Crowds well behaved as Operation Axils concludes at 2018 Newcastle 500

Police have praised the good behaviour of the majority of spectators following the conclusion of the high-visibility operation for the second year of the Coates Hire Newcastle 500.
Operation Axils commenced last Thursday (22 November 2018), to ensure the safety and security of competitors, officials and spectators throughout the event.
General duties officers from Newcastle City Police District and across Northern Region, the Public Order and Riot Squad (PORS), Operations Support Groups (OSG), Dog Unit, PolAir, Licensing Police, Bicycle Unit, Youth Command (PCYC), Marine Area Command, Police Transport Command and Traffic & Highway Patrol Command were involved in the operation.
Of note, officers attached to Operation Axils arrested and charged a 20-year-old woman after allegedly throwing paint at signage on the race track about 2.10am on Friday (23 November 2018). She was charged with malicious damage and granted conditional bail to appear at Newcastle Local Court on Thursday 13 December 2018. A 21-year-old man was also arrested but later released pending further inquiries.
In a separate incident, a 40-year-old man was arrested after allegedly exposing his buttocks to police about 6pm on Saturday (24 November 2018). He was taken to Newcastle Police Station where he was issued with an infringement notice for offensive conduct.
Operation Axils Commander, Assistant Commissioner Max Mitchell, said it was positive to see the majority of racegoers behave appropriately and enjoy themselves at the event over the weekend.
“Police were out in force across the event footprint, focusing on road safety, crowd behaviour, and minimising the impact of the event on the local community,” Assistant Commissioner Mitchell said.
“We were very pleased with the behaviour of most people who attended the race, and it was great to see so many families return to the city this year in support of the Newcastle 500.
“Police worked closely with Supercars and Transport NSW in the lead up and throughout the event to create a safe and family-friendly atmosphere.
“There were a small number of attendees who ignored our warnings and tried to spoil the fun for others, but they were identified and dealt with quickly,” Assistant Commissioner Mitchell said.
Road safety was another focus of the operation, with officers conducting more than 418 random breath tests, and issuing 215 Traffic Infringement Notices (TINs), including 95 for speeding offences.
“Police will maintain a presence on the roads in and around Newcastle and major routes, to ensure motorists’ safety on their journey home,” Assistant Commissioner Max Mitchell said.
“Our Traffic and Highway Patrol officers have done an excellent job this weekend, reminding drivers of the dangers of speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
“With school holidays and the festive season just around the corner, police are reminding the public to leave the racing to the professionals on the track.
“We do not want to see any more tragedies on our roads and those that choose to engage in risky driver behaviour will face the full force of the law,” Assistant Commissioner Mitchell said.
Special event clearways and road closures will remain in place throughout the week. Motorists are urged to visit for more information.

Two for two: Bayden smashes his goals

Newcastle surfer and National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) recipient, 34-year-old Bayden Parker is currently riding a wave of success.
In the past month he has passed his Ls test and secured a new job, with the support of Challenge Disability Services social worker Abdenor and the Connexions program for young active people with low support needs.
Getting his Ls and a new job were Bayden’s goals for his NDIS plan and now he can rest easy knowing they have been achieved.
“I fell off my chair when I found out I had passed my Ls test. It was a lot of hard yakka: study, study, study,” Bayden said
“We studied the practice test on the computer and going through the book and the answers. Abdenor’s help made me feel more confident about going into the test.”
While it was Bayden’s hard work that helped him pass the test, Abdenor was on hand with words of encouragement, an extra push to keep him on track and assistance with tricky questions while he prepared.
“When we could, we would study together twice a week; he was always on time for our meetings and ready to go,” Abdenor said.
“He didn’t give up, he kept trying and involved himself thoroughly in achieving this goal. Bayden certainly put in a lot of effort.”
The second goal on Bayden’s NDIS plan was to secure a good commercial cleaning job. He recently secured a job cleaning offices and is now in the process of completing background checks and paperwork to get started.
“While I’m a commercial cleaner now, I really want to get my red Ps because I want to deliver pizzas. I think being a pizza driver will be a good way to meet more new people,” Bayden said.
“Having my license will make it easier to go for A to B, and makes me more independent. I can finally load up the trolley and fill the car with groceries, so I don’t have to carry 50 bags of shopping on the push bike.
Surfing is never far from Bayden’s mind, and having a licence will make this much easier especially when he buys a car of his own.
“I am saving up for a nice car. I want to get one that has easy access so I can throw the surfboard in and go to the beach, rather than have to carry my surfboard on a pushbike,” Bayden said.

Charges laid over alleged sexual assault of young girl – SCC Child Abuse & Sex Crimes Squad

A man will face court today charged over the alleged sexual assault of a young girl in the Lake Macquarie region.
Officers from Lake Macquarie Police District stopped a vehicle in the Cardiff area about 1am yesterday (Sunday 25 November 2018), and spoke to the driver, a 28-year-old man.
Following inquiries, the man was arrested and taken to Toronto Police Station.
A 13-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy in the car were taken into the care of police.
Detectives from the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad were notified after the 13-year-old girl disclosed she had allegedly been sexually assaulted by the man.
Detectives charged the man with aggravated sexual assault – victim under the age of 16 years, procure child under 14 years for unlawful sexual activity, and breach of bail.
Police will allege in court the man sexually assaulted the girl at a home in the Lake Macquarie area after meeting and speaking on a social media application for 12 months, prior to meeting up.
The man was refused bail and is due to appear at Toronto Local Court today (Monday 26 November 2018).
Investigations are continuing.
The Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad is comprised of detectives who are specially trained to investigate matters against children and adults, including sexual assault, serious physical abuse, and extreme cases of neglect.
Anyone with concerns about suspected child abuse or exploitation should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page:
Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. People should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Teen arrested after girl injured with 'makeshift blow dart' – Cessnock

A teen has been arrested after a girl was hospitalised following a random attack at Cessnock yesterday.
About 7.15pm (Saturday 24 November 2018), a 15-year-old girl was walking with four friends on Wollombi Road, when a vehicle stopped, and a male allegedly discharged an object.
Police will allege the girl was struck in the face with a makeshift blow dart.
She was taken to Cessnock Hospital for treatment and transferred to John Hunter Hospital where she underwent surgery to remove the projectile from her cheek.
Officers from the Hunter Valley Police District were notified and have commenced an investigation.
Police were told witnesses saw a white Toyota Hilux leave the scene. Following inquiries, the vehicle was located a short time later.
Just after 4pm today (Sunday 25 Novemner 2018), a 17-year-old male attended Cessnock Police Station and spoke with investigators.
He has been arrested and remains in custody.
The youth has been charged after a girl was hit in the face by a dart at Cessnock at the weekend.
About 7.15pm on Saturday 24 November 2018, a 15-year-old girl was walking with four friends on Wollombi Road when a vehicle stopped, and a youth allegedly discharged an object towards them.
Police will allege the girl was struck in the face with what has been described as a makeshift blow dart.
She was taken to Cessnock Hospital for treatment and transferred to John Hunter Hospital where she underwent surgery to remove a projectile from her cheek.
Officers from the Hunter Valley Police District commenced an investigation and shortly after 4pm yesterday (Sunday 25 November 2018), a 17-year-old youth attended Cessnock Police Station and spoke with investigators.
He has now been charged with reckless wounding, and possess or use a prohibited weapon.
The youth has been granted conditional bail and is due to appear before a Children’s Court on Tuesday 11 December 2018

Gravesites desecrated, police appeal – Toronto

Police are appealing for public assistance after several gravesites were desecrated at a cemetery in the Lake Macquarie area yesterday.
Just before 6pm (Saturday 24 November 2018), a group of four males were seen causing damage at the cemetery on Awaba Road, Toronto.
Police have also been told a woman who was walking in the area was approached and intimidated by the group.
Officers from Lake Macquarie Police District attended and discovered a large number of ceramic angels and statues had been smashed, and pot plants and statues were thrown on graves.
Detectives investigating the incident are seeking assistance from the public.
They would like to speak to four males, not further described, who may be able to assist with their inquiries.
Anyone with information or who was in the area at the time and noticed something suspicious is urged to come forward.


Western Sydney is experiencing a jobs bonanza with the region adding more jobs since 2011 than all of Queensland.
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics data reveals employment has grown for Western Sydney residents by more than 212,000 over the past seven and a half years.
The Western Sydney unemployment rate currently sits at 5.0 per cent, just above last month’s record lows.
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the new jobs figures demonstrated the strength of the NSW economy with the state’s unemployment rate sitting at 4.4 per cent – the lowest among the states for 41 straight months.
“Since 2011, more new jobs have been created in Western Sydney than the whole of South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania combined,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Western Sydney is reaping the rewards of our unprecedented levels of infrastructure investment.”
“Game-changing projects like the Western Sydney Aerotropolis will help create thousands more employment opportunities for people across the region well into the future.”
Across the rest of NSW women continued to lead the way with an impressive 237,700 jobs added since 2015 with women responsible for almost 63 per cent of new jobs during that time.
“An economy that is creating jobs provides stability for families allowing them to plan for the future and enjoy the fruits of their labour,” Mr Perrottet said.
“I am delighted to say the unemployment rate for women in NSW has set a record low of just 4.1 per cent.”
“These are numbers people could have only wished for under the last Labor government.”
“Thanks to our strong economic management there have been more jobs added for women in the last three and a half years than were added between 2003 and 2011 under Labor.”
“The only thing growing under NSW Labor will be the unemployment queues because of Opposition Leader Michael Daley’s reckless plans to cancel projects.”


After eight years of strong financial management, the NSW economy has staged a remarkable turnaround, emerging from a disastrous slump under the previous Labor government and surging to a winning position.
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the NSW Liberals & Nationals have put the runs on the board and the scorecard makes for happy reading.
“Our State’s economic performance when Labor lost office was a national embarrassment, and the sense of hopelessness in NSW was palpable,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Labor’s mismanagement was a kick in the guts for every family, every worker and every business trying to get ahead.”
“Fast forward to today and our economy has been totally transformed. From the budget to the economy to infrastructure to employment, the contrast between then and now is remarkable.”
Mr Perrottet said secure finances and a sensible policy of swapping old assets for new ones had given NSW a renewed ability to power ahead with record investments in schools, hospitals, rail lines, roads and other infrastructure right across the State.
“In 2010-11 the NSW budget posted a meagre surplus of $153 million, and was headed for deficit. As of 2017-18, our surplus now stands at almost $4.2 billion – a sound platform for a strong, secure future.”
“In the same period, the State’s net debt has plummeted from a staggering $8 billion in 2010-11 to a record low of negative $11.1 billion in 2017-18.”
“Despite Labor’s stubborn opposition to asset recycling, that policy has helped lift the value of public assets in NSW to more than a quarter of a trillion dollars – a massive increase from the State’s $165.9 billion net worth when Labor left office.”
“Record infrastructure investment has boosted economic growth, and given the private sector the confidence it needs to invest too.”

“State final demand growth is up from 2.8 per cent in 2010-11 to 3.4 per cent in 2017-18 – which is now higher than the long run average. That resurgence is reflected in critical industries like the retail sector, where sales growth has risen from 2.5 per cent in the five years to March 2011, to 3.7 per cent since we came to office.”
“Export growth has almost tripled, rising from 1.8 per cent in the five years to 2010-11, to 4.6 per cent between 2010-11 and 2017-18, as dynamic NSW businesses export their goods the world.”
“Housing construction has also boomed, after our Government was lumped with Labor’s legacy of chronic housing shortages that sent house prices skyrocketing.”
“Since March 2011 we have steadily clawed back ground, more than doubling annual housing completions from 31,400 in the twelve months to March 2011, to 65,100 in the 12 months to June 2018.”
Mr Perrottet said the real importance of the economic scorecard is that every number represents the opportunities that are now on offer in NSW for people to get ahead.
“Strong finances and a strong economy mean jobs, jobs, jobs. For families across the State paying off mortgages and covering bills, nothing is more important, and right now there is no better place to find a great job than NSW.”
“Unemployment in 2010-11 was above the national average, but today it is at decade lows and has the lowest in the nation for more than three and a half years.”
“Employment growth is up from just 2.3 per cent in March 2011 to 3.6 per cent today, and more people are in work – including record numbers of women – with the participation rate rising from 63.8 per cent to 65.2 per cent.”
Mr Perrottet said a NSW Liberals & Nationals government had the discipline and determination to maintain NSW’s steady winning streak, but Labor simply isn’t up to the task.
“Our record speaks for itself. Not only is the economy booming, our fiscal discipline has meant we can steadily ease the pressure with tax cuts and cost-of-living initiatives like car rego rebates and Active and Creative Kids vouchers,” Mr Perrottet said.
“The biggest threat to our State and its people is NSW Labor. Michael Daley was an integral part of the dysfunctional Labor government that brought our state to its knees, and by handing him the reins, Labor have shown they haven’t learned a thing.”
“For our Government, the economic runs are on the board, and that is important for one reason only – so we can keep delivering what the families of NSW need: great jobs, better opportunities, a better standard of living, and security for the future.”


I have spoken to Premier Daniel Andrews to congratulate him and his Labor team on their remarkable victory.
The first Andrews Government has given outstanding service to all Victorians. They have kept their promises, invested in TAFE, hospitals, schools and services. They’ve backed renewable energy and rooftop solar and they’ve begun generational infrastructure projects that will transform this state.
Premier Andrews and his team campaigned on their stability, on their proud record of economic success and social progress and with a clear pledge to finish what they have begun.
For four years, Daniel and his colleagues have worked hard to earn and keep the trust of the Victorian people and their success tonight is tribute to the faith Victorians have shown in them, once again.
Today’s result is also a fundamental rejection of the Liberals’ cuts to schools, TAFE and hospitals, and their failure to invest in renewables and take action on climate change.
All of us in the Federal Labor party wish the Andrews Government well in their second term as they continue to build a better future for all Victorians.


The Opposition is urging Mr Morrison to finally commit to a National Integrity Commission in the final sitting fortnight of the year.
There is no reason to end 2018 without a bi-partisan commitment to a national anti-corruption body.
We welcome today’s open letter to the Prime Minister from 34 former judges, calling on him to establish a National Integrity Commission.
The former judges write: “A National Integrity Commission is urgently needed to fill the gaps in our integrity system and restore trust in our democracy.”
Labor agrees.
In recent years, many Australians have lost faith in politics and our public institutions. It’s time for us to do better. It’s time for us to help restore people’s faith in politics.
At the beginning on 2018, we announced our plan to legislate for a federal anti-corruption body.
A bi-partisan process to establish a National Integrity Commission would help ensure the complex consultation and design work can be completed swiftly, and a body established as a priority.
Mr Morrison delayed the Banking Royal Commission by voting against it 26 times. He shouldn’t make the same mistake with a National Integrity Commission.
Let’s make this issue above politics. The Parliament can come together this week and start the process of establishing a National Integrity Commission.
The Labor Opposition will continue to push for a National Integrity Commission. And if Mr Morrison refuses to act, a Shorten Labor Government will make it law.

Statement from Australia’s Chief Medical Officer, Professor Brendan Murphy, on lead in drinking water from some plumbing products and the enHealth Guidelines

There is no evidence of adverse effects on human health from the consumption of lead in drinking water in Australia. However, lead is not considered to be beneficial or necessary for humans; therefore public health experts recommend Australians take every opportunity to limit potential exposure from all sources.
The concentration of lead set in the drinking water guidelines is very conservative so that it can be sure to protect the most vulnerable people, such as very young children and pregnant women.
There have been instances of detection of lead levels above Australia’ drinking water guidelines and, as a precautionary approach, enHealth has issued household good practice guidelines to assist Australians in minimising their exposure to lead in drinking water, particularly when drinking water from old taps.
enHealth have suggested these simple precautionary measures to ensure that lead levels in drinking water are as low as possible.
Elevated blood lead levels are rarely found to be related to lead exposure from drinking water and it is extremely unlikely that lead from drinking water, even over a lifetime, would cause clinical lead toxicity.
I welcome work being undertaken by the Australian Building Codes Board to examine the issue of the level of lead in plumbing fixtures in line with international best practice.
Further information on lead in plumbing products is available on the enHealth Statement on Lead in Plumbing Products available from the department’s web page at:$File/Lead-plumbing-products-Guidance-Statement-July2018.pdf.