Labor conference fails on climate and coal as Liberals’ Taylor misleads on Paris

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today expressed his disappointment that Labor’s National Conference has failed to act on coal.
“It is fundamentally dishonest to move motions about the climate emergency but then have no plan to stop the burning and exporting of coal,” said Mr Bandt.
“Their refusal to phase out coal, along with their Abbott-esque commitment to pro-rata emissions reductions across the economy, shows that Labor is not prepared to tackle the climate emergency.
“Unless Labor comes up with a plan to stop Adani and end coal exports, Bill Shorten will be dogged by striking students and climate protestors right up until election day.
“Meanwhile, as Australia’s emissions continue to rise, Angus Taylor continues to mislead the public about the Paris Agreement.
“Australia will not ‘smash the target without intervention’ because it’s an economy-wide target, not an electricity-specific one, and the government’s own data says we’re on track to miss it.
“There is no electricity sector-specific target in our Paris commitments. We have promised to cut pollution across the whole country, but instead pollution is going up.
“So far, the government’s only plan to meet Paris appears to be using dodgy accounting to cook the books and count dodgy ‘carryover’ credits from Kyoto towards Paris.
“The only thing we are going to ‘smash’ under this government are temperature records.”

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