Treasury and Finance Confirm Budget Surplus and Expose Labor's Lies

Today’s independent Pre-Election Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2019 confirms the integrity of the Budget delivered on 2 April 2019 and verifies that the Budget is back in the black.
The 2019 PEFO confirms the $7.1 billion surplus for this coming year, with surpluses building to a total of $45 billion over the next four years and increasing to 1 per cent as a share of GDP over the medium term.
In the 2019 PEFO the Secretaries of Treasury and Finance have certified that the assumptions and economic forecasts underpinning our 2019-20 Budget are credible and conservative.
In particular, the 2019 PEFO verifies the integrity of our medium term projections in the 2019-20 Budget and confirm that they reflect the impact of decisions that have already been taken and already been publicly announced.
It shows that the Government can boost funding for all the essential services Australians rely on, including for hospitals and schools, and deliver income tax relief to hard working Australians while delivering surpluses for the entire decade to 2029-30 and paying off Labor’s debt.
The 2019 PEFO also confirms that our Liberal National Government uses prudent, cautious and realistic forecasting assumptions as the basis for our Budgets, including for commodity prices.
This stands in clear contrast with Labor who had to admit to a $33 billion deterioration in their budget bottom line between their last Budget in May 2013 and the 2013 Economic Statement delivered by then Treasurer Chris Bowen. In just eleven weeks Labor presided over a staggering $3 billion a week deterioration in their Budget bottom line on the back of their last Budget in Government.
The 2019 PEFO also completely destroys any claims about supposed hidden spending cuts in our Budget. Labor’s ridiculous claims have been exposed as just another Labor lie.
There are no assumed undisclosed future spending cuts in the Government’s medium term projections. In contrast, when Labor was last in Government, they did precisely what they are now falsely trying to accuse our Government of.
Indeed, the 2013 PEFO exposed that Labor had baked secret undisclosed, in fact then undecided, future spending cuts into their medium term projections in their 2013-14 Budget.
The 2013 PEFO reported that real payments growth was expected to average 3.5 per cent per year over the medium term. Labor ignored that fiscal reality in front of them. Instead of doing the hard yards on savings decisions, their spending projections were artificially based on an imposed forecasting assumption that real spending growth would be kept below 2 per cent on average per year until the Budget was in surplus of 1 per cent as a share of GDP.
Neither Labor’s track record of actual real spending growth of 4 per cent on average per year during their time in office, nor their own underlying spending growth projections of 3.5 per cent beyond the then forward estimates supported that forecasting assumption of 2 per cent.
Imposing that 2 per cent cap on real expenditure growth on their medium term expenditure projections irrespective of what was actually expected to happen at the time, effectively locked in $175 billion of secret undisclosed, in fact then undecided, future spending cuts over that period (refer to pages 60 – 62 of 2013 PEFO).
Australians cannot trust Labor.
Labor does not know how to manage money and when they run out of money come after yours.
And they are not telling Australians the truth about the impact of their $387 billion in higher taxes on the economy, on jobs and on hard working Australians.
2019 PEFO shows the progress that has been made in turning around the situation we inherited. This is not the time to go back to Labor’s discredited ways of the past, which when they were last in Government delivered a weakening economy, rising unemployment and a rapidly deteriorating Budget position.

Morrison Government Delivers on Defence Innovation Precinct for Launceston

The Morrison Government will invest $30 million in Phase 1 of the Tasmanian Defence Innovation and Design Precinct at the University of Tasmania’s Australian Maritime College (AMC) in Launceston.
The new Precinct will help drive defence-related research and development projects, creating more jobs in Launceston and a world-class research precinct.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said it is estimated over 150 additional jobs in the region will be created each year, with up to 58 additional jobs in the region during the construction program.
“Our focus is on delivering more jobs for Tasmanians,” Mr Morrison said.
“Our plan for strong economy means we’re backing Tasmania’s defence industries and naval capability with a $30 million investment.
“Only the Liberals and Nationals have a proven track record of building Australia’s defence industry and capabilities.
“By contrast Labor will tax Tasmanians more and not build a single naval ship – that was their record in their six years of government.”
The Morrison Government will require local businesses and tradies undertake work on the projects, as is done for other defence infrastructure projects.
In particular, the Precinct will help the Morrison Government deliver on its massive $200 billion investment in defence capability over the next decade and its $90 billion national Naval Shipbuilding Plan.
The AMC and University of Tasmania are already supporting the Australian Defence Force and defence industry, by providing innovative research and development to support our defence capability.
The AMC’s Cavitation Research Laboratory is a crucial capability enabler for the Royal Australian Navy and the AMC is a key part of our National Shipbuilding College.
By supporting Phase 1 of the Research and Design Precinct, a re-elected Morrison Government will be supporting the high value testing and evaluation needs of the Royal Australian Navy; increasing opportunities for greater collaboration between Defence, academia and industry to deliver cutting-edge defence capability; and build the AMC’s ability to support the National Shipbuilding College as it builds the workforce of the future to deliver on our national Naval Shipbuilding Plan.
Tasmania is home to a growing defence industry, providing niche capabilities for the Australian Defence Force, and exporting world-class technology around the globe.
By creating a Tasmanian Defence Innovation and Design Precinct at the AMC, the Morrison Government will be bringing together Tasmanian industry to create more jobs.
The Coalition’s 2016 Defence White Paper committed $1.6 billion to defence-related innovation over a decade, supporting Australian science, technology and innovation to provide advanced home-grown Defence capabilities.
Only the Coalition can be trusted to deliver on its Defence commitments. Labor’s record when it comes to Defence is one of over $18 billion in cuts and slashing the Defence budget to its lowest level since 1938 as a proportion of GDP. Labor simply cannot be trusted on Defence.
The Coalition Government along with the University of Tasmania and Tasmanian Liberal Government, has been working on since the release of the 2016 Defence White Paper and our joint $500,000 investment in the development of a business case for the precinct in 2017.

Major Funding for Tasmanian Irrigation to Create Jobs

Thousands of new jobs will be created as Tasmania’s horticulture industry grows, under the Morrison Government’s plan to invest $100 million to co-fund the Tasmanian Irrigation Scheme Tranche 3 Phase 1: the Pipeline to Prosperity project.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the project would be funded as part of the Government’s record investment to deliver secure water supplies to unlock the agricultural potential of our regions.
“The Liberal Nationals’ Government is determined to unlock the economic potential of our regions and we know often the answer is simply, ‘just add water’,” Mr Morrison said.
“I am proud this Government is backing farmers in Tasmania and this project has the potential when complete to deliver 78,000 megalitres of water, 479km of pipelines, seven dams, 23 pump stations and four power stations.
“This project will unlock thousands of jobs across Tasmania, strengthen our economy and support our farmers.”
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said the north, north-west, central and south-east regions of Tasmania are all set to benefit from the scheme.
“Growth in agriculture in Tasmania is limited without large-scale integrated irrigation schemes. Tranche 3 means farmers can invest with certainty into the future and unlock high value horticulture production areas,” Mr McCormack said.
“This investment will see Tasmanian primary producers potentially expand their operations and take advantage of the iconic ‘clean, green’ fresh produce brand that is known the world over.
“By creating greater opportunities in the Tasmanian agriculture sector, we are growing local job opportunities.”
Tranche 3 is expected to deliver $114 million in economic benefit per year and 2,600 full-time jobs.
Phase 1 will focus on five immediate priorities including the Don Irrigation Scheme, the Fingal Irrigation Scheme, the Northern Midlands Irrigation Scheme, the Tamar Irrigation Scheme and the Sassafras Wesley Vale irrigation Scheme augmentation.
Following the assessment of an Independent Panel – the Australian and Tasmanian Governments will work together to finalise delivery milestones to ensure the projects get under construction as soon as possible.
The National Water Infrastructure Development Fund expansion to more than $1 billion, as well as the existing $2 billion National Water Infrastructure Loan Facility programme, means more than $3 billion is now available from the Australian Government to support State and Territory governments and their project partners in building new water infrastructure and provide greater social and economic opportunity for Australians.
The commitment today is built off the $1.78 million we committed in 2017 to the Tasmanian Government to fast-track feasibility studies for the next tranche of Tasmanian irrigation Infrastructure.
Further information on the National Water Infrastructure Development Fund is available at

Funding for 1000 Defibrillators in Caravan Parks

The Morrison Government will invest $1 million to support the installation of defibrillators at camping sites, throughout Australia, in an exciting partnership with the Caravan Industry Association of Australia.
An estimated 1000 Caravan Parks throughout the country will be given funding to ensure the installation of defibrillators at sites where over 11 million Australians choose to stay each year.
Minister for Health, Greg Hunt said heading off on that caravan and camping trip to regional Australia has just become that much safer.
“Research shows that if a person is defibrillated within the first five minutes of collapse, their chance of survival is around 90 per cent,” Minister Hunt said.
“For every minute that this is delayed, the chances of survival decrease by up to 10 per cent.”
“This initiative will save and protect lives,” Minister Hunt said.
Minister McKenzie said this investment will make those Australians who want to get out into the regions to explore the natural beauty, feel safer knowing that medical help is not far away.
“We know that more and more Australians are visiting our regions and by increasing their attractiveness to domestic and especially international visitors with better medical amenities, it will help grow regional economies.
“With 44 cents of every tourist dollar spent in regional areas and the industry providing 8% of employment in the regions, it makes smart economic sense as well as medical.”
CEO of Caravan Industry Association of Australia, Stuart Lamont welcomed the funding as an exciting and yet common sense initiative that will put the best technology into holiday locations across the nation.
Mr Lamont said, “Caravan parks are popular holiday destinations – particularly with senior Australians who are at an increased risk of heart attack.”
“We also know that in rural and regional areas it can take longer for an ambulance to arrive, given the distances they sometimes have to travel.”
“This program will ensure that if a person suffers a heart attack in a caravan park that lifesaving help is close to hand,” Mr Lamont said.
The Caravan Industry Association of Australia (CIA) will manage the implementation of the program on a 50:50 partnership with caravan parks contributing half the cost of each defibrillator and will work with caravan parks to ensure a speedy roll-out of the program. Funds are available in this financial year.
The Morrison Government is committed to ensuring access to vital health services and infrastructure when and where it is needed most.

Whyalla Hospital to get new $11M Accident and Emergency Facility

The Morrison Government will invest $11.4 million to expand and redevelop the Whyalla Hospital & Health Services accident and emergency department.
Funding from the Government’s Community Health and Hospitals Program (CHHP) will help reduce operational pressures and enable the hospital to meet the growing demand in the region.
Minister for Health, Greg Hunt said the Government is committed to improving health services throughout Australia and building a world class health system.
“Australians living in rural areas face unique challenges brought on by distance,” Minister Hunt said.
“From our investment, regional communities will have improved access to essential health care services closer to home.”
The high dependency ward at Whyalla Hospital will also be relocated closer to the accident and emergency area, improving safety and ensuring nursing and medical staff can be utilised effectively across both areas according to clinical need and patient demand.
Federal Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey said the new facility will mean more emergency treatment spaces and an improved patient experience.
“The Government’s investment will enable the relocation of the high dependency unit which will deliver significant efficiencies with in the hospital,” Mr Ramsey said.
“This is particularly important in growing areas such as Whyalla.”
“Through locally targeted funding support, we can ensure SA is better equipped to tackle key health challenges of concern to people in Whyalla,” Mr Ramsey said.
Joining Mr Ramsey in Whyalla for the announcement, South Australian Minister for Health and Wellbeing Stephen Wade said the investment comes at a critical time – ahead of an expected boom in Whyalla’s population.
“As Whyalla embarks on an ambitious upgrade to its steelworks and local infrastructure thanks to billionaire Sanjeev Gupta, it’s clear the Whyalla Hospital & Health Services needs expanded and contemporary facilities to meet the needs of the growing population.
“Over the past eight years, emergency presentations have increased by 15 per cent, and presentations per capita have increased by 21 per cent.
“Compared to industry benchmarks, the number of treatment spaces is around a third below the number needed for the current demand.
“It’s clear that an upgrade of the emergency department is desperately overdue so I’m extremely grateful to the Morrison Government for this much-needed investment.
Established in 2018, the Liberal National Government’s $1.25 billion Community Health and Hospitals Fund supports:

  • Specialist hospital services such as cancer treatment, rural health and hospital infrastructure
  • Drug and alcohol treatment
  • Preventive, primary and chronic disease management
  • Mental health

The Government’s strong economic management ensures the continued record investment into vital health initiatives including mental health, life-saving medicines, Medicare and hospitals.

Environmental protection key Greens focus this election

The Greens’ are putting protecting and restoring our environment front and centre for the 2019 election campaign.
“The Government would have you believe that we face a choice between our economy and our environment,” Leader of the Australian Greens, Dr Richard Di Natale said.
“But we all know that in the long-term a strong economy and thriving community depend on a safe environment and stable climate.
“Climate change and the environment should be at the centre of this election campaign but the other parties are offering little more than half-hearted, half-baked policies. The Greens are the only party with a comprehensive plan to protect our environment and save our threatened species,” Di Natale said.
Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said: “Our environment is at breaking point. Australians are crying out for a solution to our extinction crisis, to clean up the plastics in our oceans and to act on climate. They have been ignored by the Labor and Liberal Parties, but the Greens will act.”
“Greens in the Senate will hold the Labor party to its promises on the environment. Real action on climate change, including stopping things like the Adani coal mine and stopping drilling in the Bight must play a key role in preserving our environment.
“Nearly 2,000 of Australia’s native species are facing extinction. The Greens have a plan to bring them back from the brink, and help our unique wildlife and landscapes thrive. The Greens’ Nature Fund will protect Australian flora and fauna from invasive species, create new safe havens for threatened mammals and properly fund the development of recovery plans for every species at risk.
“Under The Greens fully-costed plan, the big polluters are held responsible with a price on carbon, for the part their industries have played in the degradation of our environment. The Greens’ Nature Fund invests $2 billion a year to save our threatened species, like the koala and the Australian sea lion.
“It will create a workforce of more than 10,000 qualified environment managers, including scaling up the number of Indigenous Rangers. This will be the biggest investment in biodiversity and protecting nature in our nation’s history.
“We’ve seen millions of fish die in our Murray Darling Basin, we’ve had the first confirmed climate change extinction, while successive Governments have cut conservation funding and refuse to hold big polluters to account. We need to get down to the business of restoring ecosystems, addressing climate breakdown and making sure we leave a thriving planet.”

ACCC and FBI sign inter-agency cooperation agreement

A new Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) between the ACCC and the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will strengthen the agencies’ joint efforts in combating cartels and other anti-competitive behaviour.
The MOC provides for the exchange of expertise and staff between the two agencies to enhance work in the detection, investigation and prosecution of criminal competition offences.
The agreement was signed in Washington, D.C this week by ACCC Executive General Manager Marcus Bezzi. It follows a visit to the FBI Headquarters by ACCC Chair Rod Sims and Mr Bezzi in March 2019.
ACCC Chair Rod Sims said the MOC recognised and built on the growing relationship between the ACCC and the FBI.
“Our relationship with the FBI has deepened considerably in the past few years, including a visit by FBI representatives to Australia to discuss investigative techniques and information exchange,” ACCC Chair Mr Rod Sims said.
“There are significant benefits for ACCC staff and the agency more broadly in learning about the techniques and approaches of the FBI in cartel and other competition law investigations. The future co-operation between the FBI and the ACCC to detect and deal with criminal cartel conduct will be very important to us.”
“Combatting antitrust is critical to both the U.S. and Australian economies, and vigorous investigative cooperation is vital in detecting and eliminating antitrust conspiracies,” said Section Chief J.J. Jimenez of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division.
“The FBI is proud of its relationship with the ACCC, and this Memorandum of Cooperation codifies that relationship and provides opportunity for increased information- and resource-sharing as we work toward a common goal in preventing anti-competitive behaviour.”
The MOC complements an existing intergovernmental agreement between Australia and the United States, which allows for in-depth cooperation between the ACCC and various competition law enforcement bodies in the US.

FBI Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section Chief John Jimenez signed the MOC with ACCC's Marcus Bezzi (on left)

FBI Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section Chief John Jimenez signed the MOC with ACCC’s Marcus Bezzi (on left)

FBI Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section Chief John Jimenez signed the MOC with Marcus Bezzi, and Department of Justice Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard Powers also attended the signing.  Agent SSA Devon Mahoney who coordinated the MOC is a

FBI Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section Chief John Jimenez signed the MOC with Marcus Bezzi, and Department of Justice Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard Powers also attended the signing.  Agent SSA Devon Mahoney who coordinated the MOC is also pictured.

Another piece of the Catalina puzzle: Reconnaissance mission update

The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has positively identified a World War Two Catalina aircraft A24-64 following a successful reconnaissance mission in the Philippines.
In March 2019, RAAF conducted an inspection of a crash site south-east of Cape Calavite on the north-west end of Mindoro Island, after they became aware of several artefacts at this location in 2014. These artefacts consisted of a small metal tube engraved with the aircraft manufacturer’s logo, a brass crown identified by the RAAF Museum as part of an early RAAF officer’s cap badge, and .303 ammunition.
Although little remained of the aircraft, a number of small items of wreckage were found with metal detectors on this recent visit. Several items were subsequently identified as unique to the Catalina, which when combined with other evidence, confirmed the wreck site was the missing aircraft.
On 14 December 1944, Catalina A24-64 together with 22 other Catalina aircraft departed on a mission to Manila Bay with orders to rendezvous in the vicinity of Cape Calavite outbound from the target. All aircraft except A24-64 returned safely from the mission. A24-64 has not been seen or heard from since its departure from Leyte Gulf.
The recent visit provided an opportunity to assess the logistic requirements and local support available for any planned search and recovery mission. A search and recovery mission is now planned for early 2020.

New Dassault Falcon 7x Special Purpose Aircraft Arrive

The first of the Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) new Dassault Falcon 7X aircraft arrived in Canberra today.
The new aircraft, being leased by RAAF, replace the Bombardier CL604 Challengers and provide a larger passenger load, modern communication and increased range and endurance.
Wing Commander Jason Pont, Commanding Officer of 34 Squadron said the Falcon complements RAAF’s larger Boeing 737 Business Jets.
“The Falcon 7X is an advanced business jet designed and manufactured by Dassault Aviation,” Wing Commander Pont said.
“The jet has a standard crew of three (pilot, co-pilot and crew attendant) and can carry up to 14 passengers.
“With a maximum operating speed of Mach 0.9 and a range of up to 11,000 km, the aircraft can fly from Canberra to anywhere in the world with only one stop. Its ability to land at almost any airfield provides notable regional and remote airfield accessibility.”
The Falcon features a high-tech wing, an advanced ‘glass cockpit’ with a heads-up display and an infrared enhanced vision system. It also has satellite communications to support Government business while airborne.
The aircraft will be operated by Number 34 Squadron as part of the Special Purpose Aircraft fleet, based at Defence Establishment Fairbairn in the Australian Capital Territory.
The fleet will continue to be maintained by Northrop Grumman.

Bupa Aged Care in Court for alleged misrepresentations about services

The ACCC has instituted proceedings in the Federal Court alleging Bupa Aged Care Australia Pty Ltd (Bupa) made false or misleading representations to its aged care residents in 21 homes about services it did not provide or only partly provided, in breach of the Australian Consumer Law.
Between December 2007 and June 2018, Bupa charged thousands of residents at 21 aged care homes across the country a fee for a package of extra services. The ACCC alleges that it did not provide, or only partly provided, some of these services. The fees for the extra services package often amounted to thousands of dollars each year.
The extra services were set out in residential agreements with residents. Services not provided included:

  •        ‘smart room’ systems to assist those living with dementia,
  •        air-conditioning in all bedrooms,
  •        covered outdoor exercise areas,
  •        large talking book libraries,
  •        tactile and sensory walkways,
  •        fully equipped physiotherapy rooms,
  •        separate leisure activity spaces,
  •        hot breakfasts, and
  •        travel escorts for outside appointments.

“We allege that Bupa failed to provide or fully provide various extra services promised in residential agreements, but charged for them anyway,” ACCC Chair Rod Sims said.
“In some cases the alleged misleading representations related to services that were significant to the quality of life of elderly residents. The promised services were likely also what attracted many residents and their families to choose Bupa.”
“Misrepresentations in the aged care sector are particularly concerning, because unlike many other services, it’s often difficult for elderly residents to move to another provider,” Mr Sims said.
“The ACCC continues to tackle consumer issues faced by vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers as an enforcement and compliance priority in 2019, including for consumers such as elderly people with significant healthcare needs.”
Bupa conducted an internal investigation and is offering compensation to affected residents. Residents and their families are encouraged to review the information on Bupa’s compensation program which can be found on Bupa’s website.
The ACCC is seeking injunctions, declarations, pecuniary penalties and other orders.
The ACCC commenced its investigation after Bupa notified it of the conduct. Bupa has not admitted the conduct contravenes the ACL.
Since 2007 Bupa has operated 78 aged care facilities in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and Tasmania with over 6,700 residents. The ACCC’s proceedings relate to the following 21 aged care facilities that offered extra services to residents:

  1. Bankstown, NSW
  2. Banora Point, NSW
  3. Berry, NSW
  4. Dural, NSW
  5. Mosman, NSW
  6. Queens Park, NSW
  7. Sutherland, NSW
  8. Tamworth, NSW
  9.  Roseville, NSW
  10. Willoughby, NSW
  11. Berwick, VIC
  12. Bonbeach, VIC
  13. Caulfield, VIC
  14. Coburg, VIC
  15. Croydon, VIC
  16. Donvale, VIC
  17. Greensborough, VIC
  18. Glenvale, QLD
  19. New Farm, QLD
  20. South Hobart, TAS
  21. Baulkham Hills, NSW

A full list of the extra services which the ACCC alleges were not provided (or were only provided in part) by Bupa in one or more of the affected facilities is provided below.

 List of allegedly affected Bupa aged care homes ( PDF 398.84 KB )