Larissa Waters returns to Greens Co-Deputy Leader role

Leader of the Australian Greens Dr Richard Di Natale has congratulated Sen. Larissa Waters on her return to the position of Co-Deputy Leader of the Greens, a position she vacated as a result of her resignation from the Parliament over questions of eligibility under Section 44 of the constitution.
“It’s wonderful to see Larissa resume her role as Co-Deputy Leader of the Australian Greens. Losing Larissa was a huge blow to the party and to the Parliament, so it’s wonderful to be able to welcome her back to this leadership position and put that chapter well and truly behind us.
“Larissa brings a wealth of experience to the parliamentary leadership team, as well as a long a distinguished track record as an advocate for the environment, women and transparency in Government. I’m confident that she’ll bring her unique voice to the position and that our party room will be richer for it.
“I’d like to thank Sen Rachel Siewert for all her hard work in the role, which she took up in addition to her duties as Party Whip. Rachel is a tireless advocate for Australia’s first peoples, as well as for the millions of Australians receiving Government support, and she has elevated their voices in our party room.
“I’m so honoured to be returning to the Co-Deputy leadership of the Greens, a party with the vision and commitment for a fairer and more sustainable future for all of us. I’m pleased that the women’s portfolio is now back in party leadership at a most pivotal time for women, not just in politics in Australia but across a range of issues impacting women’s equality around the world,” Sen. Waters said.
Adam Bandt MP will remain in his position as Co-Deputy Leader.
Sen. Rachel Siewert continues as Party Whip.

Government must heed Attenborough climate warning: Bandt

Australian Greens climate and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, says the Morrison government must heed Sir David Attenborough’s warning that climate change is a threat to human civilisation.
Mr Bandt also called on the government to avoid being a wrecker at the climate conference.
Attenborough’s warning came in the opening sessions of the UN global climate summit in Katowice, Poland. The representatives of the world’s countries are seeking agreement on the ‘rulebook’ that will implement the Paris Agreement to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees.
“Scott Morrison must heed Sir David Attenborough’s warning,” Mr Bandt said today.
“Human civilisation is at risk. We must take emergency action on climate change, starting with keeping coal in the ground.”
“The government and Labor’s support for the Adani coal mine flies in the face of Sir David’s warning.”
“I have seen first-hand Australia’s antics at previous climate summits, supporting loopholes to let the big polluters off the hook. Australia must stop being a wrecker in Poland.”

Bandt introduces bill to stop government bankrolling coal

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today introduced the Coal-Fired Power Funding Prohibition Bill 2018 into the House of Representatives, which prevents the Commonwealth from providing financial assistance to coal-fired power plants. The scope of Mr Bandt’s bill is intended to be wide enough to prevent the government using the mechanisms outlined in the Underwriting new generation investments consultation paper to underwrite and provide financial support to coal-fired power stations.
“It isn’t just environmentally irresponsible to bankroll coal-fired power stations, it is economically reckless.
“The government shouldn’t be trying to shovel money to coal-fired power stations in the few months left before the election.
“Propping up aging, unreliable coal-fired power stations won’t just make climate change worse, but it will make our grid less reliable and expose the taxpayer to significant liability.
“To satisfy its coal-hugging backbench, the government is even offering to indemnify coal companies against the ‘carbon risk’ of future greenhouse policies.
“The taxpayer will be left paying for stranded assets and compensating big polluters.
“We need to urgently pass this legislation to prevent the government from signing contracts over summer to build new coal-fired power.

Man injured, police investigate – Hamilton

An investigation is underway after a man was injured following an altercation in Newcastle at the weekend.
Police have been told two men – aged 22 and 28 – were involved in an altercation outside licensed premises on Tudor Street, Hamilton, just before 2.30am yesterday (Sunday 2 December 2018).
The younger man sustained a leg injury and was taken to John Hunter Hospital where he remains in a stable condition.
Officers from Newcastle City Police District were notified today (Monday 3 December 2018), and commenced an investigation.
As inquiries continue, detectives would like to speak to anyone who may have witnessed or have information about the incident.

Morrison government teams up with Centre Alliance to keep discrimination against all LGBTQ+ people in schools: Greens

Despite promising before the Wentworth by-election that removing discrimination in schools was an urgent priority, the Morrison government has teamed up with Centre Alliance to ensure discrimination against LGBTQ+ students, teachers and staff in schools remains, say Greens.
“We saw an outrageous display from the Morrison government teaming up with Centre Alliance to push the discrimination-free schools bill off the agenda today. This means the parliament won’t deal with discrimination in schools until next year,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.
“Before the Wentworth by-election the Prime Minister promised he would remove discrimination from schools as a matter of urgency. This is yet another lie from the Prime Minister.”
“The dirty tricks displayed today demonstrate a desperate Scott Morrison’s willingness to play games with the lives of LGBTQ+ people.”
“Schools should be discrimination-free for all LGBTQ+ people – that means students, teachers and staff.”
“The Greens were ready to act today to remove discrimination against teachers as well as students, as is supported by three quarters of the Australian population. It is so disappointing that political games and dirty tricks have delayed this long overdue reform.”

Greens Welcome Senate Report Into PFAS Contamination – Government Must Act Now

Australian Greens Senator for NSW, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has called on the Federal Government to urgently implement the recommendations  of the Senate ‘Inquiry into the management of PFAs contamination in and around Defence bases’ , which has called for compensation and a new Coordinator-General to coordinate the national response to the PFAS contamination issue.
Senator Faruqi was the Greens representative on the inquiry. The report can be found here.
Senator Faruqi said: “The Australian Greens welcome this report and although much more remains to be done, it is a really important step to resolving the long running and damaging issue of PFAS contamination. I want to thank and acknowledge community members across the country for their continued advocacy for the protection of our environment, the scarce water resources we have in Australia and the health of our people and communities.
“If the government cares about the community, if they care about our environment, they should urgently accept the recommendations of the report. They don’t have to wait for months to provide a response.
“The community has waited long enough. Communities have suffered enough. It’s time to take concrete action to help them. And it’s time concrete action is taken now.
“It should not have taken years of community campaigning for Defence to be accountable for the contamination it had created. The failure of Defence to take responsibility for this matter may have had significant health and social implications for communities. Consistent with the ‘polluter pays’ principle, Defence has an obligation for all costs associated with testing, containment, remediation, as well as compensation of affected people.
“It is worth remembering that this issue is not restricted to Defence properties. Other Federal Government properties as well as properties formerly owned by the Federal Government, such as airfields and former defence sites should be fully investigated by the Commonwealth Government and the same measures applied.
“I strongly encourage the Commonwealth Government to urgently develop a buyback program for properties where contamination is significant. The reality is that the effects of PFAS contamination are not known yet and we know that some properties will be significantly affected.  There are no options but for compensation to include buyback,” she concluded.

Fatal motorcycle crash near Singleton

A man has died after the motorcycle he was riding crashed near Singleton today.
About 2.10pm (Sunday 2 December 2018), emergency services attended Putty Road, Milbrodale following reports a motorcycle had crashed.
It appears the 54-year-old male rider was travelling in a northerly direction on Putty Road when the motorcycle hit a barrier and crashed down an embankment.
The rider was unable to be revived and died at the scene.
Police will continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident.
A brief will be prepared for the information of the Coroner.

Charges after pursuit with allegedly stolen car – Doyalson

A man has been charged after a pursuit with a stolen car in the Lake Macquarie District.
About 7.25pm yesterday (Friday 30 November 2018), police sighted a stolen Nissan Navara being driven on Bowman Street, Swansea.
Police attempted to catch up to the vehicle but it evaded police.
A short time later, police again spotted the car on Flowers Road, Catherine Hill Bay. They attempted to pull the vehicle over however it failed to stop and a pursuit was initiated which travelled south on the Pacific Highway.
The pursuit continued to Doyalson, where the vehicle left the road and entered bushland.
The driver ran from the vehicle after it become bogged.
With the assistance of PolAir and the Dog Squad, police arrested a 33-year-old man nearby.
He was taken to Belmont Police Station and charged with police pursuit (Skye’s Law), take and drive conveyance, drive whilst disqualified, possession of illicit drugs, outstanding warrants, and breach of bail.
He was refused bail to appear at Newcastle Bail Court today (Saturday 1 December 2018).


Federal Member for Newcastle Sharon Claydon has supported national action on climate change by students, which includes a protest outside her Newcastle office today.
Ms Claydon said she “absolutely supports the right of students to engage in peaceful protest”.
“These kids are an inspiration. They’re not sitting back and accepting what adults are doing – they’re making their voices heard,” Ms Claydon said.
“If more young people got engaged in the political process, the Liberals mightn’t be so cavalier in selling out their future and the future of our planet.”
Ms Claydon said she was disappointed that she wasn’t able to be around to meet students at the end of a Parliamentary sitting week, but had held a meeting with a group of concerned students from Newcastle East Public School earlier in the month.
“I met with around 30 concerned students aged between 5 and 13 who told me how they are concerned about the future and the impacts of climate change on the environment and our oceans,” Ms Claydon said.
“It’s a sad state of affairs when primary school students are more informed than many members of the government about the dire implications of climate change, but that’s the grim reality of where we are on this issue.
“The time for climate denialism in our Federal Government is over. The time for an end to the war on renewables is here. And the time for real action on climate change is now.”
Ms Claydon said the Government had ‘betrayed’ future generations by actively stifling any real action on climate change.
“In the last five years, not only has the government failed to deliver any energy policy, they’ve also tried to dismantle every mechanism Australia has to reduce emissions to stem the impacts of climate change,” Ms Claydon said.
“Under the former Labor Government, emissions reduced by more than 10 per cent, but since the Liberals took government, they’ve risen year on year.
“The government’s own data shows that under its policy void, carbon pollution will keep rising all the way to 2030, which is the furthest date of projections.”
Ms Claydon said it had become clear that the only way to get action on climate change would be to change the Government.
“As long as the dinosaurs on the hard right of the Liberal party calls the shots, the Government will never be permitted to act on climate change.
“Only a Shorten Labor Government will take real action on climate change, and reduce carbon pollution in line with our plan for a minimum of 50 per cent renewables by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050. We will also invest $10 billion in renewable energy projects and deliver rebates of $2000 for households to buy energy saving battery systems.
“Labor’s plan will drive Australia into a new age of renewable energy which will lower power prices and create tens of thousands of new jobs.”

Community invited to Bathers Way – Newcastle Beach sessions

Novocastrians are invited to a series of drop-in sessions to view the City’s exciting plans for Newcastle Beach and provide feedback on the proposed public domain upgrades.
The latest stage of the ambitious Bathers Way project includes an overhaul of the stretch between the Newcastle Surf Life Saving Club and King Edward Park.
Key features include a new, wider shared pathway, new stairs and seating, kiosk, exercise equipment and improved public amenities. Plans also include a new intermediate level skate bowl and a renewed skate park to cater for all ages and abilities.
The community drop-in sessions will offer a chance to learn more about this priority project – and give feedback on the proposal at four locations across the city.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes said the City’s long-term vision included the revitalisation of Newcastle’s coastline to provide improved facilities to attract more people to live, work, relax and invest in the City.
“A big part of achieving this vision is the work we are undertaking on our iconic Bathers Way walk, a shared pathway from Nobbys to Merewether that is now more than half complete,” the Lord Mayor said.
“In a recent community survey, nine out of 10 respondents felt these upgraded coastal facilities had enhanced our beaches and coastal areas.
“Over this next phase we’re hosting drop-in sessions, across the city, to give everyone a say before we breathe new life into the area after decades of dormancy.
“The Bathers Way – Newcastle Beach is the largest and most complex stage of the Bathers Way project, which will transform an underutilised section of our coastline into a vibrant and attractive space for both visitors and the wider community.­”
The drop-in sessions will be held from 5.30pm -7.30pm at:

  • Mayfield Seniors Centre, Tuesday 4 December
  • City Hall, Thursday 6 December
  • Wallsend Library, Tuesday 11 December
  • Adamstown Bowling Club, Wednesday 12 December