Western Sydney Airport taking off

Significant progress on Australia’s biggest aviation project in decades took substantial steps forward today, with two major contract milestones achieved on Western Sydney Airport.
Experienced planning, design and engineering firm Arup won the Airport Planning Services contract, following a competitive procurement process.
Minister for Finance Mathias Cormann said Arup has a strong track record in planning and building major infrastructure, both in Australia and across the world.
“They’ve been working in various capacities on huge infrastructure projects including Optus Stadium in Perth, Brisbane’s new international cruise terminal, as well as projects at Melbourne and Perth airports,” Mr Cormann said.
“As Airport Planner, the Arup team will work closely with Western Sydney Airport to develop an overarching plan and functionality design for airside and landside facilities.”
Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population Alan Tudge said early planning will be key to unlocking the airport’s potential in terms of job creation and new export opportunities.
“Western Sydney Airport has been projected to support 11,000 jobs during construction and a further 28,000 in the first five years of operation,” Mr Tudge said.
Functional planning for the airport to develop the architectural design of the terminal and other airport buildings will be delivered under a separate contract that is yet to be procured.
In addition, Western Sydney Airport has released requests for tender to three organisations for the first bulk earthworks package for airport construction, following an expressions of interest phase:

  • CPB Contractors and Lendlease joint venture;
  • Ferrovial Agroman and QH & M Birt joint venture;
  • Salini Impreglio.

Mr Tudge said the announcement follows initial earthworks on the airport which began in September.
“The first bulk earthworks contract is to level the northern half of the 1,780-hectare site, which involves moving around 11 million cubic metres of earth,” he said.
The northern half of the site will be the location of the first 3.7-kilometre runway.
A second runway is expected to be required in the 2050s.
The contract for this first bulk earthworks package is expected to be awarded in mid-2019. The four remaining major works packages will be released to the market progressively and cover a range of work, including earthwork on the southern half of the site and construction of the terminal, runways, car parks and supporting buildings.

Public consultation is underway on draft IP regulations

We are currently seeking input from interested parties on proposed changes to Australia’s IP regulations.
The draft regulations make consequential amendments to the regulations as a result of the changes proposed in the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment (Productivity Commission response Part 2 and Other Measures) Bill 2018. They also improve and streamline processes involved with obtaining and maintaining IP rights and ensure Australia’s compliance with international treaties.
We invite you to provide a written submission on the draft regulations by 21 December 2018. Further information (including details on how to provide a written submission and what input we are seeking) is available on our consultation page.

Works underway to ensure the bells ring on!

The National Capital Authority (NCA) is delighted to have experts from John Taylor and Co visiting from the UK to commence works in preparation for the restoration of the iconic Carillon Bells.
Gifted to the people of Australia by the British Government in 1970, 2020 will mark an important milestone birthday for this iconic musical instrument in the heart of the National Capital.
With signs of wear and tear on the musical instrument after 48 years of use the NCA is undertaking an extensive repair and upgrade works in preparation for the 50th anniversary when it is proposed a yearlong celebratory program will be held.
Representatives from John Taylor & Co, founders of some of the world’s finest bells  began detailed planning which has involved measurements to cross check the instrument against the original 1970 drawings, the development of an enhanced design,  the clavier to be built to new World Carillon Federation standards, the installation of larger bell clappers to create an increased depth of tone from the bells as well as enhancements to the practice instrument located on the upper floor to the main clavier.
“Sitting on Aspen Island the Carillon has become an instrument and landmark that resonates with visitors and locals alike.  With such an iconic building and with the instrument itself  one of only a few in the world, it is important that the sounds the carillon produces is first class. We have brought in the experts [John Taylor and Co] and look forward to working with them over the next few years  to ensure the sounds of the carillon are heard better than ever come 2020.” Said Sally Barnes Chief Executive, National Capital Authority.
The NCA manages the Carillon on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Carillon is  played on a regular basis by Carillonneur’s at weekly recitals and special events.

Last and First Coin of the Year

2018 New Year’s Eve event – Last Coin of the Year
This will be your chance to secure the last coins produced by the Royal Australian Mint in 2018. On December 31 at 3:30 pm, a lucky door draw will be held at the Mint for the last coins of the year.We will draw the last ten customers to strike a coin and each lucky winner will receive a certificate authenticating their coin. Ticketing closes at 3.25 pm.
2019 New Year’s Day event – first 100 by 9.30 am!
On 1 January 2019, the first 100 people at the Mint by 9.30 am will receive a ticket to go into the draw to be the first person to strike a coin in 2019! Tickets will be drawn to declare all 100 places, with those drawn receiving corresponding certificates authenticating their piece.
Similar to 2018’s event, the public will no longer be required to line up at the Mint overnight. In fact, due to concerns about health and safety issues, there is likely to be a ruling introduced which disallows people to line up at the Mint before 6 am on New Year’s Day.

Missing Boy Wallsend

A large search was underway for a boy missing in Newcastle.
Liam BATES, aged 10, was last seen at his home on Stapleton Street at Wallsend about 11pm yesterday (Saturday 17 November 2018).
Police were alerted Sunday morning when his family woke and discovered he was missing.
Officers from Newcastle City Police District conducted a large search of the area for Liam, with assistance from the Dog Squad and PolAir.
Liam’s disappearance is out of character and concerns were held for his welfare due to his young age.
He has speech difficulties and may find it hard to communicate.
Liam is described as being of Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander appearance, approximately 152cm tall, with a thin build and black hair.
It’s believed he was wearing black shorts and black shoes.
He is now been located safe and well.
The boy was located a short time ago in Wallsend after members of the public spotted him and contacted Triple Zero (000).
Police wish the thank the public and media for their assistance.

NSW Police acknowledge 'World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims'

The NSW Police Force is acknowledging World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims today (Sunday 18 November 2018), as people across the world reflect on the number of lives lost on our roads.
Traffic and Highway Patrol Commander, Acting Assistant Commissioner Julie Middlemiss is marking the day by reminding all road users to take extra care.
“Today is a special advocacy day for road traffic prevention,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Middlemiss said.
“1193 lives have been lost on Australian roads in the last 12 months to the end of October, with 384 of those in New South Wales.
“When you consider those directly impacted as well as the emergency services personnel including police, paramedics, fire fighters, emergency volunteers and medical professionals, indirectly affected, these numbers are significant and we all need to do more to minimise the risks to others on our roads.
“I would encourage everyone to pause for a moment and reflect on the grief they have endured.
Acting Assistant Commissioner Middlemiss said whether you are driving, riding, cycling, or walking, you need to ensure the roads are shared safely and responsibly.
“We know speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing a seat belt or proper helmet, driving distracted, or fatigued, are all the key causes of fatal and serious injury crashes on our roads, and personal responsibility is the key in keeping yourself, your passengers, and other road users safe on local roads and highways,” Acting Assistant Commissioner Middlemiss said.
“I also take this opportunity to acknowledge the work done by the NSW Police Force, emergency and medical services, and road safety professionals in enforcement, treatment and advocacy, all focussed on driving down the road toll.”
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is a United Nations initiative that started in 1993 as a global day observed on the third Sunday of November each year.

Martine Paterson of FM97.3 Nominated as Lake Macquarie Citizen of The Year 2019

Martine is a local radio personality who is being recognized for her significant contribution as advocate for our community on radio shows: “Lake Mac Life” & “The Saturday Sports Edition” with feature “Polly Waffle”.
Since Feb 2017 Martine has produced and presented both Lake Mac Life Show as well as The Saturday Sports Edition on a weekly basis with local community radio station Lake Macquarie FM.
Whilst most programs consist of a great line up of music within a theme, Martine fashioned her 2 shows to be interactive within the community,
making her stand out from her colleagues.
Each weekly show runs for 3 hours with at least 3 community groups being interviewed alongside weekly contributors. She then spends many hours weekly scheduling in various community / sporting groups &
individuals to interview on the shows, as well as promote their services/ events.
Martine is also active in attending these groups/ services events, volunteering time to MC as well as hand out awards etc and speak to
Martine demonstrates leadership with a voice, where she is not afraid to discuss sensitive topics and approach difficult issues, always looking for solutions to assist the community. Martine is tireless in attending local events and community groups to lend support and assist in promoting their causes.
As well as being an excellent interviewer, Martine is compassionate and passionate about many causes. Martine was happy to be signed up for raising $5000 in the Big Freeze Newcastle and sliding into ice water to raise much needed money and awareness for MND following interviews with those affected by MND.
This local cause has now raised a quarter of a million dollars and celebrity status. Martine is a strong advocate of homelessness and its associate issues of mental illness and domestic violence. She raised $1000 for Sleep Out for Soul, sleeping rough in a local car park and broadcasting live into the night whilst interviewing participants, and learning more about their stories and plights.
Martine is currently actively raising $5000 for 5 local groups in the area identifying the following recipients thus far: ARAFMI ( Carers of Mental Illness), Southlakes Market Place (community support), Cystic Fibrosis Research at JHH.  The other 2 local groups will be announced very soon.
Polly Waffle is the first local show on local community radio providing a platform for all politicians and community leaders to engage with the community. In this, Martine has been able to bring issues in the community to the forefront of residents and promote action. Further, this is also an opportunity to for politicians and community leaders to communicate to the community is a safe forum to listeners who would otherwise may not be
interested. It also provides a humanistic side to community leaders by involving their music favourites.
Martine has been approached to interview high profile Australians such as Rosie Batty, domestic violence advocate and Australian of the Year; Manuel Whitford CEO of Friends with Dignity and Australian Charity of the
Year, to discuss issues in our community such as homelessness, domestic violence and promote local services, encouraging the community to be educated and come together to assist.
Further, Martine has raised the profile of the only community radio station in Lake Macquarie by bringing in a range of sponsors (local businesses) as well as increased listenership given the nature of her Shows and
community presence. The local tune-in population could be as large as half a million- with many more streaming the shows across the world as well as accessing the interviews on You Tube.
Martine has also promoted local artists whether they be musicians, performers, bands, actors, writers/ authors, poets, as well as building engagement in these arts and attendance at events. She invites them in to showcase their talent, assisting them increase confidence and staging.
Also, Martine has promoted local sporting talents, young and old such as golfers, futsal players, roller darby skaters, rugby league payers, cricketers, encouraging involvement in sport and community. Martine has also
involved local schools and school children in promoting achievements as well as fundraisers…
Further to these 2 weekly radio shows, Martine promotes the community again through Social Media bring groups to a larger community that would otherwise not be aware of their presence. This has not only promoted
many groups but also enabled those requiring their services connect with them.
Martine is a strong advocate of volunteering and promotes these opportunities as a way of refreshing skills, learning new skills so as to progress into paid employment. Martine promotes new start ups in the area, liaising with local services supporting local business.
Through FM97.3, Martine allows sponsorship of her shows, events as well as segments to promote local businesses at affordable rates. Martine encourages parochialism and using local business and services to
strengthen our district.
When not interviewing on her 2 shows, Martine continues to work in the local community as a Vocational Psychologist. Martine has worked in this area for over 20 years, assisting those injured or following sickness/
disability transition back into the workforce. Martine specialises in the military with returned service men and women and is inspired by their amazing stories. She enjoys working with those who has been injured regain their lives, particularly in a return to meaningful work.
Martine and her husband have 5 children ranging from 3 years old to 18 years old and are dedicated to ensuring this region is the best possible for their kiddies to grow up in. Martine loves the beach with her kiddies, gardening, cooking and watching her kiddies enjoy our amazing area.

Commissioner's Perpetual Awards for the Advancement of Women in Policing 2018

A police officer who dedicates her time to mentoring young Indigenous women has been awarded the 2018 Gold Commissioner’s Perpetual Award for the Advancement of Women in Policing.
Senior constable Shari Gibbs from the Central North Police District not only took out the top prize but was also the winner of the “Mentor Award”.
Senior constable Gibbs has dedicated her time to strengthening relationships within the local community and mentoring young Indigenous women in the Goodooga area. She actively encourages young girls to reach their full potential, sharing with them how she fulfilled her dream of becoming a police officer.
The Perpetual Awards were established in 2006 to acknowledge and showcase the efforts and achievements of women in policing.
Fifty-five nominations were received this year in six award categories according to their roles and expertise.
The awards were presented by Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys APM at the Curtis Cheng Centre in Parramatta today (Friday 16 November 2018).
Over 80 police officers, civilian employees, and their families attended the awards ceremony.
There were 13 award and highly commended certificate recipients, as well as the overall Silver and Gold Perpetual Award winners.
Deputy Commissioner Worboys also presented the Silver Award to Detective Sergeant Claudia Allcroft for her outstanding leadership and dedication to her work.
Detective Allcroft was also the winner of the “Role Model” category.
Deputy Commissioner Worboys praised all the nominees for their commitment to their community and ongoing dedication to their work.
“These awards are a testament to the outstanding contributions of many police officers and administrative employees, which often go above and beyond their core duties,” Deputy Commissioner Worboys said.
NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller APM said today’s awards acknowledge the hard work and dedication of female officers throughout the NSW Police Force.
“I extend my sincere congratulations to those whose efforts were recognised today – it’s your passion and hard work that make a huge difference to the community and within the NSW Police Force,” Commissioner Fuller said.
The winners of the six categories were:
Dynamic Leader Award – Alissa Roptell – Police Transport & Public Safety Command
Alissa is a true leader in every sense of the word and has been instrumental in building the new Police Transport & Public Safety Command. Alissa has provided career development opportunities for her team and has consistently supports career progression. Alissa has displayed dynamic and innovative leadership which has positively influenced the Command and is an asset to the wider NSW Police Force.
Philanthropy Award – Inspector Linda Bradbury – Central West Police District
Inspector Bradbury has demonstrated that she goes above and beyond in providing support to a range of women and men within her District. She has demonstrated selfless acts of compassion and thoughtfulness, in particular, providing colleagues with support, advice and development opportunities. Inspector Bradbury adopts a progressive, dynamic and tenacious approach to ensure all female officers on maternity leave are regularly contacted regarding information and decisions relating to the workplace, and she continues to offer ongoing training and support in preparation for their return to the workplace.
Local Hero Award – Senior Constable Ingrid Reilly – Inner West Police Area Command
Senior constable Reilly has superior knowledge, experience and commitment as a Domestic Violence Liaison Officer where she has identified trends and correlations between victims of domestic violence and family pets. Senior constable Reilly is the subject matter expert in relation to investigations and prosecution aspects of Protection of Cruelty to Animals Act and enforcement. Through her actions and efforts, she has built a reputation as a local hero to victims of domestic violence and their pets.
Champion of Change Award – Superintendent Allan Sicard – North Shore Police Area Command
Superintendent Sicard has continued to change the landscape for women in his command. He has endeavoured to create an inclusive work environment to ensure women have access to development opportunities to build their capabilities into leadership positions. He continues to sponsor women to attend events, development and leadership programs both at a corporate level and local level. Superintendent Sicard has demonstrated key attributes of a champion of change with his unwavering commitment to promote gender equality within the command. Many women have benefited from his sponsorship and support and his influence in the workplace is worthy of high recognition.
Role Model Award – Detective Sergeant Claudia Allcroft – Tweed/Byron Police District
Detective Sergeant Allcroft was the first female Team Leader for the Tweed/Byron Police District’s Proactive Unit. She leads by example, working night shifts and changing duties at short notice, all with a focus on crime prevention. She has performed duties as Crime Manager and Duty Officer and is described by her colleagues as the strongest woman they know, evident in her role as Detective Sergeant and loving mother. The resilience and determination consistently displayed by Detective Sergeant Allcroft places her not only as a role model for women in policing but for all police.
Mentor Award – Senior Constable Shari Gibbs – Central North Police District
Senior constable Gibbs has engrained herself within the local community and is a mentor to many Indigenous women and girls in the community. She participates in a broad range of community events such as career days, school graduations and working committees to effect positive change and build relationships. Senior constable Gibbs encourages and motivates young women, who may not have pursued a career through sharing her experience as a police officer.

Central Coast man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl

A man will face court today after being charged by Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad over the alleged sexual assault of a teenage girl on the Central Coast.
Last month, detectives from the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad commenced an investigation after receiving reports a teenage girl had been sexually assaulted earlier this year by a man known to her.
Following investigations, detectives made numerous attempts to locate the man, without success.
Just after 3pm yesterday (Thursday 15 November 2018), officers from Gosford Target Action Group arrested a 21-year-old man at a home at Woy Woy.
He was taken to Gosford Police Station, where he was met by detectives and charged with two counts of have sexual intercourse with person aged 14-16.
Police will allege in court the man had sex with the 14-year-old girl on a number of occasions at a home at Umina Beach in May 2018.
The man has been refused bail to appear at Gosford Local Court today (Friday 16 November 2018).

Party safely and know your limit this 2018 schoolies

Senior police are reminding school leavers to party safely and know their limits ahead of the 2018 schoolies celebrations.
NSW Schoolies runs from today (Friday 16 November 2018) until Monday 3 December 2018, with many school leavers heading towards the northern parts of NSW, including Byron Bay; and southern parts of Queensland, including the Gold Coast.
Tweed/Byron Police District Duty Officer, Detective Inspector Matt Kehoe said police will be out in force targeting drug and alcohol-related crime and anti-social behaviour.
“Police aren’t here to ruin your fun, but rather make it a safe environment for your celebrations,” Det Insp Kehoe said.
“Drugs and alcohol impairs your judgement and may lead to a conviction or choice that affects the rest of your life.
“Know your limits and look out for your mates so you can ensure this is a memorable event for the right reasons.
“Officers will be around and are there for your safety; approach police or authorities if you are in danger or a victim of any type of crime.
“Large crowds are expected, and people are urged to plan ahead; those not joining in the celebrations are asked to watch out for increased pedestrian activity.”
For event information visit the official schoolies website: https://www.schoolies.com/party/byron-bay