The NSW Government is taking the first steps to review and modernise NSW Heritage legislation with the referral of a discussion paper to a Parliamentary committee for inquiry and consultation.
This 2021 review is designed to make it easier, more affordable, and more desirable to own a State significant heritage property.
The community are encouraged to make a submission through the inquiry process to have their say on the discussion paper and proposed reforms. The discussion paper proposes initiatives to incentivise investment in heritage conservation, make day to day use of heritage items easier, and introduce a category style of listing to accommodate the different and complex needs of heritage properties.
Minister for the Arts Don Harwin said “too often we see once cherished heritage properties experience dilapidation by neglect. This Government wants to see heritage not only protected but celebrated and activated for communities.”
“We know that the best way to keep our heritage alive is to use and re-use it. This review is about ensuring heritage listing actively contributes to conservation outcomes in the long-term,” Minister Harwin said.
NSW heritage legislation has had no major system reforms since 1999 and a review is well overdue to ensure heritage is protected now and into the future.
The NSW Legislative Council Standing Committee on Social Issues will undertake a public inquiry and report back later this year, providing an opportunity for all stakeholders and members of the community to have their say.
The discussion paper and more information about the inquiry and how to get involved is available at https://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au/what-we-do/nsw-heritage-act-review/

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