Labor’s Investor Subsidy Tinkering Around the Edges of Housing Problem

Australian Greens Housing Spokesperson, Senator Mehreen Faruqi, has described Labor’s housing announcement as tinkering around the edges.
Senator Faruqi is calling on the Labor Opposition to commit to building more public housing stock which will be affordable in the long-term.
Senator Faruqi said:
“Housing in Australia is monumentally messed up. With so many people in need of affordable housing we need radical solutions.
“Labor’s announcement will incentivise private investors for 10 years, but what happens when the subsidy runs out? What we need is massive investment in public and community housing to build homes where people can afford to live in for the long-term.
“We need rent-controlled social housing where people won’t suddenly face homelessness because a subsidy has run out. The Greens have a plan to build 500,000 new rent-controlled public and community homes.
“With Labor’s plan, we will find ourselves with the same problem we have with National Rental Affordability Scheme where people are left facing homelessness when the scheme ends.
“Guaranteeing a home and a roof over people’s head should not rely on ongoing subsidies to private investors.
“Nobody should be without a home. It doesn’t matter whether you’re renting or buying, the Greens plan will make sure there are enough affordable homes for everyone to have a decent and safe place to live,” she concluded.

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