Fitness stations to energise Stockton

Fitness enthusiasts who frequent Stockton’s foreshore for their outdoor exercise pursuits will now have another reason to step out and stay in shape.
City of Newcastle will install six new outdoor fitness stations along Stockton foreshore to help residents and visitors to the seaside suburb remain active.

The stations, similar to the one recently installed along the Fernleigh Track at Adamstown, will include a bench press, stretching station, cycle seat, shoulder press, sit up bench, aerobic walker, and pull up, chin up and dip bars.
Fitnessstationinside.jpgSix fitness stations will be located along the Stockton foreshore within walking distance of the Active Hub

All six stations will be built within walking distance of the recently completed $2 million South Stockton Active Hub. Work is expected to start in mid-May and take about five weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the provision of new exercise parks such as this would help meet the City’s population growth targets and reduce obesity and health risks.

“By building these new parks we are also increasing our commitment to supporting the community to be physically active, contributing to improved health outcomes and lowering obesity levels,” the Lord Mayor said.
“When complete, the facility will contribute to Stockton’s already thriving outdoor lifestyle, which was recently bolstered thanks to the completion of the $2 million all-age South Stockton Active Hub skate park and children’s playground.

“We all know that getting active improves our sense of wellbeing, so we are very pleased to be delivering these new facilities for Novocastrians to stay fit and healthy.”
skateparkinside1.jpgThe $2 million South Stockton Active Hub was opened just before Easter

Port Waratah Coal Services co-funded the stations and Chief Executive Officer Hennie du Plooy said Port Waratah is delighted to partner with City of Newcastle to deliver the fitness stations for the community of Stockton.
“Our Community Investment and Partnership Programme is something we are very proud to share with Newcastle, and the fitness stations along Stockton foreshore is one way we can help deliver positive benefits to Portside communities,” Mr du Plooy said.
The equipment is part of the City’s Outdoor Exercise Facilities Strategy, funded by City of Newcastle and a grant from Port Waratah Coal Services. It also supports the City’s collaboration with a major University of Newcastle research project called Ecofit to encourage outdoor community activity and exercise.

More Affordable and Reliable Power for Daintree Rainforest

The Morrison Government will help the Daintree Rainforest community establish Australia’s first solar to hydrogen-based microgrid.
Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor today announced a grant of $990,150 for the Daintree Renewable Energy Pty Ltd to take the 100 per cent renewable project to ‘shovel ready’ within 12 months.
He said the money has been allocated in this year’s budget under the government’s $50.4 million Regional and Remote Communities Reliability Fund.
“Under the program, the government will support up to 50 off-grid and fringe-of-grid communities to investigate whether establishing a microgrid is cost-effective, and whether existing off-grid capabilities can be upgraded with modern technology,” Minister Taylor said.
“The proposed microgrid will store energy generated by new and existing solar panels by converting it to hydrogen, generating reliable power and reducing the World Heritage Area’s reliance on diesel fuel to generate power, with consumption currently estimated at around 4 million litres of diesel per annum.
“The grant will also support investigation of new ownership and funding models for the deployment of the Daintree microgrid.”
Federal Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch said he gave the Daintree community a firm commitment he would help them find a solution to their power needs,
“This is absolutely fantastic news for the environmentally-conscious Daintree community,” Mr Entsch said
“Far North Queenslanders, especially those living in the Daintree, are extremely passionate about their natural environment and this announcement is a big win for the entire region.
“This is about listening, acting and delivering for the Daintree community.”
The Regional and Remote Communities Fund is part of the Morrison Government’s $2 billion plan to deliver more affordable and reliable power to Australian families and businesses.
The Fund compliments the Australian Energy Market Commission’s review of the regulatory arrangements for microgrids, which was initiated by the Government in August 2018.
Moving some remote customers to off-grid supply is expected to save hundreds of millions of dollars in network costs and reduce bushfire risks, while delivering more affordable and reliable power for regional and remote communities.
Power prices in Far North Queensland are unsustainable and unacceptable.
The Palaszczuk Labor Government is responsible, owning 70 per cent of the state’s generators and is profiting to the tune of $1.65b from Queensland households.
Queensland Labor are essentially using Far North Queenslanders like cash cows and taxing them by stealth via their power bills.
The Morrison Government is taking strong action to lower energy costs for Queenslanders.
Our energy policies will invest over $2 billion into new projects and programs that will drive down the price of energy.

Liberals to Deliver Central Coast Roads Package

A $70 million commitment by the Morrison Government will deliver 29 road upgrades for people on the Central Coast of New South Wales.
The package will prioritise road improvements which bust congestion and increase safety.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the upgrades would benefit drivers across the entire Central Coast.
“The Central Coast region is growing quickly and as more people move to the area we need to ensure local roads meet those demand pressures,” Mr Morrison said.
“We don’t want people sitting in traffic when they could be spending time with their family and friends.
“Our Central Coast Roads Package will fix the local traffic chokepoints and deliver the safety upgrades needed to bust congestion and get drivers home sooner and safer.
“By managing money and running a strong economy we are able to invest record funding in road projects which improve the lives of so many people living on the Central Coast.”
Liberal Member for Robertson Lucy Wicks said she had worked with Central Coast Council to prioritise upgrades and remove the road maintenance backlog.
“In 2017 I launched a Local Roads Petition to pinpoint the local roads which were of most concern to Central Coast residents and the feedback I received was incredible,” Ms Wicks said.
“We wouldn’t have been able to secure this commitment without the input of those local residents and I look forward as part of a re-elected Morrison Government to delivering $70 million to fix some of the worst roads on the Central Coast.”
Liberal Candidate for Dobell Jilly Pilon said roads were the number one issue for Central Coast residents.
“The projects we have announced today will make life better for all people living on the Central Coast and ensure they can go about their daily business more easily,” Mrs Pilon said.
“Only a Morrison Government can deliver the funding required to fix roads on the Central Coast because we have a plan to manage money and a maintain stronger economy.”
The Liberals $70 million Central Coast Road Package will build the strong track record of investing in transport infrastructure for the Central Coast, including:

  • $30 million for a Commuter Car Park Upgrade at Gosford station;
  • $4 million for a Commuter Car Park Upgrade at Woy Woy station;
  • $6 million for Oceano Street in Copacabana;
  • $1.75 million to fix the intersection of Langford Drive and Woy Woy Road in Kariong; and
  • $1.65 million to upgrade Ryans Road in Umina Beach and Davis Street in Booker Bay.

Bandt announces Greens push for Future of Work Commission

Greens Deputy Leader and industrial relations spokesperson Adam Bandt MP has today used an address to the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry to announce that the Greens will establish an independent Future of Work Commission, charged with ensuring technology and automation improve people’s lives and job security, rather than creating more insecure work.
Mr Bandt noted that the Greens have already announced several policies to address insecure work, casualisation, underpayment and job flexibility, but broad, structural changes to the law may be required so that technological change doesn’t just entrench already high corporate profits and power.
The Future of Work Commission will also investigate whether to introduce a ‘jobs guarantee’ to address un-employment and high under-employment, especially amongst young people, as well as ideas like a universal basic income.
“Wages are stagnant, underemployment is stubbornly high and technology and automation could exacerbate this further,” said Mr Bandt.
“If left unchecked, the continued rise of automation and technology could make inequality and insecurity worse.
“This isn’t about being anti-technology. On the contrary, it’s about ensuring humanity’s amazing technological advances work for everyone, which may mean further regulation and government intervention.
“It is time to explore ideas like a ‘jobs guarantee’, where everyone who wants work can get a job, with government stepping if the private sector is unable to provide full employment.
“Without appropriate checks and balances, working people could be looking at a future where their lives are more precarious and less sustainable.
“The full effects of automation are unknown, which is why we need an independent Future of Work Commission to investigate how laws and regulations can ensure that productivity improvements and technological advancements help the many, not just the few.
The Future of Work Commission will be tasked with reporting to Parliament on policies and legislative reforms required to deal with technological advances and the rise of automation, including examining:

  • How a Jobs Guarantee could be delivered through boosting government services in order to lift wages and improve the quality of life for communities;
  • How to ensure productivity gains flow through to higher wages or more time off for people to pursue the things that they value;
  • The opportunities available from technological advances to free up time if we share the benefits;
  • A model for tackling underemployment by moving to a four day work week without loss of pay for full time workers in Australia;
  • How to enshrine work-life balance as a workplace right for employees;
  • Further development of an evidence-base for implementing a universal basic income in Australia.
  • A new blueprint for social services and income support to ensure everyone’s standard of living is lifted and poverty is ended.

Liberals to Deliver Central Coast Roads Package

A $70 million commitment by the Morrison Government will deliver 29 road upgrades for people on the Central Coast of New South Wales.
The package will prioritise road improvements which bust congestion and increase safety.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the upgrades would benefit drivers across the entire Central Coast.
“The Central Coast region is growing quickly and as more people move to the area we need to ensure local roads meet those demand pressures,” Mr Morrison said.
“We don’t want people sitting in traffic when they could be spending time with their family and friends.
“Our Central Coast Roads Package will fix the local traffic chokepoints and deliver the safety upgrades needed to bust congestion and get drivers home sooner and safer.
“By managing money and running a strong economy we are able to invest record funding in road projects which improve the lives of so many people living on the Central Coast.”
Liberal Member for Robertson Lucy Wicks said she had worked with Central Coast Council to prioritise upgrades and remove the road maintenance backlog.
“In 2017 I launched a Local Roads Petition to pinpoint the local roads which were of most concern to Central Coast residents and the feedback I received was incredible,” Ms Wicks said.
“We wouldn’t have been able to secure this commitment without the input of those local residents and I look forward as part of a re-elected Morrison Government to delivering $70 million to fix some of the worst roads on the Central Coast.”
Liberal Candidate for Dobell Jilly Pilon said roads were the number one issue for Central Coast residents.
“The projects we have announced today will make life better for all people living on the Central Coast and ensure they can go about their daily business more easily,” Mrs Pilon said.
“Only a Morrison Government can deliver the funding required to fix roads on the Central Coast because we have a plan to manage money and a maintain stronger economy.”
The Liberals $70 million Central Coast Road Package will build the strong track record of investing in transport infrastructure for the Central Coast, including:

  • $30 million for a Commuter Car Park Upgrade at Gosford station;
  • $4 million for a Commuter Car Park Upgrade at Woy Woy station;
  • $6 million for Oceano Street in Copacabana;
  • $1.75 million to fix the intersection of Langford Drive and Woy Woy Road in Kariong; and
  • $1.65 million to upgrade Ryans Road in Umina Beach and Davis Street in Booker Bay.

Keeping Australians Safe Online

The Morrison Government will crackdown on social media platforms and online predators and trolls in a new plan to protect children, families and the community.
These new measures build on Australia’s world-leading protections, put in place by the Morrison Government.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said keeping Australians safe was his top priority.
“As a dad I know first-hand how anxious parents feel about what their kids see and do online and the dangers the internet can bring,” Mr Morrison said.
“Online trolls have no place in Australia and I promise to bring in new laws to protect our kids and keep our community safe.
“No one should be subjected to vile abuse and harassment whether they are in the online or offline world.
“We need the law to keep pace with technology and I want to ensure the courts reflect community expectations about the seriousness of online harassment, abuse and crime.”
Penalties for online abuse and harassment will be strengthened in line with community expectations that online crime should be treated as seriously as offline crime and will include;

  • Maximum penalties for certain offences will be increased, including for those using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence under section 474.17 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 from three years’ imprisonment to five years imprisonment.
  • New ‘aggravated’ offences will be introduced and sentencing for the worst categories of crime, including aggravated offences for sexual intercourse or other sexual activity with child outside Australia and offences involving conduct on three or more occasions and two or more people.
  • New offences of providing electronic services to facilitate dealings with child abuse material, and ‘grooming’ third parties using the post or a carriage service to procure children for sexual activity.
  • Re-introduce the Bill that Labor stalled in the Senate because they oppose mandatory minimum sentences for child sex offences, including increasing maximum penalties for a range of child sex offences, such as offences that cover ‘grooming’, sexual activity with a child outside Australia, and using a carriage service to transmit indecent communication to a child.

Attorney-General Christian Porter said these new measures sent a clear message to the courts that the community expects online crime to be treated every bit as seriously as offline crime.
“We will increase maximum penalties for certain offences, including for those using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence under section 474.17 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 from three years’ imprisonment to five years imprisonment,” Mr Porter said.
Minister for Communications Mitch Fifield said major social media platforms would be held to account with new mandated requirements for transparency reports on the number, type and response to reports and complaints about illegal, abusive and predatory content by their users.
“We know that technology facilitated abuse is becoming a feature of domestic and family violence cases, and we want to ensure that platform are taking effective action to combat this abuse but we can’t do that without real data to inform our actions.”
The new transparency reporting will align with the work already undertaken by the UK Government as part of their Online Harms White Paper process, including their draft transparency reporting template, to ensure a consistent approach across jurisdictions.
The Morrison Government will work with technology firms including social media platforms, app stores and Internet Service Providers to better support parents by giving them the tools to make their own decisions about how their children use the internet, including by:

  • Ensuring online apps, games and services marketed to children default to the most restrictive privacy and safety settings at initial use or set-up.
  • Making available to parents the option of a filtered internet service that, at a minimum, blocks access to sites identified by the eSafety Commissioner.
  • Ensuring that information regarding online safety and parental control settings are available at all points in the supply chain including point-of-purchase, registration, account creation and first use.

Minister for Communications Mitch Fifield said the Morrison Government would also introduce a new Online Safety Act to ensure our laws keep pace with tech change and to make sure safety is embedded in the online world.
“As recommended by the Briggs Review, the new Act will be a single, consolidated piece of online safety legislation that includes greater transparency and reporting requirements for industry,” Minister Fifield said.
The Morrison Government will work with the G20 to ensure technology firms meet obligations regarding prevention and protection, transparency and deterrence to stop terrorists weaponising the internet.
These new measures are in addition to the more than $100 million the Morrison Government is investing to improve eSafety over the next four years. Only the Liberal and Nationals can be trusted to do what is necessary to keep Australian children safe online.

Man charged over alleged carjackings – Beresfield

Police have charged a man with numerous offences following two alleged carjacking incidents at Beresfield yesterday.
Just after 2pm (Sunday 5 May 2019), a 21-year-old man approached a 51-year-old woman as she was entering her car in a carpark in Anderson Drive.
The man allegedly pushed her against the car, before taking the keys and driving away.
As he drove through the roundabout at Anderson Drive and Glenwood Drive, the car collided with the gutter and crashed, and the man left the car.
He then allegedly approached another car which had stopped at the crash site and attempted to remove the driver from the car. When the driver refused to leave the car, it is alleged he punched him several times through the open window.
The driver was able to drive away from the scene and the man ran into nearby swampland, where several witnesses chased him and restrained him until police arrived.
As police were arresting the man, several other people attempted to intervene, and a struggle commenced with the officers.
Police deployed OC spray and two men, and two women were arrested and taken to Maitland Police Station.
During the struggle two officers were injured, one with a suspected fractured wrist.
The 21-year-old man was charged with aggravated assault to take and drive motor vehicle, assault with intent to take and drive motor vehicle, resist police, destroy property, intimidate police, and drive unlicensed.
The men aged, 24 and 27, were each charged with resist arrest, assault police and hinder police.
The three men were refused bail to appear in Maitland Local Court today (Monday 6 May 2019).
The women aged, 25 and 27, were charged with resist arrest and were both granted conditional bail to appear in Maitland Local Court on 29 May 2019.

A Cleaner Environment For All Australians

A re-elected Morrison Government will invest $203 million to increase recycling and reduce waste, protect Australia’s unique threatened species and restore our waterways and coasts.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he wanted to ensure Australia’s environment was protected for future generations.
“We have the best beaches, parks and rivers in the world and these measures support practical and meaningful activities that protect our environment and gets results,” Mr Morrison said.
“We will increase Australia’s recycling rates, tackle plastic waste and litter, accelerate work on new recycling schemes and continue action to halve food waste by 2030.”
This new national waste and recycling initiative includes:

  • $100 million Australian Recycling Investment Fund through the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to support manufacturing of lower emissions and energy-efficient recycled content products, such as recycled content plastics and paper/pulp.
  • $20 million for a new Product Stewardship Investment Fund to accelerate work on new industry-led recycling schemes, including for batteries, electrical and electronic products, photovoltaic systems and plastic oil containers.
  • $20 million to find new and innovative solutions to plastic recycling and waste through the Cooperative Research Centres Projects grants program.
  • $16 million to support the Pacific Ocean Litter Project, working with our Pacific neighbours to reduce plastics and other waste in our oceans.
  • Up to $5.8 million for a range of initiatives through the Environment Restoration Fund to support the great work of Clean Up Australia, Keep Australia Beautiful, the Australian Council of Recycling, Planet Ark, the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation and OzHarvest.
  • Up to $5 million through the Environment Restoration Fund for Conservation Volunteers Australia to coordinate community campaigns to clean up plastic waste in our beaches and rivers.
  • Continuing to work with state, territory and local governments on opportunities to get more recycled content into road construction, building on the funding provided to the Australian Road Research Board in the 2019-Budget.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the projects announced today directly improve the quality of the environment for the benefit of all Australians.
“At the same time as meeting our emissions targets without harming the economy, we are reducing physical waste, cleaning up our environment and ensuring it is protected for generations to come.”
“Notably, our urban waterways and coastal areas will receive funding of over $15 million through the Environment Restoration Fund. This will go towards cleaning up important systems, including up to $2 million to clean up Melbourne’s iconic Yarra River and improve the environmental health of both the Yarra and Port Phillip Bay.”
Other waterways supported will include River Torrens, Swan-Canning River, Brisbane River and the Hawkesbury and Nepean Rivers.
A re-elected Morrison Government will also invest $10 million through the Environment Restoration Fund in an important program to establish feral predator-free ‘safe havens’ for Australia’s threatened native species.
The safe havens will secure the future of many of our threatened mammals and birds, including species such as the Eastern Quoll, Mountain Pygmy Possum, the Long-nosed Potoroo and Black-footed rockwallaby.
Environment Minister Melissa Price said achieving tangible improvements for the environment through practical initiatives has been a priority.
“These projects will play a significant role in protecting our natural assets.”
“From reducing the amount of plastic that occupies our coastal waters; improving the quality of local waterways; to ensuring the protection of some of our most iconic and vulnerable species; today’s announcement targets all of these challenges.”
$6 million will also be provided to protect the koalas of South-East Queensland and Northern NSW, with funding for hospital and research facilities at Australia Zoo, the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and the Queensland RSPCA, as well as protection and restoration of important habitat across the region.
A further $6 million will be invested to protect other threatened species including WA’s Black Cockatoos, Bruny Island’s Eastern Quolls and Kangaroo Island’s endangered Dunnart.
The Morrison Government is only able to make these investments because of a strong economy.
Our cleaner environment plan is backed by a strong record of delivery, including:

  • Meeting our international climate targets with a $3.5 billion Climate Solutions Plan
  • Delivery of the Reef 2050 Plan and a record $1.2 billion investment in the Great Barrier Reef, including our Great Barrier Reef Partnership Program
  • $1 billion for the second phase of the National Landcare Program
  • $425 million already invested in the protection of threatened species and appointment of the country’s first Threatened Species Commissioner
  • Up to $216 million to improve facilities in Kakadu National Park
  • $100 million Environment Restoration Fund
  • Over $22 million to support local environment projects through the Communities Environment Program
  • Establishment of the world’s second largest network of marine parks
  • $21.4 million for infrastructure upgrades at important defence heritage sites around Sydney Harbour
  • Record $2.8 billion investment in Antarctic science, infrastructure and operations

Record health investment into Queensland health services

The Morrison Government is investing an additional $100 million to support south east Queensland patients with new cancer and mental health services and critical hospital infrastructure.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said this investment would improve the health of Queenslanders.
“Our strong economic management means we can provide record investment in Medicare, public hospitals and medicines, delivering more doctors, more nurses and more services to Queenslanders.”
“We can deliver this record investment in health without raising taxes for hard-working Queenslanders,” Mr Morrison said.
“$100 million will help improve services, reduce wait times and deliver greater access to cancer care and mental health services.”
On top of record support for public hospitals, today’s additional investment includes;

  • $10 million to the Redcliffe Hospital for a new paediatric emergency treatment service. This will provide better care for young patients when they need it most.
  • $33.4 million to build a seven days a week, standalone urgent care service at Logan Hospital, which will help take the pressure off the hospital’s emergency department and specialist outpatient services.
  • $30 million to help redevelop Redland Hospital including redeveloping the existing renal dialysis building and the main hospital’s acute inpatient building.
  • $10 million for an eight chair chemotherapy unit at Caboolture Hospital. The funding will enable local people to access cancer treatments closer to home.
  • $10.5 million for new Safe Spaces as an alternative to hospital emergency departments to benefit people who present at emergency departments in a state of distress, but who do not require emergency department. This will support the Caboolture Hospital, Redcliffe Hospital, The Prince Charles Hospital and the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.
  • $5.9 million for mental health support for Brisbane South
  • $500,000 to support the construction at the Norfolk Village State School of a Children’s Health and Wellbeing Hub
  • $400,000 per year over four years to support Canefields Club House to deliver psychological support to people with mental health conditions
  • $250,000 per year over 4 years to support Headspace Meadowbrook deliver increased services and reduce wait times
  • $700,000 per year over 4 years to support Brook Red to continue to deliver adult mental health and psychosocial support services in the regions of Logan, Redlands and Brisbane.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said this additional funding was on top of our Government’s record Queensland hospital funding.
“It will support patients get the treatment they need, when they need it.
In particular it will support patients who are dealing with cancer and mental health and take pressure off hospital emergency departments.”
Under Labor, federal funding for Queensland public hospitals was only $2.6 billion in 2012–13, compared to $6.7 billion in 2024–25 under the Liberal and National Government agreement.
The Queensland Labor Government is now underfunding south east Queensland Hospitals.
In the Metro South Hospital and Health Service which includes both Logan Hospital and Redland Hospital, the Liberal National Government is increasing funding by $642 million or 158.6 per cent since Labor were in office. At the same time the Queensland Labor Government has cut $39 million from hospitals in the region.
In the Metro North Hospital and Health Service which includes the Caboolture Hospital and Redcliffe Hospital, the Liberal National Government is increasing funding by $769.2 million or 151.8 per cent since Labor were in office. At the same time the Queensland Labor Government only increased their funding by only 7.5 per cent.
The Morrison Government’s National Health Agreement will also deliver an additional $8.4 billion to Queensland Hospitals over 5 years.
Labor cannot be trusted to run a strong economy and they cannot be trusted to fund essential services.
In 2011, when Bill Shorten was Assistant Treasurer, Labor deferred the listing of seven medicines for conditions such as severe asthma, lung disease, endometriosis, saying: “Given the current fiscal environment, the listing of some medicines would be deferred until fiscal circumstances permit” (2011-12 Portfolio Budget Statement).
This $100 million investment is part of the Morrison Government’s additional $402 million additional investment in the Queensland Heath System to address health care needs, filling critical service gaps and providing affordable and accessible health services for more people, where and when they need them. For Queensland, the $402 million includes:

  • Hospital services and infrastructure ($141.3 million)
  • Cancer infrastructure ($10.9 million)
  • More MRI units for patients when and where they need them ($92.5 million)
  • More mental health support ($18.7 million)
  • Drug and alcohol services ($20.2 million)
  • Better access to primary care ($55.1 million)
  • Lifesaving medical research ($70 million)

Only the Morrison Government’s plan for a strong economy ensures record investment in Queensland hospitals and guaranteed funding for essential services.

$255,000 to Boost Employment Opportunities for Indigenous Australians in Stirling

Employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians have been bolstered in Stirling through the Coalition Government’s Tailored Assistance Employment Grants.
Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, and the Liberal candidate for Stirling, Vince Connelly, said at a graduation ceremony for Indigenous jobseekers today the $255,000 investment in the Indigenous-owned and operated mining company, Carey Mining, was a fantastic boost for the electorate that would lead to 30 local Indigenous jobseekers being given an opportunity for work.
“These targeted grants are community-led initiatives that connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander job seekers to real jobs and is part of the Government commitment to get more Australians into work,” Minister Scullion said.
“The very best form of welfare the Government can provide is a job, and this investment is about supporting the Government’s efforts to close the gap in Indigenous disparity.
Mr Connelly said he was pleased to announce the Commonwealth Government was investing in Stirling.
“Carey Mining is a fantastic local business and this investment from the Liberal-Nationals Government has been tailored to the needs of our region to maximise opportunities for our Indigenous jobseekers,” Mr Connelly said.
“As an Indigenous-owned and operated company, Carey Mining, has the capacity and cultural links to work with local Indigenous jobseekers who often have unique barriers to work, to provide the support and culturally-appropriate training to ensure these jobseekers get into a job and stick at it.
“I am very pleased that the Liberal-Nationals Government’s strong economic management means it can reinvest the dividends of a strong economy back into local solutions such as this one
Aboriginal businessman and Managing Director of Carey Mining, Mr Daniel Tucker, welcomed today’s announcement of a $255,000 investment.
“Carey Mining is a 100 per cent Indigenous owned business that over our 20 year history has been committed to building a successful business and giving back to our communities,” Mr Tucker said.
“We are very pleased to be partnering with the Government to get even more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into jobs and create better lives for themselves and their communities.
The Tailored Assistance Employment Grants are part of the Government’s Indigenous Advancement Strategy and complement other Government programs which have resulted in a 23.3 per cent increase in the number of Indigenous Australians with a job since the 2011 Census and 30 per cent increase in the number of Indigenous entrepreneurs in small business.