Kenyan-born Zac Ekandi has vivid memories of the day he walked into Nairobi’s British Council office 17 years ago tasked with making the biggest decision of his teenage life.
Mr Ekandi, then 18, was researching options to study abroad. After telling his parents of his desire to study overseas, the family met with a British Council agent to discuss his options.
Kenyan Zac Ekandi became a new citizen today after 17 years in Newcastle
“I remember when I went to see the British Council agent I said I don’t want to go to a big city – big cities are always full of traffic and I wanted somewhere quiet,” he said.
“The agent gave me information about studying in Manchester UK and Newcastle Australia and I applied to both universities to study Computer Science.”
When offers soon followed for places at both universities, it was the promise of a ‘quiet, coastal lifestyle at Newcastle where I’d be happy most’ that stole Mr Ekandi’s heart.
“The agent told me that I’d be most happy here, and I am.”
Today, more than 17 years after trading in Nairobi for Newcastle, the 39-year-old and 249 other people from more than 41 different countries became Newcastle’s newest citizens when they took their oaths and affirmations at City Hall.
“It’s always a great honour to welcome new citizens from all corners of the globe,” said City of Newcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes.
“Newcastle is a welcoming city for people of all cultures and religious backgrounds. We are proud to be a culturally diverse, inclusive community.”
Aboriginal elder Aunty Phyllis Darcey gave a Welcome to Country and entertainment was be provided by indigenous dance group, Wakakulang.
Mr Ekandi, of Jesmond, said becoming an Australian Citizen was a long-held goal and something that he is very proud to be achieving today.
“I am extremely excited as it was something that I wanted to do and the last part of the process that I wanted to complete,” he said.
“I think one of the things I like so much about Newcastle is the community. I’ve made a lot of friends here, and they’ve been very helpful.
“That’s the kind of community Newcastle is. It’s great.”
Record Numbers of Flu Vaccines to be Provided in 2019
Australia is on track for a record number of flu shots in 2019 following the release of 11.4 million flu vaccines to vaccine providers to date in 2019
I encourage Australians to get a flu shot to protect themselves against this year’s influenza virus.
Vaccines are now available at your GPs office and community pharmacies.
As at 30 April 2019 over 11.4 million doses of the seasonal influenza vaccines have been released into the market by the Australian Government for the 2019 Australian influenza season.
This includes over 7.4 million doses for the National Immunisation Program (NIP) and state and territory government schemes including 3.8 million doses of enhanced vaccines for those aged 65 years and over.
Vaccination is the most effective way to protect individuals and the broader community from the flu.
It’s important to get vaccinated against influenza every year, as the virus changes year to year.
Those eligible for a free flu vaccine through the NIP include people aged 65 years and over, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 6 months and older and people aged sixth months or older with certain medical conditions which put them at risk of severe influenza.
Pregnant women are also eligible for a free flu vaccine – it’s safe to receive at any stage of pregnancy to protect both mother and baby.
Getting vaccinated now allows protection during the peak influenza transmission period, from around June to September in most parts of Australia.
Immunisation is critical to maintaining public health and preventing the outbreak of infectious diseases.
Last year a record 11 million Australians got a flu shot and I hope that we reach another record this year.
For more information visit the Department of Health immunisation website at:
$19 million Investment in a New Medicine
The Liberal National Government is investing over $19 million in a new medicine to help people with a metabolic disorder, saving patients more than $90,000 a year.
The medicine Kuvan® is now being listed on the PBS for the treatment of patients with hyperphenylalaninemia – caused by phenylketonuria (PKU).
PKU is a genetic disorder requiring lifelong management that prevents the normal breakdown of a protein found in some foods.
This medicine works in combination with dietary restrictions, to help lower the amount of amino acid phenylalanine in the blood.
Without PBS subsidy, patients would otherwise pay more than $90,200 per year for this treatment.
It will now be $40.30 a script or $6.50 for patients with a concession card.
This medicine will be of particular benefit for young children with the condition who need to start treatment early after diagnosis.
Without treatment from a young age, patients can develop progressive intellectual disability and other health complications.
With treatment, children with PKU can grow and develop normally and that why this new listing is so important.
This medicine was recommended for listing on the PBS by the independent medical experts at the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee.
Since 2013, the Morrison Government has listed over 2,000 new or amended items on the PBS.
This represents an average of around 31 listings per month – or one each day – at an overall cost of around $10.6 billion.
We are listing all medicines on the PBS unlike the former Labor Government.
In 2011 when the current leader of the opposition Bill Shorten was Assistant Treasurer Labor took the unprecedented step of stopping the listing of new medicines on the PBS.
Labor’s 2011-12 Budget stated “given the current fiscal environment the listing of some medicines would be deferred until fiscal circumstances permit”. This included medicines for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, endometriosis chronic pain and IVF amongst others.
Our commitment to ensuring that Australians can access affordable medicines, when they need them, remains rock solid.
Coalition to deliver Port Macquarie Tidal Pool
Port Macquarie’s first tidal pool is set to become a reality with a $4.5 million commitment from the Liberal and Nationals Government.
Visiting Port Macquarie today, Prime Minister Scott Morrison pledged his Government would finish the feasibility study, finalise planning and design, and get the project done.
The Prime Minister said his Government had listened to the local community and the 18,000 people who had signed the petition to the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council.
“A tidal pool in Port Macquarie is one of those projects which has been talked about in the community for decades and my government and our candidate Pat Conaghan will make it a reality,” the Prime Minister said.
“We believe in Port Macquarie as one of the most popular and picturesque destinations along the Mid North Coast, and a tidal pool will make the city even more of a drawcard.”
The Nationals Candidate for Cowper Pat Conaghan said he had lobbied hard for a serious commitment to the project on behalf of the local community.
He said the tidal pool would deliver a significant economic and health boost for Port Macquarie.
“There is going to be widespread benefits throughout the Port Macquarie community as a result of this project,” Mr Conaghan said.
“Over the course of construction there is going to be an economic boost through the creation of construction jobs, and the tidal pool will help entice more visitors to the area which has significant flow-on benefits for local small businesses.
“On a day to day level, the tidal pool will support better health outcomes by encouraging Port Macquarie residents of all ages to live a more active lifestyle.
“The people of Port Macquarie have been asking for a serious commitment to this project and only a Liberal and Nationals Government will deliver it.”
The $4.5 million commitment to the Port Macquarie Tidal Pool from the Federal Liberals and Nationals follows a $50,000 commitment from the State Liberals and Nationals which has kick-started a feasibility study to determine the key details, construction timeline and location of the project.
Morrison Government Will Continue to Protect Our Borders
The Morrison Government’s economic management underpins the investments needed to protect our borders and keep Australians safe.
The Coalition’s strong border protection policies under Operation Sovereign Borders have ended the deaths at sea and enabled us to close 19 detention centres, with all children placed in detention by Labor removed from that detention.
We have achieved this by not compromising on our three proven border protection policies, which have stopped the boats: regional processing, turn-backs where it is safe to do so, and temporary protection visas.
By closing detention centres, we returned $638 million to the Budget and reclaimed control of the refugee and humanitarian program from criminal syndicates.
We have increased Australia’s humanitarian intake to 18,750 in 2018-19, and welcomed to Australia an additional 12,000 persecuted minority refugees from the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
We have restored vital resources to our border agencies, along with technology to enhance passenger screening and automation and we have worked steadfastly on community protections by strengthening the character requirements of visa holders and introducing the mandatory cancellation of visas of non-citizens who commit serious crimes.
In total, we have cancelled the visas of over 4,400 non-citizen criminals.
By contrast, Labor’s promise to dismantle our proven three pillars of border protection would hand control of our border back to the people smugglers.
Last time they were in government, Labor’s policies hamstrung our border agencies and public confidence in the migration program evaporated.
Labor hasn’t learnt their lesson and is seeking to return to these dangerous policies.
At every turn Labor has sought to water down the Government’s laws to protect the Australian community. In office, they would go further still.
Only the Morrison Government has the necessary suite of proven policies to keep Australians safe and our borders secure. You simply cannot trust Labor on border protection.
You can find out more about our Plan to Keep Our Borders Secure here.
Garrett’s right on climate emergency, the beds are burning: Bandt
Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today backed former Labor Minister Peter Garrett’s call for an incoming Labor government to declare and act on the climate emergency.
“The beds are burning and Peter Garrett is right,” said Mr Bandt.
“A million species are at risk of extinction and our world is sinking, burning and drowning simultaneously. Our government needs to respond.
“The climate emergency requires an emergency response, not business as usual.
“Garrett’s call for an immediate moratorium on new coal, oil and gas is exactly what is needed.
“Paul Keating and Peter Garrett are showing more leadership on climate change than Bill Shorten or Scott Morrison.
“The Greens will move to declare a climate emergency when parliament resumes and the new government must back us.
“I urge Bill Shorten to join the Greens, Paul Keating and Peter Garrett by taking the climate emergency seriously.”
Greens to mandate carbon risk reporting for large companies
Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP and Greens treasury spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson today launched a new Greens policy to introduce mandatory carbon risk reporting for Australia’s biggest companies, and to make directors responsible for managing carbon risk. Mr Bandt said that corporate sector is paralysed because of the perceived risks of ‘moving first’, which means the government has to step in to implement a regulatory framework that will force the corporate sector to act.
“Smart companies know that the dangers of climate change are clear and present. Smart investors are asking tough questions about exposure to carbon risk. And financial regulators are waving the red flag,” said Mr Bandt.
“When APRA and the Reserve Bank urge us to take climate risk seriously but companies ignore their warnings, it’s time for government to act.
“Australian companies are either not reporting on climate risk or not doing it very well.
“This is not good enough. Corporate Australia needs to fess up and explain just how prepared they are for a low emissions future.
“There is a need for government to step in, to set the standards, and to defuse any concerns about any ‘first-mover disadvantage’.
“The Greens would task the Council of Financial Regulators with developing carbon risk reporting standards consistent with the Financial Stability Board taskforce’s recommendations.
“The Greens would make reporting against these standards voluntary in 2020-21, and mandatory from 2021-22 onwards, for ASX300 companies, heavily exposed companies, large private companies, super funds, banks, insurers and multinationals operating in Australia.
“The Greens also believe that managing carbon risk is part of a director’s duty.
“The Greens would make explicit in legislation that directors of listed companies and large proprietary companies must take into account and disclose carbon risk.
Greens treasury spokesperson Senator Peter Whish-Wilson said without proper carbon risk disclosure requirements, the risk to the Australian economy from climate change is difficult to measure.
“The 2017 senate committee inquiry that I initiated heard consistent evidence that government needs to direct the corporate sector,” said Senator Whish-Wilson.
“The government also needs to better inform the public of the entire nation’s exposure to carbon risk,”
“The Greens would require that reporting against these new standards be included within the Statements of Risks in the Federal Budget to provide a tally of the risk borne by the public sector and the private sector across the entire economy.”
Click here to view the full policy.
Liberals cannot be trusted with our future
Scott Morrison has been caught out spruiking his party’s non-existent legislation on solving the extinction crisis. He does not deserve another term of Government, the Greens say.
“Scott Morrison has been caught out trying to mask the Government’s inaction on the extinction crisis. The legislation he claims addressed the serious warnings outlined in the UN’s biodiversity report this week does not exist,” Greens environment and biodiversity spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“The Liberals will cement their destruction of our environment by backing in the worst environment minister ever, Melissa Price, for another term. Keeping Melissa Price on as environment minister is worse than doing nothing.
“Melissa Price has been missing in action this election campaign, and since she took the job in August. When she has surfaced it has been to insult world leaders fighting for climate action, or to approve the Adani coal mine and a mega uranium mine in WA.
“The climate can’t afford another Liberal Government and our environment can’t afford another term with Melissa Price as environment minister. Voters deserve better than a Prime Minister who lies about his Government’s environmental credentials in the midst of global crises on climate change and biodiversity loss.
“The UN biodiversity report released this week gives voters a clear choice. If you want to stop the extinction crisis, if you want to save our environment, you need the Greens in the Senate.”
Greens pledge $1b funding to make bike riding safer
The Australian Greens have pledged $1 billion in funding to ensure that bike riders have the freedom to ride safely for every journey. The Greens package would create a comprehensive network of bicycle routes across our cities and regional areas.
“Every bike rider death on Australian roads is a preventable tragedy and almost all are a failure of our infrastructure” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson.
“An annual average of 38 people killed while bike riding on our roads is a sobering figure, and with over 12,000 people hospitalised after bike crashes in a year, it’s clear that our roads aren’t safe for bike riders.”
“While most Australians own a bike, most people don’t ride regularly because of the lack of safe bike paths and lanes. The Greens $1 billion funding over four years will make Australia a safer and easier place to cycle.”
“The public want a network of safe continuous routes that connect directly and integrate smoothly with our public transport network and key destinations such as schools and shopping centres .”
“We will invest in infrastructure that better integrates cycling and public transport, supports cycling for commuting and creates a network of cycling links for local and longer trips.”
The Greens bike package also includes support for infrastructure projects to integrate facilities designed for cycling, such as secure high standard bicycle parking, showers and lockers, investment in safe and secure bike storage, expanding the number of separated bike paths, and boosting bike tourism.
The Australian Greens have a plan to:
- Create a network of safe and unbroken bicycle routes
- Develop end-of-trip facilities (such as showers and lockers) that encourage cycling
- Invest in safe and secure bicycle storage at train stations and major hubs
- Provide a safer means of cycling by creating separated bicycle paths, prioritising high risk corridors
- Boost bike tourism by building regional bike trails and facilities
Full policy available here.
$1 billion for bikes
The Australian Greens have a plan to:
The Greens $1 billion for bikes package will give Australians the freedom to ride for every journey.
Investing in active transport reduces congestion, reduces pollution and improves physical and mental health. Cycling is good for people’s health, and benefits the wider community. Economically, investing in bike paths and lanes is extremely cost effective compared to building roads, and more people riding reduces traffic congestion. As a pollution -free mode of transport, the environmental benefits of cycling are clear.
While most Australians own a bike, most people don’t ride regularly because of the lack of infrastructure and facilities to support cycling. Our $1 billion for bikes package will make Australia a place to cycle more safely and easily.
Create a comprehensive network of bicycle routes linking key destinations
What we need is a network of safe, comprehensive and continuous routes that connect directly and integrate smoothly with public transport networks and other destinations such as schools and shopping centres. Less than 1% of the transport budget is currently spent on bicycle facilities. There needs to be a dramatic increase in funding if we are to see increased cycling across our country.
The Greens will invest in infrastructure that better integrates cycling and public transport, supports cycling for commuting and creates a network of cycling links for local and longer trips. We will work with state and local governments and other relevant stakeholders to ensure a consistent approach to developing a high quality network of cycling infrastructure.
The Greens support the aim of spending $20 per person per year on active transport infrastructure, as high cycling jurisdictions like the Netherlands and Denmark currently do. Our fund would see the federal government provide more than half of this amount, and we would work to spread the investment across federal, state and local governments.
Develop end-of-trip facilities that make it possible for people to cycle
Infrastructure projects should integrate facilities designed for cycling, such as secure high standard bicycle parking, showers and lockers. Infrastructure and facilities need to support the use of bicycle transport by allowing cyclists the opportunity to shower and change at the beginning or end of their journey, and store their possessions safely.
Invest in safe and secure public bike storage
There is consensus on the need to provide good bike parking for cyclists—especially secure, sheltered parking to prevent theft and to protect bicycles from inclement weather. Research has shown that compared to a baseline level of 5.8% of work trips by bicycle, providing outdoor bike parking was estimated to raise the bicycle share to 6.3%. Secure indoor parking raised the bicycle share to 6.6%, and to 7.1% when combined with shower facilities.
Bike parking is one of the key aspects of integrating bicycling with public transport. Studies have shown that better integration of cycling with public transport leads to more bike and ride trips, and to more cycling overall.
Provide safer riding by expanding the number of fully separated bike lanes
Every bike rider death on Australian roads is a preventable tragedy and almost all are a failure of our infrastructure. Roads and related infrastructure need to provide safe routes for cyclists. Additionally, cycling corridors that maximise the separation of cyclists and motor vehicles will encourage more people to ride. The Greens would ensure that more bike lanes are put in place, and that the highest risk routes are prioritised.
Boosting bike tourism
The Greens want to boost cycling tourism in Australia. Across the country, we have great opportunities to showcase our countryside and regional attractions through bike tourism, and get more people involved in healthy tourism experiences. It creates local economic activity in our regions, and can link in with other tourism attractions such as food and wine trails.
Participation in bike tourism is growing domestically and internationally, and there are a range of regional areas nationwide which are poised to take advantage of this opportunity. Our $1 billion for bikes package would unlock funding to flow to regional areas, creating significant economic and social benefits from associated tourism businesses.