.

Gosford Hospital provides 24-hour midwifery, obstetric, anaesthetic, and paediatric support including a Special Care Nursery to support the maternity needs of the Central Coast community.

Wyong Hospital also continues to provide care through the Midwifery Group Practice and Gosford outreach Midwife-led Antenatal Clinic.

In late 2023, the CCLHD introduced a Midwifery Group Practice Homebirth Service to provide local women with more choice about where they give birth.

We were advised the CCLHD is actively recruiting specialist maternity clinician staff.

I look forward to viewing the Clinical Services Plan which is being developed to ensure the maternity needs of the Central Coast community continue to be met.

Residents encouraged to have their say on council review

The opportunity for public submissions guiding the independent review of City of Newcastle’s processes, procedures and performance will close this Wednesday, 29 January. 

Deputy Lord Mayor Callum Pull, who brought the motion to commission the review, is encouraging residents to make a submission before the deadline. 

“Already more than 500 submissions have been received, demonstrating a very high level of public engagement with the review,” Cr Pull said.

“I am pleased to see that Novocastrians have responded to the opportunity to share their opinion and I urge anyone who wants to make a submission and hasn’t already, to get their submission in before Wednesday.

“City of Newcastle offers residents the opportunity to comment and provide feedback on many policies prior to adoption.

“This is your opportunity to ensure that your questions can be answered, and any concerns considered.”

Councillor Pull also sought to clarify the review’s objectives, as he said there were cases of misrepresentation or misunderstandings being communicated on social media.

“It is important that the community understands that the objective of this review is not to re-prosecute or make a judgement on decisions, but to look at existing policies and procedures and assess their effectiveness,” Cr Pull said.

“Where a concern has been flagged, the review can confirm whether or not proper process was followed.

“I have already made a submission to the review, as have a number of other Councillors. By making a submission now, it means that the independent consultants conducting this review will be able to respond to the issues or concerns that you raise.

“This is not a code of conduct investigation or a policy exhibition.

“This is a Council-commissioned review which will objectively assess our current practices and identify areas for potential improvement.”

Councillor Pull said that the community can have confidence in the review.

“The commissioning of this review was supported unanimously by the elected Council,” Cr Pull said.

“The elected Council clearly conveyed its support for this review, and I believe it will be of enormous value to our city.

“If you haven’t already, I encourage you to make your voice heard and flag any concerns you have with the terms of the review before submissions close.”

Submissions to the Independent Review can be made via the external, secure portal here. 

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we hold on to the memories of millions. We reflect on the great multitude of Jewish life that the Holocaust robbed from the world – all of that energy, potential, inspiration, talent and love – and we hold their names and their faces in our hearts.

We tend to these memories because we cannot allow the Holocaust to recede into history. It was a pitiless and unrelenting act of cruelty that was long in the planning, cold in its calculation, and carried out on a scale that falls across the decades like a terrible shadow.

The devastation felt when witnessing the horror, destruction and brutality inflicted by Hamas on October 7 is reminiscent of the dark and painful stories of the past. For the Australian Jewish community, those are the stories of their families.

Eighty years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau our observance carries a powerful message about the enduring strength of the Jewish people, and about our unwavering commitment to combat hateful prejudice in all its forms.

Tragically, we are not yet free of antisemitism. It stands in vile opposition to all we are as a nation and all that we have built – together – over generations. We will not tolerate it in any form. It has no place in our nation, and we will combat it with the full force of our laws and with total commitment from every level of government.

Jewish Australians are integral to the story of Australia, and to the even greater future within our reach. Australia proudly welcomed so many survivors of the horrors of the Holocaust, offering refuge and hope. We embraced the Jewish community then, and we embrace you now.

May you find comfort, hope and strength amid the memories today. And may we all, as fellow Australians, rededicate ourselves to honouring and rejoicing in our shared humanity.

Albanese Government to help deliver National Holocaust Education Centres for future generations of Australians

Current and future generations of Australian school children will learn the history and lessons of the Holocaust, following a $6.4 million investment by the Albanese Labor Government to build a National Holocaust Education Centre in Canberra and to deliver an upgrade to the Holocaust Institute of WA’s Education Centre in Yokine.

The announcement, made on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, comes as Australia and the global community mark 80 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.

In memory of the six million people of Jewish faith murdered by the Nazi Regime, $4.4 million will be delivered to build the National Holocaust Education Centre in Canberra. This will serve as an enduring bulwark against antisemitism and hatred, located right in the heart of our nation’s capital city.

The Centre, to be delivered in partnership with the Australian Capital Territory Jewish Community, will be accessible to the more than 165,000 Australian school children who travel to Canberra each year to learn about Australian democracy, history, and culture.

The Centre will take its place alongside other national institutions such as the Australian Parliament, the National War Memorial, the National Gallery, and the Australian Museum as a crucial educative experience for the next generation of young Australians.

Further, the Albanese Government will deliver $2 million to the Holocaust Institute of WA for the Holocaust Institute’s Education Centre in Yokine to help upgrade the facility to world-class standards. The Prime Minister visited the community in 2024 and will visit again on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Educating school children and future generations on the Holocaust, how it came about and the roots of antisemitism is key to stamping out hatred, bigotry, and discrimination in our communities.

The National Centre in Canberra will also be available to the more than five million Australians who visit Canberra each year and will include access to exhibits and information explaining Jewish culture. It will honour and keep alive the stories of Holocaust survivors through culturally and emotionally sensitive storytelling.

The establishment of the National Holocaust Education Centre and the upgrade to the Holocaust Institute for WA’s Education Centre adds to a significant list of commitments and investments by the Australian Government to combat antisemitism including:

  • Establishing Special Operation Avalite respond to and investigate antisemitic attacks,
  • A $57 million investment to improve safety and security at Jewish schools and synagogues,
  • An $8.5 million investment to upgrade the Sydney Jewish Museum,
  • $250,000 towards the replacement of Torah Scrolls housed in the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne,
  • The appointment of a Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism, Ms Jillian Segal AO,
  • An agreement of National Cabinet to establish a National Database to track antisemitic crime and other antisemitic incidents and behaviours. The Commonwealth will work with States and Territories on the development of the Database.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“We must never forget the atrocities of the Holocaust.

“That’s why my Government is making this investment in the National Holocaust Education Centre and in the Holocaust Institute of WA’s Education Centre at the JHub.

“The Centre will serve to educate our young Australians about the horrors of the Holocaust and teach them from an early age that such prejudice, hatred and violence has no place here. Not now, not ever.”

Senator for the ACT Katy Gallagher:

“Education and understanding is the key to eliminating hatred and bigotry, including the scourge of antisemitism.

“Our government recognises this, which is why we are so proud to be partnering with the ACT Jewish community to deliver this crucially important Centre.

“Canberra – as the heart of our nation – is the perfect location to build a national centre dedicated to the history of the Holocaust and future generations of Australians learn the vital lessons from this dark chapter.”

Assistant Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Julian Hill:

“The promise of Australian multiculturalism is that great Australian promise of the fair go – that everyone has a fair crack at life here, no matter your ethnicity, faith, identity or life circumstances.

“There is no place in Australia for antisemitism, hatred or discrimination of any kind.

“By establishing the National Holocaust Education Centre, Australians will have the opportunity to learn about one of the darkest chapters in modern history and how the scourge of antisemitism continues to have an impact to this day – including in Australia.”

Member for Perth Patrick Gorman: 

“I am proud to have supported the JHub throughout construction, including the Holocaust Education Centre. This new funding will ensure the vision for this vital community centre can be fulfilled.

Local Holocaust education is essential to ensuring the horrors of the past are never repeated.” 

Member for Canberra Alicia Payne:

“I am pleased that our Government is supporting the establishment of a National Holocaust Education Centre in our nation’s capital. 

“Many Australian families have a connection to the Holocaust and a central location for all Australians to learn about the impact and the horrors of the Holocaust is critical for future education. 

“I am proud to have advocated for this proposal from the ACT Jewish community, and I look forward to seeing their project come to fruition.”

Dr Mike Kelly AM, Member of National Holocaust Education Centre’s project team:

“This announcement is tremendous news. It has come at a critically important time and will be great encouragement to Australia’s Jewish community during a difficult period.

“Most importantly this project will make a critically important contribution to the national effort to reinforce social cohesion and build understanding.

“The location of the National Holocaust Education Centre in the nation’s capital will enable the thousands of school children who visit Canberra every year to learn about the deep evil that racial discrimination can lead to and how this has affected many people around the world. It will also reinforce the importance of our democracy and the need to be well-informed citizens.”

Albanese and Cook Labor Governments building Western Australia’s future

The Albanese and Cook Governments are building Western Australia’s future, driving economic growth and delivering benefits for commuters with a partnership to deliver a $700 million upgrade to the Kwinana Freeway.

The Albanese Government will invest $350 million to ensure this important work gets delivered.

Widening the Kwinana Freeway will add around 50 per cent capacity to the upgraded sections, easing congestion for motorists and improving the efficiency of moving freight on a road that typically carries 100,000 vehicles every day.

This investment will also support the operations of the future Westport project, while improving safety and delivering congestion relief for commuters.

The upgrades to road infrastructure will also support the growing industrial areas and Defence Assets on the Western Trade Coast.

The Westport project is the linchpin for future trade growth in Western Australia, supporting local jobs and WA’s economy for the long term.

This new funding builds on the previous $67 million joint commitment towards planning and scoping of landside enabling infrastructure for the Westport project.

The Albanese and Cook Governments are working together to build Western Australia’s future, with major projects underway including METRONET, upgrades to the Tonkin Highway and the Outback Way.

The Albanese Government is investing $9.7 billion towards transport infrastructure projects in Western Australia.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“We’re working with the Cook Labor Government to build Western Australia’s future.

“Western Australia is an economic powerhouse, and we want to make sure we are investing in future job creating projects like Westport, while still delivering the immediate congestion benefits for commuters now.

“This project will support jobs, improve safety and ease congestion for the 100,000 commuters who use the Kwinana Freeway each day.

“Only Labor has a plan to build Australia’s future.”

Premier of Western Australia Roger Cook:

“As a Kwinana local, I know how important this project is for our State.

“Western Australia is the economic engine room of Australia, with Westport and the Western Trade Coast critical to keeping our economy strong and creating the local jobs of the future in WA..

“My WA Labor Government is partnering with the Albanese Government to do what’s right for WA.”

Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King:

“The Australian Government remains dedicated to working for all Australians by delivering nationally significant infrastructure projects that enhance productivity and resilience, improve liveability and promote sustainability.

“We are getting on with delivering a better future for all Australians, and this project will increase opportunities and connections, build communities and improve safety.”

WA Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti:

“We welcome this critical investment by the Albanese Labor Government.

“The investment will ensure we can continue our Government’s major transformation of the Kwinana Freeway, which has seen the installation of smart freeway technology, the Armadale Road to North Lake Road Bridge Project and widening to large sections.

“The Western Australian Government is working in partnership with the Australian Government on these and other growth-area roads, including the Stephenson Avenue Extension and Tonkin Highway extension.”

Appeal to locate woman missing from Port Stephens

Police are appealing for public assistance to locate a woman missing from the Port Stephens area.

Philippa Breslin, aged 29, was last seen at Nelsons Bay, Port Stephens, about 12pm Wednesday 15 January 2025.

When she could not be located or contacted, officers attached to Port Stephens Hunter Police District were notified on Wednesday 22 January 2025 and commenced inquiries into her whereabouts.

Police and family hold concerns for Philippa’s welfare as her disappearance is out of character.

She is described as being of Caucasian appearance, about 170cm tall, of medium build, with dyed blonde and red hair.

Philippa is known to frequent the Nelson Bay, Shoal Bay and Mudgee areas.

Neo-Nazi invasion of January 26 events in Adelaide shocking; investigation needed

Australian Greens Senator Hanson-Young calls for a full investigation into South Australia’s neo-Nazi cell:

“Today’s Nazi invasion of Australia Day events is sickening.  

“There must be an immediate investigation into the planned activities and intent of this terrorising group.  

“Attempts to scare and intimidate our local Adelaide community are completely unacceptable and must be dealt with by the full force of the law.  

“Adelaide is a peaceful and respectful city, and we don’t need Nazi-wannabes terrorising members of our community.  

“These thugs don’t embody the values of our city, state, or country. Racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and hate have no place on our streets or in our community.”