Australia inhibiting real climate action at home and abroad: Bandt

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today noted that the release of this year’s ‘Mid-Year Financial and Economic Outlook’, which shows spending on climate change decreasing every year to 2021-2022, reflects the same disdain this government has shown towards real action on climate change at the recent international climate talks in Poland.
“Australia is a climate change denier at home and abroad,” said Mr Bandt.
“While Australia attempts to sabotage international climate negotiations abroad by spruiking fossil fuels, MYEFO shows the government is cutting spending on climate change when it should be lifting it.
“Australia should be leading the way and joining other countries in the urgent push to lift ambition to keep global warming well below 1.5 degrees.
“Instead, we’re trying to undermine real action on climate and attempting to cook the books by using ‘carryover’ from Kyoto to meet our already measly Paris obligations.
“It’s clear we need to turf this rotten government out as soon as possible and hold the next one to account, as Labor is also refusing to rule out using dodgy ‘carryover credits’ from Kyoto.”

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