Charges laid after girl allegedly sexually assaulted – SCC Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad

Police have charged a man after a girl was allegedly sexually assaulted on the state’s south coast.
Detectives from the State Crime Command’s Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad commenced an investigation following reports a 14-year-old girl was sexually and indecently assaulted by a man known to her.
Following inquiries, a 35-year-old man was arrested at a home in Sydney’s west on Friday (9 November 2018).
He was taken to Penrith Police Station, where he was charged with indecent assault person under 16 years of age, and have sexual intercourse with person >=14 & <16 years.
Police will allege in court that the man groomed the girl through an online messaging application and sexually and indecently assaulted her at a home on the state’s south coast between Friday 31 August 2018 and Sunday 9 September 2018.
The man was refused bail and appeared before Penrith Local Court on Friday 9 November 2018, where he was refused bail to appear before Bega Local Court on Tuesday 27 November 2018.
The Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad is comprised of detectives who are specially trained to investigate matters against children and adults, including sexual assault, serious physical abuse, and extreme cases of neglect.
Anyone with concerns about suspected child abuse or exploitation should call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or use the Crime Stoppers online reporting page:
Information you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence. People should not report crime information via our Facebook and Twitter pages.


NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley has announced Labor’s program to help prevent ACL injuries in young sportspeople, which can have lifelong impacts.
Mr Foley was joined today by young athletes at Coleman Park, home of the Lidcombe Waratah FC, to announce Labor’s $2 million neuromuscular training program, aimed at reducing the incidences of ACL injuries in 12-25 year olds.  
ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury is a serious and debilitating knee injury that is more common in high-risk sports, including netball, basketball, rugby league, rugby union, touch football, soccer, AFL and skiing.  Typically the ACL ruptures when someone changes direction at speed while playing a multidirectional sport.
Australia has one of the highest rates of ACL injuries in the world with approximately 72 per cent of ruptures sport related.  ACL injuries increase rapidly during the early teenage years and peak between the ages of 15 and 25. Research shows girls and women are two to 10 per times more likely to rupture their ACL when participating in high-risk sports.
Costly knee reconstructions are most often required following this injury and the person can suffer lifelong consequences; almost all athletes who tear their ACL are at increased risk of osteoarthritis later in life.
Despite sport related knee injuries in Australia increasing by five per cent a year, ACL injury is largely preventable.
Labor’s prevention program is designed to deliver neuromuscular training consisting of warm-up, balance, stretching, strengthening, plyometrics (jump training) and sport specific agility training through a smart app.
Neuromuscular training programs are proven to prevent 50-80 per cent of ACL injuries by teaching the body better habits for knee stability by training how the knee moves, especially when jumping, landing and pivoting.
Trials have shown that a youth sports injury prevention program would reduce the risk of ACL injuries in females by 52 per cent and 85 per cent in males.
Labor’s ACL injury prevention plan will incorporate a smart app 15 minute pre-training program for high-risk sports as well as a ‘Training the Trainer’ program to run alongside the smart app. The program will also have the capability to follow up with teams and track the app’s use.
Similar programs are currently delivered to professional athletes. Sporting bodies already signed up include the: AFL, AFL Doctors Association, FFA, Netball Australia, NRL, Touch Football, ARU, Basketball Australia, Australian Physiotherapy Association, and Arthritis Australia.
Quotes attributable to NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley
An early ACL injury can change the course of someone’s life and has lasting impacts on future employment and ability to exercise.
“Prevention is key here. While our elite athletes already take part in similar pre-training programs, the biggest impact could be made at the grass roots level for young sportspeople.
“Saving kid’s knees should be a top priority. If the government can find $2.3 billion for Sydney stadiums – it should be able to allocate funds to protecting young sportspeople and preventing lifelong injuries.”
Quote attributable to Shadow Minster for Sport Lynda Voltz
“Almost half of all hospitalised injuries for young people occur during sport or leisure activities.
“It’s estimated that for every 100,000 high-risk youth trained, 3,764 lifetime ACL ruptures, 842 lifetime cases of osteoarthritis and 585 total knee reconstructions are prevented.
“Smartphone technology is the way to reform how people get access to sport and fitness resources. Young people crave direction for health and fitness, but they do not have a credible source for their information or fitness plans.”

Pottsville To Get High School

NSW Labor today committed to build a new public high school at Pottsville.
The announcement was made by NSW Labor Opposition leader Luke Foley and Country Labor candidate for the Tweed, Craig Elliot on the State’s North Coast.
Labor’s action is in stark contrast with the Berejiklian Government’s failure to support the construction of a local high school in Pottsville.  The community has been calling for a high school for more than a decade due to population growth in the area.
Pottsville Beach Public School is bursting at the seams and it is expected to have up to 1,000 students.
Currently, there are more than 750 secondary students who have to travel for at least 30 minutes each way by bus north to Kingscliff High School and another 100 schoolchildren are forced to travel to other district government high schools such as Murwillumbah High School.
A parcel of land has been set aside for a school with the support of the local Tweed Shire Council, but the State Government has refused to purchase the land.
Construction would begin in the first term of a Foley Labor Government. NSW Labor has allocated $40 million for the high school. – The Berejiklian Government has the wrong priorities – preferring to splurge on Sydney stadiums rather than fund schools and hospitals in rural and regional NSW.
Tweed National MP Geoff Provest promised to build a Pottsville high school in 2007, but after 11 years, he has failed to deliver  and now he just ignores the community, claiming that there is no need for a  new high school in what is a rapidly growing area of the State’s North Coast
Quotes attributable to NSW Opposition leader Luke Foley MP
“Make no mistake, NSW Labor and Craig Elliot will build a high school at Pottsville.”
“The case is clear. Pottsville needs a high school and only a NSW Labor Government will build it.” 
“The Nationals have the wrong priorities. They want to splurge billions on stadiums in Sydney rather than investing in schools and hospitals.”
Quotes attributable to Country Labor candidate for the Tweed – Craig Elliot
“I’m out listening and talking to locals every day and the calls for a public high school for Pottsville are growing louder and louder.
“Pottsville has a huge number of young families and locals are sick of having their needs ignored by the National Party.
“It is unfair for their children to spend countless hours a week on the bus going to other high schools when there is a clear need for a high school at Pottsville.”

Labor Puts Public Transport Before Toll Roads In Plan For Sydney’s West And South

A Foley Labor government will prioritise public transport over toll roads by re-allocating funding from existing Liberal projects into a $13.5 billion public transport acceleration fund.
Labor’s priorities include a fast train between Parramatta and Sydney’s CBD by the mid-2020s as well as improving public transport services in Sydney’s South.
Labor will accelerate construction of the Western Metro, a new fast rail line between Parramatta and Sydney CBD, by re-allocating funds from the Northern Beaches Tunnel, Western Harbour Tunnel and conversion of the Sydenham-Bankstown line to metro.
Government is about choices and priorities and Labor’s transport plans will give voters a clear choice come next March.
The State Government’s own infrastructure experts have consistently said that a fast train between Sydney’s West and the CBD is the number one rail priority.
In other major transport commitments announced today, Labor will:

  • Proceed with the M12, a toll free motorway to the new Western Sydney Airport;
  • Proceed with the toll free Sydney Gateway, but will also establish a taskforce to actually get the Gateway to Port Botany as was always intended but the Government failed to deliver;
  • Proceed with the M4-M5 tunnel (WestConnex Stage 3A) as, with the Sydney Motorway Corporation privatised and construction contracts signed, this project is now past the point of no return. Labor will also proceed with the Rozelle Interchange (WestConnex Stage 3B), but will subject the project to a design review. The community has no confidence that the Government has got the Rozelle Interchange right.

Labor will be able to do much more than the Liberals for public transport because it will re-prioritise $4.5 billion:

  • $1.6 billion from the Sydenham to Bankstown conversion, that fails to add new capacity, to the Western Metro;
  • $2.4 billion from the F6 Stage 1 to deliver improved public transport in Sydney’s South including rail services on the Illawarra and South Coast lines;
  • $477 million from the Western Harbour Tunnel and Northern Beaches Tunnel to the Western Metro. Infrastructure Australia has confirmed that the Western Harbour Tunnel is a longer term priority (10-15 years) and it can be considered in the future once the Sydney Metro and Western Metro have been delivered. The total cost of the two tunnels is estimated at $13.7 billion and they will require a massive capital contribution from the NSW Government to ever be realised.

The $4.5 billion is on top of the existing $3 billion Restart NSW reservation for the Western Metro. It is also in addition to the $6 billion committed by Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten for Western Sydney rail, including a rail service to Western Sydney Airport up and running from day one.  The Western Sydney Airport will be a major job generator for Western Sydney and has the potential to provide massive economic benefits to the region.
Quotes attributable to NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley
“Labor will always put the needs of Sydney’s West and South first.
“A fast train between Parramatta and Sydney’s CBD is Labor’s number one transport priority and we will deliver it earlier because we are making it a priority.“The Liberals are promising everything but are struggling to deliver anything. Premier Berejiklian wants tunnels and toll roads whereas Labor is for faster, affordable public transport for the million extra people who will be living in Western Sydney over the next decade.
“Good government is about making choices and Labor is choosing to put public transport over toll roads.”
Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for Infrastructure Michael Daley
“Infrastructure and transport projects under this government are in disarray – they can’t get the planning, procurement or delivery right, communities are angry and they are in court with their contractors. Labor will put an end to this mess.”
Quotes attributable to Shadow Transport Minister Jodi McKay
“We will listen to the experts and the community when it comes to WestConnex exhaust stacks and give proper consideration to their filtration to improve environmental outcomes.”

Building begins on City's solar farm

Construction on the region’s biggest solar farm has begun after Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes turned the first sod today on a disused landfill site at the Summerhill Waste Management Centre facility.
The City of Newcastle’s single largest investment in a renewable energy project follows eight other solar installations at its Waratah Works Depot , Art Gallery, City, Wallsend and New Lambton libraries, No.1 and No.2 Sportsgrounds and Newcastle Museum.
Inside-(1).jpgNewcastle Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes and Deputy Mayor Declan Clausen turn the furst sod at the solar farm
The five-megawatt solar arm will increase the City’s renewable energy generation capacity tenfold and save rate payers around $9 million over its 25-year lifespan.
“Today’s sod turning is a major milestone for this City and another exciting step forward in the delivery of renewable energy for our region,” the Lord Mayor said from Summerhill today.
“The solar farm will produce enough energy to run the equivalent of all the City of Newcastle’s facilities during the day, which represents significant environmental returns for ratepayers and millions of dollars in savings.”
Covering an area of around five football fields on a capped landfill once part of the Wallsend Borehole Colliery, the solar farm’s 14,500 photovoltaic solar arrays will help dramatically reduce the city’s $4m annual electricity bill.
The City of Newcastle secured a $6.5 million loan from Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to help build the farm, which will comprise solar panels and infrastructure built by international property and infrastructure group Lendlease and EMC.
Lord Mayor Nuatali Nelmes, Program Coordinator Adam Clarke, Climate Council representative Cassie Brenmer and Deputy Mayor Declan Clausen
The new facility builds on one of Australia’s most advanced renewable energy setups at a waste facility — with a 2.2megawatt landfill gas generator and a small wind turbine already located at Summerhill.
The solar farm and the other rooftop installations already installed by the City are part of actions endorsed by the Cities Power Partnership, a Climate Council program in which cities and towns pledge key actions to reduce their climate impact.
“We are building sustainability into everything we do after reiterating our commitment last year to generate 30 per cent of our electricity needs from low-carbon sources and cut overall electricity usage by 30 per cent by 2020,” Cr Nelmes said.


A Shorten Labor Government will reverse Scott Morrison’s $323,000 cut to Foodbank.
Foodbank is a food relief organisation that puts food on the table for hundreds of thousands of Australians in need – many of them children.
The organisation provides 67 million meals a year to charities across the country, as well as more than 1,750 schools. They are Australia’s largest food provider to schools for breakfast programs.
Foodbank does an extraordinary job partnering with the food and grocery industry to recover excess or unsaleable products that can be delivered to Australians in need. They work hard to distribute food and groceries with a value of more than $200 million.
They do not need much support from government, nor do they ask for much.
However, they rely on a relatively small amount of funding from the federal government to ensure there are no gaps in their supply of essential food items each day.
The Liberals’ cut puts Foodbank’s Key Staples Program at risk, which helps provide more than $8 million worth of essential food items for Australians.
This cut comes just six weeks from Christmas, and will be delivered during the holiday period – a difficult time for many vulnerable families.
The Government’s cut will have a major impact on Foodbank’s supplies, and risks compromising their ability to distribute emergency food relief during natural disasters.
It could mean that charities have to cut the number of meals they provide each day, vulnerable families miss out on groceries they rely on, and kids miss out on breakfast at school.
This is all about priorities. The Liberals care more about a tax giveaway to the big banks than helping Australians in need.
Labor urges Scott Morrison to acknowledge his government has made a big mistake and reverse this decision. This is not an issue to be stubborn and arrogant about.
If Mr Morrison refuses to reverse his cut, a Shorten Labor Government will.
Labor will make sure our charities have the resources they need to support our fellow Australians, especially children.


More Paralympic athletes will be given the opportunity to train at Essendon Football Club’s world-class home base, The Hangar, with a Shorten Labor Government to invest $4 million to support the expansion of disability sport programs.
The Essendon Football Club has established a successful partnership with the Australian Paralympic Committee (APC), enabling Paralympic athletes to use the facilities throughout the year.
Labor’s investment will strengthen this partnership with the construction of wheelchair-accessible dormitory accommodation, improving access to facilities at The Hangar for athletes with disabilities, reducing APC program operating costs and providing new opportunities for disability sport participation, and talent identification activities.
The accommodation will support national wheelchair basketball, rugby and table tennis programs and also enable national camps for summer Paralympic sports including football, volleyball, boccia, goalball.
More than 160 additional para-sport athletes will be able to participate and the dormitories will also support multi-sport Para talent development and wheelchair Aussie rules camps.
This investment supports Essendon’s expansion of The Hangar, with new and enhanced facilities and a dedicated space for the APC Sport Hall of Fame to showcase the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia.
This builds on Labor’s record of supporting Paralympians and disability sport access.
In Government, Labor invested $6 million in the ground-breaking partnership between Essendon and the APC, which has seen the club provide the APC with administration, training and recovery facilities at no charge.
This partnership has enabled the APC and partner para-sports to deliver more funding directly to programs supporting Australia’s elite and aspiring athletes with disabilities.
Labor has today committed to invest in further strengthening that partnership, to improve and increase the resources available to Australia’s para-athletes.
Labor’s investment will mean current and future generations of para-sport athletes have access to the world-class facilities and support that matches their world-class talent.

Greens Suggest Supposed Gender pay gap won’t close for decades without leadership

The latest scorecard from the Workplace Gender Equality Agency shows an alarming continuation of the gender pay gap that won’t be closed for decades, Greens spokesperson for women, Senator Larissa Waters said.
“We’ve still got a 16.2 per cent gap in what men and women get paid – it’s clearly still far better to be a bloke in this country when it comes to salary,” Senator Waters said.
“There has been a small, welcome decline overall, but the fact men still earn $25000 more every year on average than women is outrageous.
“There is no good reason for that and the only explanation for it is sexism.”
Senator Waters said the report shows while more employers are conducting pay gap analyses, more than 40 per cent are still not following them up with action.
“The WGEA needs to be given more teeth to force employers to plug the ‘action gap’ once they realise they have a pay gap,” Senator Waters said.
“The Greens’ bill to ban ‘pay gag clauses’ which are used to disguise the gender pay gap would also help, as would our plans to encourage more men to take parental leave, boost women’s financial security and make workplaces more family friendly.
“We need leadership on this issue but instead we have a PM who hasn’t said a word on gender quality, not even on the epidemic of domestic violence which is killing more than one woman a week.
“If Mr Morrison can’t stand up for 50 per cent of the population he has no place being Prime Minister. He should stop delaying his inevitable sacking by the Australian people and call an election.”
There is however a growing increasingly vocal argument that the so-called gender pay gap is simply an invention of those trying to advance their political careers making use of the women’s movement. Other spokes people point to the “lazy” choices that women make during their career and the failure of many women to achieve academically at the same level as men as the real cause of pay disparity. The people pushing this agenda would have women who have both not achieved at the same level paid the same automatically and those who choose family time over their career the same. Put simply women often get paid less because they often work less.

Greens say Foodbank funding cuts are a cruel blow to regional communities doing it tough

Funding cuts to Foodbank are cruel and will be a significant blow to Victoria’s regional communities doing it tough and suffering through drought, say the Greens.
“These cuts are unnecessary and cruel, and they will have a significant impact on people who are struggling in Victoria’s rural and regional communities,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens agriculture and rural affairs spokesperson.
“We have a government that is going around spruiking how much it’s doing for drought-affected farmers and communities, at the same time they’re slashing funding to Foodbank, which provides 67 million meals per year.”
“More than 1.5 million people living in remote and rural regions have experienced food insecurity in the last twelve months.”
“The reality of these cuts is that people will go hungry.”
“With 3 million Australians categorised as having very low food security, the government should be doing all it can to support programs like Foodbank, not cutting its much-needed funding.”
“It’s coming up to Christmas and families will be going hungry. Where is the Prime Minister’s Christmas spirit?”

ACCC action against Captain Cook College for alleged systemic unconscionable conduct

The ACCC has instituted Federal Court proceedings against Productivity Partners Pty Ltd, trading as Captain Cook College, alleging systemic unconscionable conduct in breach of the Australian Consumer Law.
The ACCC alleges that from 7 September 2015, Captain Cook College removed consumer safeguards from its enrolment and withdrawal processes for online courses to improve its financial performance.
“We allege that Captain Cook College engaged in systemic unconscionable conduct designed to maximise profit at the expense of their students,” ACCC Commissioner Sarah Court said.
“We are very concerned by Captain Cook College’s decision to make process changes that we will submit removed consumer safeguards. We allege that this significantly reduced the College’s ability to detect misconduct by its sales agents and assess a consumer’s suitability or participation in the course they had been enrolled in.”
“We further allege that the removal of consumer safeguards increased the number of students that Captain Cook College enrolled and who remained enrolled, allowing the College to increase VET FEE-HELP payments from the Commonwealth,” Ms Court said.
Approximately 5,500 affected consumers whose enrolment was processed during the period from 7 September 2015 have VET FEE-HELP debt, totalling over $60 million. Around 98% of those 5,500 consumers failed to complete any part of the course they were enrolled in, and around 86% never even logged in to their online course.
In these proceedings, it is also alleged that Captain Cook College made false or misleading representations, engaged in unconscionable conduct and failed to provide unsolicited consumer agreement protections in its dealings with four individual consumers.
The ACCC has also alleged that Ian Cook (former Captain Cook College CEO), Site Group International Limited (Site, the parent company of Captain Cook College) and Blake Wills (former COO of Site) were knowingly concerned in Captain Cook College’s systemic unconscionable conduct.
“We will not hesitate to take appropriate action against businesses and executives who treat consumers unconscionably in breach of the Australian Consumer Law,” Ms Court said.
The ACCC is seeking pecuniary penalties, declarations, corrective notices, adverse publicity orders, finding of fact orders and orders requiring the implementation of a consumer law compliance program, as well as costs. The ACCC is also seeking orders disqualifying Ian Cook and Blake Wills from managing corporations.
Consumers with concerns about their VET provider can contact the VET Student Loans Ombudsman is external) and complete the online complaint form.