Visit to Poland

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator the Hon Penny Wong, and the Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, will travel to Poland to attend the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

The world must never allow the memory of the Holocaust to fade. It is vital that the lessons of the past continue to be learnt to ensure this never happens again.

An estimated 1.1 million people were murdered in Auschwitz, almost a million of whom were Jews, before the camp was liberated on 27 January 1945.

What happened at Auschwitz and during the Holocaust is a reminder of the dangers of hatred, bigotry, racism and prejudice and the need to remain vigilant against a repetition of the atrocities perpetrated there.

The 80th anniversary of the liberation is also an opportunity to acknowledge the remarkable contributions and enduring resilience of the approximately 27,000 Holocaust survivors and their families who made Australia their home after World War II.

The Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism in Australia, Ms Jillian Segal AO, will join the official Australian delegation in Poland.

Australia is a proud member of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, and is committed to Holocaust remembrance, education and research, and ongoing efforts to counter the spread of Holocaust denial and antisemitism.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs will also visit Switzerland and Austria this week, including for meetings with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, His Excellency António Guterres, and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Mirjana Spoljaric.

12 out of 21 new threatened animal species in 2024 are found in NSW

A new report by the Australian Conservation Foundation, ACF’s “Extinction Wrapped” , has revealed that more than half of the Australian animal species newly threatened with extinction live in NSW. The report also highlights that the total number of new species threatened with extinction has risen by 41 to a total of 2,138 (as well as 107 ecological communities being threatened with extinction).

Greens MP and spokesperson for the environment Sue Higginson said “This report absolutely slams the promise from the NSW and Federal Labor Governments that there would be no new extinctions on their watch,”

“The truth is, the Albanese Government more than doubled the area of threatened species habitat approved to be cleared between 2023 and 2024 – as well as walking away from their proposed National environment regulator,”

“The Minns Labor Government in NSW is fully culpable for abandoning our environment and nature, with the Great Koala National Park still being logged almost two years after Labor were elected to protect it, and changes to biodiversity offsets that were pushed through Parliament on the last sitting day of 2024, will still allow critically endangered species’ habitat to be cleared. It’s political failure,”

“The decline in biodiversity in NSW and Australia is a crisis for all of us, we rely on a healthy environment to live. It’s shocking that neither NSW or Federal Labor understand nor care enough about this,” Ms Higginson said.

NSW Species:

Pugh’s Frog

Alpine Water Skink

Hunter Valley Delma

Granite Belt Leaf-Tailed Gecko

New England Leaf-Tailed Gecko

Common Greenshank

Black-Tailed Godwit

Latham’s Snipe

Grey Plover

Ruddy Turnstone

Sharp-Tailed Sandpiper

Terek Sandpiper

Families $2,500 better off under Greens plan for “back-to-school” payments and abolishing public school fees

A family with two kids in a public school would be almost $2,500 better off every year under the Greens plan to make public schools truly free, and also provide $800 ‘back to school’ payments to parents.

With a minority Parliament looming and the Greens holding three seats in inner-city Brisbane, the announcement is the latest in the series of the Greens’ ‘Robin Hood reforms’ that will be put on the table in any post-election negotiations. 

Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP will make the announcement today at Coorparoo State School in the electorate of Griffith, alongside Greens spokesperson for Primary & Secondary Education Senator Penny Allman-Payne and Griffith MP Max Chandler-Mather.

The bold cost-of-living package would see an annual payment of $800 made to families at the start of the school year for each child attending a public school, helping to meet growing out-of-pocket costs like uniforms, technology and school supplies.

And in order to abolish public school fees and charges and help reverse the cost-shifting that has occurred under Labor and Liberal governments, additional funding of $2.4 billion over the forward estimates will be given to public schools. This is on top of the 100% Schooling Resource Standard funding commitment previously announced

Public school fees, charges and contributions rose 20.58% from 2021 to 2022, and school supplies are set to cost an estimated $694 for primary school children and $1,149 for secondary students.

This massive cash boost for working families would be funded by making big corporations pay their fair share of tax. The previously announced Big Corporations Tax frees up $514 billion across the decade to help fund dental & mental health into Medicare, a cap on rent increases & low-rate mortgages, and the Greens’ plan to see the GP for free.

Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt MP:

“In a wealthy country like ours, everyone should be able to afford the basics: a home, food, and world class health and education. 

“Parents are forking out thousands on ‘voluntary’ fees, uniforms and out of pocket costs, but meanwhile 1 in 3 big corporations pays no tax. 

“Governments are underfunding our public schools and shifting the costs onto parents already struggling with the cost of living.

“We can’t keep voting for the same two parties and expecting a different result. If Brisbane voters return their Greens MPs, they can keep Peter Dutton out and get Labor to act on the cost of living crisis. 

“When a nurse pays more tax than a multinational corporation, something is wrong. Taxing the big corporations to fully fund our public schools, scrapping so-called ‘voluntary’ fees and securing back to school payments will be on the table in a minority Parliament.

“In the last shared power Parliament, the Greens saved families thousands by getting dental into Medicare for kids, and now we want more relief for people doing it tough.”

Greens spokesperson on primary and secondary education, Senator Penny Allman-Payne:

“Public school should be free, but families are having to dig deeper and deeper as fees have increased and the cost of uniforms, school supplies and education technology has soared.

“The situation is so bad that teachers are increasingly having to dip into their own pockets to pay for classroom basics that many families simply can’t afford.

“When I was a teacher I regularly spent hundreds, if not thousands of dollars of my own salary to give my students the resources they needed, and I know parents do the same.

“Every child deserves a free, world-class public education, and that’s what the Greens are committed to delivering.

“Getting your child ready for the school year is always a hassle, but it shouldn’t cost thousands of dollars, and our public schools shouldn’t need to rely on the generosity of parents.

“Public schools typically get more than $400 from parents for each student enrolled – not because they want to charge fees, but because they aren’t adequately funded. 

“World-class public education is the foundation of a strong and caring society, and it should be accessible to everyone.”

Greens MP for Griffith Max Chandler-Mather:

“Families in my electorate of Griffith paid over $14 million in public school fees and charges in 2023. That’s about $500 per child. 

“At a school like Balmoral State High School, parents paid nearly $1,500 in fees per student. At Whites Hill State College it was over $2,000. That’s not the fault of the schools but of systemic underfunding from our governments.

“Familes here care deeply about their local public schools, but at the moment it’s getting harder and harder to afford even a public education. 

“Why is it in a wealthy country like Australia, we let 1 in 3 big corporations get away with paying no tax, but we can’t even provide free public education? Getting your child ready for the school year is always a hassle, but it shouldn’t cost thousands of dollars.”

SA families to save thousands under Greens plan for $800 “back-to-school” payment & scrapping public school fees

South Australian parents are paying the 2nd highest out-of-pocket fees for public schools in Australia – but today the Greens have announced a national plan to make public education actually free by abolishing public school fees and delivering an $800 back-to-school payment for each public school student as the school year returns.

The Greens will push to give the schools cost-of-living relief package to South Australian parents in the likely event of a minority Government post-election.

Key Points:

  • SA public school fees are 2nd highest in Australia, $548 per student in 2022  second only to Victoria – or $94.4m per year across the state
  • Greens would abolish public fees & deliver $800 back-to-school payments for each public school student 
  • A family with two kids would be around $2,500 better off every year under the Greens plan
  • Policy costed by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office & funded by the Greens suite of tax reforms to make big corporations pay their fair share 

 Sarah Hanson-Young is Greens Senator for South Australia:

“Public education should be free, but SA parents are getting slugged with some of the highest school fees and costs in Australia, second only to Victoria. In a cost of living crisis this is one cost the Government can help families with. The Greens will deliver relief to parents by abolishing school fees and delivering an $800 back-to-school payment for each student.

“A family with two kids in a public school would be over $2,500 better off every year under the Greens plan.

“Beyond abolishing fees, the $800 ‘back to school’ payment to parents will help with all the additional costs at the beginning of the school year.

“Governments are underfunding our public schools and shifting the costs onto parents. The pressure of back to school bills is extreme at this time of year and our plan will help cover costs like a new uniform, a new set of books, school shoes and those other expenses so that kids can participate fully in their education.

“This investment in our kids’ education has been costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and will be funded by making big corporations like Santos, Qantas and Netflix pay their fair share of tax under our fully costed suite of tax reforms.”

In order to abolish public school fees and charges and help reverse the cost-shifting to parents that has occurred under Labor and Liberal governments, additional funding of $2.4 billion over the forward estimates will be given to public schools. This is on top of the 100% Schooling Resource Standard funding commitment previously announced

Data by state

Greens WA call for end to forest mining

In a balance of power position, the Greens (WA) will negotiate for an end to forest mining in Western Australia and greater protections for our forests. 

WA has some of the most beautiful and biodiverse forests on earth yet bauxite mining is the number one cause of deforestation in these forests, with over 33,000 hectares already lost to this strip-mining practice and huge expansion proposals before government.

These forests are vital for wildlife, biodiversity, water and climate and the Greens will prioritise their protection.

While aluminium and critical minerals are essential to the energy transition, the destruction of any more of our forests is a net loss for our climate and our state’s dwindling biodiversity – mining must be off limits in native forests.

In 2023, the community was appalled when Environment Minister Reece Whitby and the Cook Government took the extraordinary step of granting Alcoa a special exemption to continue clearing forests even while the WA  Environmental Protection Authority undertakes  an assessment of the company’s impacts on the environment.

The Greens will hold the Cook Labor government to account and call an end to the prioritising of corporate profits over our precious forests and the endangered wildlife who call them home. 

In a balance of power position, the Greens will push for:

  • All new forest mining and expansion proposals to be rejected.
  • The immediate and permanent exclusion of mining from Reservoir Protection Zones. 
  • The immediate protection of critical habitat and other high conservation value forests through the creation of mining exclusion zones. 
  • A rapid phase out of forest mining and a just transition for all workers in the sector. 

Greens WA Forest Spokesperson Jess Beckerling:

“We have some of the most beautiful, biodiverse forests on Earth, and we’re treating them like a giant quarry. This has to come to an end.

“It is impossible to restore a jarrah forest after bauxite mining. The science is very clear that once they’re gone they’re gone forever.

“The community was appalled when Minister Whitby and the Cook Government recently granted Alcoa a special exemption to keep clearing even while the EPA finally assesses its impacts.

“It’s staggering that the Cook Government has allowed clearing to continue even in the face of the Water Corporation stating that a contamination event from Alcoa’s strip mining is considered certain, and that it constitutes the most significant risk to Perth and the South West’s water quality.”

WA Greens MLC Dr Brad Pettitt:

“Right now, almost nowhere in WA is off limits to mining projects.

“We have so much land, yet we allow these massive multinational companies to deforest and destroy some of the most biodiverse habitats in our state, home to critically endangered species.

“Right now, the South West Black Cockatoos are in serious trouble with the Perth Zoo and wildlife centres reporting an inundation of starving cockatoos coming into their care.

“Protecting what remains of our native forests and restoring their habitat is the only way to prevent further decline and the unthinkable extinction of these beloved birds.”

Greens WA candidate Diane Evers:

“Mining Exclusion Zones are required throughout the southwest to protect areas for conservation, food security, tourism and other economic activities.

“Our Mining Act is 45 years old and no longer reflects the interests of our communities. Nowhere in the legislation is the term, “public interest” defined.

“Our southwest forests provide considerable economic value to the nearby communities for recreation, honey production, and biological research, and this is in addition to the physical and mental health values of interacting with nature.

“Our Environmental Protection Authority should be fully independent and assess mining applications taking into account the cumulative impact on the forest over time.”


The current primary cause of deforestation in WA’s south west forests is bauxite mining by Alcoa and South32. In the past sixty years, bauxite mining has been responsible for the clearing of at least 33,000 hectares of publicly owned forests. The rate of clearing for bauxite mining is accelerating – with more than a third of this area cleared between 2010 and 2020.

The loss of forest from mining activities is permanent. The science is very clear – jarrah forests do not regrow after bauxite mining. This forest destruction has  profoundly devastating impacts on Black Cockatoos, Quokkas and other endangered wildlife.

South West Black Cockatoos rely on the nesting and feeding habitat in the Northern Jarrah Forests. Following WA’s longest, hottest, driest summer on record, and the resulting drought impacts on the forests, all three species are reportedly struggling. 

The Perth Zoo and wildlife centres are reporting an inundation of starving cockatoos coming into their care and experts are renewing calls for habitat to be protected and restored to prevent their extinction.

Bauxite mining in our forests is also risking Perth’s water. The Water Corporation has said that Alcoa’s strip mining in water supply catchments “the single most significant risk to water quality in Perth and the South West” and that a contamination event is “considered certain”.

Real consequences for perpetrators of anti-Semitism

Today, the Coalition has announced new action to combat rising anti-Semitism. Where the Albanese Government has shown weakness and failed to combat extremism, a Dutton Coalition Government will show strength and act. 

The firebombing of cars and targeting of homes in Sydney last week follows the horrific attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne in December in what is now a clear campaign of terror.  

Under Labor, the Jewish community feels under siege and abandoned. 

Last week, the Prime Minister again refused to convene a National Cabinet in response to the attacks in Sydney.  

Today we commit that, if elected, a Dutton Coalition Government will: 

Take a national leadership role expected of the Commonwealth Government, including convening a National Cabinet to combat anti-Semitism and extremism. 

Strengthen the sentencing regime for terrorism by legislating for a mandatory minimum term of 6 years imprisonment for all acts of terrorism under Commonwealth law. 

Amend draft laws currently before the parliament to make it a hate crime to urge or threaten violence towards a place of worship; punishable by imprisonment for 5 years or 7 years in the case of an aggravated offence. 

Introduce mandatory minimum sentences of 12 months imprisonment for the public display of prohibited Nazi symbols, prohibited terrorist organisation symbols, and giving the Nazi salute in public, and increase the maximum penalty to 5 years imprisonment. 

The Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Peter Dutton MP, said “The shocking rise in anti-Semitism in our country is a national crisis which requires a national response. I first requested the PM convene a National Cabinet on anti-Semitism in November 2023. He failed to do so. Last week I again wrote to him requesting a National Cabinet on this most pressing matter yet he still evades his responsibility.” 

“The Prime Minister talks about taking “action” but real action has been missing from this Prime Minister. The time for talk is over, so today we announce measures that a Dutton Coalition Government will undertake to stop this vile scourge of anti-Semitism in our country in its tracks. If the PM won’t show the strong leadership our country needs, then we will,” Mr Dutton said.  

Shadow Attorney-General, Senator the Hon. Michaelia Cash, said “We must stamp out anti-Semitism in Australia.  The Albanese Labor Government’s weakness has allowed anti-Semitism to run out of control in Australia to the point where we are now experiencing acts of outright terrorism. A clear and strong message needs to be sent to those who perpetrate such evil acts and that is exactly what these proposed new laws do.” 

Shadow Minister for Home Affairs, Senator James Paterson, said “A campaign of terror has been unleashed on the Australian Jewish community and those responsible have clearly been emboldened by the weakness of the Albanese Labor Government. Only strong action and real consequences for the perpetrators will bring this to an end. We are sending a clear message today that these acts of terrorism will not be tolerated on the watch of a Dutton Coalition Government.” 

A Dutton Coalition Government will take the strong action required to end the vile scourge of anti-Semitism afflicting our country which has festered for too long and which threatens the safety of our communities. Enough is enough.  

First Look: New Metro for Western Sydney Airport

From design to reality; a life-size prototype metro carriage for the new Western Sydney Airport Metro line has been unveiled, giving passengers a first look at future travel to Sydney’s second airport.

Assembled from a flat pack in a Western Sydney warehouse, the carriage is a full-scale replica which closely mimics the final product’s shape, size and design features.

The mock-up will allow future passengers to test out the carriage and provide feedback on comfort, usability, accessibility and safety – including seat design, boarding experience, and handhold placement.

It will also help transport authorities and manufacturers evaluate and finalise aspects of the train like the interior lighting, emergency features, and passenger information display systems.

Engineers and designers will be able to use the prototype to validate the final design choices, ensuring the layout, materials, and ergonomics meet the intended specifications.

The feedback collated from the extensive assessments has helped refine the final design for the 12 new trains for the Western Sydney Airport line before they go into production later this month. The contract for the new trains was signed in 2022.

Final checks are also being made to confirm the upholstery design for the train seats, which will feature a specially commissioned artwork by Western Sydney creative team BBR, led by Dharug artist Leanne Redpath, with Tina Barahanos and Alexandra Byrne.

The artwork called Ngurra Baduwa includes reference to Ngurra (Country) and Badu (water) running through Cumberland Plain, the region where the new 23-kilometre metro line will be located.

The grey and blue patterns and colours for the general seats are reflective of the night sky, while the priority seats are yellow and tell a daytime story about meeting places around waterholes found through fields of wattle flowers.   

About 2,300 square metres of fabric, equivalent in length to five basketball courts, will be needed to upholster every seat in the 12 new trains.  

Once operational, the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport line will have the capacity to move up to 7,740 passengers each hour in each direction between St Marys and Bradfield via Sydney’s new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport. 

The new railway will become the transport spine for Greater Western Sydney, connecting residents with job hubs and travellers from the new airport to the rest of Sydney’s public transport system.   

For more information on the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project:

Deputy Premier and Minister for Western Sydney Prue Car said:

“Testing of this mock-up carriage has been underway for many months and no stone has been left unturned to ensure passengers enjoy a world-class experience when they step off a plane in Western Sydney and onto a fast and reliable metro.

“Western Sydney artists at BBR have delivered a fantastic upholstery design for the seats that will create a unique identity for this line, and welcome international visitors with incredible Aboriginal cultural heritage and contemporary art.”  

Minister for Transport Jo Haylen said:

“Being able to look, feel, touch and experience the new Metros is helping our teams put the finishing touches on these trains before they go into production.

“Every train will be fully accessible, beautifully air-conditioned, and a really comfortable way to travel to Sydney’s new airport.

“Once the new Airport metro line opens, each of the 12 new metro trains will have capacity to comfortably move 645 people between Bradfield, St Marys and the new International Airport.

Features of the new Western Sydney Airport metro trains:

  • High resolution displays showing real-time flight information via a direct feed from the Airport;
  • Multiple seating choices in each carriage, including front and rear facing seating for people travelling in larger groups and traditional metro longitudinal (sideways) seating;
  • A wide, accessible aisle through the centre of the train to allow for ease of movement for passengers travelling with luggage;
  • Wheelchair areas and accessible spaces; 
  • Hearing loops in all carriages
  • Four bicycle storage spaces on every train.

Prospect highway upgrade opens up new lanes to end long term traffic squeeze

Western Sydney communities are free of a notorious traffic bottleneck with the Albanese and Minns Labor Governments officially opening the upgraded Prospect Highway today.

The $280 million upgrade, funded jointly and delivered by the Australian and New Governments, has transformed the Highway from an undivided single lane road connection into a modern divided highway with up to six lanes.

Prospect Highway is a major roadway that connects Western Sydney motorists with the M4 Motorway, the Great Western Highway, Old Windsor Road and the M2 Motorway.

For the 35,000 vehicles and 5,000 trucks a day that use the route, the highway had become a slow-moving headache as the area’s traffic volume overtook the capacity of the road.

The 3.6 kilometre upgrade provides six lanes between St Martins Crescent and Blacktown Road and four lanes between Blacktown Road and Reservoir Road.

This has resulted in significant travel time savings with previous average travel time of 20 minutes along this section of Prospect Highway now reduced to five minutes.

Due to the increased safety of the divided, wider, smoother road, the speed limit has been raised from 60 km/h to 70 km/h between Reservoir Road and St Martins Crescent.

The upgrade also features:

  • Two new bridges over the M4 and Great Western Highway
  • New link road between Great Western Highway and Prospect Highway
  • Kerb-side bus lane in each direction between Lancelot Street and north of St Martins Crescent
  • Multiple upgraded and signalised intersections
  • New kiss-and-ride facility at Shelley Public School to keep children safely away from the highway
  • New pedestrian underpass
  • Upgraded 3.7km shared user path on the western side

Western Sydney is NSW’s fastest growing region and Blacktown is expected to be home to 563,350 people by 2041. This road will make a significant difference to the motorists who use it everyday, supporting jobs and providing better access to opportunities for Sydney’s growing west.

Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said:

“Thanks to these major improvements, about 35,000 motorists and 5,000 heavy vehicles who use this road daily will benefit from reduced congestion, faster travel times and safer journeys.

“This project is a major example of both levels of government working in partnership for the benefit of people in Western Sydney.”

Premier of New South Wales Chris Minns said:

“Prospect Highway is a vital north-south road in Western Sydney and for too long, it was an outdated two-lane traffic bottleneck.

“This upgrade gets drivers moving again on a safer road, and less time sitting in traffic means more time at home with family and friends.

“For truck drivers, time is money. This upgrade will improve traffic flow for the thousands of trucks that use it every day and boost Western Sydney’s reputation as a place to do business and for families to live.”

Federal Member for McMahon Chris Bowen said:

“Prospect Highway was a road from another era that has struggled to get drivers from this part of Western Sydney to where they need to be.

“This upgrade provides the much-needed lanes that will cut journey times and keep people moving.”

Federal Member for Greenway Michelle Rowland said:

“Prospect Highway is a crucial connector for our community and is used by tens of thousands of motorists each and every day to access both the M2 and the M4.

“Upgrading Prospect Highway was vital for motorists in this area but also a great improvement in safety for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists through the road and shared path improvements it delivers.

“I’m extremely pleased to have advocated for the funding and delivery of this vital upgrade and look forward to the benefits it will deliver for our community.”

Member for Blacktown Stephen Bali said:

“Prospect Highway had been an essential arterial route since it was first developed out of local roads in the 1980s and the upgrade is much needed.

“It’s been exciting to watch as this project has progressed and I’m sure locals will be as thrilled as me with the improved travel times and reduced congestion now it is complete.”

Member for Prospect Hugh McDermott said:

“This project is about more than motoring – around 2000 jobs have been created across the lifecycle of the project, delivering employment as well as better access for local communities

“Public transport customers will benefit from new bus lanes between Lancelot Street and north of St Martins Crescent while pedestrians and cyclists will enjoy the upgraded shared path on the western side of the highway.”

“Aboriginal businesses including a workforce of 101 Aboriginal people from contractors and construction companies contributed to the success of the project.”

Work on RFS and SES station at Surf Beach moves forward as tender released

The NSW Government will oversee the construction of the new shared NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) brigade station and NSW State Emergency Service (SES) unit in Surf Beach at Batemans Bay to build this important facility.

The services of Public Works NSW have been engaged to undertake project management of the site and ensure work moves quickly on the multi-million-dollar RFS and SES facility.

The new facility will be owned by the Council, replacing the existing RFS facility and temporary accommodation currently being used by the SES.

Public Works NSW will manage the construction phase of the project, with the beginning of the tender process a major milestone and now released following the signing of an MOU between the Council and the NSW Government.

The new headquarters will include operational areas designed to meet the needs of both services.

Facilities will include garages for advanced rescue vehicles and boats, storage for essential equipment, office spaces, a training room, kitchen facilities, change rooms, and a laundry, all designed to enhance the capacity of their emergency response efforts.

Both services are eager to see this vital project come to life, further enhancing emergency response capabilities in the region.

Minister for Emergency Services, Jihad Dib said:

“The devastating 2019/2020 bushfires on the NSW South Coast destroyed homes, businesses, and infrastructure, forcing entire communities to evacuate.

“I understand the community’s desire to get this project moving which is why I am pleased Public Works NSW will now be managing the project and providing the local council with the assistance it needs.

“Since coming to Government, we have made a significant investment in initiatives to support the SES and RFS, including new tankers, vessels, and vehicles to ensure they are better equipped to respond to natural disasters.

“This project is an excellent example of collaboration between local and state governments along with our emergency services agencies to deliver long-term benefits for our volunteers and the local community.”

RFS Commissioner, Rob Rogers said:

“The release of this tender marks a significant step forward in delivering a critical resource for the Batemans Bay community.

“This new facility at Surf Beach will provide modern, purpose-built amenities to better support our firefighters in protecting life and property. It represents our commitment to ensuring our volunteers have the tools and spaces they need to operate effectively.”

NSW SES Commissioner, Mike Wassing said:

“Our volunteers have shown exceptional dedication while operating out of temporary facilities since the 2019/2020 bushfires.

“This permanent home will give our Batemans Bay team the resources and space they need to train, plan, and respond effectively to emergencies.”

New Orange building company to utilise technology and local timber to ease housing crisis

An exciting new prefabrication building company based in Central West NSW is helping to address the state’s current housing crisis, while also sourcing local timber and creating local jobs.

Green Timber Technology, which has recently been established in partnership with The Pentarch Group, will start operating in December from the former Electrolux factory site in Orange, which has been vacant since 2016.

Green Timber Technology will fabricate timber walls, roofs and floors in the factory and then deliver them to site for assembly, mostly within NSW.

Housing affordability and availability is the single biggest pressure facing the people of NSW.

Instead of taking around nine months to build a new home, this process can produce around ten homes per week.

Once fully operational, the company will build a new home roughly every four hours.

The company also aims to achieve zero waste.

The houses that will soon be fabricated at the Orange site will not only be affordable, but also high-end architecturally designed homes.

The 10,000mfacility is also adding a robotic element to its production line while still creating local jobs, with plans to employ 70 people by 2026.

While the prefabrication element helps dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to build a new home, the operation still involves essential building trade elements including plumbers, builders and electricians as part of the final construction phase.

Minister for Agriculture and Regional NSW, Tara Moriarty said:

“This exciting new approach will help deliver on the Government’s priorities by producing affordable housing, which is the single biggest pressure facing the people of NSW.

“It will significantly increase the speed of construction through automation and avoiding weather impacts.

“I congratulate the company for also working to achieve zero net waste and providing improved worker safety, because construction will occur in a controlled environment.

“This prefabrication building company is also vertically integrated with Pentarch Forestry’s softwood plantations and mills which are based at Oberon, which is ensuring local timber and timber products are sourced in the region, reducing transport costs.

“NSW sourced timber has an important role to play in addressing our housing crisis, and it’s companies like this that are demonstrating well timed critical problem solving to address this challenge.

“The benefits for the local economy, industry and the community have come at a very welcome time.”

Executive Director, The Pentarch Group Stephen Dadd said:

“Sourcing local products is an integral part of this new venture for our company.

“In addition to the timber aspect, we hope in the future to see some other companies follow our lead and look at what other housing products could be produced locally.

“We are not using the entire Electrolux site, so there is potential for further growth into a prefabrication housing hub.”

CEO of Green Timber Technology’s Orange site Pete Morrison said:

“We are excited to be part of the Orange community through this new initiative and to bring this new approach to housing to the Central West.

“We’ll employ around 20-25 people in the early stages of production on the floor to oversee the panel, flooring and roofing components, and additional staff in the design and structural engineering aspect.”