Greens in Senate will hold Labor to environment protections

The strong environmental protections announced by Labor today will fail without proper investment, and a commitment to no new coal, oil and gas.
“We welcome Labor adopting Greens’ policy on stronger protections for the environment, but without proper investment and committing to no new coal, oil and gas they will fail,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“We need a Government committed to stopping Adani and protecting the Great Australian Bight. We need a Government that will invest in environmental protections and save our threatened species.
“The Greens in the Senate will ensure Labor is held to their promises on protecting the environment. We will always stand up to the fossil fuels lobby and fight for no new coal, oil and gas.
“Labor continues to ignore the calls to phase out coal and stop the Adani mine. They are still split on drilling for oil in the Great Australian Bight, which not only comes at great risk to the marine environment and local fishing and tourism industries, but locks us to burning fossil fuels into the future.
“Unless we transition out of burning fossil fuels, we will continue to contribute to a warming planet at a time when action to arrest climate change is more urgent than ever.”

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